Eureka - in Andhra Pradesh 7.3 STD - IV Content List

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Standard IV – Content List

Designmate (I) PVT LTD

Horizon, Swati Society Road,

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Page 1

Science 30 01.23.12

Mathematics 93 02.29.24

TOTAL 123 03.52.36

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Topic Name Duration

 Unit 01: Changing Family Structure

1. My family 00.02.47

 Unit 02: Different Games And Rules

1. Safety Habits 00.02.18

 Unit 03: Various Types Of Animals

1. Grouping of animals - 1 00.03.05

2. Grouping of animals - 2 00.00.00

3. Identification of animals by their skin 00.00.00

 Unit 04: Discover The Life Styles Of The Wild - Bio

1. A day with Jojo 00.02.54

2. Different Nests 00.00.00

3. Becoming a Bee-Keeper 00.01.18

4. Food Chain 00.04.00

 Unit 05: Plants Around Us

1. Types of Plants 00.00.00

2. Parts of Plants 00.00.00

3. Types of root 00.00.00

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Topic Name Duration

4. Primary Functions of Roots 00.04.23

5. Stems 00.00.00

6. Leaves of Plants 00.07.41

7. The Beautiful Flower 00.02.22

8. Let them Bloom 00.04.21

9. Pollination and Fertilization 00.05.21

10. Plants-Germination and uses 00.07.42

11. Different seeds 00.00.00

12. Dispersal of Seeds by Wind and Water 00.04.19

13. Dispersal of Seeds by Animals and by Explosive 00.04.13


 Unit 06: Find The Way / Directions

1. Finding Directions 00.03.40

 Unit 08: Houses - Construction - Sanitation

1. My Home 00.03.09

2. Rubbish and Litter 00.04.48

3. Recycling Waste 00.04.13

4. Characteristics of a good house 00.03.31

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Topic Name Duration

 Unit 10: Our Food -Our Health

1. Good Food Habits 00.04.49

2. Preservation of Food 00.00.00

 Unit 11: From Village To Delhi

1. Safety Habits 00.02.18


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Topic Name Duration

 Unit 01: Many objects - different shapes

1. Shapes and their Nets 00.02.00

2. Edges and Corners 00.00.23

3. Surface and edges of solids 00.02.00

 Unit 02: Different views - different sides

1. View from different angles 00.02.00

 Unit 03: Some more shapes

1. Shapes 00.01.00

2. Count the shapes 00.01.00

3. Recognition of basic shapes 00.02.00

4. Get shape crazy 00.00.00

 Unit 04: Knowing numbers

1. Missing number 00.01.00

2. Missing Numbers (11 to 20) 00.00.00

3. Counting in Thousands 00.03.22

4. Identify Bigger Number 00.02.00

5. Identify Smaller Number 00.02.00

6. Weight of objects 00.02.00

7. Place value 00.05.00

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Topic Name Duration

 Unit 05: How much more - how much less?

1. Addition using number line 00.03.32

2. Addition of two two-digit numbers 00.02.00

3. Addition of two digit numbers 00.02.00

4. Addition of two two-digit numbers (Method) 00.02.00

5. Subtraction of two two - digits number 00.00.00

6. Sum of three digit numbers (without carry forward) 00.00.54

7. Subtraction of two three digit numbers without 00.07.00

regrouping (borrowing)
8. Subtraction of two three digit numbers with regrouping 00.00.60
9. Mental Maths 00.02.00

 Unit 06: How many times

1. Multiplication Tables 00.02.00

2. Multiplication Tables (Practice) 00.00.00

3. Multiplication Patterns 00.02.00

4. Multiplication-1 00.02.00

5. Multiplication-2 00.02.00

6. Role of zero (0) in multiplication 00.01.00

7. Role of one (1) in multiplication 00.01.00

8. Multiplication 00.01.00

9. Two digit multiplication (without carrying forward) 00.02.00

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Topic Name Duration

10. Two digit multiplication (by carrying forward) 00.02.00

11. Three digit multiplication 00.00.45

12. Multiplication (Method) 00.02.00

 Unit 07: Equal shares and groups

1. Division (Method) 00.02.00

2. Division (Using Times Tables) 00.00.00

3. Division (Practice) 00.02.00

4. Multiplication and Division (Game) 00.02.00

5. Division of 2 digit number by 1 digit 00.02.00

6. Division of 3 digit number by 1 digit number 00.02.00

7. Division of two figure numbers 00.01.59

8. Division of three figure numbers 00.01.59

9. Practical problem (Multiplication and division of 00.01.44


 Unit 08: How long is it?

1. Measurements of lengths 00.01.28

2. Lengths 1 00.02.00

3. Centimetres and millimetres 00.01.00

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Topic Name Duration

 Unit 09: How much does it weigh?

1. Weight 00.01.00

2. Weight of objects 00.02.00

3. Balancing Weight 00.01.00

4. Weight 00.03.00

5. How much can animals carry? 00.01.00

6. Mass (Weight) 00.02.20

 Unit 10: How much do these bottles hold?

1. Capacity 00.10.00

2. Measuring and recording capacity 00.02.00

3. Comparing container capacity 00.02.00

 Unit 11: Tick-Tock goes the clock

1. Time 00.01.00

2. Days and clock 00.02.00

3. Festivals and their Months 00.00.00

4. Months, seasons and festivals 00.00.00

5. Time keepers 00.00.00

6. Calendar 00.01.00

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Topic Name Duration

 Unit 12: Dividing into equal parts

1. Dividing a Fraction by a Natural Number 00.01.36

2. Division as equal sharing 00.02.00

3. Sharing as a Model for Division 00.02.00

4. Fraction 00.01.00

5. Colour the Squares (Parts and Wholes) 00.02.00

6. Coloured Parts 00.02.00

7. Halves and Quarters 00.01.00

8. Halves and Quarters of shapes 00.00.00

9. Halves and quarters 00.01.00

 Unit 13 Smart tables

1. Tally marks 00.01.00

 Unit 14 Borders and boundaries

1. Length of the Boundary 00.02.00

2. Perimeter 00.00.55

3. Perimeter of a Square, Rectangle and a Triangle 00.00.42

4. Perimeter of various shapes 00.01.00

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Topic Name Duration

 Unit 15: Halves that look a like

1. Some idea about symmetry 00.01.30

2. Introduction to Symmetry 00.03.31

3. Mirror halves 00.01.00

 Unit 16: Patterns

1. Picture patterns 00.00.00

2. Numeric Pattern 00.00.00

3. Patterns 1 00.01.00

4. Patterns 2 00.01.00

5. Patterns 3 00.01.00

6. Patterns 00.01.00

7. Pattern 00.01.00

8. Patterns 00.01.00

9. Play with patterns 00.01.00

10. Growing patterns 00.00.00

11. Multiplication Patterns 00.02.00

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Topic Name Duration

 Unit 17: Maths around us

1. Money matters 00.02.00

2. Practical problem (Multiplication and division of 00.01.44




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