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Standard XI Mathematics – Content List

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Mathematics 218 09.44.51

TOTAL 218 09.44.51

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Mathematics 218 09.44.51

Part-I A 142 05.51.04
Part-I B 76 03.53.47

TOTAL TOPICS 218 09.44.51

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Topic Name Duration

Part-I A

 Chapter 01: Functions

1. Ordered Pairs 00.01.34
2. Function 00.05.32
3. Cartesian Product of Sets 00.03.23
4. Cartesian Product of Sets: Illustration 00.03.38
5. The Cartesian Product of Two Sets 00.03.40
6. Range of Function 00.03.26
7. Range of Function: Illustration 00.01.25
8. The Classification of Functions 00.03.01
9. Inverse Function 00.01.56
10. Composition of Functions 00.01.29
11. One-one and Onto Functions: Illustration 00.01.27
12. Inverse Function: Theorem 00.03.23
13. Composite Functions: Illustration 00.03.03
14. Real-valued Functions 00.02.54
15. Graphs of Linear Real-valued Functions 00.01.35
16. The Reciprocal Function 00.01.21
17. Algebra of Two Functions 00.03.10
18. Modulus function 00.02.09

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 Chapter 02: Mathematical Induction

1. Mathematical Induction: Introduction 00.02.08
2. Principle of Mathematical Induction: Illustration 00.03.41
3. Mathematical Induction: Illustration - 1 00.02.10
4. Mathematical induction: Illustration - 3 00.01.00
5. Mathematical induction: Illustration - 2 00.02.15

 Chapter 03: Matrices

1. Matrices 00.05.48
2. Types of Matrices 00.02.15
3. Equality of Matrices 00.01.22
4. Equality of Matrices: Illustration 00.01.38
5. Addition of Two Matrices 00.01.38
6. Properties of Matrix Addition 00.01.51
7. Multiplication of a Matrix by a Scalar: Illustration 00.00.54
8. Special Types of Matrices 00.03.25
9. Matrix: Illustration - 2 00.04.36
10. Determinants of Order Two and Three 00.04.36
11. Properties of Determinants 00.02.26
12. Sarrus Method for the Expansion of Third Order 00.02.12
13. Properties of Determinants - 2 00.03.08
14. Properties of Determinants - 1 00.00.53

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15. Determinants: Theorem 00.07.36

16. Determinants: Illustration 00.01.40

 Chapter 04: Addition of Vectors

1. Introduction to Vectors 00.02.40
2. Position Vector 00.01.00
3. Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios 00.07.22
4. Direction Cosines 00.01.47
5. Unit Vector 00.02.23
6. Vectors in 3D - space 00.00.00
7. Addition of Vectors 00.04.57
8. Multiplication of a Vector with a Scalar 00.02.46
9. Multiplication of Vectors by Scalars: Properties 00.04.32
10. Addition of Vectors: Illustration 00.00.56
11. Magnitude of a Vector 00.01.47
12. The Centroid of a Triangle 00.02.18
13. A Unique Unit Vector in the Direction of a Non-null 00.01.17
14. Equation of a Line Passing through A(a) and Having 00.05.12
Direction of the Non-zero Vector l
15. Equation of a Line in Space 00.00.00
16. Cartesian Equation of the Line 00.01.35
17. Equation of the Line through A(a),B(b) 00.02.49

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18. Equations of Planes 00.00.00

19. Condition for Four Points in R³ to be Coplanar 00.02.02
20. Distance of a line from a point 00.00.00
21. Straight Line in R³: Illustration 00.02.10

 Chapter 05: Product of Vectors

1. Properties of Inner Product 00.03.20
2. Inner Product of Two Vectors 00.02.14
3. Scalar Product of Vectors: Illustration 00.02.18
4. Outer(Cross) Product of Two Vectors and its Properties 00.01.58
5. Shortest distance between 2 lines in space 00.00.00
6. Co-planarity of Two Lines 00.00.00
7. Distance of a point from a plane 00.00.00
8. Angle between a Line and a Plane 00.01.23

 Chapter 06: Trigonometric Ratios upto

1. Introduction to Trigonometry 00.02.56
2. The Invariant nature of the trigonometric ratios 00.01.35
3. Circular System of Measurement of an Angle 00.05.54
4. General Radian Measure 00.02.42
5. Trigonometric Functions: Illustration - 2 00.02.03
6. Trigonometric Equation : Illustration 00.01.36

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7. Range of Function 00.03.26

8. The Principle Periods of Sine and Cosine Functions 00.01.26
9. Principal Period: Illustration 00.01.12
10. Graph of the Sine Function 00.07.31
11. Graph of Sine function 00.00.00
12. Graph of Cosine function 00.00.00
13. Graph of y = cos x 00.02.36
14. Trigonometric Ratios of Sum of Angles: Geometric 00.04.10
15. Trigonometric Ratios of Sum of Angles: Polar Form 00.05.03
16. Angle Sum and Difference Identities for tan and cot 00.01.53
17. Formulae for Allied Angles 00.03.37
18. Value of a Trigonometric Function For Particular Values: 00.03.23
19. The range of f(α) = a cosα + b sinα 00.02.52
20. Trigonometric Functions: Illustration - 3 00.02.17
21. Multiple and Submultiple Forms of Trigonometric 00.03.25
22. Trigonometric Functions of α/2 in terms of α 00.01.24
23. Trigonometric Functions of 3α 00.03.36
24. Trigonometric Functions: Illustration - 3 00.01.21
25. Expression of a Product in the Form of a Sum and a 00.02.26

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26. Expression of Sum or Difference as Product 00.01.38

27. Illustration (sin 2A + sin 2B + sin 2C = 4 sin A sin B sin 00.02.36

 Chapter 07: Trigonometric Equations

1. Solving Trigonometric Equation: Illustration-1 00.01.08
2. Solving Trigonometric Equation: Illustration-2 00.01.22
3. Solving Trigonometric Equation: Illustration - 3 00.00.58
4. Solution of Trigonometric Equation: Illustration 00.01.22

 Chapter 08: Inverse Trigonometric Functions

1. The Inverse of sine Function 00.01.21
2. The inverse of cos function 00.00.56
3. The Inverse of cot Function 00.04.05
4. The Graph of y = sin ˉ¹x 00.01.00
5. The Graph of y = cosˉ¹x 00.00.52
6. The Graph of y = tanˉ¹x 00.05.15
7. Properties of Inverse Trigonometric Functions 00.00.57
8. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Illustrations 00.02.35
9. Evaluate the value of Inverse Trigonometric Function 00.00.28
10. Inverse Trigonometric Function: Illustration - 1 00.02.13
11. Inverse Trigonometric Function: Illustration - 2 00.01.47
12. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Example 00.01.44

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 Chapter 10: Properties of Triangles

1. Solving Triangles 00.00.00
2. Sine Rule 00.03.55
3. Cosine Rule 00.01.39
4. The Projection Formula 00.02.14
5. Napier's formula 00.02.32

 Appendix
1. Introduction to Sets 00.05.53
2. Set Theory: Introduction 00.04.01
3. Types of Sets 00.05.11
4. Methods of Describing a Set 00.01.11
5. Venn Diagram 00.06.07
6. Set Operation: Union 00.01.48
7. Set Operation: Intersection 00.01.34
8. Difference Set 00.01.00
9. Symmetric Difference Set 00.00.50
10. Universal Set and Subsets 00.04.45
11. Subsets and Equal Sets 00.01.30
12. Complement of Set 00.01.10
13. De Morgan's Law and Distributive Law: Illustration 00.01.00
14. Number of Elements in Sets 00.01.32
15. Cartesian Product of Sets 00.03.23

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16. Series 00.02.13

17. Sequence: Introduction - 1 00.02.20
18. Geometric sequence 00.05.26
19. Arithmetic Progression 00.00.00
20. General Term of an Arithmetic Progression 00.03.41
21. Sum of the First 'n' Terms of an Arithmetic Progression 00.05.36
22. Geometric Series 00.08.01
23. Statement 00.01.11
24. Negation 00.02.14
25. Conjunction of statements 00.02.04
26. Disjunction of statements 00.02.18

Part-I B

 Prerequisites
1. Cartesian Coordinate System 00.06.43
2. Cartesian coordinate system 00.01.46
3. Application of Distance Formula in 2-D 00.03.18
4. Section Formula 00.00.00
5. Section Formula 00.02.37
6. Area of a Triangle 00.05.26
7. Area of a Triangle (Coordinate Method) 00.00.00
8. Area of a Quadrilateral 00.00.00

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9. Concurrent Lines 00.03.27

10. The Centroid of a Triangle 00.02.18
11. Centroid Theorem 00.00.00
12. Incentre of a Triangle 00.02.55
13. Circumcentre of a Triangle 00.02.59

 Chapter 01: Locus

1. Locus 00.04.46

 Chapter 02: Transformation of Axes

1. Translation of Axes 00.05.15

 Chapter 03: The Straight Line

1. Various Forms of the Equation of a Line 00.00.00
2. The Slope of a Straight Line 00.04.49
3. Condition for Parallelism of Two Lines 00.01.18
4. Slopes of Lines: Illustrations 00.01.23
5. Slope Intercept Form of a Straight Line 00.04.10
6. Standard forms of the Equation of a line (Part - 2) 00.03.01
7. Parametric Equations of Line 00.03.02
8. Parametric equation of a line 00.03.56
9. Graph of a linear equation in R² is a line 00.05.27
10. General Equation of a Line 00.00.00

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11. Point of intersection of the line represented by quadratic 00.01.04

12. Angle Between Two Intersecting Lines 00.02.53

 Chapter 05: Three Dimensional Coordinates

1. Coordinate planes in three-dimensional space 00.02.59
2. Distance Formula in 3-D 00.04.49
3. Application of Distance Formula in 3-D 00.06.13
4. The Centroid of a Triangle 00.02.18

 Chapter 06: Direction Cosines and Direction

1. Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios 00.07.22
2. Position Vector 00.01.00
3. Direction Cosines 00.01.47

 Chapter 07: The Plane

1. Plane and its Equation 00.08.39
2. Planes in 3D space 00.00.00
3. Distance of a point from a plane 00.00.00
4. Angle between Two Planes 00.01.40
5. Angle between Two Planes 00.01.36
6. Angle between Two Planes: Illustration 00.01.21

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 Chapter 08: Limits and Continuity

1. Neighbourhood 00.02.51
2. Limit 00.04.49
3. Limit 00.01.50
4. Limit of a polynomial function and Rational function 00.03.51
5. Theorem on Limit 00.00.56
6. The left and right - hand limits of a function 00.00.56
7. Limit: Illustration 00.01.25
8. An important limit 00.07.03
9. Limit of a Trigonometric Function: Illustration 00.01.23
10. Continuity over an Interval 00.01.13

 Chapter 09: Differentiation

1. Continuity and Differentiation 00.04.10
2. Concept of Derivative 00.05.34
3. Working Rules of Differentiation 00.06.28
4. Laws of Differentiation (Sum and Difference) 00.05.11
5. Laws of Differentiation (Product and Quotient) 00.04.55
6. Derivative of a Composite Function: Chain Rule 00.02.29
7. Some standard derivatives 00.04.09
8. Logarithmic Differentiation and Derivatives of Higher 00.02.08
9. Derivative of an Implicit Function: Illustration 00.03.53

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 Chapter 10: Applications of Derivatives

1. Applications of Derivatives: Illustration - 2 00.02.50
2. Continuity and Differentiation 00.04.10
3. Geometrical Applications of the Derivative 00.03.09
4. Normal 00.01.55
5. Application of Differentiation (Tangent): Illustration 00.02.35
6. Tangent and Normal to a Circle 00.02.29
7. Differentiation: Illustration - 3 00.02.24
8. Differentiation: Illustration - 4 00.02.27
9. Application of Derivative: Illustration 00.02.46
10. Differentiation: Illustration - 6 00.02.46
11. Rolle's Theorem 00.05.28
12. Mean Value Theorem 00.04.18
13. Mean Value Theorem: Illustration 00.03.09
14. Increasing Functions 00.02.19
15. Critical Points and First Derivative Test 00.07.17
16. Maximum and Minimum Values 00.02.17
17. The Second Derivative Test 00.03.57


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