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Infiltrate into : Disturb

2. A bitter pill to swallow: Hard to accept
3. Deplorable: Very bad( I thought his
behaviour was absolutely deplorable)
4. Absolutely: Completely(I believed/trusted him
5. Shed some light on : ( to help)
6. Conducive: Comfortable / quiet
7. Hampers :妨碍/阻碍
8. Incumbent: to be necessary for someone
9. Associated with : connected with
10. Adhere : To follow
11. Profound: Very deep the effect (His
mother's death when he was aged six had a
very profound effect on him.)
12. Intricate : Complicated (The watch
mechanism is extremely intricate and very
difficult to repair)
13. Keep abreast of something : To keep
someone up to date to the latest news or
14. Crafty: Clever, especially in a dishonest or
secret way
15. Part and parcel : 一部分
16. Proximity: the state of being near in space
or time ( closeness)
17. Exemplary Masterpieces: 杰出的杰作
18. Morale: the amount of confidence felt by
a person or group of people, especially when
in a dangerous or difficult situation
19. Establish/ Forge: Develop(suggest) -The
two brothers established a clothes retailing
20. Inevitably(unavoidably)
21. Resplendent: Having a bright or beautiful
22. Enthusiasm : a feeling of energetic
interest in a particular subject or activity and
an eagerness to be involved in it
23. Oscillate/ Vacillate: 举棋不定 Eg(Oscillate
between pursuing your tertiary education in a
local university and in a foreign university.
24. Dilemma : A situation in which you do not
know how to make you decision
25. Abroad: Foreign/Overseas
26. Distress: a feeling of extreme worry,
sadness, or pain
27. Doubts/ qualms: 怀疑
28. Besiege: to surround a place, especially
with an army, to prevent people or supplies
getting in or out 被包围
29. Apprehension: Scared
30. Enlighten: share with you
31. Reap: obtain
32. Due to / owing to : (nouns/nouns
phrase)Eg: Due to the excellent facilities
offered to the students, the university
becomes famous
33. Top-notch: excellent (to keep the
students update of the latest findings in their
respectively fuses.
34. Secure : positioned or fixed firmly and
correctly and therefore not likely to move,
fall, or break
35. Proficient: skilled and experienced
36. Indelible: The blood had left an indelible
mark on her shirt
37. Outshine: win
38. Fresh graduates: 毕业生
39. Inundate :淹没
40. Disputes :
Disagreement/Argument(between workers
and employers or two countries)
41. Altercations : A loud argument or
42. Optimum : The best
43. Pre-Agreed : Had been agreed before this
44. Unanimous: If a group of people are
unanimous, they all agree about one
particular matter or vote the same way, and if
a decision or judgment is unanimous, it is
formed or supported by everyone in a group
45. Prerequisite : A condition must exist to
make something happened ( Being
hardworking is one of the prerequisite to
46. Regulate :Control and maintain
47. Cardinal : Primary (the first thing that you
do )
48. Connote :暗示
49. Unattainable: Can’t get it
50. Broaden your horizons 扩大视野 :
Eg(broaden your perspectives about life )
51. Become a melting point :大染缸
52. Heterogeneous : Different/diserve
53. Icing of the cake : best thing / the best
54. Exhilarating: excited
55. Be them exotic : strange but good
56. Mutual (both side) mutual respect : There
should be mutual respect between students
and teachers
57. Virtues: good values
58. Peculiar : Unusual or strange
59. Assault : A violent attack
60. Household : 家务
61. Invaluable: 宝贵
62. Feel burdened/encumbered: 负担
63. Domestic chores: Household chores
64. Odious : hateful
65. Juncture: A particular point in time
66. Acquire/master:掌握
67. Fulfilment: 成就感
68. Ensue : to happen after something else,
especially as a result of it
69. Juggle: Divide
70. Spick and span : clean
71. Cope with your studies
72. Transition: Changes
73. Dependent: needing the support of
something or someone in order to continue
existing or operating
74. Onerous: difficult
75. Odious: extremely unpleasant and causing
or deserving hate
76. Affluent : Wealthy
77. Expenditure: 生活费
78. Aptitude: A natural ability or skill
79. Painstaking : Requires a lot of effort
80. Cater for : the things that you need
81. Elucidate : explain in details
82. Strains: tension or stress
83. Divergent road : 分查路
84. Impulsive: 冲动
85. Cripple: Someone who unable to walk
properly or move properly
86. Amputated: to cut off a part of a body
87. Devastated: destroy or ruin
88. Neglected: suffering a lack of proper care
89. Groggy: dazed, weak, unsteady especially
from illness, intoxication, sleep or a blow.
Eg( The sleeping pills had left her feeling
90. Brace: A device fitted to something in
particular a weak injured part of the body, to
give support
91. Undergo: Experience or be subjected to
something , typically something unpleasant or
arduous .Eg( It was Leslie’s first taste of live
action since undergoing surgery to repair a
wrist problem
92. Disbelief: Unable or refuse to accept that
something is true or false .Eg(I like to go to
movies to suspends my disbelief for a few
hours, and I have to pray for that
93. Retarded: Less advanced in
mental/Physical or social
development .Eg( the child is badly retarded)
94. Predict : estimate
95. Two cent’s worth:谦虚
96. Obliged: grateful
97. Endowed: given (Animals are endowed
with natural instincts and abilities to survive
in difficult situations)
98. Diminish: slowly reduce in intensity 渐渐
99. Language proficiency: Language
100. A chilies’ heel : a weakness that can lead
you to the ground floor ( a small problems or
weakness in a person or system that can
cause failure)
101. Accentuates: highlights
102. Open minds to titillating : stimulating
103. Fascinating: extremely interesting
104. Intriguing: Very interesting because of
being unusual or mysterious. Eg( she has a
really intriguing personality)
105. Equilibrium : A state of balanced
106. Existing knowledge: Existing schemata
107. Make head or tails: understand
108. Exhausted: tired
109. Retention: Maintain
110. Assimilate: o become part of a group,
country, society, etc., or to make someone or
something become part of a group, country ,
111. Subconscious:潜意识
112. A predilection: Have a strong liking for
113. Drudgery: Hard, boring, work
114. Enliven: Make something interesting
115. Embark on: to start something big or
116. Accumulate: Gather
117. Eloquent: Fluent
118. Well informed decisions: Based on
119. A tough row to hoe: A difficult task
120. Empower: Give you the ability
121. Volleyed: Fast
122. Thundered : Make a loud thundering
sound when they exploded

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