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Gender Equality in Sport: In National Sport Federation Participating at South Asian

Games from Sri Lanka

Dear Respondents,
I am Gimhani Isuri Rajapaksha, B.Sc. (Honor)Sport Science and Management Degree
candidate of the Department of Sport Science in University of Sri Jayewardenepura. I am
currently engaged in thesis on Gender Equality in Sport: In National Sport Federation
participating at South Asian Games from Sri Lanka for my first-degree thesis Requirement.

The survey asks questions related Gender Equality in your organization your response will help
to better understand the use of Gender Equality in National Sport Federation. We would be
grateful if you could spend 15-20 minutes of your time to complete this questionnaire. There
is no right or wrong answer to the questions and please answer all of them.

Note that all your answers to the questions will be treated as strictly confidential. They will be
analyzed in aggregate form, and no individual firm will be disclosed to anyone other than the
researchers. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the following

Thank you very much for your co-operation.

Gimhani Isuri Rajapaksha

Department of Sport Science
University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Male Female

Education Level
The following statements describe the Education level of your position

01. What is your education level?

Ordinary Level Advance Level

Graduate Post Graduate


02. If you indicated completing a degree or any other program was it in sport management?

Yes No
HRM Policy (HR)
The following statements describe the HRM policy affect for Gender Equality in your

1 – Strongly Disagree 2 – Disagree

3 – Disagree somewhat 4 – Undecided
5 – Agree Somewhat 6 – Agree
7 – Strongly Agree

Code # Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
HR 1 03 Selection criteria and decision making include hiring
considerations with respect to women and men.
HR 2 04 Job fairs are used for recruiting qualified women and men.
HR 3 05 Organizational hiring goals are set with respect to women
and men.
HR 4 06 Managerial development training programs are targeted
toward women and men.
HR 5 07 Selection of administrative successors include
consideration for appointing qualified women and men.
HR 6 08 Network and support groups have been established within
your organization for women and men.
HR 7 09 A system has been established for monitoring the per
centage of women and men in jobs that potentially leads
to upper management.
HR 8 10 Salary increases are examined for equal pay requisites.
Work Load (WL)
The following statements describe the work load affect for Gender Equality in your

1 – Strongly Disagree 2 – Disagree

3 – Disagree somewhat 4 – Undecided
5 – Agree Somewhat 6 – Agree
7 – Strongly Agree

11. What is your position in the Federation? …………………………………….. Commented [TD1]: This is a demographic question,
related to the respondent.
Add this to that section
Code # Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
WL1 12 Men and Women can fulfill their duties in their organization
within the time.
WL2 13 men and women alike are there flexible working Commented [TD2]: To check thr work load these
question are not enough. Have to have at least four
conditions for their duties. questions
Family Commitment (FC)
The following statements describe the family commitment affect for Gender Equality in your

1 – Strongly Disagree 2 – Disagree

3 – Disagree somewhat 4 – Undecided
5 – Agree Somewhat 6 – Agree
7 – Strongly Agree

14. What is your Marital status?

Single Married

Other ………………………

15. If you are married, will you have children?

Commented [TD3]: Demographic related question. Add
Yes No these to that Section

Code # Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
FC 1 16 your family support for your job.
FC 2 17 You can balance family work with your job position
duties. Commented [TD4]: Family commitment cannot be check
by two questions. Have to have more questions. Atleast 4
Environmental Influence (EI)
The following statements describe the environmental influence affect for Gender Equality in
your organization.

1 – Strongly Disagree 2 – Disagree

3 – Disagree somewhat 4 – Undecided
5 – Agree Somewhat 6 – Agree
7 – Strongly Agree

Code # Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
EI 1 18 There is a conducive environment to work in the
EI 2 19 There is support from men and women when dealing with
EI 3 20 Men and Women respect one another’s duties. Commented [TD5]: Have to have foru questions

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