Calculation - Update - Q2 - GLOBAL - 2

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Inventory Days - Set up in S&OP Chart

B C - Intransit LT in Working Days

MFG - Inspection/
Intansit/Receipt Intransit to Intransit Intransit Intransit Intransit
to M4 DC NL2 to F1 to CN2 to KR1 to J1
Prod Grp M4 NL2 F1 CN2 KR1 J1
Total MX 3 3 35 45 40 35 10
MFG - Inspection/
Intansit/Receipt Intransit to Intransit Intransit Intransit Intransit
to M4 DC NL2 to F1 to CN2 to KR1 to J1
Total SZ 2 20 20 10 1 10 10

C - Intransit LT in Working Days

average of all columns under C category except M4 = 33days
33 M4 Inventory Days 14 days
Inventory Days - Set up in S&OP Chart
B C - Intransit LT in Working Days
MFG - Inspection/
Intansit/Receipt Intransit to Intransit Intransit Intransit Intransit
to M4 DC NL2 to F1 to CN2 to KR1 to J1
Prod Grp M4 NL2 F1 CN2 KR1 J1
Total MX 3 3 35 30 40 25 10
MFG - Inspection/
Intansit/Receipt Intransit to Intransit Intransit Intransit Intransit
to M4 DC NL2 to F1 to CN2 to KR1 to J1
Total SZ 2 20 20 10 1 10 10

C - Intransit LT in Working Days

average of all columns under C category except M4 = 33days
33 M4 Inventory Days 12 days
D - Maintained FGs inventory at DCs (Working Days)

FG Stock FG Stock FG Stock FG Stock Inventory

FG Stock F1 FG Stock J1
M4 DC NL2 CN2 KR1 (Working Days)

M4 NL2 F1 CN2 KR1 J1

10 10 10 10 20 10 43 38 Average
FG Stock FG Stock FG Stock FG Stock Inventory
FG Stock F1 FG Stock J1
M4 DC NL2 CN2 KR1 (Working Days)

10 10 10 10 20 10 16 19 Average
59 57
D - Maintained FGs inventory at DCs (Working Days)
average of all columns under D category = 12days

D - Maintained FGs inventory at DCs (Working Days)

FG Stock FG Stock FG Stock FG Stock Inventory

FG Stock F1 FG Stock J1
M4 DC NL2 CN2 KR1 (Working Days)

M4 NL2 F1 CN2 KR1 J1

10 10 10 10 20 10 41 38 Average
FG Stock FG Stock FG Stock FG Stock Inventory
FG Stock F1 FG Stock J1
M4 DC NL2 CN2 KR1 (Working Days)

10 10 10 10 20 10 16 19 Average
57 57
D - Maintained FGs inventory at DCs (Working Days)
average of all columns under D category = 12days
M4 NL2 F1 CN2 KR1 J1
Outer DC Days 45 0.2 23.4 7.5 10.8 2.6 0.6
Inventory Buffer 12 0.0 6.2 2.0 2.9 0.7 0.2
Intransit Inventory 33 0.1 17.2 5.5 7.9 1.9 0.4
% of Sales/Contribution 0.4% 52.0% 16.6% 24.0% 5.7% 1.3%

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