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1. Welcome to “Inward Delivery” learning unit. This learning unit will enable you to
learn the concept of how does T24 handle an inward message when it is received from
the appropriate source and about Straight Through Processing.

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After completing this learning unit/course, you will be able to:

 Understand the routines involved in Inward delivery

 Understand the flow of inward delivery
 Explain how an inward message coming into T24 is processed
 Understand the concept of Straight Through Processing

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You are now going to learn how Inward Delivery works in T24.

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Overview of the INWARD Delivery system

1. From an Interface a SWIFT message is sent to the TCServer.

2. The TCServer receives the message and spawns tSS processes to the T24 server.
The logic to understand and process a SWIFT message has been coded into tSS
3. The UNFORMATTED message is placed in the unformatted queue called
4. The USER has to start a service called BNK/SWIFT.IN
5. This service in-turn runs a routine called DE.INWARD in a multi-threaded fashion
6. Depending upon the Message Type a record is read in DE.MESSAGE
7. The T24 application that this SWIFT message is going to update is identified
7. Transactions are raised in the above application through the

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You have already seen the DE.MESSAGE application and its contents as a recap of
what you have learnt
1. This table defines the contents of each basic Message Type.

2. It lists the fields, describes them as single or multi value, and states whether each
field is mandatory or optional.

3. The ID chosen for each Message Type should, where possible, conform to a SWIFT
message type, defined in the SWIFT manual

4. SWIFT Range: 100 - 999 (ID in DE.MESSAGE)

5. For eg: If you wanted to create a record to print a cheque, then its ID in
DE.MESSAGE should be outside the SWIFT ID range, i.e. outside the range 100 - 999

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You are now going to see fields in DE.MESSAGE that are relevant to the

Application Queue Specifies the Application which should receive an inward

message of this type.
Any input in this field must exist on the EB.PRODUCT file. Messages whose
application is undefined will be sent to FT or Funds Transfer.

Inward OFS Routine contains a routine used to create OFS string for the input

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1. Generate the unique delivery ID for the message (starting with R)
(e.g. R20070625-000270841801)

2. Identify the Carrier

3. Create a record in DE.I.HEADER, with the delivery ID as the record ID

4. Store the ID in a common file called an ACTIVATION file

F.<Service ID>.LIST

5. Store the message in the Unformatted Queue (F.DE.I.MSG)

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1. The SWIFT messages are stored in a folder

2. TCServer receives the messages.

3. Use an inbuilt formatter in TCServer called appenderformatter to append the word


4. Start a tSS process

5. The tSS calls the OFS.BULK.MANAGER

6. The OFS.BULK.MANAGER calls the OFS.PROCESS.MANAGER. This checks if

the request is a delivery request or not. It does so by checking the first part of the
SWIFT message for a keyword “DECARRIER”. If it is a delivery request then

7. It calls OFS.DE.REQUEST.

8. OFS.DE.REQUEST in turn calls OFS.DE.PROCESSING. This routine is

responsible for creating the DE.I.HEADER record and the Delivery Reference ID

9. Once the output is received from OFS.DE.PROCESSING. The unformatted Delivery

ID is written to F.SWIFT.IN.LIST and the actual unformatted message is written into

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You can see on your screen a sample SWIFT message, in the format that tSS
receives it from the Interface.

1. Note that DECARRIER=SWIFT has been appended to the SWIFT message

before the tSS receives the message
2. The Message Type is embedded in the SWIFT MESSAGE header. In this
example this is MT103 request
3. A tag value of <Cr><Lf> means that it’s the next line in the SWIFT message,
something like a delimiter that separates the Message TEXT otherwise called the
Data portion of the SWIFT message

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Note : Modelbank area is setup to send inward messages to T24 via VIVEO.

1. When the message is posted ERROR :: MESSAGE SENT TO VIVEO TO

REPAIR I will be raised.
2. Run the STeP service from start->ModelBank->Utilities menu. Post the OFS
message. Run BNK/INTEGRATION service. The message will fall in
3. Another work around is to temporarily reverse the company specific record from

Step 1: From the jsh prompt invoke an OFS.SOURCE record id with SOURCE.TYPE
field set to TELNET. (In the above screen shot the record in OFS.SOURCE is

Step 2: Paste the sample incoming SWIFT message in the tSS window.

Step 3: There will be no confirmation or response in the tSS window. So once, the
cursor comes to the next line, assume that tSS has processed the message. Type
‘exit’ to quit the tSS window.

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Once tSS has processed the incoming SWIFT message, it will create and assign a
Delivery Reference ID to that particular message.

The list of ID’s that are ‘unformatted’ will be stored in a file called F.SWIFT.IN.LIST.
This is where we will know what is the Delivery Reference ID of the incoming SWIFT
message. In the above screen shot, the ID is R20140113192682197001.

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tSS also creates a record in an application called DE.I.HEADER. This is like a log file or header
file that maintains the status of an incoming Delivery message. (Compare this with
DE.O.HEADER application for outward delivery messages)

ID is Delivery Reference ID

MESSAGE TYPE Specifies the basic Message Type as defined in the DE.MESSAGE table.
Message type is extracted from the incoming SWIFT message text

DISPOSITION Describes the type of processing to be done on this Header.

Values :
‘UNFORMATTED’ If a message received by Inward Carrier Control correctly, the
message has its Disposition set to Unformatted. The message is placed in the unformatted queue
‘OFS FORMATTED’ For Incoming messages, processed through OFS GLOBUS
MANAGER, Disposition is set to "OFS FORMATTED".

CARRIER ADDR NO Specifies the Carrier by which the message was received

TO.ADDRESS contains the BIC code of the bank that this message has been send to. This
information is updated from the SWIFT message header

FROM.ADDRESS contains the BIC code of the bank that send this message. This information is
also updated from the SWIFT message header

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You are now going to start the services. First start the TSM

Step 1: Open the record TSM in TSA.SERVICE application

Step 2: Set the field SERVICE CONTROL to ‘START’

Step 3: Commit and authorise the record TSM in TSA.SERVICE application

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You are now going to start the service BNK/SWIFT.IN. The steps are as follows

Step 1: Open the record SWIFT.IN in TSA.SERVICE application

Step 2: Set the field SERVICE CONTROL to ‘AUTO’

Step 3: Commit and authorise the record SWIFT.IN in TSA.SERVICE application

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From the jsh prompt type START.TSM. This will start the T24 service manager. The
Manager will automatically start services with SERVICE CONTROL field set to

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TSA.STATUS is an application where we can find out the status of various T24 service
agents (tSA). These agents are responsible for actually executing the services. The
manager merely monitors these agents.

Step 1: Type TSA.STATUS in the command line

Step 2: List all the records in the application TSA.STATUS.

Step 3: View any of the agents, which have AGENT STATUS as ‘RUNNING’, by
clicking on the lens icon beside the agent ID

This will open up a record in TSA.STATUS. The record will contain the status of the
agent, and the service that it is executing.

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Once SWIFT.IN service has processed all the ID’s in F.SWIFT.IN.LIST, this file will
become empty.

The corresponding record in DE.I.HEADER will be updated with the status of the
message as ‘OFS FORMATTED’. This means that the inward message has been
formatted and processed. Updating the respective application is done by an internal

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List all the FUNDS.TRANSFER record in the $NAU file. Do this by typing FT E
(FT abbreviation for FUNDS.TRANSFER
E Function to list all the records from the $NAU file)

The highlighted record in the screen shot, has been created as a result of the SWIFT
message. Note that the status of the record is IHLD. (Hold status).

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You can see that the FUNDS.TRANSFER record has been created a result of an MT
103 message.

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You are now going to see the internal working of the service BNK/SWIFT.IN
Step 1: Extract Carrier information from DE.I.HEADER record for the particular
Delivery ID
Step 2 : Call the appropriate Formatting Routine - DE.I.FORMAT.SWIFT.MESSAGE
Step 3 : Reads the corresponding DE.MESSAGE record based on the
MESSAGE.TYPE and retrieves the contents of the field APPLICATION.QUEUE
Step 4: If the APPLICATION.QUEUE field is null then then the application is defaulted
to FT (FUNDS.TRANSFER). The message is not stored in any queue
Step 5: Calls the default routine specified in the field INWARD.OFS.ROUTINE of
DE.MESSAGE record, if any
Step 6: If the APPLICATION.QUEUE field is NOT NULL, i.e. it has a value then,
Based on the value in this field, the incoming formatted message is placed in a queue
Step 7: Calls the routine <APPLICATION.QUEUE>.INWARD. For eg: LC.INWARD
Step 8: This routine in turn Calls the default routine specified in the field
Step 9: Finally the routine calls OFS.GLOBUS.MANAGER to update the respective

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STP is an initiative used by companies in the financial world to optimize the speed at
which transactions are processed. This is performed by allowing information that has
been electronically entered to be transferred from one party to another in the
settlement process without manually re-entering the same pieces of information
repeatedly over the entire sequence of events.

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VRepair is a message formatting service.

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The id of the parameter can be SYSTEM or COMPANY.CODE. This parameter can
contain Message Type and Direction for each carrier type.

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There are other internal files that get updated during the process.

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1. I am the routine that initially creates the DE.I.HEADER record





2. I am the component that receives the message from an external system

• TCserver

• tSS


3. When the APPLICATION.QUEUE field in DE.MESSAGE record is NULL, it considers the

application to be ________

• LC

• FT

• MM

• DE

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4. I am the routine that actually formats the message in the inward SWIFT message
5. I am the multi threaded routine that is run as a service BNK/SWIFT.IN
6. What is the name of the file that contains the list of Unformatted SWIFT IDS

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1. In this learning unit, you learnt about Inward Delivery in T24

2. You will now be able to

2.1 Understand the routines involved in Inward delivery
2.2 Understand the flow of inward delivery
2.3 Explain how an inward message coming into T24 is processed
2.4 Understand the concept of Straight Through Processing

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