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Laboratory- Polymer Synthesis, Analysis and Comparison

Purpose: Prepare cross-linked polymers using sodium borate, compare the physical
properties of prepared polymers, analyze the variations in structure, and evaluate the
properties of the polymers.

Polymers are chains of macromolecules formed by the union of five or more identical
combining units (monomers). A cross-linking agent can be added to enhance a
polymer’s characteristics. For example, natural rubber (polymer) and sulfur (cross
linker) heated together allows the rubber to remain firm and elastic at high

In this laboratory activity, you will evaluate how the crosslinking reaction of sodium
borate affects certain physical characteristics of the two polymers described in the
Information Table. Polyvinyl alcohol has hydroxyl groups attached to the main polymer
chain, so it can link to the borate ion. Following linkage, most of the lattice structure is
filled with water molecules, and the carbon-to-oxygen-to-boron bonds are easily broken
and re-formed. Figure A shows the crosslinking reaction between polyvinyl alcohol and
sodium borate.

Figure A
Information Table
Polymer Name Repeating Monomeric Unit Polymer Type

Guar Gum n polysaccharide

Polyvinyl Alcohol n thermoplastic

(PVA) elastomer

(PVAc) n thermoplastic
Polyvinyl Acetate elastomer

Polysaccharide—a combination of nine or more monosaccharides (simple sugars,

C6H12O6) linked together.
Thermoplastic elastomer—a high-chain polymer that softens when exposed to heat
and has the ability to be stretched to twice its original length and to retract rapidly when


1. Refer to the information table, and the example given in the introduction. For
each type of polymer, draw the cross-linked polymer, showing at least 3
repeating units.
2. Create a data table for each of the observations/tests you will conduct for each
type of polymer you create.
3. Review the procedure, and create a flow chart of procedures you will follow to
conduct the lab.

← • 5% polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solution, 30 mL
← • 4% sodium tetraborate (sodium borate) solution, 10 mL
← • 50% white glue solution, 30 mL
← • 1.7% guar gum solution, 30 mL
← • 4 oz plastic cups
← • 50 mL graduated cylinders, 3
← • food coloring, assorted colors


Part 1: Making slime and its variants

1. Use a permanent marker to label two sets of three plastic cups 1 to 3, for a total of
six cups.

2. Using separate graduated cylinders pour 30 mL of guar gum solution into cup 1, 30
mL of polyvinyl alcohol into cup 2, and 30 mL of white glue into cup 3.

3. Add 1 to 3 drops of food coloring to each polymer solution. To the Guar Gum/food
coloring solution in cup 1, add 8 drops of sodium borate solution, and stir the mixture
rapidly for 2 minutes. Repeat with the polymer/dye solutions in cups 2 and 3. Note: Be
sure you add the same number of drops of sodium borate solution in all cases.
Part 2: Evaluating the physical properties of slime variants

1. In a prepared data table, record general observations of each type of slime

polymer. Include color, texture, and anything else you observe.
2. “Poke” Test: Slowly poke the slime with your finger. What happens? Does your
finger go into the slime easily? Record observations in the data table.
3. Slow Pull Test: Pick up the slime and slowly pull on the ends. What happens?
Does it stretch or break? Write your observations in the data table.
4. Bounce Test: Roll your slime into a ball and drop from a height of 30 cm above the
table. What happens? Write your observations in the chart and rate the bounce
from 1 for “poor” to 5 for “great.”
Each student will write an abstract of the lab. The abstract will consist of three parts.
Maximum words 250.
• The thesis or prediction for the lab.
• The method very briefly described.
• The conclusion of what was found. Was your prediction/ hypothesis

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