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Lecture 4

Acid Rain

• pH of pure water is 7

• Rainwater is naturally acidic because its

equilibrium with carbon dioxide

• So due to the presence of H2CO3 , the pH of

natural rain is about 5.7
Acid Rain
• It is defined as precipitation in which has pH <
• Acid rain or acid snow is a direct result of the
method that the environment clean itself.
• The tiny droplet of water that make up clouds
continuously capture solid particles and gases in
the atmosphere.
• When enough of the tiny cloud droplets clump
together to form a larger water drop it may fall to
the earth as “wet” acid precipitation including
rain, snow , ice , sleet, or fog.
Acid Rain Formation

SOx + H2O H2SO4

Nox + H2O HNO3
Acid Rain Transport
• The reactions of sulfur oxide to form sulfuric acid
are quite slow
• Sulfur dioxide may remain airborne for 3-4 days
• As a consequence acid rain derived from sulfur
oxides may travel for hundreds of miles or even a
thousand miles
• Nitrogen oxides may persist for only one half day
and therefore may travel only tens or hundreds of
Acid Rain Transport
• Once airborne, the sulfur and nitrogen oxides
eventually come down in one form or another.
• Where they come down depends on the height
of the smokestack and the prevailing weather
• In general, prevailing winds in North America
transport pollutants from west to east or
Causes of Acid Rain
• The main precursors of acid rain are emissions of
SOx and NOx, are primarily responsible for the
harmful effects on environment.
Sources of SOx:
Anthropogenic (Man made):
• Fuel combustion in power plant
• Exhaust pipes in automobiles
• Industrial emissions(pulp and paper)
• Incineration of refusal waste
• Smelting of sulphur
Causes of Acid Rain
• Volcanic eruptions
• Forest fires
• Out gassings from anaerobic wetlands(decay process)
Sources of NOx:
• Fertilizers
• Fuel burning in automobiles
• Terrestrial , tidal, and nutrient- rich oceanic areas
• Decomposition of organic matter
• Sedimentation of rocks
• Lightening strokes
Environmental Effects
Water and marine life:
• Extinction of fish in lakes
• Necrosis, Pigment lesions,
Epinasty, Chlorosis,
• Improper growth of plants and
Necrosis Epinasty

Abscission Chlorosis
Environmental Effects
Human health:
• Respiratory problems
• Failure of Kidney (Norway)
• Irritation to eyes , etc.
Building / Monuments:
• Sandstone, granite- discoloured
• Eroding of building surfaces
Control of Acid Rain
Reduced Fossil fuel Emissions:
• Fuel desulfurization (remove S from fuel)
• Fluidized bed technology (reduce SO2 during
• Flue gas desulfurization (remove sulphur gases
using lime slurry in scrubbers)
• Scrubbers can be used to remove Nox from
industrial emissions
• Catalytic converter and lean burn engines (reduce
NOx in motor vehicles)
Global Warming
(Green House Effect)
It is the natural or human induced increase in the
average Global Temperature of the atmosphere near
the earth surface or troposphere is known as “Global
• The Process:
Incoming solar energy to the earth is in the form of:
 UV rays
 Visible Rays
 Infrared Rays
Causes of Global Warming
Green house gases(Green house effect):
• Carbon dioxide (CO2)
• Methane (CH4)
• Nitric oxide(N2O)
• Chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs)
Causes of Global Warming
Green house gases(Green house effect):
• Water vapours account for 97% of greenhouse process
• Their concentration = constant
• Due to anthropogenic activities, concentration of
GHGS is increasing, thus resulting in Global Warming
• GHGs contributes 3%
 CO2 76%
 N2O 6%
 CH4 13 %
 CFCs 5%
Greenhouse Gases
1. CO2
• Present level=384.38 ppm (Oct 2009)
• Increasing rate=0.5% per year
• Expected level in 2050=450 ppm
• Fossil fuels , wood burning, respiration
• Life time in atmosphere= 50-200 years
Greenhouse Gases
1. CH4
• Present level= 1745 ppb
• Increasing rate=0.5% per year
• Anaerobic decomposition of organic matter, rice
residues, marshes, ruminants, gas leaks
Warming effect: 1 CH4 moles=20 moles of CO2
• Life time in atmosphere= 10 years
Greenhouse Gases
1. N2O
• Present level= 314 ppb
• Fossil fuel burning, Denitrification , nitrogen
fertilizers, oceans
Warming effect: 1 N2O moles=200 moles of
• Life time in atmosphere= 150 years
GreenHouse Gases
1. CFCs:
• Present level= 533 ppb
• Release from air conditioners, fridges, air
Warming effect: 1 CFC moles=10,000 moles of
• Life time in atmosphere= 60-170 years
Consequences of global warming
• Sea level rise(0.2-2.2m rise by 2050)
1. Beach erosion
2. Coastal wetland loss
3. Loss of low lying territories
• Water resources change
1. Precipitation pattern shift
2. Increase instances of heavy precipitation
3. New burdens on water capture, stroage and
distribution system to be excepted
Consequences of global warming
• Effects on Agriculture
1. Changes in the length of growing season
2. Growth of undesirable plant species
• Effects on air quality
1. Increase in reaction rates and concentrations of
certain atmospheric species- increase in ozone in
urban areas.
2. More droughts-widespread forest fire-worsen air
3. Change in how pollutant are dispersed
Consequences of global warming
• Impacts on human health
1. Changes in patterns of sickness and death
2. Respiratory problems affected by air quality change.
• Biodiversity
1. Some species may grow too quick and overshoot their
reproductive period
(e.g. Reef corals)
2. Forest could b devastated if the rate of climate change
outpaced the rate at which forest species could
• Change in the pattern of ocean current
Control Strategies
• Reduce emission of green house gases
• Reduce use of fossil fuels
• Encourage use of hydle power and solar energy
• Control gas leaks
• Employ cuts on automobiles
• Stop using CFCs
• Plant as many trees as possbile.

• Ozone is a gas that is naturally present in our


• Each ozone molecule contains three atoms of

oxygen and is denoted chemically as O3
Chemistry of O3 formation
• In stratosphere UV-C(0.1-0.28um)
O2 O+O All UV-C Absorbed

O3O2+O 70-90% UV-B Absorbed
• UV-A(0.32-0.4um)  Not affected by O3, All
reaches to earth
• Ozone Hole: refers to >50% reduction in O3
conc. Over a particular area.
Ozone Depletion
• Significance of UV-B
Damage cells, tissues, DNA

Inhibit photosynthesis, kills phytoplankton

Lower crop and sea food yield

Sunburns, skin cancer

Causes of Ozone Depletion
1.Cholofluoro-carbons (CFCs)
• Used as : refrigerators, air conditioning, foam
production, solvents, aerosols, insulation
• CFC-11(CFCl3),CFC-12(CF2Cl2)
• O3 + Cl  ClO + O2
• ClO + O3Cl +2O2
Ultraviolet rays
from Sun

The Ozone layer in
are entering in to
stratosphere atmosphere releasing
blocks these chlorine. The chlorine
harmful UV rays than break down the


Whole in
Ozone layer


The chlorine released from CFCs break

down the ozone molecule. More ultraviolet radiations are reaching in to earths
surface as there is a whole in ozone layer.
Causes of Ozone Depletion
2.Nitric oxide (NO)(50-70% ozone depletion)
• N2O +O 2NO
• NO + O2  NO2 + O2
• NO2 + O NO + O2
Protection of O3 Layer:
• Montreal Protocol (Sept,1982)
 CFCs production to stop by 2000
 Available CFCs to be recycled
• Best alternatives of CFCs:
 Butane (C2H10) + Propane (C3H8)

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