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Madan Mohan - Our Sambandha Vigraha


In Vrindavan the place where Sri Sri Radha and Krsna

expand themselves in unlimited forms to perform past-times
of pure devotional ecstasy, there resides the deity of Madan
Mohan -the most essential to the lives of all Gaudiya
Vaisnavas. He is our Sambandha Deity -the Deity worshipped
to establish our relationship with Krishna. In this world where
everyone is madly chasing after the pleasures of the world
,being pieced by the arrows of Madan or Cupid- Madan
Mohan is the name of the Lord who enchants the enchanter of
the world Cupid by His beauty .

Bhaktivedanta Vidyapith is overjoyed to present the story of

Madan-Mohan -the Enchanter of Cupid- as He chooses to
manifest for all of us at Govardhan Eco Village at the dawn of
year 2019.

(Note- we need a stage with two entry-points from the

two ends and a back-stage to and fro movement facility-
please orchestrate stage design like this )
- Sakha subal pr must be the expert stage co-ordinator and arranging all paraphernalia before hand
- Vikas Prabhu must be the crucial person with background music and background voice (practise
with great stress on diction and voice modulation as per context ) Also arranging all background
music as mentioned in the script beforehand and keeping them in sequence .
- Sakha Gadadhar pr must be our expert director and crisis- management guy for managing on-stage
exigencies .His role is in the very last .
Characters-( in order of appearance )
1. Sri Advaita Acharya- Paramananda pr( but we need him in white),maybe Abhishek Madhav pr)
2. Krishna- Gauranga Gunarnava pr
3. Purushottam Chaube- Ban Bihari pr
4. Srila Sanatan Goswami- Gaurchandra Bhagvan pr
5. Boy Madan Mohan - Viswesh pr
6. Krishnadas Kapur - Hari Bhakti pr
7. Krishnadas’s assistant - Abhishek Madhav Pr
8. Purushottam Jana ( son of king of Puri-Prataprudra) - Arunoday Kirtan pr
9. Assistant of Purushottam Jana - Vakreswar Pran Pr
10. Pujari of Madan Mohan - Sakha Gadadhar pr
11. Receiver of Srimati Radharani - Shiv prasad pr

Scene 1- Madan-Mohan reveals Himself to Advaita

(Advaita acharya sitting under a tree on the bank of Yamuna ,chanting in ecstasy Hare
Krishna maha-mantra . There are few flower pots with flowers on the other side of the
stage, behind which is hidden a A4 size print-out of Sri Madan Mohan alone without
Radharani and Lalita Sakhi)

Background Voice-Once while staying in Vrindavan, at a

place which is now called Advaita Vat, Sri Advaita Acharya,
in His meditation saw Krsna.(play Background music of
appearance as in Mahabharat or flute music)

(Krsna appears with a spring in his step playing the flute , Advaita Acharya becomes ecstatic, exclaiming
Krsna Krsna, offers dandvat ,sits on his knees with folded hands ,tears in his eyes ..)

Krsna- Oh my dear Advaita , you are always immersed in my thoughts . I want to reveal a
precious form of mine which had once manifested for my great grandson Vajranabha by the
hands of Vishwakarma-the architect of the demigods. ( goes and picks up the picture of
Madan-Mohan, showing it to the audiences ). This deity is called by name of Madan Mohan
and it is very special dear Advaita because my feet are most perfectly revealed in this deity .
I give you Myself ,so that my service may begin again .
( Saying this Krsna gives the deity to Advaita Prabhu and dancing ,playing flute , frolics out of stage while
Advaita hugs the picture shedding tears of joy saying O krsna O krsna .
Stage -coordinator sets a table with cloth spread on top and reaching upto the bottom covering legs of the
table.Thee table has a back support for Madan Mohan picture and also a Bhoga plate which will be used in
scene 2.
Advaita Prabhu places the picture on the altar against the back-support .Goes and plucks flowers from the
flower -pots present on stage and offers them to the deity with love while background music of Hare Krishna
mahamantra plays ) .

Advaita acharya-But My time to depart from Vrindavan has arrived . Purushottam

Chaube is a great devotee and a pure-hearted Brahmana from Mathura .He will
worship Madan Mohan very nicely .
( Saying this He walks to the end of the stage with the photo of Madan Mohan ,when Purushottam Chaube
,carrying a stick , enters and offers Dandvats to Advaita pr. Advaita Pr raises him and brings him to the
centre of the stage )

Purushottam Chaube - My dear Advaita Prabhu , I have heard your desire . Out of
great joy I came running to accept the service of Madan Mohan. I will worship Him
with my heart and soul .

( He accepts the picture of Madan Mohan, sets Him in the altar with love and care and caresses Him as if He
is own child .Advaita pr exits after offering dandvats to the deity ,chanting on his papa beads. Purushottam
offers Madan Mohan the Bhoga Plate and asking him to eat by gestures, contnuing right upto the point
Sanatan Goswami comes and sees him from behind. )

Scene 2- Madan Mohan goes to Sanatan Goswami

Background Voice-The great devotee Purushottam Chaube

who was free from all material desires worshipped Madan
Mohan with the intimacy of his own child .(Srila Sanatan Goswami
enters chanting doing madhukari with spread uttariya and goes to see what Purushottam is
doing )On
the order of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ,Srila Sanatan
Goswami arrived in Vrindavan and started living as a simple
beggar-doing madhukari and sharing the transcendental
teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.One day he reached
Mathura outside the house of Purushottam Chaube.

Purushottam Chaube( when Sanatan Goswami has reached behind him)- Madan
Mohan ,Why are you not eating the nice food I am giving you ? This time I will
punish you if you do not listen to me .( picks up his stick threateningly )
Sanatan Goswami - o krishno , krishno ..Purushottam Prabhu .. The deity of Krsna is
non-different from Krsna Himself .He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead , the
Cause of all causes.He must be approached with great devotion .

Purushottam Chaube (falls at his feet offering dandvat and very humbly says ) - I
am sorry .Now by your mercy I have understood the proper process of worshiping the
deity .
(Purushottam offers the Prasadam to Sanatan Goswami and Sanatan Goswami,with a smile ,bows down
and walks over to one side of the stage, honours a little bit prasadam , while Purushottam with folded hands
and glancing the deity with reverence walks backward and out of the stage. Stage co-ordinaor collects
remaining prasadam and gives little water to wash off hands of Sanatan Goswami .after which Sanatan
Goswami sleeps chanting Hare Krishna.)

Background Voice-That night that beautiful form of

MadanMohan appeared to Srila Sanatan Goswami and told
Him -“ My dear Sanatan ,why have you trained Purushottam
in the formal process of archana? I am not very satisfied .
Very soon this brahmana will come and give Me to you as
dakshina .Now you worship Me with great love.”(Sanatan Goswami
wakes up with a start and Purushottam enters the stage ; taking the Madan Mohan picture
he moves towards Sanatan Goswami )The next day at Dwadas-Aditya Teel
, Sanatan goswami received the deity of Madan Mohan and
received the Lord who had come in his dream with great love
.(Purushottam exits after offering dandvat ,Sanatan Goswami lovingly receives and places
MadanMohan on the altar and begs with Uttariya spread wide. He gets a bowl with balls of
atta from Stage-coordinator .He puts them on a pan -to be kept ready on stage- takes them
off ,and offers them to Madan Mohan.The acts must go on side by side with the following
Sanatan Goswami started worshipping Madan
Mohan in a very simple way .Sometimes he would get a little
wheat flour ,he would mix it with Yamuna water and roll it
into small balls and then he would cook the balls on a fire of
coals .So one day Madan Mohan spoke to him-(by this time Boy
Madan-Mohan dressed as a cowherd boy is ready on stage crouching behind the
altar of Madan Mohan)

Boy Madan Mohan (from behind the table )- Sanatan! Can you not offer Me a little
salt with this ‘ bati ’?
Sanatan Goswami ( startled for a moment ) - Modon Mohon, …..I am an old man
and very poor .I am offering you the best things that I can .Please be satisfied with
this or arrange for salt yourself.”( starts chanting japan with eyes closed)

(Boy Madan Mohan appears from behind the altar with a disgusted face that he has to take food
without salt .Suddenly He smiles wittingly and clicks his fingers and goes to one side of the stage
where Krishnadas Kapur is entering the stage )

Scene 3- Madan Mohan arranges His own salt and temple

( Boy Madan Mohan and Krishnadas Kapur meet each other at one end of the stage while
Sanatan Goswami is deeply chanting facing opposite side on the other end of the stage .
Krishnadas dressed opulently with turban, necklace, rings and moustache , looks very
worried, sweating and looking here and there for help .)

Boy Madan Mohan- what happened Prabhu ? Do you need help ?

Krishnadas Kapur- I am in terrible danger !! My name is Krishnadas Kapur. I

am carrying a large boat of salt to Agra and somehow it has got stuck in the
Yamuna . Everywhere here is dense forest filled with lions and tigers and no
one around who can help me . My entire life’s wealth is very much at risk !

Boy Madan Mohan- Listen , there is a great saintly person sitting there (
pointing at Sanatan Goswami ) . He can surely help you . Go see Him .”

Background Voice-(Krishnadas approaches Sanatan Goswami ,offers dandvat and a

silent act begins between them in accordance to the background speech)Sanatan
Goswami ,on hearing the plight of Krishnadas ,simply taught him
pure devotion to Madan Mohan ,never accepting that he could do
anything for anyone .He offered Krishnadas’ head at the lotus feet
of Madan Mohan .Krishnadas became a pure devotee .He started
praying to Madan Mohan with tears in his eyes offering Him his
rings and necklace and also the little salt which he was carrying
.As Soon as the salt was offered he got news that a gush of water
had released the boat .( Krishndas’s assistant comes running ,gesturing vehemently
)Krishnadas developed complete faith in Srila Sanatan and Sri
Madan Mohan,and offered repeated dandvats. ( while Krishnadas offers
Dandvats Sanatan Goswami raises his arms in devotion.After that all 3 start dancing with
hands raised high and continue until background voice continues. )Later after
making a great fortune at Agra he returned to Sanatan Goswami
and upon his request built the majestic temple for Madan
Mohan.This is how the first major temple of Vrindavan was
constructed under the direction of Sanatan Goswami .

Scene 4- Appearance of Srimati Radharani and Lalita Sakhi

Background Voice-After some time had passed, in Puri, Maharaja

Prataprudra’s son , Purushottam Jana had become King and he
felt that if common people could visually see Srimati Radharani
with Madan Mohan and Govind dev ,they would be very pleased.(
Purushottam Jana and his Assistant enters )

Purushottam Jana- The Goswamis of Vrindavan know that Srimati Radharani

is the empress of the heart of Madan Mohan ,so they worship Her within the
heart of the deity . But for common men visually seeing Srimati Radhika would
be very pleasing . Let me send these two beautiful deities of Srimati Radhika to
Vrindavan .( receives from stage co-ordinator -two printouts of Radha rani and Lalita
Sakhi and with great care hands it over to his assistant. Assistant moves to other side of
stage where Pujari and Receiver and Gauranga Gunarnava pr,Ban Bihari pr and
Abhishek Madhav pr are all entering the stage . Upon seeing the approaching party they
offer dandvats and dance in joy .Background Music plays - Radharani ki jay maharani
ki jay .bolo barsane wale ki jay jay jay. Receiver receives the Deities with great care . )

Madan Mohan Pujari( to all assembled vrajvasis )- Oh what great

fortune ! Just last night I had a dream where Srimati Radharani explained
how the larger deity is of Lalita Sakhi and along with her is Srimati
Radhikarani herself.(with approval of all vrajvasis he takes the deities from the receiver
and installs Radhikarani to the left and Lalita Sakhi to the right .May offer lamps if
arrangement can be made by Stage-coordinator.)

Background Voice( as installation starts )-This pujari had such a

pure heart that everyone had complete faith in him .A grand
installation took place at the temple of Sri Sri Radha- Madan
Mohan as per the desires of Srimati Radharani .
(all participants assembled on stage on either side of Madan Mohan )
To this day that temple is the very symbol of Vrindavan-and by
the grace of Srila Prabhupada it is for all of us to behold .Every
Vrindavan Yatra is begun by offering our hearts and our lives at
the lotus feet of Sri Madan Mohan .Let us all chant the glories of
Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan -
jayatäà suratau paìgor
mama manda-mater gaté
Let us all unite in expressing our gratitude to H.H. Radhanath
Maharaj without whose relentless inspiration, guidance and
blessings we would never get the opportunity to serve Sri Sri
Radha Madan Mohan here at GEV , by loudly chanting the holy
names -
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Background music-
jay Radha Madan Mohan
Radha Madan Mohan Radhe
Srila Sanatan er Pran-dhan he..
Jay Radha Madan-Mohan Radha …
..until clap continues ..all bow down ..
may give acknowledgements and credits by naming the characters
and other participants .

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