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Rotary valve

Customer: Niro A/S

Purchase Order No.: 132702-2/032-6104-1-02

Zeppelin Project No.: 82130170

Type: DX5 160/2,6 HC

Item No.: Zeppelin Serial No.:

J1K1R01 11314

Type: DX5 320/21,8 CC

Item No.: Zeppelin Serial No.:

H1H1R02 11312

Document no.:

Operation and Maintenance Instructions
Rotary Valve
Type: A(X), D(X), AG(X), DG(X)
(to be kept for further use !)

Customer: Rotary valve type:



not in explosion resistant design

Manufacturer: ZEPPELIN Silos & Systems GmbH as equipment acc. to dir. 94/9/EC
Leutholdstraße 108 as protective system acc. to
D-88045 Friedrichshafen directive 94/9/EC

Project No.: without rapid cleaning

Fact.-Nr.: with rapid cleaning

Construction Year: 2008 without purge air

with purge air

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 1 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
Table of contents
Cover sheet Page 1
Table of contents Page 2

1. General information Page 3

1.1 Information on this documentation Page 3
1.2 Liability Page 3
1.3 Copyright Page 3

2. Technical characteristics Page 4

2.1 Designation of types Page 4
2.2 Use in accordance with the relevant instructions Page 5
2.3 Operational characteristics Page 5
2.4 Acoustic power level Page 7

3. Function and construction Page 8

4. Safety Page 9
4.1 Intended use Page 9
4.2 Other dangers Page 9
4.3 Requirements in regard to personnel and working places Page 10
4.4 Safety measures to be taken by the operator Page 10
4.5 Protective equipment Page 10
4.6 Safety while cleaning and during maintenance and repair Page 11

5. Transport and storage Page 11

6. Mounting Page 12

7. Commissioning Page 13

8. Maintenance Page 16
8.1 Replacement of wear and spare parts Page 16
8.2 Servicing of the gland seal Page 17
8.3 Cleaning of the rotary valve Page 17
8.3.1 Type without rapid cleaning option Page 17
8.3.2 Type with rapid cleaning option Page 17

9. Elimination of faults Page 21

Annex A: Dimension sheet Page 22

Annex B: Sectional drawing Page 23

Annex C: Designation of parts Page 24

Annex D: Page 25
Manufacturer’s Declaration (without ATEX)
Declaration of Conformity (with ATEX)
EC Type Examination Certificate (only for protective system or equipment
of category I)

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 2 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
1. General information
1. General information
1.1. Information on this documentation
Present instructions present you our rotary valve models of the "works stan-
dard" and "chemistry" line. This documentation specifies a ZEPPELIN Silos
& Systems GmbH series product pursuant to the state of construction of the
construction year noted on the cover page.
This documentation describes design, function, installation and maintenance
of the rotary valve. It contains general information for the use of the rotary
valve as well as special regulations for rotary valve types designed as
equipment and protective systems according to directive 94/9/EC (ATEX).
These special regulations must be complied with when the information on
the cover page of the instruction manual indicates that the rotary valve de-
scribed is Ex-designed. Please also refer to chapter 2.2 “Appliance in accor-
dance with the relevant instructions”.

The machine operator must thoroughly comply with all safety information
and instructions contained in these Operation and Maintenance Instructions
by all means. In case of non-observance of safety instructions contained
herein an endangering of operators staff, of the machine or of the overall
system can not be excluded. For more detailed information on these items
please refer to Chapter Safety contained herein.
Notwithstanding the safety information and instructions contained in this
documentation the currently operative legal safety rules and other regula-
tions for the prevention of accidents shall apply.
In case of questions and for ordering of spare parts please address to:
Silos & Systems GmbH
Leutholdstraße 108
D-88045 Friedrichshafen
Fon: +49 7541 202-02
Fax: +49 7541 202-582

1.2. Liability
We shall assume liability for any defects of the delivered goods within the
scope of the terms agreed and set out in the relevant order confirmation or
pursuant to our General Terms and Conditions.
1.3. Copyright
We reserve all rights in regard to present document, the exclusive copyright
of this documentation lies with ZEPPELIN Silos & Systems GmbH. Any
reproduction or copying of the information contained in this technical
documentation, no matter if partially or completely, or any transfer to third
parties and any unauthorised use or misuse of present documentation by its
receiver or any third party whoever prohibited.

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 3 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
2. Technical characteristics
2. Technical characteristics
2.1 Designation of types
Please refer to the type plate to learn the particular type of your rotary valve.
The type plate also contains further information on the operative range of the
device (such as pressure, temperature etc.).
Type Plate

Type code key

"works standards": A X 1 250 / 10,5
Rotor volume in litres
Size of inlet/outlet, Ø of the rotary valve resp.
Construction type:
1/5 Æ round inlet/outlet, for powdery products
4/6 Æ rectangular inlet/outlet, for powdery products
11/15Æ round inlet/outlet, for granulated products
14/16Æ rectangular inlet/outlet, for granulated products
Rapid cleaning option
Type of rotary valve:
A = discharging type for powdery products, D = blow-
through type for powdery products, AG = discharging
type for granulated products, DG = blow-through type for
granulated products

Type code key

"chemistry" line: AG N X 250 / 14,0
Rotor volume in litres
Size of inlet/outlet, Ø of the rotary valve resp.
Rapid cleaning option
Rotor type
Type of rotary valve:
AP = discharging type for powdery products, DP = blow-
through type for powdery products, AG = discharging
type for granulated products, DG = blow-through type for
granulated products

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Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
2. Technical characteristics

2.2 Use in accordance with the relevant instructions

The rotary valves that are part of these series are designed for the use as discharge
and dosing valves for powdery and granular bulk materials or as intake valves for
pneumatic conveying systems.
They are to be used exclusively for products which do not cause a reaction with
the rotary valve materials used, which do not alter the properties of the rotary
valve in a hazardous way and which are fixed in the system specification.

If the information on the type plate and on the cover page of this instruction man-
ual indicates that a rotary valve in explosion resistant design according to direc-
tive 94/9/EC (ATEX) is concerned, the rotary valve, according to its design, is
appropriate for the use in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres as equip-
ment of category 1, 2 or 3 and as autonomous protective system.

The admissible conditions of use are documented in the declaration of conformity

and the EC type examination certificate in annex D of this documentation. Ac-
cording to this the requirements of the EC type examination certificate No.
BVS 03 ATEX H 041 X of the EXAM BBG Prüf- und Zertifizier GmbH, Bochum
of July 04, 2005 or IBExU 02 ATEX 2078 X, IBExU 02 ATEX 2087 X, IBExU
02 ATEX 2011 X, IBExU 04 ATEX 2024 X of IBExU Institut für Sicherheits-
technik GmbH, Freiberg (Institute for Safety Engineering) must be complied with
for rotary valves which are used as autonomous protective systems. For rotary
valves to be used as equipment of category 1 the requirements of the EC Type
Examination Certificate IBExU 04 ATEX 1120 X or IBExU 04 ATEX 1275 X of
the IBExU Institut für Sicherheitstechnik GmbH, Freiberg apply.

With regard to the operational parameters the rotary valves may be used accord-
ing to the operational data mentioned in section 2.3.. Any other kind of use or al-
teration of the rotary valve is to be regarded as not in compliance with the re-
quirements and may lead to the endangerment of the operating personnel and
other persons. ZEPPELIN Silos & Systems GmbH does not assume any liability
for any use that is not in the sense of directive 94/9/EC (ATEX).

2.3 Operational characteristics

To guarantee the faultless functioning and safe operation of the rotary valve the
operational data indicated on the type plate and specified more detailed in the fol-
lowing if necessary (clarify with ZEPPELIN Silos & Systems GmbH) must be
strictly adhered to.

For the rotary valves of the types “Chemistry” and “Factory Standard” the follow-
ing operational data must be complied with if no other data are quoted in the EC
type examination certificate which is part of this instruction manual, if necessary.

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 5 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
2. Technical characteristics
Maximum operational temperature up to 80° C,

- maximum admissible differential pressure (design pressure) is pe = 2,0 bar,

- maximum admissible differential pressure in operation (operation pressure)
defined on type plate.

The rotary valves with EC-type examination certificate are approved for ambient
temperatures between 20°C and + 60°C, as long as no other values are quoted in
the EC type examination certificate which is part of this instruction manual if nec-

The rotary valves which are not used as protective systems are designed for a
maximum admissible differential pressure “Design Pressure” of 2 bar pe Each ro-
tary valve is optimised according to the operating range required by the customer
in order to minimise the air leakage. The maximum product temperature and the
maximum differential pressure in operation “Operation Pressure” of a rotary valve
may therefore deviate from the data mentioned above. They are quoted on the
type plate of the rotary valve.

According to their individual designs rotary valves which are subject to directive
94/9/EC must comply with special conditions of use and operation. These are de-
scribed in the declaration of conformity and the EC type examination certificate
which is part of this instruction manual if necessary.

- The admissible operating temperature for rotary valves according to directive

94/9/EC is defined in the corresponding EC type examination certificate.
- According to EN 1127-1 the maximum surface temperature must not exceed
2/3 of the ignition quality of the existing dusts and the smouldering tempera-
ture of the existing dusts minus 75 K.
- The admissible differential pressure for rotary valves according to directive
94/9/EC is defined in the corresponding EC type examination certificate.
- Rotary valves which are used as protective systems must not exceed an admis-
sible gap dimension (see chapter 8), otherwise the certificate becomes void.
- The discharge rotary valves with EXAM EC-type examination certificate
which are marked with /bz on the type plate are flame-proof on both sides.
The other rotary valves must be flame-proof according to the EC type exami-
nation certificate either on the inlet or on the outlet side.

Further operational data which must be adhered to in general for all rotary valve

- Dimensions and weights according to dimensional data sheet (annex A),

- Functioning emergency shut-down system in case of a jam or overpressure or
in case of an explosion.
- In case of delivery without auxiliary motor only the drive components speci-
fied by ZEPPELIN Silos & Systems GmbH must be used (clarify with ZEP-
PELIN Silos & Systems GmbH if necessary).
- Compressed air for rotary valve with locking air device
Pe max = 2,5 bar but min. 0,5 bar more than conveying pressure
free from oil, water and dirt

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 6 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
2. Technical characteristics

2.4 Acoustic power level

With pressureless operation without product throughput, the effective perceived
permanent A acoustic pressure level comes to 70 dB (A). After installation of the
rotary valve into a system, the pressure level produced by the overall system must
be measured anew. In case a value exceeding 85 dB (A) occurs, appropriate meas-
ures for the reduction of the noise emission must be taken.

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 7 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
3. Function and construction
3. Function and construction
Gear motor Chain guard Valve inlet

Type A4

Bearing plate Type plate

Rotary valve outlet Rotary valve housing locking air


If installed in an overall system, the product to be conveyed flows into the

rotary valve inlet from above and the rotor pockets are filled. Driven by the
gear motor, the rotor rotates and the filled rotor pockets turn and move over
the valve outlet, where the product is discharged.

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 8 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
4. Intended use
4. Safety
4.1 Intended use
The rotary valve serves exclusively to take bulk material in and to convey it
into system parts topped to the device. Operate the rotary valve only in the
context of the use defined in section 2.2 “Use in accordance with the rele-
vant instructions”.
The rotary valve must be operated only after installation into a closed sys-
tem. When installing it, make sure to comply with the relevant legal and
technique rules operative and in force, particularly those relating to compo-
nents added to and/or connected at the outlet side of rotary valves that have
to be explosion-proof de-coupling types.
When installing it, make sure to comply with the relevant legal and safety
technique rules operative and in force.
Any unauthorized modifications or alterations of the rotary valve are pro-
hibited, as new sources of danger may be created thereby. Make sure to im-
mediately take the rotary valve out of action if damages occur that do impair
When mounting / disassembling, commissioning, eliminating faults or when
performing service routines or repair works, exclusively proceed on the in-
structions contained herein.

4.2 Other dangers

Rotating parts may severely contuse fingers or hands!
Danger of loss of limbs and severe bodily harm!
Therefore, operate the rotary valve only after installation into a closed
overall system which prevents that rotating parts can be accessed while
they are on duty.

Compressed air can emanate from damaged connections and parts
may be thrown out thereby!
To parry that compressed air can emerge, make sure to establish a
preventive maintenance schedule.

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Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
4. Safety

4.3 Requirements in regard to personnel and working places

As the rotary valve is controlled by a superior command, no operators staff
is needed thus saving an additional working place.
The rotary valve may only be mounted, disassembled, commissioned,
cleaned and serviced by personnel especially trained to and able to perform
any of these works. Any works on the electric system may be performed by
electric specialists only. We recommend to have the mounting and commis-
sioning of the rotary valve be done and performed by ZEPPELIN Silos &
Systems GmbH specialists.

4.4 Safety measures to be taken by the operator

Make sure this operation manual is available to the personnel charged with
performing works or service routines on the rotary valve.
You may operate the rotary valve in closed overall systems only, as inlet and
outlet openings are otherwise free and open and, therefore, present a danger
When mounting the valve, make sure to comply with the relevant legal and
safety technique rules operative and in force. Take appropriate precautions
to prevent the following in particular:
• That nobody can access moving parts of the diverter valve while they
are on duty;
• That nobody can touch voltage-carrying parts or elements at any point
of time;
• That unauthorized persons may access the system or operate it.
• In case of an explosion, the operation of the rotary valves that serve as
explosion-proof decoupling device must be stopped immediately and be
interlocked by the control system (e.g. by using a sensor that signals to
the control system / PLC) and must not start up again independently.
• It must be possible to put a rotary valve with EC type examination cer-
tificate out of operation not only by means of the system control but also
by means of a hand switch immediately after a damage has occured.

4.5 Protective equipment

The rotary valve has been fitted out with the following protective

• Protective drive chain guard, must be screwed up and installed during

• Protective cover provided opposite of the drive side.

In addition to the above, provide for safety by making sure that the rotary
valve is mounted and integrated into a closed overall system.

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Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
4. Safety / 5. Transport and Storage
4.6 Safety while cleaning and during maintenance and repair

Warning !
Perilous electric tension may result in electrocution!
Before performing any maintenance and repair works, make sure the
rotary valve is completely off circuit.

Warning !
Rotating parts may severely contuse fingers or hands!
Danger of loss of limbs and severe bodily harm!
Before performing any maintenance and repair works, make sure the
rotary valve is completely off circuit and off compressed air supply.

Warning !
(applies to rotary valve types that comply with the directive 94/9/EC
Caution ! Dust may escape when opening the rotary valve and, in the
event an ignition source exists, cause a dust explosion !
Before performing any service or repair works, always make sure to
discharge the rotary valve completely and to avoid any ignition
sources of what kind ever.

After completion of any cleaning, maintenance and repair works install and
attach all protective equipment again and check it for proper functioning.

5. Transport and storage

The rotary valve is delivered fastened on a wooden pallet by means of tight-
ening straps and is sealed with a plastic foil. In case the rotary valve shall be
transported again, make sure it is fastened, packed, wrapped and sealed in a
similar way.

The connecting flanges of the rotary valve are closed with protective covers.
These must be removed before the valve is mounted.

The relevant dimensions including the weight of the rotary valve can be
learned from the dimension sheet hereto (Annex A).

As appropriate lifting points, only the flanges provided at the device may be

Warning !
A not properly fixed valve may fall down and severely contuse parts of
your body or parts of other persons standing by!
Danger of loss of limbs and severe bodily harm!
Lift the rotary valve only at the flanges provided for this purpose. Use
appropriate lifting gear only (as for the weight of the rotary valve,
please refer to Annex A).

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 11 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
6. Mounting

6. Mounting
Warning !
Rotating parts may severely contuse fingers or hands!
Danger of loss of limbs and severe bodily harm!
The rotary valve may be operated only after installation into a closed
overall system. Check and make sure that all safety relevant rules and
prescriptions have been adhered to and are thoroughly complied with.

The rotary valve is delivered ready for installation. Before mounting of the
valve, please check if the overall system into which the valve is installed
complies with and corresponds to the relevant safety technique standards
and provisions set out in the machine directive 98/37/EC or in directive
94/9/EC (ATEX). No risks or hazards for operators staff may emanate from
the valve after installation.

The rotary valve may only be mounted and electrically connected by per-
sonnel specially trained for the mounting and installation of machines in in-
dustrial systems.

Assembly steps:

Unpack the rotary valve and remove the protective covers from the in- and

Check the valve for transport damages. In case of damages, please inform
your superiors or contact ZEPPELIN.

Check the rotors of the rotary valve for dirt accumulation and foreign sub-
stances and clean it, if necessary (e.g. using a vacuum cleaner).

Mount the rotary valve in such a manner that there are no stresses.
With rotary feeder (blow-through) valves both clean air and conveying line
must be mounted stress-free.

Warning !
A not properly fixed valve may fall down and severely contuse parts of
your body or parts of other persons standing by!
Danger of loss of limbs and severe bodily harm!
Lift the rotary valve only at the flanges provided for this purpose. Use
appropriate lifting gear only (as for the weight of the rotary valve,
please refer to Annex A).

Take appropriate precautions to make sure that new dirt accumulations are
avoided and that there exist no foreign matters (e.g. gloves, welding rods
etc.) in the rotor.

Make sure to earth the rotary valve. Use the earthing points / earthing con-
nections marked and provided for this purpose and connect it to the earthing

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 12 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
7. Commissioning

The power supply must be connected in compliance with the electrical plan-
ning documents.

With rotary valves with locking air device a compressed air supply (exempt
from oil, water and dirt accumulations) must be connected to the solenoid
valve. This compressed air serves as positive air pressure at the bearing
shields and must be adjusted between 0.5 bar pe and max. 2.5 bar pe in such
manner that it comes to a value of 0.5 bar pe above conveying pressure.

According to ATEX directive 94/9/EC the following has to be observed for

the use of rotary valves in explosion resistant design in potentially explosive

• In case of an explosion a formation of back pressure in the purge air sys-

tem can be expected. The compressed air net has to be secured in an
adequate way by means of a check valve installed in front of the sole-
noid valve.

• The dimensioning and design of the purge air supply hoses and let off
leakage pipes or hoses (if existing) including their corresponding tie in
connections should be capable to stand a burst pressure of 10 bar.

7. Commissioning

Warning !
Rotating parts may severely contuse fingers or hands!
Danger of loss of limbs and severe bodily harm!
The rotary valve may be operated only after installation into a closed
overall system. Check and make sure that all safety relevant rules and
prescriptions have been adhered to and are thoroughly complied with.

For commissioning we recommend to have recourse to ZEPPELIN Silos &

Systems GmbH specialists. Otherwise, the commissioning may be per-
formed by a specially skilled and trained expert only.

If a rotary valve in explosion resistant design according to directive 94/9/EC

is concerned its proper condition with regard to installation, assembly, erec-
tion conditions and secure functioning must be checked according to § 14
(3) No.1 BetrSichV by a qualified person or an authorised inspection agency
before commissioning in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres.

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 13 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
7. Commissioning
The following must be checked when commissioning:
- Oil level of the gear motor
- Free and smooth run of the rotor
- Sense of rotation of back gear motor / rotor
- Locking air device
- Use in accordance with the relevant instructions for explosion
resistant design according to section 2.2.

Commissioning steps to be followed:

Check the oil level of the gear motor (refer to the separate gear motor oper-
ating instructions).

With rotary valves with gland seal the gland seal packing must be checked
and be adjusted slightly, if necessary. The maximum tightening moment to
be applied should be equivalent to 70 % of the tightening moment specified
in the corresponding table in chapter 8 herein. With special grease lubri-
cated models, check the grease lubrication too and re-grease, if need be ac-
cording to chapter 8.2, (to learn if or if not your rotary valve type is
equipped with a gland seal, please refer to the cover sheet of present Opera-
tion and Maintenance Instructions).

Disconnect and remove the power supply from the rotary valve and make
sure it is completely off circuit.

Remove the chain guard (if a chain drive exists).

Remove the chain from both motor and rotary valve (if a chain drive exists).
Remove the direct-coupled drive incl. motor (if a direct drive exists)

Check the rotor for smooth running by turning it full circle several times
manually. In the event this was impossible, check if there are any foreign
matters or substances in the rotor that obstruct the rotation.

Connect the gear motor and check its sense of rotation. If the sense of rota-
tion is not in conformity with the corresponding sense of rotation arrow
shown on the rotary valve, change the electrical connection.
Disconnect the rotary valve again so that it is completely off current supply.

Mount the chain and the chain guard again (if a chain drive exists).
Mount the direct-coupled drive incl. motor (if a direct drive exists)

Restore the current supply.

With rotary valves with locking air device the compressed air supply (ex-
empt from oil, water and dirt accumulations) must be checked. This com-
pressed air serves as positive air pressure at the bearing shields and must be
adjusted between 0.5 bar pe and 2.5 bar pe in such manner that it comes to a
value of 0.5 bar pe above conveying pressure.

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 14 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
7. Commissioning
Important: When activating the conveying air, the solenoid valve provided
for the locking air must open at the same time. When deactivating the con-
veying air, the solenoid valve must close again.

The rotary valve is now ready for operation. When operating it without any
product throughput, the valve must run smooth and no noises must be heard.

Based on the design and construction of the rotary valve, start-up of the
valve under the full product column is assured with all products conveyed.

Applies to rotary valves with case heating only:

With rotary valve types with case heating the valve must not be oper-
ated without case heating !

General information on the rapid cleaning type model (type designation

marked "X") with power transmission via overrunning clutch at the rotor

With type models equipped with overrunning clutch it is prohibited to

change the sense of the rotor rotation (reverse motion)!
Caution: when disregarding this, parts of the rotary valve may be

The overrunning clutch must be protected against overload (e.g. in case of

lock-ups or jams). Appropriate measures (e.g. shearing bolt, friction cou-
pling) must be taken to make sure that the rotary valve cannot lock-up or
jam due to inexpert operation. Inexpert or improper operation may be attrib-
utable to foreign matters or substances contained in the product or to loop-
ing (granulated plastic products) etc.

Caution: friction coupling / shearing bolt to be applied only in combination

with rotation monitor!

Caution: the overrunning clutch must not be greased or lubricated!

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Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
8. Maintenance
8. Maintenance
Due to its construction, the rotary valve needs almost no attendance. How-
ever, we recommend to check the rotary valve every three months for proper
functioning and to replace worn parts.
When performing this control, the following must be checked:
− Smooth running of the valve;
− Functioning of the bearings with purging device
(with locking air type only);
− Chain adjustment, tension of the chain: re-grease chain using oil
conforming to standard DIN 51 517 T.3 CLP-220, if necessary;
− Shaft seal (sealing ring, gland seal);
− Gap measurements for rotary valves as protective systems according to
directive 94/9/EC.
With hard and tenacious granulated product types the case inlet edges as
well as the chain and the chain wheels are subject to special loads exerted
on them. Glass fibre filled granulated plastic products too result in wear at
those places where the product passes. These circumstances need your con-
stant attention. The user should, if need be, assure by performing initial tests
that - with rotary valves that are used as ignition- and explosion-proof de-
coupling system – the width of the gap between housing and rotor does not
exceed the admissible value that can be learned from the EC type examina-
tion certificate or the table with the maximum admissible gaps in the annex.

8.1 Replacement of wear and spare parts

If wear or spare parts - as listed in Annex C / Designation of parts – are to
be replaced, the rotary valve must be removed from the system in due com-
pliance with all relevant safety information and be brought to a repair shop.
This maintenance must not be performed at site!
The disassembly including subsequent dismantling of the rotary valve may
only be performed by an expert specially trained for this purpose.
For rotary valves with explosion resistant design according to directive
94/9/EC the following has to be observed for the use in areas with poten-
tially explosive atmospheres:

• The rotary valve with explosion-proof certificate could be designed with

adjustable tips which are spot welded to the star feeder to avoid de-
adjustment. Before removing the tips, the spot welds should be ground,
the tips adjusted to achieve the correct gap and re-welded to the star
feeder by means of spot welding.
The bolts for the adjustable tips should be secured using a glue (e.g. Loc-
tite 243).
The tips have to be checked for wear and tear and for their tight seat
quarterly. If a non-abrasive product is conveyed the checking interval can
be prolonged if the field experience is increasingly positive, in case of a
highly abrasive product the tests must be made in a monthly interval
which can be prolonged as well if the field experience is positive.
Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 16 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
8. Maintenance

• After an explosion, the rotary valves should be inspected for damage

from impact pressure and thermal effects.

• After alterations have been made the proper condition concerning assem-
bly, installation, erection conditions and secure functioning has to be
checked by the manufacturer, a qualified person or an authorised inspec-
tion agency.

We recommend to have recourse to ZEPPELIN Silos & Systems GmbH ser-

vicing personnel who dispose of the required tools and who can thus per-
form the necessary replacement quickly and safe.

For the disassembly please use the sectional drawing contained in the docu-
mentation supplied with the rotary valve.

8.2 Servicing of the gland seal

If or if not your rotary valve type is equipped with a gland seal i.e. with or
without purge air can be learned from the cover sheet of present Operation
and Maintenance Instructions. With rotary valve types equipped with a
gland seal we recommend to check the gland seal packing regularly every
three months. Make sure to check it for tightness (readjust, if necessary) and
check for lubrication, too (silicone grease). The maximum tightening mo-
ment to be applied should be equivalent to 70 % of the tightening moment
specified in the corresponding table in chapter 8 herein.
Lubrication intervals: with 24 hour operation: 1 x per week or
after 160 service hours
with 16 hour operation: all 2 weeks
with 8 hour operation: 1 x each month

8.3 Cleaning of the rotary valve

The rotary valve is to be kept free from dust and other forms of dirt and de-
bris. Dust or product in the chain guard can lead to chain wear.

8.3.1 Type without rapid cleaning option

If the rotary valve needs to be cleaned, the valve must be removed from the
system in due compliance with all relevant safety information and be
brought to a repair shop. Any such cleaning must not be performed at site!

8.3.2 Type with rapid cleaning option (type designation marked "X")
The rotary valve may be performed by specially trained personnel only. Be-
fore cleaning, it must be made sure that the product influx into the rotary
valve is closed and that the valve can be operated in empty condition.

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 17 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
8. Maintenance

Parts or matters flung out under pressure can cause bodily harm to
operators staff!
Before performing a rapid cleaning / before dismounting the bearing
shield make sure the rotary valve is completely off circuit and has
been unpressurized.
No system pressure must exist in the conveying line or in the
rotary valve inlet!

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 18 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
8. Maintenance
Disconnect / interrupt the current

Make sure the rotary valve is

switched off pressure and is com-
pletely unpressurized

With leakage air type:

Interrupt the compressed air supply

with support without support Push back screws

Push the guide rods of the rapid

cleaning system backwards.

Loosen the hexagon head bolts of the

bearing shield that exist at the clean-
ing side (side without drive motor).

Screw two hexagon head bolts down into the forcing threads provided
for this purpose in the bearing shield. Screw the hexagon head bolts in
steadily, so as to push the bearing shield back against the housing

Use both hands now to pull the

rotary valve out till it reaches
the edge of the cage.

If existing, hang the support up.

If the support is hung up, the

rotary valve can be pulled out
of the cage completely.

with support without support

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 19 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
8. Maintenance
The pull-out length of the rotary valve has been such dimensioned, that not
only the cage inside but also - if existing - both feeding pot and air leakage
detector can be cleaned from the cage side. A small vacuum cleaner with
suction hose and cleaning nozzle suits best for this purpose. In potentially
explosive environments or for the removal of combustible dusts a vacuum
cleaner that has been designed such that it is free from ignition sources is to
be used , e.g. a mobile vacuum cleaner of the class B1.

Assembly of the rotary valve takes place in inverse order. In addition, the
following points must be observed, thereby:

Model types with overrunning clutch

− All parts must be cleaned carefully, in particular the drive shaft that
projects into the rotary valve cage (connection of rotary valve and drive).

Model types with groove and spigot

− All parts must be cleaned carefully and the drive spigot as well as the
corresponding drilled hole in the groove of the rotary valve must - before
engaging them - be cleaned from any probably existing dirt accumula-
tions or contamination.

− Existing o-rings must be checked if they are seated properly and the forc-
ing bolts be removed.

− When introducing it again without support, lift the rotary valve slightly.

− Use the fixing bolts in order to pull the bearing shield steadily over to its
seat. The corresponding tightening moments can be learned from the fol-
lowing table.

Table: Tightening moments to be applied to set screws

Thread Tightening moment

M / Nm
M8 17,9
M10 36
M12 61
M16 147
M20 297
M24 512

Values applicable subject to the following conditions:

- Property class 8.8
- Friction coefficient µ = 0.12
- Screw in lubricated condition

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 20 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
9. Elimination of faults

9. Elimination of faults

Fault Possible reason Elimination

For locking air type models only: No compressed air exists. - Restore the compressed air
network and check the
No compressed air supplied to the compressed air lines;
locking air device. The electric solenoid valve at - Check the power supply
the rotary valve does not and reconnect it, if neces-
switch. sary;
- Clean the solenoid valve
- Replace the solenoid
- Provide for drying by
means of compressed air;
- Provide for valve heating.

Rotary valve lock-ups or jams. Foreign matters or substances Remove the rotary valve
exist in the rotor. and check it.

Wrong operating temperature Inform ZEPPELIN

(temp. of rotary valve / case).

Noise production (transmission). Chain drive: Check the chain tension and
readjust it if necessary,
grease the chain.

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 21 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 12.09.2007; Subject to alteration!
Annex A Dimension sheet
Assembly dimensions Rotary feeder (blow-through valve) DX5/DGX15 with rapid cleaning
option and spigot / groove coupling


Größe Ltr./U U/min Motor Rohr Gew.(kg)

Tube Weight (kg) A B C D E
Size Ltrs./ rpm (kW) DN St/Al
160 2.6 55 0.25 40 80/55 240 210 160 12 875
200 5.4 45 0.37 50 110/70 290 260 200 12 975
250 10.5 40 0.55 65 165/95 350 310 250 12 975
320 21.8 35 0.75 100 275/155 420 380 320 14 1105
400 43.3 30 1.5 125 420/280 500 470 400 14 1440
565 515 26 1440
500 87.0 25 2.2 150 705/475 670 620 500 18 1440

Größe Anz
Size no.
160 530 12 280 560 241 1403 275 410 790 81 26 6
200 620 12 320 611 268 1555 320 460 860 100 32 6
250 680 12 360 661 293 1525 370 510 910 105 34 6
320 835 16 500 748 332 1673 440 580 102 128 42 8
400 1020 16 630 904 397 2145 550 700 126 162 52 8
500 1100 20 710 1004 474 2140 640 800 136 195 63 12

Rotary Valve Page 22 - 25

Annex B Sectional drawing

Sectional drawing: Rotary feeder (blow-through valve) DX5/DGX15 with rapid cleaning
option and spigot / groove coupling

Rotary Valve Page 23 - 25

Annex C Designation of parts
Designation of parts Rotary feeder (blow-through valve) DX5/DGX15 with rapid cleaning
option and spigot / groove coupling

01 Case 17 Fillister head screw 29 Set screw

02 Rotor 18 Fillister head screw 30 Spline
03 Bearing shield 19 Hexagon head bolt 31 Sleeve
04 Bearing shield with disc 32 O-ring
* 05 Deep-groove ball bearing 20 Hexagon nut with disc 33 Fillister head screw
* 06 Shaft sealing ring 21 Threaded bolt 34 Fillister head screw
07 Shim ring 22 Hexagon head bolt with disc
08 Guard ring with disc 36 Guide rod
09 Hose coupling 23 Chain wheel, rot. valve 37 Air distribution ring
10 Shim ring 24 Chain wheel, motor 38 Bearing extension
12 Cover * 25 Chain with chain joint 39 Drive shaft
* 13 Shaft nut 26 Motor plate 47 O-ring 1)
14 Clamping ring 27 Chain guard 50 Fillister head screw
15 Shim ring 28 Helical-geared motor

Only with gas-tight execution together with
pos. 47

Wear parts (wear parts for 2 year operation term are marked *)

Pos. Pcs. Designation

05 4 Deep-groove ball bearing

06 4 Shaft sealing ring
13 1 Shaft nut
25 1 Chain with chain joint

Inquiry Order form

Sender: always to be indicated in case of inquiries

Company: _____________________ Fabrication no.:

Department: _____________________ Rotary valve type: __________________

Place: _____________________ Number of pieces: _______

Signature: _____________________

Fax no.: _____________________ Fax to: + 49 7541 202-582

Rotary Valve Page 24 - 25

Annex D Manufacturer’s Declaration
Declaration of Conformity
EC Type Examination Certificate

Documentation Rotary Valve / Chemistry and Works Standard Line Page 25 – 25
Docu-no.: GB; Data of issue 31.05.2005; Subject to alteration!
Herstellererklärung im Sinne der EG-Maschinenrichtlinie
98/37/EG, Anhang II B
Silos & Systems GmbH Manufacturer’s Declaration acc. to Machinery Directive
98/37/EC, Annex II B

Hersteller: Zeppelin Silos & Systems GmbH

Manufacturer: Leutholdstraße 108
88045 Friedrichshafen
phone: +49 7541 202-02
e-mail: -

Hiermit erklären wir, dass die nachfolgend We declare that the plant/machine/partial machine
bezeichnete Anlage/Maschine/Teilmaschine in der described below in the delivered application, is determined
von uns gelieferten Ausführung zum Einbau in for the installation into a plant/machine or for the assembly
eine Anlage/Maschine oder Zusammenbau mit with other machines. It is designed according to the basic
anderen Maschinen bestimmt ist und die safety and health requirements.
grundlegenden Sicherheits- und
Gesundheitsanforderungen erfüllen.

Die Inbetriebnahme ist solange untersagt, bis The putting into operation is prohibited until it is found out
festgestellt wurde, dass die Maschine/Anlage, in that the machine/plant (in which our products
die unsere Produkte eingebaut werden sollen, den should be installed) is in accordance to the EC Directives.
Bestimmungen der EG-Richtlinien entsprechen.

Bezeichnung: Zellenradschleusen
Description: Rotary Valves

A(X), D(X), AE(S), AG(X), DG(X), AGY(X), AGN(X), AGA(X),

Baureihe/Type: AGK(X), DE(S), DGY (X), DGN(X), APY(X), APN(X), APA(X),

Einschlägige EG-Richtlinien: • 98/37/EG Maschinenrichtlinie

Relevant EC Directives: 98/37/EC Machinery Directive
• 89/336/EWG Elektromechanische Verträglichkeit
89/336/EEC EMC Directive
• 73/23/EWG Niederspannungsrichtlinie
73/23/EEC Low Voltage Directive

Angewandte harmonisierte • DIN EN ISO 12100-1:2003

Normen: • DIN EN ISO 12100-2:2003
Applied harmonized standards: • DIN EN 60204-1:2007

Friedrichshafen, 06.03.2008

Datum/Unterschrift des Herstellers: Vertriebsleiter Komponenten und Geschäftsführer / Managing Director

Date/Signature of Manufacturer: Ersatzteile/Head of Department Rochus Hofmann
Sales Components and Spare Parts
Martin Frank

Erstellung: S. Gey Ident- Nr. Datei: Herstellererkl._Schleusen.doc

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