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61. Do you know where ...?

a) was Shakespeare born;

b) has Shakespeare been born;

c) did Shakespeare born;

d) Shakespeare was born.

62. Betty ... a lot of presents on her birthday.

a) was been given;

b) gave;

c) was giving;

d) was given.

63. The detective provided me with ... important information.

a) a lot of;

b) another;

c) an;

d) a.

64. My nephews speak French really ... .

a) good;

b) well;

c) better;

d) best.
65. Last month my brother earned ... I did.

a) twice as much as;

b) twice more as;

c) twice more than;

d) twice as.

66. You ... listen to me when I'm talking to you!

a) can;

b) need;

c) should;

d) ought.

67. You can't go out in such ... weather.

a) a;

b) -;

c) an;

d) the.

68. We would go for a walk if .... .

a) the storm were not;

b) it was not the storm;

c) it would not be for the storm;

d) it weren't for the storm.

69. I will go fishing with you tomorrow if I ... free.

a) am;

b) shall be;

c) were;

d) am going to be.

70. I'm really looking ... Christmas this year.

a) after;

b) out for;

c) into;

d) forward to.

71. This is ... food left, it's not enough for everyone.

a) much;

b) little;

c) few;

d) a few.

72. You will have lunch after you ... your hands.

a) have washed;

b) washed;

c) will wash;

d) had washed.
73. When we got to the chalet, it ... for three hours.

a) was raining;

b) has been raining;

c) had been raining;

d) will be raining.

74. This time tomorrow our friends ... to Egypt.

a) will be travelling;

b) would travel;

c) will travel;

d) will have travelled.

75. The harder he worked ... .

a) were the better his results;

b) his results were the better;

c) the better his results were;

d) the better were his results.

76. She would have caught a train if she ... a taxi.

a) took;

b) would take;

c) would have taken;

d) had taken.
77. I am three years older than you ...?

a) isn't it;

b) am I;

c) aren't I;

d) is it.

78. "Where is your mother now?" "She ... be cooking at the moment."

a) can;

b) must;

c) need;

d) had to.

79. All her children take advantage ... her generosity.

a) for;

b) with;

c) of;

d) in.

80. My uncle, ... was born abroad, now lives here.

a) which;

b) that;

c) what;

d) who.
81. I think she is going to be ... her mother.

a) so pretty than;

b) as pretty than;

c) so pretty as;

d) as pretty as.

82. John asked if he can bring a friend of ... to the party.

a) him;

b) her;

c) his;

d) hers.

83. "I lived in London for ten years." He said ..., in London for ten years.

a) he lived;

b) he had lived;

c) he was living;

d) he would live.

84. "Where are your parents?" She asked ... .

a) where my parents were;

b) where were my parents;

c) where are my parents;

d) where my parents are.

85. My house ... at the moment.

a) will be painted;

b) is being painted;

c) was painted;

d) has been painted.

86. He is lazy. He ... studies at all.

a) always;

b) often;

c) hardly;

d) sometimes.

87. "What will you do next week?" He asked me ... .

a) what will I do next week;

b) what I would do the next week;

c) what would I do the next week;

d) what I will do next week.

88. While I ... in the park I met my friend.

a) was walking;

b) walked;

c) had walked;

d) would walk.
89. If you don't know the word, look it ... in the dictionary.

a) on;

b) up;

c) over;

d) out.

90. You should wipe your ... before you enter the house.

a) foot;

b) foots;

c) feet;

d) feets.

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