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a PHYS 260 Problem Set 7 1. The HERA colliding beam accelerator in Hamburg, Germany was built to look for structure in the quarks that are found inside the proton. This was done by scattering high energy electrons off protons. (Similar experiments at lower energies at revealed the presence of quarks inside the proton.) In HERA a beam of electrons collided head-on with a beam of protons. Bach electron had total energy of 27 GeV and each proton had total energy of 820 GeV. (a) using four-vectors, calculate the centre-of-mass energy of these collisions. (The centre-of-mass energy is the total energy available for new particle production in a frame where there is no net ‘momentum, ie where the colliding particles have equal and opposite momentum.) (b) again using four-vectors, calculate the energy required of an electron hitting a stationary proton that would give the same centre-of-mass energy. (This is called “fixed target’ mode. } (©) what would be the de Broglie wavelength of such an electron? This gives «in indication of the minimum size of the structure that one could hope to resolve. We com timasere Re etachors bovelliz A tla Posvior x otiecton ancl De Peto pte ragatisr » oinectin The & morn are: be = & 0,9, C€a/e) bes GP, 0,2, é&p/e) Tim tle comstu-of- mass firme dese ow by’: (CP, 0,0,58A) Be p09, ce Ze) By 1 PL > (0,0, 0, Gre %) +p, 0, (lem) Fars dle Guorbaus ef, 4 yectin scolor proolucts we hour (eg igey = we BEA Zee Pe = ~ Gos imp 2p hy PER > 2 ore ce AM Mh amersins rp we mic etn (ma 0 wp EO ont Pee Gy & So Soe = SEE Een © EE < 2¥Br8W = 242 +300 el 1b) Ty tle same Cams woe to be obtuse vi a foie tage” wepuirrenct oe wore hove ta veces: i) ps, = GL 00 &2 /e) Pe < (0 0, ©, Empe) Rages uss wnraruama. of salar products , (pes PRY = Gre = Compe)! = 2 amy aso /C Els bens (Limp = 300*/2 Usds Impd~ 1 Gv 2 45000 GeV" e) Users a h/p wk per El = 4S x)0% Gav 24-5 xpBav Os bet ds he s 4 nid a5 2% p08 mis! * O p< S.5 X08 Vv 2 BEKO wm 2. In the Davisson-Germer experiment, at what angle would the reflected electron beam appear if the accelerating voltage had been 105 V instead of 54 V? Lm tle Dorrsse- Goren axpeinnsrrs| te rectors atectiens heel a werctrgth d= Mp nla kes S62 = (Od @t - me pus VOF4 me) = Gey = 7424 2 Dz OIF nm — (usa he = 1240 2 nan) Lf ther, back used 108 pols shad of $4 dln tle fein ht merge, world he IX eV. pov Gost me) - fact) > 2360 WV Y= OL1ZO nae The condidisn fr moan scattering As Aso unt Lt 0.215 am Sun® = fa Oe si for Ae OF mm 34° 0-12 Teas: Wall 198 VOLE Of acenlratin ta omgle slits 4s 34° a & wae contol dower A fe jor it im. = WR iucclenr SUR) 3. In order for an electron to be confined to a nucleus, its de Broglie wavelength would have to be Jess than 10-" m. (a) what would be the kinetic energy of an electron confined to a region of this size? (b) on the basis of this result, would you expect to find an electron in a nucleus? Explain. Dch/p pes he/r = to ene 2 124 Mw 10°S nam Ke py abet) Gnd) 128-5 me Fa an elechen te be bonnet nile ruckus ots pte prongs want be ss them worn. Ez K+XU <0 Suc Ks/t¢mev “we-l?ém Fa a Ctomk golertak Us haat all he Vanes Ge fate coach ao gr & Te Holal clare sole 2 bn bron fom tes hyebrosen atom thet ake si av ot os Fa te. growet abe of Yn burr oten mi. kK 2 1 she 4 be ee mR (362 Ss Gel. © Cramebe (3.6 VO 13 OB nav OS MOL = 3.9287 fae A= 7-6 mE ~ = 0.076 nom Fa ns 0.076 pha onl Gite Ks Bb eV BA we park —/2E MeV, ober 17 harper potortal welt. We. cemercl erwess Gy bry are thew @ focke to4e WO bd S This ques ad wT A pn for *0-lam ts so San Te GAN clamp hs Yuan eral P10, The x Gas tan 107 So alachas ae net Dapectel te be ferret te purer,

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