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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga del Sur


Media Information Literacy
1st Semester
Date: _________________

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, learners will able to:
K --- Describe the different forms or types of media.
S --- Classify each type of media in terms of its content
A --- Demonstrate cooperation in the given task

II. Subject Matter: Types of Media

A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and MIL
related concepts
B. Performance Standard: The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community focusing
on being a media and information literate individual.
C. Learning Competencies: Classifies contents of different media types.
D. Code: MIL11/12TYM-IIId-10
E. References: CG, MIL Book, Google.
F. Instructional Materials: Printed Handouts, PowerPoint slides
Values Integration: Knowledge, attitudes, skills

III. Procedure (Lesson Development):

A. Preliminary Activities
Checking of Attendance
Review of the previous lesson
B. Motivation
Group the students by row or by table. Let the students by group perform the task that the teacher will be
flashing in the screen. Group that has more correct answers will be the given a prize. The following are the tasks
that the students will do:
1st Round: Sight hidden words – Students will find all the hidden words in the picture.

2nd Round: Word Puzzle – Students will write all the words they will find in the puzzle. The words are referring
to media.
3rd Round: Name that Icon – Students will name the common social media icons as many as they can.

D. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
With the same group, students will try to name the things they will see on the screen and give
description on the following Media types being presented. The group will then present their output in the class.

b. Analysis
Ask the learners ask what they have learned about the activity.
HOTS questions are follows:
 What type of media are you familiar with?
 What other types of media do you know?
 How would you identify the types of media based on its content?
 Do they have the same format or ways in presenting a data?

c. Abstraction
Discuss the Types of Media.
 Print Media – Is a form of advertising that uses physically printed materials and that are physically
Examples of Print media:

 Broadcast Media – Is the most expedient means to transmit information immediately to the widest
possible audience.
Is also called a “household media”
Example of Broadcast Media:
 Film / Cinema Media – Considered as impressionable and has cathartic effect on audience.
Example of Film/Cinema Media:

 New Media – Digital media that are interactive, incorporate two-way communication and involve some
form of computing.
Example of New Media:

 Video Presentation – Types of media

d. Application:

Same groupings let the students make a graphic organizer to classify the given pictures based on its
content where does media types belongs. Each group will present its output in the class. Present the rubric for the
for the scoring guide.


IV. Evaluation

1. Which of the following is an example of Print Media?

I. Books, Flyers, Film
II. Magazines, Newspaper, Facebook
III. Posters, textbooks, Flyers
IV. Love Radio, Internet, Facegram
a. I, II b. III only c. I, III d. IV only
2. ABS-CBN Patrol aired on Channel 2 is an example of?
a. Print Media b. Broadcast Media c. Film/Cinema Media d. New Media
3. Forms of electronic communication through which people create online communities to share information,
ideas, and personal messages.
a. New Media b. Social Media c. Broadcast Media d. Media Convergence
4. The following are example of Social media EXCEPT:
a. Facebook b. Film c. Tumbler d. Twitter
5. The following are example of New media EXCEPT:
a. YouTube b. SnapChat c. Vlog d. Magazines
6. Promotional poster uploaded in Facebook is an example of?
a. Broadcast Media b. Social Media c. New Media d. Print Media
7. It is global network that facilitates connectivity and communication with people from all over the world.
a. Broadcast media b. Social Media c. Internet d. Newspaper

8. Why do you think that Broadcast media is also called as a “household media”?
a. Because TV and Radio are example of Broadcast media that can be found in any corner of a home.
b. Because Broadcast media is an appliances that is visible in a home
c. Because “household media” is the home of a Broadcast media
d. Because “household media” are TV and Radios.
9. “Jason Bourne” movie shown in theater is an example of?
a. Film media b. Movie Media c. New Media d. Social Media
10. Type of media that reach target audiences using airwaves as the transmission medium.
a. Broadcast media b. Print Media c. Print media d. Digital media

V. Assignment/ Agreement

List down other types of media do you know. Write it on your notebook.

Prepared by: Checked By:

Joan B. Langam Narcisa B. Langam

SHS Teacher – II School Head / HT- IV

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