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E.Q 3.

2: Exercise – Fill in the Correct Pronoun

all it she you anybody me someone each other me he
that more either myself they everybody neither this other us
herself she mine I whatever what am

Emily sits by her desk. 1. ________ studies for an exam. Actually, 2.________forces 3.________to
study for that exam, since 4.________really wants to do is go outside and play soccer! Her friend
Kelly stands by at her window. 5.________ throws a little stone at it and then calls, "Is there
"Yes, am here!" Emily answers. " 7.________is so unfair! 8.________ want to be outside with
9._____ and not here with those boring booklets!" “10. ________ you are doing with these boring
booklets, 11._________ should come out and play with 12.________!" Kelly calls back.
I can’t do 13.________ ," Emily says sadly. "This exam of 14.________ is tomorrow,
so now 15.________ need to study for 16.________." She takes the stone that Kelly threw in,
and sends 17.________ flying outside. Then 18.________ closes the window. 19.________ knows
that 20.________ else studied already, and now 21.________ of them are playing outside.
"Well," she thinks to 22.________ ,” 23.________ is my test, and I 24.________ have to study for
it. 25.________ know that Kelly wants to help 26.________ , but not this time. 27.________ can
help 28.________ with other things."29.________ takes another look at her two booklets.
30.________ tries to read a page of the first booklet, and then a page of the book ________ .
________ are boring.”
“31. ________ of you are interesting!" she tells them seriously. "What can 32.________ do?" she

thinks to 33.________ . "I really had enough!" Suddenly, a great idea comes to her mind. "

34.________ know!" she calls, "I’ll make a drawing of 35.________ I read! I like to draw, and

drawings will make 36.________ interesting!" She grabs her pencil and happily begins to draw.

37.________ and more is drawn on her notebook, and after two hours she finishes her booklets.

She is tired but happy, and 38.________ can finally go out to play. "Where is 39.________ ?" she

asks 40.________ . Emily notices it is dark already. "I guess they 41.________ went home . . ."

Suddenly 42.________ rings her doorbell. 43.________ are Kelly and the rest of her friends

44.________ are 45.________ tired and they want to watch a movie together. Emily is very

happy. She can now enjoy a movie with her friends!

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