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Lightbody - book 2

channeled by
Catherine Kapahi


from His

© 2015 Catherine Kapahi

ISBN 978-1-927762-16-5

All rights including the rights to translate or to

reproduce this book or parts thereof except for brief
quotations are reserved.

First Edition, 2015 – 400 Copies

Published by:
Sai Channeled Book Company
60 Walter Havill Drive, Unit 1208
Halifax, N.S., Canada B3N 0A9

Printed by:
Omkar Offset Printers
Bangalore, India

Cover illustration:
Maja Wizor

channeled by
Catherine Kapahi


speaks from His
Sai Channeled Book Company

Dedicated at the Lotus Feet


Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

The Eternal Witness

The Merciful Guru


The Divine Mother


Father of All

Sixty-three Essays


speaks from His

Lightbody - book 2

Part One

The New Sadhana

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

Lightbody - book 2

Fortunate are those few who have heeded the call

to open their hearts to let Me in to be near them
and to commune with them heart to heart, Atma
to Atma. As long as devotees do not develop this
heart to heart relationship they will not know
Sathya Sai Baba intimately. Why to prolong this
outer relationship when it is not leading anywhere?
It would be better to spend your time more wisely
by going inward to discover your reality and My
reality which are the same reality; namely, Atma
to Atma. You have wasted enough time on outer
observances and rituals and have still not found
Me. Now it is time to use other methods to find

Saints and sages of the past performed many

austerities to find God in their hearts. You have

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

not been asked by Me to perform any austerities as

that has not been My way to teach Self realization
to My devotees. Instead I have asked you to find
God in your heart by doing namasmarana and
bhajan only. I have also asked you to perform
selfless service to find God in the hearts of all those
you serve. However this has not been enough. You
still have not found Me in your heart. Why not?
You are not committed to finding Me and joining
with Me in the heart. If you were committed you
would have found Me by now. What do I mean
by commitment to finding Me? What I mean is
to want Me, God, above all else in your life. I see
that this is not the case for most of you. I see that
most of you are enmeshed in family life, social life,
job situation, and so many duties and obligations
you feel you must attend to or else someone may
disapprove of you. If they disapprove of you you
will feel disturbed and anxious. So you spend
your time trying to keep other people happy. Is
this the way to Self realization? I say no it is not
the way. First and foremost you are to make God
happy. And what makes God happy? That you are

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with Him in the heart communing with Him. He

created you to be His playmates, His confidants
with whom He can have a loving heart to heart
relationship. So pleasing other people is not the
way to please God. You must realize that pleasing
other people will not lead to Self realization.

You need not bother about what other people

think and say about you. That is their business
and they will get over it in due course. You cannot
please everyone all of the time or even some of the
time. Better that you enter into a relationship with
Me in the heart so that you will feel uplifted all
of the time rather than trying to please everyone
around you. It has been said that God loves all of
His children equally and this is true. If this is true
and I assure that it is, all of My devotees have My
love in equal measure. This being the case, all can
experience My love if they open their hearts to Me
in loving devotion to God. So it behooves you to

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

follow My advice and develop your relationship

with Me heart to heart, Atma to Atma. In this way
you will be fulfilled spiritually and have more to
offer to others. In this way you will be happy and
make others happy rather than believing you have
to please people all of the time. Otherwise you will
be exhausted, enmeshed in worldly life and never
find Me Who am dwelling in your heart eternally,
waiting for you to join with Me. I am explaining
to you one reason why you have not been able to
connect with Me in the heart for Self realization.

Now another reason: Many of you are not putting in

the effort it takes to go within to find Me in the heart
and join with Me there in union and communion.
Why is it that you are not putting concerted effort
to find Me? It is because you believe it is up to Me
to exert most of the effort to bring you to Me. After
all, you believe since I am God I can do anything.
However I have given you free will. This means
that you are an autonomous being and must use
your free will to decide what you want in life, and
that is another reason why you are not finding Me

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in your heart. So what should you do in this case

to find Me in your heart? Realize that you hold the
power to decide what you truly want in life. Next
make a firm commitment to join with Me in your
heart one to one.

It is not too late to make these adjustments in

your lifestyle that I have been describing to you in
the last two essays. You become aware of where
the mistakes are, then make the efforts to correct
them. It is up to you to make the corrections, not
Me. All the time you have been freely choosing the
actions that you wish to take, so you must change
the actions that you wish to do. If you wish to find
Me in your heart, do what I am asking you to do of
your own free will. This will empower you to find
a new way of acting in the world that will lead you
to union with Me in the heart. If you do not change
your way of acting in the world you will remain
stuck where you are and not be able to join with

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

Me in the heart we share. It is My hope that you

will heed My words so that you will make spiritual
progress with Me as your Satguru and God.

It won’t be that easy to turn the tide in a new

direction from the one you have been following,
but it will be worth the efforts to do it for your sake.
I am telling you all this to set you free in God.

There is another reason why you are not able to join

with Me in the heart. It has to do with your attitude
toward Me, an attitude that is not conducive to a
heart to heart relationship. Because you see Me as
a God outside of you, much greater than you in
every way, you believe that you are too small and
inconsequential to be entitled to join with Me in
the heart. This is the result of your own negative
thinking about yourself and about Me. This is
the result of the conditioning you have allowed
to enter your mind from the family, society and

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religious institutions. Because you have believed

what others have told you without question, you
are the one who now has to rid yourself of them
using the power of your free will. Many of you will
demand an answer as to why God would allow
this to happen to His children whom He loves so
dearly. This mass conditioning has been created
due to the ignorance of humankind, not by God.
So human beings themselves must remove this
ignorance and conditioning that has come upon
them. I am here to show you the way to do this.
That is one purpose of these essays. I am speaking
to you now to show you where you are making
mistakes in your sadhana.

To put it bluntly, you all need to wake up to the

fact that you are wasting time spinning your
wheels and getting nowhere, spiritually speaking
of course. I am attempting to drive it home to you
that you are practicing your spiritual path in the

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

wrong way which will not lead you to the goal

of mergence with God in your heart. What I am
going to tell you next is very important so please
pay attention to My words so you will not miss
this opportunity to merge with Me. There is very
little time left before the world as you have known
it will disappear before your eyes. If you have
not found the inner peace and stability within
the spiritual heart before this happens, you will
panic when it does happen. Nothing can stop this
great change that is coming upon the earth, so it
is best to be prepared for it when it does come.
Many unforeseen calamities are going to take
place around the world in a very short time and
I wish My devotees to be prepared for this. This
is how I wish you to prepare for this upcoming
unrest. Join everyday with Me in the heart as
often as you can in silence and stillness, repeating
inwardly, Aum Sai Ram or Aum Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai Babaya namaha. In this way you will
develop the inner connection with Me in the heart
Atma to Atma, so you will come to realize you are
God. This realization will give you the fulfillment

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that you are seeking to find in the world but have

been unable to find here. Though you have been
trying to find fulfillment in the worldly life you
have been unsuccessful in this, so now it is time to
pursue a new spiritual path that is certain to fulfill
you by showing you an eternal life filled with joy
and peace.

Today I wish to speak to you about a new topic;

namely, your response to situations and people
with whom you interact in the world. Most of you
do not know how to respond to difficult situations
and people. No one has taught you how to deal
with difficult people and situations. Now I am
going to tell you how to do this in a spiritual way.
When you are confronted with a difficult person
and there is little time to respond, I want you to do
nothing except remain silent, go within and chant
My name until you feel peaceful and happy again,
so that you do not lose your equanimity and peace.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

You can do this wherever you are while standing

or sitting. The important thing is that you do it
immediately before negative thoughts and feelings
cause you to think, say or do something negative
that you will later on regret having participated in.
The idea here is for you to maintain inner purity at
all times no matter what comes to you from outside
of our oneness in the heart Atma to Atma.

Now I wish to speak to you about another matter;

that of how to deal with demanding relatives. There
are all sorts of duties and obligations that one is
obliged to follow from the scriptures of all religions
that people believe they must follow religiously or
else they will be deviating from the word of God
and have negative karmic consequences come
upon them in the future. To avoid these karmic
consequences it is believed by many that they
must submit themselves to other family members
and obey their dictates, ideas and desires. God has
never asked any person to do this. This goes against
the free will and freedom that God embodies and
that you embody as having been created by God

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in His image or likeness. I wish you to know that

you should never follow anybody else but instead
follow your consciousness which is the voice of
God within you that is truth, rather than what
other people tell you, or expect you to do. This is
very important for I see that most of you believe
you must follow many scriptural restrictions,
rituals and rules that restrict your freedom and
free will. The time has come for you to let these
go. They are not helping you to go inward to find
Me in your heart, Atma to Atma. You need not
be afraid to do this as nothing negative is going
to happen when you follow My advice for your
Self realization and advancement. I am telling you
this through My Authority as God and Satguru so
you will not hesitate to heed My guidance for you
without any fear about any reactions from your
relatives related to your new spiritual path with
Me, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba as your God
and Satguru.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

So now you know that you are perfectly free and

you are not under the authority of any other human
being nor religious scriptures that would curb
your freedom to follow your own consciousness,
the voice of God within your heart that speaks
only about what is true, good and beautiful, and
never anything negative nor hurtful or that would
limit the freedom or free will of His children in any
way. If you hear any words from within contrary
to this, you may rest assured that they have not
come from God but have come from one’s own
ego or the ego of another that has gained entry into
your mind to influence you according to its ideas
that are similar to your ideas that you have held
for some time. You see it is very important for you
to monitor the purity of the thoughts you allow
to find a home in your mind, and immediately
discard any impure or disturbing thoughts that
would prevent the voice of God from being heard
from within your consciousness.

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Another reason why devotees are not able to join

with Me in the heart that we share is due to their
inability to control their minds. It is your job to
control your mind. It is not God’s responsibility
to control your mind. Though you may say you
have offered your mind to God, it is still your job
to control your mind, not God’s responsibility to
control your mind and keep it pure and equanimous
at all times. I am telling you this so you will see
that you have been having the wrong ideas about
your mind and the correct manner in which to
manage it. So from now on I wish you to practice
controlling your mind by repetition of My name
Aum Sai Ram or Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
whenever you remember to do this. Repetition of
My name will help to ward off useless, harmful
thoughts, preventing them from entering your
mind and causing negativity, impurity and unrest
in yourself and those with whom you come into

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

You may say that you have tried to control your

mind for a long time and have not experienced
success with controlling the thoughts that do not
cease even for a moment. Devotees are unable to
find a method to help them quiet their minds so that
they are able to join with Me in our shared heart.
I want you to know that it is natural to have some
spurious thoughts entering your mind from time to
time because you are a human experiencing in the
world of form through your mind and senses. But
you need to train your mind not to hold onto that
which the mind cognized, but rather try to thwart
it immediately by repetition of My name. In this
way thoughts will not come into your mind.

But don’t expect this to happen immediately

because it took many years to develop the mind
that you now have and it will take time to purify
and simplify your mind so that you will be able
to join with Me in the heart that we share. So you

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see there is much that you can do to improve your

ability to join with Me in the heart. Practice this
method that I am telling you and I will help you to
join with Me in the heart by surrounding you with
My energy until you succeed in merging with Me
Atma to Atma in the heart we share. Many of My
devotees have experienced Me in this way as a
result of their Satguru, Sathya Sai Baba embracing
them with His divine energy in order to show
them their divine Self.


It is useless for you to seek to follow Me if you are

not willing to look for Me in your heart where you
will find Me residing eternally. This has been your
mistake. You have been following Me claiming to
be My devotee and have not found Me Who has
been with you all the time dwelling in the one
heart we share eternally. It is time to acknowledge
that the spiritual path you have been following
up to now does not result in mergence with Me

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

in the heart. I want you to accept this and make

the necessary changes in your sadhana so that you
will definitely merge with Me, God, in your heart.
This has been My wish all along that you merge
with Me in the heart, though it has not been your
wish to do this. Though I have always wanted
this for you, you have your own ideas about your
sadhana to reach Me in your heart and merge with
Me. Your way of sadhana has not led you to Me in
your heart; instead it has delayed our union Atma
to Atma.


So much time has gone by that can never be

recovered by you so it behooves you to follow
My advice to follow a new spiritual path that
will successfully lead you to mergence with Me
Atma to Atma in the heart we share leading to
the realization that you are the one God of this
universe. Your Self realization is up to you though
I will help you to accomplish it if you wish Me

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to do this. As your Satguru and God I have your

permission to work with you to help you to become
Self realized in this life with Me Sathya Sai Baba
guiding you from within the heart that we share
together Atma to Atma.

Now I wish to tell you something else that will be

certain to help you in your sadhana to join with
Me Atma to Atma in the heart. It is My intention
to birth many Christs while I am here on earth
in Lightbody and you can be one of them if
you commit to sincerely pursue the path to Self
realization that I am asking you to follow now as
My blessing for you.


Now we will move to a different topic that I wish

to share with you My dear devotees. As you
may already know there is much discord among
some of My devotees at this time. It is My wish
that you not be involved in this dissention about

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

Me that many devotees are caught up in that is

taking them away from the true spiritual path of
mergence with Me in the heart Atma to Atma.
Though I tolerate it I do not in any way condone
it. This dissention in the minds of devotees has
brought widespread disgrace to the Sri Sathya
Sai Baba World Spiritual Organization. It is
unfortunate for those devotees who are involved
in perpetuating this conflict within the Sathya Sai
Baba World Organization because as a result of
their involvement in this they have created a rift
between themselves and Me, Satguru Sathya Sai
Baba. In order for these devotees to progress in
their sadhana it is necessary for them to heal the
rift they have created between themselves and
their Satguru. It is up to them to take the first step
toward healing this rift that they created in their
own minds due to their wrong thinking about
Me, Sathya Sai Baba and the continuation of My
mission in Muddenahalli and the world at large. It
is due to the narrow mindedness of some people
that this has happened in the Sathya Sai Baba
World Spiritual Organization. It is My wish and

Lightbody - book 2

command that those who are perpetuating this

dissention in the Sri Sathya Sai World Spiritual
Organization desist now from their divisive tactics
while there is still time for them to benefit from the
grace of this Avatar who has descended to save
their souls.


Let us now sit down together to decide what you

plan to do in the future regarding your relationship
with Me, your Satguru and God, Sathya Sai Baba.
Are you going to make a commitment to Me and My
new plans I have formulated with the purpose to
lead you to mergence with Me in the heart Atma to
Paramatma? If you make the commitment to follow
My new plan for your spiritual path, I will guide
you to Self realization with Me as your Satguru
and God whereby you will merge with Me in the
heart that we share Atma to Paramatma. You have
the God given free will to decide how you wish to
lead your life. No one has the right to tell you what

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

you should do or not do, so never fear what others

may say about you, or your spiritual path with Me,
Sathya Sai Baba, as your Satguru and God leading
you to Self realization and liberation through the
paths of bhakti and jnana yoga. You will know
that you are succeeding in your spiritual sadhana
when you feel My abundant love in your heart.


Now it is time to decide whether you wish to

follow My new plans for you. Soon it will not be
possible for you to make this decision and I will
tell you why. I will not be around in My Lightbody
for very long and therefore you will not have the
opportunity to meet with Me for long. What I wish
to tell you is that I won’t be on this earth for much
longer. If you wish to use Me for Self realization
you must begin now to follow My new plan for
your spiritual sadhana. If you do not begin now
there is not going to be time for you to find Self
realization with Me, Sathya Sai Baba, as your

Lightbody - book 2

Satguru and God. It is My wish that you make a

commitment now to follow My new plan for your
spiritual awakening with Me as your Satguru and


You see it has always been up to you what you

wish to do with your life because you have the
freedom to do this, given to you by God due to
His unconditional love and trust in you that you
will one day return to Him. It is not uncommon for
devotees to mistrust God and His ways with the
result that union with God in the heart does not
happen due to the mistrust on the part of human
beings who mistrust God and His plan for His
creation to return to Him in loving devotion in the
heart they share with Him eternally. It is no use
to complain that God does not pay any attention
to you if you have not made efforts to find Him in
your heart. So now is the time to make the effort to
do this without delay.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba


Now I want to tell you something else that will help

you to join with Me in the heart we share together
as one being, so you will be able to commune with
Me. Sit in a quiet place and visualize My form
and repeat My name in your consciousness with
Love for Me. Bye and bye as you do this your
thoughts will stop, you will feel My presence and
hear Me speak to you. Do not think that this can
be accomplished immediately but do not despair,
because if you continue with this method it will
bring you success of communion with Me in the
heart we share eternally.


Now I wish to tell you something else to help you

commune with Me. It has always been My practice
to have you sing bhajans to Me so that you would
be able to develop devotion and love for God Who

Lightbody - book 2

resides in your heart and merge with Him there

for your Self realization and liberation in this life
itself with Me, Sathya Sai Baba, as your Satguru
and God. So I am asking you to listen to and sing
bhajans while you are meditating on My name and
form so that you will be surrounded by My energy
and realize Me in your heart with neither delay
nor waste of time for there is no longer any time to
waste as I will be leaving the earth plane in a few
years. Now that you know what I wish you to do,
it is up to you to follow this new spiritual sadhana.
As often as you can sit quietly with bhajans, with
My name and form in your consciousness, with
love and devotion in your heart waiting to hear
My voice for the guidance and grace that I wish to
give you.


Before long you will be hearing My guidance

and grace for you in the heart we share Atma to
Paramatma. I will be guiding you toward your

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

own Self realization if you follow My guidance for

you from the heart we share as one being eternally.
I wish to tell you that there may be other voices
that come to usurp Me and My grace and guidance
for you, so I wish to tell you how to know if it is
the voice of Satguru Sathya Sai Baba that you are
hearing. My voice is quiet, and My words are loving,
kind and helpful, not different from My words I
spoke to you when I lived in Prashanti Nilayam in
a physical body, or am speaking to you from My
Lightbody in Muddenahalli, or these words I am
speaking to you now. Do not expect the manner in
which I communicate with you heart to heart to be
different from the ways I communicated with you
from My physical body or am now speaking with
you through My communicator Madhusudan. I
have been and still am communicating with you
from the Atma and mind of Bhagavan Sri Sathya
Sai Baba. If you have heard Me speak from outside
of you, you will know it is Me when you hear Me
speak from inside the heart we share. You will
need to practice to distinguish which voice is My
voice so that other voices that you hear will not

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lead you to do the wrong things that would delay

your spiritual progress.


It is now incumbent upon you to move ahead

with My new plan for your sadhana right away
without any hesitation on your part. I wish for you
to experience mergence with Me in your heart we
share as soon as possible so that you will realize
union with Me, your Satguru and God, Bhagavan
Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

I have already told you much and there is yet

more I wish to share with you My dear devotees.
Today is a new day and I want you to begin the
new spiritual path I have been telling you about
today, not tomorrow, not next week. If you do not
begin today after reading these My words, you
will post phone beginning this new spiritual path
and regret that you did not follow My advice for
your mergence in the heart with Me, your Satguru

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

and God, Atma to Atma. I know this because I

know how the mind works to sabotage the actions
that are beneficial for your spiritual growth and
mergence with Me in the heart we share. It has
always happened that you have been unable to
get the support of your mind to join you in your
sadhana to find Me in your heart and merge with
Me, your satguru and God, Atma to Atma, for your
Self realization in this life with Me guiding you
and communing with you until you have realized
that you yourself are the God of this universe.


My dear devotees now I wish to tell you something

else to help you to merge with Me in the heart Atma
to Atma so you will be able to realize that you are
God, and not the body, mind nor emotions that you
have identified with as yourself for so long. I wish
you to say the following words silently, inwardly
every day as many times as you can remember to

Lightbody - book 2

I am God, I am God, I am not different from God.

I am the infinite Supreme, the one Reality; I am Sat

Chit Ananda swaroopa.

I am Love, I am Truth, I am Peace eternally,

I am ever pure delight, I am always full and free,

Fear or grief can never touch Me.

I am Aum Tat Sat Aum, I am Aum Tat Sat Aum.

The vibrations of these words will purify your

consciousness so that you will be able to merge
with Me, Sathya Sai Baba, Atma to Atma in the
heart we share eternally as one.


Now I am going to tell you another way to join with

Me in the heart Atma to Atma. It pertains to your
attitude toward Me when you do your sadhana to
merge with Me in the heart. If your attitude is one
of happiness and joy at the prospect of merging

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

with Me in the heart, you will meet with success. I

will be receptive to you and wish to lovingly join
with you in the heart where we can share oneness
with one another in loving embrace and union
often, whenever I decide I wish to do this with
you. So you see your attitude when you wish to
merge with Me is very important to Me, because I
respond to love, joy and happiness and not to any
type of negative feelings or thoughts that you may
have in your mind when you try to merge with
Me, your Satguru and God in the heart Atma to
Atma. So it is advantageous for you to cultivate
pure, loving thoughts and feelings toward Me,
your Satguru and God, before you try to merge
with Me in the heart.


Due to the great demands on My time these days,

I will be very selective in deciding which devotees
to concentrate on in order to move them along the
path to Self realization with Me as their Satguru

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and God. As a result I expect you to follow My

plans for your new spiritual path with Me, with
devotion, dedication and discipline so that you
will make fast progress toward Self realization
and merge with Me in our shared heart.


Though I have been with you for many years,

you have not been aware of Me in your heart
but I have been aware of you and what you have
been calling your sadhana. Up to now you have
not been able to find Me in your heart through
the sadhana you have been doing to find Me in
your heart. That is why I am telling you to follow
My new path for your sadhana, and to begin right
away without delaying any longer the goal of Self
realization and liberation with Me in the heart we
share eternally. I am telling you this so you will
stop using methods to reach Me that do not work
for you any longer and that do not accomplish
what you seek to accomplish; namely, mergence

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

with Me, your Satguru and God in the heart we

share eternally. The nature of the mind is such that
it tries to cling to the old ways that it is accustomed
to following, and does not want to try anything
new even though it is best for you, the devotee, to
make the changes that I am asking you to make
now and not in the future which is unknown and
uncertain. If you do not make the changes in your
sadhana now, you may not have an opportunity to
do this later. The world is always changing and no
one knows what tomorrow may bring. I am asking
you to seize hold of this opportunity I am offering
to you, so you will be enabled to merge with Me
in the heart Atma to Atma for your Self realization
and liberation.


It does not matter to Me if you do not avail

yourselves of this opportunity to realize that you
are God in this life itself because I have given you
the free will for you to decide what you wish to do

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with the life I have given to you to seek, find and

merge with Me in our shared heart. You are free
to do whatever you like with the life I have given
to you, even free to turn your back on Me. I am
always waiting for you to turn towards Me, seek
to find Me, know Me and merge with Me in our
shared heart Atma to Paramatma.


It is My hope that you will heed My words given

with great love to you for your Self realization and
liberation from rebirth into a new physical body on
earth, in order that you not have to go through the
same process again to find and merge with God
in your heart. You are mistaken if you believe that
you will merge with Me after you leave your body
and move to another dimension, hoping for this
mergence with Me to occur there. If you have not
merged in the heart with Me here while you are still
in the physical body, after you leave the physical
body, you will not be able to merge with Me in

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

another dimension. Why? Because I am living on

earth now in My Lightbody. You may ask if I am
God am I not omnipresent and omnipotent, am I
not able to work with you from wherever I am?
No, Self realization does not happen this way. A
human being must be embodied on earth for Self
realization to take place and become stabilized in
the mind and consciousness of that human being.
I am telling you this so you will not be under any
misconceptions about the nature of Self realization
in a human being on earth. So please do not be
deluded by others who tell you that you will
reach Self realization on the other side in another
dimension when you leave your physical body on
earth because it is untrue.


Now that you know you will not attain Self

realization after the death of your physical body,
it behooves you to dedicate yourself fully to Self
realization now while you are in a physical body

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and while I am still here on earth with you in My

Lightbody from where I will guide and commune
with you from within the heart that we share,
Atma to Paramatma. It is now up to you to decide
whether you wish to attain Self realization in this
life with Me, Sathya Sai Baba, as your Satguru and
God, or to pursue Self realization in your next life.
In the coming years there will be a lot of uncertainty
and fear on earth with the result that it will be
more difficult for you to go inward to find and
merge with Me in your heart for Self realization.
So it behooves you to begin now to seek and find
Me in the heart we share eternally.


My dear devotees I am ever aware of your thoughts

and feelings for Me, Sathya Sai Baba, your Satguru
and God, in the heart that we share eternally.
I have known you for a very long time through
many births and deaths of the physical bodies
you have worn thousands of times and discarded

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

thousands of times during your many incarnations

on earth and other places in the universe, for
your amusement, as well as attempts to find Self
realization in one way or another through the ages.
Do you really want to continue to be involved in
this cycle of taking birth and dying to be amused
as well as to seek Self realization again and again
and be unsuccessful, and thus be forced to try for
Self realization again in another life as a different
person? Wouldn’t it be better for you if you were
able to find Self realization in this birth rather than
having to take a new birth and different physical
body to achieve Self realization? It behooves you
to think about these things and decide what you
want to do with the rest of your life that has been
given to you by God for your Self realization and

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It is up to you to decide how you wish to spend

the rest of your life, whether with Me, Sathya Sai
Baba, your Satguru and God, or in another way
that you yourself have decided by your own free
will to pursue without Me with you, guiding you
to Self realization and liberation from the necessity
for rebirth. If you have decided to leave Me to
pursue another different path, make it clear to
Me now that you are planning to do this, so I will
know and not waste valuable time with you any
longer. I wish to spend time with those devotees
who are very much longing to merge with Me in
the heart for Self realization and liberation from
rebirth in this life itself, while I am still on earth in
Lightbody and able to guide and commune with
them in the heart we share eternally.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba


These words may seem harsh to some of you but I

assure you that they come from My heart, the heart
of God, which is full of love for all of His children
whom He has created in His likeness, and ever
waiting and wishing for them to join with Him in
loving devotion in the heart we share. However, if
some children do not wish to return now in loving
devotion to their Creator, their souls will have to
be born again into a new body to realize that God
is their Self, and they are not the body, mind, ego
that they thought they were while incarnated on
earth in a physical body as a human being. You
can hold on to your identification with that which
you are not, as long as you wish to. It is your
decision to do this or to follow the new spiritual
path that I have set out for you in order for you to
find Self realization with Me, Sathya Sai Baba as
your Satguru and God now in this life, rather than
in some future life as a different person from the
one you are now.

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I see that some of you are heeding My words

given with great love to you from the heart of your
Satguru and God, Sathya Sai Baba. It is incumbent
upon you to show gratitude to Me for showering
so much grace upon you in this manner through
these My words given to you through My dear
devotee and channel Catherine, who has been
working with Me diligently in order that you may,
My dear devotees, receive My words that I wish
to share with you before it is too late for you to
attain Self realization with Me, Sathya Sai Baba
who loves you always and forever from the heart,
a peaceful place in which to lovingly commune
with His children forever.


It is now up to you dear devotees to take up with

zeal this new sadhana that I am asking you to do
in order for you to realize that you are the God of

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

this universe, with Me guiding you from within

the heart. When I see that you are following My
directions given to you for your sadhana, I will feel
very happy and confer My grace and blessings on
you in a way that you will definitely know that I
am with you, loving and blessing you in the heart
we share together. You will feel Me loving and
blessing you only in the heart, for that is where I
reside eternally as Paramatma, not in the world of


There is another aspect that I wish to share with

you about your relationship with Me, Sathya Sai
Baba, as your Satguru and God, that will help you
to merge with Me in the heart more easily and
faster than before when you were unsuccessful in
merging with Me in the heart we share in oneness.
It is for you to lie with your head on My shoulder
in a loose embrace with Me. You can use your
pillow for this to help you imagine that I am beside

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you protecting you from all harm and negative

vibrations that may be near you, and cause you
to be fearful for your safety. No one else needs to
know about this imaginary exercise that you are
doing in order to feel close to Me, your Satguru and
God Who loves you very dearly, and Who wishes
to be near to you in order to merge with you in
the heart for your Self realization and liberation,
and so that He might extend His love through you
into the world in order to bless everything with
His love and grace.


Everything you think and feel may not be true. It

may be your imagination that is causing you to
think and feel in these ways, or may be due to the
influence of other minds whom you have allowed
to enter your consciousness in order to control
what you think and feel. How will you know
whether the thoughts and feelings are yours, or
belong to someone else? I will tell you how to

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

discern whether the thoughts and feelings that

have entered you, belong to you or have entered
you from outside of yourself from another being.
Ask yourself if the thought or feeling belongs to
you. If you feel an inner resistance to the thought
or feeling, it is because that thought or feeling does
not belong to you. It has come from outside of you,
so you need not give it any validity nor attention.
You can do this with any thoughts or feelings that
are not beneficial nor positive, that go against My
teachings to help ever and hurt never, to love all
and serve all, and to honor the free will that God
has given to all of His children.


I see that many of you do not know how to deal

with the negative feelings that come up within
you and disturb your equanimity and your union
with Me in the heart. I wish to tell you the way to
eliminate the feelings that disturb your equanimity.
As soon as you begin to feel a negative energy

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within your consciousness immediately begin to

repeat My name Aum Sai Ram until the negative
energy dissolves and dissipates and you no longer
experience it in your consciousness. I am telling
you these things so there will no longer be any
impediment to your mergence with Me, and as
a result, you will be able to be in union with Me
always for your Self realization and liberation
from rebirth.


My dear devotees it behooves you to follow My

advice so you will be able to merge with Me, your
Satguru and God, in the heart we share as soon
as possible. Now I wish to share something else
with you that will help you to merge with Me.
In order to concentrate on My name and form
successfully and gain the result of mergence with
Me in the heart sooner, I am suggesting to you that
you refrain as much as possible from participating
in gossip and discussion about other people and

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

their life situations, so that your mind does not

pick up impurities from these involvments in other
people’s business. I am telling you this so you will
be able to keep your mind pure so you will be able
to merge with Me in Pure Consciousness for your
Self realization. It is up to you to follow this My
advice for your Self realization and liberation from


Now I wish to tell you something else that will

help you to merge in the heart we share as the one
Consciousness of this universe. It is not possible
to merge with Me as long as there are impurities
in your mind and emotions, due to the fact that
they create a veil that prevents you from merging
in My Pure Consciousness. You will not be able
to merge with Me, Who is Pure Consciousness, if
your consciousness is not pure and peaceful, or
disturbed by mental and emotional energies that
create a veil between us, and prevent the mergence

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that you are seeking to establish in the heart with

Me, Sathya Sai Baba, your Satguru and God.


As you know I won’t be on earth much longer in

Lightbody, only six more years, and then I will
go to another dimension where I will no longer
have any type of body, but will remain as formless
Paramatma, though still accessible to My devotees
in the heart we share eternally as one being.
Though I will no longer be on earth in a physical
form, I will still be accessible to those devotees
who have joined with Me in the heart we share
eternally as one Self in truth, love, peace, and joy
forever and ever without end, for that is what you
will experience when you merge with Me, Sathya
Sai Baba, in the heart that we share forever and
ever without end.

Now I wish to tell you something else to help

you merge with Me in the heart we share. It is

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

to remember Me when you offer anything to

anyone. If you remember that you are offering to
Me Who is resident in that person or animal, you
will be certain to make the offering with love and
kindness, honor and respect to Me in that person
or animal knowing that I am there in that physical
form receiving your offering.


I have not done like this before speaking My heart

to My devotees in such a manner as this. But the
difficulties of the present time demand from Me that
I should speak to you in this manner at this time to
inform you about My plans for your new spiritual
path with Me, to ensure that you My devotees
have the best possible opportunity to merge with
Me for your Self realization and liberation in this
life, because I care deeply about your spiritual
progress, more than you do, because I know more
than you what is required for you to progress
to Self realization and liberation in this life, and

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the necessity to have spiritual guidance from the

heart. It is not expected by Me that you will do
everything for your Self realization and liberation
from rebirth, though there are some devotees
who believe they can attain Self realization on
their own without any assistance from God. It is
not true that a devotee can attain Self realization
by their own efforts unless they were very close
to Self realization in the previous life so that not
much effort is required in this life from the seeker
of God realization. However, it is a rare occurance
to achieve Self realization without the assistance
of a Satguru.


Now that you have listened to all of these My

words given to you with great love for your souls
that I have created in My likeness and from My
essence, it behooves you to take them into your
heart, cherish them, and contemplate and meditate
on them, so you will be able to put them into

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

practice in order to achieve Self realization and

liberation from rebirth in this life itself. It would
give Me great joy to see you putting My words
into practice in your daily sadhana with Me as
your Satguru and God, with you in the heart we
share. I would feel sad for you if having read these
My words given to you with love for your Self
realization and liberation, you decide that it will
be too much for you to do what I am asking from
you, and you will fall back to your old habitual
ways to perform sadhana with Me that no longer
works to bring you the success of mergence with
Me in the heart for your Self realization.


The way you think will determine the result you

will get. If you believe you cannot do something,
you will not be successful to accomplish it, so
I advise you to believe that you can do what I
am asking you to do, because I know that you
are capable of accomplishing it. I would not ask

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you to do anything that you were incapable of

achieving for yourself with My assistance and
grace showered upon you from within the heart
we share as one eternally. I am always with you in
the heart we share, so there is nothing for you to
fear ever about the sadhana I am asking you to do
with Me, in order for you to successfully gain Self
realization and liberation from rebirth.


Now I will tell you something else that will help

you to merge with Me. When you speak to anyone
anywhere whether on the telephone or through
any one of your communication devices, or in
person, offer your words to Me who am dwelling
in the heart of that person. If you do this you will
realize that I am in every person, everywhere at
all times. This will help you immensely to realize
your Satguru and God everywhere at all times for
your Self realization and liberation from rebirth.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

Now I wish to tell you something else to help you

to realize Me and to merge with Me more quickly
than if you did not practice this. It is to remember
that I love all My children equally, and that no one
is more special than anyone else is, for all were
created by Me as pure extensions of Myself in My
image. If you remember to practice this, before
long you will see Me everywhere in all beings as
the one God of this universe.


Another thing that will help you to see Me

everywhere is to offer your salutations inwardly
to Me in everyone you meet by saying Aum Sai
Ram in your mind to Me, in that one in physical
form before you, to acknowledge to yourself that
you recognize Me in that person. In this way you
will come to realize that you are also everywhere
as the one God of this universe.

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As I bring to a close these essays that I have shared

with you, I wish to tell you a few more things that
will help you to merge with Me in the heart for
your Self realization and liberation in this life itself
quickly without delay. It is to remember that you
hold the power within yourself to accomplish
whatever you decide to do with your life, and
no one can prevent you from accomplishing this
unless you give your power to someone else. I
wish you to know that you never have to give your
power to anyone ever again, not even Me, your
Satguru and God, for I have given this power in
equal measure to all of My children that they may
be able to merge with Me in the heart. Be vigilant
and not allow anyone to deter you from this new
sadhana that you have decided to follow with Me
as your Satguru and God for your Self realization
in this life itself.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba


Now it is time for Me to speak a few closing words

to summarize that which I have been seeking to
convey to you to by means of these essays. Due
to My great love for your souls that I created in
My own image, and due to My desire and longing
for you to return to Me in loving devotion, of
your own free will, to merge with Me in the heart,
I am wishing that you practice this new path of
sadhana so that you will be able to merge with
Me in the heart while I am still present on earth
in My Lightbody, for your Self realization and


So now it is up to you My dear devotees to sincerely

follow without delay this new path of sadhana that
I have given to you due to My great love for your
souls, through these My words in these essays. I

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am waiting for everyone of you to put into practice

this new sadhana that I have given to you so you
will be able to merge with Me without delay and
gain Self realization with Me, Bhagavan Sri Sathya
Sai Baba, your Satguru and God, Who has been
with you from the moment you were created.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

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Part Two

What Bhagavan
Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Wishes To Tell His
Devotees About

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

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I wish to share with you yet again some things

that I wish you to know about Me so that you
will come to understand Me more clearly than
you do now. I wish you to understand My ways
and plans that I have for you, so you will have
no misunderstandings about these. One purpose
of this communication to you, is to tell you what
I have planned for you My devotees who are
seeking Self realization and liberation with Me as
their Satguru and God. It is My wish that you will
read these My words and use them for your Self

I see that many of you do not understand the mind

of Sathya Sai Baba and His true purpose for being
on earth with you at this time. So you will be able
to progress along the new path of sadhana that I
have shared with you in part one of this book, I am
going to talk to you in part two of this book, about
the vision I have held for My devotees and all of

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

humanity. I am also going to tell you about the

plans for the future of My mission in Muddenahalli,
as well as in many other countries in the world. I
wish you to know all this so you will feel closer
to Me in the heart. It is easier to merge with Me in
the heart when you feel that you know Me, rather
than if you feel too small, inconsequential, and
afraid to merge with Me in the heart; and so that it
will be easy to do this often without any effort. In
this way Self realization will come faster for you
and you will experience greater peace, joy, love
and expansion in the heart with Me and realize
that you are God and not the body, mind, ego, and
separate self that you thought you were before
you merged with Me.


I, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, was before the

beginning of time as you know it here on planet
earth. So you can see that I have been around
for a very long time, and know everything there

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is to know about planet earth and the universe.

Because of this I already know the ways to help
souls achieve Self realization and liberation from
rebirth in one lifetime, when they truly apply
themselves to the one goal of merging with Me in
the heart in loving devotion to God Who resides
there eternally. I have saved countless souls in this
way from the need to be born again in a new body
as a different person in order to again seek Self
realization and liberation from rebirth.


Not only have I existed for a very long time, I

have taught the many ways to save souls from
the need to be reborn, and know that the methods
I am telling you to practice are the easiest and
most beneficial to lead you to Self realization
and liberation. So you need not compare with
other spiritual teachers and their methods which
are different from Mine, because these spiritual
teachers have not existed as long as I have in

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

this universe, so they do not know about leading

souls to Self realization. I wish to tell you also that
many spiritual teachers these days are charging
too much money for their teachings, and are not
able to lead their followers to true Self realization
and liberation. These spiritual teachers promise
that they will give their devotees Self realization
and liberation, and the innocent devotees believe
what they are being told in the hope that they will
attain salvation in this life itself, though it does not
happen for them, so they become frustrated and
disappointed and leave the spiritual path. I do not
wish this to happen to My dear devotees, with Me
as your Satguru and God, because I care deeply
for your souls that I created in My own image, and
wish that you realize this, so you will trust Me that
I am your God Who knows how to bring you to
Self realization and liberation.

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I wish to tell you more about Myself and why I

came as an avatar at this time on earth. First, planet
earth was in great danger of being annihilated
by outside forces that were trying to take over
this planet for their own uses, so I decided to
incarnate on earth in order to thwart this attempt
to capture earth in order to populate it with their
own species. You may ask how could I do this
given that I am only one Being trying to combat
many thousands of alien beings who were in the
process of infiltrating the human species. I will tell
you how I thwarted this alien invasion of planet
earth. I gathered together many spaceships from
friendly alien planets who were willing to help
Me frighten off the alien invaders to prevent them
from colonizing planet earth and mutating the
human species to a new type of species unlike
human beings that would prevent humans from
ever attaining Self realization and liberation from
rebirth on planet earth again. This is one reason I

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

decided to come to planet earth, to help avert the

annihilation of the human species.

Another reason I came is to raise the consciousness

of human beings so they would no longer need to
be reborn on earth. This is what I am trying to do
now from My Lightbody, and through My spiritual
mission in Muddenahalli and around the world in
many countries.

Another reason I came was to attract seekers of

Truth to Me from all types of religious backgrounds,
so that they could experience the one God through
Me, so they would realize that all religions were
created by God in order to show human beings the
way to become Self realized and liberated from

Another reason I came was to demonstrate to all

human beings how to live according to truth, love,
peace, righteousness and non violence, and to
give up evil qualities like hate, anger, lust, greed,
jealousy, and avarice, so that they would be able

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to merge with Me for their Self realization and

liberation from rebirth.

Another reason I came to earth was to relieve the

distress and uplift the oppressed and downtrodden
peoples of this world, who due to the ignorance
of humanity had become enmeshed in different
types of strife, turmoil, suffering and misery that
they did not know how to escape from on their

Another reason I came to earth was to be an

example to all human beings how to be happy
and content no matter what was happening in the
external world around them.

Another reason I came to earth was to teach

human beings how to get along peacefully with
one another despite the differences in caste, color
and creed.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba


Now I wish to tell you another reason I came to

earth at this time. It is to evolve thousands of Christs
on earth in order to raise the consciousness to the
Atmic level for their Self realization and liberation
from rebirth in this life itself, whereby they will
all merge with Me in the heart never to be reborn
on earth again nor anywhere else in the universe.
You may wish to ask if these Christs who have
merged in the heart with Me will continue to have
any individual existence. The answer is that they
do continue to have an individual existence after
they merge in the heart with Me, their Satguru and
God. And you may also wish to ask what these
individual aspects called Christs will do after
they have merged with Me in the heart. The sons
and daughters of God who have attained Christ
consciousness, and merged in the heart with God,
will carry on God’s work in other dimensions
according to their desire and capacity to serve.

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Now I wish to tell you another reason why I came

to earth. It was for your salvation and redemption
from the ignorance that had come upon you as
a result of all the incarnations you have taken in
many places from the time you were created by
Me in My image at the beginning of time as you
know it on earth. It is My wish for My devotees
that they know this about Me, that I have come
for their Self realization and liberation in order
that they be relieved from all the ignorance that
has come upon them through having spent many
incarnations in ignorance of their true Self, God,
Who created them in His own image, so He may
know, love and merge back in Himself forever
through His creation, to whom He has given free
will to choose whether or not to merge again with
God in the heart.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba


Just because you hear things being said about Me

from others outside does not mean you have to
believe them. In fact you should not allow them
to enter your consciousness and allow your mind
to become disturbed and impure, preventing
mergence with Me in the heart. Allow others
to say what they wish to. They have free will
to decide what they wish to believe about Me. I
will never interfere with their free will as it has
been a gift from Me to them. I am asking you My
devotees to ignore the derisive comments about
Me from others who have become unhappy and
disappointed with Me for one reason or another.
It will be more conducive to our mergence and
intimacy in the heart if you do what I am asking
you to do in this regard.

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Much time has passed since I began My mission

on earth to redeem and uplift human souls to the
divine level so that they might attain Self realization
and liberation in this life with Me guiding and
merging with these purified souls in the heart we
share. So it behooves you My dear devotees not
to waste any more time worrying or wondering
about ideas that you may have heard other people
expounding about your Satguru and God Who
cares deeply for your soul and wishes for you to
merge in loving devotion in the heart for your Self
realization and liberation before it is too late for
you to attain this.


There is something else I wish to tell you about

Myself. I am always aware of My devotees because
I am omnipresent and omniscient at all times, so I

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

am able to know everything about them so that

I can guide, protect and look after their welfare
in order that they may attain Self realization and
liberation from rebirth in this life itself with Me as
their Satguru and God. Though I am fully capable
of doing this for all of My devotees, too few avail
themselves of this great opportunity given to them
to use Me for this.


Now I will tell you something else about Myself

for your Self realization and liberation in this life
with Me guiding you from within the heart we
share eternally. I have saved countless souls in the
universe from having to be reborn into new bodies
to try again to attain Self realization in a new life.
So you can rest assured that I know what I am
doing and that no harm can come to you when
you fully and sincerely surrender to Me to guide
you to your Self realization and liberation.

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I wish to clarify with you some aspects related to

Me as your Satguru and God in the heart we share.
Many devotees are afraid to surrender to another
person with the result that they hand over their God
given power to that person and remain powerless
to think, say and do anything for themselves. This
is not at all the true meaning of surrender to God,
and God would never expect any human being or
devotee to do like this. God wishes all His children
whom He has created, to use the power He has
given to them wisely, in order to merge back with
Him in loving devotion in the heart they share
eternally as one being in order that they need
not be born again in a new body in another life
to attain Self realization. Devotees need to use the
power that God has freely given to them, to merge
back with God in loving devotion in the heart, for
Self realization and liberation. Surrender to God is
for you the devotee so that you will come to know
that you and God are one, and for no other reason
than this. I am telling you this so you will know
not to hand your God given power over to other
people, because they have been gifted by God

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

with the same power you have, and it is their free

choice to use the power as they wish to.


Now I wish to share something else with you

about Myself. Not only have I come to redeem
and save you from another birth, I also wish to
evolve you into Christs so that I may use you in
My mission to uplift humanity to higher levels
of consciousness, self realization and liberation
in this life. Because I have so much faith in you,
I have planned to evolve you into Christs now in
this life with Me guiding you from the heart we
share as one eternally. So you see not only will your
Christed consciousness be useful to Me, it will also
benefit you, as you have attained Self realization
and liberation from rebirth in this life as a result
of My guidance and grace from within the heart
we share. What I am offering to you now is the
Highest Grace that can be bequeathed from God
Himself upon a deserving devotee who is ardently

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desiring to attain Self realization and liberation

with Me, Sathya Sai Baba.


There is yet another thing I would like to share

with you about Myself. It is to tell you that I have
known you from the moment I have created you in
My own Image. This should help you to feel very
close to Me as your divine Father and Mother,
Who has unconditionally and unceasingly loved
you from the beginning of your existence, because
you are My creation, My offspring Whom I love
very dearly and will continue to love very dearly
forever and ever. When you know this you will
feel very comfortable to merge with Me in loving
devotion in the heart for your Self realization and
liberation from rebirth, in perfect peace, happiness
and contentment knowing and trusting that your
divine Mother and Father loves you so very dearly
and wishes you to return in oneness in the heart
with Him.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba


Another thing I wish to tell you about Myself is

that I am a very loving Being though at times it
may not seem to you that I am a very loving Being.
I will tell you why I appear sometimes not to be
a very loving Being. Through My own choice I
have taken on a very heavy workload to fulfill
all the plans I have devised for the upliftment of
human consciousness in the ways I have been
telling you in these essays, in order that as many
human beings as possible gain Self realization and
liberation from rebirth while I am present on earth
to guide, protect and look after their welfare.


Another thing I wish to tell you about Myself is

that, due to the heavy demands placed on Me by
devotees who believe that God must fulfill all their
desires and demands immediately, or else He is

Lightbody - book 2

not a loving, caring, compassionate God, I am not

always peaceful and happy. I have come to earth
to help you attain Self realization and liberation
from rebirth, not to fulfill your worldly desires. If
you understand this about Me you will know that I
am a very loving, caring and compassionate Being
Who cares deeply for the souls of His children,
and wishes that they attain Self realization and
liberation for their freedom, happiness and peace
found in mergence in the heart with Me.


Another thing I wish to tell you My dear devotees

about Me has to do with My mission in My
Lightbody from Muddenahalli. Though I no
longer have a physical body like I had in Prashanti
Nilayam, I do have a subtle body that resembles
the body I used to have when I lived in a physical
body in Prashanti Nilayam. If you could see My
Lightbody you would know without a doubt that I
am Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba because I look just

Lord Sathya Sai Baba

like I looked when I was 40 years old in Prashanti

Nilayam Ashram. My Lightbody is composed of
Light particles that I created to resemble Myself
as I used to look at aged 40 in my physical body
in Prashanti Nilayam Ashram, so that other spirits
can recognize that I am Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai
Baba and no one else. So you see I am still on earth
and no one can dispute this fact that I still reside
on earth, though in My Lightbody instead of My
physical body.


Though what I am telling you is the truth, many

devotees do not believe it is true that I am on earth
in a Lightbody that I Myself created to resemble
the physical body I had when I was in Prashanti
Nilayam. It is obvious to Me that they do not
trust in My words, because if they did, all this
dissention over the existence of My newly created
Lightbody would never have occurred. Since the
existence of Lightbody is something unheard of by

Lightbody - book 2

most people in the world today, it is not surprising

that there would be resistance to the idea that a
person who has died and left their physical body
behind, would return to earth in a Lightbody. Yes,
this would be an unusual idea that most people on
earth may resist because they do not understand it
and have not heard about Lightbody before.

However, I, Satguru and God, Sathya Sai Baba,

have been telling My devotees for a few years
that I have returned to earth in My Lightbody
in Muddenahalli to resume My world spiritual
mission to raise the consciousness of souls to the
divine level for their Self realization and liberation
from rebirth, and yet many devotees are still
disbelieving that it is I, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai
Baba, Who is living on earth in Muddenahalli. It is
My hope that these devotees read these My words
so that they realize I am still here on earth and
have not gone anywhere away from them.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba


Now I wish to tell you yet another thing about Me

so you will be able to merge in the heart with Me
for your Self realization and liberation. It is only
with this in mind that I have been telling you all
these things about Myself so that you will feel
more comfortable to merge with Me in oneness
in our shared heart. Now I will tell you one more
thing about Myself that will help you to merge
in the heart with Me. I have thousands of angels
working with Me to help Me quickly manifest all
My plans for the Self realization and liberation
of My devotees with Me their Satguru and God
guiding them. I wish you to know this so you will
know without a doubt that your Self realization and
liberation with Me guiding you will be attained, if
you follow the directions I have given you in this
book for the new sadhana I wish you to do with
Me for your Self realization and liberation.

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I wish to conclude this series of essays given to you

with great love by telling you yet another reason
why I, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, came to earth
at this time rather than another time. It was so I
could avert a cataclysmic worldwide disaster from
obliterating all life on planet earth that was certain
to happen if humanity continued to tread along
the same path they had been treading.

Lord Sathya Sai Baba


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