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and hostility.

It is quite possible that we may live in a situation where there is no

Topic: PRAY FOR WORLD PEACE AND PARTICIPATE IN conflict and hostility, yet there is no peace.
For instance, during Jesus earthly ministry the world enjoyed peace brought about
Text: John 14:27; 20:21 by the Roman Empire. It was popularly known as “Pax Romana.” There was no
conflict nor hostility so alarming in magnitude and national in scope that would cause
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as anxiety and distress to the entire population. All countries under the Roman yoke
the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be were given relative independence and enough democratic space. Every country was
afraid” (Jn. 14:27) free to engage in trade and commerce (the ancient version of globalization) made
possible by technological advances (the construction of the famous Appian and
“Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, Flaminian Ways so much so that easier transportation, communication and faster
so I send you” (Jn. 20:21) mobilization of military forces were made possible).

Propositions: Indeed, there was peace, but how was that peace maintained? It was maintained
by the Roman sword (“gladi” – the two-edged sword, then the most modern weapon
In this homily I will expound the following proposition: of death invented by Rome). Military bases were established in foreign lands; one of
these was in Caesarea Philippi in the Holy Land. Its main task was to protect the
1. That peace from the standpoint of the Bible means the existence of right interest and security of the Empire and to ensure the unhampered flow of trade and
relationship; commerce to the benefit of the Empire and its allies while causing untold misery and
suffering to poor countries. Any national movement that would threaten the security
2. That to pray is to move the person who prays to actualize what is prayed of the Empire and its economic interest was ruthlessly crushed by the fury of its
for; and superior military might.

3. That it is the calling of every Christian to participate in Christ’s Mission and Given this situation, who would blame the Jewish political and religious leaders
Ministry. for failure to oppose, resist and openly condemn such an unjust condition? These
leaders preferred to keep the peace that the Romans imposed on them for fear of
Introduction: being crushed to the ground. They opted not to act to change the situation in the name
of peace. For such actions were they not in effect piled trouble after trouble that made
Today, as we are gathered for the Conference Dedication of Coins we are true and lasting peace impossible to exist? They adopted a policy similar to that of
summoned to do two very important actions: First, To pray for world peace; and British Prime Minister Arthur Neville Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement toward
Second, To participate in Christ’s Mission and Ministry. Hitler to prevent the outbreak of the Second World War. But war broke and lives of
millions of innocent victims were unnecessarily sacrificed because of failure to act.
As Filipinos, we share our country’s aspiration that peace may reign supreme in
our beautiful land. And as Filipino Christians (because we are Filipinos first before Certainly, it is not the peace that is free from conflict and hostility that we are
we became Christians), we are called to participate in Christ’s Mission and Ministry. called to pray in behalf of our country and the whole world. For why are we to pray
for this kind of peace if it is maintained by force and violence?
The peace that we ought and must pray for in behalf of the world is the peace
A. THE PEACE THAT WE ARE TO PRAY FOR IN BEHALF OF THE that Jesus, our Lord bestowed and blessed His disciples. Our Lord, before He faced
WORLD: His agonizing death on the cross said to His disciples:
The peace we are to pray in behalf of the world in general and of our
country in particular is not simply the peace characterized by the absence of conflict “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the
world gives.”
First, we must be aware of the world’s condition as well as our country’s
In this statement Jesus was categorically saying that the peace that He gives situation. Why do conflicts and hostilities exist in almost all corners of the
differs from what the world gives. The peace that the world gives is based on force, world? Today, the U.S. is almost bent to wage war against Iraq. In our country
but the peace that Jesus gives is based on justice and mercy that caused the existence decades of fratricidal strife continue especially in Mindanao. Labor unrest among
of right relationship between persons, and between communities of nations. Where industrial workers remains unresolved. Landless farmers remain chained in
justice and mercy prevail there exist right relationship. And where there is right bondage of poverty and destitution. Housewives are in great distress because of
relationship there is peace. Absence of conflict and hostility is seen as the fruit justice the growing cost of living that made it doubly difficult for them to manage their
and mercy. households. Why do these things continue to happen? What do these things
indicate? It is imperative on our part as Christians to know the answers to these
|In the Old Testament justice, mercy and peace are inseparable. In Psalms 85:10 we questions before we attempt to pray for peace. Then and only then will our
read: prayers become meaningful and relevant.

“Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each Second, we must be ready to act on the bases of biblical understanding of
other.” peace and prayer. If we are to pray for peace we must be ready to participate in
bringing about justice and mercy to prevail in our Philippine society. We ought
In the Book of Isaiah 32:16-20 the Prophet speaks of peace as the effect of justice. not to confine ourselves in the verbalization of our prayer for peace. We must act.
It is the peace anchored on justice and mercy that ensures the welfare and the highest We must be fully committed to actualize it.
good for all. It is the peace that gives physical, moral and spiritual wholeness to all. It
is this peace that Jesus, the Prince of Peace and the Jews termed SHALOM that we St. Anselm in his understanding of Christian prayer exhorted the faithfuls by
are called to pray in behalf of the world and our country saying:

“Pray as if everything depends on God but work as if

PEACE: you.”
The question that we may ask ourselves is: How are we to pray for If we prayer for peace, let us work for it by participating in the cause of justice
the peace of the world and for our country? and mercy.
We might be misled to think that prayer is the verbal or mental Prayer that does not lead us to action is to misunderstand the very essence of
articulation before God of our “soul’s sincere desire,” beseeching God to do the Christian prayer. If we are to pray for peace then led us be ready to be
thing for us. Prayer that led us to inaction and passiveness is not prayer at all. “peacemakers”not simply “peacekeepers” or “peacelovers.” Let us follow the
Prayer should and ought to lead us to action. example of St. Francis of Assisi as he prayed his beautiful prayer:
Look at some Bible personalities like, Moses, Jeremiah, Daniel and Hannah; “Lord, make me an instrument of Thy PEACE.
they were all persons of prayer. What do we see from them? Where did prayers Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
lead them? Prayers inspired them to action. Prayers prepared them for action. Where there is injury, pardon;
Prayer made them courageous to act. This we also see from the apostles as Where there is doubt, faith;
recorded in Acts 4:31. Thus, we can rightly say that in the light of the Bible Where there is despair, hope;
prayer and action are inseparable. Prayerful persons are persons full of action. Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
What does this mean to us as we are enjoined to pray for world peace?
“O Divine Master, let me not so much seek to be We ought to immerse ourselves with the hope and aspirations, struggle and sufferings
consoled as to of our people. This would mean that while we continue doing our traditional
console, to be understood, as to understand; to be ministries like providing scholarship assistance, financial support to community
loved as to projects, and medical missions; we must dare to explore non-traditional ministries
love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in like
pardoning that providing solidarity support to the struggle of our industrial workers just wage and
we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born to better working conditions. We must join to strengthen the voice of the landless
eternal life.” farmers in their struggle for genuine land reform; We must immerse ourselves with
small Filipino entrepreneurs in their struggle against globalization and its evil effects
to our national culture and patrimony.

Christians are called for specific task. When Jesus called His first We are living in a very dangerous situation. Our period is very critical in our
disciples He told them that they will become fishers of men. Jesus spent three years national survival.
of His earthly life to train them for this specific task. So when He was about to
ascend into heaven He blessed them with peace and immediately told them: Let us therefore seize the opportunity as Filipino Christians. As we are summoned
to pray for peace, let us make a strong resolve to actualize it first in our personal life.
“As the Father has sent me, so send I you.” (Jn. 20”21b) As we pray for peace, let us remind ourselves of a line of a hymn for peace that says
“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”
As Filipino Christians we are called to participate in Christ’s mission and ministry
in the context of our Philippine situation conflicts and hostilities are the order of the Let us act resolutely, confident that God will provide us strength and courage to
day; where justice is denied to the poor and mercy is withheld to the homeless and do it and that God will not let us fail as we participate in His Mission and Ministry.
landless Filipinos. It is in this context that we are to fulfill our Christian calling. Let us be courageous like Abraham Lincoln when he led the American people in
their historic move to emancipate the Negroes from the shackle of slavery. Aware of
If Christ’s mission is to bring peace we ought to participate and share in this the peril of his crusade Lincoln made this statement:
mission. If Christ in the fulfillment of mission offered His own life, we too must be
willing to lay down our lives as we participate in that mission. We might say that it is “Die when I may, I would like it to be said of me, that I
a tall order for us. Indeed, it is. But we cannot choose our mission, neither can we always pulled up a weed
change or modify it. Jesus categorically stated that “as the Father has sent me, so and planted a flower where I thought a flower would
send I you.” His mission is our mission, His ministry our ministry. This is our calling. grow.”

Definitely, our least, biggest, loved and aged coins we are about to dedicate are Let us once more hear the words of Jesus when He said “Peace be with you. As
ways by which we participate in Christ’s mission and ministry. Through these we are the Father has sent me, so send I you.” Amen.:
able to provide scholarship to poor but intelligent youth of poor families. Through it
we may be able to provide additional funds to some community-based income
generating projects. Certainly, all these efforts deserve commendation. Our coins will
go a long way to uplift the condition of the recipients of our assistance. (Homily delivered by Rev. Celso I. Saliendra before the delegates to
the NSTC Dedication of Coins held at the UCCP, Real, Quezon on
However, the magnitude of our condition as a nation challenges us Christians in Sept. 28, 2002)
general and UCCP members in particular to “cast our net into the deep.” This means

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