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7 authors, including:

Iris Zavoreo Marijana Bosnar Puretić

University Clinical Hospital Center "Sestre Milosrdnice" University Hospital Center "Sestre Milosrdnice"


Mira Ivanković Valbona Govori

General Hospital Dubrovnik University of Prishtina


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Acta Clin Croat 2009; 48:359-365 Review

Vanja Basic-Kes\ Iris Zavoreo\ Marijana Bosnar-Puretic, Mira Ivankovic", Milan Bitunjac',
Valbona Govori'and Vida Demarin'

"Universit y Department ad Neurology, Reference Center for Neurovascular Disorders and Reference Center for
Headache of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republic of Croatia, Sestre milosrdnice University
Hospital, Zagreb; "Department of Neurology, Dubrovnik General Hospital, Dubrovnik;
"Department of Neurology, Dr. Josip Bencevic General Hospital, Slavonski Brad, Croatia;
"Un rversn y Department of Neurology, Prishtina University Clinical Centar, Prishtina, Kosovo

SUMMARY - Neuropa thic pain refers to pain that originates from pathology of the nervous
system. Common causes of neuropathic pain are diabetes mellitus, reactivation of herpes zoster,
nerve compression or radiculopathy, alcohol, chemotherapy or abuse of some drugs, and trigeminal
neuralgia. Specific symptoms of neuropathic pain are mechanical allodynia and cold hyperalgesia.
Drugs to treat neuropathic pain can be divided into adjuvant analgesics (antidepressants and anti-
convulsants), opioids and topical agents. The use of multiple drug therapies is common in practice.
Despite considerable increase in the number of randomized placebo-controlled trials in neuropathic
pain in the last few years, the medical treatment of neuropathic pain is still far from being satisfac-
tory, with less than half of patients achieving significant benefit with any pharmacological drug.
Key words: Neuralgia - drug therapy; Pain - treatment; Pain measurement; Analgesics - therapeutic
use;Drug therapy - combination

Introduction sensitization related damage to the nervous system

inhibitory functions, and abnormal interactions be-
Neuropathic pain is defined as 'pain initiated or
tween the somatic and sympathetic nervous systems.
caused by a primary lesion or dysfunction of the ner-
The hallmarks of neuropathic pain are chronic allo-
vous system", Neuropathic pain, in contrast to noci-
dynia and hyperalgesia. Allodynia is defined as pain
ceptive pain, is described as 'burning', 'electric', 'tin-
resulting from a stimulus that ordinarily does not elic-
gling', and 'shooting' in nature. It can be continuous
it a painful response (e.g., light touch). Hyperalgesia is
or paroxysmal in presentation. Whereas nociceptive
defined as an increased sensitivity to normally painful
pain is caused by the stimulation of peripheral of A-
stimuli. Primary hyperalgesia, caused by sensitization
delta and C-polymodal pain receptors by algogenic
of C-fibers, occurs immediately within the area of the
substances (e.g., histamine bradykinin, substance P,
injury. Secondary hyperalgesia, caused by sensitiza-
etc.), neuropathic pain is produced by damage to, or
tion of dorsal horn neurons, occurs in the undamaged
pathologic changes in the peripheral or central ner-
area surrounding the injury.
vous systems.
It can be a debilitating and difficult condition to
Examples of pathologic changes include prolonged
treat and is often resistant to simple analgesics, re-
peripheral or central neuronal sensitization, central
quiring additional analgesic approaches'. It is not only
devastating for patients but also places considerable
Correspondence to: Vanja Basis-Kes, MD, PhD, University Depart-
ment od Neurology, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital, Vi- demands on the society, including financial burdens
nogradska c. 29, HR-l0000 Zagreb, Croatia relating to healthcare costs, workplace disruption, dis-
E-mail: vanjakesz' ability and benefits".

VanjaBastc-Kes et al. Neuropathic pain

Neuropathic Pain Mechanisms medications; however, so far it has not helped identify
patients that are likely to respond to individual treat-
Neuropathic pain is generated by electrical hy-
peractivity of neurons along the pain pathways. The
sensory pathway consists of at least three neurons, Diagnosis of Neuropathic Pain
and lesions anywhere along the pathway can lead to
neuropathic pain. Changes in the expression of neu- Neuropathic pain syndromes typically have both
ronal ion channels and receptors, synaptic connectiv- negative and positive sensory symptoms and signs!',
ity, and anatomy all contribute to neuropathic pain Nonsensory neurologic symptoms and signs depend
(neural plasticity)">, Clinical investigations of pain on the underlying cause and may independently con-
mechanisms are labor intensive and require special- tribute to pain and disability. Although neuropathic
ized equipment; thus, they are not yet practical for pain has been defined by the International Association
routine clinical use. Even in specialized pain research for the Study of Pain as pain "initiated or caused by a
settings, it is difficult to identify specific neuropathic primary lesion or dysfunction in the nervous system",
pain mechanisms. A simple focal peripheral nerve in- several investigators have recently argued that the in-
jury unleashes a range of peripheral and central ner- clusion of the term 'dysfunction' makes this definition
vous system processes that can all contribute to persis- vague and unacceptably broads The proposed solution
tent pain and abnormal sensation". is to define neuropathic pain as pain caused by a lesion
Inflammation, reparatory mechanisms of neural of the peripheral or central nervous system (or both)
tissues in response to injury, and the reaction of ad- manifesting with sensory symptoms and signs. Dem-
jacent tissues to injury lead to a state of hyperexcit- onstrating a lesion of the nervous system compatible
ability in primary afferent nociceptors, a phenomenon with particular symptoms and signs provides strong
termed peripheral sensitization. In turn, central neu- support for considering the pain to be neuropathic.
However, when no lesion can be demonstrated, the
rons innervated by such nociceptors undergo dramatic
limits of current diagnostic technology do not always
functional changes including a state of hyperexcit-
allow for the possibility of neuropathic pain to be
ability termed central sensitization. Normally these
excluded. The diagnosis of neuropathic pain is based
sensitization phenomena extinguish themselves as
on medical history, review of systems, physical and
the tissue heals and inflammation subsides. However,
neurologic examination, and appropriate laboratory
when primary afferent function is altered in an en-
studies including blood and serologic tests, magnetic
during way by injury or disease of the nervous system,
resonance imaging, and electrophysiologic studies13.
these processes persist and may be highly resistant to
In some instances, nerve or skin biopsy is necessary to
visualize nerve fibers directly.
Injury or permanent loss of primary afferent fibers
Our ability to translate pain complaints and senso-
(deafferentation) differentiates peripheral neuropathic
ry findings into specific pathophysiologic mechanisms
pain from other types of pain. Positive sensory phe-
that have treatment implications is in its infancy7,14,15.
nomena (spontaneous pain, allodynia, and hyperalge-
sia) that are characteristic of patients with neuropathic
pain are likely to have many underlying mechanisms,
including ectopic generation of impulses as well as Regardless of the cause, neuropathic pain affects
the de novo expression of neurotransmitters and their mul tiple aspects ofthe patient's life. The management of
receptors and ion channels. Direct injury to central neuropathic pain involves a multidisciplinary approach.
structures may permanently alter sensory processing, Therapy for neuropathic pain includes the use of both
and in some patients it causes central neuropathic pain non-interventional (pharmacological, psychological,
and dysesthesias. The mechanisms underlying central and physical therapy) and interventional therapies.
neuropathic pain, however, are still unclear 9-11. Without due concern of the diagnosis, rehabilita-
Increased understanding of the underlying mecha- tion, and psychosocial issues, treatment has a limited
nisms has allowed for identification of new pharma- chance of success. For peripheral nerve lesions, mobi-
cological targets and development of new neuropathic lization is needed to prevent trophic changes, disuse

360 Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 48, No.3, 2009

VanjaBastc-Kes et al. Neuropathic pain

atrophy, and joint ankylosis. Surgery may be needed of them. Yet, taken together, they provide a strong
to alleviate compression. Psychological factors should level of evidence for efficacy. Notably, two small trials
be constantly considered from the start of treatment. found TCAs to be superior to placebo for central post-
Anxiety and depression should be treated appropri- stroke pain and post-mastectomy neuropathic pain,
ately. When dysfunction is entrenched, patients may whereas several others failed to demonstrate efficacy
benefit from comprehensive approach provided by a for spinal-cord injury pain, human immunodeficien-
pain clinic. cy virus (HIV) neuropathy and phantom limb pain.
Unfortunately, "l'C'As are associated with numerous
adverse events and are not tolerated by many patients.
When used, slow titration is required, especially in
The best clinical approach to applied pharmacol- the elderly".
ogy currently incorporates empiric observation and Two trials demonstrated efficacy of the selective
identification of the possible mechanisms of neuro- serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRls) citalopram and
pathic lesion and then uses the best available phar- paroxetine (both at 40 mg/day) in DPN23 In another
macological information to match these potential trial, fluoxetine was equal to placebo".
disease mechanisms with putative drug mechanisms. The selective serotonin and norepinephrine reup-
Although mono therapy is the ideal approach, rational take inhibitors (SNRls) venlafaxine and duloxetine
polypharmacy is often pragmatically used. are newer antidepressants that have shown efficacy for
Several classes of drugs are moderately effective, DPN at daily doses of 150- 225 mg and 60-120 mg,
but complete or near-complete relief is unlikely. An- respectively. The NNTs of 4.6 (CI 2.9-10.6) for venla-
tidepressants and anticonvulsants are most commonly faxine and 5.2 (CI 3.7-8.5) for duloxetine are superior
used. Evidence of efficacy is strong for several antide- to that of SSRls but inferior to TCAs'- In two large
pressants and anticonvulsants. randomized controlled trials (RCTs), duloxetine also
Opioid analgesics can provide some relief but are significantly improved sleep and quality of life. Its
less effective than for nociceptive pain; adverse ef- most common adverse events are nausea, somnolence,
fects may prevent adequate analgesia. Topical drugs dizziness and constipation, which all tend to decrease
and a lidocaine-containing patch may be effective for over time. The drug should not be used concomitant-
peripheral syndromes. Sympathetic blockade is usu- ly with monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors or in
ally ineffective except for some patients with complex patients with impaired liver function. One notable
regional pain syndrome":". advantage of the antidepressants (with the exception
of venlafaxine) is that they can be administered once
Antidepressants dail y25 .26 .
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are often regard-
Side effects of tricyclic antidepressants
ed as first-line drugs for neuropathic pain. A recent
systematic review of the literature, in which num- The most common side effects of TCAs are dry
bers needed to treat (NNTs) of treatments for differ- mouth, constipation, sweating, dizziness, disturbed
ent neuropathic pain syndromes were calculated, has vision, drowsiness, palpitation, orthostatic hypoten-
found TCAs to be the most efficacious drugs for neu- sion, sedation and urinary hesitation. More selective
ropathic pain (NNT 3.1; 95% confidence interval (CI) TCAs such as nortriptyline are better tolerated than
2.7-3.7)19.20 This is based on the results from no less the non-selective ones, with less anticholinergic ef-
than 15 placebo-controlled designed trials, which uni- fects and sedation. A suspected association between
formly demonstrated efficacy ofamitriptyline, nortrip- TCA treatment and sudden cardiac death has raised
tyline, desipramine, chlomipramine, imipramine and concern; a recent epidemiological study found a slight
maprotiline, at a daily dose range of 30-200 mg, for increase in sudden cardiac death with TCA doses
post-herpetic neuropathy (PHN) and diabetic pain- greater than 100 mg/day. Therefore, caution is recom-
ful neuropathy (DPN)'1 The main drawback of these mended in older patients, particularly those with car-
trials is the small number of recruited patients in each diovascular risk factors.

Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 4 8, No.3, 2009 36 1

VanjaBastc-Kes et al. Neuropathic pain

The SNRIs (duloxetine, venlafaxine) are safer to mixed neuropathies. The need for a relatively slow
use than TCAs and are a better option in patients titration and the adverse effect profile of these drugs
with cardiac disease. The relative risk of withdrawal make them a second line of antiepileptic treatment
due to side effects is weak and there is no need for for these conditions, except for trigeminal neuralgia.
drug level monitoring. The most frequently observed Equivocal or negative (active therapy not superior
adverse events with duloxetine are nausea, vomiting, to placebo) results were reported with lamotrigine
constipation, somnolence, dry mouth, hyperhidrosis, for spinal cord injury pain, HIV-related neuropathy
loss of appetite and weakness. Although immediate and mixed neuropathies, with topiramate for PDN,
release of venlafaxine is associated with adverse cen- and with valproate for DPN and spinal cord injury
tral nervous system (CNS) and somatic symptoms pain-".
such as agitation, diarrhea, increased liver enzymes,
hypertension and hyponatremia, the extended release Side effects of anticonvulsants
formulation seems to be by far more tolerable, the Carbamazepine entails frequent adverse events,
main side effects being gastrointestinal disturbances. which include sedation, dizziness, and gait abnor-
malities. Liver enzymes, blood cells, platelets and so-
dium levels should be monitored for at least one year
In addition to antidepressants, selected anticon- because of the possible risk of hepatitis, anaplastic ef-
vulsants are often regarded as first line drugs for fects or hyponatremia. The induction of microsomal
neuropathic pain. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) enzyme systems may influence the metabolism of
have shown the efficacy of gabapentin, pregabalin, several drugs. In contrast to carbamazepine, oxcarba-
lamotrigine, carbamazepine and, to a lesser extent, zepine does not entail enzymatic induction and there
some other anticonvulsants. Yet, with the exception is little risk of crossed cutaneous allergy. In the first
of trigeminal neuralgia, the challenge of 50% pain months of treatment, sodium levels should be moni-
relief in more than half of these patients is rarely tored because oxcarbazepine, like carbamazepine,
metl 6,27. induces hyponatremia, particularly in the elderly (6%
The most extensively studied drug in this class is in a cohort of 54 patients). As regards other side ef-
pregabalin, which has shown efficacy for (PHN) and fects, although better tolerance has been claimed with
(DPN) in a large number of multicenter RCTs. The oxcarbazepine as compared with carbamazepine, this
effective daily dose of 300-600 mg can reduce pain notion lacks coxnsistent evidence from class I trials.
and improve sleep, functioning and quality of life. In a recent trial in diabetic painful polyneuropathy,
Pregabalin can be rapidly titrated. Unfortunately, the 27.5% of the oxcarbazepine group versus 8% of the
drug has not been studied in other types ofneuropathic placebo group discontinued treatment due to central
pain. The most commonly reported adverse events oc- or gastrointestinal side effects.
curring during all controlled clinical trials were dizzi- The most common side effects of gabapentin and
ness, somnolence, dry mouth and edema. Weight gain pregabalin include dizziness, somnolence, peripheral
can also be a problem in some patients-". edema, and dry mouth, with a similar frequency for
There is also strong evidence for the efficacy of both drugs. Whilst gabapentin is widely accepted as
gabapentin (900-3600 mg/day) for PHN and DPN. highly tolerable even at high dosages (>2400 mg), the
Although less broadly studied in other syndromes, reports on pregabalin change remarkably with the
gabapentin has shown efficacy in HIV-associated daily dose: with 150 to 300 mg there is almost no
painful neuropathy, pain in Guillain-Barre's syn- difference from placebo, whilst the withdrawal rate
drome, phantom limb pain, cancer related neuropath- reaches 20% with 600 mg.
ic pain and complex regional pain syndrome type III Lamotrigine is generally well tolerated. Side ef-
RCTs have shown efficacy of lamotrigine for DPN, fects include dizziness, nausea, headache and fatigue.
central post stroke pain, trigeminal neuralgia and However, it may induce potentially severe allergic skin
mixed neuropathies, and of carbamazepine and reactions. Lamotrigine should not be used in combi-
oxcarbazepine for trigeminal neuralgia, DPN and nation with valproate.

362 Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 48, No.3, 2009

VanjaBastc-Kes et al. Neuropathic pain

Opioids primarily experiencing allodynia. Some studies report

on patients that had seen an average of eight different
Eight RCTs tested the efficacy of oral opioids for
physicians prior to referral to the pain clinic 3o,31.
PD N, PHN, phantom pain and neuropathic pain of
The application of topical lidocaine patches was
diverse etiologies. Four drugs were tested: morphine,
found effective for PHN in three short-term RCTs
oxycodone, methadone and levorphanol. All trials re-
ported that opioids were efficacious in reducing spon- and can also be used in patients with other focal pe-
taneous neuropathic pain by demonstrating either ripheral neuropathieso".
superiority to placebo or a dose-dependent analgesic
Drug Combinations
response. Six of the eight studies were recently pooled
to a meta-analysis, which found a mean pain inten- While combinations of drugs with different mech-
sity to be by 14 points lower in opioid-treated patients anisms of action are commonly used in clinical prac-
than in those treated with placebo (95% CI -18 to -10; tice, only one trial tested the efficacy and safety of a
P<0.001)!6 .1 7 The overall NNT of opioids for neuro- combination of two drugs, and found that gabapentin
pathic pain is 2.5 (CI 2.0-3.2). Secondary outcome plus morphine was more efficacious and safer than ei-
parameters such as physical and mental health, sleep ther drug alone". This trial implies the possibility that
and disability were measured in parts of these trials polypharmacotherapy could enhance analgesia with
and yielded inconsistent results. Tramadol, which is fewer side effects.
not a typical opioid, yet has a weak affinity for opioid
receptors, has been effective for DPN and PHN with Noninvasive Therapies
NNT of 3.9 (CI 2.7-6.7)S Common adverse events
One ofthe simplest forms of noninvasive treatment
of opioids include nausea, constipation, dizziness and
for pain is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
(TENS). It has been used since the 1960s, following
Side effects the development of the gate control theory of pain
transmission by Melzack and Walls The technique
The most common side effects ofopioids are consti-
is based on the interaction between small and large
pation, sedation, nausea, dizziness and vomiting. The
afferent fibers, which converge on the dorsal horn
risk of cognitive impairment has been reported to be
neurons before projecting to higher centers, and is a
negligible, although morphine may impair attention
useful adjunctive treatment that is virtually free from
at very high dosages. Tramadol has been reported to
adverse effects".
induce dizziness, dry mouth, nausea, constipation and
somnolence with significantly more dropouts com- Invasive Therapies
pared with placebo. There is an increased risk of sei-
zures in patients with a history of epilepsy or receiving The range of neurosurgical techniques used to
drugs which may reduce the seizure threshold. Sero- treat neuropathic pain has increased over time and
tonergic syndrome (various combinations of myoclo- includes nerve modulation (e.g., dorsal column stim-
nus, rigidity, hyperreflexia, shivering, confusion, agi- ulation) and ablation". Numerous ablative surgical
tation, restlessness, coma, autonomic instability, fever, techniques to destroy nerves have been described, in-
nausea, diarrhea, flushing, and rarely, rhabdomyolysis cluding nerve avulsion or section, dorsal rhizotomy,
and death) may occur if tramadol is used as an add-on spinal dorsal root entry zone lesions, spinothalamic
treatment to other serotonergic medications (particu- tractotomies, thalamotomies, cingulotomy, frontal
larly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs). lobotomy, and even destruction of the primary sen-
sory cortex. However, these treatments are generally
Topical Agents not recommended as they cause more damage to the
Topical capsaicin cream has shown efficacy for nervous system, which can intensify the neuropathic
DPN and PHN but its use is associated with burn- pain. Furthermore, none of these surgical techniques
ing, particularly during the first weeks of treatment. has been found to be uniformly successful in treat-
This can pose major problems, especially in patients ing patients with neuropathic pain. Indeed, there are

Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 48, No.3, 2009 363

VanjaBastc-Kes et al. Neuropathic pain

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V BasicKes. L Zavoreo, M. Ivankovii, M. Bitunjac, V Govori i V Demarin

Neuropatska bol nastaje kao posljedica disfunkcije perifernog ili sredrsnjeg iiveanog sustava. NajcdCi uzroci neuro-
patske boli su dijabetes rnelitus, reaktivacija infekcije herpes zoster, kornpresija iivaca ili radikulopatija, pretjerana kon-
zurnacija alkohola, kernoterapija ili zlouporaba lijekova te neuralgija trigerninusa. Specrficni sirnptorni neuropatske boli
su mehanicka alodinija i hladna hiperalgezija. U lijecenju neuropatske boli rabi se nekoliko skupina lijekova. U prvu sku-
pinu spadaju adjuvantni lijekovi, a to su antidepresivi i antiepileptici, opioidi i lokalna sredstva. U praksi se najceSce rabi
kornbinacija dviju ili vise vrsta lijekova. Unatoc brojnirn randorniziranirn, place born kontroliranirn studijarna na podrucju
neuropatske boli rnedikarnentno hjecenje neuropatske boli jos uvijek nije zadovoljavajuce, te se zadovoljavajuca analgezija
postiie u sarno 50% bolesnika s neuropatskorn boli.
Kljucne rijeci: Neuralgija - terapiJaliJekovima; Bol-liJdenje; Mjerenje boli;Analgetici - terapiJskaprimjena; TerapiJaliJeko-
vima - kombinirana

Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 48, No.3, 2009 365

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