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Title: We must pay the most careful attention

Text: Hebrew 2:1-9


We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that
we do not drift away. 2 For since the message spoken through angels was binding,
and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, 3 how shall we
escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced
by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. 4 God also testified to it
by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed
according to his will.
It is not to angels that he has subjected the world to come, about which we are
speaking. 6 But there is a place where someone has testified:

“What is mankind that you are mindful of them,

a son of man that you care for him?
You made them a little[a] lower than the angels;
you crowned them with glory and honor
and put everything under their feet.”[b][c]

In putting everything under them,[d] God left nothing that is not subject to
them.[e] Yet at present we do not see everything subject to them.[f] 9 But we do see
Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with
glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might
taste death for everyone.


ROTC means reserved officer training corps, who among you experience to
be in rotc? Or Cat when you are in highschool, so I will share to you how cadets do
their daily task when they are in duty. At first in our introduction of our ROTC our
company commander told us that “We need to live in a command” meaning to say in
formation, we cannot stand on our line unless our commander will command, we need
to form a line, facing each other and even greeting them in a command. So meaning
to say in ROTC we cannot live in our own but we can move, if our company
commander dictates what will go to do.
One day, some of ROTC officer called “Cadet Private first class” tell us to form a
line in a parking lot, and we as cadets, we follow his command and form a line in a
parking lot. Our company commander suddenly came and get angry to us, because at
first lesson of our ROTC, he said we do not follow to someone’s command unless it
is the command from “Company commander”.

So in that way we follow the private 1st class because he also wear an rotc officer
uniform. So in that situation, we lost our merits or grades by following others
command and did not follow the first rule of ROTC.

This experience we can relate in our passage today, because According to Hebrew
2:1 “We must pay the most careful attention, therefore to what we have heard, so
that we do not drift away”

So this morning GMC Youth we are going to study, why we need to listen or why we
need to put our attention.

Point 1:Why do we need to listen carefully: for us not to lost.

In today’s passage in Hebrew 2:1-9, why in verse 1 told us “Be very careful”
In previous chapter of this book entitled “God’s final word: His son” so meaning to
say it is the final word of God to his son in that time. Why? In the book of Hebrew
if we can read the first paragraph of the book Hebrew it tells “Book itself reveals
its nature and purpose” and that is for the Jews who are in danger of falling away
from their faith.

So maybe in that time, im not sure but based on previous book of Hebrew, in
2 Timothy also teach those wrong and false teachers and teachings.

That’s why the purpose of writing this book of Hebrew told to the Jews to be
careful on what they will hear or listens.
In Luke 15:1-7 “Mentioned about the lost sheep” so as we study in the book of Good
shepherd in Sunday school. The sheep only listen to the voice of his shepherd and
to its staff. So the sheep cannot be lost unless he heard the voice of his shepherd.

John 10:11”I am the good shepherd”

John 10:27 “My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.

Who is the shepherd pertaining to this verse? Yes! Jesus Christ or God.

Many Bible character lost like a sheep because they did not listen to the voice of
their shepherd.

1. King Solomon: at first, he follow and listen to the voice of God but then he
got intermarried with his many wives, his faith to God got lost and even to
build an altar for their small gods. Meaning to say he became lost because he
forgotten the voice of his shepherd.
2. Israelites: at first they have seen how God works for them (v.4) but when
moses got up to mount Sinai, they built their own god and worship idols.

So GMC Youth, there’s a lot of factors that our faith will slide but it is for us if we
will response to that factor, but this point 2 teach us that for us not to lost our

 Compare to king Solomon, we need to wisely chose who is our companion (like
pastor said)
 Unlike Israelites we need to draw closer more to our shepherd.

So GMC Youth again our Point 1 want teach us that we must be very careful on
hearing others voice because if we compromise with other teaching and forgotten
the voice of our shepherd we too also get lost.

Point 2: Why do we need to listen carefully: for us not to ignore the salvation.

Last QT Thursday prayer meeting, our pastor ask us 1 question, In 39 books

of old testament, 27 books of new testament and 66 books of whole Bible, if we
compress it with one word we can create the word “Salvation”

According to Ephesians 2:8-9 “ For it is by grace you have been saved, through
faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so
that no one can boast.”
Meaning to say it is the gift of God to us. So we need to accept and appreciate it.
What did you feel when someone give you a gift? Are you going to ignore it? No

But according to verse 3: “How shall we scape if we ignore so great salvation” so

GMC Youth have you ever experience to ignore the salvation? It is hard to Answer
it but we did it most of the time.

Verse 3a and 4 mentioned “God show and testifies the wonders and various

Meaning to say for all God has done to all Jews; there’s a lot of them they slide
that’s why our passage mentioned be very careful on what we heard. Because if we
heard wrong teaching and accept it, the salvation given to us become useless,

How come Jesus Christ died for us and after that we listen to other teaching? So
how can we gave worth the salvation given to us? How we can show that we
appreciate the salvation given to us?

A quotes always pastor told to us “I give my life for you, what you can give to me”
so a great question here GMC Youth for us not to ignore the salvation given to us is

Hebrew 2:8 mentioned “To Put Everything under his feet”

Meaning to say let’s all surrender to Jesus, because Jesus gave his life so let God
hold and control our life (You are Good song: Hill song)

As I mentioned in previous sentence in Ephesians “Not by works, so that no one can

boast” Salvation given to us is not our own works, but our work is to bring gratitude
to the one who give salvation to us. HOW?

 Do not listen to other teachings (v.1) Because if we listen to other teaching

the salvation given to us became useless.

So this Point 2 want teach us that for us not to lost or not to ignore the salvation
given to us. Let’s be very careful on what teaching we heard for us to bring back
gratitude for the salvation we receive.

In our introduction mentioned about the wrong command we receive from

other and in that way our grades affect and got demerits from ROTC, so a great
lesson to us GMC Youth, if we follow from wrong teaching all of us got lost so it is
important to us to be very careful on what teaching we need to listen,

According to Matthew 15:14 “Leave them; they are blind guides.[a] If the blind lead
the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

So as pastor told us in prayer meeting the only thing we need to Listen is Only
Jesus (New years eve passage) but how about now? Jesus did not exist physical in
this time but how we can listen through his teaching?

Yes! By listening to the one who appoint by God and that is our Pastor through
guidance of word of God, and through it we can find our way in the true and right
teaching we need to receive. For us not to lost and for our salvation not to ignore.

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