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Question and Answer

1. Define the following:

A. Boiler
B. Steam boiler
C. Supercritical boiler
D. Once-through boiler
E. Steam Generator

A). A Boiler is a closed vessel in which fluid is heating for use

external to itself.
B). Steam boiler is a closed vessel in which steam is generated
by the application of heat for external use.
C). supercritical boiler is boiler that operates above the critical
pressure of 3206.2 psi (atm) and 705.4◦ C Saturation
D). Once-through boiler is a boiler which receives feed water at
one end of continuous tubes and discharges superheated steam
at the other end.
E). Steam Generator is a boiler which covers the whole
apparatus in which the Physical change of the contained fluid
takes place.

2. State at least four advantages of once-through boiler

Advantages of once-through boiler are the following;

A). It’s drum less, thus cost less.
B). Produces desired steam at a wider range of temperature.
C). Products furnace tubes from overheating by a minimum
feed water flow provided by the by-pass system.
D). Responds rapidly to load changes if the ratio of heat input
to fluid is correct.
3.What are the terms used to indicate boiler output?

A). Actual evaporation at specified pressure and temperature

B). Square feet of heating surface.
C). Boiler horsepower.

4. What is combustion?

Combustion is the rapid chemical reaction of oxygen and the

combustible elements in the fuel, evolving heat.

5. State the three ways of atomizing oil in an oil burner?

A). Using steam or air under pressure to break the oil into droplets.
B). By forcing oil under pressure through a nozzle
C). By tearing an oil film into droplets by centrifugal force.

6. Detail some aspects of oil burner maintenance.

A). Burner must get uniformly free-flowing oil, clear of sediments

which might clog burner nozzle.
B). Preheat temperature must be right for the fuel and burner type.
C). Watch for wear caused by abrasion of ash in fuel and carbon build-up.

7. What is meant by heating value of fuel?

Heating value of fuel is the heat liberated by the complete and rapid
burning of a fuel per unit weight or volume of the fuel.

8. State at least five difficulties or problem that may be countered

in the use of fuel oil system?

A). Failure of the oil to flow in the pumps.

B). Clogging of strainers.
C). Malfunctioning of the fuel oil pumps.
D). Vapors formation in the pump suction line as a result of too high
temp in the tank.
E). Faulty atomization.
F). Poor combustion.
G). Fire hazard and unsightly appearance caused by leaks in the

9. In the combustion process three elements of requirements

should be satisfied to attain satisfactory service and high
efficiency. Explain briefly these requirements.

A). Control of air supply for proper ratio of all and fuel.
B). Thorough mixing of fuel and air to attain good combustion.
C). Temperature of combustion, have proper pre-heat temperature to
Maintain combustion.

10. What is the importance of draft in the combustion of fuel?

Draft provides the differential pressure in a furnace to ensure the flow

of gases.
Without draft, stagnation in the burning process would result, and the
fire on process of combustion would die from lack of air. Draft pushes
or pulls air and the resultant flue gas through a boiler and up to the
stack. The draft overcomes the resistance of the tubes, furnace walls,
baffles, dampers and stack lining to the flow of gases.

11. What is the effect of insufficient or too much air in combustion?

Insufficient air supplied to the fuel will result in a longer and smoky
flame. The flue gas will have unburned fuel such as carbon particles
or carbon monoxide, thus less heat will be given off by the
combustion process.

If too much air is supplied, burning of the mixture results in a

shorter and clearer flame. The excess air takes some of the released
heat away from the furnace and carries it up to the stack.

12. In actual practice, it is necessary to maintain at least 10%

excess air during the combustion process. Why?

Burning should always be with excess air to ensure that all the fuel is
properly burned and thus attain better efficiency in heat release. This
also reduces smoke formation and soot deposits which now-a-days,
with stricter Pollution Laws are important.
13. What indicators will show the relative quantity of air being
supplied to the furnace?

A). draft differential

B). Flue gas analysis.
C). Flame appearance
D). Emission of smoke.

14. How does the forced draft fan differ from an Induced draft

A forced draft fan pushes or forces air to the furnace. Usually at

pressure higher than atmospheric pressure, whereas an induced
draft fan draws flue gases out of the furnace by creating a partial
vacuum on the suction side of the fan. The blades of the I.D.Fan are
prone to rapid wear because they have to handle hot, corrosive
gases, possibly hot unburned cinders or fly ash.

15. State the purpose of the smoke stack?

The purpose of the smoke stack is to produce a draft necessary to

cause the air to flow in to the furnace and discharge the products of
combustion at a high temperature and velocity in to the atmosphere.

16. How does the Air pre-heater increase the boiler efficiency?

The APH recovers high exit gas temperature and heats the incoming
combustion air. A 35 to 40 ◦ F drop in gas exit temperature raises
boiler efficiency about 1%.Pre-heated air speed-up combustion at all
load and 300◦ F combustion air save fuel as much as 5%.

17. Explain the principles of thermal cleaning of the air heater


Thermal cleaning changes the wet condition of the heating elements

to dry condition and thereby drying up the deposits. The soot
blowing can be carried out in the stat that the deposits are cracked
due to the difference in the thermal expansion ratio between the
deposits and heating elements.
18. What is the Furnace Explosion?

Furnace explosion is the instantaneous ignition of explosive mixture

or highly Inflammable gas/vapor or dust accumulated in the furnace.

19. What condition is necessary to cause furnace explosion?

A). Accumulation of unburned fuel.

B). Explosive mixture of air and fuel.
C). Source of ignition as hot furnace wall, improper ignition timing,
faulty torch and dangerous lit-off procedure.

20. List some operator’s practices which may contribute to

furnace explosion.

A). Failure to purge the furnace before lit-off.

B). Lighting burners from adjacent burner on hot refractory.
C). Incorrect adjustments of combustion and safety controls.
D). Failure to recognize dangerous condition because of lack of
E). Failure to secure unlighted burners.

21. Why are baffles used to gas passages of water tube boiler?

Baffles direct the flow of gases to a definite path for maximum

utilization of heat absorption

22. Name two types of super heater in General use.

A). Radiant Type Super heater which mainly absorb radiated heat
from the furnace.
B). Convection type super heater which absorb heat from the flue gas
passing through it.

23. What are economizers and how they are classified?

Economizers are waste heat recovery devices that heats incoming feed
water by exit flue gases.
Classifications of economizers are,
A). Horizontal and vertical tubes according to the direction of flue
gas Flow with respect to the tubes in the bank
B). Parallel or counter flow with regard to the relative direction of
gas and water flow.
C). Streaming or non-streaming according to the thermal
D). Return bend or continuous tube type.
E). Plain tube on extended surface (finned type) according to the
detail of design and the form of heating surface.

24. Describe the reheater?

A reheater is essentially another super heater used in boilers to boost

plant efficiency. The reheater obtains used steam from the high pr
this lower pressure steam passing through the reheater is heated to
its original temperature and then introduced in to the intermediate or
low pressure turbine ensure turbine at a pressure below boiler

25. Explain why is it advisable to perform soot blowing between

half and full load?

In soot blower between half and full load we can establish enough
draft to carry the soot out of the stack while maintaining complete
Soot- blowing at low load, fire may be blown out. Soot blowing at
full load it may not possible to increase air supply thus soot
blowing is not effective

26. What are the three usual modes of heat transfer?

A). Conduction: In which transfer heat from molecule to molecule

with body or another body in physical contact.
B).Radiation; which transfer of heat between bodies by
electromagnetic vibration without dependence upon presence of
matter in the intervening space.
C. Convection; this is the transfer of heat within a fluid (gas or
liquid) from one point to another by the mixing of one part with
another through the movement of the fluid or between one fluid and
another by the mixing of the fluids or between a fluid and a solid
through relative motion between them.
27. How many adequate flow of water and water-steam mixture,
necessary to the proper performance of all the circuits of a
steam generating unit, be produced?

A).Natural circulation which the action of gravity available to

Produces to flow comes from the difference between the densities of
the fluid in the down comer and up raiser tubes.
B). forced circulation in which the flow if liquid in the varies
circuits is produced by a pump.
C). combustion of forced circulation and natural circulation, the
circulating forced recirculation type, the water supplied to the
circuits by a separate circulating pump is considerably in excess of
the steam produced. A steam and water drum required, in which
steam separation takes place. The separated water together with the
feed water from the feed pump is returned to through the down
comer circuits to the circulation pump for another trip.

28. What purpose do water walls serve in a boiler?

The water walls consist of relatively close spaced arrangement of

tubes forming the four side walls of the furnace and the purposes it
serve as follows.
A). Cool and protect the furnace linings.
B). Absorb the heat from the furnace to increase the unit’s
generating capacity
C). makes the furnace air- tight

29. Why should water wall headers not be blow down while the
boiler is under load?

If blow down, the boiler normal circulation will be upset and will
result to over heating, bulging and rapture of the tubes.
30. Why is down comer placed outside the boiler casing?

It is so placed to prevent heat absorption from the furnace on boiler,

proper so as not to disrupt the natural gravity circulation of the
cooler water downward.

31. Water supply is the most important consideration in a boiler

operation. Show how you would familiarize with the system?

Know the following:-

A. Where supply is obtained.
B. What are the possibilities of failure?
C. Types of pumps used and their drives
D. Types of regulators used and where bypass system is located

32. How would you manage the drum level when lighting off a
cold boiler and also when cutting out a boiler that has been in

Before lighting a boiler have the water level about one (1) inch from
the bottom of gauge glass. As the boiler heats water expands and the
drum level reaches half the glass or over by the time the boiler is
ready to cut-in. When the fires are extinguished, bring water level to
at least half the gauge glass. Heat stored in the furnace generates
steam for sometime. During this time water in the glass drops, so
that it is necessary to feed the boiler from time to time.

33. State some causes of water bubbling up and down in a boiler

gauge glass and how is it corrected?

This condition is usually due from foaming because of boiler water

contamination. Foaming can also caused by excessive hardness of
water from impurities from a screen on the boiler water surface. If
the boiler is equipped with a surface blow down, open it to blow
some on the water’s surface. High boiler water concentration is
corrected by blowing down until water tests right.
34. Why is it not advisable to blow down boiler during high
steam periods?

Blowing down during maximum or high steaming period could upset

the circulation so badly that some parts especially the tubes, might
be seriously damaged. Water walls should not be blow down when
boiler is in operation because the water wall tubes will be
overheated due to water starvation.

35. Why is a hydrostatic test made on a boiler and when are

they conducted?

Purpose of the Hydrostatic test is to see that all welds, joints and the
connection are tight Hydrostatic test are conducted:-
a. When boiler is newly constructed.
b. When repairs are made on a boiler.
c. When the exact source of leakage or defect in some parts of
the boiler is to be determined.

36. State the importance of feed water treatment.

To eliminate the problems caused by scale, corrosion, carryover and

embrittlement. Water contains many impurities which might be
corrosive in nature and scale forming on the water side of the boiler.
Scales formed will retard the heat transfer, thus, the plant efficiency
is reduced, while corrosion will weaken the boiler parts causing
leaks or explosion.

37. Explain the meaning of pH as applied to boiler feed water.

It is a number between 0-14 indicating the4 degree of acidity or

alkalinity. The midpoint of pH which is 7 denotes that the solution
is neutral. Numbers below 7 denotes acidity, those above 7, denotes
38. What is the difference between erosion and corrosion as it
affects wearing of boiler parts?

Corrosion is an electro-chemical attack, whereas erosion is a

mechanical action causing wear by abrasion.

39. Explain how carry-over is caused in a boiler.

Carryover is entrained moisture and associated solids passing from a

boiler with steam. This slug of moisture cause erratic super heat
control. Carryover also deposits solids in superheat and on turbine
blades. The main caused are excessive dissolved and suspended
solids, high alkalinity and various organic that react with alkalinity.

40. How is priming of boiler water brought about in a boiler?

Priming is the surging of water into the steam outlet. It is caused by

too high water level, uneven fire distribution, load swings and too
high steaming rate. Remedies range from installing purifiers,
lowering water level, improving firing distribution or reducing the
boiler load.

41. To determine the outside temperature of the drum shell,

where should the thermocouples should be located?

The thermocouples should be located:

A. At top center of the drum

B. About 24” or 30◦ from top center of the drum, measured
circumferentially on the same circumference.
C. At the bottom center of drum.
D. On a boiler or circulating tube 6” from the drum shell.
E. At top of drum near one end outside the zone of baffle and
F. At bottom of drum near one end outside the zone of baffles and
42. State the means or ways of establishing the temperature of the
inside surface of the drum.

Ways of establishing the temperature are:

A. Inside surface temperature of the portion of the drum shell covered

by water may be taken as the temperature of water. This may be
considered to be the saturation temperature corresponding to the
pressure as long as pressure shows on the pressure gauge.

B. Before the pressure shows on the pressure gauge (heating, during

start-up) or after pressure has dropped to zero (cooling, during
shutdown). The temperature is estimated from the temperature
indicating by the thermocouple and temperature of the water added.

C. During start-up with pressure rising (pressure above zero gauge),

the inside surface temperature of the portion of the drum shell
not covered by the water may be taken as the saturation temperature
corresponding to the pressure.

43. State at least two ways of keeping the thermal stresses in a

boiler drum within limits during startups and shutdown.

A. Rate of change in saturation temperature must not exceed

100◦ F per hour.

B. Relation between the temperatures drops, between

temperatures of the outside surface of the drum at the top and
bottom, through the drum wall at any location and the
temperature differences.

44. Why is it advisable to maintain a temperature difference of 28

C (50 F) between water and drum metal when filling the boiler

It is advisable to maintain required temperature difference in order to

avoid localized of chilling of the boiler drum metal.
47. Explain what is hot banking of boiler?

The process of maintaining the hot condition of the boiler after

shutdown to bring the unit at the shortest possible time.

48. What is the purpose of the free blow and where it is tapped in
the boiler?

The purpose of the free blow is preventing the secondary superheater

from over heating. It is tapped at the secondary super heater outlet.

49. After a new boiler has been completed, what are the steps to
be followed before it is finally placed in operation?

Drying and setting

To avoid excessive cracking of refractory, it is essential that newly
laid walls be allowed to expand gradually and uniformly from the
heat of a slow fire in the furnace. For the brick setting of a large
boiler a week or 10 days of slow fire is advisable.

Boiling out
Boiling out with chemically treated water to remove any oil or other
Deposits accumulated in the pressure parts during fabrication and
- Safety valve setting.
- Initial operation at moderate load.
- Placing on line in normal high duty operation or normal rated

50. During load rising, what are the conditions should be observed?

- Flue gas furnace outlet temperature

- Fuel oil flow
- Maximum allowable temperature difference between top and bottom
of the drum.
51. Give at least five functions of by-pass system?

Steam from by-pass system provides preheating steam for high

pressure heater, deaerater and steam sealing.
-Boiler pressure can be relived without the use of safety valve
and prevent the loss of high purity feed water.
- provides steam for warming main steam line and reheater
- Establish minimum feed water flow requirement during start-
up, shut down and load operation.
- Conditioning of steam to match turbine metal temperature.

51.Explain the term safety controls on a boiler?

Safety controls are those that limit energy input and thus shut down the
equipment when
Unsafe conditions develop. They are.
A. pressure or temperature limits
B. low water level/pressure
C. fuel failures safeguard system
D. automatic ignition controls
E. air and fuel pressure interlock control
F. feed water regulating controls

52.State the specific functions of the safety control.

Safety controls guard against:

A. Over pressure loading to explosion from the waterside or steam side.
B. Overheating of metal parts possibly also leading to explosion in a fire
C. Fire side explosion (furnace explosion) due to uncontrolled
combustion Mixture on the firing side.

53.Why is the safety valve considered as one of the most important boiler
It prevents the boiler pressure from going above a predetermined pressure by
allowing excess pressure to escape into the atmosphere when the set point is
reached. This guards against a possible explosion from excessive pressure.

55. What is the difference between a relief valve and a safety valve?
A relief valve is used primarily for liquid service and is an automatic relieving
device actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve. A safety valve is
used for gas or vapours service and is an automatic relieving device, actuated
by static pressure upstream of the valve and which opens with a full pop
action once the upstream pressure activates the valve.

54.Explain the term safety valve blow down/blow back and the
requirements for its setting.

Blow down or blow back is the difference between the opening and closing
pressure of the safety valve. If a safety valve is set to open at 250 psi and
reset at 243 psi, then the blow back or blow down is 7 psi. Blow-down must
not be more than 4% and not less than 2% of the set pressure.

57. Explain why super heater safety valves are set at a lower pressure
than the drum safety valve.
Supper heater safety valves are set at a lower pressure than the drum
safety valves to ensure steam flow through the super heater at all times.
If the drum safety valve blows first, the super heater tubes will be starved
which may lead to possible overheating.

58.Explain why boiler blow down valves are necessary.

A. Means of lowering the drum level in cases of too high water level.
B. permits removal of precipitated sediments.
C. Controls the concentration of suspended solids in the boiler. The solids
would settle on metal parts, reducing heat transfer and causing metal
overheat where the scale is located. Rupturing of tubes shells and tubes
sheet may occur.
59.What precaution must be observed when starting boilers equipped
with non-drainable Super heaters?

Non-drainable super heaters are always prone to overheating damage due to

lack of steam flow while the fire side of the tubes is hot. To avoid this
condition start with low fire that will limit the hot gases to a temperature
below that which might reduce the allowable stress for the pressure being
carried on the boiler. This temperature is considered to be 900 F for steel
tubes and 950 F for alloy tubes.

60. In case of tube rupture, an empty boiler drum under steam

pressure may result, explain the consequences that may happen, if water
is fed into the boiler drum.

Boiler drum will be subjected to serious thermal stresses due to quenching of

the drum metal. This condition may cause crack in the boiler drum or actual
rupture of the metal.

61. What are the causes of tubes failure in water tube boilers?
A. Solid deposits
B. Low water level condition
C. Corrosion
D. Slugging of gas passages
E. High concentration of heat in some areas
F. Stress Corrosion
G. Flame impingement
H. Poor circulation
I. Steam cutting by soot blowers which are improperly located or in
poor condition.
62. Why are instruments and knowledge of the required operating
parameters important for properly operating a steam generator?
Use of instruments and knowledge of the required operating parameters are
important responsibilities of an operator. Instruments indicate the conditions
in the boiler, thus, any variations from the design or stipulated conditions
serve as a warning of impending danger or inefficient operation. Thus,
necessary adjustment on corrective/ remedial measures can be instituted to
attain desired results.

63. What are the primary parameters that must be controlled

when operating a boiler?
A. Steam pressure, temperature and flow
B. Furnace pressure and draft.
C. Air pressure and flow.
D. Feed water pressure and flow.
E. Flue gas flow and composition.
F. Proper ignition and burner flame control.

64. State the common components in an automatic control loop

used on boilers.
A. Primary measurement elements
B. Error, detector or comparator which compares the measurement
with prefixed set points (controller)
C. An actuation which responds to the controller signals showing
deviation from the set points.
D. The final control elements such as valve, damper or variable
speed motor that makes adjustments as signaled from the
controller and actuator so as to bring the variable within preset

65.Differentiate operating control and safety controls.

Operating controls regulate the boiler so it operates under certain

conditions as to load, feed water and combustion. The objective is to
obtain the most efficient output from the boiler for each pound of fuel
burned. Safety controls provides the upper and lower limits set for the
safe operation of the boiler.

66.Why is it difficult to maintain the drum water level by means

of the manual control? Explain briefly.

When the water level drops, addition of water at a temperature lower

than the water in the drum causes the steam in the bubbles to
condense. This action decreases the volume of the steam and water
mixture in the boiler and results in further drop in level and a
tendency to add more water. When the normal ratio of water to steam
bubbles is restored the level will be too high. The result is cycling
condition in which water level in the drum is alternately high and low.

67. Describe the following Boiler Control Systems as to its

function, controlled parameter, adjusted parameters and actuated
A. Superheated Steam Pressure Control
B. Combustion Air flow control
C. Feed water Control
D. Superheated Steam Temperature Control.
E. Air Heater Temperature Control.
The function, controlled parameters, adjusted parameters and actuated
devices of different Boiler Control Systems are as follows:
A. Super heated Steam Pressure Control.
This control system is designed to maintain the main steam
pressure at a constant value whatever loads maybe, the final
action is directed on the fuel flow control system:
Controlled parameter - boiler outlet steam pressure
Adjusted parameter - fuel flow
Actuated device - fuel oil control valve
B. Combustion air flow control:-
This control system is designed to produce the proper air
flow to satisfy the total boiler requirements while always ensuring
that there is sufficient air flow available for burners in-service:
Controlled parameter - air for combustion
Adjusted parameter - air flow
Actuated device - forced draft fan inlet guide valves
C. Feed water control:-
This control system is designed to establish the feed water
requirement to maintain the boiler drum level at set point.
Controlled parameter - drum level
Adjusted parameter - feed water flow
Actuated device - Feed water control valve

D. Super heater Steam Control

This control system is designed to maintain the steam
temperature at the Superheat outlet at constant value.
Controlled parameter - Super heat steam temperature
Adjusted parameter - Spray water flow
- Re-circulated gas flow
- By-pass damper opening
Actuated devices - Spray water control valves
- Gas re-circulation fan vanes
- By-pass dampers.

E. Air Heater Temperature Control

This control loop is designed to maintain a constant average
temperature of the inlet air and the flue gas outlet.
Controlled parameter - Average cold end temperature
Adjusted temperature - Steam flow at steam coil air heater
- Re-circulated hot air flow/damper opening
Actuated devices - Steam coil air heater steam control valve
- Hot air re-circulation damper.

68. Explain briefly what a good combustion control means.

A good combustion control means a constant balance of energy input

and energy output on a process, i.e., the utmost utilization of fuel used
combined with the right ratio of air in the boiler furnace to give the
maximum effect on the steam pressure temperature.
69. What are the different methods used in steam temperature

I. Main steam temperature

A. firing rate
B. by-pass dampers
C. de-superheating
II. Reheat steam temperature
A. gas re-circulation
B. de-superheating

70.What are the elements measured in a three (3) element feed

water control?

Three elements measured are:

a. Feed water flow
b. Steam flow
c. Drum flow

71. With the aid of a diagram, explain the following mode of

A. Turbine follow
B. Boiler follow
A. In turbine follow the load demand is fed directly to the boiler
through its pumping the firing rate.
B. In boiler follow the load demand is fed directly to the turbine,
which is considered as conventional manner.

72. In a boiler bi-color gauge, explain how steam and water are
indicated as red and green, respectively.
The operation of a bi-color gauge glass is based upon the principle of
refraction. When light passes through a denser medium, as water,
light is bent obliquely towards the green colored strip. Light bent less
when passing through a less dense medium as air or steam and
towards the red colored strip.
73.Why should the Boiler Tripping Interlock (BTI) be in service
whenever the unit is on the line?

The BTI is equipment/ system protection and should be in –service

whenever the unit is in operation. It will trip the unit in case of
equipments/ system component malfunction, thus preventing further

74. List the condition that will actuate Boiler Tripping Interlock
Conditions that will actuate BTI are:
A. Economizer inlet temperature pressure drops to 2480 psi.
B. Feed water flow lower than 85% of 1/3 maximum continuous
rating (MCR).
C. High Furnace pressure.
D. Tripping of both forced Draft Fan (FDF).
E. Closure of two turbine main stop valve.
F. Closure of boiler main stop valve.

74.In a general statement, state how you will handle an emergency


In emergency situation, the following are to be considered:

A. Analyze the situation
B. Decide what action to be taken
C. Proceed quickly to institute the remedial measure or action

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