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Biofilm formation mechanisms and targets
for developing antibiofilm agents

Biofilms are communities of microorganisms that are attached to a surface and play a Nira Rabin1, Yue Zheng1,
significant role in the persistence of bacterial infections. Bacteria within a biofilm are Clement Opoku-Temeng1,
several orders of magnitude more resistant to antibiotics, compared with planktonic Yixuan Du1, Eric Bonsu2
bacteria. Thus far, no drugs are in clinical use that specifically target bacterial biofilms. This & Herman O Sintim*,1
Department of Chemistry
is probably because until recently the molecular details of biofilm formation were poorly & Biochemistry, University of Maryland,
understood. Bacteria integrate information from the environment, such as quorum- College Park, MD 20742, USA
sensing autoinducers and nutrients, into appropriate biofilm-related gene expression, 2
Department of Natural Sciences,
and the identity of the key players, such as cyclic dinucleotide second messengers and Bowie State University, 14000 Jericho
Park Road, Bowie, MD 20715, USA
regulatory RNAs are beginning to be uncovered. Herein, we highlight the current
*Author for correspondence:
understanding of the processes that lead to biofilm formation in many bacteria. Tel.: +1 301 405 0633
Fax: +1 301 314 9121
Dating back to the seminal works of Robert polysaccharide glycocalyx formed on teeth.

Koch, the father of modern microbiology, to The term ‘biofilm’ was formally introduced
the 1970s, bacteria were largely considered as in 1978 by Costerton [4] . Biofilms have varied
single free-floating microorganisms. Using the morphologies, depending on the constituent
planktonic pure bacterial culture model, scien- bacteria as well as the conditions under which
tists have been able to study many deadly bac- that biofilm was formed. See Figure 1 for a few
teria and developed biocides to kill such bac- examples of bacterial biofilms.
teria. The emergence of drug-resistant bacteria In the last few years, interests in biofilm
and the difficulty in killing some bacteria led formation by a group of clinically relevant
to a re-evaluation of the bacterial lifestyle and bacteria, which cause high mortality, called
it is now acknowledged that the aggregation of ESKAPE (Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus
bacteria within self-produced matrices, called aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter
biofilms, endows bacteria with mechanisms to baumannii, P. aeruginosa and Enterobacter
resist biocides. Biofilms were observed a few spp.) have intensified. There is an interest in
centuries before their relevance to the persis- understanding biofilm formation by bacteria
tence of disease was realized. In 1684, a Dutch that cause dental caries, such as Streptococ-
scientist, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, saw den- cus sobrinus and S. mutans, and also there
tal plaque using his self-constructed micro- are many efforts to delineate biofilm mecha-
scope and he described it as scurf. During the nisms of bacteria that foul implants, such as
early part of the 20th century many scientists Proteus mirabilis. In the sections that follow,
reported that most bacteria were not free-float- we highlight current understanding in how
ing but were attached to surfaces, such as the the aforementioned and other bacteria form
bottom of lakes [1,2] . Scientists began to realize biofilms and targets or processes, for which
that some sessile bacteria were directly related small molecules can be developed against to
to disease when in 1977 Pseudomonas aerugi- inhibit bacterial biofilm formation.
nosa aggregation was found in sputum from
the lungs of infected cystic fibrosis patients [3] . Biofilm structure
In 1978, Clark reported that an important The structure of the extracellular
part of
component of Streptococcus mutans biofilm, polymeric substance (EPS) matrix of bio-

10.4155/FMC.15.6 © N Rabin et al. Future Med. Chem. (2015) 7(4), 493–512 ISSN 1756-8919 493
Review  Rabin, Zheng, Opoku-Temeng, Du, Bonsu & Sintim

Key terms environment [13] . In electron microscopy, they look like

linear or branched long strands that are attached to
Extracellular polymeric substances: The biofilm is cell surfaces and stretched out to form large networks
supported by a matrix of polymeric compounds. These
compounds are secreted by bacteria into the environment. (Figure 3) . Exopolysaccharides serve as scaffolds for
EPS are usually composed of exopolysaccharides, proteins other carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids
and nucleic acids. to adhere. The components, structures and properties
Exopolysaccharides: Exopolysaccharides are high- of the exopolysaccharides differ from one another.
molecular-weight polymers that are composed of sugar Nelson and coworkers analyzed the compositions
residues and are secreted by bacteria into the surrounding and linkages of EPS matrix from E. faecalis, S. aureus,
K. pneumoniae, A. baumannii, P. aeruginosa and
E. spp. biofilms [15] . Mannose, galactose and glucose
films is composed of one or more of extracellular poly- are the most abundant carbohydrates, followed by
saccharides, DNA and proteins (Figure 2)  [11] . Chan- N-acetyl-glucosamine, galacturonic acid, arabinose,
nels in the biofilm allow for water, air and nutrients to fucose, rhamnose and xylose. Most exopolysaccharides
get to all parts of the structure [12] . are not biofilm specific, but their production increases
as a result of a stress response, such as colanic acid pro-
Exopolysaccharides duction in Escherichia coli [16] and alginate synthesis in
Exopolysaccharides are either synthesized extracel- P. aeruginosa [17] . Colanic acid (also known as M anti-
lularly or intracellularly and secreted into the outside gen) is an extracellular heteropolysaccharide found in


1 µm 10 µm

D E 10 µm F

Figure 1. Bacterial biofilms. (A) SEM image of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates attaching to glass surfaces;
(B) biofilm formation of Escherichia coli on titanium oxide surface; (C) SEM image of catheter-associated
Staphylococcus aureus biofilm growth in vivo; (D) electron microscopy of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm
formation on Teflon catheter; (E) SEM image showing attachment and biofilm formation by Salmonella enterica
serovar Poona cells inside the netting of inoculated cantaloupe; (F) SEM of mature mixed biofilms formed on
discs of hydroxyapatite, demonstrating the affinity of Streptococcus mutans to the hyphal elements of Candida
albicans.  SEM: Scanning electron microscopy.
 (A) Reproduced from [5] .
 (B) Reproduced from [6] .
 (C) Reproduced with permission from [7] © The Americanl Association of Immunologists, Inc. (2011).
 (D) Rreproduced with permission from [8] © Nature Publishing Group (2011).
 (E) Rreproduced with permission from [9] © John Wiley & Sons (2008).
 (F) Reproduced from [10] .

494 Future Med. Chem. (2015) 7(4) future science group

Biofilm formation mechanisms & targets for developing antibiofilm agents  Review

Bacterial cell





Water channel

Figure 2. Biofilm structure.

Enterobacteriaceae  [18] . The colanic acid repeat unit is genes are responsible for glucose-rich exopolysaccha-
made up of l-fucose, d-galactose, d-glucuronate and rides formation in the strain PA14 [22] and psl genes
d-glucose and decorated with O-acetyl and pyruvate are involved in mannose-rich exopolysaccharides for-
side chains [19] . The repeat units are assembled by gly- mation in strains ZK2870 [23] and PAO1[24] . A psl-
cosyl transferases on the cytoplasmic side of the inner deficient PAO1 strain could still form mature biofilm
cell membrane. Then the repeat units are flipped from by upregulating pel genes [30] . It was shown that AlgC
the cytoplasm into the periplasm by Wzx. Wzy sys- enzyme is also needed for the synthesis of Psl and
tem is responsible for initial polymerization and high- Pel [28] . Man-1-P is a common intermediate in the syn-
level polymerization is conducted by Wzc and Wzb. thesis of Psl, alginate and LPS, and the productions of
The outer-membrane protein Wza transports colanic these biofilm components were found to be influenced
acid polymers into the extracellular space [20] . E. coli by each other (Figure 6A)  [28] . That is, if one of them
K-12 strain defective in colanic acid production has a was over produced, then the production of the others
slower initial attachment rate, but the attachment is would be reduced.
not completely abolished [21] . In total, there are 24 genes involved in the produc-
There are three exopolysaccharides associated with tion and secretion of alginate in P. aeruginosa. Eight
P. aeruginosa biofilms: Pel [22] , Psl [23,24] and alginate of them regulate the exportation of alginic acids, and
(Figure 4)  [25] . Alginate is composed of d-mannuronic 12 are responsible for the biosynthesis of the poly-
acid residues interspersed with l-guluronic acid resi- saccharide. The four remaining genes regulate the
dues (Figure 5B) . Alginate is not involved in biofilm synthesis [32,33] .
initiation, but it is a critical virulence factor in chronic In Staphylococcus, the biofilm-related exopolysac-
infections. Alginate protects P. aeruginosa cells from charide is polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA),
antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, ticar-
cillin and ceftazidime [26] , and it suppresses host
×10,000 Enlargement
immune response [27] . AlgC enzyme was found to be
involved in the synthesis of alginate and lipopolysac-
charide (LPS) (Figure 5A)  [28] . The enzyme, encoded
by algC gene, has both phosphomannomutase activity
and phosphoglucomutase activity. The conversions of
Man-6-P into Man-1-P and glucose-6-P into glucose-
1-P are catalyzed by this enzyme. Man-1-P is a cru-
cial intermediate in the synthesis pathway of alginate Figure 3. Scanning electron microscopy visualization
and LPS [29] . Apart from alginate and LPS, Psl and Pel of biofilm. The bacteria and the extracellular
are also two major biofilm matrix exopolysaccharides. polymeric substance matrix were visualized by SEM at
Pel and Psl are both important materials in mature ×10,000 magnification. The white box indicates the
enlarged section, and the white arrow indicates the
P. aeruginosa biofilms. Psl polysaccharide is composed
connections between bacteria in 3-day old biofilm
of a repeating pentamer consisting of d-mannose, (scale bar = 1 μm). 
l-rhamnose and d-glucose residues (Figure 6B) and it SEM: Scanning electron microscopy.
promotes the initial surface attachment process. Pel Reproduced from [14] .

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A 0 2 4 6 8 10 µm B C
10 µm 10 µm

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 µm

Figure 4. Extracellular polysaccharides in Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (A) Atomic force
microscopy image of alginate in P. aeruginosa FRD1. (B) Confocal laser scanning microscopy image of Psl in
hydrated P. aeruginosa PAO1. (C) SEM image of Pel in P. aeruginosa PA14.SEM: Scanning electron microscopy.
Reproduced from [31] .

which was characterized by Mack and coworkers [34] . destructive forces. Another example is the biofilm-
PIA, also known as poly N-acetyl glucosamine, is a associated protein (bap) family. The bap family
linear polymer composed of β-1,6-linked glucosamine includes Bap protein from S. aureus [42] and Esp pro-
residues. More than 80% of the PIA residues in Staphy- tein from E. faecalis  [43] . The bap family is involved
lococcus epidermidis are N-acetylated and the rest are in biofilm formation and infection processes [44] .
positively charged [34] . Biosynthesis of PIA is con- Other examples include outer-membrane lectins of
ducted by four proteins: IcaA, IcaB, IcaC and IcaD. Azospirillum brasiliense  [45] and the galactophilic lec-
The N-acetylglucosaminyltransferases IcaA and IcaD tin le-cA [46] and l-fucose binding lectin lecB [47] of
synthesize 20 residue oligomers from UDP-GlcNAc. P. aeruginosa.
IcaC is involved in long oligomer formation (>130 resi- Some enzymes are involved in degradation processes
dues) and transportation of the oligomers to the extra- within biofilms. The enzymes’ substrates include poly-
cellular space. Deacetylation by IcaB results in positive saccharides, proteins, nucleic acids, cellulose, lipids,
charges, which is essential for interactions with cell other EPS matrix components and objects that are
membranes [35] . trapped in the EPS matrix. These enzymes can break
In Bacillus subtilis the biofilm-related exopolysac- down biopolymers and provide carbon and energy
charide can be EPS or poly-δ-glutamate, depending on resources to biofilm cells, especially during starva-
the strain and the conditions [36,37] . tion  [48] . The detachment and dispersal of biofilm
also require enzymatic functions. Degradation of EPS
Extracellular proteins matrix internally by enzymes releases biofilm cells and
Extracellular proteins are another major EPS matrix initiate a new biofilm lifecycle. For example, DspB
component  [38] . Some proteins are attached to cell protein is responsible for the surface detachment of
surfaces and polysaccharides to help with biofilm for- Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae biofilms [49] .
mation and stabilization. One example is the glucan-
binding proteins (Gbps) in S. mutans biofilm [39] . Gbps eDNA
play an important role in biofilm architecture main- Extracellular DNAs (eDNAs) were previously con-
tenance by linking bacteria and exopolysaccharides. sidered as leftovers from lyzed cells until Mattick and
Biofilms produced by Gbps mutants have significantly coworkers found that DNase I could prevent P. aerugi-
reduced height. nosa biofilm formation [50] . The fact that eDNA not only
Amyloids are also insoluble fibrous proteins that comes from lyzed cells but also is actively secreted [51]
play a supportive role in biofilm architecture. One indicates that eDNA has an important role in biofilm
example is the Fap amyloids in Pseudomonas spp. formation. It is found to be critical for biofilm attach-
Overexpression of Fap amyloids leads to cell aggre- ment (Figure 7) . Its negative charge works as a repulse
gation and increased biofilm formation [40] . Amy- force in the initial attachment, but when the distance
loid protein TasA is one of the major components between cell and surface becomes a few nanometers,
of B. subtilis biofilms [41] . TasA forms strong fibers eDNA interacts with receptors on substratum surface
that can hold biofilm cells together and tolerate harsh to facilitate adhesion [52] . Also, eDNA was found to

496 Future Med. Chem. (2015) 7(4) future science group

Biofilm formation mechanisms & targets for developing antibiofilm agents  Review

A Alginate biosynthesis


AlgL AlgX

AlgF AlgK membrane


Algl Alg44


GDP-mannuronic acid Cytoplasmic





AlgC AlgA

Mannose-6-phosphate Fructose-6-phosphate

B Alginate structure

- -
- -

Figure 5. Alginate (A) biosynthesis and (B) chemical structure.

coordinate cell movement in the twitching motility- films and hence protect the bacteria embedded within
mediated P. aeruginosa biofilm expansion [53] . Due the biofilm [57,58] .
to its negative charge, eDNA is able to chelate metal The current knowledge about the roles that eDNA
cations and some positively charged antibiotics. eDNA plays in biofilm maturation and persistence is limited
can chelate Mg2+ and activate PhoPQ/PmrAB two- and more research is warranted to shed light on its role
component systems, leading to antimicrobial peptide in biofilm development.
resistance in P. aeruginosa  [54,55] , Salmonella enterica
serovar Typhimurium [56] and other Gram-negative Reason for biofilm formation
bacteria. In S. epidermidis, eDNA was also found to Many bacteria can switch between planktonic form and
inhibit the transportation of vancomycin within bio- biofilm form. The planktonic bacteria have relatively

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Review  Rabin, Zheng, Opoku-Temeng, Du, Bonsu & Sintim

A PsI biosynthesis


PsIG membrane

??? PsIL



Mannose-1-phosphate GDP-D- mannose

AlgC dTDP-L-Rhamnose UCP-D-glucose

Mannose-6-phosphate RmIABCD GalU

Fructose-6-phosphate Glucose-6-phosphate Glucose-1-phosphate

B PsI structure

Figure 6. Psl (A) biosynthesis and (B) chemical structure.

high cell growth and reproduction rate. However, the probably by limiting the diffusion of these agents.
biofilm state appears to be natural and predominant Biofilm restricts bacterial mobility and increases cell
state of bacteria. Several reasons could account for the density, which also provides an optimal environment
need for a bacterial biofilm state [60] . First, biofilm can for eDNA (plasmid) exchange (via conjugation), some
enhance the tolerance of bacteria to harsh environ- of which encode for antibiotic resistance. As reported
mental conditions. Bacteria can avoid being washed by Hausner and Wuertz, the horizontal gene trans-
away by water flow or blood stream by simply attach- fer rate is significantly higher in biofilms than in the
ing to a surface or tissue. The oral biofilms can stand planktonic cells [62] .
up to repeated, strong, shear forces. Cells in biofilms
are about 1000 times more resistant than their plank- Process of biofilm formation
tonic  [61] . Second, the EPS matrix protects bacteria A prerequisite of biofilm formation is that bacte-
cells, in deeper layers, against antimicrobial agents ria should get close enough to a surface. As bacteria

498 Future Med. Chem. (2015) 7(4) future science group

Biofilm formation mechanisms & targets for developing antibiofilm agents  Review

approach a surface several forces, both attractive and Key terms

repulsive, come into play. At about 10–20 nm distance
from the surface, the negative charges on the bacte- Planktonic cells: Bacteria that float or swim as single cells.
rial surface are repelled by negative charges on most Dispersion: The release of planktonic cells from the biofilm
environmental surfaces [63] . This repulsion could, how- as a result of unfavorable conditions for the biofilm form.
This is the final step in biofilm development, from a mature
ever, be overcome by attractive van der Waals forces
biofilm to the planktonic form. Usually few parts of the
between the bacterial cells and the surface as well as biofilm are dispersed and it is a continuous process. This
the use of fimbriae and flagella to provide mechanical step allows the biofilm to spread and colonize on a new
attachment to the surface [63] . Biofilm formation can surface.
be described in three stages: attachment, maturation
and dispersion (Figure 8) . ers to avoid exposure to oxygen. Bacteria within biofilm
The attachment step could be further categorized as communities ‘talk’ to each other and take specialized
a two-stage process: initial reversible attachment and functions. As the biofilm matures, more biofilm scaf-
irreversible attachment [64] . The irreversible attached folds, such as proteins, DNA, polysaccharides, etc. are
biofilm can tolerate stronger physical or chemical shear secreted into the biofilm by the entrapped bacteria.
forces.  [65] In the initial attachment, flagella and type After biofilm maturation the dispersal step, which is
IV pili-mediated motilities are important. Flagella are also critical for the biofilm life cycle, follows. Biofilms
critical for initial interactions between cells and sur- disperse because of myriads of factors, such as lack of
face. Type IV pili-mediated twitching motilities enable nutrients, intense competition, outgrown population,
attached cells to aggregate and form microcolonies. etc. Dispersal could occur in the whole biofilm or just
O’Toole and Kolter demonstrated that P. aeruginosa a part of it. Release of planktonic bacteria promotes the
flagella-deficient mutants could not land onto surfaces initiation of new biofilms at other sites.
and type IV pili-deficient mutants could not form
microcolonies [66] . Biofilm-related diseases
For the human pathogens S. epidermidis and Biofilms are linked to various human diseases [71] .
S. aureus the initial step of biofilm formation is the Many bacterial infections are biofilm related, for
attachment to human matrix proteins, such as fibro- example, chronic lung, wound and ear infections [72] .
nectin (Fn), fibrinogen (Fg), vitronectin (Vn), etc. Bioflms are also able to colonize on medical devices
Microbial surface components recognizing adhesive such as catheters and implants. According to the NIH
matrix molecules dependent adhesions are covalently more than 80% of all microbial infections are bio-
linked to the peptidoglycan on the cell wall. S. aureus film related [73] . These kinds of infections are hard to
has more than 20 microbial surface components diagnose and treat.
recognizing adhesive matrix molecule genes while
S. epidermidis RP62A has only 12 [67] . Noncovalent Cystic fibrosis
adhesions, such as those mediated by autolysins, also Cystic fibrosis (CF) in the lung causes the formation
contribute to initial attachment of biofilms [68] . of thick and sticky mucus, which blocks airway and
The production of EPS matrix signifies the irrevers-
ible phase of bacterial attachment to a surface. The
EPS matrix of P. aeruginosa has been well studied,
probably due to the role that P. aeruginosa biofilms
play in the progression of cystic fibrosis. Alginate, a
major polysaccharide component of P. aeruginosa EPS
matrix, is produced by bacteria that are attached to a
surface (recently attached bacteria) in quantities that
are several folds more than by planktonic cells [69] .
The σ factor AlgT, which is also required for alginate
production, downregulates flagella genes [70] .
Once the first layer of the biofilm is established,
cells of the same species or other species are recruited
to the biofilm from the bulk fluid. Biofilm grows from
a thin layer to a ‘mushroom’ or ‘tower’ shape structure. Figure 7. Extracellular DNA in Enterococcus faecalis
biofilm. Visualization of labeled strands by using an
In a thick biofilm (>100 layers), bacteria are arranged anti-dsDNA monoclonal antibody conjugated to an
according to their metabolism and aero tolerance. For immunogold particle (asterisks; scale bar = 250 nm).
example, anaerobic bacteria prefer to live in deeper lay- Reproduced from [59] .

future science group 499

Review  Rabin, Zheng, Opoku-Temeng, Du, Bonsu & Sintim

Planktonic cells for many oral cavity diseases, such as dental caries,
periodontitis, gingivitis, etc. [87] .
Communication among bacteria is essential for ini-
tial colonization and successive biofilm formation on
the enamel surfaces. If bacteria do not retain on the
tooth surface, the bacteria are washed with the mouth
fluid. If they do manage to hold to the surface, they
organized as a multispecies to form a dental plaque.
Attachment Microcolony Mature biofilm Oral microorganisms adhere to surfaces such as teeth,
epithelial tissues or to other bacteria that is immobi-
Figure 8. Biofilm formation process. lized on the surface (coadhesion). Cell–cell interaction
makes it hard for patients breath [74] . Eighty percent of between genetically distinct cells can also occur in sus-
CF patients are chronically infected by P. aeruginosa. pension (coaggregation). Oral bacteria have at least one
Medical instruments, devices and tools can also be coaggregation partner. A diagram illustrating competi-
contaminated with P. aeruginosa. Several cases of tion and co-operation among early and late colonizers
hospital-acquired P. aeruginosa infections have been of the tooth is shown in Figure 9. The initial colonizers
reported  [75,76] , but unfortunately, there are not many are streptococci and actinomyces [88,89] . Receptors are
good antibiotics that are available for treating recalci- recognized by the primary colonizers of dental plaque.
trant P. aeruginosa infection [77] . For patients who are Among the receptors are found phosphate-rich proteins
infected with P. aeruginosa, antibiotic treatment often such as statherin, and enzymes such as α-amylase. Strep-
relieves the symptom of the infection but not neces- tococci recognize receptors in the salivary pellicle (coats
sarily cures the infection. The lack of complete cure is the enamel). Actinomyces bind to proline-rich pro-
mainly due to P. aeruginosa biofilms that act as reser- teins and statherin (Figure 9) . Fusobacteria, anaerobic
voirs for disease recurrence [78] . This calls for the devel- Gram-negative bacteria, also bind to statherin.
opment of drugs that can act on P. aeruginosa biofilms. Bacteria communicate in the oral biofilm through
These future drugs could either kill the bacteria in the the secretion and accumulation of small molecules.
biofilm or cause the dispersal of the biofilm into plank- Autoinducer (AI)-2 is a universal intergeneric signal-
tonic state and by that enabling drugs that work on ing molecule that plays an important role in biofilm
planktonic bacteria to take effect [79] . Beyond acting as development  [91,92] . AI-2 stimulates the coaggregation
disease reservoirs, the components of biofilms, such as of S. oralis and Actinomyces oris T14V. Small concen-
the major polysaccharide of P. aeruginosa matrix (algi- trations of AI-2 are sufficient for coaggregation of oral
nate), are virulence factors. For example, alginate can bacteria, less for oral pathogens. As the cell density of
cause lung damage [80] . the commensal bacteria increases, the AI-2 concen-
tration increases. At the highest concentration, the
Dental plaque pathogens grow and develop the biofilm. At low con-
Biofilms play an important role in dentistry and there centration the conditions do not support their growth.
have been many studies on dental biofilms [81,82] . Over Fusobacteria produce high levels of AI-2, then coag-
700 species of bacteria and archaea have been reported gregate with variety of colonizers and become domi-
to exist in dental plaque [83,84] . Dental plaque is actually nant bacteria in biofilms associate with healthy gums
composed of mixed biofilms [85] . However, the com- and plaque.
position of the healthy plaque biofilm is significantly
different from disease-associated plaque biofilms. Wounds
The mouth is a unique microenvinronment that is Biofilms are commonly found in chronic wounds [93] .
characterized by water, temperature fluctuations, hard Compared with an acute wound, which is usually
surface, and carbon and nitrogen input. Changes in not associated with biofilm, a biofilm-related chronic
the local environment influence the biofilm bacterial wound persists and only slowly heals. Biofilms usu-
composition. Acid is a major cause of tooth decay and ally form on the outer layer of wounds but some bio-
innocuous bacteria species in healthy biofilms, includ- films are also embedded in the deep layers of a wound,
ing Streptococcus sanguis, Streptococcus gordonii, Strep- such as P. aeruginosa biofilms, and they are difficult to
tococcus oralis, Actinomyces species, etc. often show low diagnose using a traditional wound swab culture [71] .
acid tolerance [86] . On the contrary, bacteria involved
in dental caries, such as S. sobrinus and S. mutans, have Urinary infection
very high acid tolerance. These acid-tolerant bacte- Biomaterials in the urinary tract, such as catheters,
ria that can also form robust biofilms are responsible increase the chance of bacterial biofilm formation,

500 Future Med. Chem. (2015) 7(4) future science group

Biofilm formation mechanisms & targets for developing antibiofilm agents  Review

17 18 19 20
Late colonizers


14 20 1. Streptococcus oralis and

Streptococcus sanguinis
14 2. Streptococcus mitis
14 22 3. Streptococcus gordonii
4. Capnocytophaga ochraccea
14 5. Propionibacterium acnes
11 6. Haemophilus parainfluenzae
13 7. Prevotella loescheii
12 15 8. Veillonella spp.
9. Actinomyces oris and
Actinomyces naeslundii
Early colonizers

10. Eikenella corrodens

20 7 11. Actinomyces israelii
6 12. Capnocytophaga gingivalis
4 9 13. Capnocytophaga sputigena
10 14. Fusobacterium nucleatum
15. Prevotella denticola
16. Aggregatibacter
3 2 1 3 17. Eubacterium spp.
18. Treponema denticola
19. Tannerella forsythia
20. Porphyromonas gingivalis
21. Prevotella intermedia
22. Selenomonas flueggei
Bacterial cell Sialylated Salivary Proline-rich
Statherin α-amylase
fragment mucins agglutinin protein
Salaivary pellicle
Tooth surface

Figure 9. Oral bacterial colonization. Spatiotemporal model of oral bacterial colonization showing recognition of salivary pellicle
receptors by initial colonizing bacteria and coaggregations between initial colonizers, fusobacteria and late colonizers of the tooth
surface. Collectively, these interactions are proposed to represent development of dental plaque. Starting at the bottom, initial
colonizers, Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus oralis and Streptococcus sanguinis, bind to complementary
salivary receptors (sialylated mucins, proline-rich protein, α-amylase, salivary agglutinin and bacterial cell fragments) in the acquired
pellicle coating the tooth surface. Late colonizers bind to previously bound bacteria. Sequential binding results in the appearance
of nascent surfaces that bridge with the next coaggregating partner cell. Coaggregation is different from aggregation that occurs
between genetically identical cells and from agglutination of cells through interaction of cells with soluble molecules, for example,
antibodies. Most coaggregations are between cells of different genera; Fusobacterium nucleatum strains, for example, coaggregate
intergenerically with representatives of all oral bacterial species. However, intrageneric coaggregation among fusobacterial strains
is only rarely observed. In sharp contrast, streptococci exhibit broad intrageneric coaggregation partnerships (e.g., S. gordonii and
S. oralis) as well as intraspecies partnerships (e.g., S. gordonii DL1 and S. gordonii 38). Each bacterial strain exhibits specificity in
partners. For example, some streptococci are capable of coaggregating with certain Veillonella spp., whereas other streptococci
cannot coaggregate with those veillonellae but do coaggregate with a separate group of veillonellae.
Reproduced with permission from [90] © Macmillan Publishers Ltd (2010).
leading to urinary infection [94] . The synthetic infections that give symptoms like fever, it could take
foreign body provides surfaces for bacteria to attach. a while before symptoms of the biofilms on these
Almost all urinary catheters (both the inner and implants, such as pain, emerge [97] .
outer surfaces) are infected with bacterial biofilms
(Figure 10) . These biofilms, for example, P. mirabilis Cardiac valve infection
biofilms, which can be crystalline in nature, can Bacterial biofilm on mechanical cardiac valve causes a
block catheters and patients have to replace the disease called prosthetic valve endocarditis. The species
blocked catheters [95] . involved in endocarditis are S. epidermidis, S. aureus,
Streptococcus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Enterococcus
Prosthetic joint infection spp. and Candida spp [98] . Accumulated biofilm can
Bacteria causing prosthetic joint infection are usually disrupt or block the artificial cardiac valve, resulting in
Gram-positive, such as staphylococci [96] . Most often diminished flow, turbulence or even leaking. Detached
immediately after surgery, bacteria (which could come biofilm cells can migrate along with the blood stream
from blood or the lymph) attach to the surface of pros- and cause infection in other organs. Biofilm fragments
thetic joints to form biofilms. Unlike typical bacterial in the blood circulation can block blood at the terminal

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Review  Rabin, Zheng, Opoku-Temeng, Du, Bonsu & Sintim

biofilm cells could tolerate concentrated ampicillin but

A B their resistance to ciprofloxacin is poor [103] .

Horizontal gene transfer

Some bacteria can acquire antibiotic resistance via
random mutations on genes. Others also harbor anti-
biotic-resistant genes on plasmids. Plasmids can be
easily passed on to other cells by horizontal gene trans-
Figure 10. Biofilm on urethral stents. Scanning electron fer. In biofilms, the frequencies of horizontal plasmid
microscopic picture of a developing biofilm on urethral transfer are much higher than between planktonic
stents that is lying completely within the urinary tract.  cells. Studies on S. aureus biofilms showed that bio-
Reproduced with kind permission from [94] © Springer
Science and Business Media (2006).
films promote the spread of plasmid-borne antibiotic
resistance genes by conjugation/mobilization [104] .
points, such as the brain and kidney.
Reduced growth rate
Biofilm resistance to antibiotics & host There is limited availability of oxygen and nutrients
immune system inside biofilms, so biofilm cells, especially those in
Bacteria in a biofilm are more resistant to antibiot- the deep layers, have a slow metabolic rate, as well as
ics or the reactive molecules that are produced by the growth rate and division rate. These features make
host immune systems than planktonic bacteria. It has biofilm bacteria insensitive to antibiotic drugs that
been estimated that biofilm cells can be up to 10,000 target dividing cells. For example, the targets of
times more resistant to antibiotics than planktonic β-lactams are dividing cells, so when they are used
cells  [99,100] . Costerton and coworkers observed that on E. coli biofilms, their bacteriolytic activity is
when they treated P. aeruginosa biofilm and plank- diminished [105] .
tonic cells with tobramycin, planktonic cells could
not survive greater than 50 μg/ml tobramycin, but Persister cells
biofilm cells could tolerate 1 mg/ml tobramycin [100] . In biofilms, there is a small subpopulation of cells
Abee and coworkers also reported that with two dif- called persister cells [106,107] . Their growth rate is zero
ferent disinfectants, benzalkonium chloride and or extremely slow. Most of the antibiotics that are cur-
the oxidizing agent sodium hypochlorite, the effec- rently used in the clinic, which target processes that
tive inhibitory concentrations on S. aureus biofilms are relevant for cell growth or division, are not effec-
are 50- and 600-times higher than planktonic cells, tive against persister cells. Therefore, these cells act as
respectively  [101] . The reason(s) for increased antibi- disease reservoirs that could reactivate into infectious
otic resistance by bacterial biofilms is/are not yet fully particles once the antibiotic stress has been removed.
understood. It is highly probable that multiple factors
work together to protect biofilm cells from antibiotic Efflux pumps
treatment. Some of the possible mechanisms for anti- Efflux pumps allow bacteria cells to pump intracel-
biotic resistance exhibited by bacterial biofilms are lular toxins out, including antibiotic drugs. Efflux
as follows. pumps are also expressed in planktonic cells, but some
efflux pump genes are upregulated in biofilm, indi-
Limited antibiotic penetration cating that they contribute to antibiotic resistance.
As previously described, EPS matrix plays an impor- Zhang and coworkers identified a novel P. aeruginosa
tant role in antibiotic resistance by limiting antimi- efflux pump gene PA1874–1877 and the expression
crobial agents’ penetration into the biofilm. Charged level of PA1874–1877 gene in biofilm is much higher
polysaccharides and eDNA can trap several kinds of than in planktonic cells [108] . Efflux pump encoded
antibiotics. The penetration property of antibiotics by this gene increases the resistance to tobramycin,
has been measured by the concentration at the base gentamicin and ciprofloxacin.
of the biofilm by Suci and coworkers. Results showed
that ciprofloxacin concentration in P. aeruginosa bio- EPS matrix protection
film was dramatically reduced, but not completely EPS matrix provides physical protection to the
blocked  [102] . Steward and coworkers investigated the aggregated biofilm cells. Lei and coworkers showed
penetration limitation of ampicillin and ciprofloxa- that exopolysaccharide alginate in P. aeruginosa bio-
cin on K. pneumoniae. Ciprofloxacin has a much bet- films kept biofilm bacteria from human leukocyte
ter penetration capability than ampicillin. As a result, killing [109] .

502 Future Med. Chem. (2015) 7(4) future science group

Biofilm formation mechanisms & targets for developing antibiofilm agents  Review

Signaling in biofilm formation Key term

Quorum sensing
In order to form a biofilm, bacteria have to synchronize Quorum sensing: Cell – cell communication process that
regulates gene expression at high cell density. At high
their gene expression and some use quorum-sensing cell density the concentration of an autoinducer, which is
(QS) systems to achieve this. QS is a mechanism by secreted by the bacteria to the environment, reaches to
which bacteria apparently monitor cell density and a certain threshold, which leads to gene expression and
regulation of diverse physiological activities.
regulate collective behaviors [110] . It is worth point-
ing out that the issue of bacterial population monitor-
ing via QS is still hotly debated and many alternative complex acts to induce or repress expression of target
hypotheses have been proposed for the role of mole- genes (Figure 11B) [114] . QS controls diverse physiologi-
cules that are involved in QS [111] . Bacterial popula- cal processes: for example, bioluminescence, secretion
tions coordinate their gene expression by producing of virulence factors, biofilm formation, antibiotic resis-
and responding to a variety of intra and intercellular tance and more. QS has been shown to regulate bioflm
signals termed ‘autoinducers’ [112] . Bacteria ‘talk’ to formation in several bacterial species [115] .
each other using chemicals for ‘words’ including small In PAO1 strain of P. aeruginosa, AHL QS systems
molecules (Figure 11A) . For example, acyl-homoserine are responsible for eDNA release and for biofilm struc-
lactones (AHLs) mediate QS in Gram-negative bac- ture  [116] . In PA14 strain, the QS system regulates the
teria. There are several types of AHL, depending on production of PEL exopolysaccharide [117] . In S. aureus,
the length and functionalization of the acyl side chain. the QS system regulates biofilm dispersal. The QS
Small peptides regulate QS-mediated gene expression molecule in S. aureus is a peptide (AIP) derived from
in Gram-positive bacteria and AI-2 mediate QS in both the product of the agrD gene, which is then detected by
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, although AgrC and activate the regulator AgrA. AgrA regulates
its role in cell signaling is still controversial [113] . At low the transcription of genes that code proteases that are
cell densities, a small amount of autoinducer is pres- involved in biofilm dispersal [118,119] . In B. subtilis, the
ent in the extracellular media; however, it is too dilute QS molecule surfactin is important for biofilm forma-
to be detected. As cell density increases, the autoin- tion [120] . Surfactin causes potassium leakage from the
ducer concentration reaches a threshold and at this cytoplasm which triggers the expression of the genes
point the autoinducer/regulatory protein (the receptor) involved in extracellular matrix production.

(CH2)n H I O
R = -H, -OH, = O; n = 3-11 Y S T C Y O


B Autoinducer


• Biofilm formation
• Motility
Gene • Virulence
Receptor expression • Pigment production
• Luminescence

Figure 11. Quorum sensing. (A) Main quorum-sensing autoinducers. (B) Quorum-sensing circuit.
AHL: Acylhomoserine lactone; AIP: Autoinducing peptide; AI: Autoinducer.

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- N
Diguanylate Biofilm formation
H2N N N O O OH Motility
HN -
O C-di-GMP



Figure 12. Cyclic dinucleotide signaling pathway.

c-di-GMP c-di-GMP affect biofilm formation and some effec-
C-di-GMP has emerged as an important second mes- tor systems involved, the reader is referred to an excel-
senger involved in biofilm formation. It was originally lent review by Boyd and O’Toole [128] . Briefly, in most
found to allosterically activate cellulose synthase in bacteria the transition from motile to sessile mode of
Acetobacter xylinus [121,122] . This signaling molecule has life is regulated by various effector proteins that bind
been found to modulate a variety of bacterial growth c-di-GMP resulting in varying outputs via cell–sur-
phenotypes including but not limited to biofilm for- face protein localization, protein–protein interaction,
mation, motility and virulence factor production [123] . transcriptional activation and DNA binding [128] . In P.
In the cell, c-di-GMP is synthesized from two GTP fluorescens, biofilm formation is initiated when an inner
molecules by diguanylate cyclases characterized by a membrane effector protein, LapD binds cellular c-di-
GGDEF domain, a set of highly conserved active site GMP to facilitate the transport of the biofilm adhesion
residues, whereas the second messenger is degraded LapA to the cell surface [129,130] . Other studies have
into pGpG or GMP by phosphodiesterases (PDEs) revealed that in the presence of RapA PDE (suggesting
containing EAL domain or HD-GYP domain, respec- decreased cellular c-di-GMP levels), the secretion of
tively (Figure 12)  [122,124–127] . These enzymes function LapA is inhibited and hence biofilm formation is abol-
in concert to regulate the intracellular c-di-GMP levels. ished [131] . A protein–protein interaction was observed
The correlation between intracellular c-di-GMP in E. coli, with YcgR protein integrating cellular c-di-
concentration and biofilm formation has been observed GMP levels and interacting with components of the
in several clinically relevant bacteria (Table 1). For a flagellar motor to modulate motile-to-sessile transi-
detailed review of how fluctuating levels of cellular tion  [132–134] . Other studies showed that a VieS/VieA
Table 1. Clinically relevant bacteria that use c-di-GMP second messenger.
Bacteria Diseases Ref.
Vibrio cholerae Cholera  [127]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pulmonary and urinary tracts infections  [137]
Burn injuries infections
Blood infections
Yersinia pestis Plague of Justinian [138]
Black Death
Third Pandemic
Klebsiella pneumoniae Pneumonia  [139]
Urinary tract
Lower biliary tract Wound infections
Legionella pneumophila Legionnaires’ disease [140]

Vibrio vulnificus Cellulitis  [141]


504 Future Med. Chem. (2015) 7(4) future science group

Biofilm formation mechanisms & targets for developing antibiofilm agents  Review

sensor kinase/response regulator pair function to

reduce cellular c-di-GMP concentration and inhibit
RetS GacS LadS
biofilm formation in Vibrio cholerae  [135] . It was deter-
mined that VieA PDE degraded c-di-GMP when
phosphorylated by VieS sensor kinase. The decreased
cellular c-di-GMP concentration was concomitant P
with a repressed expression of vps (vibro exopolysac- GacA GacA
charide sysnthesis) genes, responsible for EPS synthesis
and biofilm formation in V. cholerae  [135,136] . Previous
studies also observed an increased vps gene expression
and subsequent induction of biofilm formation either
by overexpression of putative diguanylate cyclases or
inactivation of VieA PDE; both of which correspond
to a high cellular c-di-GMP concentration [127] . RsmY RsmZ

Small noncoding RNAs (sRNAs) also play an impor-
tant role in the bacterial regulatory networks controlling
the switch between planktonic mode and biofilm mode.
The regulatory functions of sRNAs are achieved by
base pairing with other RNAs or binding with proteins.
After Romeo and coworkers found the RNA-binding Planktonic mode Biofilm formation
proteins CsrA and sRNA CsrB and revealed their roles Figure 13. Pseudomonas aeruginosa GAC regulatory
in E. coli biofilm formation and dispersal [142–144] , more network. The phosphorylation of regulatory protein
sRNAs have been identified to participate in the biofilm GacA is activated by GacS and LadS, but inhibited by
regulatory networks in many bacteria. RetS. Phosphorylated GacA promotes the production of
two sRNAs, RsmY and RsmZ. RsmY and RsmZ sequester
One well-studied example is P. aeruginosa GAC
RsmA and block its mRNA-binding function. In the
signal-transduction network (Figure 13) . GacS is a absence of RsmY and RsmZ, RsmA binds to target
transmembrane sensor kinase, which induces the mRNA, prevents translation and resulted in increased
phosphorylation of its cognate regulator, GacA. GacA cell motility and decreased biofilm formation.
phosphorylation is also promoted by sensor kinase Adapted from [147] .
LadS and blocked by RetS [145] . Phosphorylated GacA
stimulates the production of two sRNAs: RsmY and
RsmZ  [146] . RsmY and RsmZ have multiple binding
sites for the regulatory protein RsmA. As a transla-
tional repressor, RsmA binds to the target mRNAs
~20 µm
to promote bacterial motility and repress biofilm for-
mation. Sequestration of RsmA by sRNAs RsmY and
RsmZ switches planktonic mode to biofilm formation.
The first identified global biofilm regulator is
CsrA  [142] . The structure of CsrA regulatory network
in E. coli is similar to the previously described RsmA
system. CsrA’s target mRNA binding ability is inhib-
ited by two sRNAs, CsrB and CsrC. In the absence of
CsrB and CsrC sRNAs, CsrA represses mRNA trans- 5 µm
lation and leads to increased cell motility. CsrB and
CsrC sRNAs trap CsrA, enable mRNA translation Figure 14. Biofilm aggregates of Pseudomonas
and promote biofilm formation [148] . aeruginosa in a chronic infected cystic fibrosis lung.
Another master biofilm regulator in E. coli and Using a specific P. aeruginosa PNA fluorescence in situ
S. Typhimurium is CsgD. CsgD regulation is at tran- hybridization probe, the bacteria are visualized in red,
scriptional level, by selectively activating curli fim- whereas the inflammatory cells surrounding the biofilm
patches are counterstained with 4’,6-diamidino-2-
briae and extracellular polysaccharides genes and phenylindole, DAPI (blue).
repressing flagella genes [149] . The activity of CsgD Reproduced with permission from [158] © Wiley-Liss, Inc.
is under the regulation of sRNAs (McaS, RprA, (2009).

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Figure 15. Evidence of catheter-associated biofilm

growth in vivo. (A) Original magnification ×200
demonstrating the irregular undulating pattern of the
biofilm surface. (B) Higher magnification of a tower
from the image shown in (A) revealing a predominantly
hollow interior with numerous cocci at the margins
(original magnification ×800). The image has been
pseudocolored to highlight Staphylococcus aureus
(gold) and presumably matrix material (green), which
likely aggregated during the SEM dehydration process,
from remaining biofilm structure (gray). The smooth
surface at the upper right represents the catheter
(salmon) with biofilm visible on the internal face. (C)
Original magnification ×3000 of an Staphylococcus
aureus cluster within the tower depicted in (B).
SEM:Scanning electron microscopy.
Reproduced with permission from [7] © The American
Association of Immunologists, Inc. (2011).
OmrA/OmrB, GcvB, etc.). These sRNAs are pro-
duced in response to different environmental condi-
tions. Some sRNAs act as CsgB repressors, such as
OmrA/OmrB, but some are CsgB activators, such
as ArcZ [150] .
For more detailed information, the reader is
referred to a more thorough review of the role of small
regulatory RNAs and biofilm formation by Chambers
and Sauer [151] .

Biofilms in vivo
The dynamics of the microenvironment in vivo is dif-
ferent from that seen in vitro. This raises the question
of whether observations from in vitro experiments are
directly amenable to in vivo studies. It is therefore
important to study biofilms in vivo. Animal models
such as mice [152,153] , rabbits [154] and rats [155] have
been used to investigate the effects of biofilm-mediated
infections. It is important to note that these models
may not exactly depict conditions in a human host but
C can provide good predictive power.
One of such infection caused by P. aeruginosa is the
catheter-associated urinary tract infection. Cole et al.
demonstrated that the biofilms formed in a murine
model of catheter-associated urinary tract infection
were independent of extracellular polysaccharides [156] .
This observation was achieved by using mutant PA14
and PAO1 strains, which lacked the ability to produce
exopolysaccharides. The biofilm formed was found
to be composed of eDNA, as DNAse 1 treatment
decreased the biofilm. Watters et al. used streptozoto-
cin to induce diabetes in healthy mice. They infected a
surgical excision wound with P. aeruginosa PAO1 and
investigated the effect of the infection on the murine
model wound healing [157] . It was observed that wound
healing for diabetic mice was slow relative to healthy
mice. Analysis of tissue extract of wound from dia-
betic mice revealed aggregates of P. aeruginosa. The
biofilm did not respond to gentamicin treatment as

506 Future Med. Chem. (2015) 7(4) future science group

Biofilm formation mechanisms & targets for developing antibiofilm agents  Review

was expected. P. aeruginosa biofilms are also known Conclusion & future perspective
to cause CF. Bjarnsholt et al. showed using various A major setback in the treatment of biofilm-related
imaging techniques that P. aeruginosa biofilms were infections is the ineffectiveness of existing antibiotics
localized in the conductive zone of CF-infected lungs due to the protective layers built by cells in the bio-
as opposed to the respiratory zone, which is enriched film. There is therefore limited antibiotic penetration,
with polymorphonuclear leukocytes (Figure 14)  [158] . so the community of sedentary cells persists even in
In the conductive zone, the study suggested that the the presence of antibiotics effective against their motile
mucoid biofilms formed by the bacteria in the mucus counterparts. The dispersion of matured biofilms may
are protected from antibiotics and host defense. primarily require the disruption of the EPS matrix.
In an earlier study, Dalton et al. seeded multispecies Components of the EPS matrix such as alginate, Pel
biofilms from an in vitro culture into the wounds of and Psl in P. aeruginosa biofilms could, therefore, be
mice to generate a polymicrobial wound infection [152] . vital targets in the disruption of biofilm structure. With
This study also observed an impaired wound healing of cells exposed, the drug compound may then exhibit
wounded mice infected with the multispecies biofilm, bactericidal activity or act by dispersing the cells. On
and an increased tolerance to antimicrobial treatment. the other hand, the formation of new biofilms could
The in vitro-to-in vivo multispecies biofilm was made be inhibited by preventing initial processes like attach-
up of S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, E. faecalis and Finegoldia ment of cells to surfaces. This would be crucial in the
magna. It was observed within 48 h postup that P. development of medical and dental implants as they are
aeruginosa took over the infection and was typically easily colonized by biofilm-forming pathogenic bacte-
present at the leading edge of the infection. ria. Nevertheless, the gap between observations made
The response of the innate immunity system to bio- from an in vitro model and an in vivo model continues
film infection has been investigated. S. aureus biofilms to be problematic. Choice of animal model, depending
were established on surgically implanted catheters in a on how closely related the model is to humans, would
mouse model (Figure 15)  [7] . The study observed that be a critical parameter in the successful development of
the biofilms evaded TLR2 and TLR9 which are bacte- any antibiofilm drug.
rial recognition receptors used by macrophages. Host
inflammatory responses such as TNF-α, IL-1β and Open Access
several others were found to be attenuated. The levels This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
of iNOS, responsible for synthesizing reactive nitrogen NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this
intermediates which have microbicidal activities, were license, visit
observed to be significantly reduced. A corresponding
increase in arginase-1 expression levels was observed. Financial & competing interests disclosure
In fact, the overall response of the innate immunity We are grateful to NSF (CBET 1264509) and Camille Dreyfus
was observed to be altered; a plausible explanation for Foundation (Teacher–Scholar fellowship to HOS) for funding.
the persistence of biofilms in vivo. Y Zheng is supported by Kraybill biochemistry fellowship. The

Executive summary
• Biofilms are defined as aggregated microorganism communities attached to surfaces and embedded in a self-
produced matrix which is composed of extracellular polysaccharide, DNA and proteins.
• There are three steps in biofilm formation: attachment, maturation and dispersion.
• The biofilm structure provides the bacteria with the ability to tolerate harsh environmental conditions,
resistance to antibiotics and host immune systems, and provides an optimal environment for extracellular DNA
(plasmid) exchange.
• Various human diseases are related to biofilm. Biofilms play an important role in dental diseases.
Signaling in biofilm formation
• Bacteria synchronize their gene expression by producing and responding to autoinducers. Quorum sensing
regulates bioflm formation in several bacterial species.
• c-di-GMP is a second messenger that modulates a variety of bacterial growth phenotypes including biofilm
• sRNAs are also biofilm regulators
Biofilms in vivo
• The microenvironment in vivo is different from that in vitro. It is important to investigate biofilms inhibition
in vivo in animal models.

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Review  Rabin, Zheng, Opoku-Temeng, Du, Bonsu & Sintim

authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial involve- discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed.
ment with any organization or entity with a financial interest No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this
in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials manuscript.

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