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Name of book: the rainbow troops

Published: December 2009, bentang

Total pages: 470 pages
Author: Angie Kill and & Andrea Hirata

So the language of this book is English and the orginal's is
Indonesian. All of the grammar, vocabulary, and all other
things is almost perfect cause there are some words that are
in Indonesian. If you want to read this book, you must know
English and Indonesian to read the book easily.
So the book will tell you about the story of a poor young boy
living in his life and going through an education in a poor
school that was tried to be destroyed by the rich people of
bangka belitung to get their hands on the tins. Later on there
will be a group of children who have called themselves the
rainbow troops and they have helped each other and give
each other a hand.
Favourites and character
My favourite character is Ikal. For me ikal is brave, smart,
and clever. I like Ikal just because he has many friends,
adventurous live, and a super smart teacher and principal
and Ikal could be the best friend for you to have.
Moral to life
This book has a moral to life and that is to not judge people
from the outside, I got this moral from when the rich people
had judged the poor people from the outside. Then they lost
because the poor people had beated the rich people by
winning the best parade and the smartest student in their
I recommended this book for the person who has an age12
or above because there are some inappropriate content in
this book for the people under that age. I also recommended
this book to the people who know English and Indonesian to
read the book easily without of needing a search for what’s
the word. So I for the last, I recommended the book for the
people who already has that recommendation to buy it just
Because it could help you with going through your life with a
moral and a message. So if you want to buy the book, you can
buy at a bookstore or an online shop.

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