Hamstring Stretching Technique

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Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; 2Resurrection Hospital, Chicago, Illinois; 3Department of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado;
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Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,
Chicago, Illinois; 5College of Education, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; 6Spine and Sports
Rehabilitation Center, Chicago, Illinois; and 7University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio

ABSTRACT correlation between hamstring flexibility and age, initial

Fasen, JM, O’Connor, AM, Schwartz, SL, Watson, JO, tightness, or frequency of exercise per week. Improvement in
Plastaras, CT, Garvan, CW, Bulcao, C, Johnson, SC, and hamstring flexibility was greatest for the SLR passive stretch.
Akuthota, V. A randomized controlled trial of hamstring Also, using PNF in the 90/90 active stretch provided better
stretching: comparison of four techniques. J Strength Cond knee range-of-motion improvements than the 90/90 passive
Res 23(2): 660–667, 2009—This study compared the efficacy methods did.
of 4 different hamstring-stretching techniques. Flexibility can be KEY WORDS hamstring flexibility, viscoelasticity, flexibility
achieved by a variety of stretching techniques, yet little research
has been performed on the most effective method. The 2 basic
types include active stretching, in which range of motion is INTRODUCTION
increased through voluntary contraction, and passive stretch-

here is a lack of research on stretching and flex-
ing, in which range of motion is increased through external ibility. Many clinicians recommend stretching, but
assistance. The 2 types of active stretching include neuro- few have attempted to prove its effectiveness. Sug-
mobilization and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation gested benefits include improved athletic perfor-
(PNF). Our study aims to determine which type of stretching mance and functional gains (6,14,33). In addition, stretching
technique is most effective in improving hamstring length. One has maintained a time-honored role in health and fitness
hundred subjects between the ages of 21 and 57 were enrolled (1,5,27,23). Many factors influence an individual’s flexibility.
In previous studies, age, race, gender, circadian rhythms,
in the study. Intrarater reliability of hamstring length measure-
tissue temperature, strength training, stiffness, and warm-up
ment was performed using 10 subjects. All 100 subjects were
have influenced flexibility (3,13,16,17,21,25–27,29,36).
included in a randomized controlled trial of 5 different groups
A proper stretching program is key to improving flexibility.
comparing different hamstring-stretching techniques. Outcome Some research suggests that stretches be held for 30 seconds,
measures, including hamstring length and perceived level of with at least 3–4 sets (12,20,32). For maximum improvement
hamstring tightness, were recorded on all subjects initially, at in flexibility, it has been recommended that stretching be
4 weeks, and at 8 weeks. After 4 weeks of stretching, there was done 5 or more times per week (34). Some studies have
a statistically significant improvement in hamstring length (p , shown that proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)
0.05) using active stretches as compared with passive and contract-relax (CR) stretches may be most effective
stretches. From weeks 4 through 8, hamstring length for the (7,9,10,18,22,24,28,34). Ballistic stretching seems to be less
active stretching groups decreased. After 8 weeks of stretch- effective and, anecdotally, may cause injury (32). Static (or
ing, the straight leg raise (SLR) passive stretch group had the passive) stretches have some benefit but may not work as
well as PNF stretches (8,11,16). Active stretching such as
greatest improvement in hamstring length. There was no
ballistic and PNF requires individuals to volitionally contract
muscles. The PNF stretches use contraction of antagonist
Address correspondence to Jo M. Fasen, jfasen@ric.org. and then relaxation (CR). Alternatively, they can also employ
23(2)/660–667 contraction of the agonist of the lengthened muscle then
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research relaxation (contract-relax, antagonist-contract [CRAC]). The
Ó 2009 National Strength and Conditioning Association CRAC stretches are reported to be more painful and cause
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more muscle trauma than other types of stretches (16). other lever toward the marked lateral malleolus. Therapist 1
Additionally, nerve glide stretches, termed neuromobilization, then extended the knee until firm end feel was achieved; the
are active stretches in which the nervous system is made taut knee angle was then recorded (see Figure 1). The ankle was
and then slack. The PNF stretches may be done in relaxed during the final knee angle measurements. All
combination with neuromobilization maneuvers. An exam- measurements were taken using the right leg. Inter- and
ple of a neuromobilization maneuver would be the slump test. intrarater reliability testing was done before proceeding with
The slump test is a seated straight leg raise (SLR) in which measurements on the study subjects.
a patient’s neural structures have progressive stretch applied
to elicit painful symptoms. Neural traction is experienced in Comparison of Hamstring Stretches. Preintervention measure-
the intervertebral foramen by actively dorsiflexing the ankle ments of hamstring length were taken, using the method
while flexing the cervical spine. Kornberg and Lew (15), in described above. The supine knee angle was used as the major
a small, uncontrolled study, have suggested that adding the measurement of hamstring length. These subjects were then
slump maneuver to a treatment regime facilitated an athlete’s randomly assigned to 1 of 5 groups: group A—control; group
return to full function after a hamstring strain. If abnormal B—90/90 passive stretch; group C—90/90 active stretch
neural retraction predisposes the hamstrings to strain, then (antagonist contraction); group D—SLR active-assisted
theoretically stretching these neural structures should stretch (added neuromobilization component); and group
improve flexibility and protect against injury. E—SLR passive stretch. Groups B, C, D, and E performed
Our study attempts to determine whether active stretches 3 sets of the assigned stretch. Each stretch was held for
are more effective than passive stretches and whether adding 30 seconds, with sets to be done 5 dwk21. Subjects in each
a neuromobilization maneuver to active stretches enhances group were asked to keep logs of their stretching activity. The
the stretch. To our knowledge, no other study has looked at control group (group A) was asked to continue their normal
these combined active stretches. activities and not to change their activity routines for the next
12 weeks. The 90/90 passive stretch (group B) was
METHODS performed supine with a strap. Flexing the hip until the
Experimental Approach to the Problem
femur was perpendicular to the floor standardized the hip
As clinicians and trainers, we often wonder what stretches are angle. By placing a strap around the ankle, each subject
most effective and how long it will take to see change. To applied force to achieve passive knee extension (see Figure 2).
determine whether active stretches are more effective than The 90/90 active stretch (group C) was performed supine,
passive stretches, some common stretches used in therapy, without a strap. Flexing the hip until the femur was
training rooms, and health clubs were chosen to represent the perpendicular to the floor standardized the hip angle.
independent variable (control group, 90/90 active, 90/90 Subjects applied active tension by actively extending their
passive, SLR active with mobilization, and SLR passive). To knees via quadriceps contractions. Subjects clasped their
reveal change, hamstring flexibility (dependent variable) was hands across their thighs for balance and to keep their hip
measured initially, at 4 weeks, and at 8 weeks. angles steady, with the femur perpendicular to the floor (see
Figure 3). The SLR active-assisted stretch (group D) was
Subjects performed supine against a wall, with the knee extended to
Institutional review board approval was obtained before 180°. The hip angle varied across subjects. Each subject was
recruitment of subjects. One hundred subjects were recruited asked to bring the femur as close to perpendicular to the floor
by word of mouth with a target age range of 18–80 years.
Actual participants ranged in age from 21 to 57; there were
45 women and 55 men. The mean age of participants was 33,
with a mode of 30. Exclusion criteria included hypermobility
(defined as initial hamstring length greater than 90°), history
of hamstring tear, upper motor neuron disease, lower motor
neuron disease, and past participation in formalized stretch-
ing programs. Informed consent was obtained from all
Reliability of Hamstring Length Measurement. Goniometric
hamstring length via the knee angle was measured in the
supine position. All subjects had their lumbar lordosis
supported with a lumbar roll. The distal tip of the lateral
malleolus was marked. Therapist 1 placed the hip into flexion
until the femur was perpendicular to the exam table. Therapist Figure 1. Goniometric measurements of knee angle.
2 then placed a goniometric lever over the femur and the

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 2 | MARCH 2009 | 661

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Hamstring-Stretching Techniques

perceived hamstring stiffness. Subjects in groups B–D

reported prestudy activity levels for cardiovascular, strength-
ening, and stretching activities. Cardiovascular activities
consisted of running, swimming, aerobic classes, and walking.
Strengthening activities included weight training and partic-
ipation in resistance training classes. Stretching activities
consisted of stretching exercises and yoga. The percentages of
subjects in each group who reported prestudy cardiovascular,
strengthening, and stretching activities are summarized in
Table 1.
Initial hamstring measurements were taken on all subjects.
The right leg was used for all measurements. At 4 and 8 weeks,
hamstring length measurements were taken again. Results
Figure 2. The 90/90 passive group (group B).
were recorded as degrees of knee flexion angle. A larger knee
flexion angle reflects tighter hamstrings, whereas a smaller
knee flexion angle reflects looser hamstrings. Perceived level
as possible. Each subject placed a heel against a corner of of hamstring tightness score was recorded initially, at 4 weeks,
a wall, and passive tension was applied to the posterior and again at 8 weeks, using the following scale: 0 = no
hamstrings. Additionally, subjects ‘‘pumped the foot’’ by perceived level of tightness, 1 = occasionally feel hamstrings
actively dorsiflexing and plantarflexing the foot. A strap was are tight, 2 = frequently feel hamstrings are tight, and 3 =
used to aid in pumping the foot (see Figures 4A and 4B). This constantly feel hamstrings are tight.
added ankle motion is generally considered to be a neuro-
mobilization maneuver (4). Statistical Analyses
The SLR passive stretch (group E) was performed supine Data were processed by checking for item nonresponse,
against a wall, with the knee extended to 180°. The hip angle distributional forms (e.g., normality of continuous data
varied across subjects. Each subject was asked to bring his or elements), and creating derived variables. SAS version 9.1
her femur as close to perpendicular to the floor as possible. (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) statistical software was used for
Each subject placed a heel against a corner of a wall, and all statistical analyses. Frequencies and percentages were
passive tension was applied by gradually increasing the hip calculated for categorical data, and mean and SD were
flexion angle (see Figure 5). calculated for numeric data. Associations among numeric
Each subject received a picture book illustrating his or her measures were tested using Spearman correlations. Chi-
selected hamstring stretch. Each subject (in groups B through E) square and Fisher exact tests were used to test relationships
was given 1-on-1 instruction, on the same day as random between bivariate categorical data. Groups A, B, C, D, and E
assignment, on how to do the selected stretch. Instructions were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the
were to begin the stretching the next day. Subjects were given 4-week follow-up measure of range of motion after
a daily compliance log to complete. Each subject also adjustment for initial measure, gender, age, and frequency
answered a questionnaire regarding demographics and of exercise. The Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons test
was used to detect significant pairwise differences between
Finally, the repeated-measures of range of motion over time
(initial, 4-week, and 8-week measures) were modeled using
the MIXED procedure in SAS. The MIXED procedure
models the dependence of within-person data and incorpo-
rates observations from each subject regardless of missing
data. The longitudinal model simultaneously examined the
following explanatory variables: activity protocol group,
gender, age, and frequency of exercise. For all statistical
analyses, significance was considered at p # 0.05. Intraclass
correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated to measure
intra- and interrater agreement (the reliability between
raters). The ICCs give a measure of agreement between
raters on numeric data that is more informative than
a Pearson correlation coefficient. For example, the pairs
Figure 3. The 90/90 active group (group C). (1, 10), (2, 20), and (3, 30) have a Pearson correlation
coefficient of 1.00. The ICC of these pairs, however, is close
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Using ANOVA modeling, the

4-week range-of-motion mea-
sure was modeled using the
explanatory variables of initial
measure, activity protocol
group, gender, age, and fre-
quency of exercise. The ANOVA
model explained 75% of the
variation in response (R2 =
0.7496). After adjustment for
other explanatory variables in
the model, initial measure (p ,
0.0001), activity protocol group
Figure 4. The straight leg raise (SLR) active assisted group (group D). (p = 0.0237), and gender (p =
0.0103) were found to be sig-
nificantly related to the 4-week
to zero, because this statistic incorporates information about range-of-motion measure. Age and frequency of exercise
the magnitude of variation between raters. were not found to be significant. Women had significant
improvements in range of motion compared with men. Using
RESULTS the Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison procedure to test for
Of the 100 subjects initially recruited, 13 subjects failed to pairwise differences, group D (SLR active-assisted stretch)
participate in further data collection at the 4-week or 8-week was found to differ significantly from group B (90/90 passive
time points (82 subjects had complete data; 5 subjects had 8- stretch; p = 0.0318), with group D exhibiting significant
week data but no 4-week data). There was no evidence of loss improvements in range of motion compared with group B.
to follow-up based on type of stretching technique (Fisher Results of ANOVA testing are given in Table 3. Negative re-
exact test, p = 0.5012). Demographic pooling of data revealed gression coefficients indicate improvements in range of motion.
no significant differences in age, exercise activity of A longitudinal analysis of the initial, 4-week, and 8-week
individuals, or initial hamstring measure. However, groups repeated range-of-motion data was conducted. In a longitu-
differed significantly by gender (chi-square test, p = 0.0006). dinal analysis, the trajectory of repeated measures is con-
Group B (90/90 passive stretching group) had the highest sidered the ‘‘outcome,’’ and its shape (a linear or curvilinear
percentage of men, and group C (90/90 active stretching evolution) is explained by a set of predictor variables. For the
group) had the lowest (see Table 2). Compliance log results range-of-motion repeated-measures data, the trajectory for
were similar in all treatment groups. each individual was modeled as a linear evolution with the
The ICC values to measure intrarater reliabilities for following predictor variables: type of stretch performed,
hamstring measure were 0.75 and 0.85. The ICC value to gender, age, and frequency of exercise. Mean values of each
measure interrater reliability for hamstring measure was 0.69. group are plotted in Figure 6. Three factors significantly
Values of ICC in this range are deemed acceptable. predicted the linear trajectory of the range-of-motion data:
type of stretch performed, gender, and frequency of exercise.
Group E (SLR passive stretch) demonstrated the largest
improvement of flexibility at 8 weeks. The women’s flexibility

TABLE 1. Prestudy activity background.

Group Group Group Group

B (%) C (%) D (%) E (%)

Cardiovascular 72 94 94 88
General 11 0 6 0
Stretching 17 40 25 32
Subjects’ subjective reporting of current activity levels
at beginning of study.
Figure 5. The straight leg raise (SLR) passive group (group E).

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 2 | MARCH 2009 | 663

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Hamstring-Stretching Techniques

TABLE 2. Descriptive statistics for retained subjects.

Overall Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E p*

N 87 18 16 18 16 19 —
Gender, % men 54% 67% 88% 22% 63% 37% 0.0010
Age in years, mean (SD) 33.3 (8.1) 36.1 (10.1) 31.0 (5.5) 31.9 (8.3) 36.9 (8.6) 30.7 (6.0) 0.0575
Frequency of exercise, 3.7 (2.1) 4.4 (2.7) 3.0 (1.6) 3.7 (1.8) 4.3 (1.6) 3.2 (2.1) 0.1542
mean (SD)
Initial range of motion, 31.8 (9.6) 31.5 (10.7) 33.3 (10.5) 28.3 (5.8) 33.6 (10.9) 32.5 (9.8) 0.4976
mean (SD)
*Chi-square tests were used for testing gender effects among different protocol groups, and analyses of variance (ANOVA) were
used to test for differences attributable to age, frequency of exercise, and initial hamstring measure.

improved more than that of their men counterparts. The more efficacious compared with the control group. At
more frequently the exercise was performed, the more range 4 weeks, improvements in hamstring flexibility were seen in
of motion improved. Further testing showed significant both groups C and D. Group C used a 90/90 active stretch,
improvement in flexibility for group E (SLR passive stretch) which is a modified contract/relax PNF stretch, and group D
compared with group B (90/90 passive stretch; p = 0.0066). performed an SLR with a neuromobilization component. The
There was a trend toward significance between group B passive stretch group (group E) using a supine SLR against
(90/90 passive stretch) and group D (SLR active-assisted a wall also achieved an improvement. Both the 90/90 passive
stretch; p = 0.0652), with group D showing more improve- stretch group and the control group showed no improvement
ment of flexibility than group B. Results of longitudinal with hamstring flexibility. After 8 weeks of stretching, the SLR
analysis are given in Table 4. passive stretch group (group E) achieved the most improve-
ment in hamstring length.
DISCUSSION The range-of-motion improvements in the SLR passive
The objective of this study was to compare 4 different stretch group (group E) may be attributed to an increase in
stretching techniques to determine which one was most stretch tolerance found with static stretching (19). These
efficacious at improving hamstring flexibility. The 2 types of improvements also may be attributable to the viscoelastic
stretches studied were active and passive. The results of this property changes that occur with ‘‘creep,’’ whereby the
study demonstrate that both active and passive stretches were tension in the muscle-tendon unit diminishes over time (32).
As with previous research,
PNF stretches seem to be as
beneficial as passive stretches.
TABLE 3. Analysis of variance results. Furthermore, the addition of a
Estimate of regression neuromobilization component
coefficient* (SE) p may be beneficial to hip flexion
and knee extension range of
Initial measure 0.69 (0.07) ,0.0001 motion. The improvement seen
Group 0.0237
in the neuromobilization group
A. Control (reference) 0.00
B. 90/90 passive 1.57 (1.95) emphasizes the fact that flexi-
C. 90/90 active 23.16 (1.88) bility is influenced not only by
D. Straight leg raise active 24.46 (1.76) muscle elasticity but also by
E. Straight leg raise passive 22.30 (1.84) connective tissue/nervous tis-
Gender 0.0103
sue extensibility. One previous
Women 23.91 (1.48)
Men (reference) 0.00 study showed a quicker return
Age 0.10 (0.07) 0.1863 to play for injured athletes who
Frequency of exercise 20.04 (0.29) 0.8981 used neuromobilization tech-
niques (31). Unlike previous
*Positive numbers indicate less improvement in flexibility; negative numbers indicate
improved flexibility. studies, our results show no
correlation with hamstring
flexibility and age.
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Figure 6. Mean angles measured at 4 weeks and 8 weeks, and comparing all groups A through E.

Compliance was not directly measured in this study. While no retention of knee range of motion at 4 weeks after a 6-week
participating in the study, all subjects kept stretching diaries. stretching program had been implemented (35). This conveys
Individuals reported that PNF stretches were more engaging the importance of maintaining a stretching program. The
and less boring than static stretches. A recent study showed improvements seen with the active and passive stretches
suggested in this study will
likely only continue if the
stretching prescription is main-
tained indefinitely.
TABLE 4. Longitudinal analysis results.
Despite the randomized con-
Estimate of regression trolled design, this study has
coefficient (SE) p limitations. Not all items could
be controlled, such as the acti-
Group intercept 0.5411
vity levels of the participants.
A. Control (reference) 0.00
B. 90/90 passive 21.52 (2.93) Also, the subjects were perfor-
C. 90/90 active 0.75 (2.87) ming the majority of these
D. Straight leg raise active 1.88 (2.80) stretches on their own, without
E. Straight leg raise passive 3.17 (2.82) the supervision of a therapist.
Group slope 0.0001
Although the therapist watched
A. Control 20.34 (0.25)
B. 90/90 passive 0.044 (0.25) them doing the stretches cor-
C. 90/90 active 20.51 (0.24) rectly in follow-up visits, there
D. Straight leg raise active 20.62 (0.25) was no way to determine
E. Straight leg raise passive 20.89 (0.23) whether they were really keep-
Gender , 0.0001
ing their hips at 90/90 when
Women 29.30 (3.94)
Men (reference) 39.97 (4.03) stretching independently. Re-
Age 0.08 (0.10) 0.4399 searchers attempted to obtain
Frequency of exercise 21.00 (0.40) 0.0142 measurements at the same ap-
proximate time of day for each
*Positive numbers indicate less improvement in flexibility; negative numbers indicate
improved flexibility. measuring session to eliminate
flexibility variations with circa-
dian rhythms. Additionally,

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Hamstring-Stretching Techniques

a high variability of data was observed in each group. The authors declare no conflicts of interest related to this
Generalization of this study to clinical practice should be study. The results of the present study do not constitute
confined to the demographics of the individuals we studied. endorsement by the authors or the NSCA.
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considered using functional, weight-bearing movements.
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VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 2 | MARCH 2009 | 667

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