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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

School Calabayan National High School Grade Level Grade 11

Teacher RIZALYN T. GARCIA Learning Area FABM1 – IIIb-13
Time & Dates October 25, 2017 ; 01:00 PM Quarter 1st


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the types of business according
to activities, particularly: 1. service business 2. merchandising business
3. manufacturing business (additional inputs : 4.hybrid business 5. Agricultural

B. Performance The learners shall be able to differentiate the types of business according to
Standards activities.

C. Learning The learners shall be able to:

Competencies / ● define service business, merchandising business, manufacturing
Objectives. business, (additional inputs : hybrid business, and agricultural type of
Write the LC code for business).
each ● give examples of businesses on each type of business in their locality.
● compare and contrast the types of business according to activities.

II. CONTENT Types of Business According to Activities

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1, 28 – 31
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
( 5 Minutes )

Introductory Activity Teacher will asks the following questions:

Do you want to have your own business in the near future?

What business are you going to put up?

( 5 Minutes )

Activity/Strategy “ Fix Me ” – Scrambled Letters

The class will be divided into three (3) groups. Each group will be given
scrambled letters and they are going to arrange the scrambled letters according
to the types of business according to activities. The class will post their output
on the board. The words that each group can create are the following:

1. Service
2. Merchandising
3. Manufacturing
4. Hybrid
5. Agriculture

( 10 Minutes )

Analysis (Picture Analysis)

The teacher will show some pictures of type of businesses according to its
activities. Each group will then identify what type of business according to its
activities the pictures shown. Learners will then define each type of business
according to its activities based on the pictures shown.

( 15 Minutes )

Abstraction Types of Business According to Activities

● Service Concern

 This type of business offers professional skills, advice and

 Provides intangible products (products with no physical form).

Examples: barber shops and beauty parlors, repair shops,

banks, accounting and law firms, dry cleaning
establishments, schools

Who can give examples of this type of business that can be found in your

As a student, can you engage in this type of business now? How?

● Merchandising
 It is a type of business that purchases finished products and resells
them to consumers.
 This type of business is also known as "buy and sell".

Examples: book stores, sari-sari stores, hardware stores,

department stores

Who can give examples of this type of business that can be found in your

As a student, can you engage in this type of business now? How?

● Manufacturing
 It is a type of business that buys raw materials, convert them into
products, and then sell the products to other companies or to the
final consumers. Thus, there is a transformation of the products

Examples: shoe manufacturing businesses, car manufacturing

plants, auto manufacturers, and clothing manufacturers.

Who can give examples of this type of business that can be found in your

As a student, can you engage in this type of business now? How?

Note: The following types of business are additional inputs and information to
the learners.

● Hybrid
 It is a type of business that may be classified in more than one type
of business.

Examples: restaurants, bakery

Who can give examples of this type of business that can be found in your

As a student, can you engage in this type of business now? How?

● Agricultural Business
 Agricultural business, also known as agribusiness, is the farming,
management, production, and marketing of agricultural
commodities, such as livestock and crops.

Examples: Farming, poultry, crop production

Who can give examples of this type of business that can be found in your

As a student, can you engage in this type of business now? How?

( 15 Minutes )

Application “ Act Me “


1. The class will be divided into three ( 3 ) groups. Each group will be
assigned to one type of business. Group 1 will be assigned to service
concern, group 2 to merchandising, and group 3 to manufacturing.
2. Each group will give an example / examples on their assigned type of
business according to activities.
3. Each group will act their given example / examples.
4. Each group will present / demonstrate it to the class.
( 10 Minutes )

Assessment Quiz

1. Define the following types of business according to activities. Limit

your answers to maximum of 3 sentences on each type.
a. Service concern
b. Merchandising
c. Manufacturing
d. Hybrid
e. Agriculture

2. Give two (2) examples of business on each type of business.

3. Differentiate merchandising from manufacturing using the Venn


Assignment/Agreement Think of companies or stores who do service, merchandising, manufacturing,

hybrid, and agricultural type of business. Give at least 2 companies or stores of
each type of business. Write it on a ½ crosswise. Pass it next meeting.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other



Demonstrator / Senior High School Teacher II Education Program Supervisor


Secondary School Principal 1

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