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Presented by Group 2
1. Afdhal Ilham Sa’ab
2. Cindy Nadya

3. Desy Maulana

4. Helva Reza

5. Juliani

6. Livia Anggraeni

7. Rama Wulan Safitri

8. Rasty Nilam Suci

9. Sastriana

10. Steven

a highly sought after energy source and is touted as an
effective alternative against conventional sources of
power generation
Discussion : Nuclear Energy
Discussion about the defenition of Nuclear Energy , to find out the conclusion between pro and
contra of Nuclear Energy.

Purpose : Nuclear Energy

- To explore various perspectives about Nuclear Energy

- To present information and opinions about Nuclear Energy ( ‘ for’ points and ‘against’ points

Text Organization
1. Tittle


WHAT IS Nuclear Energy ?

First of all , Nuclear energy is a highly sought after energy source and is touted as an effective
alternative against conventional sources of power generation. 

2. Issue

Nuclear energy is commonly offered as an alternative to

overcome the crisis of energy. The debate of wether the
use of nuclear energy is an appropriate choice has not
come to an end. Some others, however, disagree because
of its risks to the environment. We often hear about
nuclear weapon , nuclear power plant , and nuclear reactor
but are you understand what is nuclear energy ? , What do
you think about advantages and disadvantages of Nuclear
Energy ?
Nuclear energy is produced by controlled
nuclear reaction . First, uranium is taken from
natural resources and then put through an
enrichment process that makes the uranium
ready for the nuclear reactor. Once the uranium
is ready, it goes through a process known as
"fission." This process splits one atom into two
and that splitting causes a chain reaction
through the whole element. This chain reaction
creates heat energy that is used to boil water
and create high pressured steam. The steam
spins and powers a turbine connected to a
generator that provides electricity.

3. Argument “For” Point

Nuclear energy may be looked at in a negative light, but after we understands the process and
production that goes into creating nuclear energy can see that there are advantages with the
energy source as well.
There are a lot of advantages of Nuclear Energy , such as :
1. Nuclear energy is the safest energy option
Nuclear energy is different with other source of energy : oil, coal,
and liquid natural . Nuclear energy can be sustainably when produced in a
safe way.

2.  Nuclear energy true costs are lower than either fossil

The construction cost of building the plant,  operating cost of
running the plant and generating energy , cost of waste
disposal from the plant and cost of decommissioning the plant .
They were the cost in produced Nuclear energy . The cost for all of
it is more cheaper than fossil fuels.
3. Phenomenal Energy Output 
The energy produced in nuclear fission of fissionable material like Uranium-235, is 10
million times the energy obtained by burning same mass of coal! There are
many uses of nuclear energy. The heat derived can be driven to power multitude of
4. Low Emission Levels
Nuclear fission leads to almost zero green house gas emission. So
compared to conventional energy sources, nuclear fission is very clean!

5. Reliable Energy Source

Nuclear energy is a comparatively reliable energy resource, unaffected by

strikes and shortages around the world, as very little is required at a time
and its well distributed around the world. 

4. Argument “Against” Point

In other side , some people who disagree with the use of nuclear energy point out several
disadvantages of nuclear energy use.
1. Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters

A nuclear meltdown occurs when there is an acute shortage of coolant water in the
nuclear reactor. This can lead to disastrous consequences, causing a reactor equipment
meltdown, exposing the world to high dosages of radioactivity. 
The Chernobyl disaster which killed thousands, remains a blot on the history of nuclear
energy. For more information on this, read “Nuclear power plant disasters". There is a risk
of such a disaster occurring and destroying everything in its wake. The designing and
maintenance of nuclear reactors is crucial in avoiding such disasters.

2. Radioactive Exposure

The danger of radioactive exposure during mining and extraction of

uranium like radioactive ores, looms in developing countries. The
radioactive rubble and debris left after mining, if not properly disposed,
can lead to several diseases like cancer and mutation

3. Radioactive Waste Disposal Problems

The safe disposal of radioactive waste is a major problem. Fission of a material like
Uranium leaves by products, which are themselves radioactive and highly harmful to the
environment. Radioactivity cannot be turned off and therefore there is no way but to bury
radioactive waste, without leading to extra complications arising out of it.

4. Nuclear energy is a deadly legacy for our children

A solution for the long-term storage & treatment of

radioactive waste has yet to be found. Highly radioactive
spent fuels need to be isolated from the biosphere for
hundreds and thousands years. Nuclear waste is produced
at every stage of the nuclear fuel cycle, from uranium
mining and reactors to the reprocessing of spent nuclear
fuel. Radioactive waste remains dangerous for hundreds
and thousands of years and radiation can lead to cancer and
birth defects.

5. Nuclear energy dependent on limited & dirty resources

Nuclear power plants run on uranium fuel. And uranium - like oil, gas and coal - is a finite resource
that will only last a few more decades, at most 50 years (with the current level of use). A
significant increase in the use of nuclear power will quickly result in a shortage of nuclear fuel. The
reprocessing of spent fuels has already been proven to be no solution. Reprocessing is a
complicated and hazardous chemical process that creates an enormous amount of radioactive
waste. Besides that, reprocessing is a very uneconomical technology, as past examples have
clearly demonstrated.

6. Nuclear energy is no solution to climate change

In order to avoid the most catastrophic effects of global warming, the

world will have to cut back its emissions of heat-trapping
greenhouse gases by around 50% by 2050. Since by far the most of
emissions happen in the energy sector, the nuclear industry hopes to
use the climate crisis to stage a nuclear revival, arguing that nuclear
power is cheap, emission-free and thus has a role to play in securing
low-emissions supply of energy.
But nuclear power is not at all emissions free, if emissions in relation
to uranium mining, transportation, plant construction and
decommissioning and waste storage are included in the calculation.
But such scenarios -- one plant every two weeks -- have no link to
political reality, and the costs would be astronomic. Also, nuclear
power comes with high opportunity costs.

7. A Catalyst for Nuclear Weapons Proliferation

Radioactive material from nuclear power generation can be used to build nuclear weapons. The
global expansion of nuclear power could well contribute to an increase in the number of nuclear
weapons states. So far India, Israel, South Africa, Pakistan, North Korea, and of course the five
official nuclear weapons states (United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France and China), have
developed arsenals of nuclear weapons using their "peaceful' nuclear facilities.
Nuclear power reactors have produced enough plutonium to build 160,000
nuclear weapons or an even wider range of radioactive materials for use in
'dirty bombs'. The spread of nuclear technology significantly increases the risk
of nuclear weapons proliferation. Smuggling of nuclear material, including from
civil nuclear programs, also presents a significant challenge. The International
Atomic Energy Association has recorded over 650 confirmed incidents of
trafficking in nuclear or other radioactive materials since 1993. In 2004 alone almost a hundred
such incidents occurred.

Nuclear weapon
A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive
force from nuclear reactions ,either  fission or a combination of fission
and fusion. Both reactions release vast quantities of energy from
relatively small amounts of matter. The first fission ("atomic") bomb test
released the same amount of energy as approximately 20,000 tons of
TNT. The first thermonuclear ("hydrogen") bomb test released the same amount of energy as
approximately 10,000,000 tons of TNT.

In the history of warfare, only two nuclear weapons have been detonated offensively, both near
the end of World War II. The first was detonated on the morning of 6 August 1945, when the United
States dropped a uranium gun-type device code-named "Little Boy" on the Japanese city
of Hiroshima. The second was detonated three days later when the United States dropped
a plutonium implosion-type device code-named "Fat Man" on the city of Nagasaki, Japan. These
two bombings resulted in the deaths of approximately 200,000 Japanese people (mostly civilians)
from acute injuries sustained from the explosion.There is current debate over the atomic bombings
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

A. Types of Nuclear Weapon

There are two basic types of nuclear weapon. The first type produces
its explosive energy through nuclear fission reactions alone. Such
fission weapons are commonly referred to asatomic bombs or atom
bombs (abbreviated as A-bombs), though their energy comes
specifically from the nucleus of the atom.
The second basic type of nuclear weapon produces a large amount of
its energy throughnuclear fusion reactions. Such fusion weapons are
generally referred to as thermonuclear weapons or more colloquially
as hydrogen bombs (abbreviated as H-bombs), as they rely on fusion
reactions between isotopes of hydrogen (deuterium and tritium).

B. Weapon Delivery
The technology and systems used to bring a nuclear weapon to
its target—is a n important aspect of nuclear weapons relating
both to nuclear weapon design and nuclear strategy.
Historically the first method of delivery, and the method used in
the two nuclear weapons actually used in warfare, was as
a gravity bomb, dropped from bomber aircraft. This method is
usually the first developed by countries as it does not place
many restrictions on the size of the weapon and weapon
miniaturization is something which requires considerable weapons design knowledge. It does,
however, limit the range of attack, the response time to an impending attack, and the number of
weapons which can be fielded at any given time.
With the advent of miniaturization, nuclear bombs can be delivered by both strategic bombers and
tactical fighter-bombers, allowing an air force to use its current fleet with little or no modification

5. Conclusion
After all, Nuclear energy not a renewable energy resource and like crude oil, uranium like
radioactive fuel sources will be exhausted one day. So nuclear energy is not a permanent solution
to the energy problem but a temporary and inevitable one at best. The long term solution lies in
developing technology based on renewable energy sources like wind energy, tidal energy
and solar energy. Hope the discussion of nuclear energy pros and cons here has put things in
perspective for you.
Glossary of Nuclear Science Terms
A particle of matter indivisible by chemical means. It is the fundamental building block of
Atomic number
The number assigned to each element on the basis of the number of protons found in the
element's nucleus.
Atomic weight (atomic mass)
Approximately the sum of the number of protons and neutrons found in the nucleus of an
Radioactive material deposited or dispersed in materials or places where it is not wanted.
The removal of radioactive contaminants by cleaning and washing with chemicals.
An elementary particle with a unit electrical charge and a mass 1/1837 that of the proton. Electrons
surround the atom's positively charged nucleus and determine the atom's chemical properties.
Electron capture
A radioactive decay process in which an orbital electron is captured by and merges with
the nucleus. The mass number is unchanged, but the atomic number is decreased by one.
The splitting of a heavy nucleus into two roughly equal parts (which are nuclei of lighter elements),
accompanied by the release of a relatively large amount of energy in the form of kinetic energy of
the two parts and in the form of emission of neutrons and gamma rays.
Fission products
Nuclei formed by the fission of heavy elements. They are of medium atomic weight and
almost all are radioactive. Examples: strontium-90, cesium-137.
Induced radioactivity
Radioactivity that is created by bombarding a substance with neutrons in a reactor or with
charged particles produced by particle accelerators.
An atomic particle that is electrically charged, either negative or positive.
Ionizing radiation
Radiation that is capable of producing ions either directly or indirectly.
To expose to some form of radiation.
Isotopes of a given element have the same atomic number (same number of protons in their
nuclei) but different atomic weights (different number of neutrons in their nuclei). Uranium-238 and
uranium-235 are isotopes of uranium.
One thousand electron volts.
One million electron volts.
One of the basic particles which make up an atom. A neutron and a proton have about the
same weight, but the neutron has no electrical charge.
Nuclear reactor
A device in which a fission chain reaction can be initiated, maintained, and controlled. Its essential
components are fissionable fuel, moderator, shielding, control rods, and coolant.
A constituent of the nucleus; that is, a proton or a neutron.
The science, technology, and application of nuclear energy.
The core of the atom, where most of its mass and all of its positive charge is concentrated.
Except for hydrogen, it consists of protons and neutrons.
One of the basic particles which makes up an atom. The proton is found in the nucleus and
has a positive electrical charge equivalent to the negative charge of an electron and a mass similar
to that of a neutron: a hydrogen nucleus.
Radioactive waste
Materials which are radioactive and for which there is no further use.
The spontaneous decay of disintegration of an unstable atomic nucleus accompanied by
the emission of radiation.
A radioactive nuclide. An unstable isotope of an element that decays or disintegrates
spontaneously, emitting radiation.
A radioactive material that produces radiation for experimental or industrial use.
The accidental release of radioactive materials.

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