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Dr. P. V. Vartak
M.B.B.S.,F.U.W.A.I., Ph.D.(Washington DC).
Phone No.+91 020 24450387
Mobile No.+91 9970315931
Founder President of Veda Vidnyana Mandal (
Founder President of Adhyatma Samshodhan Mandir (
Postal Address: 521 Shaniwar Peth, Pune 411030, Maharashtra, Bharat (India.)
Working hours: 9 to 11 AM & 6 to 8 PM (Sunday Close)
Books list of Dr.P.V.Vartak (


The Keynote Address by Dr. P. V. Vartak for a Seminar inaugurated on 31st May 1986

Dear Mr. President, Honorable Minister Shri P.V.Narsimha Rao, Dear Chief Guests Padmabhooshan General
G.G.Bewoor (P.V.S.M.) and Admiral B.S. Soman and Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The introduction of the Veda Vidnyan Mandal is already given. But I shall tell its main aim, which has two steps.
The first step is to show the similarities between the ancient and modern science. This is just to assess how much
science was developed in ancient India. It is said that a country which looks into its past gets glorious future; so it is
essential to see our glorious past and study it. Unfortunately, we Indians never see our history and do not learn from it.
On the contrary all other countries are proud of their history and they learn it. In every book of science some past
history is given, but it is from the European countries; Indian history is never mentioned though India was advanced in

We are not satisfied with just saying that our ancestors were smart enough to develop science equal to the
modern ranks. Even then we say so because our aim is to show that we the Indians can do research in science. Our
generation has forgotten it. But if we show it convincingly our new generation can think of doing research in science.
Today the trend in India is to see towards the west for scientific knowledge and to get complete procedure, from the
west or now-a days from Japan. This is because our generation is brought up with training, since childhood, that we, the
Indians, were barbaric wild tribes and that the culture is imported from the west to India. It is told, that Aryas intruded
in India around 1000 years before Christ from the west. This is all baseless, without any evidence, as is admitted by Mr.
Wheeler, an eminent archaeologist. If we think originally on the available data and evidences, we are convinced that
Aryas were the original inhabitants of India and were highly cultured since 24000 years. B. C. when they started
composing the hymns of the Rigveda. Almost every step of two thousand years is seen recorded in our ancient
literature, from 24000 years BC to 500 years. AD. As we go on reading this literature we get more and more convinced
that the ancient Indians had scientifically advanced knowledge. If we understand this fact we feel proud of it and our
pride induces confidence in us to do research ourselves. I think we are successful enough to achieve this step

Our second step is to work on various projects to discover new knowledge and invent new equipments. For this
discovery we can use the concepts of the ancient people. Today our research is west-oriented. Whatever the western
scientists discover, we import it and our scientists experiment on it and accept it as it is. This is not good. We should
work originally, on our own ideas; but nobody does it. Our aim is to get new ideas from the ancient literature and work
on it originally, so that we can produce new weapons and instruments.

Today we are inaugurating a seminar on weapons from ancient India. I do not claim that by studying the ancient
literature, we will get a detailed procedure to develop any weapon. But it is to be noted that even by reading the

modern books, we do not get a procedure to prepare any weapon. Some trade secrets are always preserved. So it is
our duty to study and increase our knowledge to such a level that we can produce weapons of our own for our nation’s
defence and offence too. From the ancient books we are sure to get many ideas and some clues to prepare weapons
ourselves. Today, after 39 years of Independence, we are totally dependent on foreign countries for our defence. We
purchase ships, aeroplanes and weapons from foreign countries. We cannot produce weapons by reading even the
modern books on science. We have to take the know-how from foreigners. If we want to be self-sufficient, our scientists
must work hard, theoretically and practically. For them we can get many ideas to work on, from the ancient Sanskrit

I want to make clear one more point, that we should not expect spoon-feeding. We cannot get knowledge ready
in our modern language. We have to understand the language of our ancestors namely Sanskrit, in which is hidden a
treasure of knowledge. Sanskrit contains a lot of science; but unfortunately no scholar has worked on it. People look
towards the drama, poetry and such aspects of Arts faculty only, because they cannot understand the language. There
are two reasons of this ignorance. First is that a master of language cannot understand science, unless he knows
science. A person, having a degree of M.A., Ph. D. in English cannot understand ‘ Anatomy ‘ written in English, but a
medical Doctor like me with poor English can understand Anatomy easily. So I say the mastery of only language part is
no good for examining the ancient literature. The second reason is that being ancient that language is unintelligible. We
have to understand that language on the base of our knowledge. Lokamanya B. G. Tilak hinted at this and has written in
his book, ‘The Arctic Home in the Vedas’ (page 94) that “ it will be our own fault if we fail to utilize the knowledge now
gained to elucidate those portions of our sacred books, which are still unintelligible.

Prof. Max Muller also has said that “ it is the duty of each generation of Vedic scholars to reduce as much as
possible the unintelligible portion of the Rigveda, so that with the advance of scientific knowledge each succeeding
generation may, in this manner, naturally be in a better position than its predecessors.”

I think the Sanskrit scholars and scientists of India never behaved as was advised by Lokamanya Tilak and Max
Muller; but the Germans, scientists and Sanskrit scholars, did work accordingly. The result was that the Germans
advanced much ahead of the world in the physical sciences. Openheimer, a great physicist, who was responsible for
development of atom bomb, has publicly admired Sanskrit. He said in 1957 at Princeton, in a public lecture, (which was
attended by Wrangler G.L.Chandratre), that the German scientists got the idea of atom and nuclear energy contained in
it from the study of the Vedanta.

I do not like to quote admirations done by the foreigners and I am not satisfied with such admiration, so I
worked myself on the science contained in the Mahabharata, the Ramayana and the Vedas, for last 30 years, since 1956
and I am convinced that a lot of scientific work is done by our ancestors. Our duty is to explore and expose that
knowledge. I will give some examples here just to show how much developed their science was. Before talking about
weaponry, I will tell about other branches of science. I would like to point out that our problem is queer and is two-fold.
If we say that such things like aeroplanes, were present in ancient India, the so-called scholars say that whenever the
western scientists discover something, you people talk that it was already present in ancient India. On the other hand if
we show something from ancient books, which is not yet discovered by the western scientists, the Indian scientists and
scholars scoff at it and say that the modern science has not even dreamt of it, how can it be present in the ancient era?
Thus our position is like ‘ Mrudanga ‘ (a kind of drum), which is slapped on both the sides.

I would like to cite my own experiences. In 1956 after passing M. B. B. S., when I was studying for M. S. I was
working in the unit of Plastic Surgery. Plastic surgery is a new branch propped up in last 50 to 60 years. Rhinoplasty i. e.
an operation to repair a deformed nose is also supposed to be of 20th century. In 1957, I was assisting my senior

surgeon in one Rhinoplasty. We used skin tube from abdomen as told in modern books. But that method needed at least
ten operations. I read Sushruta at that time and found that Sushruta had used forehead skin flap to repair nose in only
one step. I suggested this method to my senior but he refused. He said ‘do not give Sanskrit references; give American or
German references, if any.’ Twelve years later, in 1968, a German surgeon read Sushruta and gave immediate trial. It
was successful. He wrote paper and now Sushruta’s method is accepted all over the world. Indian surgeons also use it
now, because it is imported from Germany.

Chromosomes and Embryology are well described in the Mahabharata and the Bhagawata. Chromosomes are
discovered in 1890 AD, but are found written in the Mahabharata, which is composed 7500 years ago, under the name
of Gunavidhi.

Till 1972, the medical world assumed that the Foetal heart starts in the 5th month of pregnancy. I pointed out in
1971 that the Bhagawata and the Aitareya Upanishad state that foetal heart starts in the second month of pregnancy. I
was ridiculed by my colleagues, who said that Vyas was a fool to say so. But in 1972 December, the Medical Times
published news that Dr. Robinson of Queen Mothers Hospital, Glasgow, England used a Disonar apparatus to tap the
foetal heart in pregnant uterus and found that it starts in the second month of pregnancy.

In 1971, I found that the Test-Tube Babies were developed in the Mahabharata era. Droupadi and
Dhrushtadyumna were test tube babies developed from the sperms of king Drupada, without using any ovum. I
approached the genetic department with a proposal to work on that idea because the medical science then was
dreaming about test-tube babies. But I was told by the seniors to show English references and not Sanskrit. I was not
allowed to work. Nine years later a test tube baby was born in England in 1979. Still I say that the test tube baby of the
Mahabharata era was superior because they developed it only from sperms. Modern test-tube baby is not a real test-
tube baby because only the combination of a sperm and an ovum was done in the test tube and then the fertilized ovum
was implanted in the uterus. Further growth of it was natural in a mother’s womb. The Mahabharata did every thing in
vitro. So the Mahabharata experiment was definitely superior to the modern. There is still scope to work on it, because
such type of work is not yet done by anybody in the world.

Had we worked on these ancient concepts, we would have been the first in the world to discover that foetal
heart starts in the second month of pregnancy, first to discover chromosomes, first to develop test tube babies and also
first to find out the Vestibular apparatus or the Labyrinth of the Internal ear, which is responsible to know the directions.
It is told 7000 years ago in the Aitereya Upanishad that directions are in ears. In 1935 the vestibular apparatus of the ear
was discovered to the modern world.

Whenever I read papers showing advances in medical science in ancient India, objections were raised that how
only the medical science could develop without concomitant development of other sciences. So I started searching. And
I got success in finding advances in other branches of science too.

I shall point to the Iron Pillar near Kutubminar. It is standing there for two thousand years in the rains and the
Sun, without any rust. We say iron technology is now advanced. But has anybody prepared the non-rusting iron so far?
Then why not accept that ancient Indians were superior to us in Iron-technology? I have proved beyond doubt that the
planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were known to Vyas. I have fixed the date of the Mahabharata war as 16th October
5561 years B. C. by calculating on the given positions of planets up to the Saturn. Vyas gives three more planets Shveta,
Shyama and Teevra, with precise positions. Mathematically they are proved to be Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. One may
question that were there any Telescopes, then? Telescopes are not mentioned; but ‘Sukshmadarshins’ are mentioned in
the Mahabharat, which means the persons having the capacity to see the minute things, suggesting microscopes and
Telescopes. Adya Shankaracharya has also mentioned in his ‘Aparokshanubhuti’ ( 81) ‘Upanetra’ by which

magnification was effected. Suryakanta Mani was used to ignite fire holding it in the Sunrays, so convex lenses were
definitely known to them.

This same Mahabharata tells about weapons like Brahamastra, Vajrastra, Narayanastra Praswapastra etc.
Brahmastra was similar to the atom bomb. I am reading a separate paper, on it in which I have shown similarity in the
effects of the two. They had the theoretical knowledge of atom, and many subatomic particles are also found mentioned
in clear terms. The Bhagawata tells that 2 or 3 Paramanus make one Anu. This is true. John Dalton theorised indivisible
atom in 1807, but the Bhagawata was telling for last 4000 years that 2 or 3 Paramanus form one Anu. The Bhagawata
was proved to be true, later, when Proton, Electron, Neutron were discovered. The Bhagawata tells that these
Paramanus never join together and have no characters of the matter, which they form. This is also true. It tells further
that by merely coming close they produce illusion of a solid matter. This is also true, to the modern science. The
Bhagawata tells about groups of other subatomic particles, which are named as ‘Param Mahan’. Such particles, more
than 60, are now found by modern science. Inside these Paramanus that Brahman resides. Thus they had clear idea of
the arrangement of an atom and energy inside it. On this information they had prepared Brahmastra. Shall we not see
this similarity?

Vajrastra was able to powder even the mountains. We neglect it saying that it is a poetic idea. But it is the
scientific idea! Prof. Gavreau of the Research Institute for Electro-acoustics in Marseilles is working on it. It is proved
that sub-sonic vibrations cause headaches, nausea, itching and even trembling. He proved that a note of 196 Hertz
produced cracks in a new concrete building. Then he developed, a genuine ‘Death Trumpet’, which can send sound
waves of 37 hertz. This could not be tested in Marseilles because it would have sent buildings crashing down over a
radius of several; metres. At present a death trumpet 75 feet long is in the course of construction. It is expected to
produce sound waves with death-dealing frequency of 3.5 Hertz.

U. S. A. F. tests of Soviet theoretical prognostications have demonstrated that electro-acoustical advancements

in sound pulsation can result in massive annihilation of battle field troops by inducing total disorientation through
inaudible infrasound generated at super-high frequencies. This novel weapon of human destruction is limited currently
only by the size, immobility and unwieldiness of generating equipment, which with perfection of technology will also fall
subject to the trends of miniaturisation and portability.

Without any background the French and Russians are progressing in the direction of Vajrastra, India has the
background and the effects of Vajrastra are well described in the Mahabharata. Then why should we lag behind? Why
should not our scientists develop such a Vajrastra? Lack of initiative and also of initiation is the cause. We are trying to
help the scientists if they wish.

Praswapa Astra was known to only Bhishma. He used it against Parashurama. Its effect, as told, was induction of
deep sleep to the enemy on the battlefield. A similar Astra was with Arjuna, named as Sammohana Astra. (Virata 61 / 11,
12). Arjuna launched it without a bow and arrow, just by blowing his conch-shell on the battlefield. It produced such a
sound that all the Kauravas were hypnotised. They put down their weapons, sat down quietly and soon became
unconscious. Their clothes were taken away by Uttara. Only Bhishma had resisting power against it, so he remained
conscious. Bhishma later said that it was possible for Arjuna to kill the enemy; but he did not depart from his ‘Dharma’
(nobility). Nobody in the world has used this weapon so far. Then why not work to develop it, using sound waves?

I shall demonstrate here how utterance of ‘Aum’ in a peculiar way produces melodious musical notes, which are
alluring. If this effect is enhanced, sleep may be produced. The sound of Aum and that of blowing a conch-shell are

Narayanastra was launched by Ashvatthama (Drona A.199). Due to its action thousands of fiery arrows appeared
in the sky. Everything was covered by those arrows. Many iron baits appeared in the sky and shone like stars. Many
weapons like Shataghni, Gada, Chakras appeared. The army was incinerated by fire. Krishna knew that Astra very well;
so he advised to keep down all the weapons and get down from the vehicles on the ground. That was the only way to
save from the Astra. All came down on the ground except Bhima. The body of Bhima got covered with golden fiery spots
like glow-worms. When Bhima fought against it, the Astra became more powerful. Bhima was encircled by the great fire.
To save him, Arjuna launched Varunastra, which proved ineffective, so both Krishna and Arjuna entered that fire of
Narayanastra. They remained unaffected because they had no weapons, they were on the ground and they had some
resistance to the effect of Varunastra. They pulled Bhimasen down from his chariot, when the Astra calmed down.

From this description it appears that it was some moderately light gas. Therefore it could not occupy the space
of about 6 feet from the ground. Probably it was some inflammable nerve gas affecting a person after inhalation. A
person who is fighting gets a higher rate of respiration and inhales more gas. Therefore Krishna told to stop fighting.
Probably gas was operating with oxygen so it could catch fire and incinerate the soldiers. The gas was also affecting,
probably, the nerve-endings in the skin near hair follicles. It could have combined with the sweat-droplets and had
glowed there to give the resemblance of body covered with the glow-worms. It combined with the sweat so a fighting
person was affected more, because he perspires more than at rest.

U. S. A. has prepared nerve agents like Sarin, infinitely more potent than the mustard gas. Reports filtering out
of the fort Derrick Biological weapons Complex during 19 71 stated that a single attack with the fifth generation high
potency nerve gas is capable killing about a billion people. America is working, then why should not we try? America has
kept the knowledge totally secret. We cannot find it in any book. Then if the ancients had kept such knowledge in
secrecy, what is wrong?

There were aeroplanes also and ground-to-air missiles and air-to-ground missiles are told by the Mahabharata.
Antimissiles were named as ‘Avapothika’. Pashupatastra was the most effective, formidable Astra. Arjuna had a special
capacity of shooting 500 arrows in one ‘Nimesha’ ( Udyog. 59/16.19 ) Nimesh is equal to 0.2 seconds. So the capacity
was to shoot 2500 arrows per second. Could it be an ordinary bow? Modern machine-gun fires 600 bullets per minute.
Arjuna killed the horses of Jayadratha from a distance of two miles. (Arayanka 255/52 to 54) Could it be an ordinary
arch? He must have some sophisticated weapon with telescope, much superior to the modern technology.

Mayasabha was the height of Electronic technology. We should try to prepare such a Mayasabha.

Velocity of light was known from Rigveda. Sayanacharya records it as 2202 Yojanas in half a Nimesh. It comes
to187084 miles per second. Modem figure is 187352.5 miles per second. The expansion of Time due to high velocity is
told by Vyas just like Einstein. Vyas has given an account of a Space-Travel also. Kakudmi went with his daughter Revati
to Brahmaloka to find a bridegroom. Brahmadeva told him that 27 Chaturyugas have elapsed on the Earth. That means
minimum 216 years had passed on Earth. But still both returned alive to the Earth. Revati was still a marriageable
daughter. Vyas theorised that life extended in the space due to high velocity. The same is told by Einstein now.

In the Valmiki Ramayana, aeroplane is vividly described. Astronomically, I have fixed the date of the Ramayana as 7323
BC. Pushpaka was just like a Jumbo-jet or a Concord, carrying hundreds of people at a time. Ravana had gone to Antartic
region (Yama Loka) in this plane, with his army. Daityas were flying to South America crossing the Pacific Ocean. Details
of geography of the whole world are given in the Ramayan. At the Pacific coast of Peru, South America, a
Phosphorescent Trident is carved on an offshoot of mount Andes. It is discovered a few decades ago. The trident gives
out light signals towards the sky. So it is seen only from the sky and not from the ground and the sea. Therefore the
scientists say that some Air-travellers have made it. But who have prepared it and when is unanswered. I found the

description of this trident in the Valmiki Ramayana. It proves that the Indians of the Ramayan era had gone to South
America by air-route crossing the Pacific Ocean. If we go about 100 miles ahead in the direction of this trident we find
the remnants of an aerodrome. Just near, in Columbia, golden models of aeroplane are discovered. American aviation
department has declared after research that it is a model of a supersonic Concord-like aeroplane. So it appears that
aeroplanes from the Ramayan were a reality. Indrajit used supersonic jet fighter plane in wars.

‘Kumbhakarna’ was a war machine in the human form. So we can call it a Robot. The Yoga Vasistha has also
described three Robots of Shambarasura namely Dama, Vyala and Kata. Kata was like a modern Tank protecting army.
Those three Robots were machines without any passions, so they were never defeated. Adityas played a trick to induce
passions in them. They fled away from the Robots many times. So Robots developed Ego and therefore started fearing
death. Naturally they ran away from the battle. Now-a-days Robots are being used at many places. They will be used in
wars also. But there is a lurking danger that these Robots may rebel against the mankind. They are able to think, play,
sing and do anything. So they may think of mutiny against human beings. In that case we can use the trick played by the
gods as recorded in the Yoga Vasistha, induce ego and passions and fear of death in them and then defeat them. Thus
we can get futuristic ideas from ancient literature.

The Rigved has not described high-tech weapons but has talked about the chariots running without the horses,
only by energy. Those chariots ran on the ground, on the water and in the air. No details are available about these
chariots. The Mahabharata (Vana 42) has given some details of Indra’s chariot. When Indra’s chariot came cutting the
clouds it removed the darkness from the sky, and it roared like a thunder. It contained all the usual weapons along with
(lightning) Vidyut, Ashani, Chakrayukta Huda Giidah Vayusphotah Sanirghata.

Thus there were cannon balls (Huda) and explosive projectiles (Guda). There was something, which caused
explosion of Gases (Vayusphotah) and Shockwaves. Ten thousand horses were pulling that chariot. Practically it is
impossible to join 10,000 horses to a single chariot. But it can mean that it had an engine of 10,000 horse-power. I think
modern aeroplanes are similar in power. The Rigveda has given a theory of Genesis of Universe in Nasadeeya Sukta and
it is the same as modern theory. So they were definitely far advanced in science.

All these varied descriptions cannot be easily dismissed as wild imaginations, because many of these
descriptions fit well into the scientific concepts of the modern world. Some exaggerations might have been done; but for
an exaggeration there is always some real base. We have to consider that real base. Slipping down of Vega in the sky is
mentioned by Vyas in the Mahabharata but was neglected as an imagination and held as impossible till about 1950 AD,
when the modern Astronomy proved that 13,000 years B. C. Vega had really slipped down in the sky to take the position
of a Polar Star. There are billions of stars in the sky to imagine their slipping down; but only one-Vega-was pinpointed by
our ancient sages and modern science proved that the star was slipped down. Is it wise to dismiss this as fantastic poetic
imagination? People say that Jule Vern and H. G. Wells imagined like this and they came true. They told about human
beings on the Mars, but failed totally. Moreover both those writers are from the modern science age to imaging science
fiction stories. On the contrary the scholars hold that the ancient Indians were barbarian nomads. How could they
imagine so scientifically? Thus there is no force in the argument that the ancient Indian literature is only poetic

I have shown up till now, a few achievements in science from the Rigved to the Mahabharata i e. remote past of
5500 years B.C. and backwards. But in recent past also we find evidences of scientific advances. For example, I will take
Samaranga Sutradhara, a book compiled by Raja Bhoja in 1050 A. D. It gives definitions of machine like this. “All the
things have random motion. It is well known as a machine, which controls and leads them on its own path ”,or “It is

known as a machine, from which one man controls the objects full of (and / or moving with) their own energy.” Modern
definition says ‘ a machine converts a random motion into a drift velocity. Random motion is present in all objects.’

The ‘Samarangana Sutradhara’ gives a method of preparing an aeroplane. It has advised to use superheated
Mercury. Surprisingly it is same as the modern concept. Americans have used Mercury ions and a negative grid. Positive
Mercury ions are attracted towards the negative grid with such a velocity that the whole machine starts moving. Now,
Americans have decided to use Mercury as a fuel in the space travels of the future. (Ind. Exp. 12-10-1979.) Aft«r learning
this, at least, we have to work on this idea.

This book states that a machine can give motion to an earthly animal in the sky and can bring down a sky-
traveller on the earth. By making a machine all the actions of a living animal can be reproduced. Examples given are
neck-movements, shake-hand, offering a Tambool, spraying water, saluting, playing on Veena (Lute), mechanical sentry
at a gate with any weapon in his hand either repels or kills a thief These examples point to Robots. A lift, which raises
a bed from the ground floor to the fifth floor, is also mentioned. It describes a planetarium and artificial diamonds. Raja
Bhoja had prepared a flagstaff of non-rusting Iron. It is still lying at Mandu, near Ujjain and still shows no rust, even after
1000 years. Is it not a sufficient proof to accept high technology of our ancestors? Musical stone Pillars at Madurai and
Trivendrum, Paintings of Ajantha and Carving of a Temple carved out of a single Rock at Ellora are sufficient proofs of
high technology.

Now a question arises that if our ancestors were so advanced why and how everything has lost? I think that the
Mahabharata war is the cause, because it was atomic war. Four million soldiers died in that war giving a big blow to the
culture. The experts saw the disaster of Astras and decided not to teach them to the new generation. Arjuna did not
teach Brahmastra to his grand son Parikshit. Openheimer behaved in the same way after Hiroshima’s disaster. The
action of Arjuna and others not to hand over the Astras to the next generation caused loss of the link. If the link is lost in
science, everything gets lost. This is how military science is lost. Other sciences continued for some time with a set back.
Then due to commencement of luxurious life scientific knowledge started fading. The spiritual science in its deformed
state added to this downfall of physical knowledge. The total effect was that our culture fell a prey to the savage
invaders, like Shaka, Huna, Kushana, Muslims. In that period the brutal invaders destroyed everything, burnt all the
libraries and killed the experts. Those who survived kept the knowledge secret; but when they expired all the knowledge
vanished, leaving back evidences only in literature. High culture always succumbs to wild attacks. The Civilized Roman
Empire vanished due to barbaric German invasion. Same thing happened in India. Sophisticated weapons in the
hands of cultured gentlemen are defeated against the rude weapons of cruel barbarians. Sophisticated weapons cannot
win everywhere that is why America lost a war in Vietnam and Korea.

Ancient Indians did not industrialize their knowledge. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge was their motto.
They expected only a limited benefit from their knowledge. They considered the whole mankind. So they did not do any
business of the knowledge As commercialisation was not done, only one or two models were prepared. Hence we are
not getting any remnants of their technology. In medical science, they were advanced to prepare test tube babies and
could resuscitate Parikshit died due to radiation of Bramhastra. But they themselves controlled their science because
they revealed that such knowledge would disturb the balance of the Universe. They knew that if the balance of the
Universe is lost everything will be lost and mankind will perish. Not only mankind, but the whole life will be annihilated.
In current days Dr. Christian Bernard father of Heart Transplant Surgery came to the same conclusion and said, “ Let
human being die happily and let Chimpanzees live happily. I will not kill any more Chimpanzee to save any human being
any more.” When a person attains a high level of knowledge, he recognizes the value of Universal balance and starts
thinking of the whole life in general and the future of the Universe. Then he comes to the conclusion that this Universe is
not for Human beings only, and he becomes ready to sacrifice the knowledge for the benefit of the whole world. Same

thing has happened in India in the long past. We have to revive that knowledge up to a certain limit so that we can be
powerful enough to control the world politics. Then only we can talk about the World Peace.

I think our scientists and wise men should consider the ancient Indian literature so that we can correlate science
and culture. We are on the verge of a nuclear war. If it takes place, major portion of the world will be destroyed. Even if
we survive, we will not be able to use our motorcars, aeroplanes and other facilities. We will start using horses and
bullocks. We will tell our next generation about the scientific advances. Some people will write books on these facts.
Those books will be read after thousand years when the then experts will say how can there be such a progress in the
past ? Same thing happened in the case of our ancient era. If we think of future, we realise the past. So I request
earnestly to the wise people to work on the ancient literature for increasing our knowledge to achieve glorious future to
our nation, and peace to the world.


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