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4-6 years old


Ss will be better able to use car, doll, airplane, train, quitar, drum in the context of decorating
a Christmas Tree
1. Routine. Hello! So this is the plan for today:
 we will listen
 we will be quiet
 we will sing
* T sticks all of the above on the board. I am attaching the images you need in this
And only then can we
 play the game
Singing the Hello song. Then big circle/small circle
(2 min)
2. Lead in:
-Key hole key hole, move around/ Left right it a hand? T brings a Christmas tree made of
cardboard and asks: What's this? Is it a bag? No. Is it a cake? No. It's a...Christmas tree!

(5 min)
3. Presentation
-T draws a big Christmas tree on the board and asks what's this? Then T brings small images of the
toys and says: Let's put on toys! One by one, ss come to the board and stick the image prompted by
the teacher. Let's put on a...DRUM!. Let's put on two drumsss. Each Ss goes through this activity
(10 min)

-SS play a game of Musical Chairs and when T stops the music, T gets a decoration out of the
Christmas Tree and says: What toy is this?
(5-7 min)
5. Practice
-SS make two columns . One column says: Put on...three cars and the other picks the right image
and sticks it to the board.
4. Practice
--T hands out white paper that has dots of christmas tree on it and SS connect the dots, then stick
small images of the toys on the tree.
(10 min)

7. Parents time
Astazi ne-am propus sa recapitulam vocabularul din unitatea trei, asa ca folosind rabdarea
acumulata pana acum, i-am ascultat pe fiecare in parte la tabla sa vad care sunt cuvintele pe care
mai trebuie sa lucrez, apoi am avut un joc de atentie si memorie "scaunele muzicale", dupa care pe
rand au facut schimb de roluri: unii dadeau o indicatie, altii o executau, iar asta i-a ajutat pe partea
de task menegement.
Materiale: fcs of drums and cars which i already have, 20 small xeroxes of each item to fit in the
christmas tree and 20 christmas tree dotted

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