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List of fictional diseases

This article is a list of fictional diseases, disorders, infections, and pathogens which appear in fiction where they have a major
plot or thematic importance. They may be fictional psychological disorders, magical, from mythological or fantasy settings, have
evolved naturally, been genetically modified (most often created as biological weapons), or be any illness that came forth from
the (ab)use of technology.

Items in this list are followed by a brief description of

symptoms and other details.

In comics and literature
In film
In television
In video games
In role playing games
See also
Further reading Prince Prospero flees the Red Death. The Masque of the Red
Death, picture by Roger Corman, 1964.

In comics and literature

Name Source Symptoms
A deadly, green, crystalline, extraterrestrial agent of
indeterminate origin. It erodes the vessel walls of the
circulatory system, causing death by either triggering the
Strain (also
body's coagulation response (resulting in the entire system
known as La
The Andromeda Strain clotting in a few seconds), or by cerebral hematomas
Linea Verde de
by Michael Crichton (accompanied by dementia) if clotting is prevented. It evolves
Muerte or The
at a rapid rate, is spread by airborne transmission, and is
Green Line of
extremely contagious. However, it only functions within a very
narrow pH range, and cannot survive in a human body if that
human's blood chemistry is too alkaline or too acidic.
ARIA – Alien
A virus inducing infectious retrograde amnesia.The effect of
Retrograde ARIA
ARIA is apocalyptic in that the infected lose their memory
Infectious by Geoff Nelder
backwards at the rate of a year’s worth per week.
A psychosis common in guilt ridden fairies, but is contracted by
Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis
Artemis by his dabbling in fairy magic. The symptoms include
Atlantis Complex Complex
obsessive compulsive behavior, paranoia, multiple personality
by Eoin Colfer
disorder, and in his case professing his love to Holly Short.
Bazi plague is a deadly, rapidly spreading disease with no
The Gor Series
Bazi Plague known cure. Its symptoms include pustules which appear all
by John Norman
over the body, and a yellowing of the whites of the eyes.
The Black Trump virus is a variant of Xenovirus Takis-B.
Rather than a cure, this retrovirus was designed to kill aces,
Black Trump Wild Cards jokers, latents, and wild card carriers. Dr. Tachyon's original
Virus by George R. R. Martin Trump virus was designed to turn wild carders back into nats
(a slang term for naturals), those who do not carry Xenovirus
Takis-A in their system.
A virus that gestated in wolves two thousand years ago. The
first to be infected was Genghis Khan. It causes the symptoms
usually associated with vampirism, photosensitivity and
Bloodfire Blood Nation
invincibility. The entire nation of Russia is infected, except for a
few feral children. The virus can cause extreme mutation, for
example the snake's tail present in the Khan's head scientist.
A genetically engineered recombinant virus made from the
nuclear polyhedrosis virus, the rhinovirus, and smallpox. It
causes nightmares, fever, chills, runny nose, encephalitis
Brainpox "Cobra" The Cobra Event
(brain swelling), and herpes-like boils in the mouth and
genitals, followed by a short period of aggression and
autocannibalism preceding death. Used as a bioterror weapon.
An echolalia-like disease in which a specific pronunciation of a
Buscard's "Entry Taken from a certain word—the "wormword"—leads to fatally degenerative
Murrain a.k.a. Medical Encyclopaedia" cognitive ability as a result of an encephalopathy. Buscard's
Wormword by China Miéville Murrain is infectious, as the afflicted desire to hear others
pronounce the wormword.
A deadly, flu-based virus. Created as a biological weapon
Captain Trips
codenamed Blue. Causes a lethally high fever and is highly
("Superflu", "tube The Stand
contagious. It is deadly because as the body fights off the
neck", and by Stephen King
disease, it mutates into different strains of influenza, making
"project blue")
immunity next to impossible.
Clone-Killing Star Wars Republic A nanovirus developed by the Confederacy of Independent
Nanovirus Commando: Hard Contact Systems designed specifically to kill the clones of Jango Fett.
by Karen Traviss Its creator, Ovolot Qail Uthan, is captured by Republic
Commandos before her research is complete, however. In later
books in the series, it is revealed (though not to any of the
main characters, but to the reader through both Palpatine's
and Dr. Uthan's private journals), Chancellor Palpatine secretly
chooses not to completely destroy all evidence or research of
the virus, but rather opts to hold onto it as a back-up plan,
should the clone army ever be turned against him.
A mutating disease that often starts with pain and sensitivity in
the victims nipples, then forms a temporary tumor in the brain
as it feeds upon the genetic material of the brain cells, sapping
away the victims critical thinking skills and intelligence, once it
Collins' The Legend of Deathwalker reaches its critical density, the tumor disbands into the
Syndrome by David Gemmell bloodstream, the virus going into a form of hibernation, leaving
its victim in a state of near absolute uselessness. Once the
virus detects that it has entered a new host due to differences
in protein markers of the victims cells, the process begins
A term used by children in the United States, with varied
meaning. "Cooties" generally refers to an invisible germ, bug,
Cooties Various
or microscopic monster, transferred by skin to skin contact,
usually with a member of the opposite sex.[1]
A disease created by Doctor Neveeve in the city of Regalia.
She gave the disease to fleas, which instead of getting
infected, spread the disease around warmblooded creatures,
Curse of the The Underland Chronicles
including people. Symptoms include purple blemishes,
Warmbloods by Suzanne Collins
coughing, choking, and a swelled tongue. The cure was
originally believed to be a plant named starshade, though the
true cure was made in Regalia.
Dar-kosis is a virulent, horrible, wasting disease and is similar
Gor in many ways to leprosy. It is taught by the Initiates (who claim
by John Norman to be the voice of the Priest-Kings of Gor) that Dar-Kosis is a
holy disease.
Demon pox, also known as astriola, is a rare but debilitating
disease that affects Shadowhunters and is caused by sexual
contact with demons.
The Infernal Devices Mundanes are immune to the disease, as demon pox is
Demon Pox
by Cassandra Clare
assumed to be caused by the interaction of demon poisons
with the angelic nature of Shadowhunters.

A quasi-conscious self-modifying organism capable of infecting

any form of life. "Descolada" is also the Portuguese word for
Speaker for the Dead
Descolada "unglued". In the context of the book, this refers to the
by Orson Scott Card
Descolada virus's effects: it breaks the link of the DNA double
helix (ungluing it) and induces mutations.
A sentient virus and a member of the Sinestro Corps. It could
create non-sentient duplicates of itself creating a plague
Despotellis Green Lantern Corps capable of killing infected victims within minutes, and can also
destroy these duplicates, leaving no trace of their presence.
Among the victims of its plague was Kyle Rayner's mother.
A disorder 'afflicting those who habitually and pathologically
catalogue and construct diseases.' It is characterized by
Diseasemaker's Fragile Things by Neil
increasingly nonsensical speech and writing patterns and an
Croup Gaiman
obsessive insistence on trying to repeat previous statements
out of context.
Dragon Pox The Harry Potter Series Dragon pox is a potentially fatal contagious disease that
by J.K. Rowling occurs in wizards and witches. Its symptoms are presumably
similar to Muggle illnesses like smallpox and chicken pox.
However, in addition to leaving the victim's skin pockmarked,
dragon pox causes a lasting greenish tinge. Simpler cases
present with a green-and-purple rash between the toes and
sparks coming out of the nostrils when the patient sneezes.
Elderly patients are apparently more susceptible to dragon pox
than younger ones. Gunhilda of Gorsemoor developed a cure
for dragon pox, but the disease has not been completely
eradicated, as is evidenced by the fact that it is still treated by
the Magical Bugs ward at St. Mungo's Hospital.
A deadly disease causing weakness, hot flashes, chills, and
Salamandastron dizziness. The victim is usually bedridden until eventual death.
Dryditch Fever
by Brian Jacques The only known cure are Flowers of Icetor boiled in spring
An unknown prion dubbed "DX" by scientists on Isla Sorna. It
is similar to mad cow disease and was the result of feeding
ground-up sheep to carnivorous dinosaurs. DX increased the
mortality rate of newborn dinosaurs and is eventually fatal to
adult dinosaurs. In order to combat DX, InGen scientists
released animals into the wild of Isla Sorna. The prion initially
The Lost World infected carnivorous dinosaurs such as velociraptors and
by Michael Crichton procompsognathus, which would then spread the disease to
herbivores such as apatosaurus, and the apatosaur carcasses
would be eaten by compys, which would then spread the
disease to other carcasses, and the cycle would repeat. Ian
Malcolm said at the end of the novel that, because of the
imbalance of carnivores and herbivores due to DX, the
dinosaurs were doomed to die out.
Also known as "the Clench", due to the victims clenching their
stomachs, Ebola Gulf is an evolved form of the ebola virus
Ebola Gulf A DC Comics
created by the terrorist mastermind Ra's al Ghul after he
consulted the Wheel of Plagues.
A viral infection that infects extremely fast and only infects
those that produce sex hormones (i.e. those after puberty and
women before menopause) or are taking medicine that include
Fire-Us (Sounds similar hormones. It was released by the President of the
Fire-Us series
like "Virus") United States of America to start the world over, killing almost
all adults within 2 weeks. As a result, children were left to fend
for themselves, most of whom failed. Once all the targets of
the virus were gone, it died out.
A highly contagious virus that infects the brain of its host,
turning them into crazed blood-thirsty cannibals (essentially
zombies) which are called Cranks. Less than 1% of the
population is immune to the virus, and are called Munies.
The Flare (virus There is no cure for The Flare, but many wealthy people slow
The Maze Runner
VC321xb47) down the onslaught of the symptoms with an illegal drug called
The Bliss, which slows down their brain activity. It was
released by the governments of the world to help control
overpopulation after the Sun Flares, but it eventually killed
most of the people in the world.
The Heir of Mistmantle Disease caused from drinking poisoned water. Animals who
by M. I. McAllister have it will have pain, blurry sight and some will eventually die.
Disease created from the noxious gas from the defeated
dragon Yune's stomach. It comes on with no warning and is
not contagious. There are three stages of the disease. The first
stage is the weakness, and it can last anywhere from a week
Gail Carson Levine's The to six months. The second stage is the sleeping, and it always
The Gray Death
Two Princesses of Bamarre lasts nine days. The last stage is fever, and it always lasts
three days. At the end of the fever stage, the victim will die.
The only cure is water sent down from the fairies' Mount Ziriat.
The cure will only be discovered when cowards find courage
and rain falls over all Bamarre.
Great Plague The Lord of the Rings by A mysterious disease which swept down through every single
J.R.R. Tolkien kingdom of Middle-earth during the mid-1600s of the Third Age
of the Sun. The Plague's origins are unknown except it was
possibly contracted from the Corsairs who attacked Gondor in
Third Age 1634, two years before the Plague occurred. The
Plague was 90% fatal for nearly all inhabitants of Middle-earth,
especially in Gondor and the North. It is Based on the Black
Greyscale is a typically nonfatal disease akin to leprosy. It is
first introduced in Stannis Baratheon's daughter Shireen.
When it infects children, greyscale generally leaves children
malformed and disabled but alive. However, in A Dance with
Greyscale A Song of Ice and Fire Dragons, it is revealed to be generally fatal to adults. The
disease is contracted by touch and slowly turns the skin (small
patches in children and the entire body in adults) of the victim
to into a gray, stone-like form. It is said that the disease also
drives its adult victims insane.

Hanahaki Disease (花吐き病 (Japanese); 하나하키병

(Korean); 花吐病 (Chinese)) is a fictional disease where the
victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough
up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their
lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render
breathing impossible if left untreated. There is no set time for
how long this disease lasts but it may last from 2 weeks to 3
months until the victim dies unless the feelings are returned or
Hanahaki Japanese, Korean, and the plants are surgically removed.There is also no set flower
Disease, or Chinese pop band, anime, that blossoms in the lungs but it may be the enamoured’s
Hanahaki Byou and manga fandoms favourite flower or favourite colour.[2] Hanahaki can be cured
through surgical removal of the plants' roots, but this excision
also has the effect of removing the patient's capacity for
romantic love. It may also erase the patient’s feelings for and
memories of the enamoured. It can also be cured by the
reciprocation of the victim's feelings. These feelings cannot be
feelings of friendship but must be feelings of genuine love. The
victim may also develop Hanahaki Disease if they believe the
love to be one-sided but once the enamoured returns the
feelings, they will be cured.[3]
A rare disease only contracted by cats. Symptoms include a
"voracious" appetite, a craving for Hawaiian food, listlessness,
Hawaiian Cat Flu Garfield by Jim Davis
crankiness, and a compulsion to wear Hawaiian shirts and hula
A contagious, sexually transmitted human e hindogenous
retrovirus (HERV) that causes flu-like symptoms and ultimately
causes miscarriage of pregnancies. Though treated as a public
Herod's Flu Darwin's Radio by Greg
health crisis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(SHEVA) Bear
and World Health Organization, the virus is later revealed to be
a mechanism which causes rapid speciation and accelerates
A progressive and fatal neurological disease which causes an
Harlequin Rex by Owen
Harlequin re-awakening of primordial senses and behaviors, set in near-
future Earth.[4]
Created by the living star Solaris, this plague was caused by
nanomachines. It acted like both a biological virus and a
Hourman Virus DC One Million computer virus, and could be spread to each type of victim by
the other type. It was capable of wiping out humanity in twenty-
four hours.
The hero Spider Jerusalem has I-Pollen Degenerative
DC Comics Disorder, a disease he gained as a result of coming into
contact with Information Pollen, pollen used to transmit
Degenerative Transmetropolitan information. In 98% of the cases, the disease will cause the
victim to lose all motor and cognitive skills. It is comparable to
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Inferno virus Inferno An airborne virus which incubated in water. It was released by
by Dan Brown the terrorist group the Consortium to kill off half of humanity
and reproduce with only a third of ten individuals who were
immune. The virus was modeled on the Black Death.
Originally, its creator, Bertrand Zobrist, planned to have it as a
waterborne virus, but changed it to airborne because it could
infect faster. The Inferno virus can infect a human through
damp air, and then it renders humans infertile. The plan was
for the infected to die off and humanity to be rendered extinct.
A spontaneous combination of two man-made viruses that
Feed exists in a 'reservoir condition' state without ill effects until the
by Mira Grant host's death, when any host over approximately 40 pounds
undergoes virus amplification and becomes a zombie.
The Krytos virus was a deadly and highly contagious virus that
only attacked non-human species. It could spread via a
"Star Wars expanded
Krytos virus number of avenues, including by water supplies and by air.
The virus often killed its host in less than two weeks, resulting
in a painful death.
A disease that targets only mutants, causing genetic and
biological degradation and eventual death; shortly before
Legacy Virus Marvel Multiverse death, the virus' effects will cause a violent, uncontrolled flare-
up of the victim's superhuman abilities. One strain of it can
also infect humans, as it did to Moria McTaggart.
The Life-eater virus is a form of necrotizing fasciitis that causes
all biological matter to break down into its component parts,
releasing toxic, flammable gas that can be ignited with a single
explosion. The virus eats itself when there is nothing else to
Life-Eater Virus Warhammer 40,000 novels
attack. It is quite effective against Tyrranids. In the short-story
anthology Planetkill, an updated strain goes after the soul,
turning the population into zombies, created by a Techpriest
inhabited by a daemonic Unclean One.
A mostly psychosomatic disease that can only be contracted
by the empress of the Kuja Tribe if she falls in love with a man
and denies the feeling. It causes weakness, pain, and
eventually death from declining health. The only known cure is
Love Sickness One Piece
for the victim to accept the emotions and pursue the object of
her desire. This disease has killed many previous empresses,
and is currently a threat to Boa Hancock, who pursues Monkey
D. Luffy to avoid the symptoms.
A super-evolved smallpox virus with intelligence and
Leezle Pon Green Lantern Corps sentience; it is a member of the Green Lantern Corps which
played a pivotal role in defeating Despotellis.
The general term for the condition that causes a human to
transform into a werewolf. Regarded as a curse or the result of
Lycanthropy Various evil magic in folklore, it is often regarded as an infectious
disease spread by other werewolves in modern werewolf
The Testament of Jessie Latent in everyone and triggered upon pregnancy, it causes
Maternal Death
Lamb rapid progressive brain degeneration and is invariably fatal to
Syndrome (MDS)
by Jane Rogers both mother and child. Possibly a strain of JC virus.
A pathogen causing rapid nervous system evolution and
development of new sensory organs, which causes synesthetic
psychosis in unprepared hosts. Sent to Earth by an alien race
Dark Benediction (1951)
Neurodermatitis living in symbiosis with it, in the hopes of furthering other
by Walter Miller Jr.
races' advance. Designed for controlled delivery, it is turned
into a plague by a curious retriever's cutting the vessel with an
Omega Virus The Omega Days novels (h This is actually two viruses: The first, of unknown origin but
ttps:// seems to be in all humans, causes them to reanimate into
series/omega- zombies once they die. The second is carried in the body
days/83099/): fluids, especially in the saliva, of the "drifters", or walking dead.
When they bite a living human, that person contracts the
1)Omega Days second disease and develops a severe fever, resulting in coma
and then death... and then is reanimated by the first virus
within seconds. The drifters have rudimentary brain function,
2)Ship of the Dead
allowing them to walk, crawl, or run toward their prey. They
have foggy white eyes, can only moan with hunger, have
3)Drifters enhanced hearing and sense of smell, and can only be
stopped by piercing the brain—when they drop dead, again. A
4)Crossbones bite from a drifter is always fatal, but their body fluids in the
eyes or mouth of a living person can sometimes cause a
5)The Feral Road survivable "burn" which leaves the living person with an
immunity to the second virus (future bites do not kill them).
There are a few rare drifters that experienced "burn" but died
by John L. Campbell (http:// anyway—leaving them as a reddish-skinned intelligent zombie.

Pale Mare (also This is a cholera-like disease transmitted through water. It

known as the A Song of Ice and Fire causes diarrhea and intestinal bleeding, which soon lead to
bloody flux) death. It is common during wars.
An epidemic brought into the Buendía household and the town
of Macondo by Rebeca; the adopted daughter of José Arcadio
Buendía and Úrsula Iguarán. This plague, originally coming
from the northern Indian kingdoms in La Guajira (Colombia), is
identified by the symptoms of wide-open, glowing eyes like
those of a cat, and the impossibility of sleeping. Those infected
One Hundred Years of (in the novel consisting of the entire town of Macondo) feel no
Plague of
Solitude tiredness or sleepiness whatsoever and hence can work all
by Gabriel García Márquez day and night. However, as time advances, those infected
begin to lose all their memories and knowledge of the world;
ultimately leaving them in a state in which they have forgotten
the names and uses of all things and their own identities. The
plague is generally seen as one of the most prominent
demonstrations of magical realism in García Márquez's literary
A powerful virus which lies dormant inside mobile phones and
which requires a powerful signal to set off. The exact
unleashers are unknown, but are implied to be a terrorist group
due to numerous theories in the novel. The virus is implied to
have been released just after September 11th, and lain
dormant in cell phones ever since. Once the right signal is
transmitted and leaked into incoming phone calls, the caller's
The Pulse Cell by Stephen King
brain cells immediately disintegrate and they are unable to
recognize friend from foe; they are even unable to recognize
other people infected with the virus. Inevitably, the infected
callers become psychotic and start killing each other, the
chaos of which lasts approximately two days before the
infected callers have become "stable" enough to cooperate
and recognize each other.
A fictional disease invented by Roald Dahl's friend Thwaites
during their schooldays in Llandaff. Thwaites made this up to
amuse Roald and the other friends, but he says his dad told
him about the disease, which is apparently contracted from
eating liquorice bootlaces. Thwaites says that the bootlaces
actually have rat's blood rather than licquorice, and they are
Ratititis Roald Dahl's Boy done this way by rat-catchers bringing their rats to the sweet
factory where they pound the rats into a paste, then mash it up
to form licquorice bootlaces. Thwaites told Roald and his
friends never to eat them, because if they did, a rat's tail would
burst out of their buttocks and their teeth would turn into fangs.
Only Roald and his friends saw the joke; Thwaites took it with
deadpan humour.
The Red Death "The Masque of the Red Victims bleed from their pores before eventually dying. Most
Death" likely a viral hemorrhagic fever.
by Edgar Allan Poe
An alien parasitoid macrovirus. The adult aliens resemble
deformed potato beings with legs, while the younger aliens—
nicknamed "shit-weasels" because they can be created in a
host organism's stomach and escape by eating their host's
The Ripley body between the stomach and anus– are legless, smaller
by Stephen King
versions of the adult alien. Both adult and young aliens have a
mouth consisting of a slit on the underside of the head that
goes down the length of the worm. The lips separate to reveal
hundreds of teeth that can bite through steel.
A heredity disease passed down by generation-to-generation
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: in the Higashikata family. The Disease slowly changes person
Rock Disease
Jojolion into rock, starting at the age of ten. There is no known medical
cure for the disease.
Sakutia, also known as Green Fever, is an extremely rare
lethal viral disease found primarily in the African region of
Lamumba. The virus attaches itself to a victim's DNA, enabling
the host body to instinctively rewrite their own genetic code.
Sakutia DC Comics Typically, a host relies upon primitive instinct when affecting
such a change, rendering them capable of shapeshifting into a
wide variety of forms (usually animals). Sakutia victims suffer
from one other noticeable side effect: their hair and skin turn
permanently green in hue.
Disease which feeds on the salt in its host's body. The host
Spiritwalker Trilogy eventually loses their humanity and becomes violently hungry,
Salt Plague
by Kate Elliott seeking the salty blood of others. The plague is spread by its
victim's bites.
This 1912 novella, also known as the Scarlet Death, is a work
The Scarlet Plague
Scarlet Plague of post-apocalyptic fiction treating the world after civilization
by Jack London
has been destroyed by this fictional disease.
Genetic diseases of people and animals in the postapocalyptic
setting of Always Coming Home, caused by the leftover
chemical and radiation pollution. Vedet involves personality
disorders and dementia; sevai usually leads to blindness and
Always Coming Home other sensory loss, along with degeneration of muscle control.
Sevai and Vedet
by Ursula K Le Guin Both diseases are painful, crippling, incurable, and fatal.
Severity of onset and the length of the course of the illness
varied: major damage leads to non-viability in the womb (with a
quarter of all children in the Valley being stillborn due to sevai);
minor damage might not show up until old age.
Mentioned as being "still a terminal disease in some parts of
the Galaxy," this disease seems rife amongst the population of
The Hitchhiker's Guide to
Betelgeuse 5, the fifth planet of the sun Betelgeuse. It killed off
Shame the Galaxy
the father of Ford Prefect when he was so ashamed that Ford
by Douglas Adams
could not say his birth name, "Ix", and this embarrassed Ford
and resulted in him being mocked during school.
Rainbow Six A genetically modified version of Ebola created to help a group
by Tom Clancy of eco-terrorists to annihilate mankind.
A virus artificially created by the Sith Lord Darth Drear
thousands of years ago in order to achieve immortality.
Centuries later, Darth Scabrous successfully completed
The Drear's unfinished work, but accidentally modified it into a
Sickness/Imperial semi-sentient hive mind that creates zombies. The Sith
bioweapons Death Troopers, Red academy on Odacin-Fauster was wiped out by the plague.
project Harvest Thousands of years later, Darth Vader commissioned the
I71A/Project: Empire's bioweapons division to recreate the virus. Upon
Blackwing completion, the virus was loaded onto the Star Destroyer
Vector for transport to a testing site. En route, the tanks leaked
and the Destroyer's crew was zombified. The virus is
characterized by grey goo.
Snow Crash Snow Crash A dangerous drug which is both a computer virus capable of
by Neal Stephenson infecting the brains of unwary hackers in the Metaverse and a
mind-altering virus distributed by a network of Pentecostal
churches via its infrastructure and belief system. Both forms
cause glossolalia, and the computer virus form appears as a
snowy pattern of pixels.
A virus which has existed since the beginning of human
history, which is highly contagious through bodily fluids such as
blood. Solanum symptoms include dementia, paralysis in the
extremities, and discoloration of the wound, which increase as
the virus replicates itself. The virus is centered on the brain,
and destroys the cells of the brain and replaces them with the
World War Z/The Zombie
virus. In doing so, the infected victims are declared clinically
Solanum Virus Survival Guide by Max
dead. The virus takes around sixteen hours to replicate,
although it varies from individual to individual. Once Solanum
has fully replicated, the victim awakes from the coma, with an
unquenchable desire for human flesh. The victim also exhibits
typical zombie-like behavior such as psychotic behavior and
mindless rage, and can only be killed by destruction of the
A lethal, extremely contagious virus responsible for destroying
numerous inhabited planets. Difficult to combat due to the virus
Alisa Selezneva books being very good in mimicry, as well as capable of forming a
Space plague
by Kir Bulychov hive mind which could direct its own mutations. Earth had
narrowly averted destruction in the mid-21st Century thanks to
the ship carrying two infected being quarantined on Pluto.
A disease that covers the victim in purple pustules and renders
them unable to speak. It may be a type of fungus, as Ron
Weasley says that the effect of being unable to speak occurs
"once the fungus has spread to your uvula". The only known
cure, according to the portrait of a Healer in St. Mungo's
Harry Potter and the Order
Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, is to bind the liver
of the Phoenix and Harry
Spattergroit of a toad around the victim's throat and stand nude in a barrel
Potter and the Deathly
of eel's eyes under a full moon. The portrait said that he
believed Ron had this disease, due to the "unsightly
blemishes" on his face. Ron would later use this disease in
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as an excuse as to why
he was unable to return to Hogwarts, when in actuality he and
his friends were out searching for Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes.
Passed down through family, however it is not hereditary.
When a person is infected their family members will be
infected at around the same time. It comes from a meteorite
that was later made into several arrows. The symptoms of the
Stand Virus JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
virus are and intense, untreatable fever. If the person infected
has enough willpower and survives, they earn a stand ability
which is a manifestation of their soul. Not everybody suffers
through the fever before obtaining a stand.
Stone Sickness The Edge Chronicles by Not a human disease, but one which affects humans and other
Paul Stewart and Chris inhabitants of the Edge by attacking the rocks of the flight
Riddell ships which is the primary means of transport and
communication on the Edge. As the flight ships are carried
aloft by the rocks, this puts an end to business and trade,
resulting in a brief societal collapse followed by a gradual
rebuilding of society when the Edge's inhabitants become
accustomed to life with Stone-sickness. Symptoms of infected
flight rocks include a brief scar, followed by an open wound
and a gaping hole as the rock dissolves. Eventually the sky
ship drops clean out of the sky. Many theories abound on the
origin of Stone-sickness. Some people blame the gods. Others
blame the Mother Storm, the mysterious meteorological
creator of the Edge. Some say that the sky pirate captain
Cloud Wolf who perished in the Mother Storm somehow
infected her and the Stone-sickness is a result of his
pestilence. It is only at the end of the series that it is revealed
the Gloamglozer created the disease and it had been
incubating inside the Stone Gardens ever since he fled the city
of Sanctaphrax almost a century before the sickness.
An unnamed disease that causes the affected individual to
A Bad Case of Stripes by
Stripes change color/pattern when names of patterns are used.
David Shannon
Apparently it can only be cured and prevented by lima beans.
A genetically engineered version of the smallpox virus which
Iraq made in the Gulf War. Herod Sayle used the disease in his
plans for vengeance. He genetically modified it so it would kill
whoever it infected immediately. Fortunately, the plan was
Super-smallpox Stormbreaker
stopped by Alex and the virus was taken and quarantined by
MI6. Implied in Snakehead that Sayle acquired the virus
(apparently the R-5) from SCORPIA, a SPECTRE-like criminal
organisation that sponsored his project.
The result of genetic engineering, the T4 Angel Virus was
spread by infected tomatoes. It wiped out a large percentage
of humanity, along with the elves and several other species
Hollows (series) by Kim which had been secretly coexisting. Other species unaffected
"T4 Angel Virus"
Harrison by the virus, such as witches, vampires, and werewolves, soon
equaled humanity's depleted numbers and began living openly.
Tomatoes are still feared and shunned by humans throughout
the series.
Also known as the "bug." It is a mutagenic STD which causes
Black Hole by Charles
"Teen Plague" grotesque mutations, such as extra body parts, to grow all over
the body. Seems to affect only teenagers.
A (presumably viral) disease of unknown origin. When a
human is infected by it, the disease will infect all cells,
eventually resulting in the clinical death of the host. The
symptoms that occur before the victim's clinical death, include
fever, headache, fatigue, confusion, hallucinations and
paralysis. The disease has a very short incubation period of
around 16 hours. After the victim's clinical death, the host will
be revitalized and will wake up exhibiting zombie-like behavior.
However the disease will only activate lower brain function,
mostly those controlled by the brain-stem, where feeding and
motor functions are controlled. The host becomes a violent
TS-19 The Walking Dead mindless cannibal, and can infect other people by biting. The
disease leads to society's collapse and results in a world
stricken by a zombie apocalypse. The transmission of TS-19
has been variable and inconsistent in the media: A person that
dies of asphyxiation will become reanimated by the virus,
implying an airborne capability, yet it does not affect living
humans. A pregnant woman that recently gives birth to a child
will most likely succumb to the virus due to less-than-sanitary
conditions and a weakened immune system. And walkers can
transmit the virus through scratches and bites but not through
blood and other bodily fluids making contact with a living
person's skin.
A mysterious, highly infectious disease that moves quickly
through a group and kills its host. The disease's origin, genetic
make-up, and its vector are unknown, as is its longevity once
outside the host body, but speculation is that it can continue to
live on inert/non-biologic surfaces (such as plastic, glass,
Please Save My Earth
cement, etc.) in a dormant state long after it has no living host
(Boku no Chikyū o
(unknown) to latch onto. The only known cure for this unnamed disease
was developed by the doctor, Shukaido, who succumbed to
by Saki Hiwatari
the disease soon after developing the cure. Tragically, the cure
only lasts for approximately seven years before its effects wear
off, and the suppressed disease in the victim's system re-
emerges at full strength, killing him/her. The last known victim
of this plague was Shion.
V-CIDS The Immortals An AIDS-like virus.
A bacillus (rod-shaped) bacterium that causes photosensitivity,
hysterical blindness near mirrors, overdevelopment of canine
teeth, and production of a bulletproof adhesive. Victims feed
on blood. While in the body, it is anaerobic, and causes the
I Am Legend
Vampiris victim to exhibit vampire-like behavior. Outside the body, it
by Richard Matheson
sporulates into dust. If an infected person is cut deep enough,
the bacteria turns them into powder. Can be treated, but not
cured, with a pill containing a fusion inhibitor and dehydrated
An extraterrestrial infectious particle found in a lunar rock
sample and within a fantastically well-preserved tyrannosaur
fossil in the New Mexico desert. It is later revealed that the
Venus Particle Tyrannosaur Canyon organism came to Earth via the Chicxulub asteroid which
wiped out the dinosaurs. The particle, which was named for its
resemblance to the symbol of Venus and femininity, causes
rapid mitosis and apparent cellular differentiation in its host.
An inexplicable virus with symptoms of delusions,
hallucinations, paranoia, and ultimately death, which affects
The Night Parade humans and birds and brings the world close to the brink of
Wanderer's Folly
by Ronald Malfi extinction while allowing insects to overpopulate. The illness is
named after the first few cases, where the infected, lost in
daydream-like hallucinations, wandered into traffic.
A mysterious epidemic of sudden blindness affecting virtually
all humanity, leading to society's collapse. So-called because
Blindness victims see nothing but a white glare. Not to be confused with
White Blindness
by José Saramago the White Blindness in Watership Down which is a name the
rabbits use for the real illness Myxomatosis which affects
rabbits causing blindness and death.
It is a highly virulent killer bacterium. Its method of infection
was very complex and it would mix in with other
A Certain Magical Index microorganisms and multiply. It could be transmitted via air,
Wildcard coccus
by Kazuma Kamachi blood, mouth, or skin contact. It could grow even more
dangerous by combining with Athlete’s foot, Lactobacillus, or
other extremely common pathogens.
The White Disease
White Disease An incurable form of leprosy, killing people older than 30.
by Karel Čapek
The White Plague A genetically engineered virus that kills only women. Released
White Plague
by Frank Herbert only on the Irish, English, and Libyans.
White-Sickness, a pneumatic histopathy, also known as
lung‑rot oruhanjao, translatable as "drown‑yourself" in the
language of the story's aliens – is classified as a dangerous
condition less because it is fatal, which it is, than because it is
Burning Bright
White Sickness contagious until treated. Simple organ transplants inevitably
by Melissa Scott
fail, due to the mechanisms by which the disease alters the
lung tissue, slowly dissolving it into a thick white mucus, so
that the patient drowns in body fluids even as the lungs
themselves stop working.
Xenovirus Takis- Wild Cards Xenovirus Takis-A, also known as the wild card virus, works by
A by George R. R. Martin completely altering the victim's DNA. It has been theorized that
the process is guided by the victim's own subconscious,
influenced by the person's desires or fears. In this way, the
virus works as a modern Aladdin's Lamp. The transformation is
extremely individual, no two persons are affected in exactly the
same way. In 90% of cases, the victim's body cannot
assimilate the extreme changes, and the person dies horribly.
These cases are called black queens. From the survivors, 9
out of 10 are changed for the worse, becoming monstrous
creatures nicknamed jokers. The miraculous 1% of infected
are changed for the better and become aces, gifted with
superhuman physical or mental capabilities while still
remaining human in appearance.
Xenovirus Takis-B, also known as the trump virus, is an
artificial organism created by Dr. Tachyon as a possible cure
for the wild card virus. Ideally, the trump virus reverses the
genetic changes caused by the wild card virus, transforming a
wild carder back into a normal person. The trump virus is only
Xenovirus Takis- Wild Cards
successful in about twenty-four percent of attempts. Forty-
B by George R. R. Martin
seven percent of the time it doesn't work at all, and an
appalling twenty-nine percent of the time, it outright kills the
patient. In other words, it is more likely to kill than cure. The
Jokertown Clinic only uses the trump virus as a last resort, in
the most severe cases where the victim has nothing to lose.

In film
Name Source Symptoms
The brain cloud has no symptoms – apart from quickly and painlessly
Joe Versus
Brain Cloud killing in about six months. Possibly made up by the doctor making the
the Volcano
diagnosis, given how it relates to the plot of the movie.
A genetically engineered virus created by Dr. Jane Tiptree. Infects fertile
women of child-bearing age (including Dr. Tiptree herself), making them
Carnosaur virus Carnosaur pregnant with a dinosaur. Rather than being born, upon maturation the
dinosaurs tear their way out of the womb, killing the woman in the
Chimera has a 20-hour dormancy period before it causes death by mass
Chimera destruction of the victim's red blood cells. Bellerophon can only save the
Impossible II
victim if used within that 20-hour window.[5]
Climate Satirical parody comedy film about a fictional disease causing individuals
Climate Change Change to lose understanding of words and concepts related to climate change
Denial Disorder Denial
Affects all children. Induces a 10-year coma, after which the children
The Coma Barker's The
simultaneously wake up and desire to kill all adults.
Necrotizing fasciitis caused by an unknown bacterium which causes
massive hemorrhaging and tissue necrosis. The first symptom of the
disease is usually a painful rash, which develops into a scabby or
weeping wound. In later stages, tissues become soft and slough away.
The initial rash stage can be exacerbated by harsh physical trauma, as
was seen when one afflicted woman discovered hand-shaped rashes on
Cabin Fever her body, where she had recently been tightly held during a passionate
Cabin Fever sexual encounter. It also seemed to indicate that physical exertion also
"The Fever"
2: Spring accelerates the progression of the disease. The disease is transmitted
Fever when an infected creatures' blood is exposed to a victim's bloodstream
(bare skin contact with infectious blood is implied to not result in
infection). It can also be contracted through unprotected sexual activity
and by drinking contaminated water. The disease spreads cross-species
and was initially discovered in a dead dog. Where the dog contracted the
disease is unknown. Despite the name of the franchise, fever is never
indicated as being a symptom of the disease.
A disease caused by Jenova's presence in the Lifestream as it rose to
destroy Meteor in the ending of Final Fantasy VII. Decreases the
efficiency of the body's immune system-like inner Lifestream current. Also
causes exhaustion and black sores appearing on the skin. Mostly affects
Fantasy VII:
Geostigma children due to their weaker constitutions. Healed by Aerith
Gainsborough's Great Gospel healing rain. "The Stigma. It is a symptom
of alien matter infesting the body. The body tries to eliminate it, and
overcompensates. Inside our bodies is a current like the Lifestream. That
current is what fights off any malevolent intruders." – Vincent Valentine
Disease responsible for turning many humans into vampire-like creatures.
Ultraviolet Contrary to most vampiral diseases, hemoglophagia drastically shortens
the lifespan of an infected individual to little over a decade.
The unnamed disease carried by the giant monster terrorizing South
The Host's Disease The Host Korea. In actuality, there was no virus; the government claimed the
monster was spreading a disease just to save face.
A mysterious epidemic has led to worldwide infertility in women. The
Children of human race has lost the ability to reproduce. However, the story involves
Infertility epidemic
Men a woman who secretly turns out to be pregnant and, as a result, holds the
only hope of survival in her child who is immune to the epidemic.
Krippin Virus (KV) I Am Legend A genetically re-engineered measles virus originally created as a "miracle
cure" for cancer, but mutated into a lethal, highly pathogenic strain. KV
has a 90% mortality rate; less than 1% of humans are immune. Two
transmission vectors for the pathogen are inhalation and infected blood,
with two corresponding immunity profiles. Infected humans who did not
die began exhibiting early symptoms of rabies and degenerated into a
state driven by rage. A major symptom is that the adrenal glands are
"permanently open", giving victims increased strength, speed and agility
but also a faster metabolism. This results in increased body temperature,
heart rate, and breathing speed, making those infected hyperventilate
constantly. Pupils became permanently dilated and skin became
hypersensitive to UV radiation, forcing infected hosts into a nocturnal life
cycle. Loss of body hair is another symptom. Non-humans such as rats
and dogs are also susceptible to KV. They are sensitive to blood. These
infected are similar to vampires.
"Symptoms include the sudden onset fever, hallucinations, lesions, cold
Wolf Warrior
Lamanla virus sweats. It is a fatal virus that's transmitted through direct human contact.
Upon contraction, death strikes between four hours and five months."
In the original 1950 film, the disease seems to have been a tumor in the
abdomen (the patient's x-ray is used to indicate something "between the
stomach and the small intestine," although a shot of the pelvis is actually
being shown). Here, it is an untreatable, terminal condition which is nearly
pain-free, but which leads to coma and death within a couple of weeks to
Last Holiday a couple of months at the most. It is explained as a recently discovered
condition, described by and named for Sir Trevor Lampington, a character
who also appears in the plot. In the 2006 remake, the disease has
morphed into a neurological disease causing multiple brain tumors,
rapidly progressing to death within a few weeks if not treated with an
exorbitant operation.
MM88 is a deadly type of virus created accidentally by an American
geneticist that amplifies the potency of any other virus or bacterium it
comes into contact with. It has a 100% mortality rate; however, the virus
is inactive at temperatures below -10 degrees Celsius. The virus is stolen
and is found in East Germany, and during an attempt to steal it back it is
released accidentally after the plane carrying it crashes. A pandemic
MM88 Virus spreads worldwide and is dubbed the "Italian Flu". Eventually wiping out
all vertebrate life on Earth except for a grouping of Antarctic scientists and
submariner's from various nations, the survivors set up a government
council at the various research stations at the time of the devastating
global pandemic and attempt to survive; however, the air worldwide is
contaminated, making Antarctica the only safe place for the roughly 800
or so survivors.
A four-stage disease that Mr. Freeze's wife, Nora, was suffering from and
was placed in cryogenic stasis for. The film also revealed that Batman's
MacGregor's Batman & butler, Alfred Pennyworth, was also suffering from Stage-1 MacGregor's.
Syndrome Robin Mr. Freeze successfully created the antidote for Stage-1 of the disease,
and gave some of it to Batman as an apology for thinking that Batman
killed Nora (which was actually a lie fabricated by Poison Ivy).
The disease which caused people, upon receiving a bite from one of the
infected, to become zombies. The disease is a mutation of Mad Cow
Mad Zombie Disease Zombieland
Disease, which became Mad Human Disease, and then mutated to form
Mad Zombie Disease.
A rare disease which causes the victim to break out in spots, followed by
The Sword hot and cold flashes, then violent sneezing. During the wizard's duel,
Malignalitaloptereosis in Merlin had transformed himself into the germ that caused this disease
the Stone and infected Madam Mim with it, causing her to become sick and lose the
A highly contagious and lethal paramyxovirus that infects both the lungs
Contagion and the brain, causing coughing, fever and severe headache, progressing
Virus One
over the period of a few hours to seizures and ultimately death.
Methuselah Blade
A genetic disease resembling progeria that causes faster aging.
Syndrome Runner
Motaba Outbreak A deadly, virulent Ebola-like virus from the jungles of Zaire, which later
infected a fictional California town within a few days.
AKA "The Black Shakes," Progressive seizure disorder prevalent in
Nerve Attenuation Johnny society due to the overabundance of technology and the use of
Syndrome (NAS) Mnemonic cybernetics. Attacks are sporadic, but become more frequent over time
until the victim expires.
A highly-contagious airborne virus, released into the atmosphere from the
destruction of the Amazon rainforest causes quick and painful deaths.
Neurological The only way of controlling the virus is expensive, daily, painful injections
Degeneration Absolon of the drug Absolon. Society has been rebuilt on the sale of Absolon, a
Syndrome, or NDS multibillion-dollar + industry. A detective Christopher Lambert searches for
the killer who murdered the scientist who has found a cure for NDS,
potentially making Absolon worthless.
These are the names of two STD epidemics that occurred during the
thirty-six years Spartan was incarcerated via cybergenics, and both were
NRS and UBT presumably just as bad as the HIV outbreak, both of which made sex,
kissing, and even touching each other both illegal and greatly feared by
the populace.
A unnamed highly contagious airborne virus which has been stolen from
a government biological warfare laboratory. Its early symptoms include a
rash, and it is quickly fatal. It is not clear in the film whether the virus was
supposed to have been harvested from the wild (such as Ebola) and then
The Patriot grown as a weapon, or whether the laboratory first engineered it in some
(1998) way. In the film, the leader of a local militia has obtained both the virus
and what he believes to be a vaccine for it, and decides to start an
epidemic with the virus, believing that he will be safe because he has
taken the vaccine. A local doctor of Indian (Native American) ancestry
fights to find a cure for it.
Rage causes extreme aggression in a victim ten to thirty seconds after
being Infected with the disease. The disease is easily transmissible
through any bodily fluid, except apparently semen. Because of this
extreme contagiousness and very short incubation time, a crowd of
hundreds could be infected by one single individual in a manner of
minutes. A graphic novel based on the films purports that Rage is a
recombinant strain of Ebola, though its symptoms are similar to that of
28 Days rabies. Animal testing was being performed on the disease but one
Rage (Human
Later animal was released by activists unaware of the virus. The infection soon
28 Weeks spread to eliminate the entire population of Britain save a few lucky
Later individuals who managed to survive. Infected organisms die out in a few
months, succumbing to starvation, since they do not actually eat their
victims. They also seem to drool blood constantly, due to the virus
causing massive amounts of adrenaline to be pumped through the body,
giving the infected heightened strength and endurance, to the point where
they are able to completely overlook devastating injuries, such as loss of
limbs. The infected also sport red eye colour, and bleed from the eyes,
mouth and nose.
Reaper causes effects similar to bubonic plague. It appeared in Scotland
in the year 2008 and killed most of the inhabitants. Scotland was put
Reaper Doomsday under quarantine. Some decades later, Reaper reappears in London. A
cure is found several days later, but it is unknown whether or not it will be
given to the population.
Thrax, the film's main antagonist, was a strain of this disease. Symptoms
Red Death include eventual extreme increase in body temperature. Most likely a
strain of streptococcus.
A disease which causes the speaker to say the opposite of the correct
Say the Opposite of Ace
answer to a question posed by another party. This disease was thought
What You Mean Ventura: Pet
up on the spot by Ace after he realizes that the people in the bar think
Disease Detective
poorly of Ray Finkle.
ALZ-112, ALZ-113, Planet of the A genetically engineered retrovirus that was created in Gen-sys
"Simian Flu" Apes reboot Laboratories in San Francisco. It was originally designed to be a cure for
series Alzheimer's disease. The ALZ-112 increased intelligence in apes and
cured humans but only for a temporary period because of their immune
systems creating antibodies to fight the virus. ALZ-113 was a stronger
version of the drug, but it developed into a viral airborne and contact
strain that wiped out most of the human race leaving only 1 in 500
immune to the virus. In humans it developed symptoms including
sneezing, headache, sore throat, fever, vomiting, red eyes, coughing and
finally death. The virus later mutates and causes temporary bleeding from
the nose and mouth and degenerates most humans into a more
caveman-like state by making them lose their ability to speak and making
them less intelligent. In apes it increases their intelligence beyond that of
a normal humans, makes their irises green, gives them a more human
locomotion, such as extended upright walking and usage of primative
weapons in a human manner and alters their vocal cords to that of a
humans, granting them the power of speech.
SP-43 is a modified form of smallpox (variola) that has an extremely short
incubation period. Its development is part of the back story, which is not
Derailed completely clear, but given the fact that it appears to have been stolen in
(2002) Slovakia and is being transported to Munich by a NATO agent, it appears
to have been developed by the Czechoslovak government or some other
Eastern Bloc country during the Cold War.

The Ice Extremely dangerous. In its dormant form it can be activated by heat and
Space Herpes
Pirates moisture. There is no known antibody.[9]
Disease Howard claims to have in order to intimidate would-be attackers
Howard the
Space Rabies and make an escape. He claims it causes "agonizing death in fifteen
V for A biological weapon engineered and released by the Norsefire party as a
St. Mary's
Vendetta means of clandestinely gaining control over their own country.
Synaptic/Neuro A disease of unknown origin that killed roughly ten million people at the
Repo! The
Overstimulation beginning of the 21st century in the Repo!-verse. It creates massive
Syndrome organ failure and apparently has no cure, though it can be treated by
(SOS/NOS) organ transplants.
Caused by downloading too much information into the brain. Causes
Synaptic Seepage cerebral haemorrhage and data corruption. It kills in approximately three
days, and causes intermittent seizures.
An artificial virus created by Umbrella. When a human is infected by it, the
virus will destroy all cells, killing the host. Among two and four hours, all
Resident cells will be revitalized. The virus will only activate one brain function: the
Evil movies hypothalamus, where feeding is controlled. The host becomes a violent
mindless cannibal, and can infect other people by biting. Because of this
effect, the virus was called the "cannibal disease".
The Crazies,
A highly contagious "Rhabdoviridae prototype" biological weapon.
Trixie The Crazies
Causes those exposed to it to become homicidal.
Triangle-pyramid viruses that makes up Thing monsters. If it enters
another animal, it fuses with every cell of the host, possessing the host
entirely. Each infected cell becomes an individual life form with its own
desire to survive. An infected cell will seek out other cells to infect with its
virus, and will work together with other infected cells to imitate other life
forms. Because infected cells can rapidly duplicate and shapeshift, and
Thing cells The Thing
because dislocated, pieces of an infected host will shapeshift and
become separate entities. Infected hosts can only be killed if every
individual cell is destroyed. Finally, hosts retain their knowledge and
memories, allowing the virus to perfectly imitate any person and remain
undetected. The only effective way of killing the Thing monsters is
through incineration, for instance with a flamethrower.
(unknown) Transporter Created by scientists working for an assassin named Gianni, this
2 unnamed airborne virus kills everyone it infects within 48 hours. The
Colombian drug cartel hires Gianni and his minions to use the virus to
assassinate Jefferson Billings, the director of the National Drug Control
Policy and all of the attendees of a major anti-drug conference. An
antidote was also created, just in case, but was retrieved by the Billing
Family's personal driver, Frank Martin.
What's So
A highly contagious virus, carried over from South America via a Toucan,
Bad About
(unknown) causes intense feelings of giddiness, happiness and kindness in those
An unknown disease of unknown strain which has symptoms which
include a delirium, loss of consciousness and sickness, a pale
complexion, and sweaty symptoms. The disease is contracted from
carnivorous sheep, which have been created by the film's antagonist
Angus Oldfield. The sheep can transmit the disease to humans by biting
(unknown) Black Sheep them. Once bitten, the disease eats away at one's brain and manifests
roughly twenty-four hours after infection. The disease is quite rapid, and
once fully infected, one transforms into a "were-sheep" which is a
humanoid, furry sheep monster, which will attack people on sight.
Scientists working with Angus developed a cure, which was eventually
given to all infected.
A blood-borne viral epidemic of unknown origins; it gives the victim a
"splitting headache" and makes them vomit and gradually they become
paralyzed and become zombies. The disease transformed half of London
into zombies in the film. The incubation of the disease varies from person
Shaun of the to person; with the first onset it took hours before infection; but in its later
Dead infection it took a matter of minutes. The disease's symptoms are a high
fever, and dementia, and can be transmitted through saliva and contact
with the infected such as bites. The victim can only be killed by destroying
the brain. The zombies act typical of zombies such as cannibalism and
A contagious disease spread through use of the English language (origin
is unknown). The disease initially presents with the repeating of a word or
short phrase (usually a term of endearment like "sweetheart"), followed by
(unknown, called severe aphasia and confusion, and finally causing a psychotic belief that
"Conversationalism" Pontypool the only way to solve their problem is to chew out the mouths of other
by the film's director) people. By deliberately mismatching words with their meanings, a cure
was found. Unfortunately, before the cure could be spread to the public,
the town was wiped out by the army in an attempt to stop the spread of
the disease.
A mysterious plaque spreading like an epidemic, transforms the majority
Unknown Daybreakers
of the world's human population into vampires.
"A progressive blood disorder in which the lymphatic system actually
attacks the red blood cells, mistaking them for an invading virus. It is very
Wexler's Curtain
Short Time rare. As the disease progresses, the lining of the cells become weakened
(Autotoxic Hematosa)
to the point where they can no longer oxygenate the body, this of course,
includes the brain."

In television
Name Source Symptoms
Amoria phlebitis is characterized by sharp, stabbing pains in the
Amoria Phlebitis The Simpsons
stomach, a shooting pain in the arm and temporary loss of vision.
Airborne Clown Ben 10: A synthetic virus created by Zombozo to turn all of Bellwood into
Virus Omniverse Zombie Clowns.
A viral infection that causes an infected person to "de-evolve". Caused
by a synthetic T-cell which mistakenly activated introns in one's DNA.
Star Trek: The Named for Lt. Reginald Barclay who first contracted the disease when
Next Generation he was administered the synthetic T-cell due to a genetic condition
which when left on its own was inactive. Said synthetic T-cell caused all
dormant introns to activate rather than the defective T-cell.
A degenerative neurological illness that occasionally afflicts some
elderly Vulcans. Symptoms include a gradual loss of emotional control
and a telepathic influence on non-Vulcans to exhibit similar emotional
volatility. Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan is diagnosed with this illness, so
Star Trek: The
Bendii Syndrome he preserves his memories through a mind-meld with Captain Picard.
Next Generation
Sarek later dies from this illness while Picard is deep in Romulan space
in search of his friend's son, Spock. Days after breaking the news to
Spock of Sarek's passing, Spock and Picard meld so they can share
Sarek's memories.
A supervirus which affects everyone on Earth over the age of puberty.
It spreads quickly and is almost 100% fatal, although there are
Big Death Jeremiah apparently some carriers who do not develop the disease. After the
disease has run its course it disappears, allowing those then reaching
puberty to survive, although there is a constant threat of it returning.
Appeared around five billion years into the future on New Earth. It
began when New Earthlings developed a new mood-drug called Bliss.
Doctor Who:
Bliss Virus The world became addicted to it and, in Novice Hame's words, "A virus
mutated inside the compound and became airborne. Everything died.
Even the virus in the end. It killed the world in seven minutes flat."
A lethal virus capable of killing a planet's entire population. Eradicated
prior to the Clone Wars, it was recreated by the insane Separatist
scientist Dr. Nuvo Vindi as a weapon against the Republic. Can only be
Star Wars: The
Blue Shadow Virus cured with the root of the reeksa plant. Symptoms include muscular
Clone Wars
weakness, cough, and fainting, and if not cured in time, the victim will
die. In its original liquid-bound form, it could kill a life-form almost
In the Future Stock episode, "80's Guy" suffers from bone-itis and
cryogenically freezes himself in order to sustain his life until a cure is
Bone-itis Futurama found. Upon waking up, however, he neglects to have it cured, and
dies suddenly as his bones contort horrifically. Not to be confused with
In the October 4, 2008 episode, Bonerplasia is a fictional condition
which is allegedly a kind of chronic priapism. A man (played by Jason
Sudeikis) used it as a fake explanation for why he constantly got
Saturday Night
Bonerplasia erections around a woman, Amber (played by Anne Hathaway), he was
secretly attracted to though claiming to be gay. However, she honestly
believed him, because she "read the Bonerplasia article on Wikipedia",
only for the man to then reveal "I actually wrote that article".
A likely made-up condition described by Dr. Nick Riviera in 22 Short
Bonus Eruptus The Simpsons Films About Springfield where the victim's skeleton tries to leap out of
the body through the mouth and run away.
A degenerative disease that affects the bone and muscle, the only
known treatment being a drug called Pescaline D. The disease is
Bowden's Malady Firefly
considered a "quirk" of planetary terraforming – the result of
underground air mixing with a mine's ore processors.
Chen-7 Doctor Who: An airborne infectious disease that only infects species with two hearts.
The Girl Who Also referred to as the 'One Day Plague', because its victims die within
Waited a day.
Codename Kids This is a fictional strain of common chickenpox; it is spread by contact
Next Door with live chickens, and the boils on the victim's skin resemble live,
("Operation: cackling chicken faces. Otherwise, it is the same as regular
M.A.U.R.I.C.E.") chickenpox.
Circusitis is a disease that affects "children of all ages." Circusitis'
symptoms include red nose, swollen feet, orange hair, extremely pale
Circusitis (Proposition
face, and sneezing handkerchiefs which make all look like a
stereotypical clown.
A victim of this highly contagious disease turns into a chicken; victims
retain their true voices and mannerisms, but some develop chicken-like
habits, like building nests. After almost every Muppet catches it, guest
The Muppet
Cluckitis star Roger Miller (who claims to have had it once) assures Kermit that
it goes away by itself in a few days. Also, because Gonzo doesn't catch
it, and he tends to hang around chickens a lot, he likely has developed
an immunity to it.
Condiment Soyracha (TV
Condiment Dysfunction is the inability to salivate due to a lack of flavor.
Dysfunction Commercial)
The Cordilla virus was a type 3 immuno-pulmonary virus that is similar
to the Hantavirus. The incubation period of the virus was initially 14
Cordilla Virus 24 hours but decreased significantly as a result of a weaponized variant
added. The symptoms of the virus were nose-bleeds, hemorrhaging,
skin abscesses and eventually death.
A disease which affects Cybertronians and possibly other mechanical
lifeforms caused by a micro organism that feeds on metal. If left
Cosmic rust Transformers
untreated an infected transformer eventually crumbles into a pile of
A virus that is Demonic in origin. It creates an unnatural murderous
Croatoan virus Supernatural
rage in infected people.
A magic-borne disease that causes ponies to sprout Cutie Marks all
over their body and uncontrollably act out the talents that they
represent. It disappears on its own, but can be quickly cured by
My Little Pony:
consuming a flower sprouted from the Seeds of Truth. Apple Bloom
Cutie Pox Friendship Is
accidentally infected herself with Cutie Pox when she used a magic
plant called Heart's Desire to create a potion that would give her a
Cutie Mark; she confessed to stealing the Heart's Desire from Zecora
in order to sprout the Seeds of Truth and gain the cure.
A virus developed by Megatron as a biological weapon. Optimus Prime
Cybonic Plague falls victim to the plague, and Bumblebee persuades Megatron to give
him the formula, allowing Ratchet to develop a cure.
A condition which is known to affect Manny, it is triggered by being
exposed to a temperature of at least 88°F (31°C). While the exact
effects of the disease are not described, a scene at the end of the
episode shows the results – Manny is driven to madness and totally
Dave's Syndrome Black Books
ransacks the area outside the shop, before using a hot water bottle as
a loincloth, grabbing a flaming torch and painting "EAT ME" on his
stomach, whilst jumping on the roof of an abandoned car. Bernard
dismisses it as "attention-seeking rubbish" throughout the episode.
A condition which is known to affect Hachirota "Hachimaki" Hoshino
after an accident in lunar orbit, on the dark side of the moon, during a
Deep Space solar storm which left him isolated in complete darkness. He is
Disorder retrieved with negligible physical effects, but is diagnosed with Deep
Space Disorder, a mental disorder that can cripple an EVA astronaut
with severe hallucinations.
Dermatemeculitis Drake & Josh A skin disease that causes the hands and feet of the body to turn a
sickly green color. This can usually only be cured by a series of painful
injections. A rumored alternate cure is to soak the hands and feet in
buckets of a substance called zypholic acid, which can be found in
lizard urine. The hands and feet must be soaked for no less than 45
minutes. Megan tricks Drake into thinking he has this disease because
he ate a cookie that was hers, and later states, "You know, there's
another cure: Next time, don't eat my big cookie."
A disease that strikes randomly and has no known vector of contagion.
Individuals gradually become detached from the world until they are
Desperation completely catatonic. The name of the disease does not come from the
Eureka 7
Disease victims' state, who seem to be communing with something
metaphysical, but rather, from their families who despair of trying to
wake them.
Nanomachines from the Devil Gundam (Dark Gundam in North
American dub) infect living organisms and undergo mitosis, allowing
the Devil Gundam to control the victim. The victim will gain super-
Mobile Fighter
Dark Gundam Cells strength and self-recovery abilities and if inside a Mobile Fighter, will
G Gundam
spread the cells to the Mobile Fighter and give it the abilities of the
Devil Gundam, often mutating the Mobile Fighter into a stronger robot.
If the cells have not reached the brain, the victim can be cured.
A fictional genetic disorder characterized by a person being born
Diminished Gluteal without buttocks, forcing them to sit on their tailbone and cause pain in
King of the Hill
Syndrome (DGS) their back. The disease has no cure or treatment, although fake
silicone buttocks are able to relieve pain caused by sitting on the spine.
Hogan's Heroes A fictional disease invented by Colonel Hogan. In the early stages, the
Double Prison Episode: The victim's neck will swell but the victim will not feel any different. In the
Plague (Shackelitis) Prisoner's second stage, the victim's body heat will go up dramatically, followed
Prisoner by loss of movement in the legs and furious chills.
Destroys cells that produce neurotransmitters in the synaptic gap, thus
inhibiting nerve signals from the brain to the rest of the body. Without
such signals from the brain, the organs lose their ability to function
correctly, much like ALS in humans. It is only contagious among those
alien species which used specialized cells to produce
neurotransmitters, and among these species, it is 100% terminal within
24 hours of the onset of symptoms. Initial symptoms include dizziness,
numbness & tingling in the extremities, sore throat, followed by
progressively worsening ascending paralysis, euphoria, memory
issues, then death. Fortunately for most of the other sentient races in
Babylon 5, their lack of such specialized neurotransmitter cells render
them immune to the disease, save for the Pak'Ma'Ra, whose Green
Cells were similar enough to the Markab Yellow Cells that a Pak'Ma'Ra
died of it on the station. The disease caused the Markab to go extinct.
Similar to the Black Death and HIV/AIDS among Humans, the Drafa
Plague bears a stigma among the Markab as a disease that the public
Drafa Plague Babylon 5
felt was only caught by those considered sinful, immoral or unclean by
Markab standards, and a punishment by their gods for committing such
acts. The disease was named after an island on their homeworld where
its inhabitants were wiped out by the disease, an island noted in
Markab history for its decadence and immorality. The story of the island
was eventually used to frighten small Markab children into behaving.
Even accusing a Markab of being infected with the disease can bring
shame, paranoia, fear, and an angry response from the accused, and
Markab doctors would frequently certify someone's death from the
disease as death by natural causes, so the family could avoid a
scandal and the implied accusation that they or their family were
unclean or immoral.

Ecola Spaceballs: The E. coli and Ebola injected into a carbonated drink, creating a "deadly
Animated soda that will kill our enemies." Drinking the soda causes immediate
Series and profuse vomiting, which then spreads the disease. Even plants can
contract it.
Electrogonnorhea Futurama An STD humans can contract from robots. Called the "Noisy Killer".
A condition when an electric Pokémon builds up too much electricity in
its body or makes contact with an electromagnetic field. Characterized
Electric flu Pokémon by sparks coming from the Pokémon's cheeks, a red face, and
uncontrolled bursts of electricity. Curable by having the Pokémon
expunge the excess electricity.
An intelligent virus, originally devised as a smoking cure. It was
intended as a cure nicotine addiction, but in practice it rapidly
consumes the host before hijacking the body, and then attempting to
transfer itself to another suitable host via bites or saliva transmission. If
Epideme Red Dwarf no hosts are available, epideme can force its host into a state of
hibernation, encasing the body in a tomb of ice-like material until it
detects life nearby and thaws. Epideme steals the knowledge from
every host it consumes, which has crafted it into an extremely smart,
eccentric and deadly virus.
Survivors (2008 A strain of flu based on the real Spanish flu, but has killed 99.9% of
European flu
TV series) mankind.
The Fried Actually salmonella, but initially believed to be something far worse,
Fried Chicken Flu
Chicken Flu causing the collapse of several governments before the real cause is
(KFC virus)
(Boondocks) revealed.
Genie in the A disease of Genies which causes them to change colours, become
Genie Flu
House invisible and have squeaky voices.
A disease that attacks the central nervous system, fooling it into
Look Around
Geodermic granititis calcifying the bodily tissue, eventually turning the victim into a pile of
rocks. More commonly known as cobbles.
A disease characterized by a hardening of the brain tissues
Ghost in the precipitated by the cyberization process. It is described as being that
Shell: Stand century's cancer or tuberculosis. Cyberbrain Sclerosis is described as
Alone Complex being extremely rare, enough so that it doesn't deter most people from
being cyberized, but it is incurable once diagnosed.
A sickness which is contracted from prolonged proximity with ghosts,
which causes hallucinations, fever, chills and extreme fear. Dean
Winchester contracted this disease from an evil ghost he encountered
Ghost Sickness Supernatural
and became immensely afraid of every single thing he encountered,
even being afraid of a cat. The vanquishing of the ghost defeated the
A neurological disorder presumed to have a high mortality rate through
a slow, painful process. Rob Reiner describes it affecting "kids and
adults who have a tough time controlling their hyperactivity. It is as if
you were on five cups of coffee at all times." It was named after the
Curb Your doctor who discovered it. Larry David, who writes the show, came up
Groat's Disease
Enthusiasm with the name of the disease when he thought baseball player Dick
Groat's name sounded like the name of a disease and in the show
Larry assumes it was named for Dick Groat, who he assumes must
have had the disease because, as Larry says, "he didn't field very well
because he was excited all the time."
Covert One: A blood-borne/airborne virus that causes severe internal hemorrhaging
Hades The Hades and bleeding from every orifice. It has an incubation period of 12–24
Factor hours. Kills within another 24 hours.
Hate Plague Transformers Bacterial spore of unknown origin transmitted by touch. Induces
extreme paranoia and aggression in the infected, causing them to
strike out against anyone or anything in an increasingly maddening
desire to destroy. Symptoms include a deep reddish glow emanating
from the infected. The only curative is intense logic and wisdom, which
presumably counters the extreme irrationality the disease causes in its
victims. First appearing during the Autobot-Decepticon wars (which
necessitated the second resurrection of Optimus Prime), a relatively
milder strain is seen again during the events of Beast Machines;
Megatron triggers a pre-planted virus in Silverbolt, infecting him and
the rest of the Maximals. The strain is cured, again, by intense logic
and wisdom.
Described as a "nanobiogenic weapon", the Harvesters were
developed by the T'Lani and Kellerun from a small synthetic virus that
was, itself, very lethal; the deadly and much feared weapon used
Star Trek: Deep during their centuries-long war killed by disrupting the victim's genetic
Space Nine: structure, and had completely devastated the entire population of
Harvester Virus
"Armageddon T'Lani III. So feared was this virus, that even after peace was made
Game" and the harvesters were disposed of in a ten-year project, the two
governments secretly made plans to assassinate the scientists who
worked on the project, fearing what might happen if they were ever
Is a virus that affects one's heart, Goku acquired this virus from an
unknown location and had to be bedridden for days. In an alternate
timeline Goku dies from this virus leaving the rest of Earth's special
Heart virus Dragon Ball Z
forces to be killed by androids 17 and 18, who were activated six
months after Goku's death. Bulma creates a cure for this virus so that
Trunks can take it back in time to save Goku and stop the androids.
SpongeBob A mental disorder that causes adults that receive a head injury to
SquarePants develop a brain tumor that causes them to exhibit infantile-behavior,
(Squid baby) while still possessing the physical traits of an adult.
A disease that involves a pigeon nesting on one's head. Ms. Bitters
also implied the disease was contagious, ordering Zim to leave before
Invader Zim
Head Pigeons it spread to the other Skoolchildren, although this seems unlikely. The
(Dark Harvest)
treatment entails visiting a nurse, or other trained medical professional.
Eventually, the pigeon flies away, and the victim is deemed cured.
A virulent strain of hepatitis designed as a biological anti-vampire
weapon. Instead of killing them, it causes them to enter a zombie-like
Hepatitis V True Blood
state: they lose all sense and become feral and aggressive, feeding
and killing constantly.
A mental disease similar to schizophrenia. It is often referred to as "The
Curse of Oyashiro sama" by the townspeople who have no knowledge
of the disease and instead relate it to a supposed curse on the town by
its guardian god, Oyashiro sama.Through history the villagers imposed
rules to prevent the populous from becoming "demons" or in reality,
stopping the symptoms from progressing. It causes paranoia-inducing
hallucinations which progressively grow more threatening as the victim
When They becomes more paranoid. In the case of the character Keiichi Maebara,
Cry/When The it caused his friends' humored laughter to seem maniacal, and their
Cicadas tone of voice more threatening and sinister than it was. Eventually, he
Cry/Higurashi hallucinated a marker held by Mion Sonozaki to be a syringe, having
no Naku Koro ni heard that a murderer in the town was on drugs. This caused him to kill
Mion, as well as Rena Ryuuguu, with a baseball bat. In most cases, the
end result of the disease involves suicide, which Keiichi did by clawing
his throat out. Rena also once attempted suicide from the syndrome by
cutting her wrist with a knife. It is revealed later in the series that
Hanyuu, the incarnation of Oyashiro, was responsible for some of the
paranoia, mostly that one is being watched or followed. However, the
disease was still mostly psychological.
Holovirus Red Dwarf: Discovered, contracted and possibly created by viral researcher
Quarantine Hildeguard Lanstrom, this nasty condition can only be passed between
holograms. It can be transmitted across radio-waves and drains the
victim's life-force while endowing them with powers such as telepathy,
telekinesis and hex-vision. The sufferer tends to go insane long before
his or her demise.
Suggested treatment: A remote link to the hologram disk projection
system, a detachable power transfer adapter capable of holding spikes
of up to five million volts, and a B47/7RF resistor. Plus confiscation of
equally deranged penguin glove-puppet

A plague created by the smurfs' enemy Gargamel to use as a biological

Hopping Cough The Smurfs weapon against them; a victim of this contagious disease coughs
violently and leaps very high into the air with each cough.
A neurological disease caused by a defect in the brain's parietal lobe. It
Star Trek The can take years for the illness to actually develop. In one potential
Irumodic Syndrome
Next Generation alternate reality, Jean-Luc Picard had this defect and developed the
syndrome over a 25-year period.
Imminent Death A terminal disease in which the affected individual may experience
Mr. Show
Syndrome death at any given time, usually within 80–100 years.
A condition caused by drinking an unnamed fictional substance only
The Johnny
described as "an unstable isotope." Symptoms may include red spots
Johnny-itis Test episode of
on the skin and a purple tongue, followed by violent bloating and then
the same name
an explosion.
A virus that is caused by a "wonder hug". Its early to later symptoms
include heavily dilated pupils, the victim hallucinating the world around
them as happy and cute, a huge open-mouthed smile, and vibrant
The Amazing
rainbow-colored drool, and its final stage causes the victim to die of
World of
Joy Virus happiness and be reanimated as a happy zombie-like creature. The
Gumball (The
virus spread throughout the school via hugging or by touching . Those
infected were dubbed "huggers" by the character Miss Simian. The
cure was hearing anything depressing like the song "Moonlight
A disease that causes fever, sweating, and vomiting. The disease itself
only appears a few times in the show. Carly contracts the disease
several times in her life, however, she is declared a healthy carrier,
Jungle Worms iCarly
causing a doctor to advise her to avoid contact with other infected
persons and cute boys. She later inadvertently infects someone via an
infected glass of water.
Main symptoms include "rationalising of mundane circumstances,
habitual cleanliness and an abnormal fixation to head-wear. Other
Lackadaisy-Cathro Ed, Edd n Eddy
symptoms include mumbled words and "weakness in the lower
Disease (A Case of Ed)
extremities". The character Edd was falsely diagnosed with it by his
Doctor Who:
Lazar's Disease A leprosy-like disease, the only cure is a dose of radiation.
A positive viral strain that makes the infected person lucky for a
Luck Virus Red Dwarf
temporary time.
A disease that causes anyone who catches it to say nothing but 'Eeee-
Lurgy (The Dreaded
The Goon Show yakkaboo!'. "Lurgy" has become a British slang for "fictional disease du
An airborne pathogen-by-proxy that infects endothermic humanoids
Star Trek: with a virus, causing the host to become lethargic and produce more
Voyager macroviruses until he/she/it wastes away and dies. When some of the
bugs invaded Voyager, the EMH was able to synthesize a cure.
Mad Snail Disease SpongeBob A psychosomatic disease that is supposedly spread by an infected
SquarePants snail's bite. The imagined symptoms are as follows. In the first stage of
(Once Bitten) the disease, toxins enter the body through the bloodstream, moving
through the host until the host's body is taken over. Symptoms include:
bloodshot eyes, messy pants, untrimmed toenails, ticklish ribcage, and
loss of balance. After final stage, the host becomes a "zombie". In the
episode "Once Bitten", Gary bites Squidward and most of the citizens
of Bikini Bottom. Due to misinformation over the disease, they believe
they are zombies and chase SpongeBob until Dr. Gil Gilliams, SDE, SE
(Snail Disease Expert and Snail Expert) informs them that "Mad Snail
Disease" is nothing more than an urban legend. Its name is a reference
to prion diseases like Bovine spongiform encephalopathy and
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Infected snails show rabies like symptoms,
including irritability, foaming at the mouth and aggression.
Similar to the virus shown on Zombieland this plague is non-canonical
in The Simpsons universe but nonetheless appears in Treehouse of
Horror XX. Similar to Zombieland, it is transmitted through cows. In this
segment, Krusty develops a new burger from cannibalistic cows and
the effects of this mutate into a virus which turns the victim into a
Mad Cow
The Simpsons zombie in a matter of seconds. Symptoms include drooling saliva at the
Boston Legal mouth, blackened bags under the eyes, pale skin,and psychotic
Zombie Disease
behavior like paranoia. The virus can be transmitted through biting. The
only known cure is Bart Simpson, as he ate one of the infected burgers
but was immune. On the David E. Kelley series Boston Legal, William
Shatner as Denny Crane blames his outré behavior on Mad Cow
Also known as "Little Donny Disease". Eponymously named for the
Magnus Oblivio Upright Citizens character Donny, from the sketch comedy TV series Upright Citizens
Falicitus Brigade Brigade. Donny was oblivious to the fact that he had an "enormous
A disease that is caused if a person is touched by a monkey. Helga
thinks she had this disease when a monkey trainer's monkey kissed
her on the arm. It seems that the disease leads to death (Or, as said,
Monkeynucleosis Hey Arnold! "expiration") There are four symptoms: 1) puffy rash where infected, 2)
sweaty palms, 3) loss of appetite, and 4) irritability. On the show,
monkeynucleosis is said to have been long debunked by modern
Wizards Of A disease Max made up to get sympathy from a girl. It makes the
Mono Orangosis
Waverly Place infected person unable to hear, see, taste, smell anything orange.
The A Virus among us episode borrows from the Outbreak film its
Motaba The Pretender
center plot disease.
A medical condition that prevents a male from having a normal sperm
count, due to their urethra being smaller than an ordinary man. It can
Narrow Urethra King of the Hill pass genetically, yet it is known to skip a generation. There are several
techniques to assist in temporarily relieving this problem; however, they
are not proven to work.
Dirk Gently's
Holistic Todd's sister Amanda suffers from pararibulitis, a hereditary disease
Pararibulitis Detective invented for the show that causes her to suffer vivid and painful
Agency (TV hallucinations
A fictional disease. "Symptoms" include purple spots on the skin
Avatar: The (actually sucker marks left by a Purple Pentapus). The inhabitants of
Last Airbender Omashu pretended to be infected with Pentapox to escape the Fire
Nation-occupied city.
Doctor Who: A condition that causes the sufferer to turn to stone (similar to
Petrifold Regression
New Earth petrification). Unknown origins.
A necrotizing plague that affects members of the Vidiian species.
Star Trek:
The Phage Organ transplants are required for survival. Klingon DNA seems to be
highly resistant to the phage. It was cured by the Think Tank.
"Pinkeye" Pinkeye (South An infection caused by the accidental combination of embalming
Park) chemicals and Worcestershire sauce (originally Dr. Pepper according
to Trey and Matt, the creators from show). It results in a zombie
apocalypse within South Park. Its initial host is Kenny. To be cured, the
initial host must be killed, in a similar fashion to vampire-based folklore.
Its symptoms are greenish pale skin, a craving for human flesh, and
several other zombie-like behaviors and characteristics.
A rare disease found only among Eskimoes. Symptoms are pains in
nerve endings in fevers, craving for greens in the diet, and articular
Hogans Heroes
motary vascular spasms. Hogan faked contracting the disease to gain
Polaris extremis Episode: Up In
entry into a Nazi hospital operated by Doctor Ernst Klaus, a specialist
Klink's Room
in Eskimo diseases, so that he could obtain information on
Kriegsmarine battle plans from a deep-cover agent.
A condition which causes someone, while speaking, to occasionally
Proxyglossariasis Duckman use the next word in the dictionary instead of the one they wanted.
Appeared in the episode "Research and Destroy".
An alien virus that thrived underground on Earth, in petroleum deposits.
The virus is capable of entering humanoids and assuming control of
their bodies. It has sentience and is capable of communicating. It was
Purity X-Files
revealed to be the "life force" of the alien colonists, which they
seemingly used to reproduce their kind, as well as infect other alien
races in order to conquer the universe.
A mutated form of water from the planet Psi 2000 that spreads by
perspiration (or small cuts in the skin) and causes its victims to act in a
way similar to intoxication. However, the effects do not wear off and
eventually will cause victims to make foolish and dangerous decisions.
Star Trek: "The
Dr. Leonard McCoy isolated an antidote, and once it was administered,
Naked Time",
patients had to be forced to use willpower to combat the symptoms.
Star Trek: The
Polywater Several decades later, the crew of new Enterprise is infected by what
intoxication seems to be the same disease, and in this instance, it proves
spreadable by mere touch and is able to infect Data, an android. While
"The Naked
Commander Riker is able to learn about the previous incident from the
ship's records, McCoy's cure proves ineffective this time, Dr. Crusher
believing it may be "mutated". Despite falling victim to it herself, she
manages to modify the old antidote into a new one that cures the
affliction and administer it to the rest of the crew.
A condition that causes the victim to randomly sing operatic tunes, à la
Random Pavarotti
Rex the Runt Luciano Pavarotti. The character Vince develops this after swallowing
an experimental tablet, and has it for the rest of the show.
A disease that turns a white person's skin black over time. Uncle
Ruckus claims to have it, though every flashback in which he appears
Re-vitiligo The Boondocks
features him as black as he is in 2005–2008. He regards Michael
Jackson as a "lucky bastard", as his skin turned from black to white.
A virus that wipes out over 80% of the world's population, leaving the
The Last Ship crew of an unaffected U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke-class guided missile
Red Flu
(TV series) destroyer, the fictional USS Nathan James (DDG-151), to find a cure,
stop the virus, and save humanity.
Star Trek:
A disease originating from the Rigel system, the only known cure for
Rigellian Fever "Requiem for
which is the rare mineral ryetalyn.
A deadly germ used by forces of the Galactic Empire during the
Maavan Conflict. Victims die in three days. It will not spread as fast if
the victim lies still and calm. Symptoms include coughing, shortness of
breath, and temporary disappearance of extremities. After three days,
Star Wars:
Rooze a victim simply vanishes. Governor Koong of Tawntoom uses an aerial
form of the virus to devastate the rebellious province of Umboo, but a
leak in his ship's containers results in his becoming infected. Umboo
healer Nilz Yomm devises a cure, but Koong dies of the virus after his
deal with the Empire falls through. Kobaks are immune to the disease.
Sexual Magnetism A positive viral strain that makes the infected person irresistible to the
Red Dwarf
Virus opposite sex.
Shanti Virus Heroes A virus that only affects individuals with superhuman abilities or
powers, deactivating those powers and slowly killing the infected. At
least one strain exists which affects humans without superhuman
powers, which is shown to have killed 93% of the world population in a
possible future.
Victims of this rare disease experience pink, itching rashes; if
untreated, the disease causes high fever, weakness, and eventually
death. While the disease presumably does exist, the outbreak was
Smurfy Pink Plague The Smurfs
fraudulent, caused by Jokey Smurf – using pink paint on the other
smurfs – in an attempt to bolster Dabbler Smurf's confidence as he
tried to be a doctor.
Blaze and the
A sickness that Monster Machines catch that makes them sneeze
Sneezles Monster
uncontrollably. Can be cured with Gabby's medicine oil.
An unsightly, disfiguring ailment that swells the sufferer's head with red
and yellow mucus. Resulting impression is that, on a double date with
Red Dwarf:
Space Mumps the Elephant Man, John Merrick would be the looker. Suggested
treatment: After approximately three weeks the swelling will burst – so
maybe an umbrella for those in the vicinity?
A fatal condition caused by touching the raw form of Spectrox, a
residue from the saliva of bats found on the planet Androzani Minor,
Doctor Who: that contained a chemical similar to nitrogen mustard. The lifespan of
Spectrox Toxaemia The Caves of the sufferer is then reduced to between two and three days; symptoms
Androzani include a rash and/or cramp, followed by spasms, paralysis and finally
Thermal Death Point. The only known cure was the milk of the Queen
The Grim A disease that can be spread to humans from spiders and once they
Adventures of have it, they will become highly aggressive spider-like creatures with
Billy & Mandy human heads sporting the spots seen in spider victims and they will
(Spidermandy) become very hostile towards others. The cure is magic spider venom.
Spontaneous Dental The Office: A disease that makes one's teeth turn into liquid and then drip down
Hydroplosion "Health Care" one's throat.
SpongeBob A disease invented by Squidward so he did not have to go to work,
Squid's disease SquarePants later became "true" (SpongeBob takes the fake disease literally) over
(Squiditis) the course of the episode.
The Suds is an illness that only sponges can catch, causing constant
sneezing of bubbles and whitened skin tone. It is essentially a common
The Suds SquarePants
cold. The Suds can be cured by washing the sponge and using it to
clean various things, as shown in the episode "The Suds."
A disease invented by Mr. Stotch to scare Butters from being
Super AIDS South Park
Francine experienced this disease while on a good-will mission to
Super Diarrhea American Dad!
A virus whose symptoms include headache, weakness, and bleeding
Thornburg Virus Psych from the eyes. Thornburg virus is seen in the episode Death is in the
A genetic condition which causes humans to be born with a set of
Torsonic Polarity
South Park buttocks over their facial organs. TPS is seen in South Park How to Eat
Syndrome (TPS)
with Your Butt. Over 11 people worldwide are affected of this condition.
The Grim
Adventures of A condition Billy had developed from eating too much junk food. Toxins
Toxic Junk Food
Billy and Mandy developed into a parasite as a side effect of a home remedy made by
(Billy's Growth Grim's grandmother.
A virus which had almost destroyed the Shandian Tribe 400 years ago.
The disease causes black spots to appear all over the victims body and
Tree-Rush One Piece
eventually results in death. The disease was cured by Montblanc
Norland by using a substance known as Connie from the Kona Tree.
Tarellian Virus Star Trek: The A deadly and believed incurable plague that was believed to have
Next Generation completely wiped out the Tarellian species until a ship holding survivors
was discovered. Details are unknown, but even brief contact causes
infection, resulting in any known infected areas being interdicted.
Teenage Mutant
Turtle Pox Ninja Turtles A disease the turtles suffer from in "The Making of Metalhead".[10]
A fictional disease from the TV show, invented by Kotori's teasing
brother. Apparently if one is exposed to extreme tickling then one
T-virus Date A Live
contracts the virus and eventually dies. This scares Kotori so much she
leaps into bed and refuses to leave.
Family Guy, (If
A fictional disease, the symptoms of which include the growth of extra
Tumorsyphilisitisosis I'm Dyin', I'm
nipples. It was made up by Peter to defraud a charity organization.
After the villain Lilliput uses a shrinking ray to shrink Darkwing Duck to
microscopic size, the hero befriends two germs who help him "invent" a
Unknown (likely not Darkwing Duck, disease that makes Lilliput sick and easily subdued. The disease
named) "Getting Antsy" includes rashes, fever, and flu-like symptoms. Unfortunately, it turns out
to be contagious, and at the end of the episode, makes the whole cast
sick, including Darkwing.
The Last Man An unknown disease that has wiped out nearly all animal life on Earth
on Earth by 2023.
Unknown virus that has killed all the adults, leaving only children and
(Unknown) The Tribe
teenagers alive.
Uromysitisis Seinfeld: The A condition that occurs when one doesn't relieve themselves. If said
Poisoning Parking Garage person doesn't relieve themselves, they will die.
This disease, contracted by Papa Smurf in one episode, is caused by
extreme stress. Its symptoms include ugly green warts and the inability
to make decisions. To cure the malady, a victim must speak a short
Worry Warts The Smurfs
incantation while touching the horn of a wart monger, which cures the
decision-making problem completely and transfers the warts to the wart
From Season 3, Episode 10 (For the World is Hollow and I Have
Touched the Sky), the USS Enterprise's Chief Medical Officer, Dr.
Leonard McCoy, is diagnosed with this disease, which is rare,
incurable, and fatal. A cure is eventually found (same episode) by the
Star Trek (The Enterprise's First Officer/Science Officer, Spock, when he finds vast
Original Series) amounts of medical knowledge that had been preserved on an ancient
Fabrini computer. Xenopolycythemia is also mentioned on Star Trek :
Enterprise, Season 2, Episode 19 (Judgment) and was used as a ploy
against the Klingons when Dr. Phlox claimed that the disease was

In video games
Name Source Symptoms
Also referred to as 'The Canthan Plague'. A disease that spread in Cantha,
causing victims to become hulking, aggressive, pained creatures known as
The Affliction Guild Wars 'the afflicted'. It was seen to affect humans, cattle, and various animals in a
menagerie. The sufferers were initially believed to be contagious, but this was
later found out to be false.
A rare viral strain found in queen ant genes. It was discovered by Alexia
Resident Evil Ashford, while she was studying ants. When combined with the Progenitor
Ancient virus
series Virus, it creates the powerful T-Veronica virus. Probably the control power of it
is due the Ancient virus.
The name given by Raine Sage to symptoms of Cruxis Crystal parasitism.
Causes victim to eventually lose ability to taste, sleep, cry, feel pain, and talk.
Also increases the victim's hearing, strength and sight abilities, as well as
eliminating the need to eat and sleep. In early beginnings it allows the victim to
Tales of
Angel Toxicosis gain crystal-like wings and fly until the disease is destroyed. The final stage of
this diseases causes the victim to give up his/her heart and memory, and
ultimately their life. The disease lasts for an unknown time, those afflicted are
slowly "given" the symptoms via blessings of a person with a mounted Cruxis
Crystal. A major example is Collette, one of the 8 protagonists of the game.
A mystical, noncommunicable virus which marks its carriers with a tattoo-like
mark somewhere on their bodies. Carriers are immune to Cuvier Syndrome
can transform into a demonic reflection of their inner personalities, referred to
Digital Devil
Atma Virus as Atma. However, everyone with the virus feels an insatiable hunger for the
flesh of other carriers. If this hunger is resisted for too long, the carrier will
eventually enter an irreversible state of mindless bloodlust, losing the ability to
return to human form.
Many ages before Ark's adventure to the surface of the world, the previous
generations of Humanity were decimated by an airborne virus with an
estimated mortality rate of 90%. The virus was named by Dr. Beruga who was
Asmodeus Terranigma
able to synthesize a vaccine of 80% effectiveness for it. Asmodeus was later
utilized as a bio-weapon to completely depopulate a city, save for one child
survivor who was seemingly unaffected and hid underground.
The Blacklight virus "plugs in" and activates the junk DNA in a target, causing
biological changes that create (and recreate) a sentient mind inside the
infected creature. It acts by affecting the protein encoding regions of the
promoter introns in each cell. As a retrovirus, it contains both RNA and the
reverse transcriptase enzyme, allowing it to insert its own genetic codes into
living cells. It enters, re-purposes and changes the cell, replicating previously
Blacklight Virus Prototype
dormant non-coding segments of DNA. More often than not, these changes
are too drastic and 99.99% of subjects die from massive organ failure and cell
saturation.However some variants have yielded other beneficial results;
endowing the infected organisms with incredible superhuman genetic
prowess, that greatly increase their natural abilities to levels far exceeding
human capability.
The Blight disease is a kind of corruption spread by the evil Darkspawn. The
disease corrupts all living organisms which either go mad, develop physical
Blight Disease Dragon Age afflictions, and/or perish outright.The longer an infected creature 'lives', the
more it will manifest hair loss, aggressive or even rabid behavior and
numerous deformities, protrusions, boils and sores.
Resistance: It mutates human DNA the infected into chimeran DNA thus make them as the
Chimeran Virus
Fall of Man enemies of the series.
Chronic A progressive disease caused by a Cruxis Crystal mounted upon a Key Crest.
Angelus Tales of The wearer's body gradually crystallizes, starting with the skin, into the same
Crystallus Symphonia substance that forms Exspheres. When the crystallization reaches the internal
Inofficium organs, the sufferer perishes.
Chrono- League of A mystical disease that grants immortality but detaches the sufferer's
displasia Legends consciousness from the present time, making his mind drift through time, from
any point he has already lived to the present, unable to impact the events
which unfold.
Corprus causes incredible mutations in humanoids, but it is an almost non-
communicable disease. People infected with blight are often sent to a special
institution called the Corprusarium, which was made for researching corprus.
The Elder
Corprus is caused by the volcanic ash that emanates from Red Mountain, but,
Corprus Scrolls III:
as a positive side effect, grants 100% disease immunity. The only known
antidote is proven to destroy corprus, but ends up killing the victim as well.
However, the player is able to take the antidote without any adverse effects,
presumably because he is the reincarnation of the demi-god Nerevar.
A mutated form of the Cordyceps fungus known as Cordyceps Brain Infection
(abbreviated to CBI) that infects the United States in 2013, causing humans to
transform into cannibalistic monsters known as the infected. The virus
destroys most of civilization over the course of 20 years, leaving 60% of
humanity either infected or dead, with the surviving human population either
living in heavily policed quarantine zones, isolated communities or nomadic
Cordyceps The Last of groups. The infected beings are split between four categories depending on
Brain Infection Us how long they were infected for: Runners - fast, irritable and hostile, caused
within 1–2 days of being infected; Stalkers - fast, aggressive and stealthy,
caused within 1 week to 1 month of being infected; Clickers - despite being
blind, they use echolocation to locate enemies and are also strong, caused
within 2–4 years of being infected; and Bloaters - also blind and use
echolocation, they are also armored, powerful and extremely aggressive,
caused within 10 years of being infected.
Initially contracted from fighting Hakkar, the God of Blood, in the dungeon of
Zul'Gurub. Highly infectious, with an incubation period of 2 seconds and can
Corrupted World of
infect any person in the immediate area. Referred to players as "the Plague",
Blood Warcraft
"Hakkar's SARS" or "WoW AIDS" for a major outbreak of the virtual plague in
the game due to a design oversight.
An artificial virus that is revealed to be a failed Bio-Weapon created by Dr.
Caulder to test the extent of IDS technology. Due to its inherent flaw of
photophobia, creeping derangea is only able to thrive when the sun was
effectively blocked out by the vast amounts of dust that were kicked up into the
Advance troposphere and stratosphere by the apocalyptic meteor impact events. The
Wars: Days Virus is initially only able to infect those under the age of 20 but a new strain is
of Ruin somehow introduced that can infect older hosts over time. Symptoms include
headaches, paranoia, and a black diamond on the skin called "the mark". It
causes flowers to grow inside a person and break out of the skin. A beautiful,
albeit excruciatingly painful, way to die. Its scientific name is Endoflorescens
terribilis. It is also known as The Creeper and the Green Thumb.
A new, further evolved version of the T-Virus. Developed by Neo-Umbrella, it is
responsible for creating the highly evolved, more intelligent J'avo, as well as
Resident Evil
C-Virus being used in the worldwide bio-terrorist attacks. Jake Muller, being
descended from Albert Wesker, is resistant to the disease. Because of this,
Jake is seemingly being hunted by Ada Wong and her agents.[11]
Caused by exposure to corrupted sunlight, this noncommunicable disease
petrifies the bodies of its victims, literally turning them to stone. The rate of
Cuvier Digital Devil
petrification seems based on the level of sunlight exposure: one victim in full
Syndrome Saga 2
sunlight attempted suicide, but was unable to pull the trigger before being
petrified. Carriers of the Atma Virus are immune.
A sexually transmitted disease that the player's character contracts if he
Desert Herpes Wasteland
sleeps with the three-legged prostitute he meets in the game.
A pathogen created by Monokuma in order to drive the students into paranoia
and irritability. Its effects depend on the person it infects: Nagito Komaeda's
Despair symptoms caused him to impulsively lie, Akane Owari became a coward, Ibuki
2: Goodbye
Disease Mioda became emotionless and gullible, and it caused Mikan Tsumiki to
remember the events prior to having her memory erased. The disease wore off
once there was another victim in the killing game.
Afflicts daughter of player character; serves as primary motivation for
Diathronitis Larn
Dire AIDS South Park: A form of AIDS that causes minor health drain when the player's turn begins.
The Stick of Its contracted by being hit by the physical attacks of wildlife in Canada. Going
Truth to the hospital in Canada can "cure" the player, but an unlockable achievement
requires the player to defeat the final boss while infected.
A mysterious medical condition in which a person falls into a completely
unresponsive state. Doll Syndrome is in fact a physical side effect to an
Doll Syndrome .hack//G.U. infection by AIDA. Salvador Aihara tries to do an undercover investigation
regarding Doll Syndrome in especially young children for his show "Online
Element 115 was used to create the zombies as one of its side effects was the
Call of Duty:
reanimation of dead cells. The zombies were to be used as super-soldiers by
Online, Call
Element 115 the Nazis. After creating them, the Nazis realized that they were uncontrollable
of Duty:
and would lead to mankind's destruction. Can be combined with Nova 6 to
Black Ops
create dirty bombs.
The SHIVA virus, or at least SHIVA I, is hinted to be an airborne virus with a
quick infection exposure time, and therefore has qualities much like a modern
chemical weapon. Overall the SHIVA virus appears as seven distinct forms,
Shiva I-VII Fallen Earth
with naming conventions of SHIVA I through SHIVA VII, with the seventh
version being mostly non-lethal. The virus is named after Shiva, the Hindu
God of death due to the dance-like convulsions that it causes its victims
A biological weapon willed into existence by the Dreamers in their attempts to
free themselves from captivity, it manifests in a variety of forms, including
poisonous gas, parasitic fungi, radio waves, and even words. The most
common variant takes the form of a viscous black fluid. Exposure to the Filth
results in nightmares, respiratory difficulties, paranoia, delusions, violent
behavior, and eventual insanity; mutations gradually set in, resulting in victims
The Secret
The Filth manifesting glowing red eyes, tentacles, and exuding Filth from their skin.
Sufferers ultimately fall under the influence of the Dreamers and are devoted
either to releasing them from their prisons or continuing the spread of the
disease. Further mutations may occur following this stage, and more exotic
forms of the Filth can result in more unusual symptoms, one rare case
transforming the victim into a disembodied intelligence migrating between
infected individuals. No cure exists.
The Flood Parasite is depicted in the Halo franchise as a parasitoid fungus-like
pathogen that mutates infected hosts into creatures similar to zombies.
Flood Parasite Halo Depending on the size or condition of the Host's body, the Flood will either
uses the host as-is to pursue new victims, or break it down to create "pure
forms" from its biomass.
Originally known as the Pan-Immunity Viron Project, FEV, along with radiation,
is responsible for many mutations in the wastelands. The most visible of these
Forced are the super mutants, former humans granted incredible strength and
Evolutionary Fallout endurance as result of being infected. Exposure to the virus is also known to
Virus be fatal in many cases. FEV serves as a major plot element in Fallout, Fallout
2 and Fallout 3. Super mutants also appear in Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout
FoxDie is a virus responsible for killing people with certain genetic markers via
cardiac arrest. FoxDie is given to protagonist Solid Snake by Dr. Naomi
Metal Gear
FoxDie Hunter, only it is engineered to go off at an indeterminate time. FoxDie was
also the cause of death of Liquid Snake, Decoy Octopus (impersonating
DARPA chief Donald Anderson), and the ArmsTech President.
Frenzy Virus Monster The Frenzy Virus is an infectious disease originating in monsters Gore Magala
Hunter 4 and Shagaru Magala. It is transmitted through the air via black mistlike
particles, or through contact with an infected specimen. Symptoms of the
Frenzy Virus in monsters include heightened aggression, increased physical
prowess, and a significantly shortened lifespan. In rare cases, a sufficiently
powerful monster can overcome the virus. Such monsters are referred to as
Apex monsters, and they obtain a strengthened version of the benefits of the
virus without the main drawbacks. Player controlled hunters can also be
infected, which gives them a limited amount of time before the virus activates
and temporarily removes their natural regeneration. It also makes attacks from
Gore Magala, Chaotic Gore Magala (A Gore Magala that has not properly
shed its skin and become Shagaru Magala) Shagaru Magala, or a frenzied
monster much more lethal than normal. If a hunter manages to show enough
aggression before this activation occurs, they overcome the virus, avoiding all
negative effects and gaining a short-term increase in physical ability.
A mutagenic pathogen which causes the host to become a big, constantly
evolving, practically unstoppable killing machine, with exceedingly high attack
power and immense vitality, in addition to the ability to regenerate and mutate
so quickly the carrier virtually loses its mortality. The purified virus can be
Resident Evil injected directly into the host, or a mutated host can implant a small larvae,
2 called a G-embryo into another host. The latter mode of transmission is most
successful when the host and the new victim are genetically similar. The virus
would later be merged with the T-Virus by Umbrella scientists in an attempt to
balance the G-virus' rapid evolution with the T-virus' stability, creating an
extremely dangerous, electromagnetic-capable variant called the T/G Virus.
An experimental bioweapon that was developed in a consortium by the ZaKa
Conglomerate, the U.S. Government, and the U.S. Military. It is a mutagenic
virus that can be transmitted in the air and by contact with body fluids. Gagne
takes the form of a thick fog that has covered the entirety of Chicago, Illinois
and is causing animals and people to horrifically transform into grotesque
Michigan: monsters with large maws that can spawn leech-like larvae.
Gagne Report from
Hell Stage 1: No discernible changes in physical appearance and body
temperature. Actions become sluggish.
Stage 2: Subject begins to spawn leech-like larvae which are violently
spewed from the mouth.
Stage 3: Subject undergoes horrific transformation and becomes
aggressive and sensitive to nearby sounds.

A series of eight parasitic pathogens created by the medical-terrorist group

Delphi. Despite its ingame introduction as a toxin, GUILT is referred as a
"moving tumor", but behaves more like a parasite. During ingame sequences
where the player operates on patients, GUILT diseases are normally shown as
Trauma a pseudo-sentient core that attacks the patient from within, using lacerations,
Center: tumors and other ailments. Individual strains are named after Greek days of
Under the the week (Kyriaki, Deftera, Triti, Tetarti, Pempti, Paraskevi, Savato), the only
Latency Toxin
Knife exception being the eighth strain, called "Bliss". Neo-GUILT strains, which
were developed independently from the original GUILT project, introduce four
more strains (Nous, Bythos, Sige, Aletheia). Some GUILT survivors were also
inflicted with a variation of the disease, dubbed the PGS (Post-GUILT
A biological weapon created by the Salarians and deployed against the krogan
species, designed to dramatically reduce the normal birth rate by infecting the
Genophage Mass Effect species with genetic mutations. The plague causes most krogan pregnancies
to end in stillbirth, with most fetuses never even reaching that stage of
A global plague engineered using nanotechnology within a Universal
Constructor by Majestic-12, the Gray Death virus is actually a hybrid
(cyborganic) disease of biological and mechanical structures. It is based on
the adverse and ultimately lethal effects of nanotechnology on an unmodified
Gray Death Deus Ex
human body. Named the Gray Death because of the gray patches of
discolored scar tissue that cover its victims' skins, if and when the disease is
cured. Symptoms include the aforementioned discoloration of the skin,
coughing, physical pain and death.
The Hyper-evolutionary virus is a retrovirus produced by Zerg Queens. It is
used to mutate "lesser" creatures into zerg warrior breeds. Only a small
percent of humanity is fully compatible, who retain personality, intelligence,
evolutionary StarCraft
and psionics. Others mutate into living bombs, utterly dominated by the
Overmind. It has a re-animation side-effect. It is transmissible through fluid
transfer only, much like Solanum.
"Harran Virus" Dying Light A previously mysterious rabies-like pathogen, the Harran Virus was spread
(Previously within the city of Harran (likely based in Turkey) to epidemic proportions,
Unknown) placing the city under quarantine. As a result, many victims of the virus are
initially turned into aggressive and athletic infected (called "Virals") before
decaying into hordes of shambling and cannibalistic infected (called "Biters").
With this said, some of those infected by the virus may mutate into various
creatures. Once the sun goes down, the pathogen alters the infected's motor-
coordination and sensory, resulting the sluggish infected turning agile and
vicious at night (called "Night Walkers") and mutated inhuman infected (called
"Volatiles") with severe muscle exposure coming out only at night to hunt any
uninfected survivors. During the night, the infected's primary weakness is
Ultraviolet, while the infected during the day have no specified weakness.
A rare, but lethal disease, curable only through the use of a medicine made
from the Borginian Cocoon. The cure is very difficult to make, and if made
Incuritis Justice: Ace
incorrectly, it is a deadly poison, and thus the exportation of such a cocoon is
illegal. The Chief Justice's son is afflicted with the disease.
A degenerative respiratory disease unique to Drell, occurring as a result of
their transition from their desert homeworld of Rakhana to the Hanar ocean
homeworld of Kahje; cumulative exposure to moisture results in a condition
Mass Effect 2 that erodes their capacity to absorb oxygen into their lungs, eventually
resulting in death. It is noncommunicable, and there is currently no known
cure, though its progression can be slowed through exposure to warm, arid
Kharaa is an alien bacterium discovered by the Precursor Race during the
exploration of an unknown planet. It seems to have completely taken over
Planet 4546B. It is described in the Degasi PDAs as "part of the ecosystem",
with further statements that the Degasi survivors were infected at some point -
as stated by Bart Torgal while discussing the flu-like symptoms the crew was
experiencing. Early on, the player's PDA and Lifepod will make note of the
high levels of bacterial infection in the water. The PDA notes that Kharaa is
Kharaa unlike any infection thus discovered in human history, suggesting that
Bacterium Kharaa's biological design is far more drastic compared to diseases such as
Yersinia pestis.The PDA estimates that Kharaa incubates in two weeks and
quickly kills its host after it reaches a substantial infection level. It
accomplishes this by shutting down the immune system (already making the
infected host susceptible to other diseases) and causing genetic mutation to
the host's DNA, and causing alterations to the body structure, eventually
leading to a total shutdown of the organism due to its inability to keep
functioning properly.
A parasitic, organism which can infect a variety of hosts, including humans. It
has the ability to control its host's behavior, inducing a hive-like mentality
among the infected and extreme hostility towards uninfected individuals. The
Resident Evil
Las Plagas infected retain most of the characteristics of humans such as fine motor skills
as seen through their use of simple weapons such as scythes and axes, and
more complicated weapons such as chainsaws and chainguns. They are seen
to obey "Queen" parasites, much like ants.
The virus called M2448 was created by Catalina Thorne, the leader of Cell,
during her time as a medical student working for the Agency. She conducted
secret experiments of the virus but was discovered by the Agency and was
kicked off the Agency-sponsored medical programme. She was enraged by
M2448 virus
this and wanted revenge on the Agency because it apparently ruined her life.
(The Freak Crackdown 2
To get her revenge she offered free vaccinations to the people of Unity Heights
(formerly "The Corridor"), she was actually vaccinating her victims with the
M2448 Virus which tuned them into Freaks. The virus spread across Unity
Heights very quickly and soon made its way into the two other boroughs of
Pacific City.
Call of Duty:
A bio-weapon that was devised to target specific genotypes, and would kill
Manticore Advanced
anyone not in the Atlas database. Named after the Persian mythical creature.
Marker: DNA Dead Space After the human colony, on planet Aegis discover an alien Marker, that
sequence contained complex and powerful DNA sequence, that enabled dead cells to
revive. Unfortunately, one of the scientists working on this DNA sequence,
dropped the dish containing these engineered cells. The cells, eventually
infected one scientists, which then lead to altered mutations of the human
A virus that affects Reploids. Causes violent insanity and is passed by touch.
Victims can sometimes retain their intellect. Combination with the intelligence
of the Maverick Hunter Sigma created a variant form called the Sigma Virus,
Maverick Virus Mega Man X
which is airborne. Mega Man X can be harmed, but not mentally suborned, by
this virus. Zero is actually strengthened by exposure, due to his unique status.
The Zero Virus is a further evolved, faster version.
MTamashiro-66 MTamashiro-66 Virus (often shortened to MTa66) as depicted in the Halo book
Virus series is a virus that affects the nervous system of several species of canine.
The NE-Alpha, or Nemesis Alpha, Parasite has an immunity to the T-virus, and
is used to protect the higher brain functions of B.O.W.'s. However, if the
B.O.W. is incompatible with the parasite, they die inside of twenty minutes. If
NE-Alpha Resident Evil they are compatible, however, the parasite acts as a second brain, taking over
Parasite 3 the functions mof the T-virus ravaged host brain. The host increases in size
and strength; and become hardy enough to survive multiple gunshot wounds.
The parasite's tentacles become threaded throughout the host's entire body;
and can be utilized as a weapon.
The NE-Beta (Nemesis Beta) parasite is an evolved form of the NE-Alpha
parasite. The parasite is capable of bonding to all B.O.W.s, from zombies to T-
NE-Beta Evil:
103 super soldiers. The parasite has an insectoid appearance, as opposed to
Parasite Operation
the octopous-like form of its predecessor. However, it is prone to decapitating
Raccoon City
its host, rendering them blind and deaf.
A rare, incurable, and fatal disease. Shortly after Prof. Gerald Robotnik
Neuro-Immuno refused G.U.N.'s request for him to discover the secret to immortality, his
Deficiency Sonic The granddaughter Maria contracted N.I.D.S., causing Gerald to reconsider and
Syndrome Hedgehog begin Project Shadow. The cure was never found, despite Gerald's success at
(N.I.D.S.) creating the ultimate life form. Maria later died of a gunshot wound during
G.U.N.'s extermination of all involved in the project.
In Call of Duty: Black Ops, Nova 6 was originally developed by Nazi Germany
Call of Duty: during the course of World War II by Friedrich Steiner and intended for use in
Black Ops, V-2 rockets targeted at major capital cities, such as Washington, D.C. and
Nova 6
Call of Duty: Moscow. It was later seized, refined, and used by the Soviets, as a component
Black Ops 3 of a grand Soviet sleeper-cell plan by Dragovich. Preventing its release is one
of the primary aims of Alex Mason and the CIA in the 1960s.
Call of Duty:
A multiplayer weapon, this is a gas grenade that blurs vision, impairs
Black Ops,
Nova gas movement and damages health over time. Using a Tactical Mask makes one
Call of Duty:
immune to it.
The Elder Causes vampirism after an incubation period of three days. If the player is
Scrolls IV: infected, they can go through a quest to cure the disease, however it is not
Oblivion necessary to be cured to complete the quest.
The Pox of LeChuck (also named LeChucken Pox in the final episode) is a
plague apparent in Tales of Monkey Island that swept across the Caribbean
when Guybrush stabbed LeChuck with an enchanted voodoo sword at the
Tales of Rock of Gelato. This caused LeChuck to be stripped of his voodoo powers,
Pox of LeChuck Monkey releasing a pandemic that transformed many pirates into green-skinned, foul-
Island mouthed monsters. It also spread to Guybrush's hand, giving it a life of its own
(even after being cut off by Morgan LeFlay), as well as infecting his wife,
Elaine Marley. The only known cure is La Esponja Grande, which Guybrush
embarks on a quest to find after speaking with the Voodoo Lady.
In the back-story of the series, the Progenitor virus is the primary virus created
by the Umbrella Corporation, a mutagen based on ebola, with some of its
Progenitor Virus Resident Evil components extracted from strange flowers that bloom underground, seen in
Resident Evil 5. Successor viruses include the T-Virus, the G-Virus, and T-
Veronica Virus.
Phazon Metroid A virus transmitted by being in close proximity to Phazon. The victim's mind is
Madness Prime warped so they can no longer tell friend from foe, and exist only to destroy.
Phazon Madness is extremely contagious, and it later develops into Phazon
Fever, wherein the victim gains an obsessive compulsive disorder regarding
Phazon. Infected victims can utilize Phazon as a weapon and normally can
only be killed by Phazon itself.
A virus that afflicts Pokémon. Though it is incurable, it has no negative effects,
and is in fact helpful. Pokémon afflicted gain double effort values in battle. The
Pokérus Pokémon Pokémon retains this ability even after its contagious period of 48 hours has
passed. Transmission is by proximity in a party, and the 48-hour "clock" is
stopped by placing the Pokémon into a PC.
Radical-6 was a virus developed by the apocalyptic cult "Free the Soul" to
destroy human civilization. A highly infectious virus, it causes the human brain
Zero Escape:
to experience time at a 40% slower rate, and eventually drives its victims to
Radical-6 Virtue's Last
suicide. The global pandemic eventually leads to a desperate (and hinted to
be Radical-6 induced) plan to detonate 18 anti-matter generators
simultaneously, initiating a nuclear winter.
A virus that affects humanoid robots, causing flu-like symptoms and eventually
Mega Man homicidal tendencies. Created and subsequently cured by Dr. Wily. Some
10 theories hold that it is related to the Evil Energy from Mega Man 8 and the
Maverick Virus from the Mega Man X series
A poisonous gas from the Rotten World (Hell) which leaks through
interdimensional cracks caused by the Necromancer Swan when he cracks
open a gate between Earth and Rotten World. This gas leaks through the
Rotten World Lollipop
cracks and kills everybody who inhales it within minutes, shortly reanimating
Gas Chainsaw
them as psychotic zombies within a short while. It appears the gas is
transmittable through bites, and therefore contagious. In hallucinations, the
gas is also shown to affect animals.
When the Lightmass bomb that killed the multitude of Locust monsters in the
first game vaporized the liquid element "Imulsion", the gas seeped into the
atmosphere of planet Sera, resulting in 'Rust Lung', a disease that spreads
quickly and deadly. However, in Gears of War 3 it is concluded that Imulsion is
not just a fuel, it is a parasite, and it began to spread to humans as it had to
Locust. In fact, as the subterran Locust tried to escape being turned into
infested "Lambent", they had to start the genocide of the surface-occupying
Rust Gears of War
humans. The Lambent organism is present to some degree in every human's
Lung/Lambency 2
cells by the events of the game, and 'rust lung' is a sing of approaching
transformation into a "former human", or just Former, a zombie-like creature.
Locust, however, appear not to lose sentience after transformation, and some
of them develop uncanny mutations amidst the heat of battle. All Lambent
inherit Imuslion's qualities: glow in the dark and explosive properties. The point
of the third game is to deal with the Imulsion's assault on the surface of the
A parasite that can infect biological, technological, or coherent energy
Scurge Scurge: Hive systems. It takes about one minute to overwhelm the special filters designed
to ward off its infection.
The Green Flu, commonly referred to simply as The Infection, has caused
Left 4 Dead, most humans who come in contact with it to change into homicidal, zombie-
"Green Flu"
Payday The like beings. Anyone can catch it, but there are few out there who show no
Heist: No symptoms of the virus. They can, however, spread it to whoever comes in
Mercy contact with them. These carriers seldom realize they are spreading the virus,
leaving a path of destruction in their wake.
The Plague is a virus possibly created by the Collectors which infects all
species except humans and vorcha, the latter being resistant to any infection,
and the former being immediately scapegoated for the spread of the plague
and hunted down by local gangs. It causes horrible sores, a bad cough and
The Plague Mass Effect 2 coughing up blood, caused by rapid mutations to the respiratory systems. It
was being spread through the ventilation system of the slums of Omega by the
vorcha under orders of the Collectors but was stopped by Shepard and doctor
Mordin Solus, since Omega has no authorities whatsoever and the affected
area was simply sealed until everyone would die.
The Plague of Warcraft III The Plague is responsible for the entire Undead race. It can re-animate dead
Undeath creatures with a reasonable degree of sentience. However, the creature is
usually dominated by the undead command structure, but they can escape
from the tyranny of undeath. It also causes the soil beneath and around
Undead structures to change into a substance known as Blight, which is
poisonous to most plants.
The Rat Plague killed almost half of the population of the city of Dunwall, the
fictional city from the game Dishonored. Victims of the rat plague can cure
The Rat Plague Dishonored themselves via use of Sokolov's Health Elixir. Once blood comes from the
Nose or Eyes there is no way to be cured. It is also known as the doom of
A variation of viral hemorrhagic fever, capable of killing patients in days. The
virus was originally found in the blood of Rosalia Rosselini by Cumberland
College professor Albert Sartre. Sartre and his son attempted to use the virus
to cure all disease, but instead found that it could not be used for positive
means. An outbreak of the virus occurred, resulting in the Cumberland College
Incident, where Sartre and Rosalia escaped to Mexico, and his son lost all
memory of the incident, but was arrested and sentenced to 250 years of
Rosalia Virus imprisonment under the ID "CR-S01". However, Sartre was inflicted with the
virus, causing him to fall to insanity, killing Rosalia. Rosalia's blood splattered
onto nearby flowers, which monarch butterflies fed upon, acting as vectors that
caused a second outbreak. A variation of the Rosalia virus was encountered
once, when one of the Rosalia patients, Naomi Kimishima, also had a pre-
existing incurable genetic disease (thought to be related to GUILT).
Interactions between the genetic disease and Rosalia gave birth to a "Twisted
Rosalia" strain, which only one case was known to be documented.
A highly infectious skin disease which was first reported by the Russian
government in the 1970s. The disease begins as a normal skin disease which
irritates the infected, causing itching and bad skin. But then searing
temperatures increase the infection and spread it through the body, causing
SCP-610 skin to rot and mutate. Eventually the victim is covered from head to toe in
infectious sores. The victim is then declared clinically dead and reanimates
after a while, and will attempt to infect anyone else they encounter. The
Foundation has been trying to contain this disease, but they may be
unsuccessful because of its fast contagion spread.
Skull shivers Borderlands
A virus accidentally created by Markus Vaughn and Lloyd Wilkens. It is later
used as a bioterror weapon by the group Parnassus. It comes in six strains,
named after body parts it resembles or attacks (Cheir, Soma, Ops, Onyx,
Trauma Brachion, Cardia). Unlike other pathogens, which store their genetic
Stigma Center: New information in DNA, Stigma stores its genetic information in a film-like structure
Blood making it unique among pathogens. Due to the fact that Stigma originated
from a lab rat with Culurium-based synthetic blood, a newly discovered
mineral from the country of Culuruma, taking control of the mines that contain
the mineral is necessary for the mass production of Stigma.
A bio-weapon that can be genetically programmable to terminate specific
genotypes, killing only intended victims while leaving non-targeted parties
Syphon Filter
Syphon Filter alive. Because it binds with each host's specific DNA, it does not possess a
universal vaccine, and in order to cure it, one must know the specific genetic
lock and key for each strain of the disease.
A variant of the T-Virus, designed by FBC CEO Morgan Lansdale to show the
world the dangers of bio-weapons and increase his own personal power
through use of the 'Veltro' terrorist group. The virus crates zombies and BOWs
who are strongly linked with water, and have numerous aquatic features such
as tentacles and crab-like shells. It is encountered in the game when 'Veltro'
T-Abyss Virus Evil:
threaten to infect the world's oceans, hoping to exact revenge for the loss of
much of their forces during the bio-terrorist attack on the floating techno-utopia
Terragrigia. It is encountered during exploration of three research vessals,
where it has transformed the crew and several sea creatures into zombies,
mutants and Tyrants.
T-Veronica Resident Evil A powerful strain of the Progenitor Virus, created by combining it with a rare
Virus Code: retrovirus found in the genetic make-up of ant queens, discovered by unstable
Veronica scientific genius Alexia Ashford, the result of an advanced cloning experiment.
It is encountered in Code: Veronica, when it is being used by Alexia Ashford in
her attempt to take control of the world. She experiments on her father, then
on herself; her father is transformed into a terrifying monster, while she, going
into hibernation after giving herself a dose of the Virus, manages to gain
control over it and retain her personality and intelligence. She eventually
becomes a dragonfly-like creature who has to be killed by Chris Redfield. It
appears again in the 'Operation Javier' section of Darkside Chronicles, where
it is being used by Javier Hidalgo to cure his daughter Manuela of an inherited
illness. He also tried to cure his wife, but the virus overwhelmed her and
turned her into a mutant. Manuela uses her developing powers (similar to
Alexia Ashford's abilities before transforming into her insect form) to defeat the
mutated Javier, and is then evacuated by Leon Kennedy and Jack Krauser. If
Manuela survives at the end of the game, it is said that she is cared for by the
US government, but her ultimate fate is left unknown.
(short for Tyrant Virus, after the humanoid BOWs it is used to create) A virus
that causes dementia and cellular necrosis in humans, turning them into
zombie-like creatures who are difficult to kill. It can easily mutate into other
strains, some of which have mutagenic effects on the host. In insects or
amphibians, the resulting mutation often involves increased aggressiveness,
increased size, and (almost always) the development of poisonous traits. In
T-Virus Resident Evil mammals, the results include aggressiveness, physiological changes of
varying degrees, and an extremely increased evolutionary rate. However, it is
shown that some humans can bond with the T-Virus and its variants and gain
heightened speed, strength and strange powers while retaining their
personalities, as in the case of Albert Wesker and Alexia Ashford. Variants
include the NE-T virus, T-G Virus, the T-JCCC203 (used for pharmaceutical,
but killed two people) and many others.
The metabolism of victims are increased and the surface of their skin hardens
and forms a metallic exterior. The infection continues to mutate the host,
Technocyte driving them insane from the intense pain. The infected then become wildly
Dark Sector
Virus aggressive and unpredictable, attacking anyone that is not infected on sight.
The disease can be spread by physical contact and can affect animals as well
as humans.
Tiberium crystals start to grow on a person's skin. These skin crystals
Tiberium Command & eventually force their way through the persons vital organs, killing them. If the
poisoning Conquer infestation is in a certain proportion, the victim mutates into a living bag of
rotten skin and organs, called a visceroid.
Turbo Cancer Borderlands
A disease made up during a story told by Tommy and Stacy in the bonus
Octodad: episode "Medical Mess". Symptoms include a bright pink unicorn horn
Unicornitis Dadliest magically sprouting from the forehead, and the ability to fly. The only known
Catch cure is to purchase and use a set of jet-skis. Notable victims include Patient
203 and Octodad.
An advanced strain of the Progenitor virus, the Uroboros virus was created by
Albert Wesker, with inadvertent help from Jill Valentine. Exposure to Uroboros
can lead to one of two things—forced evolution via DNA integration, leading to
extremely heightened abilities, or rejection via the virus, leading to the
parasitic nature taking over and forming a mass of black, leech-like pustules,
Resident Evil
Uroboros which can grow in size if exposed to more organic matters. The only individual
known to survive the process was Albert Wesker, which was more than likely
due to the fact of his previous exposure to the T-virus. Other beings that took
positive mutations from the Uroboros virus include the Reapers; cockroaches
exposed accidentally to the virus, who then in turn grew largely in size, gained
armour-like carapaces and scythe-like appendages, explaining the name.
A bubonic-like plague that infects almost the entire city of Neverwinter.
Wailing Death Thought to be just a natural plague, it is later discovered that it was magically
created and unleashed upon the city.
(Unknown) MadWorld A disease created by the Organizers to force innocent people to compete in
the bloodsport Deathwatch for an antidote.
An extremely deadly virus released in 2001 and further researched in 2006
that killed 99.9% of the world's human female population that did not possess
X-2 Virus a special psychic ability known as 'The Edge'. Those that were spared were
treated with the utmost respect, authority, and loyalty, thereby earning their title
of 'Queenlord'.
A deadly virus which contaminated the entire planet Earth and certain parts of
the Tessa Life Orbital. Humans are killed in short time upon infection, but
cloned humans are transformed into killer zombies. When 0916 got a large
Yellow Death 1213
dosage of the virus he mutated into a yellow, four-armed monster with two
retractable spines and tentacles. 1213 however was unaffected by the virus
due to a successful Immunization to the virus.
Metroid A Virus native to Twin Tabula causing double vision. When the twin sight
Twin Fever
Prime fades, the victim is near death.
Is a sub-type version of Kuru which later actually revealing is neuro-genetically
Dead Island, engineered version of Kuru that infected islands to the Papua New Guinea
Dead Island region. It is widely passed among the local tribes and is believed to be the
Riptide, Dead cause of the zombie outbreak. Doctor West needs a non-mutated strain of this
Island 2 disease to work on a cure. Doctor West also believes that people with O
Negative blood are unsusceptible to the infection
The Tuurngait Virus is a disease that can affect humans and animals, it was
Penumbra: later discovered by the Archaic led by Philip's father Howard LaFresque and
Tuurngait Virus
Black Plague his crew members in Greenland. It was later tested and found out that one of
its effects is mutation.

In role playing games

Name Source Symptoms
This disease is a relatively harmless ailment to goblins, orcs, and similar creatures,
Dungeon but it's rare. To humans, it's much deadlier. Having a long incubation period and
Goblin Adventures being highly contagious, an outbreak can start before the first case is even
Fever #46, "Goblin detected. The disease causes deterioration of the central nervous system, causing
Fever" forgetfulness and rapid mood swings, the victim often becoming violent,
depressed, or even suicidal, eventually lapsing into a coma before dying.
A plague created by the Lady of Pain to keep the swelling numbers of the Free
League in check, which grew to an overwhelming size after a conflict called the
Great Upheaval amongst the factions, where the Lady of Pain decreed that there
League Planescape
could only be fifteen Factions in Sigil at one time. Very little is known about this
disease, but any member of the Free League stood a chance of becoming infected
with it simply by entering Sigil.
The setting has several of varying degrees of lethality, most of them affecting one
Magical Dungeons
or more Ability Scores. The most well known are Devil Chills, Cackle Fever, Filth
Diseases and Dragons
Fever, Mummy Rot, and Slimy Doom.
This odd affliction can infect anyone who tries to use magic or even rudimentary
means to decipher the language of the Slarecian, an extinct species of evil
sorcerers, if the work they are trying to decipher has this specific taint. An infected
Slarecian victim's language is changed to that of the Slarecians (which is gibberish to most
Language natives of Scarn), meaning he can only understand or be understood by another
Virus infected victim, and all written language other than Slarecian makes no sense to
him. Victims do not realize what has happened to them, as what they say sounds
clear to them. The disease is incredibly contagious; anyone who listens to an
infected victim risks also becoming infected.
These six magical diseases were created by an evil wizard who was killed by his
six sons, who each became the first carrier of one of them: Combustion (the victim
experiences a horrible fever and eventually bursts into flames), Crystal (the victim's
Ravenloft Compendium
blood crystallizes from within), Petrification (the victim gradually turns to stone)
Viruses Appendix III:
Phobia (the victim becomes terrified of everything), Psionic (the victim rapidly gains
Creatures of
intelligence and psionic powers until their head explodes) and Shadow (the victim
eventually fades into darkness).
The book mentions seventeen diseases of varying lethality caused by evil magic or
exposure to focal points of incredible evil. The most notorious ones are Faceless
Hate (causes the victim's face to vanish, and drives him to a violent, insane rage),
Vile Book of Vile
Life Blindness (the victim is unable to see, hear, or otherwise perceive any other
Diseases Darkness
living thing, and is often driven mad from isolation and loneliness), and Vile Rigidity
(the victim becomes stronger and tougher, but eventually, their skin hardens, until
they can't move and suffocates).
The Knahaten Flu (also known as the Knahaten Plague) was one of the deadliest
diseases to infect the populace of Tamriel, lasting for 43 years. Though exactly
how the disease was introduced is unknown, it started in the swamps of Black
Marsh. Argonians, the denizens of Black Marsh, were immune to the disease,
leading to speculation about its source, but it did not take long for it to sweep
through the rest of the continent. There is no definitive death toll of the disease.
Knahaten The Elder
However, the Flu almost completely destroyed the non-Argonian population of
Flu Scrolls
Black Marsh, and killed vast swathes of the population of Tamriel. The exact
method of transmission is unclear. Early symptoms of the Flu include "general
malaise, loss of appetite, and fatigue," followed shortly by aching muscles, sharp
pain in the shoulders, chills, and watering eyes. Late-stage symptoms include
wracking cough, high fever, and blood flowing out of the nose, eyes and eventually
the mouth. Victims rarely survived longer than a few days.
Virally- Shadowrun Caused by a highly lethal and communicable airborne virus, VITAS is the disease
Induced responsible for many of the changes that led to what became the Sixth World in
Toxic the Shadowrun universe, having killed a quarter of the world's population after its
Allergy outbreak in 2011. A second strain (VITAS II) broke out in the 2020s, killing an
Syndrome additional 10%. Symptoms begin 12 hours after infection and begin with symptoms
(VITAS) similar to influenza before developing into severe anaphylaxis leading to death
usually by the airways swelling shut. Though treatable with modern drugs, at the
initial outbreak of VITAS over 75% of the world's population became infected
before a cure was discovered.
A mutagenic retrovirus that achieves its full virulence and power only in a magic-
rich environment—such as post-Awakening Earth. The virus itself has existed
throughout history and even expressed in very rare instances during the relatively
magic-poor Fifth World. When a metahuman’s immune system fails to stave off
Vampiric Shadowrun
infection, the virus begins to systematically re-shape their auras and genetic code
—transforming them into forms reminiscent of the night-stalking monsters of
legend. The specific form that the subject takes is dependent on their original
genetic form and the strain of the virus they contract.
A disease that is usually unique to the Core Domain of Valachan. Symptoms
include weakness, exhaustion, chills, and loss of strength. Magical remedies
White cannot cure it, but conventional medicine can hasten recovery. In truth, "white
Fever fever" is one of many hoaxes orchestrated by Valachan's ruler, Baron Urik von
Kharkov, in order to hide his true nature from his subjects. The illness is actually
caused by the vampiric feeding of the Baron and his servants.
Mario &
Luigi: A mysterious disease that causes a toad to grow large and round renedering them
Bowser's mostly immobile and can make roll uncontrollably.
Inside Story
A bio-weapon created by Dr Gordon Amherst, as a mean of controlling population.
With a strain of Dengue, Smallpox, Swineflu, H1N1, Ebola, Hantavirus and
Tom Clancy’s Marburg Virus. Comparing to the original smallpox virus, not only does it incubates
The Division faster, it is also infectious during its incubation period. Due to its rapid mutation, it
(Dollar Flu)
is extremely difficult for antibodies and drugs to identify the virus and exterminate
them as well as creating vaccine to this disease.

See also

1. Sue Samuelson (July 1980), "The Cooties Complex", Western Folklore, Western States Folklore Society, 39 (3):
198–210, JSTOR 1499801 (
2. Jumamil, Jannah Corrine B. (June 23, 2015). "Standout tales of love, survival and fantasy from high school
writers" ( Retrieved January 15, 2018.
3. "Hanahaki Disease" ( Fanlore. September 21, 2017. Retrieved
January 15, 2018.
4. "Harlequin Rex – book review. Novel by Owen Marshall" (
equin_rex.asp). Retrieved 19 September 2017.
5. Mission: Impossible 2
6. Irvine, Travis (June 19, 2015), "Handle with humor: why we want you to laugh about climate change" (https://web.
al-gore-leonardo-dicaprio-climate-change), The Guardian, archived from the original (
m/environment/2015/jun/19/peoples-climate-march-al-gore-leonardo-dicaprio-climate-change) on December 15,
2015, retrieved April 9, 2016
7. Mellino, Cole (April 16, 2015), "Funny or Die Video: How to Diagnose Climate Change Denial Disorder" (https://w, EcoWatch,
archived from the original ( on March 17, 2016,
retrieved April 9, 2016
8. Swann, Jennifer (April 16, 2015), "The Made-Up Disease That Affects More People in Power Than You Think" (ht
die), TakePart, Participant Media, archived from the original (
hange-funny-or-die) on August 8, 2015, retrieved April 9, 2016
9. The Ice Pirates (1984) (, retrieved 2018-10-15
10. "The Making of Metalhead" (
d-70688/), TV Com
11. "Resident Evil 6, C-Virus trailer" ( YouTube. Retrieved

Further reading
Disease in Fiction. Its place in current literature Nestor Tirard, 1886.
Vital Signs Medical Realism in Nineteenth-Century Fiction Lawrence Rothfield, 1992. ASIN B000J0QZSC (http
Les malades imaginés: Diseases in fiction René Krémer. Journal: Acta Cardiologica, 2003.
No Cure for the Future: Disease and Medicine in Science Fiction and Fantasy Gary Westfahl & George Slusser,
2002. ISBN 0-313-31707-0
Nineteenth-Century Narratives of Contagion Allan Conrad Christensen, 2005. ISBN 0-415-36048-X
The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases Jeff VanderMeer & Mark Roberts
(ed). ISBN 0-553-38339-6

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