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What is Global Warming?

= A Global Warming is the long term rise in the average

temperature of the Earth’s climate system. It is a major aspect of
climate change, and has been demonstrated by direct temperature
measurements and by measurements of various effects of the warming.
The terms global warming and climate change are often used
interchangeably. However, speaking more accurately, global warming
denotes the mainly human-caused increase in global surface
temperatures and its projected continuation, but climate change
includes both global warming and its effects, such as changes in
precipitation. While there have been prehistoric periods of global
warming, many observed changes since the mid-20th century have
been unprecedented over decades to millennia.

What are the Cause of Global Warming?

1. Greenhouse Gas
= a Greenhouse Gas is a gas that absorbs and emits radiant
energy within the thermal infared range. Greenhouse Gases
cause the greenhouse effect.

2. Scientific Consensus
= There is currently a strong Scientific Consensus that the Earth
is warming and that this warming is mainly caused by human

3. Extreme weather
= the range that has been seen in the past. Often, extreme
events are based on a location's recorded weather history and
defined as lying in the most unusual ten percent.
4. Sea Level
= The Sea Level will not rise uniformly everywhere on Earth
Further effects are higher storm-surges and more dangerous
tsunamis, displacement of populations, loss and degradation of
agricultural land and damage in cities.
5. Ocean acidification
= Ocean Acidification is the on going decrease in the pH of the
Earth's oceans, caused by the uptake of carbon dioxide (CO
2) from the atmosphere.

6. Climate engineering or climate intervention

= commonly referred to as geoengineering, is the deliberate
and large-scale intervention in the Earth's climate system,
usually with the aim of mitigating the adverse effects of global

Effect of Global Warming is

= Global warming, the gradual heating of Earth's surface,
oceans and atmosphere, is caused by human activity, primarily
the burning of fossil fuels that pump carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

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