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1.1 Motivation
Plates are structural elements whose thickness is very small compared to other two
dimensions. In general, plates are loaded in transverse direction. They are the major load
carrying members in most of the structures. Plates made out of Functionally Graded
Material (FGM) have a gradual change in material properties within the plate as a
function of position. The grading is done from metal to ceramic. Generally the gradation
in plates is only in thickness direction. The gradient in properties is caused by the
position dependent chemical composition. Extensive application of FGM plates is found
in structural engineering. They are used in nuclear reactors, automobiles, spacecrafts,
solar panels, thermoelectric instruments etc. An accurate prediction of behavior of plates
not only improves the safety but also reduce the material cost. Whole of aircraft body is
made of plates and shells stiffened by various types of extruded sections at suitable
intervals in both directions. Most of the road vehicles and railway engines as well as
wagons are the combination of stiffened plates and shells. Similarly boilers and machines
are basically stiffened plates and shells. All these structures are subjected to different
types of dynamic loads of varying time intervals causing structures to vibrate.
The vibrations of the structures cause the reversible or at least variable stresses in various
components. The variation of the stresses can cause fatigue failure. If there are any pre-
existing flaws or cracks, their propagation also depends on the number of loading cycles
and stress levels in each cycle. Hence it is extremely important to know the natural
frequencies of vibration as well as response to the dynamic loads. Most of the structures
referred above are subjected to the stresses due to static loads before being subjected to
the dynamic loads. These stresses change the natural frequencies and response to the
dynamic loads. Hence, it is necessary to take into account the pre-stress in the vibration
analysis. The determination of the dynamic response of a plate structure or shell is a
problem of immense practical significance in structural design. The evaluation of its free
vibration response characteristics is a first step as a prelude to the prediction of the forced
response of the system to any external excitations. There are large varieties of forcing
functions or excitations depending on the industry and working environment. Hence it is
not advisable to include them in the work of general nature. Hence the present work is
restricted to free vibration response of pre-stressed plates. The effect of pre-stress by in-
plane forces is to increase or decrease the stiffness for out of plane deformation
depending on whether the stress is tensile or compressive.
1.2 Functionally Graded Material
FGMs possess smooth variation of mechanical properties such as modulus of elasticity,
Poisson’s ratio, coefficient of thermal expansion, tensile strength etc. The concept of
FGM was proposed in 1984 by material scientists in Japan for preparing thermal barrier
materials (Koizumi 1997). The unique idea of a FGM was proposed to prepare a new
composite by using heat-resistant ceramics on the high-temperature side and tough metals
with high thermal conductivity on the low temperature side, with a gradual compositional
variation from ceramic to metal. Therefore, FGMs are composite materials with a
microscopically inhomogeneous character. Gradual changes in their microstructure
distinguish FGMs from conventional composite materials. The continuous change in
composition results in gradients in the properties of FGMs.
1.2.1 Structure
FGMs are heterogeneous composite materials made of two materials having entirely
different characteristics. The microstructure of an FGM varies from non metal to metal
(Grujicic and Zhang 1998). Usually, the non metal will be ceramics like Zirconia, Silicon
Carbide, Silicon Nitride and the metal will be Aluminium, Stainless Steel etc. Fig.1.1 (a)
shows the gradual and smooth variation of constituent volume fraction from one surface
to the other.

Fig. 1.1 Structure of Functionally Graded Material

Fig.1.1 (b) shows an FGM that has more ceramic volume fraction and less metal volume
Fig.1.1 (c) shows an FGM that has equal volume fractions of both ceramic and metal.
Fig.1.1 (d) shows an FGM that has less ceramic volume fraction and more metal volume
1.2.2 Properties
FGMs have some special properties which are not common in other composites. They
can resist high thermal gradients. Thermo-mechanical properties of ceramic/metal
systems have gradient distribution corresponding to the composition. The FGMs have
better thermal shock resistance than the used ceramic and metal. No delaminating occurs
due to absence of layers and adhesives.
1.2.3 Applications of Functionally Graded Plates
Functionally graded material plates are used because of their special property of resisting
temperature gradient. Generally they are used as thermal barriers. They are used in space
–crafts and re-entry vehicles like space shuttle designed by NASA. In general, the highest
temperature on the surface of space-crafts is estimated to reach 2100K. Hence, materials
at the surface must withstand temperatures as high as 2100K and temperature differences
of 1600K. The other uses are circuit boards, solar panels etc (Koizumi 1997).
1.3 Initial Membrane Stress Pre-stressing occurs in casting, stamping, forging, rolling,
ball-peening, and welding operations of fabrication. It arises in shorting, jacking,
buttressing, or any force fitting during assembly or erection. It may be caused by heating
or cooling during service. Pre-stressing means that the initial stress in the structure is not
zero everywhere, though there may be no apparent source of loading. Stress Stiffening
can be produced by accumulated deformations under load, or by initial or residual
stresses present before external load is applied. The term “stress stiffening” refers to a
coupling between membrane stress and lateral displacements associated with bending.
The bending stiffness of a plate or shell is increased by tensile membrane stress and is
decreased by compressive membrane stress. These stresses may be produced either by
applied load or residual stress from manufacturing or assembly processes. Sufficiently
large compressive membrane stress reduces the bending stiffness to zero i.e., the structure
1.4 Theory of Plates
1.4.1 Assumptions in CPT
The following assumptions were made in the Classical Plate Theory (CPT) based on
Kirchhoff’s hypothesis (Cook 1995):
a) Deformations are small compared to plate thickness.
b) The stress z σ , normal to the reference surface is negligible.
c) The strain z ε , normal to the reference surface is zero.
d) Normal to the reference surface before deformation remains straight and normal to the
reference surface even after deformation.
1.4.2 Assumptions in FOST
The following assumptions were made in First Order Shear Deformation Theory (FOST),
proposed by Reissner and Mindlin (Cook 1995):
a) Deformations are small compared to plate thickness.
b) The stress z σ , normal to the reference surface is negligible.
c) The strain z ε , normal to the reference surface is zero.
d) Normal to the reference surface before deformation remain straight but not necessarily
normal to the reference surface after deformation.
1.4.3 Basic Equations
The solution of three-dimensional problems of elasticity theory involves considerable
mathematical complexity and for simplification the three-dimensional problem has to be
reduced to two-dimensional problem by making suitable assumptions. The assumption
that the stress resultants rather than stresses are more reliable in the statement of
governing equations helps in reducing the three-dimensional plate problem to two-
dimensional plate problem. Hence it is convenient to integrate the stress distribution over
the thickness and to replace the usual consideration of stresses by considering the stress-
resultants due to which the variations w.r.t. z directions are completely eliminated to
establish a two-dimensional theory. The Total Potential Energy expression is written as,
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