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m ulti ledger alteration short cu I key.

A) ALT bi ALR c) A I.A d I A I.D

14) ClasSification Of stoc k items across differen t stock grow ps is kn riwn qs

O bj Siock groUp b) cost center c) stOck cate$‹›ry d j I .”nits uf measure

ifi) After • oocher entry’ onable delete \ebqer

tal True b) False

16) is the default godow n available in Tally. ERP9.

(b) East zone b I Primal' c I main location J +1‹›hile shr p

1 7) Report gis es Ihe su m u p of all the stock items.

(b) S\ock summar›' b) profit and loss .1,’C c) stock query d j none

18) refers to goods that are aci u ally man u facturetl or t raded.

(a) Stock group b I stock calc::or cI stoc k item d I none

19} is th e com bin ation of to o sim ple u nites.

(a) Alternate unit b ) compound unit c i stock car em unit d i none

20J 1’oucher is used to record bank Ira nsaction like deposit and w it redraw

(b) Payment b)Receipi note c lconira d lJournal

21) Record su pport for fi.xed asset bough t fo r cheque.

(b) Contra b) Journal c I Receipt d) Pa menl

22) is the shori cut t‹ey for stock journal.

(b) F7 b) F4 c) F3 dl Alt - F7

**) is the function key used to cha nge date.

(b) F1 b) Alt F2 c) F2 d) F11
24 c ds Received witbout invoice voucher used for this transactions?
(b) Receipt Note b) delivery note c) stock journal d) done
“” “ "^ 8 ^ goods transfer use key
(b) FO b) All +yg C) Alt+F9 d) Alt+F7

d) Nominal

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a› r• • ° Ji trl+ F8 b) Ali F8gg t p‹ C ›pJ ‹›,• p I t.J+g› ) q+„ , 6gp ›+›6
2q) t;oods Rejected from CUStO mer which voucher
L it gd...

g) Ctrl+F9 b) Act +F8 c)Clrl F6 d) Alto F6

,jg) voucb raode tg t 'ie mode chg nging key...

51) Primary cost category &primary COst center availnbte in tally.ERP

A/ Truc b) False

32 —-, —-- - are the two typei of in i• ro t

a)Simple & compound b)Simp1e & advanced c)Compound & advance d)none

33 interest payable&ReceivabIe cnlculaliori vouchers

a)Debit note &Credit note b}Payment&Receipt c)Creditnote&Debitnote d)None

34. How To Activate Advance modes interest in Tally.ERP9.

a)Fl 1 -FI —Activate interest calculation b) )F1 I -FI .Allow Advance parameter

c)Both A&B d)None

35. Forez class create ..-.-...-- . • --..vou her

a)Jouma1 b)Payment c)Stock Journal d)Forex voucher

36. Default currency "Base currency" based OF

a)Country b)state c)Ledger d lMdrlual Currency create

37. separate voucher Repo rt selected from

a)Display>Daybook- F4 b1Display>Daybook -FG c)b}Display>Daybook-F I d)None

38. - is the key for currency symbol Of "¥"

a) Alt +128 b›Alt +l 57 c)Alt * 172 d) Alt +155

39. CU + F10 Voucher key?

accredit note b)Debit Note c)Reversing Journal d)None is not a separnte voucher

a) Memorandum bJoptional c)Reversing journal d)both ABC

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41. —
Act “ c lCtr+F4 d inone
Alt r 5 bl Al t+’ '
‹al fYlÍ F4&
...vouch er
Jz. Toc •a°° ‘°' *””"" SaJes ordeF d)hCit h B&C

ypgp,y rate after&Mdftuf&Ct• ring daiebefore b) Expiry Date before& Manu g dateafter

b) ) ÇX p j DaI€t before8:Maflufacturing datebefore d ) none

& job work order in and Material in voucher key

‹a) Alt + W 8:Ctrl + W. (b)AIt + J @ctrl + J c) Alt + W RAlt * W(d) Alt W &:CtFÏ + J

4ó. Actual billed quantity this features nctivate for this lectures

tal FI l (F I ) Features, (b) F 1 1 — F2 features, (c) F 1 2 tNtures. (d) F 1 I — F3 features to create Price list

(a)Accounting info+Pnce i ist Create b)In 'entory Info>Price list c)F 1 1-F2 d)F1 I -F l

48. How To Activate BOM ption in screen ?

fa)F 1 1>F2 inx’entory feaiure (b)Fl 2 in stock item screen (c)F 1 2 in stock group screen (d) none

49. short cut key to select language in print options

a) Ctrl + L (b) Alt L (C) Alt + L (d) Alt +G

50. key is used for Ike multi payment mode

a) Ctr1 + P b) Alt + M c) Ctrl + 1 dJ Alt + S

b) 1922 c) 1961 d) 1956

52) ° $• M iised for re nittance of TDS.
a) ITNS 280 b) iTNS 281 c) FINS 282 d) ITNS 283
S3) The TDS cc“ ‘ t» r» maig -P •7 shall be in
alJmm 17 b) ferffi l7A p} ¡$J $)

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Formal file Exporting help for I• p•r t the mast ^< O r vouch er to another c
Cll c) XML d I HTML •• »^^7* >»•*!

nuaJ peturn for de6ilction of tax from other they salaries is

) ygg p pgted at source is the deduction of tax in su pport of

) me tax b) V•9BIth Uh C I gttl ta.x d) profession tax

$ 7) pp pn responsible for the deduction at source ii

$) payer of any expenses b) pa› ee c} out y the employers d ) got emment organizations

ssj Applica tion form for T›tN tl/s.203 A

a) 49A b› 4<B d› 4*D

$) ....,....,.........key used for Chnnge the \nngtiaee in ’Fn1 6' ERP 1

a) Alt * G

60). Applicatio n form fo r P.4 N card

a)4 A

b) ,Alt R C ) CtflI R dl ctrl * S

a ) Alt + s
hallan ReconcilJo/ o*
62). which key is used fOfi TDS C
b) F5 cl FI D) AU “ F3
a) F4
Wyh U s e fog jqC al Help?

c) Ctrl + H d)Alt + H
a) r I b)Alt + O

64) Input •r°"'t 'a '*

a)Truc b)£Bse
ate to anoth er state gOOd8 sold. ... tax levied
fi5} Regist<• e4 Dealer One st

q) Gamal Sale5 Tax b) c»• ral Service TaxC)CST d)VAT

) qq q t,. a.i..n T,s• »rsecurity available in Tally ERP 9?

c) Data entry&Owner d) None

q2Jgpypqp gb Export to HTML Format Which key used to Export?

m) Alt H b) Alt+ O c) Alt+E d) Ctrl + H

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time in india?
ó8) HOW man'y Tazable Services inl overnm en t Listed on first

bJ 58 cl above l t)I1 d1 ahtwe 2 l O

69)Which year Service Tax implemented ?


70)What is ttie Abbrevlntlon for STP Code.... .. .............

al idea ice Tex PaYer b) Sales Tax Payer c)ser›'ice Tex patee d ) sales Tex Paz ee

7! )• •.................iS 8 Sen’ice Ta z Pa}'ment Challnn

al STP- l c)STP—3 d)STP-1.A

72}Sem'iee Tex Administ rated by......,.......

a) Central Excise Dept b)Incom c Tex Dept c)Ser ice Tax Dcpt J) State ho t

73) What is the current Rate Of Service Tax..................

......?(include Edu and H Edcess)

b)1 2 36% c)1 5 5% d) 8 36%

74) W'hat is the Application for Service Tax Registra tion ?

a)ST- l b)ST-2 c)ST-3 D)GAR-7

7S}Whos get GovtE xecemptio n From Service Tan?

alself Emplyer b) Prix’ate l imitcd Compan y c}UNO d) puh i ic

76} Wh en Service faz should be file Return?

a) Yearly once b) Half-yearÍy C l month Íy dl Quarterl y

77)Registered Dealer businegs Turnover amoun t is........ ,...

a)Below 5 lakhsb) Exceed 50 lakhs CJ above 5 lakh s

d )beIcw so iau,s
78)Anziual file retu m of TDS for otfier the n yalq y

a)24 b126 c)27 d)27A

79)Whos is Eligible For Input Credit facility.........

aJ Go•4 Employee b) private employee cl TOT d) Reg Í ,

/ re d g e.
8O)Which combication X•y used for ODBC ¿

a) ctrl + O b) ctrl+ N C) Ctfl + Ü d) Alt+ N

S l ).. . ... ...........Taíty rxirtrtlit B In core lben one gy ••e with pA p „ $Jpp

a) Single user b) .net user c)Mulli U t d) g

e C e Wn

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I* bo ok-TAyy/ y R p g

t Mea Tata y.RP 9 5Oft>arz' lunched?

’’ M )Reportmai)i«R ke)'?

g5} whois I ’SJ IH3fi I’ all y su1u tion px t ltd ?

a) 8 ci-

_0 l h ) , 2017 dll 7 '0 17

a1 1 I› 2t lb b11

89} EN.caiional mode Accept $0 ••'•g °=›• ••'y -

(G J rd td IF
ta) Ali F7 fb I F7

(g) j (b) 3 (.C)

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1 hich fte* used to Dtlp l ica te \’oiicher ents ?

’*! ** h^t ’!^P> * fnlln ing tq›l‹›ii‹I Ohr h»Ioiit°r nho‹'(?

* ! (h ) ' I t * I ” ( ‹ I t “I 1 1 l J I \It IN

I •*! IU II I I° I L ti I * I c I I ”Irl II Id I none

J I cfr/ “ I

99)¿*•zslps Inc oice to t'sem ice In oice ch. nge ...› t›.red

100 lDaj book Report . .. ........her us‹x1 for till s tin cher .selectio ris.

d I ct ri - F

Theory question paper

1) How to create sales class*

2) How many classes available in tally .ERP9?
3) What s mean by cost centre * How to create cost centre*
4j What are the types of interest *
S) Explain tne mode of interest in tally.ERP9*
6) How to create interest class*
7) Wnat is mean by budget*
8) What are the types of non -accounting voucher*
9) Explain type of budget in tally .ERP9?
10j Explain purchase order & short cut key?
11) Methods of allocation of addition cost?
12) What is zero value me thod*
1 3) How to follow step in price list 7
1 4) H ow to al ter the price list*
15) What i s mc'an by material management7
16) How t o view Cost P5t Uma t ion*
1 7) What is mean POS?
18) How to f ix I hr• invoir.e siye?
19) E xplai n servic +• i nvnic e, how to make servirr• invoice *
20) How to ac t ivat r' job wGrk*
2 1) W ha t is m‹•a n t›y jrlb wr›rk ‹›ut ?

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yg) \ ‹s b.a 5e currency ?
3Ol How to create forex cl‹a5S ?
31) Whdt i5 mean by memorandum VOuCner v i tn s nc rt c u! *^Y^
32) Defined EOQ*
33) What is mean by cash discount?
34) How to create quantity offer*
35j What is mean by costs
36) How many style of interest 7
37) How to defined cost of goods 7
38) How to enable BOM7
39) Explain cost estimation & how to view cost estimation 7
40) Create POS voucher, how to activate POS7
41) What is mean by trade invoice 7
42) Explain the format of trade invoice 7
43j Explain job work in?
44) What is mean by recording?
45j Write about rounding method7
46] Explain cost allocation 7
47) Explain the sales order with key 7
48) What is manufacturing 7
49) What is optional vnucher7
S0j What is mean by additional cost of purchase 2

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