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Instructions for DC1 Phase 1 Online test:

The process consists of 2 online tests:

1. Advanced Progressive Matrices – APM

2. Watson Glaser’s Critical Thinking – WGCTA

The participant will directly receive 2 emails from Pearson’s system with subject line “LARSEN &
TOUBRO Test Registration.” Each email will come with the link for the respective test.

Test 1: APM
Upon clicking the APM link, the participant will be taken to the demographics page which asks for
certain mandatory details like:

Current Job Title, Role, Industry etc. – The closest option can be selected from the drop down (This is
not very critical – Closest approximate match is acceptable). Other voluntary demographics need not
be filled in.

When the participant moves to the next page, there will be 2-3 solved example questions before the
actual test begins. He can go through the same.

When he clicks on the start tab the actual test begins. A timer appears on the top right corner of the
screen which indicates the time remaining for completion of the test.

This is an auto timed test of 40 mins.

On completion of the above test, the participants will be taken to a separate section of only 2
questions and additional 2 minutes will be given to attempt these.

The participant can navigate back and forth thru’ the test. Once he clicks on the final submit button,
the test is completed. Also, if the participant is unable to complete the test, the system will close
automatically after the defined time limit and the responses till then would be recorded.
Test 2: WG

Upon clicking the WGCTA link, the participant will be taken to the demographics page which asks for
certain mandatory details like:

Current Job Title, Role, Industry etc. – The closet option can be selected from the drop down (This is
not very critical – Closest approximate match is acceptable).

Other voluntary demographics need not be filled in.

This test is to be timed manually for 50 mins.

When the participant moves to the next page, there will be 2-3 solved example questions before the
actual test begins. He can go through the same which will be followed by the actual test.

(The time of 50 mins will include the time to go thru’ the example questions)

This test has 5 sections. The time of 50 mins is for all sections put together. The participant can
navigate thru each section back and forth, before moving to the next section.

In this test too, there is a progress bar on top of the screen which shows the advancement thru the

In case of any glitches, you can reach out to Ms. Samruddhi

(;) or Ms. Nupoor (;)
of L&T Corporate HR.

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