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painting guide
This is a short painting guide on how to quickly paint your miniatures and still get a good result. I
really like painting the miniatures and I also like to have painted miniatures for my games, it makes
the illusion of the game so much better.
But as a father to three children, daytime job and a big house my painting time is quite limited. So
since I started painting my Infinity force I’ve been looking for shortcuts and techniques that will help
me finishing my miniatures quickly without having them looking bad. In this guide I will try to explain
the ways I work and hopefully it can inspire or help out some fellow painters out there.

The steps.
1. First of all start out by putting your miniature together. I usually let the glue harden until the
next day so I’m sure that no parts will fall off during painting.

2. Prime your miniature white. I’m doing this by hand but you can use whatever method you
like as long as you end up with a white miniature.
3. When the miniature is dry wash it with a black/dark tone. I use Army painters dark tone wash
for this. You can be quite generous with the wash and I usually wash it a second time after
the first washing layer has dried. The result your looking for is as in the picture below.

4. You now have a dark/greyish figure that is the base of your miniature. Next step is to add in
all the colours. Make sure that your paints are thin (always thin your paints), using a wet
palette has really helped me out with this. Add in all the details and try not to get paint on
those areas where you want the miniature to be black. Because in those areas we won’t add
any paint. The wash will be the black paint we’re using. Try not to rush this step but let it
take its time. Some figures that have a lot of black in them will be very quick to paint, like
Nomad corregidors. Also only add base colours in this step.

5. When you are done with all the paints it’s time to use the wash again. Most of the figure will
be washed in the dark tone wash again, but some places will have other washes. In the Dart
figure I’ve used Reikland flesh was from GW for the skin, red ton was from Army painters for
the hair and purple tone wash for the arms. Let the figure dry.
6. The miniature will look a bit dark now so now it is time to do some highlights. Add highlights
on armour, bags, face, hair, all the places where you want to lighten up the figure.
7. Fix the figures base. I decided to add some grass to mine since the Naga will be part of my
Acontecimento force.

That’s it, you are now done with your figure. Hopefully this will help some of you that like me don’t
have that much time to spend painting but still want a good result.

Cheers :)

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