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Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2000;122:8–19

The Immune Response in Adenoids

and Tonsils
M.J.P. van Kempen a G.T. Rijkers b P.B. Van Cauwenberge a
a Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospital of Ghent, Belgium;
b Department of Immunology, University Hospital for Children and Youth, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Key Words Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue

Immune response W Tonsil W M-cell W Dendritic cell W
CD40/CD40L Every breath we take and every swallow contains anti-
genic material. Although many inhaled or ingested anti-
gens are harmless, a significant portion will include a
Abstract potential danger, requiring the generation of rapid and
The adenoid and tonsils are lymphoid tissues located in effective protective immune responses. Therefore, the
the pharynx that play an important role in host defense mucous membranes have developed an immune system
against invading antigens of the upper respiratory tract. which differs anatomically and functionally from that of
Histologically, these structures consist of four well- the spleen and lymph nodes. This mucosal immune sys-
defined microcompartments which all participate in the tem (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue; MALT) consists
immune response: the cryptepithelium, the follicular ger- of lymphoid tissues that populate the internal surfaces of
minal center with the mantle zone and interfollicular the body, namely the upper and lower respiratory tract
area. With the uptake of antigen by M-cells present in the (NALT, BALT), the gastrointestinal (GALT) and urogeni-
cryptepithelium a process is initiated which ultimately tal tract. In addition, it may include exocrine secretory
results in the generation and dissemination of antigen- sites that are linked to these organs, such as the salivary
specific memory and mainly dimeric IgA-producing ef- and lacrimal glands. The main function of these structures
fector B-lymphocytes. This process requires successful is to sample antigens, have them surveyed locally by
cognate interactions between antigen-presenting cells immune cells in order to destroy them and generate effec-
and lymphocytes and mutually between lymphocytes, tor and memory lymphocytes which can migrate to other
which depend not only on antigen-specific signals but mucosal sites.
also on the expression of various complementary adhe-
sion and costimulatory molecules.
Copyright © 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel Nasopharyngeal-Associated Lymphoid Tissue

The lymphoid structures belonging to the NALT are

arranged in a specific circular orientation around the wall
of the throat, called Waldeyer’s ring (fig. 1). This ring con-

© 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel Correspondence to: Dr. M. van Kempen

ABC 1018–2438/00/1221–0008$17.50/0 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospital of Ghent
Fax + 41 61 306 12 34 De Pintelaan 185
E-Mail Accessible online at: B–9000 Ghent (Belgium) Tel. +32 9 240 23 32, Fax +32 9 240 49 93
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of Wal-
deyer’s ring. Adapted from Perry and Whyte

sists of the nasopharyngeal tonsil – or adenoid – attached In order to better understand the generation of these
to the posterior wall of the pharynx, the paired tubal ton- immune responses, we will review the immunological
sils, situated at the pharyngeal ostia of the Eustachian characteristics of the adenoids and PTs.
tubes, the paired palatine tonsils (PT) positioned in the
oropharynx and the lingual tonsil in the glosso-epiglottic
space. Various studies have demonstrated that these Histological Features
structures are indeed engaged in antibody responses to
viral and bacterial pathogens that have a tropism to the In contrast to the spleen and lymph nodes, which
naso- or oropharynx, like respiratory syncytial virus depend on antigenic delivery through afferent lymphatics,
(RSV), Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influen- both the anatomical localization and the histological orga-
zae and ß-hemolytic streptococci [1, 2]. In an elegant nization of tonsils are particularly suited for the capture of
study on 27 individuals undergoing a tonsillectomy, foreign material from epithelial surfaces. Macroscopical-
Quiding-Järbrink et al. [3] showed that preoperative in- ly, the tonsillar surface is characterized by various narrow
tranasal and intratonsillar vaccination with cholera toxin epithelial channels, called crypts, which penetrate deep
induced a considerable vaccine-specific antibody secret- into the underlying lymphoid tissue. These crypts consid-
ing cell response in adenoids and PTs while parenteral erably increase the tonsillar surface area. While the oro-
immunization failed to evoke any tonsillar response. This pharyngeal surface of adult PTs is covered by approxi-
local B-cell response consisted of IgG- and IgA-type anti- mately 45 cm2 of epithelium, the cryptoepithelial area is
bodies and was followed by a systemic vaccine-specific about 4–5 times larger [5]. Crypts are also designed for
antibody response. Moreover, a second intratonsillar im- entrapping foreign material. The epithelium lining the
munization evoked a larger vaccine-specific antibody- crypts differs from that mainly overlying the nasopharyn-
secreting cell response in the previously primed tonsil. geal and palatine tonsils. Whereas a ciliated respiratory
These observations clearly demonstrate the capacity of and stratified squamous epithelium protects the adenoid
PTs and adenoids to serve as an inductive site for local and PT, respectively, a nonuniform epithelium covers the
and distant antibody responses and to generate an immu- crypts. It is in this crypt- or lympho-epithelium that the
nological memory independent of the systemic immune immune response is initiated.
system. The importance of the NALT is further illustrated In addition to the crypt epithelium, three other histo-
by reduced specific IgA antibody titers detected in naso- logically well-defined microcompartments can be distin-
pharyngeal secretions following tonsillectomy and ade- guished that all participate in the immune response. Par-
noidectomy in children previously immunized with oral allel to the crypt epithelium, numerous rounded aggre-
live polio virus vaccine [4]. gates of mainly B-lymphocytes also called follicular ger-
minal centers can be found each surrounded by a crown-

The Immune Response in Adenoids and Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2000;122:8–19 9
Fig. 2. Photomicrograph of the morphology
of the palatine tonsil. An immunohisto-
chemical stain for cytokeratin highlights the
cryptepithelium (red). Parallel to the crypt-
epithelium are aggregates of B-cell follicles,
each with its mantle zone facing the crypt.
T-cell areas are found between the follicles.

shaped mantle zone of dense, small lymphocytes and in- a deep invaginated basolateral membrane forming a ‘cen-
between interfollicular areas which are predominantly tral hollow’ (fig. 3). These typical features all facilitate
populated by T-lymphocytes (fig. 2). antigen trapping and endocytic antigen uptake and short-
en the distance that transcytotic vesicles have to travel.
Our group found a close association between M-cells and
Immunological Features of the active lymphoid cells, the latter being trapped in the baso-
Microcompartments lateral hollow of the former, suggesting the antigen-han-
dling role of M-cells [14]. From in vitro studies on intesti-
The Lymphoepithelium nal epithelial cell lines it seems that M-cells do not process
The lymphoepithelium consists not only of epithelial the captured antigen during transport but deliver it intact
cells but also of nonepithelial cells like lymphocytes, mac- to underlying cells [10].
rophages and dendritic cells [6]. Approximately 50% of Until now, the origin of the M-cell is not clear. It has
the intraepithelial lymphocytes are immunoglobulin-pro- been suggested that they develop from adjoining colum-
ducing B-cells, whilst T-lymphocytes are relatively sparse nar ciliated or nonciliated cells under the influence of
[7]. Low numbers of a specific T-cell population – the Á‰ antigens or lymphocytes [15]. Recently, Kerneis et al. [16]
T-cells – can be observed in the cryptepithelium [8; van demonstrated the in vitro differentiation of small bowel
Kempen: unpubl. obs.]. This T-cell subset is possibly cryptoepithelial cells into M-cells under the influence of
involved in the tonsillar epithelial immunosurveillance as soluble Peyer’s patches B-cell factors [16].
it demonstrates cytolytic activity against antigenically In order to induce an effective antigen-specific T-cell-
modified epithelial cells [9]. dependent immune response, the captured antigen has to
Interspersed between other epithelial cells resides a be processed into immunogenic peptides and presented in
unique population of epithelial cells: M-(membrane) cells. the context of major histocompatibility (MHC) molecules
The function of M-cells appears to be the uptake and to a T-cell receptor (TCR). Since M-cells supposedly do
transport of antigen [10]. Originally, these specialized not process antigen and only weakly express MHC class
cells were demonstrated in the Peyer’s patches of the II, other cells are likely to be involved in antigen presenta-
small bowel but others and our group have described tion [17]. For this purpose tonsils dispose of a diverse
them as well in PT and adenoids [11–13]. Ultrastructur- population of professional antigen-presenting cells (APC),
ally, M-cells are characterized by apical irregular micro- which include macrophages, B-lymphocytes and dendritic
folds, an abundant amount of cytoplasmic vesicles and cells (DCs) that all express MHC class II molecules.

10 Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2000;122:8–19 van Kempen/Rijkers/Van Cauwenberge

Especially bone-marrow-derived DCs are very well
suited for priming naı̈ve T-lymphocytes. Their unique
morphology with numerous surface projections allows a
large contact area with responding T-lymphocytes [18].
Moreover, these highly mobile cells display a considerably
higher MHC expression than other APCs do [19]. Imma-
ture DCs located at sites of antigen entry display a strong
receptor-dependent and independent endocytic capacity,
allowing for efficient antigen processing and MHC class II
loading [20]. However, despite their high ability for cap-
turing antigen, immature DCs are weakly immunogenic
to T-cells. After perceiving a so-called ‘danger signal’, pro-
vided by bacterial product lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or
inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, TNF-·), an irreversible
DC maturation process is initiated which includes the loss
of endocytic activity and an enhanced T-cell stimulatory
capacity [21–23]. The maturing DCs home to T-cell areas
of secondary lymphoid organs where they ultimately prime
naı̈ve T-cells [20]. The functional alterations during the
DC maturation process are reflected in morphological
changes with the development of dendrites and alterations
in DC phenotype (fig. 4). To enable receptor-mediated
endocytosis, immature DCs display transmembrane mac-
rophage mannose receptors (MMRs), DEC-205 as well as
Fc-receptors [22]. Mature DCs, also called interdigitating
DCs (IDCs), lack these receptors but have a high density
of MHC class II molecules on their surface [20]. In ad-
dition, they express costimulatory molecules, like CD80
and CD86, formerly termed B7.1/B7.2 and accessory
Fig. 3. Adenoidal M-cell. The adenoidal ciliated epithelium is inter-
molecules, like intercellular adhesion molecule-1/CD54
rupted by the irregular microfolds of the M-cell. Two lymphocytes
(ICAM-1), lymphocyte function-associated antigen-3 are entrapped in the basolateral hollow of the M-cell. Reprinted with
(LFA-3), and CD70 that are required for optimal T-cell permission from Claeys et al. [13].
activation. Immunohistochemical studies on human PTs
elegantly demonstrated the two distinct DC subsets with
immature DCs in the lymphoepithelium and mature IDCs
predominantly localized in clusters within the interfollicu- immature DCs were shown to migrate in response to
lar T-cell areas [24, van Kempen: unpubl. obs.]. MIP-3· while mature DCs only responded to MIP-3ß
Interestingly, semiquantitative analysis of DC num- [28]. This altered chemokine response was found to be
bers in tonsils has shown significantly increased numbers related to a different chemokine receptor expression pat-
of HLA-DR+-S100+ DC in the lymphoepithelium in tern [29]. In agreement with these in vitro findings, in situ
hypertrophic PT and adenoids as well as in frequently hybridization studies on human PTs have shown that
infected tonsils compared to controls [25, 26]. These MIP-3· mRNA is predominantly expressed by inflamed
altered DC numbers are possibly related to an increased epithelium, a site known to be infiltrated by immature
DC recruitment. In fact, various inflammatory mediators DCs while the expression of MIP-3ß was restricted to T-
such as macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-3·, cell-rich areas whereto mature DCs home [28].
monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-3, complement-
derived C5a and platelet-activating factor (PAF) were The Interfollicular T-Cell Area
found to exert a strong chemotactic activity on DCs in The interfollicular area is predominantly populated by
vitro [27]. Recently, it was demonstrated that DC chemo- T-lymphocytes and also contains many high endothelial
kine responsiveness depends on their maturation status as venules (HEV). These specialized postcapillary venules

The Immune Response in Adenoids and Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2000;122:8–19 11
Fig. 4. Characterization of immature and
mature DCs. Adapted from Banchereau and
Steinman [20]. CCR6,7 = CC chemokine
receptor 6,7.

promote lymphocyte extravasation by a specific expres- ious costimulatory molecules with their cognate receptors
sion pattern of adhesion molecules. By demonstrating a lead to a rapid upregulation of CD40 ligand (CD40L) on
preferential expression of ICAM-1 on interfollicular ton- the T-cell surface [35]. CD40L will in turn interact with
sillar HEV, in conjunction with increased expression of CD40 present on the APCs, thereby strengthening the
lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) ex- APC-T-cell contact [36]. Studies on naı̈ve T-cells have
pressing lymphocytes close to these HEV, Perry et al. [30] shown that the magnitude of CD40L expression on indi-
suggested that the former functions as a promotor of lym- vidual T-cells is determined by the extent of TCR ligation,
phocyte extravasation into this area. However, other ad- which in turn appears to be determined by antigenic pep-
hesion molecules were also found to be active in the tide affinity and APC costimulatory molecule expression
recruitement of naı̈ve lymphocytes, in particular CD34 [35]. Although every professional APC constitutively ex-
on tonsillar HEV and its ligand L-selectin, which is highly presses CD40, resting macrophages and B-cells appear to
expressed on virgin lymphocytes [31, 32]. have little naı̈ve T-cell-stimulating activity [34, 37]. On
Once in the tonsil, naı̈ve CD45RA+ T-lymphocytes their surface, they express only a very restricted amount
migrate through the interfollicular area, make contact of costimulatory molecules, insufficient to induce satis-
with and scan the surface of multiple antigen-presenting factory CD40L expression necessary for a primary T-cell
cells (APCs) for their specific antigen. If the encounters response. On the contrary, mature DCs, as mentioned
are unsuccessful, these T-lymphocytes return to the circu- previously, express many accessory molecules and there-
lation via the efferent lymph. A successful recognition fore seem to be responsible for primary T-cell activation
event between a T-lymphocyte and an APC leads to T-cell [38, 39].
retention and subsequent activation. For optimal antigen- The ligation of CD40 by CD40L firstly enhances IDC
specific T-cell activation, at least two signals are required costimulatory activity by upregulating the expression of
[33]. The first signal is antigen-specific and is mediated accessory molecules [36]. This further increases the capac-
via TCR recognition of a peptide antigen bound to MHC ity of IDCs to induce T-cell proliferation. In addition,
molecules expressed on the APC surface. The second, co- CD40 triggering is a potent stimulus for cytokine and che-
stimulatory, signal is mediated by a number of receptor- mokine release such as IL-8, MIP-1· and TNF-· by acti-
coreceptor pairs like CD80, CD86, both interacting with vated DCs. Mature DCs have been shown to produce
the transiently expressed CD28 molecule on T-cells and extremely high levels of IL-12 following CD40 engage-
e.g. ICAM-1-binding LFA-1 [34]. The interaction of ment [40]. This cytokine directs the subsequent T-cell
MHC molecules with the TCR and the ligation of the var- response towards a Th1-type response [41]. Recently, Ris-

12 Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2000;122:8–19 van Kempen/Rijkers/Van Cauwenberge

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of T- and
B-cell priming and activation in the interfol-
licular area.

soan et al. [42] introduced the concept of two lineage and ing both surface IgM and IgD, continuously migrate into
functionally distinct DC subsets, namely DC1 and DC2. the peripheral lymphoid tissues where they percolate
Upon CD40L activation, the DC1 subset, consisting of through to the T-cell-rich extrafollicular areas. In thymus-
myeloid DC, were found to produce high levels of IL-12 dependent humoral immune responses these B-lympho-
and to induce Th1-cell differentiation. On the other hand cytes may transiently arrest here in order to survey any
lymphoid DCs representing the DC2 subset failed to pro- trapped antigen [45]. The naı̈ve B-lymphocyte bearing a
duce detectable amounts of IL-12 following CD40 liga- B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) specific for the trapped
tion and initiated a Th2-type response. Interestingly, even antigen will be retained and subsequently capture and
in the absence of IL-4 these DC2s were able to induce Th2 process the antigen. Recent data suggest that upon B-cell
differentiation [43]. These findings suggest that, in addi- antigen receptor triggering two closely related T-cell
tion to providing naı̈ve helper T-cells with antigen and chemoattractants, namely MIP-1· and MIP-1ß, are pro-
costimulatory signals, DCs also play an important role in duced by tonsillar B-lymphocytes [46]. Activated CD4+
the polarization process. As a result of this interaction, T-cells were found to actively migrate along this chemo-
T-cells become activated, proliferate and differentiate tactic gradient, thus enabling cell-to-cell contact. The anti-
into a distinct T-cell subset. gen-specific B-cell subsequently interacts with the pre-
A portion of the primed T-cells will leave the tonsils viously primed T-cell and receives accessory signals from
either to become effector or memory cells. Indeed, even it (fig. 5). Apart from T-cell-derived cytokines, such as IL-
without B cell triggering, short-lived T-cell memory re- 2, IL-4 and IL-5, these signals critically involve the liga-
sponses to antigens can be generated [44]. Nevertheless, ex- tion of CD40 on B-cells to its counterreceptor CD40L,
tensive T-cell proliferation and memory T-cell production expressed by the activated T-cell, and CD86/CD80-CD28
is only triggered following cognate interaction of primed interactions [47]. This second B-cell activation signal
T-cells with B-cells. Therefore, some primed T- lympho- seems to be crucial for promoting B-cell proliferation, dif-
cytes remain in the lymphoid tissue and particularly cluster ferentiation as well as the immediate induction of im-
around the outer part of the extrafollicular zone. munoglobulin class switching. Indeed, experiments in
At the outer parts of the extrafollicular zone naı̈ve B- mice have shown that blocking the CD40 costimulatory
lymphocytes are found as well [24]. Following their devel- pathway by anti-CD40L completely inhibits germinal
opment in the bone marrow, naı̈ve B-lymphocytes, carry- center (GC) reactions and memory B-cell formation-

The Immune Response in Adenoids and Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2000;122:8–19 13
Fig. 6. Phenotypic characteristics of the sev-
en human tonsillar B-cell subsets. FM = Fol-
licular mantle; DZGC = germinal center
dark zone; CB = centroblast; CC = centro-

[48]. The importance of CD40 cross-linking for human immune complexes. Also the remaining primed T-cell
B-lymphocyte activation is further illustrated in the hy- briefly proliferates in situ [44]. However, particularly dur-
per-IgM syndrome where a mutation in the CD40L gene ing the primary antigen response, most of the activated
results in a severe IgG and IgA deficiency [49]. T-cells first move into lymphoid follicles and proliferate
In addition to direct intercellular T/B-cell contact and extensively there. Indeed, 1 week after antigen triggering,
T-cell factors, recent in vitro studies have suggested that antigen-specific T-cells are predominantly observed in the
DCs also directly modulate B-cell growth and differentia- tonsillar follicles [53]. Finally, it is assumed that once
tion [50]. In the presence of IL-2, DCs generated in vitro antigen presentation has been achieved, the DCs will be
were found to stimulate CD40-activated naı̈ve B-cells to killed by T-cells or will die by apoptosis [54].
differentiate into plasma cells producing large amounts of
IgM, an effect mediated by IL-12. Moreover, DCs can Follicular Germinal Center
also regulate immunoglobulin class switching, as they During T-cell-dependent antigen responses, GCs de-
induced an IgA switch predominantly towards the IgA2 velop in primary lymphoid follicles resulting in the forma-
isotype in vitro [51]. Thus, in addition to T-cell activation tion of secondary lymhoid follicles. These GCs provide a
and polarization, DCs directly modulate B-cell growth specialized microenvironment where B-cells undergo ex-
and differentiation. Therefore interfollicular-antigen-spe- tensive proliferation, somatic mutation, BCR affinity
cific naı̈ve B-cell activation is preferably represented as a maturation and immunoglobulin isotype switching re-
‘ménage à trois’ rather than a dialogue between T- and sulting in the formation of memory B-cells and plas-
B-lymphocytes. ma cells. The various stages of B-cell maturation during
Following cognate interaction in the outer T-cell zone, the GC reaction in human tonsils have phenotypically
the activated B-cell proliferates in situ and migrates along been divided into seven distinct B-cell subsets by Liu et
a chemotactic gradient either to the lymphoid follicle, to al. [55] (fig. 6). The primary follicular B-cell population,
become a germinal center founder cell, or remains extra- IgM+IgD+CD38–, has a naı̈ve phenotype, expresses the
follicular [44]. In the extrafollicular areas, the B-lympho- apoptosis survival gene bcl-2 and lack apoptosis-inducing
cyte undergoes further clonal expansion and differentiates genes such as Fas (CD95). On the contrary, tonsillar GC
into short-lived (2–3 days) low-affinity antibody secreting B-cells are distinguished by their lack of surface IgD and
plasma cells which migrate to distant sites [52]. The sub- the expression of the GC marker CD38. B-cell blasts that
sequently produced, essentially IgM antibodies can bind colonize the lymphoid follicle following a productive T-/
circulating antigen resulting in the formation of soluble B-cell interaction in the extrafollicular region represent

14 Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2000;122:8–19 van Kempen/Rijkers/Van Cauwenberge

a transitional subset. These GC founder cells display the
IgM+IgD+CD38+ phenotype and, in contrast to naı̈ve B-
lymphocytes, express the pro-apoptotic Fas molecule. Ap-
parently the T-/B-cell contact has sensitized these cells for
Once intrafollicular, the activated B-cell blast starts to pro-
liferate rapidly for about 3 days giving rise to centroblasts
positive for the nuclear proliferation maker Ki-67 [56] (fig.
7). This intense CD40/CD40L-induced proliferation of
GC-B cell blasts seems to be promoted by a specific DC
subpopulation, called germinal center DC (GCDC) [57]. As
a consequence, this space-filling process will displace the
resting follicular B-lymphocytes to form a surrounding fol-
licular mantle. Approximately 4 days after antigenic stimu-
lation, the GC is fully developed and consists of a dark and a
light zone containing about 1.4 ! 104 cells [45].
In the dark zone, IgM–IgD–CD38+CD77+ centro-
blasts undergo intense somatic hypermutation in their
immunoglobulin variable region genes, giving rise to a
clone of nonproliferating IgM–IgD–CD38+CD77– cen-
trocytes [55]. These centrocytes display diversity in BCR
affinity and specificity, possibly including even some self-
reactive clones.
In order to prevent low-affinity and autoreactive mu-
tants from entering the memory B-cell pool, a positive
selection process is initiated in the basal light zone of the
GC. In this area, closely associated with GC B-cells, follic-
ular dendritic cells (FDCs) reside [58]. These FDCs char-
acteristically demonstrate numerous cell surface exten- Fig. 7. The tonsillar GC reaction. 1: Activation Ag-specific B-cells in
sions with complement and Fc-receptors [59]. At this time extrafollicular area; 2: CBs mutate their IgV genes and proliferate;
3: selection of highest-affinity CCs by competition for antigen bind-
point during the immune response, some of the previous-
ing on FDC; 4: selected CCs present FDC-derived antigenic peptides
ly formed immune complexes consisting of low affinity to GC T-cell; 5: rescued CCs differentiate into memory cells or plas-
antibodies, circulating antigen and complement compo- ma blasts expressing mutated Ig with increased affinity for the immu-
nents become deposited on FDCs [60]. Because of the nizing Ag; 6: nonselected CCs die by apoptosis and are devoured by
inability of FDC to process antigen, these complexes can stainable body macrophages. DZ = Dark zone; CB = centroblast;
LZ = light zone; CC = centrocyte; MZ = mantle zone; PC = plasma
be retained for a long period of time [61]. The diverse
cell; MC = memory cell.
populations of centrocytes will now compete for antigen
binding on the FDC [62, 63]. However, only those with
the highest affinity BCR will succeed and be selected.
Low-affinity mutants will fail to bind the antigen present- The rescued, high-affinity centrocytes will retain some
ed and will therefore die by apoptosis. Indeed, a high of the antigen from the immune complex, process it and
apoptosis index has been observed in this region [64]. The continue their affinity maturation in the apical part of the
mechanism by which FDCs rescue the selected centro- GC light zone where they are submitted to another selec-
cytes from apoptosis remains unknown, but possibly tion process. This involves the presentation of FDC-
involves complement component and adhesion molecule derived antigenic peptides in the context of MHC class II
expression. In fact, B-cell ligation onto FDCs was recently molecules by centrocytes to GC T-helper cells [62, 66].
demonstrated to be mediated by the adhesion molecules: These GC T-helper cells were found to be specific for the
ICAM-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (CD106; initial antigen [67]. If the GC T-helper cell recognizes the
VCAM-1) that can bind B cells through LFA-1 and very peptide presented, a second B-/T-cell interaction will
late antigen-4 (VLA-4), respectively [65]. arise, resulting in a rapid upregulation of CD40L expres-

The Immune Response in Adenoids and Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2000;122:8–19 15
sion on these T-cells [44]. Indeed, immunohistochemical present antigen [76]. The plasma cell precursors also rap-
staining of human tonsillar sections demonstrated a high idly leave the GC to terminate their differentiation at
CD40L expression on germinal T-cells [68]. Since CD40/ local extrafollicular or distant effector sites.
CD40L ligation downregulates Fas expression, these high- About 3–4 weeks after initial antigen exposure the GC
affinity GC B-cell blasts are rescued from their previously decreases in size. It then consists of a few antigen-specific
programmed cell death [69]. However, irrelevant centro- B-blasts approximate to FDCs [56]. Presumably, this
cytes will not encounter their cognate T-helper-cell and close spatial relation represents the site of long-term
consequently will die in situ by apoptosis. Furthermore memory B-cell renewal stimulated by the antigen-anti-
this cognate T-/B-cell interaction induces the release of body complexes on FDCs. Furthermore, most of the anti-
T-cell-derived cytokines, e.g. IL-4 and IL-10, which to- gen-specific T-cells previously located at the apical light
gether with CD40L signaling, represent key elements for and outer zone of the GC area leave the GC towards the
the proliferation and isotype switch of high-affinity cen- extrafollicular T-cell zone [44].
trocytes [70]. Indeed, antibody isotype switching was
found to occur in proximity of T-cells in the apical light
zone of the GC [71]. During this process, many B-cells Associated Exocrine Sites
change antibody class from IgM to IgG and other isotypes
by switching of the immunoglobulin heavy chain constant Due to the expression of specific adhesion molecules,
genes to downstream isotypes without altering their anti- most of the tonsillar primed plasma blasts will selectively
gen-binding specificity. migrate to secretory sites as the nasal mucosa, salivary
The thus generated high-affinity isotype switched cen- and lacrimal glands. At these effector sites, they will com-
trocytes differentiate into either memory B-cells or plas- plete their differentiation into immunoglobulin-produc-
ma blasts of various isotypes. This differentiation process ing plasma cells. Most of this immunoglobulin is in the
also appears to be dependent, besides cytokines, on form of IgA polymers [73].
CD40/CD40L interaction since prolonged CD40 signal- By the incorporation of the J-chain, pIgA as well as
ing induces IgD–CD38– memory B-cells while plasma pentameric IgM are able to bind to a unique epithelial
blasts are generated when CD40 signaling is removed receptor protein complex, called transmembrane secreto-
[72]. ry component, which ensures the selective external trans-
In a variable number of plasma blasts, a joining (J)- port of these secretory immunoglobulins [77]. In coopera-
chain gene is induced. This gene encodes a small cytoplas- tion with innate defense mechanisms, these pIg perform
mic peptide, the J-chain, which plays a crucial role in the immune exclusion at these sites.
formation of polymeric immunoglobulins (pIg) [73]. Al-
though this peptide can be coexpressed by all plasma
blasts regardless of their isotype, it only becomes incorpo- Secondary Immune Responses
rated with cytoplasmic IgA and IgM to form polymers:
pentameric IgM and dimeric IgA. Normally, the tonsillar In addition to generating antigen-specific primary T-
GC reaction induces a substantial number of immuno- cell responses, tonsils are also capable of mounting sec-
cytes (plasma blasts and plasma cells) with cytoplasmic ondary immune responses [78]. Histologically, this reac-
IgG (55–72%) and IgA (13–18%) and to a lesser extent tion is characterized by a massive extrafollicular plasma
IgD and IgM [73]. Approximately 36% of the IgG, 29% of cell reaction and only a small GC reaction [45].
the IgA and 55% of the IgM isotypes coexpress the J-chain Whereas priming of naı̈ve T-cells is restricted to DCs,
[74]. In children the switching process was found to it seems that other APCs, like memory or even resting B-
induce relatively more IgA isotypes associated with an lymphocytes are able to activate memory T-cells [35].
even higher percentage of J-chain expression. However, in This difference in T-cell responsiveness to antigenic stim-
youngsters with recurrent tonsillitis, the capacity for J- ulation is presumably due to the higher levels of certain
chain coexpression was shown to be significantly im- accessory molecules, e.g. LFA-1 and CD28, expressed
paired [75]. by memory T-cells which allows a more avid interaction
Finally, most of the hypermutated, high-affinity mem- with even weakly TCR-stimulating APCs [79]. In ad-
ory B-cells emigrate, most likely directed by chemokines, dition, compared to naı̈ve CD45RA+ T-cells, memory
from the GC to extrafollicular compartments such as the CD45RO+ T-cells were found to require a lower level of
tonsillar crypt epithelium where they may continue to intracellular signaling necessary to initiate T-cell prolifer-

16 Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2000;122:8–19 van Kempen/Rijkers/Van Cauwenberge

ation [80]. Furthermore unlike naı̈ve B-cells, memory Conclusion
IgD–CD38– B cells can, following antigen uptake via
their sIg, rapidly upregulate the necessary costimulatory The adenoids and PT are organized lymphoepithelial
molecules for T-cell activation [55]. All these factors, structures that play an important role in protecting the
combined with the close spatial relation between memory upper respiratory tract region against incoming antigens.
B-cells and memory T-lymphocytes in the M-cell pockets Via their specialized cryptepithelium, foreign material
and other regions of the crypt epithelium, may explain the is sampled after which antigen-specific memory and effec-
rapid secondary immune response that can be observed tor B-cells, mainly producing pIgA with a J-chain, are gen-
[81]. erated and disseminated to nearby mucosal sites.
Interestingly, in vitro studies have demonstrated that This function requires successful cognate interactions
CD40-activated memory B-cells give rise to more plasma between APC and lymphocytes and mutually between
cells and immunoglobulins compared to naı̈ve B-cells lymphocytes, which depend on the expression of comple-
whilst the latter generate larger numbers of nondifferen- mentary adhesion and costimulatory molecules. In partic-
tiated activated B-cells [82]. Apparently, memory B-cells ular, CD40/CD40L ligation is of essential importance as
have a decreased potential to generate new memory cells, it induces GC formation, somatic mutation, positive
but preferentially undergo terminal differentiation into selection of high affinity mutants and isotype switching.
plasma cells. These observations may explain how the Even though our knowledge on the importance of ade-
immune system controls the size of the memory cell popu- noids and tonsils has enormously increased over the past
lation and prevents its overexpansion. Furthermore, they decade, further studies are needed to completely unravel
explain the extensive extrafollicular plasma cell reaction this complex immunological process and to better under-
and intense immune response observed in vivo following stand pathological conditions.
secondary immunizations.


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