Present Simple

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Present simple

It is a verbal tense of the present that is used to talk about general facts or truths that
constitute habits, schedules or programs, customs and routines of daily life.
 To express habits and routines, general facts, repeated actions or permanent
situations, emotions and desires:I smoke (habit); I work in London (permanence);
London is a large city (general fact)
 To give instructions or directions:You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
 To talk about scheduled, present or future events:Your exam starts at 09.00.
 To refer to the future, behind some conjunctions: after, when, before, as soon as,
until: He'll give it to you when you come next Saturday.

 Hábitos y rutinas
He drinks tea at breakfast.
She only eats fish.
They watch television regularly.
 Eventos y acciones repetidos
We catch the bus every morning.
It rains every afternoon in the hot season.
They drive to Monaco every summer.
 Hechos generales
Water freezes at zero degrees.
The Earth revolves around the Sun.
Her mother is Peruvian.

Past simple
It is used to talk about an action that concluded in a time before the current one.
The time in which the action is placed can be the recent past or a distant past.
To form the past simple with regular verbs, we use the infinitive and add the
ending "-ed". The form is the same for all people (I, you, he, she, it, we, they).
 want → wanted
 learn → learned
 stay → stayed
 walk → walked
 show → showed
1. The simple past is used to talk about a concrete action that began and ended in
the past. In this case it is equivalent to the Spanish indefinite past. Generally, we
use it with adverbs of time like "last year", "yesterday", "last night"
 Tom stayed at home last night.(Tom se quedó en casa anoche.)
2. The simple past is used for a series of actions in the past.
 I received the good news and immediately called my husband.(Recibí la
buena noticia y llamé de inmediato a mi marido.)
3. We also use it for repeated or habitual actions in the past, as the past Spanish
imperfect is used.
 We always traveled to Cancun for vacation when we were young.(Siempre
viajábamos a Cancun durante las vacaciones cuando éramos jóvenes.)

Present Progresive
The present progressive or continuous is a tense of the present which is used in
two cases:
 To describe facts or actions that the subject is performing at the time of
 To talk about an action or plans that we will carry out in the near future.
It is formed with the verb BE and a present participle: BE + (verb + ing)
1. If the verb has a single syllable with a Consonant + Vocal + Consonant ending
like the verbs: run, shop or sit, we simply fold the last consonant and add ING.

Run: running
Shop (buy): shopping
There are some exceptions to this rule. If the verb is of a single syllable and ends
in Consonant + Vocal + Consonant, but the last consonant is W, X, Y or Z we do not
bend the consonant. Examples:
Cry (Cry): crying
Fix: Fix
2. When the verb has two or more syllables and the last syllable ends in Consonant
+ Vocal + Consonant we must pay attention to the center of the word. If the accent
of the word falls on the first syllable, we do not bend the consonant. Example:
Happen (Occur) → happening
If the accent falls on the last syllable, we double the final consonant. Example:
Begin →beginning
3. When the verb ends in the vowel "e", we simply remove the "e" and add ING.
Dance → Dancing
4. When the verb ends in "y", we simply add ING. Examples:
 Play → playing
 Study → studying
5. To all other verbs (we suggest you learn more verbs in English) you just have to
add ING (Reading, listening, etc.)
It is used in English for actions that are in progress or in progress at a particular
time in the past. It is formed with the auxiliary verb be in the past and the gerund
of the main verb.
 puts emphasis on the course of an action in the past
Example: He was playing football.

 two actions happening at the same time (in the past)

Example: While she was preparing dinner, he was washing the dishes.

 action going on at a certain time in the past

Example: When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang.

Future will
It is the future in English that allows to express spontaneous decisions about
future actions, predictions or future events that cannot be altered. It is formed
with the auxiliary verb will and the infinitive of the main verb.

 a spontaneous decision;
Come on, I will help you sort the files.

 an opinion, a desire, an uncertainty or an assumption about the future;

You won’t finish it in just one day.
It will rain tomorrow anyway.

 promises or intentions;
I will do it tomorrow.

 conditional subordinate sentences type I, which describe hypothetical

situations that may occur.
If I need help, I will tell you.


Future going go
It is the future in English that expresses a logical conclusion, a plan, or a previously
programmed situation. This tense is constructed with the present of the auxiliary
verb be + going to + the infinitive of the main verb
 a future action scheduled or planned in advance;
Mrs Lucky is going to meet a friend in town.
 A logical conclusion about the future.
The sky is blue - it is not going to rain. So Mrs Lucky is going to leave her umbrella
at home.

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