Battletech Technical Readout 3062 Fan Made PDF

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Black Lanner F 48
Fire Hawk 6 Black Lanner G 50
Panther 8 Black Lanner S 52
Panther (12K-I) 10 Crimson Hellkite 54
Raven 12 Mad Dog F 56
Fulcrum 14 Mad Dog M 58
Centurion 16 Falcata 60
Champion 18 Hellbringer Mk II 62
Yeoman 20 Dimacheri 64
Caesar 22 Nova Cat F 66
Warhammer 24 Summoner F 68
Awesome 26 Summoner O 70
Zeus 28 Thylacine 72
Battlemaster 30 Timber Wolf F 74
Longbow 32 Timber Wolf S 76
Yu Huang 34 Warhawk F 78
Banshee 36 Warhawk M 80
Gunner 38 Blood Asp F 82
Atlas 40 Blood Asp X 84
Berzerker 42 Ferratus 86
Dire Wolf F 88
Dire Wolf W 90



This Technical Readout is the result of two years’ intensive labor on the part of Our Order in general and the men and women of the Archives and Records arm in particular. It is
intended to educate new Adepts of Our Order and simultaneously present a concise brief to more experienced members of the current state of battlefield technology, including
(but not restricted to) the BattleMech. As such, it is classified Secret and not for dissemination outside of Comstar.
The current political climate can be summed up in three words: ‘business as usual’. The Federated Commonwealth split, after 30+ years of cooperation, has begun to polarize
members of the former Federated Suns and the Lyran Alliance. Rumors of an impending Civil War between factions loyal to Archon Katrina Steiner-Davion or Our Precentor Mar-
tial, Victor Steiner-Davion are rife, and with good reason. The fighting between the Capellans and the Saint Ives Compact rages on, although the outcome is not much in doubt.
And so we have war
With wars come machines designed to conquer; BattleMechs, tanks, VTOLs, hovercraft and various and sundry support equipment. But one of these will be enough for this,
the initial release of the Technical Readout for 3062. This first volume will focus on the current state of Inner Sphere and Clan BattleMechs. Here we will take a brief look at the
standouts, starting with 20 ‘Mechs from all over the Inner Sphere and another fifteen from Clan Space.
Some are updates of older machines, while a select few are brand-new concepts. The reports on all of them have been thoroughly researched and vetted from multiple sources.
Note that only the more significant upgrades have been included; minor tweaks to an existing frame or a ‘one-off’ destined for the Solaris stables does not qualify a ‘Mech for
inclusion. They do not, in our opinion, ‘make the cut’.
A word of caution before proceeding – some of the designs contained herein feature weapons systems which are still very much in the development stage. Principal among these
are the Heavy Particle Projection Cannon and the Snub-nose PPC. The Houses are always hard at work inventing and perfecting such improved gunnery and it is only natural
each should field-test its designs at the earliest opportunity. That said, Our Order does not expect either of the aforementioned weapons (or any similar prototype) to appear in
full production numbers for at least another five years. Our best estimates project that such variants will debut with House Kurita first. But it is only a guess.
Thanks be to Precentor Martial Victor Steiner-Davion, whose inspired leadership was responsible for the utter destruction of a Clan. It may be said that he is a ‘hero without wor-
ship' in his home realm; yet We who know all, know best what this man has done for Mankind. His name is enshrined forever; he is Legend. It humbles us that he has not only
given his gracious permission for the issue of this edition of the Technical Readout, but personally attended to its final edit, donating precious personal time and energy despite
the heavy load he bears.
Finally, I wish to express a personal debt of gratitude towards Precentor Thule Martin, who came out of retirement to offer his inexhaustible professional knowledge of the Clan’s
weapons systems, battlefield tactics, logistics capability and way of thinking. He has proven a priceless resource time and again. This edition of the Technical Readout would
not have been possible without him.

Hassan al-Tariq
Adept XIV sigma
Comstar Archives, Terra
20 November 3062



The recent annihilation of Clan Smoke Jaguar by the combined forces of the Inner
Sphere gave some in Our Order cause to celebrate. After all, if the Houses could
forget their endless fighting to accomplish such a difficult task, perhaps other goals
were not as unattainable as we once thought. But even with the re-born Star
League triumphant, it was readily apparent that the remaining Clans were not going
to pack up and move back to Strana Mechty. Furthermore, events even now are
coming to a head in the former Federated Commonwealth which herald more con-
flict in the near future. How much, we cannot say.
Some predict minor skirmishes concluded by the assassination of either side’s
leader. As one of these leaders is none other than Our Order’s own Precentor Mar-
tial, Victor Steiner-Davion, most conclude this is unlikely. Another outcome which
has more support and is (sadly) more probable is a Civil war, one in which it is said
the fighting will eclipse even the great battle between Kerensky and Amaris, though
that is hard to imagine. This, along with the natural tendency of the Houses to ex-
ploit one another’s weaknesses, spells major trouble, perhaps as soon as 3063.
And Our Order is not the only body to come to this conclusion.
All the Houses are fortifying their borders, pouring billions of credits into research
and development on the predication of impending war; indeed, even the Clans are
gearing up their sibkos, training camps and production facilities for they know not
what. As a result, 3062 is proving to be a watershed of sorts.
The Inner Sphere in particular is busy creating upgrade packages for existing
‘Mech frames; they consider it a quicker and ultimately more cost-effective method
of increasing their available forces than the time-honored investment in new pro-
duction facilities, replacement battleframes and the years of lead time these re-
quire. Of new designs, there are a few, a very few, but they use existing factory
capacity and do not embody any great technological leaps. Instead, they more ad-
equately fill gaps in battlefield doctrine left by ineffective ‘stopgap’ forebears.
The strategic and tactical doctrine of each House has been honed to a fine edge
over the past two decades – there is not much left to discuss concerning the Clan
threat, which has been blunted by assimilation, or the perennial spats between the
haves and the have-nots of each House. Of the appearance of new ‘Mechs, much
more may be said, and to greater profit. Many of these new Inner Sphere designs
are actually depot-level refits intended to perform new tasks, execute existing du-
ties more efficiently or serve as test beds for new types of weaponry and tactical
thinking. Some (as was noted above) are entirely new designs meant to fill roles
which did not exist two years ago.
While there may be much classroom debate as to whether or not these machines
will actually fulfill their promise, it remains a fact that Our Order is still viewed with
suspicion by nearly every House – and the maxim ‘know thine enemy’ still applies
to even the lowliest Adept. Especially now.





Type/Model: Fire Hawk PTC-3K ‘Mech was created specifically through a special program to Battle History:
serve in a multi-mission role. As such, it is outfitted with a suite
Tech: Inner Sphere /3060
of detection gear once described as “a recon pilot’s dream”, the The Fire Hawk has not been observed in any recent engage-
Config: Biped BattleMech sensors encased in a ‘pop-up’ array which folds snugly against ments, but is expected to completely replace the Hitman in recon
Mass: 35 tons the Fire Hawk’s back while the unit is moving at high speed. lances within the next six months. The older ‘Mech suffered from
First is a Beagle Active Probe, used to sniff out hidden enemy a lack of C3 compatibility, too little armor and strange as it may
Chassis: TermoElectron II Endo Steel sound, too many weapons. Pilots who were supposed to rely on
units. Next is a TAG emitter which is used to ‘light up’ enemy tar-
Power Plant: 245 Magna Fusion gets for friendly artillery and special LRM rounds. Protecting the Fire speed to perform recon assignments were instead tempted into
Hawk pilot and her lance mates from Advanced Tactical Missiles fruitless battles with other ‘Mechs, resulting more often than not in
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h the loss of the Hitman and its valuable sensor arrays. While the Fire
and Artemis-guided rounds is a Guardian Electronic Counter Meas-
Maximum Speed: 118.8 [151.2] km/h ure package. The Fire Hawk also has twin Extended Range Medium
Hawk has more than enough firepower to fend off infantry and
other light ‘Mechs, even the bravest of House Kurita’s Mechwar-
Jump Jets: None Lasers for harassing lighter vehicles and infantry, as well as for self-
riors admits this machine is no brawler.
Jump Capacity: 0 meters defense. But this is not all. If it were, the Fire Hawk would be just a
Armor Type: Aldis Heavy Ferro Fibrous
good recon ‘Mech, a modern version of the venerable Hitman and
the equal of designs found all over the Inner Sphere.
Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Armament: It is much more. Cassandra ‘Mulan’ Furukawa :
2 ER Medium Lasers The Fire Hawk features a normal top speed of nearly 120 Lieutenant Furukawa is an anomaly among House Kurita’s
1 Beagle Active Probe kph, placing it firmly in the company of such veterans as the Mon- Mechwarriors; not only is she a female in a male-dominated ca-
goose and Hitman. Not quite as fast as the FedCom Scarabus, reer path, she was nearly fifty years old before she took to the
1 Guardian ECM Suite but carrying a more useful payload, the – 3K can easily outrun all controls of a Hitman in 3059. When her only son was drafted into
1 TAG but the fastest vehicles – that is, until the pilot engages her My- the DCMS, Furukawa decided instead to take his place, as he
omer Accelerated Speed Circuitry, or MASC. That is when the true was recently married and the young newlyweds were expecting
1 C3-Slave Unit their first child. A combination of ability (her son could not use
value of this ‘Mech stands out. All the targeting gear in the world
Manufacturer: LexaTech Industries will do no good if it cannot get into effective range. The Fire Hawk the neurohelmet), critically low Mechwarrior turnout that year and
has what most of its fellow recon ‘Mechs do not – overwhelming a Recruiting District Commander who owed the family a debt of
Communications System: TO/P 3000 OSJ honor dating back nearly twenty years resulted in her admission
speed, nearly double that of the Raven, while carrying essentially
Targeting & Tracking System: O/P PulseTrack III the same loadout. It closes easily with enemy positions, sweeping to a Mechwarrior Academy.
past foes before they can bring their weapons to bear. And this Graduating with honors, Furukawa’s quicksilver humor and
maturity endeared her to the other Mechwarriors in her regiment,
Overview: speed is important, for the Fire Hawk includes one more thing - a
C3 Network Slave Unit. Plugged into a multi-Mech fire control net- who nicknamed her ‘Mulan’ after an ancient Chinese woman who
Lexa Tech Industries, the manufacturer of the Cerberus work, this sophisticated targeting system enables other, more secretly stood in for her father when he was drafted into the Em-
MVR-V2, recently began producing a new Light BattleMech de- heavily-armed ‘Mechs to take full advantage of the Fire Hawk’s peror’s Army. Lt. Furukawa is an average pilot at best in combat
sign for House Kurita in 3061. It is a type which combines all the mobility and superior position by reducing their own weapon’s ef- simulations, but has no equal when piloting small, fast, lightly
aspects desired of such machines – speed, hidden unit detec- fective range. armed recon ‘Mechs. Her patience, cunning and determination
tion, artillery designation, electronic countermeasure, a link to a are equal to that of her legendary namesake, making this Mech-
target acquisition network - and more speed. Featuring the latest Seemingly everywhere on the battlefield at once, this ‘Mech warrior an ideal match for the Fire Hawk. She claims she ‘just
advances in chassis construction with lightweight armor, the Fire promises to revolutionize Draconis Combine recon tactics. Our wants to see her grandchildren grow up’. Given her ability in this
Hawk PCT-3K is the new Raven, but has features which put that Order will be watching the Fire Hawk’s deployment closely in the new ‘Mech, there is no doubt she will.
well-known Capellan design to shame. next year. As a more heavily-armored replacement for the aging
Hitman, it is the first in a series of roll-outs from the DCMS Joint
Capabilities: BattleMech Consolidation Program. The JBCP is an initiative or-
dered by the Coordinator himself to increase ‘Mech production
Built on an Endo Steel chassis, the Fire Hawk carries six efficiency by reducing the number of unique ‘Mechs needed to
tons of Ferro Fibrous armor, 90% of the amount allowed. This fulfill a set of closely-related battlefield missions.



Type/Model: Fire Hawk PTC-3K Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage
Mass: 35 tons 2 ER Medium Lasers RA 2 2
Equipment Mass 1 Beagle Active Probe RT 2 1.5
Internal Structure: 3.5 1 Guardian ECM CT 2 1.5
Engine: 245 Fusion 12 1 TAG H 1 1
Walking MP: 7 1 C-3 Slave Unit LT 1 1
Running MP: 11 [14]
Jumping MP 0
Heat Sinks: 10 [20] 0
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 108 6

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 11 6
Center Torso (Rear): 5
L/R Side Torso: 8 10/10
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 4/4
L/R Arm: 6 10/10
L/R Leg: 8 15/15





Type/Model: Panther PNT-12K backup laser as well, to make room for a new weapon tailor-made career through traditionally male-dominated ranks. Born in 3027
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 for close-in work – the Snub-Nose Particle Projection Cannon. to a middle-ranking Army officer, she enrolled in the Dieron Dis-
The Snub-nose PPC is lighter than a standard PPC, has no trict Gymnasium in 3044 and graduated three years later near the
Config: Biped BattleMech top of her class.
minimum range and generates the same amount of heat during
Mass: 35 tons operation. However, there is a trade-off – the Snub-nose design Her first assignment was to a Light Recon lance, where she
Chassis: Alshain 560-Carrier Endo Steel cannon maintain tight particle beam focus at anything other than was relegated to piloting a broken-down Panther PNT-9R. Hard
Power Plant: 140 Hermes Fusion close range. Damage from this weapon drops off significantly at fighting and quick thinking earned her a good reputation, as well
longer ranges. This is apparently not a problem with the PNT-12K; as priority on repairs. Soon, Momohara’s lance enjoyed a suc-
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h cess rate that was the envy of her Regiment. Blessed (or cursed,
moreover, it carries a C3 slave unit, ideal for reducing the effec-
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h tive range of more heavily-gunned lancemates. depending on your viewpoint) with good looks, Chu-i (Lieutenant)
Jump Jets: 4 Lexington Ltd. Lifters Standard Jump Jets Momohara successfully resisted the temptation to use her sex
Short-ranged weapons designed to be either reload-free or
appeal as a tool for career advancement, opting instead to ‘do it
Jump Capacity: 120 meters extremely frugal with ammunition… a tough chassis and heavy
the hard way’.
armor for a Light ‘Mech… a Command/Control/Communications
Armor Type: Maximillian 42 Ferro-Fibrous A transfer from her Panther to one of the first Maulers ever
link… adequate mobility and a 120-meter jump… all of this points
Armament: to a ‘Mech which is ideally suited for fighting in cities and in deployed only enhanced her career. Although it massed nearly
1 Snub Nosed PPC mountainous terrain. The Panther PNT-12K is an infighter meant three times her original ‘ride’, Chu-i Momohara piloted the new
to clean out cityscapes in short order and guide munitions from Assault ‘Mech to victory during a border skirmish with the Lyran
1 Streak SRM-4 Alliance in early 3049. Although Combine ‘Mechs suffered several
larger guns onto targets it cannot handle alone.
Manufacturer: Kingsley, and Thorpe Enterprises demoralizing losses in the city due to guerilla tactics employed by
Such a purpose-built machine is not unheard of in the local militia, Momohara nevertheless was instrumental in taking
Communications System: Sipher CommCon SCU-4 DCMS, but until now Our Order has generally assumed most Ku- nearly complete control of the planet’s major population centers
Targeting & Tracking System: Cat's Eyes 5 ritan MechWarriors lack the qualities which this design requires – before being abruptly recalled. Departing with the rest of the
that is, personal initiative combined with a willingness to work Combine forces, she soon found herself tasked with an even
Overview: closely with others. Perhaps the Coordinator’s recent shakeup of greater challenge – that of repelling the Clan Invasion.
the military is finally beginning to bear fruit.
The Panther has been a staple of the Draconis Combine Twelve years later, Sho-sa (Major) Momohara is back in the
Mustered Soldiery since the Succession Wars, and shows no sign Battle History: cockpit of her beloved Panther, a PNT-12K version just recently
introduced to her Regiment. She has since married and is even
of being replaced any time soon. Indeed, the year 3062 alone will
House Kurita has so far engaged only in the usual military now contemplating retirement from the DCMS when her twenty
see two new additions to this venerable line of Medium Battle-
years are up. Disciplined and yet extremely resourceful in the
Mechs – the Panther PNT-12A and PNT-12K. The PNT-12A will exercises along the Combine-Lyran border. While there are ru-
cockpit, Hiromi Momohara is currently training junior MechWar-
be House Kurita’s foray into the use of targeting computers, and mors of militant factions within the Draconis Combine who would
riors in effective city fighting. Her experience with the Mauler gave
we expect its increased accuracy will have a definite impact on gladly welcome conflict with Clan Ghost Bear, attacking them is
her insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the larger
opposing forces’ scouting tactics. The PNT-12K, on the other out of the question for the moment. Thus, the -12K is just now
‘Mechs, and taught her the value of close teamwork, lessons she
hand, is destined for quite a different mission… reaching active locations such as the Lyon’s Thumb, and will likely
now passes on to a new generation of thirty-first century samurai.
be held in reserve until hostilities break out. Our Order feels this
Capabilities: wait will not be long. With constant infighting among the Clans,
it is only a matter of time before some in the DCMS decide to
Built on an Endo Steel chassis and featuring the same good step out on their own and reclaim territory lost during the original
mobility Panthers have always enjoyed, the -12K goes one bet- Invasion.
ter on its brother design by replacing 7.5 tons of standard armor
with 6.5 tons of Ferro Fibrous armor, saving a precious ton of Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
weight at a cost of only 3% of the original coverage. Making room
for this bulkier armor cost the -12K its Double Heat Sinks, but the Sho-sa (Major) Hiromi Momohara
heat profile is such that the replacement Single Heat Sinks are This MechWarrior is a standout in the DCMS - a woman
more than adequate. This ‘Mech dispenses with the traditional whose ability, determination, discipline and force of will forged a



Type/Model: Panther PNT-12K Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 35 tons 1 Snub-Nosed PPC RA 2 6
Equipment Mass 1 Streak SRM-4 CT 2 4
Internal Structure: 2 Ammo (SRM) 25 RT 1 1
Engine: 140 Fusion 5 1 C-3 Slave Unit H 1 1
Walking MP: 4 CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP 4
Heat Sinks: 13 3
Gyro: 2
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 116 7.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 11 15
Center Torso (Rear): 6
L/R Side Torso: 8 11/11
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5
L/R Arm: 6 12/12
L/R Leg: 8 15/15





Type/Model: Panther PNT-12K its brother ‘Mechs until you consider the weapons it carries. As a family the Peabodys are scattered the length and
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 With a right-arm mounted Fusigon Sabretooth Heavy Parti- breadth of Combine space; most of them share the common traits
cle Projection Cannon (courtesy of the Free Worlds League), this of being physically small but fierce in battle. Once found through-
Config: Biped BattleMech out House Kurita’s military forces, each generation was proud to
Panther wields the equivalent of a Gauss Rifle with unlimited am-
Mass: 35 tons munition. While the range is similar to an ER Large Laser, the serve. A look through old yearbooks reveals at least one Peabody
Chassis: Alshain 560-Carrier Endo Steel damage is more than double with only a slight increase in heat. graduating each decade from established military academies,
back when such schools trained more than the spoiled sons of
Power Plant: 140 Hermes Fusion A skilled pilot at the controls of a PNT-12K-I can tear the head off
nobility. This legacy of valor ended abruptly during the Fourth Suc-
an enemy ‘Mech with a single shot. And that is precisely what
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h cession War, when several members of the family were lost to
Our Order believes it has been designed to do – taking the fight
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h poorly-led Combine military ventures. The family as a whole de-
to enemy ‘Mechs in a city environment.
cided to step back and wait until better leaders presented them-
Jump Jets: 4 Lexington Ltd. Lifters Standard Jump Jets Of course, if this were all it could do, the -12K-I would still selves. Several of the other, less well-connected Families quietly
Jump Capacity: 120 meters be an asset to any regiment. But it also carries twin Medium followed suit, but their withdrawal simply underlined the main
Armor Type: Maximillian 42 Standard Lasers, backed by a Small Laser, suggesting this ‘Mech is meant point: Family Peabody would be no one’s cannon fodder.
to deal with city-based infantry as well as opposing BattleMechs. MechWarrior Peabody himself demonstrates why his fam-
Armament: Rounding out this flexible array is a Command/Control/Commu- ily’s reputation lingers on decades after the last of the Peabodys
1 Heavy PPC nications slave unit. Plugged into a C3 network, the PNT-12K-I retired from active service. Piloting a Panther PNT-12K-I marked
2 Medium Lasers acts as the ‘eyes’ for more heavily-armed lance mates, who use with a bright red stripe, he ducked and weaved through old
the resulting ‘short’ range to deal more effectively with large burned-out buildings, working his way in towards the Blue forces
1 Small Laser
threats – although it is hard to imagine more effective munitions occupying the city center. His Red Team lance mates followed,
Manufacturer: Alshain Weapons than a Heavy PPC at point-blank range. and between their own weapons and the long-range fire deliv-
Communications System: Sipher CommCon SCU-4 ered courtesy of their C3 links, they accounted for six Blue Team
Targeting & Tracking System: Cat's Eyes 5 Battle History: ‘Mechs before they were forced to fall back. Despite heavy dam-
age to his own machine due to a well-placed shot from a Hata-
Overview: The Panther PNT-12K-I, like its brother variants, has not
been observed in anything other than combat simulations and a
moto-Chi, Peabody continued to lead his men as they harried the
Blue ‘Mechs until reinforcements arrived. Red Team carried the
The Panther has recently experienced a renaissance of sorts, single field exercise. Rumors that it may soon engage in retaking day, thanks in no small part to this diminutive pilot with the heart
looming large in the Draconis Combine’s preparations for impend- planets occupied by Clan Ghost Bear are patent nonsense – the of a lion.
ing war. Our Order has received confirmation of at least two new Ghost Bears are too well-entrenched after a decade of occupa- It is rumored Chu-i Peabody is being considered for the
variants scheduled to reach front lines before the year is out. Close tion to make such a venture practical. In any case, the threat of Bushido Blade. He will almost certainly be promoted to Tai-i (Cap-
on the tail of the PNT-12A and PNT-12K (described elsewhere in impending Civil war in the Federated Commonwealth is more tain) as a result of this action.
this Readout) appears to be yet a third new type, the PNT-12K-I. than enough reason to beef up the garrisons House Kurita keeps
From the model number, we assumed this was a minor twist on on all of its borders.
the -12K. However, a closer look shows this ‘Mech related to the -
12K more by intended mission than a shared weapons profile; it Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
combines features found in both its brother ‘Mechs.
Martin ‘Peanut’ Peabody
Capabilities: The single field exercise Our Order observed was held in a
burnt-out city on Kanowit, and revealed much about the expec-
As with the -12A and -12K, the PNT-12K-I is based on an tations of the Draconis Combine’s High Command. One standout
Endo Steel chassis. It retains the Hermes 140 Fusion engine and among the many MechWarriors who competed for the privilege of
carries seven and a half tons of standard armor, the maximum al- participating in this exercise was Chu-i (Lieutenant) Martin
lowed for its frame. Tough and well-protected, it enjoys the typi- Peabody. His presence bespoke renewed interest by some of the
cal Panther movement profile – a 120 meter jump and a top older, non-Japanese families in re-establishing a tradition of mil-
speed of nearly 65 kph. The -12K-I really does not stand out from itary service in the DCMS.



Type/Model: Panther PNT-12K Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 35 tons 1 Heavy PPC RA 4 10
Equipment Mass 2 Medium Lasers CT 2 2
Internal Structure: 2 1 Small Laser LA 1 0.5
Engine: 140 Fusion 5 1 C-3 Slave Unit H 1 1
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP 4
Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 3
Gyro: 2
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 119 7.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 11 16
Center Torso (Rear): 6
L/R Side Torso: 8 11/11
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5
L/R Arm: 6 12/12
L/R Leg: 8 16/16





Type/Model: Raven RVN-5L these is essentially a revised -3L, equipped with the usual Bea-
Tech: Inner Sphere /3060 gle Detection gear, TAG, Guardian ECM and Narc Missile Bea-
con. It carries more armor with a special Stealth capability, as well
Config: Biped BattleMech as Double Heat Sinks and weapons with a slightly longer reach.
Mass: 35 tons However, the Raven RVN-4L is not expected to arrive at the front
Chassis: Hellespont Type R Endo Steel lines for at least another year due to teething problems with the
Stealth armor.
Power Plant: 245 Hermes XL Fusion
Its brother, the Raven RVN-5L, is another matter.
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h Capabilities:
Jump Jets: None
Built on an Endo Steel chassis and powered by a Hermes
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
245 XL fusion engine, the -5L is capable of speeds in excess of
Armor Type: Hellespont Lite w. CASE Ferro-Fibrous 118 kph. This brings its mobility up to par with other ‘Mechs in the
Armament: thirty-five ton weight class. Its Ferro Fibrous armor loadout is
1 ER Large Laser 97% of the maximum allowed, seventeen percent greater than
the -4L and nearly thirty percent more than the old -3L. However,
3 ER Medium Lasers the -5L is not intended for a traditional role as an electronically-
1 SRM 6 w/ Artemis IV enhanced recon ‘Mech.
Manufacturer: Hellespont Industries Instead, the RVN-5L packs an Extended Range Large Laser,
Communications System: Ceres Metals Model 666 three Extended Range Medium Lasers and an Artemis-enhanced
SRM-6 Short Range Missile launcher. This array of weapons
Targeting & Tracking System: Apple Churchill 2000 boasts a long reach and a reliable punch with good endurance.
The -5L can fend off other Light ‘Mechs with ease and force even
Overview: MechWarriors in Medium-class machines to reconsider. We ex-
pect this new Raven to deploy in lances with the -4L, providing
House Liao is the only military so far to make use of the the protection its brother ‘Mech sorely lacks.
Raven BattleMech, a design which has been kicking around since
3005. And when it first appeared, it was a strange bird indeed. A
‘Mech with a standard fusion engine and mediocre speed (the
Battle History:
top end was only 86 kph) would be acceptable even fifty years The Raven RVN-5L is headed for second-line regiments for
ago only if it delivered a large payload or carried a lot of valuable field testing at the time of this writing. Our Order believes it will
recon gear. The first Raven did neither. Not until 3050 and the ad- eventually serve as a ‘bodyguard’ for the more lightly-armed and
dition of an uprated XL engine, Ferro Fibrous armor and a suite of armored Raven RVN-4L. The -5L’s visual profile from a distance
detection/counter-measure/homing gear did this ‘Mech begin to is much the same as its predecessors. It is possible that a pilot
serve a useful role on the battlefield. Even then, the -3L variant who attempts to engage this new ‘Mech will mistake it for an
was considered a deathtrap by its own pilots, as it was poorly ar- older design – with fatal results.
mored and too slow to escape pursuit even by ‘Mechs in its own
weight class!
The Raven was slated for replacement by an entirely new
design in 3060 when fresh thinking by the Capellan High Com-
mand gave this ‘Mech a reprieve. Several prototypes were built
before the designers at Hellespont Mechworks settled on a pair
of variants which would share a common chassis – the Raven –
and complement each other on mission assignments. The first of



Type/Model: Raven RVN-5L Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 35 tons 1 ER Large Laser LA 2 5
Equipment Mass 2 ER Medium Lasers RA 2 2
Internal Structure: 2 1 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1
Engine: 245XL Fusion 5 1 SRM-6 w/ Artemis IV RT 4 5
Walking MP: 7 Ammo (SRM) 15 RT 1 1
Running MP: 11 CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5
Jumping MP 0
Heat Sinks: 11 (22) 1
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 116 6.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 11 15
Center Torso (Rear): 6
L/R Side Torso: 8 11/11
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5
L/R Arm: 6 12/12
L/R Leg: 8 15/15





Type/Model: Fulcrum FLM-23TM Capabilities: Sentry performing militia work and the Daimyo regarded as a
Tech: Inner Sphere /3060 jack-of-all-trades. It remains to be seen whether the loadout of
The Fulcrum is a 40-ton ‘Mech which features an Endo Steel longer-ranged weapons will allow the slightly more expensive Ful-
Config: Biped BattleMech crum to carry out its own intended role as a first-class harrier.
skeleton supporting a Pitban 240 Fusion engine and six home-
Mass: 40 tons grown Rawlings jump jets. It has a top speed of nearly 100 kph
Chassis: Earthwerk GRF Endo Steel and excellent mobility in heavily-wooded or mountainous terrain. Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
The weapons loadout is equally impressive; an Extended Range
Power Plant: 240 Pitban Fusion Particle Projection Cannon, a Long Range Missile -5 launcher Captain Sandra Winfield
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h supplied with a ton of ammunition and an Extended Range The first Fulcrums to reach the Andurien militia were
Medium Laser. snapped up by experienced older Mechwarriors itching to get
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Protecting all of this are six tons of Ferrofibrous armor, back into a cockpit – any cockpit. The most notable of these is
Jump Jets: 6 Rawlings 52 Standard Jump Jets Sandra Winfield. A quiet student of the cello when not piloting a
nearly 80% of the amount allowed for a ‘Mech of this size. This
Jump Capacity: 180 meters design’s long reach ensures it will do most of its damage well be- ‘Mech, she is reserved even among her friends. Graduating from
fore an enemy can close in. When they do, the combination of the local training Academy with lackluster marks, it was not until
Armor Type: StarSlab CASE Ferro-Fibrous Mechwarrior Winfield entered her first combat as a mercenary in
CASE and a standard fusion engine give the Fulcrum very good
Armament: the Chaos March that her talent in the cockpit became apparent.
combat endurance. It will persist long after XL Engine-equipped
She transformed into a ruthlessly efficient killer, quickly toting up
1 ER PPC ‘Mechs of similar tonnage have been reduced to scrap.
four ‘kills’ in as many weeks and earning the nickname “The Red
1 LRM-5 With just ten Double Heat Sinks to dissipate the heat from Baroness”.
weapons, engine and jump jets, the Fulcrum requires careful heat
1 ER Medium Laser Winfield liked this ‘handle’ and after her seventh ‘kill’, re-
management to get the most from its design. Firing the ER PPC
Manufacturer: Taurus Territorial Industries quested her Griffin be painted red (as opposed to the camouflage
and jumping the maximum 180 meters will start the Fulcrum’s
scheme then popular with her unit). The request was quickly
Communications System: Maxell 500 heat meter on an upward climb, and new pilots are warned to po- granted. Mechwarrior Winfield returned from the Chaos March
sition themselves before they begin using their weapons. Never- some years later to attend a family funeral and, at the request of
Targeting & Tracking System: Maxell TA55 theless, heat management is not expected to be a problem. At the Andurien government, signed up for service as an officer in
present, skilled Andurien Mechwarriors far outnumber the ‘Mechs
Overview: available.
the militia. Her Fulcrum painted a bright red, Captain Winfield is
currently training seasoned pilots to ‘fly’ the new ‘Mech. Her fear-
The Fulcrum is meant for independent duty, assigned to some reputation is all this mild-eyed young woman needs to keep
In desperate need of new ‘Mechs to fill out their rapidly ex-
long deployments where interdiction and garrison-keeping are the grizzled veterans in line.
panding militia, the Duchy of Andurien decided to create their own
the rule rather than the exception. It is quickly serviced and re-
‘Mechs rather than purchase machines from an open market paired and thus, easy on Andurien logistical support (which is not
which was heavily regulated and a ‘Mech industry clogged with yet fully in place). Although certainly capable of effective ‘Mech-
several year’s worth of back-orders. House Humphries negotiated on-’Mech combat, the Fulcrum is expected to be used more with
several trade agreements with the Magistracy of Canopus and in- raiding parties. It is ideal for missions intended to disrupt enemy
vited Taurus Territorial Industries to set up a satellite ‘Mech pro- supply lines in rough terrain, where the toughest customers are
duction facility on Lopez. With a fistful of Andurian currency and hovercraft, VTOLs and other light vehicles. Secondary assign-
priority access to both Andurien and Canopian factories, the ments may include stamping out hot spots in a city, where the
Duchy’s engineers turned to the first draft on their drawing boards. Fulcrum’s mobility is a definite asset.
Using the Star League-era Clint as an outline, the new
‘Mech was to incorporate the latest technology available in chas-
Battle History:
sis and armor construction. At the same time, it was to use ‘off There are no recorded instances of this ‘Mech in combat.
the shelf’ components for the power plant, guidance systems and The nearest comparable ‘Mechs currently in production, the Sen-
weaponry, avoiding the shortcomings of the parent design. The try SNT-04 and the Daimyo DMO-1K, are slower, better-armored
result was the Fulcrum FLM-23TM. designs. Both are intended for close-combat, however, with the



Type/Model: Fulcrum FLM-23TM Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 40 tons 1 ER PPC RA 3 7
Equipment Mass 1 ER Medium Laser LA 1 1
Internal Structure: 2 1 LRM-5 H 1 2
Engine: 240 Fusion 11.5 Ammo (LRM) 24 LT 1 1
Walking MP: 6 CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5
Running MP: 9
Jumping MP 6
Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 108 6

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 12 16
Center Torso (Rear): 6
L/R Side Torso: 10 12/12
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5
L/R Arm: 6 10/10
L/R Leg: 10 12/12





Type/Model: Centurion CN12-B Capabilities: Battle History:

Tech: Inner Sphere /3059
The CN12-B is a machine of great contrasts. At first glance Like many other new BattleMechs in this report, the Centu-
Config: Biped BattleMech
it appears quite imbalanced, unable to bracket its short-ranged rion 12-B has yet to see combat. This hasn’t stopped the AFFC
Mass: 55 tons autocannon with its long-ranged missle pack. The single ER from producing a dozen copies, however.
Chassis: Corean Model KL77 Endo Steel medium laser mounted dead-center of the ‘Mech seems to be a Of these twelve ‘Mechs, two remain at the factory for test-
Power Plant: 275 GM XL Fusion poor compromise to bridge the gap at moderate distances. ing. Four were sold to smaller mercenary units with pro-Davion
sentiments. The remaining six were distributed along the Cap-
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h While logical, this analysis neglects the new Centurion’s true pelan and Draconis borders. While outright conflict with the two
role: close-in and dirty fighting, especially in urban environments. states seems unlikely, raiding continues. It’s hoped that spread-
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Indeed, the 10-pack of missiles is the secondary armament, not ing the CN12-B around will accelerate the chances of it seeing
Jump Jets: None the laser. Though it lacks jump jets, the 12-B has enough speed combat soon.
Jump Capacity: 0 meters to quickly move along streets, and its slim profile allows it to fit At the present time, no further sub-variants of the CN12-B
Armor Type: StarGuard III w. CASE Standard down alleyways that most other ‘Mechs simply cannot pass exist. Reportedly a tech from the Battle Magic mercenary unit did
through. It’s almost the definition of a “knife-fighter” BattleMech, suggest stripping out the almost-useless CASE for another ER
one that is adept at ambushing opponents from behind to lay laser, but this idea was not received well by the manufacturer and
1 AC/20 them open with bursts of cannon fire before fading back into the is unlikely to be seen in a production version.
1 LRM 10 w/ Artemis IV shadows. One pilot described it as a “Hunchback done right.”
1 ER Medium Laser When considered in this light, several otherwise puzzling Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises features now make sense. One example is the machine’s odd Centurion CN12B001X
armor placement. Conventional wisdom has BattleMechs weild-
Communications System: Corean TransBand-J9 This is the first example of the ‘Mech and has been slated for
ing heavy protection on the legs, as mobility kills are one of the
extensive live-fire testing. As such it has no regular pilot and is cur-
Targeting & Tracking System: Corean B-Tech most common causes of battlefield losses. In a city, however, this rently being fitted with a comprehensive sensor package and spe-
Centurion can easily find cover to hide it from the waist down, al- cial improved blow-out panels for its CASE modules. This would
Overview: lowing it to max out the armor on its torso and arms. Another un- not be of much interest normally, but rumor has it that the techs
usual quirk is the decidedly paltry amount of ammunition devoted working on the machine believe that this advanced “CASE II” sys-
The sleek and deadly Centurion has always been a favorite to the missiles over the big autocannon. In open-field combat, tem might allow it to continue fighting after an ammunition explo-
of House Davion. For centuries Federated Suns scientists have long-range weaponry often takes up the bulk of a design’s mag- sion, even given its extra-light reactor. We have our own analysts
labored to improve the basic CN9-A chassis, often with mixed azine space. After all, few MechWarriors want to get their ma- watching this program carefully; such an advance could greatly im-
results. The decline of technology after the fall of the Star League chines so close to the enemy that ‘Mechkillers like heavy pulse prove the survivability of Inner Sphere machines in general.
limited design options, and every attempt to upgrade the ma- lasers, massive autocannon, and even massed arrays of machine Sergeant Michael Nelson
chine’s firepower led to sometimes disasterous side effects. guns and flamers come into play. In urban conflicts this choice is SGT Nelson is a senior NCO in the third company of the
One of the most commonly-attempted modifications was often removed. The CN12-B does well to mount an accurate and Second Armored Cavalry, a staunchly pro-Davion mercenary
to mount a heavy autocannon in place of the base model’s efficient long-ranged weapon for when a rare shot presents itself, command that claims a lineage nearly as ancient as the famed
medium-heavy Luxor. One version, the CN9-AH, even saw limited but concentrates on provided enough shells to keep the 20-class Black Watch of the SLDF. He received his CN12B as part of an
production and served as the template for Justin Allard’s famous autocannon firing for a long, long time. upgrade plan offered to the battalion in exchange for a high-risk
CN9-YLW, or Yen-lo-wang. However, the extreme amount of contract within the Chaos March. While the specifics of their mis-
In what could become a major problem, fitting all of this fire- sion are considered secret, it is likely that this ‘Mech and its ac-
short-range firepower the ‘Mech gained was more than counter- power into a fifty-ton chassis required that a bulky and fragile XL
balanced by the fact that the secondary armament had to be complished pilot will be the first to test the variant’s combat
engine be mounted. CASE protects the pilot to some extent, but abilities in actual battle.
downgraded in every case. testing has concluded that once the ‘Mech’s right torso has been
A more recent layout of equipment, made possible by several penetrated, destruction from an ammunition explosion is nearly
major “lostech” discoveries, resulted in the prototype CN12-B. 90% likely unless the pilot immediately withdraws.



Type/Model: Centurion CN12-B Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 55 tons 1 Autocannon/20 LA 14 18
Equipment Mass Ammo (AC) 20 LT 4 4
Internal Structure: 3 1 LRM-10 w/Artemis IV RT 3 6
Engine: 275XL Fusion 8 Ammo (LRM) 12 LT 1 1
Walking MP: 5 1 ER Medium Laser CT 1 1
Running MP: 8 CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5
Jumping MP 0 CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5
Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 176 11

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 18 28
Center Torso (Rear): 7
L/R Side Torso: 13 20/20
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 6/6
L/R Arm: 9 18/18
L/R Leg: 13 22/22





Type/Model: Champion CHP-3Q3 sub-standard -2N variants held by most of the Houses and the periods. Finally, while the Champion -3Q3 is slightly less capable
Tech: Inner Sphere /3058 improved -3N fielded by Our Order to good advantage at the Bat- than its predecessor the -3N as regards infantry and battle armor
tle of Tukayyid. suppression, it has reach and survivability versus other Battle-
Config: Biped BattleMech Mechs thanks to ER laser technology, a 30% increase in armor
Mass: 60 tons Capabilities: and the addition of CASE. We believe it will be able to successfully
Chassis: Bergan XI Endo Steel complete a wide variety of assignments (despite the loss of a large
Victor Steiner-Davion decided that, instead of attempting to laser and pair of small lasers) than even some of its contempo-
Power Plant: 300 VLAR XL Fusion
reproduce the original ‘Mech, he would incorporate as much new raries. It is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h technology as he could to better the existing -3N design. The re-
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h sult was the Champion CHP-3Q3. This new model is all-new con- Battle History:
Jump Jets: None struction which retains the styling cues of the original, but is much
easier to service and can be produced with existing assembly line This design’s teething period comes on the eve of Civil War.
Jump Capacity: 0 meters tooling. A comparison of the two types is instructive: A few of the CHP-3Q3 have been secretly issued to trusted mem-
Armor Type: 2-StarSlab Standard The Tukayyid-era CHP-3N loadout consists of an LB 10-X bers of Our Order disguised as mercenary units. So far, each En-
Armament: Autocannon with two tons of ammunition, two Large Lasers, two gagement Report only adds to a legacy of unqualified success. We
Medium Lasers, two Small Lasers and an Artemis-equipped expect to begin full-scale production within three months, with dis-
1 ER Large Laser cussion already underway on developing yet another variant, the -
SRM-6 rack with a single ton of reloads. It carries 66% of the
1 LB 10-X AC 4X, which replaces the Standard Armor with Ferro Fibrous and
maximum available armor for a sixty-ton ‘Mech. There are ten
3 Medium Lasers drops all but one Medium Laser and the Streak SRM-6. It adds an-
Double Heat Sinks to handle this ‘Mech’s heat load.
other Double Heat Sink, a second Streak SRM-6 and a Gauss Rifle
1 Streak SRM-6 The new CHP-3Q3 features an LB 10-X Autocannon with supplied with two tons of ammo. There appears to be no way of
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries three tons of ammunition, an Extended Range Large Laser, three avoiding the coming storm. But we may be able to reduce the
Communications System: Garret T-11C Medium Lasers and a Streak SRM-6 launcher well-known for death and destruction expected from such a wide-scale conflict.
making every shot count. This design carries 95% of the armor
Targeting & Tracking System: Mercury-IV available for its weight. It features an Endo Steel chassis and Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Standard armor, versus the standard frame and Ferro Fibrous
Overview: armor for the -3N. Combined with a VLAR 300 XL engine, this LT Joe ‘Sailor’ Murphy
change allows the ‘Mech to carry 50% more ammunition for the
At the Second Star League Conference, Our Order’s Pre- Reports coming in from this MechWarrior are especially use-
LB 10-X and 100% more for the Streak-6 launcher, all protected
centor Martial announced his retirement from active leadership ful, as he outlines not only the performance of his Champion but
by CASE integral to both left and right torso locations. Finally, this
and named Victor Steiner-Davion as his replacement. The new the various techniques used to get the most from its design. LT
‘Mech also has ten Double Heat Sinks which allow it to fire more
Precentor Martial’s first act was to confirm Coordinator Theodore Murphy is an extrovert whose colorful on-field antics conceal a
weapons more often without the danger of ammunition cook-off
Kurita as First Lord. His second act was to order an inventory of careful tactician who may someday rise to command level – if he
or even shutdown.
Comstar’s available resources while he familiarized himself with can live down the reputation brought on by his ‘Mech’s paint job.
the Comstar mission. His third act was to personally send some These are significant advantages. There are others. While most Mechwarriors settle for traditional unit colors or cam-
Star League-era ‘Mechs back to the drawing board, in an attempt The newest Champion has only 66% of the long-range ouflage scheme, Murphy’s Champion is painted bright pink and
to come up with designs which Comstar might use to blunt the punch of the -3N, but the ER Large Laser more closely matches mottled with red hearts. The words “Bringin’ the Love” are embla-
coming conflict between himself and his sister, Katherine Steiner- the fire envelope of the LB 10-X. While these weapons deliver only zoned in black just below the cockpit, along with the image of a re-
Davion. One of the first re-designed machines is the Champion. a modest 44% of its firepower, the -3Q3’s close-combat potential clining semi-nude woman blowing a kiss. It is rumored this ‘nose
is another matter. A short-range barrage totals 80% of the Cham- art’ was patterned after a young woman he met on Canopus.
The Champion was first introduced in 2602 and quickly be-
came a staple of the Star League Defense Forces. The Exodus re- pion’s loadout – if the enemy does not pass out from feedback, his
moved most of these ‘Mechs from the Inner Sphere (the ‘Mech may still suffer internal damage. A wounded enemy who
remaining machines were family-owned or stockpiled by Our willingly faces the prospect of fifteen individual hits every ten sec-
Order). The Succession Wars quickly destroyed Champion pro- onds has either a brave MechWarrior for a pilot - or a fool.
duction lines and so it was rare to see useful modifications of this Firepower is not the only asset – this design has good en-
‘Mech as the centuries passed. Finally, all that remained were durance, enabling it to remain independent of supply lines for long



Type/Model: Champion CHP-3Q3 Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 60 tons 1 ER Large Laser LA 2 5
Equipment Mass 3 ER Medium Lasers RT 3 3
Internal Structure: 3 1 LB-10X Autocannon RA 6 11
Engine: 300XL Fusion 9.5 Ammo (AC) 30 RT 3 3
Walking MP: 5 1 Streak SRM-6 LT 3 4
Running MP: 8 Ammo (SRM) 30 LT 2 2
Jumping MP 0 CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5
Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0 CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 191 12

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 20 30
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 14 20/20
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 10 18/18
L/R Leg: 14 25/25





Type/Model: Yeoman YMN-7Y Capabilities: one of Our Order’s military strategists pointed out, “anything that
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 can make it past your main line is one tough customer. He’s not
Featuring three LRM-15 long-range missile racks supplied liable to be intimidated at the sight of a couple of medium lasers.
Config: Biped BattleMech They’re the equivalent of a security blanket, and it’s about time
with six tons of ammunition protected by Cellular Ammunition
Mass: 60 tons Storage Equipment (CASE), the -7Y trades a minor amount of House Marik’s artillery officers grew up.” The Free Worlds League
firepower – the equivalent of an LRM-5 – for another ton and a High Command would seem to agree.
Chassis: Curtiss Yeoman Endo Steel
half of precious armor, bringing the total up to 90% of the maxi-
Power Plant: Curtiss Yeoman Endo Steel mum permitted for this design. Heat is not an issue; the new Yeo- Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h man actually has more heat-shedding capacity than it can use.
Still capable of speeds up to 65 kph, this ‘Mech can move about Mechwarrior William ‘Bollywood’ Burt
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
efficiently in the backfield and adapt quickly to a changing battle Bollywood Bill” is an extrovert, to say the least. Rumored to
Jump Jets: None environment. However, the original tactical doctrine of combin- have at least two wives and a bevy of offspring scattered across
Jump Capacity: 0 meters ing light armor with a heavy weapons loadout has proven singu- five worlds, he is the quintessential ‘cowboy’ ‘Mech pilot.
larly unfortunate, at least as far as fire support ‘Mechs are Dressed in a fringed leather jacket when not in the cockpit, Burt
Armor Type: Kallon FWL Special Ferro-Fibrous
concerned. The caution to ‘avoid direct contact with the enemy’ is reputedly never without his white ten-gallon hat, modeled after
Armament: is something of a joke among Yeoman pilots, as it rather naively those worn by North American lawmen in the ancient ‘movies’ of
3 LRM-15s assumes they would prefer to take their lumbering ‘missile boats’ the early twentieth century. Many are surprised that such a flam-
right up to the enemy’s doorstep. boyant figure has chosen the Yeoman as his ‘ride’ of choice, but
Manufacturer: Curtiss Militech as he will tell anyone (and especially anyone with a camera), his
Extra armor and a CASE-protected Fusion engine are a
Communications System: CurtissComm Mk IV good start, but the modern fire support ‘Mech needs more than job is to ‘clean up the town’ and the best way to do it is with the
Targeting & Tracking System: Dynatec MissileTrac X this to survive the inevitable return fire from enemy LRMs and the biggest ‘six-shooters’ he can find.
newer Advanced Tactical Missile systems. With little room left for The truth is a little less flattering. Bollywood Bill’s escapades
Overview: additional Ferro Fibrous protection, the planners decided instead both on and off the evening news made for good copy but proved
to install a different kind of ‘armor’ – Guardian Electronic Counter embarrassing for his commander, who more than once had to
The Yeoman is one of three BattleMechs produced by Cur- Measures. This ECM suite blunts or totally defeats missile en- perform public relations damage control to avoid trouble over
tiss Militech on the world of Paradise. The -6Y rolled off the line hancement systems such as Artemis IV or the ATM targeting Burt’s unguarded comments. It was dangerous to demote such
radars, and its protection extends to non-ECM equipped units a popular figure. Furthermore, The Marik himself had inexplicably
in 3059 and was passed by the Armaments Board in 3060. Since
within a 360 meter radius. Thus shielded against hostile indirect taken a liking to the man. Eventually a compromise was worked
then it has been assigned to units all across the Free Worlds
fire, the Yeoman YMN-7F and its fellow ‘Mechs are free to move out and this capable Mechwarrior rotated to an isolated artillery
League and even now works alongside its ‘big brother’, the Long- unit, where he rules the roost to this day.
about and find the best location for launching their own attacks.
bow. However, despite an impressive array of missile racks, more These are varied and lethal, ranging from minefields to homing
mobility and better endurance (thanks to the Pitban 240 fusion missiles to the standard high explosive or anti-personnel rounds.
engine), the Yeoman is definitely the weaker of the two designs.
It is natural to expect this – after all, the Yeoman is barely a Heavy Battle History:
‘Mech, while the Longbow is an Assault-class machine. Natural,
but not necessarily desirable. The YMN-7Y is currently undergoing final adjustments at
Lack of armor seems to be at the heart of the -6Y’s the various commands to which it has been assigned. This
mediocre battlefield performance – that, and its vulnerability to process is more a change in company-level strategy than actual
tinkering with the BattleMech itself, as commanders reassign
long-range enemy missile fire. Despite numerous advances in
lancemates and work out new ways to take advantage of the -
both energy and ballistic weapons, it is the LRM which is most
7Y’s unique abilities. It is still at bottom a dedicated fire-support
commonly encountered in the course of battle as the enemy at- 'Mech. The lack of secondary weapons was once an issue with
tempts to suppress House Marik’s fire support. Thus it was prospective pilots, but no more. The role of artillery support is
deemed necessary to fine-tune this design, and the result is the very different from that of a main battle unit, and in recent years
Yeoman YMN-7Y. has begun to attract new blood and a fresh approach. And as



Type/Model: Yeoman YMN-7Y Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 60 tons 1 LRM-15 RA 3 7
Equipment Mass Ammo (LRM) 24 RT 3 3
Internal Structure: 3 1 LRM-15 LA 3 7
Engine: 240 Fusion 11.5 Ammo (LRM) 24 LT 3 3
Walking MP: 4 1 LRM-15 LA 3 7
Running MP: 6 Guardian ECM LT 2 1.5
Jumping MP 0 CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5
Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0 CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 179 10

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 20 24
Center Torso (Rear): 6
L/R Side Torso: 14 22/22
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 6/6
L/R Arm: 10 20/20
L/R Leg: 14 22/22





Type/Model: Caesar CES-6S Capabilities:

Tech: Inner Sphere /3062
The Ceasar -6S carries thirteen tons of armor, 95% of the
Config: Biped BattleMech
maximum allowed. Its top speed of nearly 65 kph is average for
Mass: 70 tons a Heavy ‘Mech, but fourteen Double Heat Sinks ensure a pilot
Chassis: Dorwinion Endo Steel can maintain this acceleration while continuously firing 80% of
his weapons! And the –6S loadout is impressive, both in sheer
Power Plant: 280 VOX Light Fusion damage potential and mission flexibility.
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h The CASE-protected Poland ‘A’ Gauss Rifle is well-known
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h for its reach and devastating impact, and is supplied with a gen-
erous two tons of ferro-nickel slugs. Backing it is another weapon
Jump Jets: None whose star is on the rise – the Johnston HeaviShot Heavy Parti-
Jump Capacity: 0 meters cle Projection Cannon. This latest addition to the PPC family
packs as big a punch as its slug-throwing partner, with nearly as
Armor Type: Kallon Royalstar w. CASE Standard
long a reach and an endless supply of ‘ammo’.
Armament: Rounding out the impressive main guns are two Extended
1 Heavy PPC Range Medium Lasers and two standard Medium lasers, paired
1 Gauss Rifle one above the other on each arm. This allows the maximum fire
arc coupled with a remarkably flexible range envelope – ideal for
2 ER Medium Lasers city fighting and speedier opponents. In fact, Our Order suspects
2 Medium Lasers this variant will be sent to regiments involved in city assaults –
after the initial ‘softening up’ phase has passed, the well-armored
Manufacturer: Johnston Industries Caesar –6S will move in to clean out pockets of resistance and
Communications System: Johnston Wide Band dispose of any tanks or transports still moving about. Speed
Targeting & Tracking System: Rander Pinpoint-HYRander Pin- should not be an issue, as the faster machines are far more re-
stricted by rubble and urban terrain than the Caesar.

Overview: Battle History:

This model, as with its sister the CES-4S, has not reached
The Federated Commonwealth is on track to produce two FedCom regiments in sufficient strength to allow any meaningful
new variants of the Caesar CES-3R BattleMech in 3062. Origi- battlefield assessment. However, reports of a few isolated duels
nally based on a captured Capellan Cataphract, this ‘Mech has with Capellan Mechwarriors riding Cataphracts suggest the Cae-
proven itself over the past decade to be a most effective design. sar may finally have shed its reputation as a knock-off of that
The new versions are expected to be every bit as successful. older ‘Mech.
Both are improvements over the original -3R as they incorporate
Endo Steel skeletons and Light Fusion engines, but the -6S fea-
tures greater endurance, more armor, better heat management
and a higher medium-to-long range damage profile than its sis-
ter, the Caesar -4S. The -4S, with its Heavy Gauss rifle and Pulse
Lasers, is designed for slugging matches that open holes in the
enemy line. But the Caesar CES-6S, working at medium ranges,
is more likely to take down an enemy ‘Mech while capable of a
wider variety of assignments.



Type/Model: Caesar CES-6S Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 70 tons 1 Heavy PPC LA 4 10
Equipment Mass 1 ER Medium Laser RA 1 1
Internal Structure: 3.5 1 ER Medium Laser LA 1 1
Engine: 280 Light Fusion 12 1 Medium Laser RA 1 1
Walking MP: 4 1 Medium Laser LA 1 1
Running MP: 6 1 Gauss Rifle RT 7 15
Jumping MP 0 Ammo (Gauss) 16 RT 2 2
Heat Sinks: 14 (28) 4 CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 208 13

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 22 33
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 15 22/22
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 11 22/22
L/R Leg: 15 26/26





Type/Model: Warhammer WHM-12S VOX 280 Light Fusion engine. Designed to move at an adequate Details of the two major engagements are sketchy, but
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 top speed of nearly 65 kph, the -12S carries two Heavy Particle satellite transmissions from the fleeing Marik Dropships and some
Projection Cannons, two Extended Range Medium Lasers and a ground intel gathered by Our Order suggests the Warhammer -
Config: Biped BattleMech Streak SRM-6 missile launcher. The single ton of Streak ammo is 12S was instrumental in the second battle, fatally blunting a raid
Mass: 70 tons stored in a torso equipped with CASE, and the design carries sev- on the Bangor Military Depot by outflanking a slower Assault
Chassis: StarFrame Heavy Endo Steel enteen Double Heat Sinks, more than enough to dissipate the lance and destroying three of the League ‘Mechs before being
enormous heat generated by the primary guns. forced by enemy reinforcements to retreat to the cover of a
Power Plant: 280 VOX Light Fusion
The WHM-12S’s speed is average for a Heavy ‘Mech, but its nearby forest.
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h armor is at near maximum for this weight class, and weapons range
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h has clearly been sacrificed for increased damage. While still capa- Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Jump Jets: None ble of a decent reach, the Heavy PPC does 50% more damage than
the standard or Extended Range versions. In short, this new cannon Sergeant Helmut “Smitty” Schimmelhorn
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
packs the punch of a Gauss Rifle without the attendant weight, am- This “Mechwarrior is noted for strict professional behavior,
Armor Type: Durallex Heavy with CASE Standard munition and potential for explosion which haunts that weapon. both on and off the battlefield. He has never been photographed
Armament: This makes the -12S nearly independent of ammunition supply in anything other than perfectly starched and pressed uniforms,
lines, as nearly eighty percent of the weapons loadout is energy- and his personal bearing was recently compared by a member of
2 Heavy PPCs
based and Streak launchers are notoriously frugal with reloads. Our Order to ‘a Tasmanian Devil with a titanium rod shoved up its
1 Streak SRM-6
The Light Fusion Engine is more compact than the popular arse.” This reputation does him in good stead – he has the most
2 ER Medium Lasers Extra Light models and thus, less vulnerable to combat damage. ‘kills’ of any pilot stationed at the Bangor Military Depot, and can
Manufacturer: StarCorps Industries Yet it weighs considerably less when compared to a standard Fu- be counted upon to not only follow orders but to improvise on the
Communications System: Garret T60 FasScan sion Engine of similar output, freeing up valuable tonnage for spot. A very few of his seniors understand the value of this man –
more armor and firepower. This, combined with the other design those that do approach him in private for professional advice on
Targeting & Tracking System: Garret F22C features listed above, point to the obvious mission of the battlefield tactics. This discretion is not without reason.
Warhammer -12S – that of a medium-range ‘breakthrough’
Overview: ‘Mech. This machine is a slugger, meant to take on the best an
Sergeant Schimmelhorn is a polarizing figure – he brooks
no quibble with the Regulations, never hesitating to bring his own
opponent has to offer and then stomp him flat. As the first mod- chain of command to task for abuse of power, lax discipline, poor
As the era of the Federated Commonwealth draws to a close, els work their way into House Steiner’s regiments, it remains to be
the threat of imminent civil war provokes strong sentiment among strategy or even blatant disregard for their own orders. He has
seen if this is just another iteration of the classic Lyran ‘big gun’
the Lyran High Command to redesign several old standard ‘Mechs been, not surprisingly, frozen at the same paygrade for the past
style of fighting, or something more unique – and deadly.
currently in production. One is the Battlemaster. Another is the ten years. Yet at the same time, Schimmelhorn (‘Smitty’ to his
friends and, out of earshot, his subordinates) is a flexible deci-
Awesome. The last and final choice is yet another staple of House Battle History: sion-maker in the cockpit and even more astounding, immensely
Steiner’s forces, one which has walked the battlefield for nearly five
hundred years – the Warhammer. The Warhammer is a solid choice popular with his fellow Mechwarriors, who appear to thrive on a
As the Draconis Combine has a history of clashes along the
as the basis for a new variant – it has been nearly twelve years diet of ‘Regs’, hard work and, when the situation warrants it, a
FedCom border, it comes as a surprise to Our Order that the first
since the WHM-7S first strode off a StarCorps production line. rare compliment from the man himself.
combat action seen by the -12S was a recent minor engagement
Many advances have been made since that time in both weapons along House Steiner’s border with the Free Worlds League. Behind the rigid façade is a strong sense of right and wrong
and power plant technology, and with the looming threat of civil House Marik evidently sought to test several of their own new de- tempered with a thirst for justice, the whole ordered by constant
war added to the aftermath of the Clan Invasion, Steiner com- signs with a light raid on the world of Poulsbo. This planet was discipline. “Hard but fair” is the most common printable descrip-
manders want a modern design which will allow them to maintain once a vanguard of Lyran defense against the League and home tion of this unsung leader. It is said that he and a like-minded
the integrity of the Lyran Alliance when this inevitable split comes. to Bangor, a sprawling military base. Closed in 2632, it took the group of fellow Mechwarrriors were selected to pilot Bangor’s first
Succession Wars to justify re-opening Bangor, albeit on a much- Warhammer WHM-12S lance not only because they were the
Capabilities: reduced scale. This moderately-defended world bore the brunt best, but because their self-discipline allowed the Field Com-
of House Marik’s poorly-disguised ‘mercenary adventure’ in late manders to analyze the -12S and new Lyran field doctrine based
The Warhammer WHM-12S is built on an Endo Steel skele- 3061 – and as it turned out, provided valuable information for solely on the machine and tactics - without having to factor in the
ton, and showcases the very latest in power plant design with the both sides on House military strategy. pilot’s personal quirks.



Type/Model: Warhammer WHM-12S Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 70 tons 1 Heavy PPC LA 4 10
Equipment Mass 1 Heavy PPC RA 4 10
Internal Structure: 3.5 1 ER Medium Laser LT 1 1
Engine: 280 Light Fusion 12 1 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1
Walking MP: 4 1 Streak SRM-6 LT 3 4
Running MP: 6 Ammo (SRM) 15 LT 1 1
Jumping MP 0 CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5
Heat Sinks: 17 (34) 7
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 216 13.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 22 33
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 15 22/22
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 11 22/22
L/R Leg: 15 30/30





Type/Model: Awesome AWS-12Q With the removal of ten Double Heat Sinks, what remained Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 on the drawing board was a stripped-down machine. Marik de-
Config: Biped BattleMech signers decided to narrow the mission profile; no longer would Paul ‘Pokerface’ Collins
the Awesome attempt to ‘cover all the bases’. Harkening back to MechWarrior Collins exemplifies the type of pilot rising
Mass: 80 tons the intent of the original design, the -12Q would once more be a quickly to the top in The Marik’s ‘new’ military. Outwardly defer-
Chassis: Technicron Type G Standard pure fire support ‘Mech, dependant on other fighting elements of ential to his superiors, demanding (and receiving) respect from
Power Plant: 240 Hermes XL Fusion the Regiment to take care of infantry and vehicle threats. The first his juniors through displays of skill and daring, Collins is a born
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h weapons installed were twin Gauss Rifles, one in each side torso, gambler whose bets pay off more often than not. As calculating
fed by a generous five tons of ferro-nickel slugs. Backing them in the cockpit as he is at the gaming table, this modern-day rake-
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
was a new development of the Particle Projection Cannon – the hell forms the back bone of the ‘hidden’ command structure, one
Jump Jets: None Heavy PPC. where each MechWarrior is expected to think on his feet and be
Jump Capacity: 0 meters as prepared to take charge of a mission as he is to follow orders.
Trading range for a 50% increase in damage, the Magna
Armor Type: Durallex Heavy Special Ferro-Fibrous Supernova Heavy PPC is essentially a Gauss Rifle with unlimited One of Our Order likens this attitude to the human equiva-
lent of a C3I network, where anyone can step into a leadership
Armament: ammunition and a slightly reduced range. It has the same reach
position at a moment’s notice in order to preserve unit momen-
1 Heavy PPC as a standard PPC – 540 meters – and while it generates a great tum. Collins is a fan of the TriVid Network’s “Riverboat 1890” se-
2 Gauss Rifles amount of heat, the AWS-12Qs’ ten Double Heat Sinks are more ries, going so far as to wear 19th century garb when he is seated
than enough to compensate. In fact, a pilot flying this new Awe- at the gaming table. It is said he never enters the cockpit of his
Manufacturer: Technicron Manufacturing
some can run and fire all his weapons for nearly seven full min- Awesome without his ‘lucky’ antique pocket watch.
Communications System: Garret T-19G utes – and never once budge the heat meter.
Targeting & Tracking System: Dynatec 2780 Of course, as an heir to the Awesome legend, the -12Q
won’t rely on firepower alone. Fourteen tons of Ferro Fibrous
Overview: armor protect the vulnerable internals, the maximum allowed for
this design With a top speed of ‘only’ 54 kph, the -12Q will deploy
The AWS-12Q Awesome is House Marik’s most recent con-
tribution to the late thirty-first century battlefield. Following on the in lance strength, punching large holes in the enemy’s formation
heels of the fearsome -9Q (produced in early 3060), the -12Q is before moving on to other targets. Presumably, its lighter, faster
actually based on the twelve-year-old -9M; it avoids the short- brethren will be on hand to pour through the breach and press
comings in that worthy through a major shift of weapon types, onward to victory.
mission focus and an upgrade in armor.
Battle History:
House Marik has already begun distributing this upgrade to
Marik designers began by removing the traditional (and posts along the Lyran border. Information filtering back to Our
mostly ineffectual) Pulse Lasers and Streak SRM-2s originally in- Order establishes this ‘Mech as one of several which crossed the
tended to counter Clan battle armor and infantry. They left the Lyran border to raid the world of Poulsbo. Driven back by the de-
Extra Light Fusion engine in place, but took out the heat-intensive fenders of the Bangor Military Depot, at least three examples of
ER PPCs of the older design, reasoning that the range and en- the Awesome AWS-12Q were lost, not through poor design, but
durance afforded by a pure energy loadout was largely cancelled
rather, bad judgment on the part of the Marik commander. Caught
by the problems encountered with heat management. Experience
in a cul-de-sac between heavily-armed ground troops and fast
showed -9M pilots often lost control of their heat gage, costing
them precious mobility in the confusion of close combat. To avoid Lyran Warhammers, the retreating lance of -12Qs were beaten
this, the more experienced MechWarriors often carried several down. The remaining Awesome pilot was finally relieved by rein-
tons of unused weapons at any given time due to range or heat re- forcements, but not before his lance had taken out two Manti-
strictions – despite having twice the normal amount of heat sinks! core Heavy tanks and two enemy Warhammers.



Type/Model: Awesome AWS-12Q Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 80 tons 1 Heavy PPC RA 4 10
Equipment Mass 1 Gauss Rifle RT 7 15
Internal Structure: 8 1 Gauss Rifle LT 7 15
Engine: 240XL Fusion 6 Ammo (Gauss) 8 H 1 1
Walking MP: 3 Ammo (Gauss) 8 LT 1 1
Running MP: 5 Ammo (Gauss) 8 RT 1 1
Jumping MP 0 Ammo (Gauss)16 CT 1 2
Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0 CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5
Gyro: 3 CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 247 14

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 25 32
Center Torso (Rear): 18
L/R Side Torso: 17 24/24
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10
L/R Arm: 13 26/26
L/R Leg: 17 34/34





Type/Model: Zeus ZEU-13S proposition. Inner Sphere weapons do not pack the same punch Battle History:
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 at distance as Clan weapons of the same type. However, there is
no shortage of lesser-ranged weapons which can efficiently tear No opportunity has yet arisen for the Zeus ZEU-13S to flex
Config: Biped BattleMech
through even the best Clan armor. Closing with the enemy in its considerable muscle against a Clan opponent. However, there
Mass: 80 tons numbers as quickly as possible will eliminate their range advan- are those of Our Order who have noticed saber-rattling inside the
Chassis: Chariot Type III Standard tage; in a point-blank slugfest, experienced Inner Sphere pilots FedCom, not directed towards the Clan borders as might be ex-
Power Plant: 320 Pitban XL Fusion can hold their own with any Clanner. pected, but a symptom of turmoil within the Commonwealth it-
self. Katherine Steiner-Davion’s heavy-handed rule is quickly
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Capabilities: polarizing her people into two armed camps. Her brother Victor
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h may yet take a hand in the developing civil conflict. It may be that
Jump Jets: None The Zeus ZEU-13S is a good example of this new thinking. the first trial by combat for this new version of the Zeus will not
It features a Pitban 320 XL engine which saves precious tonnage be against Clan forces, but rather its own brother regiments as
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
by replacing the standard fusion engine with a much lighter de- the siblings struggle for power.
Armor Type: Glasgow Limited Primo w. CASE Standard
sign. While this engine is bulkier and more vulnerable to damage,
Armament: it does not suffer from the teething problems of newer Light Fu- Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
1 ER PPC sion Engines. Defiance Industries has put the saved space to
Marco Simonson
1 ER Large Laser good use.
This MechWarrior's only accomplishments to date are in
1 Medium Pulse Laser Armor for the -13S is a hefty fifteen tons of standard Glas-
field exercises intended to perfect the deployment of the new -
gow Limited Premium with integral CASE, fully 97% of the max-
1 Ultra AC/20 13S model. His comments from the cockpit, while colorful in the
imum permitted for an 80-ton BattleMech. Primary weapons extreme, serve to fine-tune the coordination of tactics as the
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries include a Defiance 1001 Extended Range Particle Projector Can- lances move about the battlefield. It has been noted that in five
Communications System: TharHes Calliope ZE-2 non, a Diverse Optics Sunbeam Extended Range Large Laser and such simulations, his lance composed only 15% of the total force
Targeting & Tracking System: TharHes Ares-7 a Defiance Thunder Ultra AC 20. Rounding out this impressive available, yet accounted for 37% of the ‘kills’ logged overall. It
array is a single Defiance P5M Medium Pulse Laser for close-in has also been noted by our ROM agents that he is firmly against
Overview: work on infantry and battle armor. Katherine Steiner-Davion’s continued rule. We can only guess at
The -13S is intended to close at top speed in battalion what effect this will have on the coming civil war.
The Federated Commonwealth has been arguably as hard- strength, firing all the way, deploying in a ‘hedgehog’ formation
hit by the Clan Invasion as the Draconis Combine. It has been which ensures many of this design will reach their opponents un-
several years since Defiance Industries was asked to devote pro- touched. Seventeen Double Heat Sinks guarantee the pilot can
duction line space to a new variant, but the General Staff feels it sustain maximum fire without any heat issues. None of the
is time to respond to a perceived change in Clan battlefield strat-
weapons has a minimum range. Once into the Ultra AC 20’s short
egy. The change is significant. As more and more Inner Sphere
or medium range, the pilot merely disengages his ER Large Laser,
forces shift to the Regimental Combat Team style of force de-
slaves the Ultra AC 20 in its place and continues firing.
ployment, the Clans appear to be moving away from their highly-
successful one-on-one tactics to a more varied bag of tricks. The Ultra AC 20 can fire two shots at once; if this combined
Chief among these is a new tendency to fight at long range and onslaught hits any one location on an opponent, it will immedi-
to keep the battle at long range as much as possible. No one out- ately strip away the armor from even the largest ‘Mech and ‘go in-
side Our Order seems to understand why this is so, but such ternal’. Even separate hits will produce massive damage. The
knowledge is not necessary to formulate a response. only shortcoming of this weapon is the relatively small amount of
The General Staff's solution is typical of Lyran doctrine: hit ammunition allocated – the ‘Mech carries only two tons, less than
more, hit harder, changing emphasis according to battlefield con- a minute’s worth under double-fire conditions. Mechwarriors are
ditions. Lately, though, the overall stress has been on ‘harder’, advised to use the Ultra multi-fire option sparingly, as a sort of
with ‘faster’ being added to the mix. The thinking goes like this: ‘can-opener’ they can later exploit with the energy weapons at
playing the developing range game with the Clan is a losing their disposal



Type/Model: Zeus ZEU-13S Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 80 tons 1 ER PPC LA 3 7
Equipment Mass 1 ER Large Laser CT 2 5
Internal Structure: 8 1 Medium Pulse Laser LA 1 2
Engine: 320XL Fusion 11.5 1 Medium Laser RA 1 1
Walking MP: 4 1 Medium Laser LA 1 1
Running MP: 6 1 Ultra Autocannon 20 RA 10 15
Jumping MP 0 Ammo (AC) 10 RT 2 2
Heat Sinks: 17 (34) 7 CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 240 15

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 25 38
Center Torso (Rear): 11
L/R Side Torso: 17 26/26
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 13 26/26
L/R Leg: 17 31/31





Type/Model: Battlemaster BLR-10K the Battlemaster was valuable enough to warrant a serious effort prises her friends and foes alike with agility and grace her Bat-
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 at improving production quality. The result was that the -10K up- tleMaster performs in battle.
grade includes replacing the old single heat sinks with ‘freezers’. Jennifer's original 'Mech was old 1G version of the Battle-
Config: Biped BattleMech In the developing conflict with the Clans, Combine designers rec- Master. With her 'Mech upgraded to 10K standard, Jennifer's
Mass: 85 tons ognized the need for better long-range combat ability. The origi- knack for outmaneuvering her combatants has been enchanced
Chassis: Earthwerk BLR Standard nal -1G's weapon systems included a Particle Projector Cannon, by 10K's lethal firepower.
its only effective ranged weapon. Upgrade -10K replaces this with
Power Plant: 340 Magna Fusion
a new design, the Fusigon Sabretooth Heavy PPC, which has the
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h same fire envelope but delivers fifty percent more damage.
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h Further changes include replacing the six medium lasers
Jump Jets: None with four forward-facing Extended Range versions, as well as
Jump Capacity: 0 meters switching the Short Range Missile rack out for an LRM-10 Long
Range Missile launcher and a single ton of ammunition protected
Armor Type: Durallex Heavy with CASE Ferro-Fibrous by CASE.
Armament: The Battlemaster -10K has more than double the long-range
1 Heavy PPC punch of the -1G, and its medium range has also been extended.
1 LRM-10 This comes at a cost in heat, but the new Double Heat Sinks allow
the -10K to fire 85% of its weapons at short to medium ranges
4 ER Medium Lasers with no heat buildup – while still remaining mobile! What is more,
Manufacturer: Earthwerks Incorporated the extensive use of Ferrofibrous Armor enabled the designers to
Communications System: Barret Party Line-200 increase this ‘Mech’s armor loadout from 88% to 95% of the
maximum allowed!
Targeting & Tracking System: Wasat Watchdog W100
Finally, the fire control for the LRM launcher was moved next
Overview: to that of the Heavy PPC. Reserve pilots often think in 'range
groups'. This relocation ensures that inexperienced Mechwarriors
When House Kurita received downgraded Star League will not forget their new weapon, which can make the difference
'Mechs from Our Order in 3038, they grumbled. They had little in a difficult fight.
choice, however. With the exception of a few manufacturing
plants where they were working on prototypes of new designs, Battle History:
House Kurita had little capacity for upgrades. In later years newer,
more capable designs did roll off the assembly lines and were the The Battlemaster BLR-10K has been rushed to the front
pride of the Draconis Combine. Still, the old Succession War-era lines near the Lyon’s Thumb, an area belonging to the Lyran Al-
‘Mechs soldiered on - House Kurita was fighting for its life and liance but garrisoned by Combine troops representing the New
couldn't afford a single idle unit. Then came the rebirth of the Star Star League. Preliminary reports are optimistic, although word
League, and enough breathing room to equip most second line has filtered back to our agents that refits are even now being con-
regiments with upgrade packages purchased directly from the sidered which add another ton of LRM-10 ammunition at the cost
Free Worlds League. The BLR-10K is an example of the more of armor.
successful upgrades.
Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Capabilities: Jennifer Mitchell
As the -10K is an 'upgrade' of the venerable -1G, it keeps This woman's small size does not match her near legendary
the frame, myomer, and engine - and little else. Even though Ku- reputation when it comes to maneuver-combat. Able to squeeze
ritan production of double heatsinks was plagued with problems, every last ounce of speed out of her BattleMaster, she often sur-



Type/Model: Battlemaster BLR-10K Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 85 tons 1 Heavy PPC RA 4 10
Equipment Mass 2 ER Medium Laser LA 2 2
Internal Structure: 8.5 2 ER Medium Laser RA 2 2
Engine: 340 Fusion 27 1 LRM-10 LT 2 5
Walking MP: 4 Ammo (LRM) 12 LT 1 1
Running MP: 6 CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5
Jumping MP 0
Heat Sinks: 18 (36) 8
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 251 14

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 27 44
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 18 28/28
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 14 28/28
L/R Leg: 18 30/30





Type/Model: Longbow LGB-7W cost of Extended Range Medium Lasers would give the Longbow Unfortunately for the Capellans, several of these units were
Tech: Inner Sphere /3059 a vital edge when defending against head hunter units and Longbow -7Ws equipped with Arrow IV. They used TAG-
airstrikes. The most unexpected twist is the addition of Target Ac- equipped helicopters to great advantage, launching attacks with
Config: Biped BattleMech quisition Gear, or TAG, a feature usually found only on more mo- pin-point accuracy. The resulting barrage of artillery shells rained
Mass: 85 tons bile scout units. This inclusion is a bit of a mystery, as TAG is best heavily on House Liao's armored vehicle regiment, destroying
Chassis: StarCorp 100 Standard used for indirect fire. Our Order can only suppose that a highly nearly seventy percent of it and eventually driving the Capellans
skilled Longbow pilot might use the TAG designator to increase off that world.
Power Plant: 255 Strand Fusion
the accuracy of his own direct artillery fire – a novel concept we
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h trace back to certain ideas proposed by the Word of Blake. Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h The main discussion during the design of this 'Mech cen-
James Taylor
Jump Jets: None tered around the installation of a Standard or Extra-Light fusion
engine. The XL engine would allow the -7W to keep up with most After his outstanding service in the Battle for Oriente, Tay-
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
heavy support units, but the Procurement Department vetoed this lor was transferred to the Defenders of Andurien's 4th Regiment
Armor Type: StarSlab/9.5 Mk II Standard idea due to its expense. Capable only of a stately 54 kph, the re- light assault lance. This transfer came in lieu of a promotion; Tay-
Armament: sulting ‘Mech is vulnerable to overrun attacks. Thus, artillery lor is a skilled Mechwarrior, but like many of that breed, a heavy
lances will be assigned one 'guardian' unit, possibly the new drinker. He of course does not see this as a reward, but his com-
2 Arrow IV Systems
Gunner GR-5M, which is slightly faster and well-suited to this manders know better. Taylor’s reputation for carousing nearly cost
2 ER Medium Lasers him his career at one point; his reputation as a fast-thinking com-
1 TAG bat pilot is all that saved it. The chain of command hopes that
The Marik’s StarCorps factories are currently operating duty in a less-demanding environment will allow Mechwarrior
Manufacturer: StarCorps Industries around the clock on three shifts to meet production orders for the Taylor time to dry out.
Communications System: O/P 3000 COMSET with Irain TelStar -7W. All plant output is slated for the Free Worlds League mili-
Targeting & Tracking System: AntiAir Flak Systems-1, Octagon tary, which has no intention of permitting this variant to be sold to
Tartrac System C anyone, including mercenary units. This is contrary to StarCorp
Industries policy and, indeed, places them at considerable dis-
Overview: advantage in a free-market society. House Marik must have ex-
erted tremendous pressure on StarCorp’s corporate heads to
Following the successful debut of the Draconis Combine’s gain this concession. Meanwhile, StarCorps factories in the Fed-
O-Bakemono on Towe, the need for a dedicated artillery 'Mech erated Commonwealth are selling conventional Longbows to all
became clear to the Free World League. A fresh design was comers, including mercenary units employed by the Common-
deemed too time-consuming and the Combine had neither the wealth government as well as those units stationed within Al-
capacity nor the desire to actually sell their new 'Mech to House liance borders.
Marik – this, despite extensive trade agreements. League de-
signers were put to work on the matter, and their first step was to Battle History:
find a suitable frame. The Longbow was the most obvious can-
didate for modification. Of course, the proposed variant was to be The number of Longbows produced has so far been limited,
built only on Emris IV, and its specifications kept secret from the due to the restricted capacity of the lone manufacturer. The fall of
rest of StarCorps Industries. the New Star League places the Emris IV facilities in jeopardy, as
they are near the border and vulnerable to a raid from most of the
Capabilities: other Houses.
In one of a long series of battles on the planet Oriente,
The re-invention of the Longbow comes with a few surprises. House Liao’s crack troops attempted to take that world from
Twin Arrow-IV Artillery Launchers with ample CASE-protected or- House Marik. Several Longbow lances were attached to Marik's
dinance were expected, as were two lasers for close-quarter Fusiliers of Oriente's 5th Brigade and assigned to the defense of
backup. The design group, however, decided that the additional a strategic lake.



Type/Model: Longbow LGB-7W Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 85 tons 1 Arrow IV System RA 12 12
Equipment Mass Ammo (Arrow) 15 RT 3 3
Internal Structure: 8.5 1 Arrow IV System LA 12 12
Engine: 255 Fusion 13 Ammo (Arrow) 15 LT 3 3
Walking MP: 3 2 ER Medium Laser CT 2 2
Running MP: 5 TAG H 1 1
Jumping MP 0 CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5
Heat Sinks: 12 (24) 2 CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 248 15.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 27 41
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 18 26/26
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10
L/R Arm: 14 26/26
L/R Leg: 18 32/32





Type/Model: Yu Huang Y-H11G shells to the already- packed bins, so a little over a minute of sus- Shim was exposed to nerve toxin shortly after the deadly Black
Tech: Inner Sphere /3061 tained fire is all the design gets. May attacks, during the Thuggee purge. He is now restricted to
The ER PPC, LRM-10, and jump jets were all retained, giv- a wheelchair due to the neurological damage he sustained, but
Config: Biped BattleMech thanks to his Warrior House’s skilled technicians, is still able to
ing the monster machine impressive maneuverability and decent
Mass: 90 tons long-range hitting ability. To better blend its range brackets, the pilot his modified Yu Huang. He can no longer jump effectively,
Chassis: Chariot Type II Endo Steel Endo Steel trio of medium lasers was replaced by a pair of ER models and an but his marksmanship is unsurpassed within the Confederation
extra heat sink. This, combined with the new autocannon, gives (save, perhaps, for Kai Allard-Liao), and his House Master is
Power Plant: 360 Hermes XL Fusion
the new Yu Huang a slightly different mission profile from the orig- grateful to be able to use his experience and skill in training new
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h additions to the Lorix Order.
inal 9G, though not one so altered that pilots would have any
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h trouble adjusting.
Jump Jets: 4 Rodan 90s Standard Jump Jets A final note regards the armor. After reviewing combat logs
Jump Capacity: 120 meters and gun camera footage, Shengli Arms engineers slightly reshuf-
Armor Type: Star Shell Standard Standard fled the protection on the ‘Mech, though only by a few centime-
ters per location. They claim that this will better protect several
Armament: internal components - a boast that wise MechWarriors take with
1 ER PPC a grain of salt.
2 ER Medium Lasers
1 LRM-10 Battle History:
1 Ultra AC/20 Shengli Arms has produced several of these new models
Manufacturer: Shengli Arms for the CCAF. Three ended up being used in the St. Ives conflict,
Communications System: Dian-bao Comms, Standard where they proved able to work well in congested and open bat-
tlefields alike. They appear to work best when used in a similar
Targeting & Tracking System: O/P 911 manner to the older Victor BattleMechs long-enamored by Capel-
lan, St. Ives, and FedSuns pilots alike. In cities they proved es-
Overview: pecially deadly, jumping from behind cover to pour fire into
opposing formations until their main guns ran dry, then slowly
Despite being Shengli Arms’ current flagship, the imposing backing away to bring their longer-ranged array of powerful
Yu Huang has met with only moderate acclaim from Confedera- weapons into play. Their thick armor was usually enough to keep
tion MechWarriors. None can deny that it’s a sheer brute of a Bat- the machines alive despite the riskiness of this tactic.
tleMech, especially in the traditionally lighter CCAF, but the choice
of weapons left many pilots feeling as through they were assigned The only factor that may limit production of this machine in
to stripped- down Atlases. The 11G variant is an evolutionary up- the future is, ironically, the very feature that makes it unique - its
grade that might just change a few minds, however. Defiance Thunder-model Ultra autocannon. Archon Katrina
(Katherine) Steiner-Davion has recently restricted exports of the
Capabilities: weapon, likely in case the long- rumored civil war finally erupts.
Several Capellan manufacturers have begun projects into re-
While the huge LB20-X mounted in its right arm and torso verse-engineering the gun, but only time will tell if their efforts
was impressive at close ranges, several MechWarriors com- bear fruit or if the 11G Yu Huang will join so many other promis-
plained that they felt they were actually lacking short- range fire- ing ‘Mechs that were lost due to lack of components.
power despite the array of lasers in the opposite limb. Shengli
listened to this criticism and took the only logical step: they re- Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
placed the autocannon with an even more powerful Ultra model
capable of sending nearly two and a half tons of ammunition Senior Instructor Steven Shim
down-range in a minute. They did not, however, add any more Once a member of House Hiritsu’s elite BattleMech corps,



Type/Model: Yu Huang Y-H11G Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 90 tons 1 ER PPC LA 3 7
Equipment Mass 1 Ultra Autocannon 20 RA 10 15
Internal Structure: 4.5 Ammo (AC) 15 RT 3 3
Engine: 360XL Fusion 16.5 1 LRM-10 CT 2 5
Walking MP: 4 Ammo (LRM) 12 LT 1 1
Running MP: 6 2 ER Medium Laser LT 2 2
Jumping MP 4
Heat Sinks: 14 (28) 4
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 272 17

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 29 45
Center Torso (Rear): 12
L/R Side Torso: 19 28/28
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 9/9
L/R Arm: 15 30/30
L/R Leg: 19 36/36





Type/Model: Banshee BNC-1DM it was a ‘heat beast’ which was often neutralized, not by enemy with accurate long-range fire, then pinpointing his weakened
Tech: Inner Sphere /3061 action, but by its own skyrocketing internal temperatures and armor is a tried-and-true method for taking down opponents, and
subsequent reactor shutdown. The BNC-3Q had no such prob- when combined with a large ‘Mech, it can be devastating.
Config: Biped BattleMech
lems, yet in its own way was just as hamstrung as its brother Protecting this new technology is a full sixteen and a half
Mass: 95 tons ‘Mech. Mounting only two weapons – a relatively short-ranged tons of standard armor, 90% of the maximum permitted for the
Chassis: Foundation 210 Endo Steel Autocannon 20 and a single small laser – this design was worth- Banshee’s chassis. This is a ten percent increase over previous
Power Plant: 380 GM XL Fusion less until it closed with the enemy, by which time the Banshee designs, and exceeds even that of the -1DM’s brother ‘Mechs.
was all but shot to pieces despite its wealth of armor. Finally, sixteen Double Heat Sinks ensure this Banshee need
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h never suffer from debilitating heat buildup – the pilot can fire both
Precentor Thule Martin notes that this machine actually had
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h less firepower than a ‘Mech half its mass (the Hunchback comes ER PPCs while at a dead run and remain cool in the cockpit.
Jump Jets: None to mind) without that design’s agility and low cost. The Banshee Standing his ground in a protected area, a Mechwarrior can even
seemed obsolete, and it was. If not for the large numbers re- add the LRM-10 to his barrage and still keep heat under control
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
maining scattered throughout House Steiner’s military and the – a far cry from the days when a Banshee was more of a threat to
Armor Type: Longanecker PlastiSteel Standard itself than the enemy.
desperate circumstances brought on by four Succession Wars,
Armament: this ‘Mech would have been consigned to a museum long ago.
2 ER PPC But new technology seems to have a way of re-animating Battle History:
1 LRM-10 w/Artemis IV even the worst ‘Mechs. So it was with the Banshee in 3059, when No battle action reports have yet come in concerning this
1 RAC/5 a Federated Commonwealth full of vigor and eager to expand its new machine. However, the potential is not hard to see. The -1DM
military with new designs and refurbished antiques decided to may finally fulfill the promise of the Banshee’s long-dead design-
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries produce not one, but three new variants on the existing Banshee ers by becoming what this ‘Mech should have been from the start
Communications System: Angst Clear Channel 3 frame. The first two to hit the testing grounds were the -5S, an – a prime contender for the title of ‘King of the Battlefield’.
Targeting & Tracking System: Angst Clear View 2A anti-support ‘Mech intended to deal with vehicles and infantry,
and the -6S, a slugger fully maximized to go toe to toe with other Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Overview: assault ‘Mechs and come out on top. The third and final design,
The Von Wilmers
the BNC-1DM, was actually produced first, but problems with fi-
The Banshee has been around almost as long as Battle- nancing, as well as issues with the ammo feed and storage for the The Von Wilmers are a team of brothers who enlisted in the
Mechs themselves. It was among the first truly heavy designs to new Rotary Autocannon, kept it in the factory shed until recently. Lyran Commonwealth’s Armed Forces shortly after the beginning
roll out in the golden years of the Terran Hegemony, and is a blood of the Clan Invasion. Motivated by patriotism and a desire to leave
relative of the Mackie. Its 95-ton frame was one of the most mas-
sive ever made, and for its size the Banshee was fast and heav-
Capabilities: their home planet (Glengarry) and ‘see the galaxy’, the three
joined up while the youngest was only 16. Ten years later these
ily-armored. However, the huge fusion engines of that era left little Based on an Endo Steel skeleton, the BNC-1DM is powered rowdy lads have all earned a place in a BattleMech cockpit, each
room for weapons, which were added almost as an afterthought by a 380 XL engine, giving it good speed (up to 65 kph) but trad- piloting in a different weight class.
– as if the new ‘Mech was some giant-size backstreet brawler, ing battlefield toughness for an expanded weapons loadout. And Elder brother Cyril ‘works’ a speedy Mongoose which
beating up or intimidating opponents rather than a war machine the choice of weapons does not disappoint. The primary guns are seems to suit his temperament – always in a hurry to get some-
designed to take out foes with hard-hitting, accurate firepower. a pair of Extended Range Particle Projection Cannons, with their where, be it a favorite watering hole or the nearest fight.
Despite a lack of similarly-sized opponents and a production signature long reach and solid damage. Backing these is a RAC-5
The middle brother, Leonardo, is more restrained. He is a deep-
run that ran into the thousands, the Banshee was doomed from the Rotary Autocannon, with a respectable range of its own, massive thinking tactician and can be found tinkering with his Nightsky when
beginning, because it committed the cardinal sin of going to a war damage potential and a decent three-ton supply of ammunition. he is not squiring a female companion to the local nightclubs.
armed for a duel. This was a pardonable offense in the beginning – Finally, the -1DM carries an LRM-10 Long Range Missile rack sup-
plied with a single ton of ammo. This last may be the only flaw in Finally there is Floyd. No longer a boy trying to prove himself,
no one really understood the impact and proper application of the this Mechwarrior is a confident young man whose ability in the
BattleMech when the Banshee was built. Even so, it was tragically the design – two minutes worth of missile fire is not considered
cockpit may yet overshadow that of his siblings. His intuitive grasp
undergunned for a heavy BattleMech of any era. Attempts were good battlefield endurance. But this is acceptable in light of what
of the ‘big picture’ bodes well for his career, and Floyd Von Wilmer
made to improve the payload or find a mission it could perform well. has been added to the Banshee – a Targeting Computer.
has recently been entrusted with a Banshee BNC-1DM, replacing
Apparently neither was possible, even at the height of the first Star The targeting computer has just begun reaching front-line the battleworn Awesome which he has been piloting since 3058.
League. The Banshee was eventually sidelined in favor of new de- ‘Mechs. It is expensive and maintenance-intensive, but judicious
signs, trotted out only when there was nothing better to be had. The three Von Wilmers have served in the same regiment since
use grants an otherwise-average weapons array the edge needed their enlistment. While none shows much interest in settling down,
It was not until the early 31st Century that variants such as to turn the tide of battle. The Banshee BNC-1DM has this edge, the ‘galaxy’ they went out to ‘see’ is a big place and it is only a mat-
the -3M and -3Q appeared, and even these were largely consid- and while the RAC-5 may not fully benefit from the new targeting ter of time before one of them (most likely Floyd) finds a woman who
ered failures. The -3M featured two PPCs and a handful of lasers; system, the ER PPCs are another matter. Softening up the enemy compares favorably with his first love – ‘flying’ a BattleMech.

Type/Model: Banshee BNC-1DM Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 95 tons 2 ER PPC RA 6 14
Equipment Mass 1 RAC/5 LT 6 10
Internal Structure: 5 Ammo (RAC) 60 LT 3 3
Engine: 380XL Fusion 20.5 1 LRM-10 w/Artemis IV RT 3 6
Walking MP: 4 Ammo (LRM) 12 CT 1 1
Running MP: 6 Targeting Computer RT 6 6
Jumping MP 0
Heat Sinks: 16 (32) 6
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 264 16.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 30 45
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 20 30/30
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10
L/R Arm: 16 30/30
L/R Leg: 19 30/30





Type/Model: Gunner GR-5M Capabilities:

Tech: Inner Sphere /3060
The Gunner is much more than a warmed-over Albatross.
Config: Biped BattleMech
An Endo Steel chassis supports a 380 XL fusion engine, which in
Mass: 95 tons turn gives the Gunner a top speed of nearly 65 kph, quite speedy
Chassis: Albat-50 Endo Steel for a ‘Mech of this weight class. Weapons loadout is considerably
different from the older Albatross as well, starting with a Gauss
Power Plant: 380 Hermes XL Fusion
Rifle and twin Long Range Missile -10 launchers. Such long-range
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h striking power opens the show for an assault, followed by close-
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h combat punch in the form of a highly-accurate Large Pulse Laser
Jump Jets: None and a triple battery of Extended Range Medium Lasers.
Fourteen Double Heat Sinks are more than enough to han-
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
dle the expected heat load. Careful work at the design level yields
Armor Type: StarSlab CASE two distinct groups of weaponry – long and short range – which,
Armament: if used properly, allow a Gunner pilot maximum mobility during
1 Large Pulse Laser continuous fire. Close-combat occurs 50% earlier due to the
greater range afforded by the newest family of lasers, meaning
3 ER Medium Lasers this ‘Mech can potentially destroy an opponent before they get
1 Gauss Rifle close enough to engage in physical combat – something to con-
2 LRM-10s sider since the advent of large hatchet-bearing ‘Mechs such as
the Axeman and Berserker.
Manufacturer: Irian Battlemechs Unlimited
The GR-5M carries sixteen and a half tons of standard
Communications System: Irian Technologies HMR-35S armor, a full 90% of the amount allotted for a ‘Mech of this ton-
Targeting & Tracking System: Omicron TrackerKeeper nage, and a 20% improvement over the parent design. Backing
this is CASE protection for both left and right torso ammo bins.
Overview: Our Order expects this ‘Mech to be much tougher on the battle-
field, although it is a breakthrough design and not intended for
Since the Clan invasion, House Marik has enjoyed a certain extended combat missions.
amount of relief from the constant pressure on its borders. While
it was true the Clans were expected to come after the Free Worlds Battle History:
League upon defeating Houses Steiner and Kurita, this has not
happened, and may never happen. As tensions inevitably wane, The GR-5M has been seen on the Capellan frontier, and is
the other Houses are turning their attention back towards House thought to be slowly replacing the older Albatross on the Lyran
Marik. The Marik’s response is to gear up for conflict with his tra- border as well. It has not been accompanied by much fanfare; The
ditional enemies – House Liao and House Steiner – by making Marik apparently prefers that his foes discover the new design in
the heat of battle, rather than on an evening news broadcast.
significant changes to an existing ‘Mech whose initial design was
a hurried response to the Clan Invasion itself. Stripping the Alba-
tross ALB-3U and refitting it would not be enough. Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Marik engineers chose Endo steel for the new chassis; the None at present. There are rumors circulating that certain
expected savings in tonnage was increased still further by a de- Mechwarriors are even now testing this ‘Mech against its prede-
cision to reduce the number of ammunition-dependent weapons cessor under the guise of ‘military training’. As such practice
while extending the new ‘Mech’s overall combat reach as much flouts the low-key introduction policy the Free Worlds League is
as possible. And so, the Gunner GR-5M was born. pursuing, we believe these reports may be just that – rumors.



Type/Model: Gunner GR-5M Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 95 tons 1 Large Pulse Laser RA 2 7
Equipment Mass 1 ER Medium Laser RA 1 1
Internal Structure: 5 2 ER Medium Laser CT 2 2
Engine: 380XL Fusion 20.5 1 Gauss Rifle LA 7 15
Walking MP: 4 Ammo (Gauss) 16 LA 1 1
Running MP: 6 1 LRM-10 w/Artemis IV LT 3 5
Jumping MP 0 Ammo (LRM) 12 LT 1 1
Heat Sinks: 14 (28) 4 1 LRM-10 w/Artemis IV RT 3 5
Gyro: 4 Ammo (LRM) 12 RT 1 1
Cockpit: 3 CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5
Armor Factor: 264 16.5 CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 30 45
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 20 30/30
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10
L/R Arm: 16 28/28
L/R Leg: 19 32/32





Type/Model: Atlas AS9-K ranged equipment. Taking a cue from the popular Awesome, the Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Tech: Inner Sphere /3060 9-K features a pair of Gauss Rifles mounted in either side torso.
Four tons of ammunition ensures a long battlefield lifetime, and a Tai-i Richard “Ricky” Teisan
Config: Biped BattleMech
C3 Slave computer allows it to easily support close-in and scout The pilot of the first AS9-K into action, then- MechWarrior
Mass: 100 tons elements. Teisan, worked closely with the other ‘Mechs in his company, in-
Chassis: Foundation Type 10X Standard Backing up its primary armament, the Atlas has an ad- tegrating range data from his scout lance’s Jenners and coordi-
Power Plant: 300 Hermes XL Fusion vanced Extended-Range Large Laser in each arm. These can be nating his fire with that of his lancemates to destroy ‘Mech after
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h used in combination with the gauss weapons or to cover the ‘Mech. His actions earned him a promotion, and he now com-
‘Mech’s blind spots to the sides. Its only other weapon system is mands the company he once served in.
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
a standard ten-rack of Long-Range Missiles supplied with a ton MechWarrior Mark Cannon
Jump Jets: None of ammunition, which often fires specialized munitions depend- Though he was involved in the same battle as Tai-i Teisan,
Jump Capacity: 0 meters ing on the specific mission. Ample heat sinks allow for sustained Cannon was not as lucky. His commander did not understand the
Armor Type: Durallex Special Heavy Standard fire with few issues due to overheating. special role of the new Atlas and deployed his machine in a stan-
Armament: This brutal new layout is not without its drawbacks, how- dard line assault lance. When Cannon's company was thrown
ever. By focusing on long-range heavy firepower, the ‘Mech gives into combat with a Binary of close-combat oriented OmniMechs,
2 ER Large Lasers
up all ability to effectively engage units at close range - ironic, Cannon shut down several of his heat sinks and attempted to en-
2 Gauss Rifles given the Atlas’s original abilities.It also lacks the Martell medium gage the Clan warriors in physical combat. However, his Atlas
1 LRM-10 lasers that once guarded its back, though this is considered in- succumbed to PPC fire and was utterly destroyed when one of its
Manufacturer: Independence Weaponry consequential given its new role. The 9K is equipped with triple- gauss rifles exploded. Mark survived and retreated with the rest
strength myomer, but as heat sinks need to be taken off-line to of his unit. Because he showed great personal honor despire los-
Communications System: Sipher Security Plus ing his ‘Mech, his request for another AS9-K was granted and he
activate it, its use is recommended only for emergencies.
Targeting & Tracking System: Matabushi Sentinel is determined to prove the variant’s value. His company com-
Perhaps most damning is the use of an extra-light engine. mander was executed for misuse of state resources and gross
Overview: This gives the refitted Atlas plenty of tonnage to mount its dev-
astating array of weapons, but given the explosive nature of

The huge and dominating Atlas is one of the most distinctive gauss weaponry, this detail means that any penetrating shot to
BattleMechs in the Inner Sphere. Every Successor State fields at the torso will almost certainly result in a wrecked machine.
least a handful of these massive designs, typically as command
machines thanks to its sophisticated radio electronics. Battle History:
Despite its popularity, the basic AS7-D model described by
As it has only been recently fielded, the AS9-K has yet to be
General Kerensky has several important flaws. It doesn’t properly
utilize its mass to concentrate on a role. Instead, it mounts several used in any major operations. It was originally intended to replace
weapons with vastly different range brackets, becoming a prime battlefield losses incurred during Operation Bulldog, but the rel-
example of a “jack of all trades”‘Mech. Later models developed atively light casualties suffered by the DCMS in that conflict have
after the Clan Invasion are often even more unbalanced, wasting restricted its deployment.
tonnage on systems that cannot be effectively used together. Indeed, this variant of the Atlas has only seen combat once,
The recent AS9-K version attempts to rectify these short- during a raid on the Ghost Bear Occupation Zone. Two AS9-Ks
comings by focusing on a single mission: long-range direct-fire were assigned to the Eighth Dieron Regulars. The first was prop-
support. erly deployed with adequate support and accounted for roughly
150 tons of defeated Clan equipment. The second was used as
Capabilities: a standard AS7-D and was destroyed in short order when a
Ghost Bear Masakari managed to penetrate its left torso with a
This Kuritan variant, currently in limited production, forgoes particle cannon, leading to a catastrophic capacitor explosion
all short-ranged weapons to mount a withering array of powerful that left the ‘Mech gutted.



Type/Model: Atlas AS9-K Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 100 tons 1 ER Large Laser RA 2 5
Equipment Mass 1 ER Large Laser LA 2 5
Internal Structure: 10 1 Gauss Rifle RT 7 15
Engine: 300XL Fusion 9.5 Ammo (Gauss) 8 RT 1 1
Walking MP: 3 Ammo (Gauss) 8 RL 1 1
Running MP: 5 1 Gauss Rifle LT 7 15
Jumping MP 0 Ammo (Gauss) 16 LT 2 2
Heat Sinks: 14 (28) 4 1 LRM-10 CT 2 5
Gyro: 3 Ammo (LRM) 12 RT 1 1
Cockpit: 3 C3 Slave Unit H 1 1
Armor Factor: 307 19.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 31 47
Center Torso (Rear): 15
L/R Side Torso: 21 32/32
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10
L/R Arm: 17 34/34
L/R Leg: 21 42/42





Type/Model: Berserker BRZ-D4 Capabilities: of shooting lighter 'Mechs to pieces and taking out larger, more
Tech: Inner Sphere /3062 heavily-armored opponents in hand-to-hand combat. Our Order
The Berserker BZR-D4 retains the awesome visage of its expects this new design to be assigned to shock units, along with
Config: Biped BattleMech other heavy mechs. Its new long reach allows this machine to do
parent design and still strikes terror into many enemy pilots. It re-
Mass: 100 tons mains powered by a Pitban 400 XL engine and continues to carry what it never could before - lay down a brutal, unexpected bar-
nineteen and a half tons of armor, 100% of the amount permitted. rage before actual physical combat. As such, it will surely teach
Chassis: Defiance Berserker Endo Steel
But it no longer comes equipped with Myomer Acceleration Sig- opponents new respect for the design.
Power Plant: 400 LTV XL Fusion
nal Circuitry (MASC), although it can still charge an enemy at up
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h to 65 kph. The hatchet is still formidable in close combat. How- Battle History:
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h ever, the biggest change is in the weapons loadout.
After the fall of the new Star League, the Berserker should
Jump Jets: None Enemies who thought themselves safe from this ‘Mech will have no trouble finding ample employment in the incipient Fed-
be shocked from their complacency when they discover the –D4 erated Commonwealth civil war. This un-common yet dangerous
Jump Capacity: 0 meters has swapped out the large pulse lasers and ER PPC for an arm- 'Mech appears to have been granted a new lease on life, and will
Armor Type: Durallex Special Heavy Standard mounted Defiance 1001 Heavy Particle Projection Cannon and a no doubt remain a threat to be reckoned with on future battle-
Armament: shoulder-mounted GM Whirlwind Heavy Gauss Rifle. The Heavy fields.
PPC has the range of an ER Large Laser but does nearly twice the
1 Heavy PPC
1 Heavy Gauss Rifle
damage of that worthy design. Matching the Heavy PPC in range
and striking power, the Heavy Gauss at medium range is as lethal
Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
2 ER Medium Lasers as the Berzerker’s infamous hatchet, and even deadlier up close. Cathleen Anderson
Twin Sutel Precision Line Extended Range Medium Lasers round
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries off this impressive array and provide a handy solution to smaller This MechWarrior's dark blue Berserker, decorated with
Communications System: Neil 9000 targets at closer ranges. credit symbols, is a much-feared sight in the Tikonov Reaches.
Credited with almost ten kills, Cathleen Anderson is a tenacious
Targeting & Tracking System: Angst Clear View 2A While equipped with only eleven Double Heat Sinks, the low hunter, often surprising her opponents when they least expect her.
thermal signature of the Heavy Gauss Rifle combines well with
Neither the lives of her comrades nor those of innocent civil-
Overview: the high heat output of the Heavy PPC. The result is a Berserker
ians stand in Cathleen's way as she destroys enemy 'Mechs with
which can run and fire both main guns without any temperature
methodic brutality. The credit symbols decorating her 'Mech are
The BRZ-A3 Berserker first walked off the assembly line in spikes whatsoever. Once a –D4’s pilot passes the ‘sweet spot’ at
a reflection of her own true nature.
late 3055, a creation driven by the need to stem the advance of 150 meters, she can switch out the Heavy PPC for the two ER
invading Clans. Designed from the start as a visually intimidating Mediums and continue to fire.
machine, it was intended to tackle ‘Mechs of its own weight It should be noted, however, that the two main weapons
class, stripping their armor off with its particle projection cannon have a minimum targeting range – 120 meters for the Heavy
and large pulse lasers before literally beating them to death with Gauss, 90 meters for the Heavy PPC. Once inside that range, a
a massive hatchet. wise Mechwarrior will close as fast as possible with her oppo-
nent, since at that point all she can count on for accurate fire are
For the most part, this concept worked. For a while. Unfor-
the two ER Mediums. Once the –D4 stands toe to toe with an
tunately, within a year or two opponents caught on to the design’s enemy ‘Mech, of course, the hatchet goes from deadweight to
weakness and began using tactics which kept the Berserker at deadly bludgeon. It is assumed that at this point in the combat
long range and unable to adequately defend itself. Although a cou- few ‘Mechs will be able to withstand a hatchet strike with a hun-
ple of variants have appeared in the intervening years, the dred tons of Berserker behind it.
Berserker is no longer considered an ace in the hole for assault
The Berserker BZR-D4 is intended to operate as a front-line
lances. Many commanders now choose other, less specialized
heavy-attack ‘Mech, outclassed only by designs of similar ton-
‘Mechs to take the Berserker’s place, and it looks as though, less nage such as the Devastator and Assault Clan Omnis. With very
than seven years after its introduction, this design may be obsolete. good field endurance courtesy of its energy-based weapons and
But looks can be deceiving. a generous four tons of ferro-nickel slugs, the BZR-D4 is capable



Type/Model: Berserker BRZ-D4 Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 100 tons 1 Heavy PPC LA 4 10
Equipment Mass 2 ER Medium Lasers RT 2 2
Internal Structure: 10 1 Heavy Gauss Rifle LT 11 18
Engine: 400XL Fusion 26.5 Ammo (Heavy Gauss) 20 RT 4 4
Walking MP: 4 Hatchet RA 7 7
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP 0
Heat Sinks: 11 (22) 1
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 307 19.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 31 47
Center Torso (Rear): 15
L/R Side Torso: 21 32/32
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10
L/R Arm: 17 34/34
L/R Leg: 21 42/42



The destruction of the Smoke Jaguars has had a great impact on the Clans as well. Clan politics
between Wardens and Crusaders has always been contentious, but it was hoped the Smoke
Jaguar’s example would serve as a warning to those Crusaders who thought defeating the Inner
Sphere would be a matter of waiting until our guard was down. And it is true, the pace of in-
ternecine fighting has slowed somewhat. There are a number of reasons for this.
One is that the rapid expansion of Clan-dominated worlds has strapped their military forces over-
all, while the defeat at Tukayyid still echoes through empty warrior mess halls and understaffed
headquarters alike. The Clans have a population problem. Some respond by importing the popu-
lations of entire worlds to new homes carved out of the Inner Sphere. Others are hurriedly ramp-
ing up Trueborn gestation sites and training schools.
Another is that some of the most hidebound, reactionary elements of Clan culture have been forced
to retreat to their homeworlds. The firebrand iKhans of the past are no more, replaced with more
politically savvy descendants who see some value in assimilation and even a relaxation of the
strict caste system as they settle down to actually living on the worlds they so recently seized by
However, the true legacy of the Smoke Jaguars may even now be finding expression, not in more
peace talks and increased trade, but in accelerated military research and construction. Such de-
velopment forms a continuous backdrop to all civilizations, but the Clans are a Warrior-centric cul-
ture and for them, new weapons, tactics and delivery systems are literally a way of life. Rather
than focus on a few Clans for this Technical Readout, we of the Archives and Records arm decided
to branch out and incorporate intelligence gathered from all corners of Clan-space. What we found
was surprising.
Clans as diverse in outlook as the Fire Mandrills, the Jade Falcons and the Cloud Cobras have
begun fielding new configurations of older Omni-Mechs. Even the Steel Vipers, a Clan not seen in
the Inner Sphere since 3052, are fielding a conventional ‘Mech based on the old Hellbringer (Loki)
Omni-Mech design. New weapons technology is appearing at an increased rate, as the Advanced
Tactical Missile system shakes off its early flaws and finds its way into Clan battlefield doctrine. At
the same time, older ‘off-the-shelf’ weapons systems find widespread employment in new con-
figurations as the Clans attempt to relieve the pressure on their factories and supply lines until
they can ‘catch their breath’ and bring new production facilities online.
Most notable of the ‘Mechs listed here are four entirely new Omni-Mech designs. Clans Fire Man-
drill, Hell’s Horses, Steel Viper and Coyote are all throwing their hat in the ring as it were, introduc-
ing the Ferratus, Falcata, Thylacine and Dimacheri, respectively. Ranging from 65 to 95 tons, these
are all efficient, carefully-considered designs which stand a good chance of replacing their seasoned
predecessors as they work their way into other Clan militaries through trade and battlefield salvage.
A final note: as of this writing, word has arrived that Draconis Combine forces have attacked the
world of Alshain in regimental strength. It is presumed they are attempting to retake the capital of Clan
Ghost Bear by force. What possible motive could be behind this surprise move? Given the Bear’s
overwhelming presence in the area and past evidence of their strength, it is difficult to imagine House
Kurita ordered the assault. Perhaps it is simply another political ploy, one of many made in recent
years. Regardless, the result is sure to spell hard days to come for the Combine and its neighbors.




Type/Model: Kit Fox F the continuous available firepower to 84% of the total loadout.
Tech: Clan /3059 This can be sustained for relatively long periods even when the ‘F’
is moving at full speed, thanks to fifteen Double Heat Sinks. Ex-
Config: Biped OmniMech perienced Mechwarriors exercising proper heat management will
Mass: 30 tons maintain this high rate of fire for twenty seconds out of thirty,
Chassis: Endo Steel dropping an ER Medium and reducing movement to return to
zero heat before starting the cycle over again.
Power Plant: 180 XL Fusion
Finally, at close range with lesser ‘Mechs or vehicles, the
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h Medium Pulse laser comes into its own. The built-in accuracy
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h easily compensates for small, high-speed targets.
Jump Jets: None All of this comes at a price: the Kit Fox is no better armored
Jump Capacity: 0 meters than many similar Inner Sphere designs, carrying only 73% of the
armor possible for its tonnage. Pilots thinking to rely on acceler-
Armor Type: Ferro Fibrous
ation and maneuverability for protection in close combat will find
Armament: themselves disappointed – the ‘F’ has a top speed of only 97 kph,
1 ER PPC definitely in the low range for a Clan ‘Mech of this size. Further-
more, the ‘F’ sacrifices the jump jets found in other, similar vari-
3 ER Medium Lasers
ants for additional punch.
1 Medium Pulse Laser
Manufacturer: Clan Ice Hellion Deployment:
Communications System: Unknown
The Kit Fox ‘F’ is currently being tested as part of an
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown overall Clan shift towards engaging opponents earlier and
keeping them at range longer. There is no question that this
Overview: ‘Mech will make valuable contributions towards that strat-
egy – the ‘F’ can generally destroy ‘Mechs in its own
The Uller, named for the Norse god of archery, is an excep- weight class long before they can bring their weapons
tionally versatile light 'Mech. In its main configuration, the Uller to bear. But it will require self-discipline and experi-
carries a mix of weapons that gives it striking power at all ranges ence before the average Ice Hellion’s pilot is com-
while avoiding the problems associated with reliance on a single fortable with such a passive role.
weapons system. Reasonably fast and well armored for its size,
this design can hold its own against many of the Inner Sphere's
medium 'Mechs.
The Kit Fox (Uller) ‘F’ is a light, fast design, intended to give
recon stars some direct-fire support with a very long reach. It ap-
pears in Clan Ice Hellion detachments, and so far seems effective
despite some trade-offs in protection and speed for consistent,
devastating firepower.

The Kit Fox ‘F’ features an Extended Range Particle Pro-
jector Cannon, packing an impressive punch at an equally im-
pressive range for a ‘Mech this size. At 450 meters, the suite of
three Extended Range Medium Lasers comes into play, bringing



Type/Model: Kit Fox F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 30 tons 1 ER PPC RA 2 6
Equipment Mass 3 ER Medium Lasers LA 3 3
Internal Structure: 1.5 1 Medium Pulse Laser LA 1 2
Engine: 180XL Fusion 3.5
Walking MP: 6
Running MP: 9
Jumping MP 0
Heat Sinks: 15 (30) 5
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 77 4

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 10 9
Center Torso (Rear): 5
L/R Side Torso: 7 8/8
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 4/4
L/R Arm: 5 7/7
L/R Leg: 7 8/8




Type/Model: Black Lanner F The main armament of Alternate Configuration F is centered

Tech: Clan /3058 on the Large Pulse Laser, supplemented by a Long-Range Mis-
sile 10 launcher in the shoulder. The LRM-10 has a respectable
Config: Biped OmniMech range, but only a single ton of dedicated ammunition. This
Mass: 55 tons weapon will quickly become dead weight in all but the shortest of
Chassis: Endo Steel engagements. The ‘Large Pulse’ is universally known for its dura-
bility and accuracy, and will presumably take over when the LRM-
Power Plant: 385 XL Fusion
10’s ammunition is exhausted. These two weapons deliver
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h modest amounts of damage, suggesting the ‘F’ is intended to
Maximum Speed: 118.8 [151.2] km/h close quickly and bring its dual ER Medium Lasers to bear. Fi-
nally, a torso-mounted ER Small Laser round up this variant's
Jump Jets: None
payload, an anti-personnel weapon of questionable
Jump Capacity: 0 meters value given the Black Lanner’s normal tactic of hit and
Armor Type: Ferro Fibrous run.
Armament: With the speed and armor this type is known to
have, the pilot is in a very good position to tear into
1 Large Pulse Laser
smaller opponents. Unfortunately, while the ‘F’s pilot can
2 ER Medium Lasers fire 65% of the weapon loadout without overheating, the
1 ER Small Laser least movement will require heat management techniques
1 LRM-10 which will only reduce this ‘Mech’s punch at close and medium
Manufacturer: Clan Jade Falcon
Communications System: Unknown Deployment:
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
The Black Lanner ‘F’ is currently deployed only with the
Overview: Jade Falcon Clan. Precentor Martin feels this OmniMech is not
another of the ‘rookie-proof’ machines recently observed by Our
The Black Lanner OmniMech was first sighted with the Jade Order. It is instead a general-purpose design, intended to take on
Falcon Keshik during the Battle of Tukayyid. Fast for its weight recon patrols and disrupt supply lines on an intermittent basis.
class, the Black Lanner acts as a direct fire support 'Mech for The choice of weapons suggests a need to minimize the burden
light reconnaissance Stars. The majority of the various configu- on the Jade Falcon support and technical training pipelines. Un-
rations sighted mount primarily long range weapons, though fortunately, while it is capable of many routine assignments, the
other configurations equipped mainly with close range weapons ‘F’ will do none of them well. It is presumed the Jade Falcons will
have also been spotted. exercise caution, fielding this ‘Mech only when they are sure there
are no massed formations of Battlemechs in the target area.
Black Lanner ‘F’, one of the more recently unveiled 'Mechs
from Clan Jade Falcon, offers few surprises for analysis. Sticking
to their epitome - true and tried, the Falcons' Lanner ‘F’ configu-
ration is centered on more conventional weaponry. Whether this
is intended for newly-minted warriors, or the Clan has decided to
use up its existing stock of older weaponry – or both - is un-
known. What is known is that Black Lanner F follows in the same
steps as its Prime cousin, with moderate improvements.



Type/Model: Black Lanner F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 55 tons 1 Large Pulse Laser RA 2 6
Equipment Mass 2 ER Medium Lasers LA 2 2
Internal Structure: 3 1 ER Small Laser RT 1 0.5
Engine: 385XL Fusion 22 1 LRM-10 LT 1 2.5
Walking MP: 7 Ammo (LRM) 12 RT 1 1
Running MP: 11 [14]
Jumping MP 0
Heat Sinks: 11 (22) 1
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 154 8

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 18 26
Center Torso (Rear): 7
L/R Side Torso: 13 16/16
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5
L/R Arm: 9 13/13
L/R Leg: 13 22/22




Type/Model: Black Lanner G Capabilities:

Tech: Clan /3059
All of this adds up to a ‘Mech with first-class offen-
Config: Biped OmniMech
sive capability, designed to run rings around an opponent
Mass: 55 tons while pounding away with the equivalent of a Gauss rifle
Chassis: Endo Steel supplied with unlimited ammunition. All the weapons
have the same range envelope, simplifying target ac-
Power Plant: 385 XL Fusion quisition.
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 [151.2] km/h Deployment:
Jump Jets: None The ability to close quickly on large, slow-mov-
Jump Capacity: 0 meters ing Assault ‘Mechs, combined with the potential to kill
such foes with a single headshot, makes it abundantly clear
Armor Type: Ferro Fibrous
the Black Lanner ‘G’ is intended for brutal sledgehammer oper-
Armament: ations. Deployed in pure Stars, the ‘G’ can quickly gain the upper
1 Heavy Large Laser hand and go on to dominate the battlefield, moving about at will.
Jade Falcon Commanders who make proper use of this threat
4 ER Medium Lasers can force an opponent into defensive strategies which will ulti-
Manufacturer: Clan Jade Falcon mately lead to defeat.
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown

The Black Lanner OmniMech was first sighted with the Jade
Falcon Keshik during the Battle of Tukayyid. Fast for its weight
class, the Black Lanner acts as a direct fire support 'Mech for
light reconnaissance Stars. The majority of the various configu-
rations sighted mount primarily long range weapons, though
other configurations equipped mainly with close range weapons
have also been spotted.
The ‘G’ is powered by a 385XL fusion engine, and carries a
Heavy Large Laser and four Extended Range Medium Lasers.
These weapons have a good reach and pack an enormous punch
for the allocated space. Armor is a respectable 8 tons of Ferrofi-
brous, 83% of the maximum protection allowed for this weight
class. The Myomer Acceleration Signal Circuitry (MASC) en-
hancement adds more speed to an already-quick chassis, with a
top end of 150 kph under ideal conditions. Extra Double Heat
Sinks allow the pilot to fire nearly 70% of his weapons on a con-
tinuous basis – all while moving at full throttle – without budging
the heat meter.



Type/Model: Black Lanner F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 55 tons 1 Heavy Large Laser RA 3 4
Equipment Mass 4 ER Medium Lasers LA 4 4
Internal Structure: 3
Engine: 385XL Fusion 22
Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 11 [14]
Jumping MP 0
Heat Sinks: 15 (30) 5
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 154 8

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 18 26
Center Torso (Rear): 7
L/R Side Torso: 13 16/16
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5
L/R Arm: 9 13/13
L/R Leg: 13 22/22




Type/Model: Black Lanner S Moving to the right arm, we find three Medium Pulse Lasers,
Tech: Clan /3059 extremely accurate and as lethal a loadout as the left arm – and
with a 50% longer range, to boot. The right torso carries dual
Config: Biped OmniMech SRM 4 Short Range Missile racks supplied with a modest ton of
Mass: 55 tons ammunition, a ‘salt shaker’ to the arm-mounted ‘can-openers’.
Chassis: Endo Steel Protection for this offensive array is good; a solid eight tons of
Ferro Fibrous armor provides 83% of the maximum allowed for a
Power Plant: 385 XL Fusion fifty-five ton OmniMech.
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h Already capable of moving at velocities approaching 120
Maximum Speed: 118.8 [151.2] km/h kph, the Lanner ‘S’ pilot needs only engage his Myomer Ac-
Jump Jets: None celeration Signal Circuitry (MASC) to top out at 150+ kph.
This ‘Mech effortlessly covers huge amounts of terrain,
Jump Capacity: 0 meters providing the perfect platform for the Active Probe as
Armor Type: Ferro Fibrous it sniffs out electronic emissions and exposes hidden
Armament: enemy units. With its own ECM suite protecting it from
early detection while it hunts, the Lanner ‘S’ is also
2 Heavy Medium Lasers
screened from the targeting systems typically employed
3 Medium Pulse Lasers by its intended prey – enemy support ‘Mechs equipped
2 SRM-4s with Artemis-enhanced Long-Range Missile racks or
Advanced Tactical Missile systems.
Manufacturer: Clan Jade Falcon
Communications System: Unknown Deployment:
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Our Order subjected this new ‘Mech to many computer
Overview: simulations before concluding the ‘S’ is a hunter-killer designed
primarily to take out enemy support ‘Mechs. That it can easily
The Black Lanner OmniMech serves primarily with Clan deal with enemy recon patrols is assumed, but this configura-
Jade Falcon and is remarkable for its speed and firepower, re- tion is capable of much more. The Lanner ‘S’ can rapidly by-
gardless of the configuration. One of the more intriguing variants pass front lines and bring the fight to softer targets in the rear,
which recently appeared in Jade Falcon Recon Stars is the Black closing quickly on large, slow-moving ‘missile boats’ and artillery
Lanner ‘S’. At first it seemed this was merely a fine-tuned Con- support vehicles. Seventy-two percent of the weapons systems
figuration ‘C’, but the addition of Electronic Countermeasures and are energy-based, giving the Lanner ‘S’ respectable battlefield
an Active Probe signal something different – a recon OmniMech endurance. This, combined with impressive mobility, translates
designed not only to find hidden prey, but to kill it in very short to chaos and carnage when it reaches the back field
order with little or no backup. Clan Jade Falcon has already made it clear that future bat-
tles will be very different for anyone who opposes them. The
Capabilities: Black Lanner ‘S’ spells big trouble for an enemy who thinks to
rely on artillery or missile barrage to carry the day – meaning any
Propelled by a 385XL fusion engine on an Endo Steel chas- Inner Sphere House which views inter-Clan conflict as an oppor-
sis, the Lanner ‘S’ mounts twin Heavy Medium Lasers on the left tunity to regain lost territory.
arm. To an Inner Sphere observer this choice of armament might
seem underwhelming, but these are not Inner Sphere medium
lasers. A Clan heavy medium laser packs the punch of an Inner
Sphere PPC, though without that weapon’s long range. Two such
lasers can reduce a Light ‘Mech to scrap in less than half a minute.



Type/Model: Black Lanner F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 55 tons 2 Heavy Medium Lasers RA 4 2
Equipment Mass 3 Medium Pulse Lasers LA 3 6
Internal Structure: 3 2 SRM-4 RT 2 2
Engine: 385XL Fusion 22 Ammo (SRM) 25 RT 1 1
Walking MP: 7 Active Probe LT 1 1
Running MP: 11 [14] ECM Suite H 1 1
Jumping MP 0
Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 154 8

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 18 26
Center Torso (Rear): 7
L/R Side Torso: 13 16/16
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5
L/R Arm: 9 13/13
L/R Leg: 13 22/22




Type/Model: Crimson HellKite combine both ‘Mechs into one in the hopes of creating a single arm mounts a large Advanced Tactical Missile launcher, backed
Tech: Clan /3062 machine which would overcome the flaws of both parent designs. by an array of three Medium Pulse Lasers in the torso. Capable
Selecting a 55-ton Stormcrow frame, Clan engineers added six of dealing tremendous damage for its size, Crimson Hellkite Delta
Config: Biped OmniMech jump jets which provide good maneuverability over most types of lacks the larger supply of ammunition critical for prolonged com-
Mass: 55 tons terrain. Armor protection remains the same, but most of the Ferro- bat engagements, tying this configuration closely to supply lines.
Chassis: Endo Steel Fibrous plate was moved forward – the designers decided jump
Power Plant: 330 XL Fusion
jets would make the Crimson Hellkite less likely to be hit from be- Deployment:
hind and felt it important to provide additional frontal protection.
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h These 'Mechs have not seen action against other Clan
Crimson Hellkite serves as an intermediate machine in
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h Blood Spirit Touman. Carrying heavier armor and firepower than forces, having only been spotted in the front-line Galaxies of Clan
Jump Jets: 6 Standard the Crimson Langur, yet faster and more maneuverable than the Blood Spirit.
Jump Capacity: 180 meters Stooping Hawk, this new design honorably fills the role of intense
medium combatant in any range bracket.
Armor Type: Ferro Fibrous
The Primary Configuration of the Crimson HellKite is a
Armament: medium-range, high intensity fighting machine. Armed with
26 tons pod space available a total of five Extended-Range Medium Lasers, it can lay
Manufacturer: Clan Blood Spirit down a devastating barrage of fire. For long-range combat,
Crimson Hellkite Prime mounts a very accurate Large Pulse
Communications System: Unknown Laser which is backed up by a Long Range Missile launcher.
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown A Small Laser firing into the rear arc completes this Configura-
tion's armament.
Overview: The Alpha Configuration looks eerie similar to Nova A, from
which the Crimson Hellkite ‘A’ borrows its weapon mix. Each
The Crimson Hellkite is another of several new OmniMechs arm carries a single Extended-Range Particle Projection
fielded by the Blood Spirit Clan that have been dubbed "Series Cannon, backed up by two ER Medium lasers in the
2". As with the Crimson Langur, it represents a new line of devel- torso. This ‘Mech’s loadout makes use of a greater
opment in 'Mech design, each machine carrying distinctive fea- number of Double Heat Sinks than Nova A, but
tures which make them look similar to their 3050 origins. Given drops the Anti-Missile System of its predecessor.
the operational parameters, the most likely purpose for this new
line of ‘Mechs is for general combat. The Crimson Hellkite Bravo is a dedicated
general purpose combat configuration. Mount-
Capabilities: ing an array of lasers and a huge long-range
missile launcher, Configuration Bravo can give
The Crimson Hellkite's appearance is strikingly similar to a good account of itself on any battlefield. The
two much older OmniMechs still in production: the Nova and only weakness of this model is lack of endurance,
Storm Crow. Each of those ‘Mechs have advantages and draw- as the LRM-20 holds only 12 reloads.
backs peculiar to their design. The Nova's great advantage was Crimson Hellkite Charlie is a short-range, high intensity
its jump jets, giving the chassis unsurpassed maneuverability on fighter. The left arm supports a huge Large Heavy Laser,
any kind of terrain. Yet the Nova suffered from slow speed and while the right one mounts three ER Medium lasers. A sin-
mediocre armor protection. The Storm Crow appears on the sur- gle Streak-4 short-range missile system rounds up this ar-
face to be a superior ’Mech, with greater speed, better armor and senal. The ‘C’ model makes great use of its torso-mounted
more dedicated pod space than other Mediums. Yet many com- Targeting Computer to offset the inaccuracy of the Heavy
plain of the Storm Crow's lack of jump jets which limit this ‘Mech laser. Six double heat sinks are installed in the frame to
usefulness in dense terrain. cope with the significant heat this Configuration generates.
With such things in mind, Blood Spirit engineers decided to Crimson Hellkite Delta is a support machine. Each



Type/Model: Crimson Hellkite Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage
Mass: 55 tons Primary Configuration: Alternate Configuration Charlie:
Equipment Mass 1 Large Pulse Laser LA 2 6 1 Large Pulse Laser LA 3 4
Internal Structure: 3.5 1 ER Small Laser RT (R) 1 0.5 3 ER Medium Lasers RA 3 3
Engine: 330 XL Fusion 12.50 3 ER Medium Lasers RA 3 3 1 Streak SRM-4 RA 2 3
Walking MP: 6 2 ER Medium Lasers LA 2 2 Ammo (SRM) 25 LT 2 2
Running MP: 9 1 LRM-10 RA 1 2.5 Targeting Computer RT 2 2
Jumping MP: 6 Ammo (LRM) 12 RA 1 1 2 Double Heat Sinks LT 4 2
Heat Sinks: 10 [20] 0 3 Double Heat Sinks LT 6 3 2 Double Heat Sinks RT 4 2
Gyro: 4 2 Double Heat Sinks RT 4 2 1 Double Heat Sink RA 2 1
Cockpit: 3 Jump Jets CT 2 2 1 Double Heat Sink LA 2 1
Armor Factor: 182 9.50 Jump Jets LL 2 2 Jump Jets CT 2 2
Jump Jets RL 2 2 Jump Jets LL 2 2
Internal Armor Jump Jets RL 2 2
Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage
Structure Value
Alternate Configuration Alpha: Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage
Head: 3 9 1 ER PPC RA 2 6 Alternate Configuration Delta:
Center Torso: 18 28 1 ER PPC LA 2 6 2 Medium Pulse Lasers RT 2 4
Center Torso (Rear): 7 1 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1 1 Medium Pulse Laser LT 1 2
L/R Side Torso: 13 20/20 1 ER Medium Laser LT 1 1 1 ATM-9 RA 4 5
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 6/6 2 Double Heat Sinks RT 4 2 Ammo (ATM) 10 RT 2 2
L/R Arm: 9 18/18 2 Double Heat Sinks LT 4 2 1 ATM-9 LA 4 5
L/R Leg: 13 25/25 1 Double Heat Sink RA 2 1 Ammo (ATM) 10 LT 2 2
1 Double Heat Sink LA 2 1 Jump Jets CT 2 2
Jump Jets CT 2 2 Jump Jets LL 2 2
Jump Jets LL 2 2 Jump Jets RL 2 2
Jump Jets RL 2 2
Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage
Alternate Configuration Bravo:
1 Large Pulse Laser RA 2 6
1 Medium Pulse Laser RA 1 2
1 Medium Pulse Laser LT 1 2
1 Medium Pulse Laser RT 1 2
1 LRM-20 RA 6 7
Ammo (LRM) 12 LA 2 2
1 Double Heat Sink RT 2 1
Jump Jets CT 2 2
Jump Jets LL 2 2
Jump Jets RL 2 2




Type/Model: Mad Dog F around six weapons, it provides both long and short-range Deployment:
Tech: Clan /3060 punch, strong enough to dispatch most opponents in a few short
minutes. Large Pulse Lasers have been replaced by their lighter Mad Dog Alternate Configuration ‘F’ has found its greatest
Config: Biped OmniMech Extended Range cousins. Although lacking in accuracy and gen- use, not surprisingly, among warriors of Clan Fire Mandrill. This
Mass: 60 tons erating more heat, this switch to ER laser technology gives a OmniMech's ability to deliver a sustained barrage of fire over long
Chassis: Standard longer reach. More importantly, in combination with other distances is highly prized by new recruits joining the Fire Man-
changes it frees up enough pod space for a 30% increase in the drill ranks from sibko training camps.
Power Plant: 300 XL Fusion
number of Double Heat Sinks, alleviating notorious problems with
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h heat. This, despite the fact that the ‘F’ and the Prime produce ex-
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h actly the same heat load!
Jump Jets: none A well-trained ‘F’ pilot can fire all his long range weapons con-
tinuously while at a dead run, and never move the heat meter. Com-
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
ing into shorter ranges, he merely switches over from the Advanced
Armor Type: Ferro-Fibrous Tactical Missile racks to highly accurate twin Medium Pulse Lasers
Armament: and again, can maintain a steady barrage of firepower – at a dead
run - without moving the heat meter. If a Mechwarrior in a Mad Dog
2 ER Large Lasers
Prime attempted to duplicate this performance, he
2 Medium Pulse Lasers would deliver only 30% more damage (mostly
2 ATM-6s due to the increased accuracy of the large
Manufacturer: Clan Fire Mandrill pulse laser) and be forced to shut down in
less than a minute. But this comparison only
Communications System: Unknown holds when the ‘F’ pilot sticks to energy
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown weapons…
If, for example, he chooses to close with a
Overview: damaged opponent, an ‘F’ Mechwarrior can shift back to
the ATM-6 racks and use short-range High Explosive missiles to
The Mad Dog (Vulture) has been a staple of most Clan armies finish the job. He can deliver 90% of the Prime’s damage poten-
since before the Invasion of the Inner Sphere. As new designs hit tial and maintain full mobility – once again, with no overheating!
the testing grounds, this classic Omni is increasingly relegated to This new configuration’s layout proves what many of Our Order
second-line assignments, especially in its Prime Configuration. But have long thought – that it is not the weapon systems themselves
all of that is about to change, at least for Clan Fire Mandrill, as they but the way they are balanced on a given ‘Mech frame that has
present a long-awaited replacement for the aging Prime. been such a problem for the Mad Dog in the past.
This balance came about almost by accident - the new
Capabilities: state-of-the-art ATMs were added almost as an after-thought.
Originally the Mad Dog ‘F’ was to be equipped with Long-Range
Mad Dog ‘F's beauty lies in the simplicity of the design itself. Missile launchers of slightly smaller size than the original Twenty-
The Mad Dog Prime was well-armed, but considered only ade- racks. But progress in missile design and a slow, steady trade
quate as a direct combat vehicle. Although its accuracy was often with Clan Coyote has permitted the Fire Mandrills to field these
unmatched, an excess of heat and a shortage of ammunition new ATM systems to great advantage. The Mad Dog ‘F’ carries
plagues the Prime configuration regardless of its assignment. two ATM-6 launchers with four tons of ammunition. With a ton of
Clan Fire Mandrill’s engineers decided to take a direct, slightly ammunition devoted to each range bracket – Extended Range,
different approach. With straight-forward modification of arma- Long Range and High-Explosive Short Range - and an additional
ment and several system upgrades, the new variant has proven ton designated as the mission requires, Mad Dog ‘F’ has 300%
to be a truly solid 'Mech. more battlefield endurance than the Prime configura-
Mad Dog'F’s armament is simple, yet lethal. Centered tion. It can engage enemy 'Mechs on its own terms.



Type/Model: Mad Dog F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 60 tons 1 ER Large Laser RA 1 4
Equipment Mass 1 ER Large Laser LA 1 4
Internal Structure: 6 1 Medium Pulse Laser RA 2 1
Engine: 300XL Fusion 9.5 1 Medium Pulse Laser LA 2 1
Walking MP: 5 1 ATM-6 RT 5 5.5
Running MP: 8 Ammo (ATM) 20 RT 2 2
Jumping MP 0 1 ATM-6 LT 5 5.5
Heat Sinks: 17 (34) 7 Ammo (ATM) 20 LT 2 2
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 154 8

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 20 23
Center Torso (Rear): 7
L/R Side Torso: 14 16/16
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 7/7
L/R Arm: 10 16/16
L/R Leg: 14 23/23




Type/Model: Mad Dog M two-front war’ is one the Clan designers applied well. A rookie front and second-line units. There are strong indications that the
Tech: Clan /3060 Mechwarrior already has his hands full with the enemy outside Mad Dog ‘M’ may soon become a staple of Stars comprised of
the cockpit. It is a mistake of the first order to force him to con- nothing but fast, highly-mobile OmniMechs.
Config: Biped OmniMech front an enemy (excess heat) inside as well.
Mass: 60 tons
Chassis: Standard Capabilities:
Power Plant: 300 XL Fusion
Mad Dog M's primary advantage over other Configurations
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h is its ability to jump and effectively control its heat levels in al-
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h most any situation. A total of twenty-one Double Heat Sinks have
Jump Jets: 5 been installed to shed weapons-generated heat, an ongoing
problem with most other Mad Dog variants. Testing those twenty-
Jump Capacity: 150 meters one ‘freezers’ is a small but powerful array of energy weapons.
Armor Type: Ferro-Fibrous Each arm carries a huge Extended Range Particle Projection
Armament: Cannon in its main housing, paired with a Heavy Medium Laser
located just underneath. Five jump jets have been installed in the
2 ER PPCs torso, allowing the ‘M’ to outmaneuver anything it can't outrun.
2 Heavy Medium Lasers The Mad Dog ‘M’ is most frequently seen in Fast Strike
Manufacturer: Clan Ghost Bear Stars. Its mobility greatly enhances a Star’s fighting po-
Communications System: Unknown tential, especially one that is equipped with other
jump-capable 'Mechs. But this is not the only appli-
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
cation for this new machine. The ‘M’ has also been
spotted working in tandem with another Bear favorite,
Overview: the Executioner (Gladiator). With proper use of MASC,
the Executioner's speed matches that of the Mad
The Mad Dog (Vulture) has been a standard front line Clan
Dog, and the fact that both are jump-capable has
OmniMech almost from the first days of the Invasion. Favored made for an effective partnership.
heavily by Clan Ghost Bear in most of its configurations, this ‘Mech
represents the archetype of most Clan designs in the Heavy weight The most surprising feature of the ‘M’s loadout is its use
class – that is, tremendous firepower coupled with acceptable mo- of Heavy Medium Lasers. While such weapons are not unknown
bility and good armor. Of course, this comes at a price. (the ‘H’ configuration of 3060 carried three), the Ghost Bears have
a reputation for conservative design, generally avoiding unproven
The traditional Clan OmniMech’s potential is realized only by technology. Apparently the performance of the new Heavy laser
the most highly skilled and experienced Mechwarriors. Heat sinks class has been quite impressive, as Ghost Bear designers did not
are almost an afterthought on older designs, so managing one’s hesitate to integrate these new weapons into the ‘M’ configura-
heat meter becomes critical in extended battles, especially con- tion. Whether they acquired these heavy lasers from battlefield
sidering the Mad Dog’s merely adequate mobility. Squeezing every salvage with Clan Hell’s Horses or by direct Trial of Possession re-
bit of usefulness out of such machines was once a point of pride mains unknown, but the popularity of the Mad Dog ‘M’ with
with the Mechwarrior elite. Now that many of them are dead from Ghost Bear pilots suggests this Clan may have access to sub-
attrition, it is a point even the Ghost Bears can no longer afford. stantial stockpiles.
Thus the newest variant, the Mad Dog ‘M’.
Following close on the heels of the ‘H’, another well- Deployment:
planned configuration known for packing a massive number of
heat sinks, the ‘M’ is designed to increase mobility while at the In the aftermath of its conflict with the Draconis Combine
same time making it easier for an inexperienced Clan pilot to ac- and the former Clan Nova Cat, Clan Ghost Bear launched a crash
complish his mission. The two-millennia-old adage ‘never fight a program of re-arming and re-supplying some of their depleted



Type/Model: Mad Dog F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 60 tons 1 ER PPC RA 2 6
Equipment Mass 1 ER PPC LA 2 6
Internal Structure: 6 1 Heavy Medium Laser RA 2 1
Engine: 300XL Fusion 9.5 1 Heavy Medium Laser LA 2 1
Walking MP: 5 1 Jump Jet CT 1 1
Running MP: 8 2 Jump Jets RT 2 2
Jumping MP 5 2 Jump Jets LT 2 2
Heat Sinks: 21 (42) 11
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 154 8

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 20 23
Center Torso (Rear): 7
L/R Side Torso: 14 16/16
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 7/7
L/R Arm: 10 16/16
L/R Leg: 14 23/23




Type/Model: Falcata Perhaps one of the Prime’s greatest strengths is that,

Tech: Clan /3061 equipped with 46% more heat sinks than the Base model, it can
move at full speed and fire all its long-range weaponry without
Config: Biped OmniMech overheating. Another strong point of this design is that it allocates
Mass: 65 tons three tons of ammunition for the LRM-20. This means that even
Chassis: Endo Steel after an extended barrage, the Falcata Prime can add the
launcher’s punch to its fearsome close combat fire and finish off
Power Plant: 325 XL Fusion
an opponent.
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
The most common alternate version of the Falcata is Con-
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h figuration Alpha, used primarily for fast attacks. Its flexible Ad-
Jump Jets: none vanced Tactical Missile-12 launcher enables the pilot to choose
between extreme long-range salvos or high-explosive
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
finishing shots. Rapidly closing with an oppo-
Armor Type: Ferro Fibrous nent, the ‘Alpha’ would switch to ultra-accu-
Armament: rate Large Pulse Lasers and a trio of smaller
none Extended-Range Medium Lasers to conserve
Manufacturer: Clan Hell's Horses
Featuring dual Heavy Large Lasers in
Communications System: Unknown the right arm and a ‘quad pod’ of Medium
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown Pulse Lasers in the left, the Falcata ‘Bravo’
can cripple an enemy with one volley at close
Overview: range. With these weapons tied into a Clan
Targeting computer, and sporting an extra
The Falcata is the latest OmniMech to come off the Clan Hell's nine Double Heat Sinks, the ‘B’ Configura-
Horses production lines. Originally intended as an up-armored re- tion is usually found in a wolf pack, hunting
placement for the Mad Dog (Vulture) OmniMech, the Falcata quickly down enemy mechs or (occasionally) exe-
earned itself a reputation as a solid front-line machine capable of cuting headhunter missions.
handing out damage – and taking it, too. This ‘Mech belongs to the Falcata Charlie is usually relegated to
same weight class as the venerable Hellbringer and Cauldron-Born, fire support, as its primary weapons are two
and while it cannot claim to be as tough as the Cauldron-Born, it huge ATM-12 launchers. Both are equipped
nevertheless boasts an excellent mix of weapons in all of its con- with an ample supply of ammunition, the type
figurations, with enough heat sinks to use them effectively varying according the anticipated mission. A typ-
ical loadout will fill four ammo bins with Extended
Capabilities: Range missiles and two bins with High Explosive.
Backup weapons are a single Large Pulse Laser mounted
The Primary Configuration of the Falcata is an engineering in the right arm and dual ER Medium Lasers in the other arm.
marvel. Its blend of systems constitutes a sound combination of
anti-'Mech weaponry, both long and short-range. Two Extended Deployment:
Range Particle Projection Cannons lead off in combat operations,
assisted by a Long Range Missile-20 launcher. Nineteen Double Falcata is a favorite 'Mech of Clan Hell's Horses,
Heat Sinks provide ample heat dissipation for extended barrage though it does appear with other Clan forces in significantly
fire. When closing to shorter ranges, however, the wise Mech- smaller numbers. It has been seen on all types of missions,
warrior will drop an ER PPC for the three Heavy Medium Lasers, including reconnaissance, and is the equal of any Clan
which double the damage while taking advantage of existing Heavy ‘Mech.
holes in an opponent’s armor.



Type/Model: Falcata Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 65 tons Primary Configuration:
Equipment Mass 1 ER PPCs RT 4 12
Internal Structure: 3.5 3 Medium Pulse Lasers LT 3 6
Engine: 325 XL Fusion 12 1 LRM-20 RT 4 5
Walking MP: 5 Ammo (LRM) 6 LT 1 1
Running MP: 8 3 Double Heat Sinks LT 6 3
Jumping MP: 0 1 Double Heat Sink RT 2 1
Heat Sinks: 13 [26] 3 1 Double Heat Sink LA 2 1
Gyro: 4
Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage
Cockpit: 3
Alternate Configuration Alpha:
Armor Factor: 202 10.50
2 Large Pulse Lasers RT 4 12
3 ER Medium Lasers LA 3 3
Internal Armor
1 ATM-12 RT 5 7
Structure Value
Ammo (ATM) 15 RT 3 3
Head: 3 9 2 Double Heat Sinks LT 4 2
Center Torso: 21 32 1 Double Heat Sink LA 2 1
Center Torso (Rear): 9 1 Double Heat Sink LT 2 1
L/R Side Torso: 15 23/23
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 7/7 Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage
L/R Arm: 10 20/20 Alternate Configuration Bravo:
L/R Leg: 15 26/26 2 Heavy Large Lasers RA 6 8
4 Medium Pulse Lasers LA 4 8
Targeting Computer RT 4 4
4 Double Heat Sinks LT 8 4
3 Double Heat Sinks RT 6 3
2 Double Heat Sinks LA 4 2

Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Alternate Configuration Charlie:
1 Large Pulse Laser RA 3 4
2 ER Medium Lasers LA 2 2
1 ATM-12 RT 5 7
Ammo (ATM) 15 RT 3 3
1 ATM-12 LT 5 7
Ammo (ATM) 15 LT 3 3
1 Double Heat Sink RT 2 1




Type/Model: Hellbringer MK2 Capabilities:

Tech: Clan /3060
The Hellbringer II begins with an Endo Steel chassis and
Config: Biped BattleMech
adds an extra-light 325 Fusion Engine, giving this ‘Mech a top
Mass: 65 tons speed of nearly 90 kph. The old Hellbringer was poorly armored
Chassis: Endo Steel in all it variants, carrying only 60% of the protection possible for
an OmniMech of its weight class. Not so the Hellbringer II – it car-
Power Plant: 325 XL Fusion
ries ten tons of Ferro Fibrous, 90% of the maximum possible.
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
The older model featured a bewildering variety of weapon
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h loadouts; one of the survivors of Tukayyid referred to it as “a walk-
Jump Jets: None ing Swiss Army knife”. Unfortunately, while this made it a ‘jack of
all trades’, the corollary ‘master of none’ applied as well. The
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Clans were luckier than they knew when they faced Inner Sphere
Armor Type: Ferro-Fibrous pilots riding antiquated designs. The Hellbringer II is more fo-
Armament: cused, carries a carefully designed array of weapons, and thus is
a tougher opponent on the modern battlefield.
2 ER Large Lasers
Starting with two arm-mounted Extended Range Large
2 Heavy Medium Lasers
Lasers, this ‘Mech adds twin ATM- Advanced Tactical Missile
2 Medium Pulse Lasers launchers with three tons of variable munitions for incredible strik-
2 Adv. Tact. Msl. 6s ing power at very, very long range. For close-in work, a pilot need
only switch out the ER Large Lasers for two arm-mounted Heavy
1 Flamer Medium Lasers and shift to an ATM high-explosive ammo bin to
Manufacturer: Clan Snow Raven continue the carnage. Enemy Mechwarriors are also beginning
Communications System: Unknown to use the latest ATM and Artemis-equipped launchers, so this
‘Mech has been fitted with an Electronic Counter Measure pack-
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown age which grants itself and its allies significant protection from
those enhanced weapons systems.
Overview: Finally, the Hellbringer II is equipped with two Medium Pulse
When it first appeared in 3049, the Hellbringer (Loki) was Lasers set in the center torso and a single Flamer, the ideal an-
the equal of any two Inner Sphere ‘Mechs, actually taking on and swer to swift opponents and the occasional Star of pesky battle
armor. Despite a generous seventeen Double Heat Sinks, pilots
defeating entire lances of lighter machines as it swept through
must still practice good heat management to get the most from
the Draconic Combine and Lyran Alliance.
this design
How times have changed...
Twelve years on, the Hellbringer is now almost a second- Deployment:
line ‘Mech, taking a definite back seat to new variants and even
entirely new designs as they take to the field. However, there are The Hellbringer II is beginning to replace old Hellbringers of
some who think this design still has some miles left in it. Breath- all configurations in Clan Snow Raven. Mechwarriors who have
ing new life into an older machine is no easy feat, and the result- grown accustomed to the older design’s quirks find the transition
ing changes were so deep-seated that the new ‘Mech was less to the newest design an easy one – all the idiosyncrasies have
a revamped OmniMech Configuration and more of a standalone been eliminated, leaving only the finer qualities of the original
design. Thus was born the Hellbringer II. chassis married to newfound endurance and firepower.



Type/Model: Hellbringer Mk II Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 65 tons 2 ER Medium Lasers RA 2 2
Equipment Mass 1 ER Large Laser RA 1 4
Internal Structure: 3.5 1 ER Large Laser LA 1 4
Engine: 325XL Fusion 12 1 Heavy Medium Laser RA 2 1
Walking MP: 5 1 Heavy Medium Laser LA 2 1
Running MP: 8 2 Medium Pulse Lasers CT 2 4
Jumping MP 0 1 ATM-6 RT 6 6.50
Heat Sinks: 17 [34] 7 Ammo (ATM) 20 RT 2 2
Gyro: 4 1 ATM-6 LT 6 6.50
Ammo (ATM) 10 LT 2 2
Cockpit: 3
1 Flamer H 1 0.50
Armor Factor: 192 10
1 ECM Suite RT 1 1
Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 21 30
Center Torso (Rear): 9
L/R Side Torso: 15 20/20
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 7/7
L/R Arm: 10 20/20
L/R Leg: 15 25/25




Type/Model: Dimacheri addition to the fourteen already assigned. In theory, this would nent’s armor, and then switch to a battery of four ER Medium
Tech: Clan /3062 permit the pilot to fire all his long range weapons without pause Lasers to wreak havoc on the exposed internal structure. A ER
while moving at speeds approaching 90 kph. But only in theory. Large Laser in one arm is insurance against empty ammo bins in
Config: Biped OmniMech Wise Mechwarriors will note the price paid for this extraordinary a protracted engagement.
Mass: 70 tons potential: each launcher has only one ton of ammunition, an
Chassis: Endo Steel amount which will last about a minute and a half in combat. Thus, Deployment:
after the initial bombardment, trigger-happy Dimacheri Prime pi-
Power Plant: 350 XL Fusion
lots may find themselves hauling around what is essentially seven The Dimacheri is one of the new heavy OmniMechs coming
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h tons of dead weight. into general use among Clan Coyote Stars. It appears most often
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h The Dimacheri ‘A’ has already gained something of a repu- among fast ‘striker’ units which follow up a rapid advance, and
Jump Jets: 5 Standard tation as an infighter. Two Extended-Range Particle less often as mobile support for Assault 'Mechs.
Jump Capacity: 150 meters Projection Cannons are mounted in the left arm
and provide the standard long reach ex-
Armor Type: Ferro Fibrous pected of a Clan Heavy. Moreover, left and
Armament: right torsos each pack two much-feared
none Heavy Medium Lasers, along with an ER
Medium (presumably for heat manage-
Manufacturer: Clan Coyote ment). All weapons systems are tied into a
Communications System: Unknown sophisticated Clan Targeting Computer
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown known for its deadly accuracy.
Finally, a total of twenty-three Double Heat Sinks
Overview: ensure the ‘A’ has absolutely no issues with excess heat.
As one of Our Order said recently, “A Dimacheri ‘A’ pilot
In all of its configurations, the Dimacheri enjoys two major can jump 150 meters, fire 60% of his weapons and
advantages over heavier opponents: mobility and the ability to sneer in the general direction of the heat meter. Only an
fire most of its weapons with little concern for heat buildup. Bor- idiot or another Clanner would tangle with something
rowing concepts from the Hellbringer, Summoner and Canis, it like that.”
improves on them, being better armed and armored than either Alternate Configuration ‘Bravo’ carries two
the Summoner or Hellbringer and much more maneuverable than massive LRM-20 Long Range Missile racks,
the Canis. each supplied with two tons of ammunition.
Additional long-range punch is provided by a
Capabilities: single ER PPC in the left arm. A torso-mounted
trio of ER Medium Lasers provides withering fire
The Dimacheri Prime appears most often and is a Configu- as the ‘B’ closes with its opponent. As with the
ration remarkable for its ability to hunt down and destroy infantry. other Configurations, Dimacheri ‘Bravo’ is ca-
The mix of weapons, added to the Base design’s maneuverabil- pable of a full jump while firing all its heavy
ity and generous amount of armor, make it a deadly and tena- weapons without resorting to heat management.
cious foe. Two shoulder-mounted LRM-15 Long-Range Missile
launchers combine with twin Extended-Range Large Lasers for Alternate Configuration ‘Charlie’ carries a
fearsome reach and firepower. An additional two Extended Range massive Ultra-20 Autocannon, one of the
Medium Lasers are handy for picking off enemy battle armor at- most fearsome weapons known. Though it
tempting to move in. Finally, the Prime’s quadruple array of torso- carries extra shells for this weapon, the Ultra
mounted Flamers is the perfect clincher, immolating any trooper design can suffer ammunition shortages in a
foolish enough to attempt swarming this ‘Mech. prolonged engagement. Prudent Mechwarriors
will use the Ultra AC-20 to open holes in an oppo-
The Prime features an additional nine Double Heat Sinks in



Type/Model: Dimacheri Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage
Mass: 70 tons Primary Configuration: Alternate Configuration Bravo:
Equipment Mass 2 ER Large Lasers LA 2 8 1 ER PPC LA 2 6
Internal Structure: 3.5 1 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1 2 ER Medium Lasers RT 2 2
Engine: 350 XL Fusion 15 1 ER Medium Laser LT 1 1 1 ER Medium Laser LT 1 1
Walking MP: 5 2 Flamers RT 2 1 1 LRM-20 RT 4 5
Running MP: 5 2 Flamers LT 2 1 Ammo (LRM) 12 RT 2 2
Jumping MP: 5 1 LRM-15 RT 2 3.5 1 LRM-20 LT 4 5
Heat Sinks: 14 [28] 4 Ammo (LRM) 8 RT 1 1 Ammo (LRM) 12 LT 2 2
Gyro: 4 1 LRM-15 LT 2 3.5 Jump Jets CT 1 1
Cockpit: 3 Ammo (LRM) 8 LT 1 1 Jump Jets LL 2 2
Armor Factor: 202 10.50 3 Double Heat Sinks RA 6 3 Jump Jets RL 2 2
1 Double Heat Sink LA 2 1
Internal Armor Jump Jets CT 1 1 Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage
Structure Value Jump Jets LL 2 2 Alternate Configuration Charlie:
Jump Jets RL 2 2 1 ER Large Laser LA 1 4
Head: 3 9 2 ER Medium Lasers RT 2 2
Center Torso: 22 33 Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage 2 ER Medium Laser LT 2 2
Center Torso (Rear): 10 Alternate Configuration Alpha: 1 Ultra Autocannon/20 LA 8 12
L/R Side Torso: 15 20/20 2 ER PPCs LA 4 12 Ammo (AC) 15 RT 3 3
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8 1 ER Medium Laser LT 1 1 2 Double Heat Sinks RA 4 2
L/R Arm: 11 20/20 2 Heavy Medium Lasers RT 4 2 2 Double Heat Sinks RT 4 2
L/R Leg: 15 27/27 2 Heavy Medium Lasers LT 4 2 Jump Jets CT 1 1
Targeting Computer RT 4 4 Jump Jets LL 2 2
3 Double Heat Sink RA 6 3 Jump Jets RL 2 2
1 Double Heat Sink LT 2 1
Jump Jets CT 1 1
Jump Jets LL 2 2
Jump Jets RL 2 2




Type/Model: Nova Cat F Autocannons in the right arm, rather than the standard ER PPCs
Tech: Clan /3062 or ER Large Lasers.
Config: Biped OmniMech Accompanying this deadly duo is another weapon with a
nearly identical fire envelope – the lethally accurate Large Pulse
Mass: 70 tons Laser. Mounted directly above this threat are three Extended
Chassis: Endo Steel Range Medium Lasers; the total package accounts for 44% of
Power Plant: 280 XL Fusion the Nova Cat ‘F’s damage potential. Endurance for this
variant is good, keeping in mind the assumed mission
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h as a breakthrough ‘Mech. Half the loadout is energy-
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h based, and the Ultra 10s are supplied with four tons
Jump Jets: None of ammunition. This is enough for over a minute and
a half of massive sustained ballistic fire – a virtual
Jump Capacity: 0 meters eternity in combat, as most Mechwarriors would
Armor Type: Standard agree. The split between the two types yields a rel-
Armament: atively low heat load, one that sixteen Double Heat
Sinks can handle with ease.
1 Large Pulse Laser
Arm-mounting all the weapons might seem at first
3 ER Medium Lasers to be counterintuitive, as most ‘Mech arms are tradition-
2 Ultra AC/10s ally more lightly armored than torso locations. The loss of
Manufacturer: Clan Nova Cat either limb would reduce the pilot’s firepower by half. But a
glance at the other Configurations shows this is normal for
Communications System: Unknown
the Nova Cat design, and further study reveals the armor
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown covering each arm is only a hair less than that of the side
torsos! Furthermore, given this ‘Mech’s relatively slow
Overview: speed, the pilot’s ability to bring fifty percent of his guns
to bear on the rear arc is a time-honored method of dis-
Following their defeat at Tukayyid, the Nova Cats ap- couraging opponents who might attempt a back shot.
proached the Coordinator of the Draconis Combine and began
talks aimed at, if not peace, at least a cessation of hostilities Deployment:
which would permit the battered Clan to lick its wounds and re-
cover. As the two parties met and a parlay began, Khan Severen Nova Cats of all Configurations are being shipped to the
Leroux ordered the construction of a new Heavy OmniMech in- front lines as fast as they can be produced, and the ‘F’ is no ex-
tended to protect the Clan both militarily and spiritually. This de- ception. The presumed primary mission of ‘breakthrough’ - that
sign was christened Nova Cat, an act which imbued it with the is, rushing resources to take advantage of a break in enemy lines
spirit of the Clan. - is one the Nova Cat ‘F’ is expected to carry out with ruthless ef-
ficiency. Khan Leroux is no fool. He knows he cannot expect
Capabilities: peace with the Inner Sphere if he deals from a position of weak-
ness. The phrase ‘speak softly and carry a big stick’ is a cliché
The Nova Cat’s five sister Configurations concentrate on fire precisely because it is true - and Clan Nova Cat is preparing to
support and short-range combat. The newest Configuration, the field a very big stick indeed with this new design.
Nova Cat ‘F’, explores new territory with the concept of a
medium-range fighter. Rather than concentrate on hitting targets
at very long ranges and then smash them with up-close brute
force, the ‘F’ mounts weapons which trade range for endurance
and firepower. Thus, the primary loadout is a pair of Ultra AC-10



Type/Model: Nova Cat F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 70 tons 1 Large Pulse Laser LA 2 6
Equipment Mass 3 ER Medium Lasers LA 3 3
Internal Structure: 3.5 1 Ultra Autocannon/10 RA 4 10
Engine: 280XL Fusion 8 1 Ultra Autocannon/10 LA 4 10
Walking MP: 4 Ammo (AC) 40 RT 4 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP 4
Heat Sinks: 16 (32) 6
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 216 13.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 22 35
Center Torso (Rear): 8
L/R Side Torso: 15 23/23
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 7/7
L/R Arm: 11 22/22
L/R Leg: 15 30/30




Type/Model: Summoner F of accuracy over payload. In short, carrying the biggest gun on
Tech: Clan /3061 the battlefield does you no good if you cannot consistently hit the
target. In keeping with Steel Viper tradition, the Summoner ‘F’
Config: Biped OmniMech features a conservative loadout. Working primarily with energy
Mass: 70 tons weapons, the ‘F’ is point of proof that Clan Steel Viper is capable
Chassis: Standard of learning from their mistakes (especially those surrounding the
event known as Devil's Bath).
Power Plant: 350 XL Fusion
The Summoner ‘F's armament consists of twin Large Pulse
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h Lasers, one mounted in each arm and backed up by a Medium
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h Pulse cousin placed just below. Such an array provides the ‘F’
Jump Jets: 5 Standard with an accurate barrage of close-range fire, especially if a sea-
soned veteran is at the controls. An LRM-15 Long Range Missile
Jump Capacity: 150 meters
launcher is perched on the left shoulder, yielding an outline rem-
Armor Type: Ferro-Fibrous iniscent of the original Prime configuration. However, this LRM is
Armament: of the latest design and appears to be much smaller in size than
its 3050 predecessor. Supplied with a respectable two tons of
2 Large Pulse Lasers
ammunition, it gives the Summoner ‘F’ decent battlefield en-
2 Medium Pulse Lasers durance and allows the pilot to accept assignments beyond the
1 LRM-15 usual ‘slugging match’.
Manufacturer: Clan Steel Viper
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown Following a disastrous campaign again Clan Jade Falcon
and recent setbacks against their traditional foe, the Snow
Overview: Ravens, Clan Steel Viper have been turning out this new config-
uration as quickly as possible. But their factories are few, and lo-
Since their defeat at Tukayyid and subsequent ejection from gistical capacity is limited. Our Order expects the Steel Vipers to
the Inner Sphere at the hands of Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Steel produce an occasional new design (such as the recently spotted
Viper has been biding its time back in the Clan Homeworlds. Not Thylacine OmniMech) but spend most of their energy working on
wishing to share the fate of the Smoke Jaguars, this Clan has high-accuracy, high-endurance machines using existing battle-
used the intervening decade of relative obscurity to improve in- frames and proven ‘off-the-shelf’ hardware to stretch their mea-
dustrial production while working on improvements to existing ger resources. Aside from a few glitches with the LRM targeting
Clan Omni-Mechs. system, the Summoner ‘F’ has done well in recent skirmishing
The Steel Vipers do not have to maintain huge garrisons; with Clans Star Adder and Cloud Cobra. It appears to be an ef-
they are not in the thick of political wrangling and aside from re- fective front-line OmniMech.
cent setbacks in an ongoing dispute with Clan Snow Raven, they
are making the most of the ‘home-field’ advantage. The Hell-
bringer II is one such result and is addressed elsewhere in this
Technical Manual. Another is the addition of yet one more in a
long line of configurations for the Summoner (Thor) OmniMech,
the Summoner ‘F’.

This new configuration is based on the time-tested doctrine



Type/Model: Summoner F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 70 tons 1 Large Pulse Laser RA 2 6
Equipment Mass 1 Large Pulse Laser LA 2 6
Internal Structure: 7 1 Medium Pulse Laser RA 1 2
Engine: 350XL Fusion 15 1 Medium Pulse Laser LA 1 2
Walking MP: 5 1 LRM-15 LT 2 3.5
Running MP: 8 Ammo (LRM) 16 LT 2 2
Jumping MP 5 Jump Jets CT 1 1
Heat Sinks: 15 (30) 5 Jump Jets LL 2 2
Gyro: 4 Jump Jets RL 2 2
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 182 9.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 22 27
Center Torso (Rear): 8
L/R Side Torso: 15 22/22
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 7/7
L/R Arm: 11 17/17
L/R Leg: 15 23/23




Type/Model: Summoner Omega a Heavy ‘Mech and shines in both close combat and mountain- around replacing the LRM-20 and its ammunition with ER
Tech: Clan /3061 ous terrain, where the five jump jets permit the ‘Omega’ to quickly Medium Lasers, giving the 'Mech more staying power and flexi-
drop behind an opponent and get the upper hand. bility on the battlefield after it has closed with an opponent.
Config: Biped OmniMech
The ‘Omega’ is equipped with an intimidating array of long-
Mass: 70 tons range firepower for a ‘Mech of its size. First up is a pair of Ex-
Chassis: Standard tended Range Particle Projector Cannons, with the usual lethal
Power Plant: 350 XL Fusion reach and damage. Backing this up is a Long Range Missile 20
launcher with two tons of ammunition. Rounding out this lethal
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h array is an Extended Range Small Laser, useful in combination
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h with the LRM-20 for dealing with infantry and battle armor. Mech-
Jump Jets: 5 Standard warriors piloting the ‘Omega’ have the benefit of seventeen Dou-
ble Heat Sinks, and this is enough to allow a twenty-second
Jump Capacity: 150 meters
barrage with 90% of their weapons before heat manage-
Armor Type: Ferro-Fibrous ment techniques kick in. It does not allow them to jump or
Armament: even move about – which speaks volumes of the intended
role this new OmniMech will play on future battlefields
Our Order has given much thought to this new vari-
1 LRM-20
ant and can only presume the Ice Hellions desire a ‘Mech
1 ER Small Laser which can take an opponent’s head off with one hit or cut
Manufacturer: Clan Steel Viper through its armor as quickly as possible. The superior mo-
Communications System: Unknown bility the Summoner enjoys is to be used only to gain a
good fire position. This is not necessarily a drawback. To
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown the novice Mechwarrior, it might seem the ‘Omega’ is
ideal for ‘Mech-on-‘Mech combat. In reality, the lack of
Overview: movement options and loadout of weapons which are
best used in a fire support role strongly suggest the
In all of its configurations, the Thor main advantages over ‘Omega’ is not intended for close encounters at all.
other heavier 'Mechs are its mobility and its ability to fire all its
In short, we believe the Summoner ‘Omega’ will work in
weapons with little worry about heat buildup. Apparently bor-
concert with another, as-yet unconfirmed new ‘Mech which spe-
rowing concepts from the Warhammer, Marauder and Victor, the
cializes in exploiting the large holes this design is sure to make in
Thor is an excellent all-around 'Mech. While the Thor maybe less
an opponent’s armor. The ‘Omega’ is a very efficient ‘can-
powerful than some and less quick than others, it successfully
opener’, and we await the confirmation of a complementary vari-
blends heavy firepower and maneuverability.
ant which features a large amount of Short Range Missiles.
Weighing in at seventy tons, the Summoner (Thor) Omega Rumors circulate of a companion, tentatively named the Sum-
OmniMech has begun appearing in Clan Ice Hellion Stars. Alter- moner ‘Alpha’, but as yet we have no definate sightings. Such an
nate Configuration Omega appears designed for a new applica- ‘Alpha-Omega’ team would easily put to shame the similar Inner
tion altogether, and it is not hard to understand why the Ice Sphere ‘Hammer’ and ‘Anvil’ pairing which, to date, has shown
Hellions created it. much battlefield potential.

Capabilities: Deployment:
The Summoner is an imposing machine, much feared on Summoner Omega appears to be a favorite among aggres-
the battlefield regardless of the weapons it carries. It features 9.5 sive Hellion Mechwarriors. This configuration is widely accepted
tons of Ferrofibrous armor, 83% of the maximum allowed. Pow- as a standard for Hellion blitzkrieg tactics, but few minor field
ered by a 350 XL fusion engine, it features excellent mobility for modifications have been seen. Those that exist usually revolve



Type/Model: Summoner F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 70 tons 1 ER PPC RA 2 6
Equipment Mass 1 ER PPC LA 2 6
Internal Structure: 7 1 ER Small Laser RT 1 0.5
Engine: 350XL Fusion 15 1 Medium Pulse Laser LA 1 2
Walking MP: 5 1 LRM-20 LT 4 5
Running MP: 8 Ammo (LRM) 12 LT 2 2
Jumping MP 5 Jump Jets CT 1 1
Heat Sinks: 15 (30) 5 Jump Jets LL 2 2
Gyro: 4 Jump Jets RL 2 2
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 182 9.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 22 27
Center Torso (Rear): 8
L/R Side Torso: 15 22/22
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 7/7
L/R Arm: 11 17/17
L/R Leg: 15 23/23




Type/Model: Thylacine continues his advance. To cope with the extreme heat build-up among Steel Viper units, and several have been spotted among
Tech: Clan /3062 caused by these weapons, Thylacine Prime carries an additional Clan Cloud Cobra's Crusader cloisters. The latter is most likely
six Double Heat Sinks. due to battlefield salvage rather than trade.
Config: Biped OmniMech
Configuration Alpha reflects a singular focus on the close-
Mass: 75 tons quarters combat found in urban environments and rough or
Chassis: Endo Steel mountainous terrain. The combination of quadruple Medium
Power Plant: 300 XL Fusion Pulse Lasers, a heavy Ultra Autocannon-20 and two Large Pulse
Lasers give this variant tremendous punch, es-
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
pecially at shorter ranges. Mechwarriors are
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h cautioned to use the Ultra AC-20 sparingly,
Jump Jets: none relying on it only as a means of administer-
Jump Capacity: 0 meters ing the coup-de-grace due to its limited
amount of ammunition.
Armor Type: Ferro Fibrous
The ‘Bravo’ Configuration’s role
Armament: appears to be that of a long-range
none sniper. It is equipped with a Gauss
Manufacturer: Clan Steel Viper rifle and two ER PPCs which en-
ables it to dispatch opponents
Communications System: Unknown long before they can move into
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown effective weapons range. An arm-
mounted Streak-6 Short-Range
Overview: Missile launcher rounds off the
Thylacine ‘B’s armament, allowing
The Thylacine is a heavy OmniMech destined for extremely its pilot to ‘shake salt’ into the
wide use with Clan Steel Viper. Used as a primary attack and as- wounds created by his larger guns.
sault 'Mech, this ‘Mech was envisioned as a Clan Viper version of The remaining known Configu-
the Night Gyr, but with a heavier weapons load. In order to ration is an obvious attempt to copy
achieve this, Viper engineers decided to drop the Night Gyr's the highly efficient Blood Asp ‘B’. Thy-
jump jets, leaving the Thylacine with only average ground speed lacine ‘C’ carries a total of four LRM-15
and maneuverability. launchers in the torso, each supplied by a ton of
ammunition, while each arm features an ER PPC
Capabilities: and Medium Pulse Laser mounted in an over-and-
under arrangement. It is worth noting that, while the
Thylacine is a multi-role OmniMech designed to take pun- Blood Asp ‘B’ may not pack the immediate overwhelm-
ishment and dish out more in return. Its unusual construction is ing firepower of the Thylacine ‘C’, it is remarkably heat-
aesthetically more appealing than that of a Night Gyr, but at bot- efficient and can maintain missile fire 50% longer.
tom it’s the same familiar 'Mech. Unlike the older design, the Thy- Configuration ‘C’ is not popular among newer Mechwar-
lacine forgoes the laser heat sinks unique to the Night Gyr for riors due to its tendency to overheat (despite the addition
traditional Double Heat Sinks which are easier to service in the of seven Double Heat Sinks) and a marked dependence on
field. supply lines which appears fairly early in combat.
The Primary Configuration includes a good mix of long and
short range weapons; two LRM-10 Long Range Missile launch- Deployment:
ers and an Extended-Range Particle Projection Cannon give it a
respectable reach. A pilot anticipating close combat merely This new design has been seen in increasing numbers
brings the twin Large Pulse Lasers in to replace the LRM-10s and



Type/Model: Thylacine Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage
Mass: 75 tons Primary Configuration: Alternate Configuration Charlie:
Equipment Mass 1 ER PPC RT 2 6 1 ER PPC RA 2 6
Internal Structure: 4 2 Large Pulse Lasers LT 4 12 1 ER PPC LA 2 6
Engine: 300XL Fusion 9.5 2 Medium Pulse Lasers RA 2 4 1 Medium Pulse Laser RA 1 2
Walking MP: 4 2 Medium Pulse Lasers LA 2 4 1 Medium Pulse Laser LA 1 2
Running MP: 6 2 LRM-10s RT 4 5 2 LRM-15s RT 4 7
Jumping MP: 0 Ammo (LRM) 24 RT 2 2 Ammo (LRM) 16 RT 2 2
Heat Sinks: 12 [24] 2 2 Double Heat Sinks RA 4 2 2 LRM-15s LT 4 7
Gyro: 3 2 Double Heat Sinks LA 4 2 Ammo (LRM) 16 LT 2 2
Cockpit: 3 2 Double Heat Sinks RT 4 2 2 Double Heat Sinks RA 4 2
Armor Factor: 231 12.50 2 Double Heat Sinks LT 4 2 2 Double Heat Sinks LA 4 2
2 Double Heat Sinks RT 4 2
Internal Armor Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage 1 Double Heat Sinks LT 2 1
Structure Value Alternate Configuration Alpha:
2 Large Pulse Lasers LT 4 12
Head: 3 9 2 Medium Pulse Lasers RA 2 4
Center Torso: 23 36 2 Medium Pulse Lasers LA 2 4
Center Torso (Rear): 10 1 Ultra Autocannon/20 LT 8 12
L/R Side Torso: 16 25/25 Ammo (AC) 5 LT 1 1
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 7/7 Ammo (AC) 10 RT 2 2
L/R Arm: 12 24/24 2 Double Heat Sinks LA 4 2
L/R Leg: 16 32/32 2 Double Heat Sinks RT 4 2
2 Double Heat Sinks LT 4 2

Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Alternate Configuration Bravo:
2 ER PPCs LT 4 12
2 Medium Pulse Lasers LA 2 4
1 Gauss Rifle LT 6 12
Ammo (Gauss) 16 LT 2 2
1 Streak SRM-6 RA 2 3
Ammo (SRM) 15 LT 1 1
3 Double Heat Sinks LA 6 3
2 Double Heat Sinks RT 4 2
2 Double Heat Sinks LT 4 2




Type/Model: Timber Wolf F Double Heat Sinks can handle continuous fire at long range, but
Tech: Clan /3058 the wise Mechwarrior will drop an LRM-10 from the firing suite
every thirty seconds in order to maintain effective mobility.
Config: Biped OmniMech
Close-in combat ability is equally devastating, although the
Mass: 75 tons three Extended Range Medium Lasers and single Extended
Chassis: Endo Steel Range Small Laser are presumed more to be used for dealing
Power Plant: 375 XL Fusion with infantry and battle armor than opposing BattleMechs. Our
Order feels these weapons will stand in when the ‘F’ exhausts its
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
LRM-10 ammo bins - which should be quick, given that each
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h launcher carries only a single ton of ammunition.
Jump Jets: None Armor is 99% of the maximum allowed for this tonnage, and
Jump Capacity: 0 meters the 375 XL fusion engine gives good combat acceleration, top-
ping out at 86 kph in a run. An interesting and unusual feature of
Armor Type: Ferro Fibrous
this design is the torso-mounted electronic-countermeasures
Armament: system, intended to counter the latest C3 networks and Artemis
2 ER PPCs Fire Control Systems upon which the Inner Sphere relies to level
3 ER Medium Lasers the playing field. Given Cloud Cobra's on-and-off hostilities with
Clan Coyote, this system also finds ample use in frustrating that
1 ER Small Laser Clan’s preferred ‘leveler’ weapon, the Advanced Tactical Missile
2 LRM-10s launcher. ATMs rely on Artemis guidance and thus, a Timber Wolf
1 ECM Suite ‘F’ can deliver punishing fire from long range while remaining
largely immune to ATM return fire.
Manufacturer: Clan Cloud Cobra
Communications System: Unknown Deployment:
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Timber Wolf ‘F’ is Clan Cloud Cobras' favorite Omn-
Overview: iMech, although some designs have trickled down to Clan
Steel Viper through battlefield salvage.
The Inner Sphere's first brush with an OmniMech was with
a Mad Cat on The Rock, Oberon Confederation, 13 August 3049.
It was from a broadcast by a member of the Kell Hounds merce-
nary unit that Our Blessed Order learned of these machines and
their mysterious masters. ComStar named this design the Mad
Cat because its hunched-over torso is common to both the Ma-
rauder and Catapult. The Mad Cat is an exceptional combination
of an XL Class engine, Endo Steel internal structure, Ferro-Fi-
brous armor, and double heat sinks.

The Timber Wolf ‘F’ has been seen largely among the ranks
of Clan Cloud Cobra. This configuration concentrates on long-
range punch with two extended-range particle projection can-
nons in the arms. Standard shoulder-mounted boxed missile
launchers provide additional long-range punch. The nineteen



Type/Model: Timber Wolf F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 75 tons 1 ER PPC RA 2 6
Equipment Mass 1 ER PPC LA 2 6
Internal Structure: 4 1 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1
Engine: 350XL Fusion 15 1 ER Medium Laser LT 1 1
Walking MP: 5 1 ER Medium Laser CT 1 1
Running MP: 8 1 LRM-10 RT 1 2.5
Jumping MP 0 Ammo (LRM) 12 RT 1 1
Heat Sinks: 19 (38) 9 1 LRM-10 LT 1 2.5
Gyro: 4 Ammo (LRM) 12 LT 1 1
Cockpit: 3 1 ER Small Laser LT 1 0.5
Armor Factor: 230 12 ECM Suite RT 1 1

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 26 36
Center Torso (Rear): 9
L/R Side Torso: 16 25/25
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 7/7
L/R Arm: 12 24/24
L/R Leg: 16 32/32




ype/Model: Timber Wolf S woes associated with that system, including a shortage of ferro-
Tech: Clan /3058 nickel slugs and the chance of a nasty ‘Mech-crippling internal
Config: Biped OmniMech
Backing up this firepower are a pair of LRM-10 Long Range
Mass: 75 tons Missile launchers, each supplied with a ton of reloads. Extended
Chassis: Endo Steel Range Medium Lasers provide a good measure of anti-battle
Power Plant: 375 XL Fusion armor sting, augmented by a single Flamer mounted in the cen-
ter torso. This would, in and of itself, make for an effective (if only
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h typical) design but for two important details.
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h First is that the ‘S-G’ configuration carries twenty six double
Jump Jets: None heat sinks – enough to permit its pilot to fire all the main weapons
Jump Capacity: 0 meters at a full run with no overheating whatsoever! Since Precentor
Martin has already elaborated on the presumed shortage of ex-
Armor Type: Ferro Fibrous
perienced Clan Mechwarriors elsewhere in this Technical Read-
Armament: out, it will be sufficient to note that this is precisely what a
2 Heavy Large Lasers Technician would engineer into the design, were it to be piloted
by a rookie.
2 ER Medium Lasers
Reinforcing this conclusion is the second detail: the Timber
1 Flamer
Wolf ‘S-G’ comes equipped with a Clan Targeting Computer.
2 LRM-10s
Such an addition is no small thing. A targeting computer gives
Manufacturer: Clan Cloud Wolf an inexperienced Mechwarrior the competitive edge on a battle-
Communications System: Unknown field, increasing his accuracy at long ranges and deliv-
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown ering the killing blow in close combat. It goes without
saying that this design is an order of magnitude
Overview: more deadly in the hands of a seasoned pilot. Fast
for an Omni of its weight class, well-armored and
equipped with ‘Mech killers in each arm, it is only
Clan Wolf has experienced its share of tribulations since the
a matter of time before machines such as the Timber
Refusal War with Clan Jade Falcon. Gradually pulling itself back
Wolf ‘S-G’ propel the Crusader Wolves back into a position
together, this once-powerful Clan still retains some of the leader-
of prominence with the other Clans occupying the Inner Sphere.
ship and technical innovation seen in the days just after the Bat-
tle of Tukayyid. Even now they are making the most of ties with
other Clans, who see the Crusader Wolves as a beacon of sta- Deployment:
bility, a balance against the outright warmongering of the Jade
The Timber Wolf ‘S-G’ has so far been seen only with Clans
Falcons. Recent developments in the field of OmniMech design
Wolf and Star Adder. As the Adders are the original inventors of
bear this out, the first example being a new Configuration for the
heavy laser technology, one may conclude that the design was
Timber Wolf (Mad Cat).
developed in collusion with Clan Star Adder Technicians or pos-
sibly acquired by Clan Wolf either through trade or Trials of Pos-
Capabilities: session.
Timber Wolf ‘S-G’, developed by Crusader Clan Wolf, takes
full advantage of recent advances in laser technology by mount-
ing two Heavy Large Lasers in each arm. These weapons have an
impressive and useful range, delivering more damage per shot
than a Gauss Rifle. Furthermore, they have none of the attendant



Type/Model: Timber Wolf S Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 75 tons 1 Heavy Large Laser RA 3 4
Equipment Mass 1 Heavy Large Laser LA 4 4
Internal Structure: 4 1 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1
Engine: 350XL Fusion 15 1 ER Medium Laser LT 1 1
Walking MP: 5 1 Flamer CT 1 0.5
Running MP: 8 1 LRM-10 RT 1 2.5
Jumping MP 0 Ammo (LRM) 12 RT 1 1
Heat Sinks: 19 (38) 9 1 LRM-10 LT 1 2.5
Gyro: 4 Ammo (LRM) 12 LT 1 1
Cockpit: 3 Targeting Computer RT 2 2
Armor Factor: 230 12

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 26 36
Center Torso (Rear): 9
L/R Side Torso: 16 25/25
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 7/7
L/R Arm: 12 24/24
L/R Leg: 16 32/32




Type/Model: Warhawk F of his or her available firepower every ten seconds and still main- Deployment:
Tech: Clan /3062 tain good mobility without causing the heat meter to budge.
Movement is standard for this type of Omni, as is over thirteen Clan Goliath Scorpion is quickly replacing damaged stock
Config: Biped OmniMech
tons of advanced armor protection and, of course, the vital Tar- machines or variants in reserve battalions with the ‘F’. It is simi-
Mass: 85 tons geting Computer which makes the Warhawk such a threat on the lar to what many Clans are doing, each coming up with a unique
Chassis: Standard battlefield. answer to a common problem. We understand that while each
Power Plant: 340 XL Fusion Clan will vary the mix slightly, most of their forces will eventually
At first glance it might seem odd to ‘over-equip’ this type
be composed of such ‘rookie-proof’ designs for at least the next
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h with an extra ER PPC, as only three can be safely fired at a time
five years. Our ROM agents indicate it will be at least two years
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h without heat problems. Some in Our Order have proposed that before the Clans can bring new equipment and schools on line,
this is ‘insurance’, a ready spare in the event the Warhawk takes and another two years beyond that before the first adequately
Jump Jets: none
internal damage and loses one of its main guns. But Precentor trained Mechwarriors take to their cockpits. Clan Goliath Scor-
Jump Capacity: 0 meters Martin insists that Clans do not think this way. In any case, if the pion is one of the first to begin the replacement process. They
Armor Type: Ferro-Fibrous damage goes internal to a weapon system it will be a very short will not be the last.
Armament: time before the other weapon is also destroyed. He posits that
4 ER PPCs the ‘extra’ ER PPC is, in fact, a very clever way of compensating
for green Mechwarriors who do not have adequate training in pi-
1 ER Small Laser
loting or battlefield tactics.
Manufacturer: Clan Goliath Scorpion
Precentor Martin notes that inexperienced pilots often find
Communications System: Unknown themselves in a position where the enemy has gotten into their
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown rear arc. This is ideal for the opponent, as rear torso armor is no-
toriously thin on most Battlemechs, even those of Clan design. To
Overview: stave off this eventuality and the almost certain loss of a premier
OmniMech, Precentor Martin suggests that the twin ER PPCs
TThe Warhawk ‘F’ is the latest in a recent spate of new vari- mounted on each arm are there to prevent such maneuvers.
ants for this line of Omnis. The steadily expanding selection of
mission-adaptive machines left Our Order scratching its collective Any enemy pilot foolish enough to run or jump into the
head until we realized the Clans were designing to something Warhawk ‘F’s rear arc for a backshot will find themselves facing
other than purely battlefield conditions. The Warhawk, like other the business end of two Clan ER PPCs. This is enough to make
recent Clan OmniMechs, has been adjusted for a lack of trained even a Clan warrior think twice. It is a lethal lesson to Inner
Mechwarriors as each Clan struggles for control of present and Sphere pilots, who will discover to their sorrow what the ‘F’ vari-
future battlefields in the face of severe manpower and materiel ant’s designers already know – that any ‘Mech sufficiently mobile
shortages. Clan Goliath Scorpion has created the ‘F’ variant of to get into the Warhawk’s rear arc simply does not have the armor
the Warhawk, and it is a prime example of a common trend. to deal with that much firepower at point-blank range. What is
more, the Warhawk’s pilot can continue to fire his third ER PPC
Capabilities: at other targets in his front arc without pause!
In keeping with the assumed new priorities, the ‘F’ is The ‘F’ is also equipped with an Extended Range Small
equipped with four Extended Range Particle Projector Cannons, Laser mounted in the right torso. A laughably small weapon when
a weapon which has been in use with the Clans for nearly seventy compared to the main guns, Precentor Martin says this only re-
years. It is ‘off-the-shelf’ and in plentiful supply, with well-estab- inforces his notion that the Warhawk ‘F’ is designed with the
lished repair and maintenance infrastructure. To offset the green pilot in mind. The smaller laser is typical of a ‘comfort’
tremendous heat created by these huge cannons, there are an weapon, which is added to reassure a new Mechwarrior that he
additional three Double Heat Sinks to augment the twenty already has something to fall back on if he is severely damaged or faces
in the stock chassis. The pilot of a Warhawk ‘F’ can unleash 70% enemy infantry.



Type/Model: Warhawk F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 85 tons 2 ER PPCs RA 4 12
Equipment Mass 2 ER PPCs LA 4 12
Internal Structure: 8.5 1 ER Small Laser RT 1 0.5
Engine: 340XL Fusion 13.5 Targeting Computer RT 5 5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP 0
Heat Sinks: 23 (46) 13
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 259 13.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 27 42
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 18 26/26
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10
L/R Arm: 14 28/28
L/R Leg: 18 35/35




Type/Model: Warhawk M Sphere opponent long before they come into effective firing range. (along with many other talents) to the analysis of the Warhawk
Tech: Clan /3062 Close combat ability is just as devastating. The laser ‘M’. The Precentor thinks this design is the direct result of pres-
weapons have no minimum range and the heat sinks can sup- sures operating simultaneously in Clan space. The sudden ex-
Config: Biped OmniMech pansion of the Clans into the Inner Sphere twelve years ago put
port continuous fire even while on the run. When a Clan pilot
Mass: 85 tons closes in on his wounded foe, a simple switch from one ATM an enormous strain on Clan resources, something they did not
Chassis: Standard ammo bin to another will give him a devastating HE punch suffi- reckon with during the initial headlong rush. The war was sup-
cient to finish the job. The consistent damage curve of the posed to be over by now, the Inner Sphere conquered. It is not.
Power Plant: 340 XL Fusion
Warhawk ‘M’s loadout ensures that, while there will be no one-hit- Precentor Martin compares this loosely with the Imperial Japan-
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h ese attack on the United States in 1941.
kill headshots, this ‘Mech can be relied upon to produce excellent
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h battlefield results regardless of conditions. And that is where this “Take the fact that most Clan MechWarriors are grown in ar-
Jump Jets: none design becomes intriguing. tificial wombs, a slow process at best. Factor in the high attrition
rate of the sibko, the battlefield and even promotion through the
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Ferro-Fibrous
Deployment: ranks. Add to this the rapid expansion of a very tight-knit force
into a near-vacuum of conquered territory. What you get is a sud-
Armament: The “M” is quietly beginning to appear in reserve regiments. den dispersion of fighting ability and supplies. The Clans don’t
2 ER Large Lasers We assume they will gradually replace existing variants which have have the population or industrial base to support it. In my opin-
been criticized as being too narrow-purpose for the changing Clan ion, the Warhawk ‘M’ represents Clan Ghost Bear’s answer to a
2 Large Pulse Lasers flood of hastily-trained MechWarriors, a situation similar to what
strategy. One wonders what capability could be added to the six
1 ATM-6 existing variants to warrant an entirely new type. A closer inspec- Japan faced in 1944. The Japanese responded by sending min-
Manufacturer: Clan Ghost Bear tion reveals several interesting choices made to create the ‘M’. imally-trained pilots on suicide missions. We assume the Clans
are not quite that desperate. Or not yet.
Communications System: Unknown First, the design comes with a Targeting Computer. This alone
adds an immense value to any direct-fire weapon mounted, but is The Warhawk ‘M’’s weapons are augmented by computer or
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown design to compensate for a lack of gunnery skills. The ‘Mech it-
a definite advantage when firing at range with the ER Large Lasers.
self is assembled so that an inexperienced warrior can bring max-
Overview: Second, the Large Pulse Lasers have a built-in accuracy of
imum firepower to bear on a constant basis - more shots at the
their own and nearly as long a reach as the ER Large Lasers.
enemy equal more hits, even for a green pilot. The typical prob-
The most recent variant to appear in Clan Ghost Bear regi- Third, the entire design from chassis to weapons is ‘off the lems with overheating which Clan pilots face are almost non-ex-
ments, this is the newest version of an already-impressive ‘Mech shelf’, meaning it is not bleeding-edge technology capable of istent in this model. It suggests there may not be time to teach
design. Despite its lack of flavor – or perhaps because of it – Our spectacular destruction – or failure. The Warhawk itself has been heat management to the next generation of Clan Mechwarriors.
Order feels the Warhawk (Masakari) ‘M’ represents the coming wave around for at least two decades and probably longer. The Finally, the weapons are ingeniously run-of-the-mill. They
in Clan ‘Mech design philosophy. It embodies all of the Clan basics; weapons are easy to maintain on the field, require no special require no special training for the Technician Caste, no pipeline of
hard-hitting weaponry, good speed and excellent armor on a proven technical training to service at the Depot-level and are in relatively knowledge and service equipment. They are refreshingly dull, de-
Omni-Mech chassis. But there is more here than meets the eye. plentiful supply. pendable – and deadly. What is more, the extreme range sug-
Fourth, ER Large Lasers have an especially long reach for a gests that Clan Ghost Bear, at least, is getting back to basics and
Capabilities: warrior culture which prides itself on personal combat. The same following Alexander Kerensky’s original doctrine of ‘maximum
is true for the Large Pulse Lasers, not to mention the potent ER range, maximum firepower.”
The Warhawk ‘M’ employs a Targeting Computer common to
missiles available to this model. - Precentor Thule Martin
this type of ‘Mech, as well as the standard 340 XL Fusion engine
and armor at near maximum levels. There are 23 double heatsinks Finally, over 80% of this ‘Mech’s firepower is available every It may be that the incoming generation of Clan warriors is in-
to manage the output of two ER Large Lasers, two Large Pulse ten seconds on a continuous basis, in addition to full combat deed less experienced than its forebears. It may be they are finally
Lasers and an Advanced Tactical Missile launcher. The ATM comes speed. This says much about a desire to minimize heat spikes learning to employ more judicious tactics than simply challenging
supplied with two tons of ammunition which can be loaded with any and reactor shutdowns. their opponents one-on-one at point-blank range. If so, we are in
of three types of munition – High Explosive, Standard or Extended Precentor Thule Martin has been assigned to this project as trouble. The Warhawk ‘M’ is proof enough that whatever the
Range missiles. The lasers, coupled with the ER missiles, allow a an advisor. An amateur historian noted for his interest in the con- shortcomings of Clan logistics, birthrate and training, they are still
Clan pilot to engage and severely damage, if not destroy, any Inner flicts of the mid-twentieth century, he brings this knowledge a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.



Type/Model: Warhawk M Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 85 tons 1 ER Large Laser RA 1 4
Equipment Mass 1 Large Pulse Laser RA 2 6
Internal Structure: 8.5 1 ER Large Laser LA 1 4
Engine: 340XL Fusion 13.5 1 Large Pulse Laser LA 2 6
Walking MP: 4 1 ATM-6 LT 3 3.5
Running MP: 6 Ammo (ATM) 20 LT 2 2
Jumping MP 0 Targeting Computer RT 4 4
Heat Sinks: 23 (46) 13
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 259 13.5

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 27 42
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 18 26/26
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10
L/R Arm: 14 28/28
L/R Leg: 18 35/35




Type/Model: Blood Asp F of shoulder-mounted Extended Range Medium Lasers. Twenty-

Tech: Clan /3062 four Double Heat Sinks support the loadout and make it a rela-
tively simple matter to dissipate the enormous thermal load while
Config: Biped OmniMech remaining fully mobile The inclusion of a Clan Targeting computer
Mass: 90 tons raises this design’s potential threat to an unheard-of level. Armor,
Chassis: Endo Steel movement and chassis are otherwise similar to Configurations in
the Blood Asp series.
Power Plant: 360 XL Fusion
The ‘Cape Cobra’ is superficially similar to Configuration ‘A’
Walking Speed: 42.2 km/h and there are some who criticize the need for yet another ‘en-
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h ergy-only’ design. However, there are significant differ-
Jump Jets: none ences. The ‘A’ is designed to inflict maximum damage
in minimum time, leaving it for others to step in and
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
take advantage of the resulting carnage. Furthermore,
Armor Type: Standard Configuration ‘A’ has only four main guns, each gen-
Armament: erating a large amount of heat. It is a narrow-purpose
‘Mech whose heat load demands constant attention.
The integral Electronic Counter Measure package re-
2 Medium Pulse Lasers inforces the image of a ‘Mech designed to work
4 ER Medium Lasers closely with other, more flexible forces.
Manufacturer: Clan Star Adder With that in mind, Configuration ‘F’ fairly
Communications System: Unknown screams ‘lone wolf!’ Three ER PPCs supported by a
Targeting computer are enough to seriously damage or
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown destroy any enemy force at range, but the addition of
quadruple ER Medium lasers and dual Medium Pulse
Overview: lasers point to a ‘Mech which is prepared to close the
deal with an energy ‘shotgun’. Thanks to the accuracy
Clan Star Adder scientists based this 'Mech on the King- granted by the Targeting computer and Pulse lasers, the
fisher. Installing an extralight engine nearly doubled the amount of ‘Cape Cobra’ can effectively deal with less glamorous as-
available pod space, though structural constraints forced them signments as well, tearing through battle armor, fast ve-
to replace the Kingfisher's ferro-fibrous armor with standard hicles and VTOLs in short order. Heat management is a
plate. This 'Mech entered service as the Blood Asp, an insult snap, thanks to the loadout’s division into long and short
aimed at the Star Adder's longtime rivals, Clan Blood Spirit. ranges. Finally, the ‘F’ is ideal for both quick raids and
Alternate Configuration ‘F’ is the latest custom design of the long campaigns, as support logistics are minimal. The ‘F’
popular Blood Asp OmniMech, coming out of Sigma Galaxy's needs no cumbersome reload supply lines and can fight
471st Adder Sentinels. Taking full advantage of this 'Mech's mas- for days before it must stand down for maintenance and re-
sive internal space, the Warriors of the 471st created a full en- pair.
ergy variant that is deadly at any range. They have nicknamed it
‘Cape Cobra’. Deployment:
Capabilities: Blood Asp ‘F’ is an effective addition to an already-impres-
sive range of Blood Asp Configurations. It enjoys increased pop-
Blood Asp F's primary weapons consist of three Extended ularity among all front and second-line Mechwarriors, who are
Range Particle Projection Cannons, one in each arm and one quick to appreciate this OmniMech's multi-mission capability.
atop the central torso. Supplementing this intimidating array of
firepower are two arm-mounted Medium Pulse Lasers and a quad



Type/Model: Blood Asp F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 90 tons 1 ER PPC RA 2 6
Equipment Mass 1 ER PPC LA 2 6
Internal Structure: 4.5 1 ER PPC CT 2 6
Engine: 360XL Fusion 16.5 1 Medium Pulse Laser RA 1 2
Walking MP: 4 1 Medium Pulse Laser LA 1 2
Running MP: 6 2 ER Medium Lasers RT 2 2
Jumping MP 0 2 ER Medium Lasers LT 2 2
Heat Sinks: 24 (48) 14 Targeting Computer LT 6 6
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 256 16

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 29 40
Center Torso (Rear): 13
L/R Side Torso: 19 24/24
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 11/11
L/R Arm: 15 28/28
L/R Leg: 19 34/34




Type/Model: Blood Asp F imum damage, maximum range”) it is not just the Prime which
Tech: Clan /3062 comes up short, so to speak. Other variants mount weapons
which do massive damage and command large fields of fire.
Config: Biped OmniMech However, most are notorious ‘heat beasts’, to quote an anony-
Mass: 90 tons mous Mechwarrior. This limitation in their design means many of
Chassis: Endo Steel the weapons are dead weight much of the time, something even
the most skilled heat management cannot get around.
Power Plant: 360 XL Fusion
The ‘X’ solution consists of employing the longest-ranged,
Walking Speed: 42.2 km/h most heat-frugal weapons available. Twin Gauss rifles mounted in
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h the torso are a threat of the first order, and generate next to no
Jump Jets: none heat even when used continuously. They can maintain this con-
stant fire 50% longer than the Prime because they have three
Jump Capacity: 0 meters tons of ammunition allocated, versus the standard two. Backing
Armor Type: Standard them up is a pair of Extended Range Large Lasers, nearly as po-
Armament: tent as the main guns and with an even longer reach. Together,
these four weapons represent an impressive 65% of the de-
2 Gauss Rifles
sign’s firepower, yet account for only 54% of its total potential
2 ER Large Lasers heat. They do not even begin to tax this OmniMech’s seven-
4 ER Medium Lasers teen Double Heat Sinks, even when it is moving at its top
speed of 65 kph.
Manufacturer: Clan Star Adder
Heat management does become an issue at close range,
Communications System: Unknown
where the four Extended Range Medium Lasers come into
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown play. Even then, so long as the pilot does not become too
eager for the kill, keeping the heat meter steady is a simple
Overview: matter of switching out an ER Medium once every half minute
or so.
This 'Mech was created by Clan Star Adder based on the
Kingfisher, though it is hard to tell at first glance. The Kingfisher Deployment:
variants typically place their primary weapons in the arms,
whereas the Blood Asp’s main guns are generally torso-mounted. Most of the Blood Asp ‘X’ re-pods have been seen in Alpha
The biggest difference is the XL engine employed in the Blood Galaxy and a few second-line units. Alpha Galaxy's warriors are
Asp, which frees up an enormous amount of pod space, though always on the front lines in the Clan Homeworlds, which means
structural limitations forced the use of standard armor. The Blood they get – and use - a lot of ammunition, while second-line units
Asp has been considered mainly a brawler, and so far the various tend to be short-changed in this regard. Requiring only a single
configurations lend credence to that line of thought. This is about type of ammunition simplifies logistics and eases the supply bot-
to change. . tleneck, one of many ways the Blood Asp ‘X’ repeatedly demon-
strates it is the right choice, regardless of where it is assigned.
Blood Asp X was born of doctrinal necessity rather than ac-
tual battlefield experience. While many Mechwarriors in the Star
Adder ranks have long complained of the Prime’s lack of ammu-
nition and long-reach weaponry, it is a quiet shift in overall Clan
strategy which drives the ‘X’ configuration. Under new require-
ments dictated by a return to Kerensky’s original doctrine (“max-



Type/Model: Blood Asp X Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 90 tons 1 ER Large Laser RA 1 4
Equipment Mass 1 ER Large Laser LA 1 4
Internal Structure: 4.5 1 ER Medium Laser RA 1 1
Engine: 360XL Fusion 16.5 1 ER Medium Laser LA 1 1
Walking MP: 4 1 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1
Running MP: 6 1 ER Medium Laser LT 1 1
Jumping MP 0 1 Gauss Rifle RT 6 12
Heat Sinks: 17 (34) 14 1 Gauss Rifle LT 6 12
Gyro: 4 Ammo (Gauss) 8 LT 1 1
Cockpit: 3 Ammo (Gauss) 16 CT 2 2
Armor Factor: 256 16

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 29 40
Center Torso (Rear): 13
L/R Side Torso: 19 24/24
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 11/11
L/R Arm: 15 28/28
L/R Leg: 19 34/34




Type/Model: Ferratus struction will seriously damage or disable most opponents be- ponent to destroy the Ferratus ‘C’. Given this Configuration’s
Tech: Clan /3062 fore they reach their own effective fire envelope. generous 14.5 tons of armor, an enemy Mechwarrior’s best hope
However, the Prime truly comes into its own when the is for an early headshot. It has been estimated by Our Order that
Config: Biped OmniMech the ‘C’ would take less than forty seconds to reduce an Atlas to
enemy reaches medium range. At that point, a Prime Mechwar-
Mass: 95 tons rior simply switches the ER Large Laser out for the Ultra-class 20 smoking scrap.
Chassis: Endo Steel Autocannon and pulls the trigger. As the LRM-20s have no mini-
Power Plant: 380 XL Fusion mum range, an Ferratus Prime can core most ‘Mechs with one Deployment:
volley and yet build up no extra heat. Multiple lasers supplement
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h This new design is rapidly appearing in Fire Mandrill units,
the Ferratus's firepower, allowing it to engage vehicles and bat-
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h tle armor without overheating and acting as a backup when the and several have been spotted among the Stars of Clan Coyote.
ammunition bins run dry. This is most likely due to trade agreements rather than battlefield
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters The Alpha Configuration concentrates on
super-accurate large pulse lasers, backed up by
Armor Type: Ferro Fibrous
twin LRM-20 launchers. With plenty of ammu-
Armament: nition for sustained long-range saturation fire
none and equipped with eighteen Double Heat
Manufacturer: Clan Fire Mandrill Sinks, the Alpha variant allows generous use
of its laser arrays. Ferratus ‘A’ is especially
Communications System: Unknown popular with green pilots, as it is highly tol-
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown erant of Mechwarriors who have not quite
mastered heat management techniques.
Overview: Possibly Ferratus A's most unusual
weapon is the imposing Advanced Tacti-
The Ferratus was designed as a heavy hitting assault Om- cal Missile launcher in the right torso. The
niMech that combines speed, armor and firepower. Created by new-technology ATM-12's have begun
Clan Fire Mandrill's Kindraa Payne, the Ferratus represents a sin- appearing in Kindraa Payne’s regiments
gular achievement, resulting in one of the most fearsome mechs since the rumored conclusion of trade
to walk the battlefield of the 31st century. The Ferratus's arma- agreements with Clan Coyote.
ment concentrates largely on heavy-hitting ballistic and missile Ferratus Bravo, like Ferratus Alpha,
weaponry. This is further supplemented by an array of large and is a cool-running machine that is usually as-
medium lasers which include pulse technology in every configu- signed to novices when training them in as-
ration. Guided by the Clan Steel Viper philosophy behind the sault ‘Mech operations. Not quite as imposing
Vapor Eagle and Black Python, Kindraa Payne's newest Omn- as its fellow variants in raw firepower, the ‘B’ can
iMech favors accurate delivery over raw firepower. Simply blast- nonetheless hold its own on the battlefield, laying
ing away with the biggest guns available appears to be a thing of down lethal punishment with frightening regularity.
the past. Ferratus Charlie is a dedicated short and medium-
range ‘wrecking machine’. Mounting the huge Ultra-20 Au-
Capabilities: tocannon in one arm and a trio of Large Pulse Lasers in the
other, Ferratus C is usually employed as ‘point man’ when a Star
The Ferratus Prime might be seen as a fire support ‘Mech closes with the enemy. It is a truism of war that the most effec-
by an unobservant outsider, but its combination of weaponry can tive fighter is not the one with the biggest guns, but the one who
deliver a devastating barrage at both long and short ranges. Car- can consistently deliver their payload on target. The ‘C’ is, ton
rying three of the biggest long-range missile launchers available for ton, superior to nearly every other ‘Mech in production when
and an ER Large Laser, the Prime can fire all of these and main- it comes to a brawl. The only limit is how long it will take an op-
tain full mobility without building up heat. The resulting rain of de-



Type/Model: Ferratus Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage
Mass: 95 tons Primary Configuration: Alternate Configuration Charlie:
Equipment Mass 1 ER Large Laser LA 1 4 2 Large Pulse Lasers LA 6 18
Internal Structure: 5 1 Medium Pulse Laser H 1 2 1 Medium Pulse Laser RT 1 2
Engine: 380XL Fusion 20.50 1 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1 1 Medium Pulse Laser CT 1 2
Walking MP: 4 1 ER Medium Laser LT 1 1 1 Ultra Autocannon/20 LA 8 12
Running MP: 6 2 LRM-20s RA 8 10 Ammo (AC) 15 LT 3 3
Jumping MP: 0 1 LRM-20 RT 4 5 3 Double Heat Sinks RT 6 3
Heat Sinks: 15 [30] 2 Ammo (LRM) 6 RA 1 1 2 Double Heat Sinks LT 4 2
Gyro: 4 Ammo (LRM) 12 RT 2 2
Cockpit: 3 Ammo (LRM) 12 LT 2 2
Armor Factor: 278 14.50 1 Ultra Autocannon/20 LT 8 12
Ammo (AC) 10 LT 2 2
Internal Armor 1 Double Heat Sink LT 2 1
Structure Value
Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage
Head: 3 9 Alternate Configuration Alpha:
Center Torso: 30 45 1 ER Large Laser LA 1 4
Center Torso (Rear): 14 2 Large Pulse Lasers LA 4 12
L/R Side Torso: 20 30/30 2 LRM-20s RA 8 10
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10 Ammo (LRM) 6 RA 1 1
L/R Arm: 16 30/30 Ammo (LRM) 18 LT 3 3
L/R Leg: 20 35/35 1 ATM-12 LT 5 7
Ammo (ATM) 5 LT 1 1
Ammo (ATM) 10 RT 2 2
2 Double Heat Sinks LA 4 2
1 Double Heat Sinks LT 4 2

Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Alternate Configuration Bravo:
2 ER Large Lasers LA 2 8
1 Large Pulse Laser RT 2 6
1 ER Medium Laser CT 1 1
2 LRM-15s RA 4 7
Ammo (LRM) 16 RA 2 2
1 Gauss Rifle LA 6 12
Ammo (Gauss) 8 LA 1 1
Ammo (Gauss) 8 LA 1 1
3 Double Heat Sinks LT 6 3
2 Double Heat Sinks RT 4 2




Type/Model: Dire Wolf F Capabilities: Deployment:

Tech: Clan /3060
The Dire Wolf ‘F’ comes with a massive nineteen tons of The Dire Wolf ‘F’ is presently deploying to mostly front line
Config: Biped OmniMech
Ferrofibrous armor, standard for this design. The 300 XL fusion regiments and a few reserves. Most other Clans are restricting
Mass: 100 tons engine is also standard, and thus mobility is limited to a 32 kph their ‘rookie-resistant’ designs to reserve units only. However,
Chassis: Standard walk and 54 kph run, with no jump capability. However, this is Clan Diamond Shark seems determined to correct their past con-
where the ‘F’ leaves the norm and ventures into new territory. servative strategy by swinging wildly in the opposite direction,
Power Plant: 300 XL Fusion dropping the new design right on the front lines. Precentor Mar-
The first and most shocking change is that the Dire Wolf ‘F’
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h is equipped with a Clan Targeting Computer. Linked to three Ex- tin feels this may be because they no longer possess the re-
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h tended Range Particle Projector Cannons, this makes for an ex- sources to conduct a full field test of the Dire Wolf ‘F’ before
tremely deadly long-range fire envelope. Next up are two Large committing it to combat. Only time will tell.
Jump Jets: none
Pulse Lasers, with their own built-in accuracy and a reach almost
Jump Capacity: 0 meters as threatening as the main guns. Accompanying this intimidating
Armor Type: Standard array of weapons are a Streak SRM-4 launcher and a plasma-fu-
Armament: eled Flamer. To compensate for the heat build-up from all this fire-
power, Clan Diamond Shark has added an astounding eleven
3 ER PPCs Double Heat Sinks, for a total of 26!
2 Large Pulse Lasers Precentor Thule Martin’s insight into the Clan’s off-field
1 Flamer predicament sheds new light on this choice of weapons loadout.
He feels it is significant that the chosen weapons are all stock de-
1 Streak SRM-4 signs. He goes on to state that the Targeting Computer and Large
Manufacturer: Clan Diamond Shark Pulse Lasers are there to compensate for in-
Communications System: Unknown adequate Gunnery skills, a direct re-
sult of the Clans rushing undertrained
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown Mechwarriors to frontline and reserve
Overview: As green recruits are not given
time to learn effective heat manage-
Clan Diamond Shark is not known for its quick reaction to
ment techniques, the ‘F’ comes with
changing paradigms, instead relying on time-honored strategies enough heat sinks to allow a new
and the power and flexibility of their OmniMechs to adapt to bat- pilot 60% of his available weaponry at
tlefield conditions. But the old stock response of throwing more long range. The amount is slightly
firepower into the fray will not work in an environment where higher at medium ranges, all of this
poorly-trained Mechwarriors are at the controls of a machine while moving at full speed. This is a
which demands experience and finesse to get the most out of its distinct plus when taking advantage of
design. battlefield breakthroughs.
It was unexpected to hear word filter in from our ROM As if this weren’t enough, it is rec-
agents that the Diamond Sharks were fielding a new type of Dire ognized that the new wave of pilots will not
Wolf (Daishi), the ‘F’ variant. In retrospect, this should not have have a complete grasp of battlefield tactics. A large machine such
surprised us, given what we know of the present shortages the as the Dire Wolf is vulnerable to attack from infantry and battle
Clans suffer due to their success in the initial Invasion. However, armor; thus the Streak SRM-4 and the Flamer. These are both re-
many in Our Order felt the influx of inexperienced pilots would be liable and highly effective means of dealing with individual troops
restricted to smaller units, limiting their impact on the outcome of who think to take advantage of the Dire Wolf ‘F’s relatively slow
any given battle. The Dire Wolf ‘F’ is proof that this is not so.



Type/Model: Dire Wolf F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 100 tons 1 ER PPC RA 2 6
Equipment Mass 1 ER PPC LA 2 6
Internal Structure: 100 1 ER PPC CT 2 6
Engine: 300XL Fusion 9.5 1 Large Pulse Laser RA 2 6
Walking MP: 3 1 Large Pulse Laser LA 2 6
Running MP: 5 1 Flamer H 1 0.5
Jumping MP 0 1 Streak SRM-4 LT 1 2
Heat Sinks: 26 (52) 16 Ammo (SRM) LT 1 1
Gyro: 3 Targeting Computer RT 6 6
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 304 19

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 31 47
Center Torso (Rear): 14
L/R Side Torso: 21 32/32
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10
L/R Arm: 17 34/34
L/R Leg: 21 41/41




Type/Model: Dire Wolf F war, Clan Wolf decided to take a more pragmatic approach.
Tech: Clan /3060 Clan Wolf's Crusader stance has lessened the mystique of
Config: Biped OmniMech Natasha Kerensky, who was a noted Warden and something of a
rebel against the Clans' traditional ways. Khan Vladimir Ward,
Mass: 100 tons after some consideration, realized the potential of the Widow-
Chassis: Standard maker variant was too good to waste. Although still keen
Power Plant: 300 XL Fusion on tradition, Khan Ward decided to allow certain
blood-named warriors to re-configure their Dire Wolf
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
into the Widowmaker, now known as Configuration
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h ‘W’. So far this move is intended only for the elite and
Jump Jets: none not, so far as Our Order can tell, for the regular troops.
Jump Capacity: 0 meters Although in theory any Mechwarrior piloting a Dire
Wolf can re-pod his or her 'Mech into a configuration
Armor Type: Standard similar to the ‘W’, they risk scorn from their fellow pi-
Armament: lots, as it is considered a sign of disrespect to the
2 ER PPCs memory of the Black Widow.
2 Large Pulse Lasers The Dire Wolf ‘W’s loadout includes a mix of
heavy long and short-range weapons. The primary
2 ER Medium Lasers long-range bracket consists of two Extended Range
1 ER Small Laser Particle Projection Cannons nested in the arms and
1 Ultra AC/20 backed up by a Large Pulse Laser located below. A
massive Ultra AC-20 Autocannon supplied with two tons
Manufacturer: Clan Wolf
of ammunition sits in the right shoulder while additional
Communications System: Unknown smaller caliber weapons occupy the central torso and head.
Targeting & Tracking System: UnknownArmament:
So far Dire Wolf ‘W’ has only been seen inside Crusader
Supposedly christened ‘Daishi’ (Great Death) by a member Clan Wolf and only in the hands of a few bloodnamed warriors.
of the Draconis Combine's criminal underground, the Dire Wolf Speculation surrounds this variant and its deployment, and so far
OmniMech is aptly named. Slow but lethal, it is an assault 'Mech it seems the Widowmaker program has only limited support in-
in the purest sense, able to wade through almost any defense. side the Clan itself.
The latest configuration of this massive machine is known as the
‘Widowmaker’, after the Mechwarrior who piloted the original ver-
sion – the infamous ‘Black Widow’, Natasha Kerensky.

While Dire Wolf ‘Widowmaker’ was once Kerensky’s per-
sonal mount, it became sacred to Clan Wolf after her death at the
hands of the Jade Falcons on Twycross. The configuration itself
was taken out of Clan databases, much as a sports team would
retire the number of a famous player. However, times have
changed. With a wave of renewed conflict sweeping the Inner
Sphere and with Homeworld Clans on the verge of their own civil



Type/Model: Dire Wolf F Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

Mass: 100 tons 1 ER PPC RA 2 6
Equipment Mass 1 ER PPC LA 2 6
Internal Structure: 100 1 Large Pulse Laser RA 2 6
Engine: 300XL Fusion 9.5 1 Large Pulse Laser LA 2 6
Walking MP: 3 2 ER Medium Lasers CT 2 2
Running MP: 5 1 ER Small Laser H 1 0.5
Jumping MP 0 1 Ultra Autocannon/20 RT 8 12
Heat Sinks: 25 (50) 15 Ammo (AC) 10 RA 2 2
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 304 19

Internal Armor
Structure Value

Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 31 47
Center Torso (Rear): 14
L/R Side Torso: 21 32/32
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10
L/R Arm: 17 34/34
L/R Leg: 21 41/41


The year is 3062 and the Inner Sphere is entering a period
of time where the opportunities for peace have never been
greater. With the new Star League firmly in power and the
Treaty of Tukayyid still holding after the Clan’s Great Refusal
War, the stage could be set for a new Golden Age of Mankind.
Unfortunately, trouble simmers beneath the surface.
The ongoing dispute between the Cappellan Confederation
and the St. Ives Compact is a potential flashpoint which may
spread to neighbouring realms. The new level of co-operation
between House Liao, the Magistry of Canopus and the Tau-
rian Concordat known as the Trinity Alliance may mark the
creation of a new super-state. The Federated Suns are expe-
riencing extreme levels of unrest and the Lords of the Capel-
lan and Draconis March are itching to strike back at their
ancient enemies.
Growing anxiety among the worlds of the extinct Federated
Commonwealth is behind increasingly violent protests, as loy-
alists in both House Davion and Steiner strike out at one an-
other. This unrest may be the harbinger of a Civil War which
could engulf the Inner Sphere. The Draconis Combine faces
new enemies from within as it desperately defends itself
against constant Clan encroachment from without. And then
there are the usual disputes in the various border regions, es-
pecially the aptly-named Chaos March. Finally, the Word of
Blake and ComStar are at each other’s throat in a struggle for
power which threatens to spill over into open war.
The seeds of potential doom are sown far and wide.
This latest Readout highlights the new breed of Battle-
Mechs that are being built. Newer, deadlier technologies are
being pushed to the forefront, moving from the testing labs
to the battlefield at an ever-increasing pace which will only
fan the flames of destruction.

Creators: Vadim Antonov & Steven Satak

Art: Vadim Antonov
Direct Writing Contributors: Steven Satak, James Devlin, Roland M. Boshnack
Direct Art Contributors: Chris Lewis, Duane Loose, Mathew J. Plogg
Indirect Art Contributors: Alexander Iglesias, Anthony Fletcher,
Mike S., João Costa
Thank You For Support: Ryan "Mechjock1987" Altstatt

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