Oracle Data Integrator Odi Online Training and Support

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Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Online Trainin



Oracle Data Integrator is a comprehensive data integration

platform that covers all data integration
i ntegration requirements: from high-
volume, high-performance batch loads, to event-driven, trickle-
feed integration processes, to SOA-enabled data services.

Oracle Data Integration provides a full uni!ed solution for

building, deploing, and managing real-time data-centric
architectures in an SOA, "I, and data #arehouse environment. In
addition, it combines all the elements of data integration$real-
time data movement, transformation, snchroni%ation, data
qualit, data management, and data services$to ensure that
information is timel, accurate, and consistent across comple&


  Identifying the Course Content

 what is Oracle Data Integrator
  Why Oracle Data Integrator
  Overview of ODI 11g Architecture
  Overview of ODI 11g Components
 About Graphical Modules
  ypes
 ypes of ODI Agents
  Overview of Oracle Data Integrator !epositories
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 Oracle 11G Database

 ODI 11G
 Web"ogic #erver 11G
 Configurations

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 Administrating the ODI !epositories

 Creating !epository #torage #paces
 Creating and Connecting to the Master !epository
 Creating and Connecting to the Wor$ !epository
 Managing ODI Agents
 Creating a %hysical Agent
 "aunching a "istener& #cheduler and Web Agent
 '(ample of "oad )alancing

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 Overview of ODI opology

About Data #ervers and %hysical #chemas
 Defining the %hysical Architecture
 Defining the "ogical Architecture
 Mapping "ogical and %hysical !esources
 Defining Agents
 Defining a opology
 %lanning the opology

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 Overview of opology *avigator

 Creating %hysical Architecture
 Creating a Data #erver
 esting a Data #erver Connection
 Creating a %hysical #chema
 Creating "ogical Architecture
 Overview of "ogical Architecture and Conte(t +iews
 "in$ing the "ogical and %hysical Architecture

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 Overview of ODI %ro,ects

 Creating a *ew %ro,ect
 -sing .olders
 Organi/ing %ro,ects and .olders
 -nderstanding 0nowledge Modules
 '(changing ODI Ob,ects
 '(porting and Importing Ob,ects
 -sing Mar$ers
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 What is a Model
  -nderstanding Metadata in ODI
  -nderstanding !everse 'ngineering
  Creating Models
  Organi/ing Models
  Creating Data stores
  -sing Constraints in ODI
  Creating 0eys and !eferences

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 What is an Interface
  )usiness !ules for Interfaces
 What is a Mapping
 What is a oin
 What is a .ilter
 What is a Constraint
 What is a #taging Area
  Creating a )asic Interface

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 -sing Open ools

 Installing Open ools
 -sing Open ools in a %ac$age
 -sing Open ools in a %rocedure or in a 0M
 Developing 5our Own Open ools
 #etting -p ODI #ecurity
 Defining #ecurity %olicies
 Defining %assword %olicies

Should you require any further information

regarding Oracle Data Integrator Training Demo sessions,
Material, ro!ect Su""ort, rice, inter#ie$ %uestions etc&
lease 'ontact us through Email and hone

(lory It Technologies
Email : info)gloryittechnologies*com
hone +ID- : ./01/234503678 9 ./01/08205/

We;site : $$$*gloryittechnologies*com

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