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Teacher Name/Collaborative Group: Emily Garrison/ English Department

Week of: 2/3-2/14

Desired Results--What do we want students to know and do?

Essential Standard(s)-

● RL.9-10.3: Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and
advance the plot or develop the theme.
● W.9-10.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information
clearly and accurately through the effective SELECTION (develop thesis, choose relevant and sufficient evidence),
ORGANIZATION (introduction, organize ideas, use transitions, conclusion), and ANALYSIS (make important
connections, clarify relationships among complex ideas and concepts of content).

Learning Target(s)/Objective(s) in Student Friendly Language-

I can identify how characters change or develop over the course of a story.

Evidence-How will we know they learned?

I can identify how characters change or develop over the course of a story.

Meets Character’s development from beginning to end is explained with evidence from the text.

Approaching Character’s development is explained somewhat with gaps in evidence to support the response.

Below Character’s development is not adequately explained; only traits or irrelevant information is discussed.

Learning Plan--Plan for instruction, intervention, and extension.

Monday/Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday Friday/Monday Tuesday/Wednesday Thursday/Friday

2/ 3-2/4 2/5-2/6 2/7-2/10 2/11-2/12 2/13-2/14
Direct Instruction/Modeling Direct Instruction/Modeling Direct Instruction/Modeling Direct Instruction/Modeling Direct Instruction/Modeling
(I Do): (I Do): (I Do): (I Do): (I Do):

● Review Target 2 ● Review Target 2 ● Review Target 2 ● Review standard ● Review standard RL.
RL.3 3
Guided Practice/Group Guided Practice/Group Guided Practice/Group
Work Work Work Guided Practice/Group Guided Practice/Group
(We Do): (We Do): (We Do): Work Work
● Small groups- plot ● Discuss character ● Read Act III, Scenes (We Do): (We Do):
events thus far in the development in small III-IV ● Read Act IV, Scene I ● Read Act IV, Scenes
play on plot line groups ● Continue tracking of Othello II-III of Othello
● Turn-n-talk; ● Sticky note activity; character development ● Continue tracking ● Continue tracking
discussion questions students decide a trait ● Sticky note activity; character development character
Act I indicative of each students decide a trait development
● Read Act II, Scenes character and add to indicative of each Independent Work ● Sticky note activity;
II-III class’s anchor chart character and add to (You Do) students decide a trait
that tracks character class’s anchor chart ● Synthesis- body indicative of each
Independent Work development that tracks character biography: hands, character and add to
(You Do) ● Read Act III, Scenes development feet, and class’s anchor chart
● Synthesis- continue I-II background that tracks character
body biography on ○ Continue Independent Work ○ While development
chosen character
tracking (You Do) students
(incorporating how
● CFA- Target 2 work, teacher Independent Work
character changes holds one-on-
Act I- II) development (You Do)
one ● Students’ goal is to
conferences create the physical
Independent Work regarding body biography on a
(You Do) yesterday’s large sheet of butcher
● Synthesis- continue CFA paper and begin
body biography on
chosen character
visuals to represent
(incorporating how
their answers
character changes
submitted via Google
Act I- II)
Docs in preparation
for this project.

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