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Subject: How to pick up women in the

Czech Republic

Brief DATE: November 11, 2010

It is believed by many that Czech girls are hot and raunchy, which is probably due to the
high concentration of erotic parlors and adult actresses within the country. Whilst Czech
girls seem to be relatively open–minded, the ones on the free–market are more
challenging and picky than generally thought–of.

Characteristics of Czech girls

When most people think of women in the Czech Republic, they think of chicks oozing
sexiness. However, I’m swayed to reserve that characteristic for the Romanian
contingent. To me, Czech girls come across as fun, intelligent and independent. I have
this picture imprinted in my mind of a blue–eyed, blonde babe dancing away, cutely
smiling, emanating warmth, totally captivating every man in the club. They do have a
sexiness about them, but it is more playful than raw. I have heard them described as
calculating, but I would rather say that they’re smart and educated. The English level of
the local women is very high.

When in the club environment, one will notice lots of groups of Czech girls out, drinking
and dancing. They generally start the evening with a few drinks and then hit the dance–
floor, never looking back. In terms of specific drinks, cocktails, wine and fun shots seem
to be the go. When engaging those Czech women who are drinking, try to get to know
them as well as possible before they go off dancing, or strictly only hang around those
drinking–only types to get yourself in with more of a chance during the evening. Just as a
side point, I have asked many Czech girls what they liked to do for fun, and an
unquantifiable number replied with ―dancing‖.

Tip no. 1: Work rapidly to build rapport with Czech girls before they disappear off to
dance, or alternatively focus on those types that hang around at the bar.

In terms of approaching Czech girls, they seem to be very welcoming, friendly and
confident, giving you a small window to prove yourself, subsequently either staying with
you or excusing themselves. It can be hard to pin the relatively hotter ones down as they
constantly move around the club as well as dance, so you will have to come up with a
creative line to get their attention—or go up to them regularly during the evening—
maybe finding out where they are going the following evening to build rapport.
Tip no. 2: Be prepared to mix with lots of girls, understanding they will offer you a small
window of opportunity to prove yourself. … Furthermore, make repeated approaches on
the same girl throughout the evening if she is floating about the club.

It is worth mentioning that there is some statistic floating around that there are 800,000
single girls between the ages of 18-35 in Prague. Furthermore, my buddy, Demetrius,
pointed out that the women in Prague seemed shorter as they can’t wear high heals
because of the cobble–stoned streets. I met with a few girls who changed their shoes into
high shoes when entering the club and back to more casual shoes when leaving.

What are Czech women attracted to?

As a foreigner in Prague, you have to understand the dynamics of stag weekend tourists
(swarming the city in a very vocal and animated fashion)—local women simply will not
treat these types of visitors seriously as potential partners. Girls in Prague will be polite to
these tourists, but nothing more. Thus, it is essential to firstly stay away from the
nightspots which are popular with stag weekend groups. … Most local girls will avoid
these places too, being scared off. So, choose popular, local spots which are a bit off the
radar and somewhat underground to the average tourist. Currently, I recommend Nebe in
this respect. … It is a fun, cocktail club, full of locals and only a sprinkling of foreigners.

Tip no. 3: Stay clear of tourist traps when partying on the town.

The second thing to keep in mind as a foreigner—to put yourself in the running—is to
maybe say you are there for business (so it sounds like you have a deeper connection to
the country), or living in a nearby country like Hungary (so you are treated more like an
East European local). You could also try to hang around for a longer period to assimilate
yourself better into the local way of life.

Tip no. 4: Try to present yourself as having some deeper connection to the country or the
region as a whole.

Remember too that it is always going to be that bit harder in Prague compared to the
other countryside cities in the Czech Republic as the women in Prague are a bit more
fickle and picky.

Furthermore, I rarely notice the local men trying much in the way of mixing with girls. …
Thus, it should inspire you to freely try your luck with Czech girls; being uninhibited by
any real local competition.

In terms of lines you can use to really get their interest, I recommend creative, humorous
lines. For example, I saw two groups of guys approach the two hottest girls at Nebe one
night. After they both got blown–out, I went up to them opening with, ―I’m going to be
the third guy to try with you tonight ‖. I entertained them for a minute or two and then
my buddy, Demetrius, joined us, and we shattered the performance of those before us. In
another situation, a group of stunning girls placed themselves near me and took a few
empty chairs to sit on. … I then went up to them and said, ―I’m going to need those
chairs back‖. … After they were all apologetic, I said, ―Just joking‖ and they laughed
hysterically; being very open to chatting with me.

Tip no. 5: Think of creative, funny opening lines to instantly capture the attention of
Czech girls.

A very important point to remember is that they have to like you and choose you if
anything is going to happen. In one situation, my initial target in a set of two girls went
quiet on me. I knew that she rather liked Demetrius, so I smoothly swapped places with
him and we switched the girls we were chatting up. The girls completely changed
composure, lighting up with joy. Other times, the girls may be a little more direct in their
expression of interest. For example, on one occasion, a girl’s friend asked me right out,
―What do you think of my friend?‖.

Tip no. 6: Focus hard on those girls that choose you.

Some have also hinted at the Czech girls evolving over time in terms of their taste of
men. Extrapolating further, they like to enjoy life when they’re young, and then snag a
good man when they’re ready to enter womanhood. … A good man is one who is not so
attractive (so he won’t cheat too much when she starts to grow old fast) and makes good
money. … It is very hard for me not to reject this opinion as complete rubbish.

The relationship dynamics with respect to Czech women

Sex and cheating

Much has been written on the topic of Czech women concerning their promiscuity with
respect to sex and cheating. I think this is a rather simplistic view; maybe taken from
some idea developed during the later stages of communism, or reached as a result of the
high proportion of adult stars and brothels in the country. Yes, it is true that a lot of
Czech girls work as escorts, models or in front of live web cams, but this is considered
solely as work for them. They definitely have a liberal, open view of sex, and sincerely
enjoy sex. However, this doesn’t mean they can fuck without emotion, especially if
they’re not getting paid for it. I think they treat and want to make sex a fun experience.
The Czech girls are also not as loose and sleazy as often described. Sex is definitely one
of life’s pleasures for them and they don’t have any hang–ups about it, but this assumes
they are attracted to you, not self–conscious about their image in going through with the
act, and you treat them right.

Tip no. 7: Focus hard on developing attraction and being with those girls who are
attracted to you.

Czech people are not so religious and are generally described as atheist with only 1/3 of
the population belonging to a religion (and only 1/3 of those attending services at least
monthly). This point has been focused on as a reason why Czech girls are supposedly so
easy. Whilst they may not be as religious, they definitely have the edge of European
romance in them. Maybe they have no objections to a one–night–stand, but it would have
to involve them being swept off their feet.

Now, the commonplace ideas on the cheating antics of Czech girls are very old-school.
The general argument goes something like this: Czech girls are more focused on security,
willing to stay in a loveless relationship with a ―suitable‖ partner, playing around on the
side. As they get older, this cheating slows down as they have children and are even more
in need of security. Apparently, they think it’s okay to cheat if they’re not in love with
the guy or don’t respect him—this is one of the few points I agree with—and if they want
to be single but still have a boyfriend (… due to their liberal view of sex). Yes, it is true
that divorce rates are high in the country (estimated at 70%—two–thirds of which are
pursued by women) which can be used as a point to argue that the Czech girls don’t
really like the local men and will cheat on them. However, I believe that the modern–day
Czech girl generally has more self-respect, confidence and independence than to settle
down with a guy they don’t like, and then cheat with another, unable to break it off. Some
also argue that Czech girls are even open about discussing their past cheating. … I have
encountered no such experiences. Excuses given to run–off cheating apparently include
doctor’s appointments, working late, having drinks with friends, team–building weekends
and parental visits (… actually, family visits can be very common and frequent in Eastern

It is worth noting though that if you are talking to guys for the majority of the time, or not
chatting up girls, or rejecting their advances, … in their mind, you are gay.

Independence & equality

Concerning Czech girls and equality, they are very pragmatic; not being so demanding.
However, in the same vain, they are not as submissive as say other Slavic girls. They are
quite independent and do not react favorably to possessive men.

Tip no. 8: Do not act in a clingy fashion with Czech girls. … You will scare them off.

Materialistic side
With respect to their view of money and luxury, they do love their shopping for clothing.
… But I think this is characteristic of many European girls. I think they definitely
appreciate the good life, desiring to travel to exotic locations like Tahiti and shopping in
New York. Does this make them materialistic, especially when selecting a partner? I’m
not so sure. Whilst they really recognize, understand and desire the finer things in life,
they can by all means earn the money themselves, for example, modeling, or working
hard in whatever other area.

John Stevens

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