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We are using 110 v D.C. source from the battery as a standby source for
protection system of transformer & other equipments.
110 v D.C. source is provided as we can store D.C. supply in battery. Normally
110 v D.C. is used for operating protection systems. This supply is provided through
battery charger in float mode. In case of failure of A.C. supply of charger, 110 v D.C.
supply cuts & standby supply of 300 ah battery provides 110 v D.C. supply for protection
& indications.


1. Unpacking of battery
2. Battery room selection
3. stands & support
4. Power (charger) requirement
5. Polarity of charging leads
6. Acid
7. Cautions
8. Installation
9. First charge
10. Initial filling of electrolyte
11. During charge take hourly reading

1) Unpacking of battery

Care should be taken in the unpacking & subsequent handling of cells &
components of battery, as they can damaged due to rough handling.
It is advisable to unpack & check all items carefully against the accompanying
delivery challans / material specifications / arrange for repairs / replacement of damaged /
short supply materials to insure the complete battery material is available when
installation commences.
Store the cell (with the vent plugs/vent-cum float guide, screwed on firmly) &
after other accessories in a dry cool, dust free covered place.

2) Battery room selection

The battery room should be well ventilated, clean & dry. A damp room is
dangerous due to possible earth leakage from the battery.
A notice should be exhibited in the battery room prohibiting smoking & the use of
naked flames.

Direct sunlight on the cells should be avoided. If it is not possible to provide
windows, good artificial light should be available.
The battery will give best results when working at room temperature of 20 0C to
35 c . It will function satisfactory when operating at temperature between 20 0c to 500c.

High temp. Increase the capacity but decrease the life of cells .low temp. Reduce the
capacity available but do not injury to the battery.

3) Stands & supports

Suitable stands /still ages should be provided for the support of the cells & should
be arranged so that each cell will be easily accessible for inspection, topping up etc. when
special drawing have been made available showing the layout of the battery, they should
be followed very carefully to ensure that connection fit properly.

4) Power requirement

A D.C.Source capable of delivering the current as specified on the inside front

cover will be required two times the number of cells in the battery. The initial charging of
the battery will take approximately 55 to 90 hrs.

5) Polarity of charging leads

It is almost important that positive terminal of the battery is connected to the

positive terminal of the charging leads & negative terminal of battery to negative terminal
of charging leads.

6) Acid

The acid to be used in the battery for initial is battery grade sulphuric acid of
specific gravity 1.190 +- 0.005 (at 270 c)
If the acid is obtained in concentrated form it is necessary to dilute it to
1.190 specific gravity. The acid as well as the distilled water to be used for diluting.

7) Caution

a) Vessels

Clean vessels of hard rubber, plastics, porcelain, only should be used. Do not use
metal vessels other than lead

b) Protective wear

When working with acid or electrolyte always use protective goggles rubber gloves
& rubber apron wear old clothes or Terylene as terilene is resistance to dilute acid.

c) If acid splashes

1) On garments: Remove garments immediately, neutralize spot with 5 to 10% ammonia

& through in water.

2) On skin / eyes: Flux with large quantity of water. Seek medical aid.
A 5 to 10 % solution of ammonia or soda should always be kept ready prier to operation.

d) Never add water to acid. It will spurt dangerously. Always add acid to water. Add in a
thin stream, slowly stirring the solution with a long glass rod or tube.

8) Installation

1) Place the cells in position on stand: The cell should be stand on porcelain / plastic
insulators which will supplied with cells. Four of these insulators each with a lead disk on
top should be inserted between feet of the container & the stand. Level the cell if
necessary by placing one or more of the lead discs between the insulator & the stand.
Suitable insulators should also be used between the stand & flour. Arrange cells so that
the positive terminal lug of one cell adjoins the negative terminal lug of the next through
out the battery. Use wooden spacer to ensure even spacing out of cells.
2) Cells in row: if the cells are arranged in more than one row, ensure that the positive
terminal lug of end cell of one row is connected to negative terminal lug of the end cell of
other row .the connections between the two rows may be made with the necessary length
of copper rod or cable used between switchboard & battery.
Each end of copper rod or cable is soldered in to the socket of cable ends provided, the
other ends of the latter being bolted on terminal lugs of the battery. After sweating of the
copper, clean of any flux & bind the exposed end of cable with the adhesive tape. Starting
well back on the cable insulation & ending just at the lead cable socket. All copper work
should be painted with two coats of acid resisting enamel paint before the cells are filled
with acid.
3) Connect cells together: When the cells are in position on the stands, connect them
together as bellows. Smear a little petroleum jelly on the trends, bolting faces & in bolt
holes before bolting up if necessary, warm the petroleum jelly to ensure thin Evan
coating. After bolting up the cells smear petroleum jelly over the nut bolts, head &


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9. Initial filling of electrolyte

The cool pure sulphuric acid of 1.190 specific gravity should be carefully poured
in the cells rises to maximum recommended level as indicated by the white band of the
stem of the float indicator, being just visible above black float guide. Replace the vent
plugs on the cell but do not tighten. After filling in allow the cells to stands for a period of
8 to 12 hours .the plates will absorbs the electrolyte & electrolyte level will drop. Restore
the electrolyte level at the end of 8 to 12 hrs period by adding more acid to 1.190 specific
gravity. The battery is now ready for initial charging.

10) First charge

Charging equipment: The initial charging of the battery will take 55 to 90 hrs. Ensure
that the charging equipment is in order & is capable of delivering the current specified.

Connection polarity: Check & check again to ensure the cells are connected in series &
all fastenings & connections are tight. Test polarity of charging leads & connect the +ve
terminal of battery to +ve lead the charger.

First portion: The first portion of charge should be given at any rate between the starting
/ finishing current as per company guide, depending on the output of charger.
For 300 AH first portion AH to be given 1200AH. If the charge given 30A the must be
continued for 1200 /30 = 40 hours.
Reduce charging current if temp. Of electrolyte exceed 50 0 c at the completion of
this portion of the charge. A rest of not less than 1 hour & not more than 12 hours should
be given.

Discharging: Discharge the battery fully by given load. By applying 30amps for 10

Second charge: The second portion of the charge must be given at the finishing rate for
period of not less than 30 hrs. Till the sign of completion of the charge are observed.10
amperes Charge current continued for 30 hrs.

11. During charge take hourly reading of:

a) Specific gravity: For some hours after filling acid in the cells, the specific gravity will
fall in spite of the fact that cells have already been on charge for some time. After the
charging has been in progress for some time the sp. Gravity of electrolyte will cease to
fall & will commence rising slowly, finally reaching a steady value.
b) Voltage: As a charging continues the voltage like the specific gravity of the
electrolyte will steadily increase the final value of approximately 2.75 volts .per cell. The
voltage must remain constant over 3 hrs. Before the charging of battery is discontinued.

c) Temperature: During the charging the electrolyte temperature of the cell should not
exceed 500 C. Suspend the charge if it does & commence charging after the battery has
cooled to about 450 C .if necessary, slightly lower the recommended charging rate. Where
ambient temperature is normally high, it is recommended that charging be carried out
during night & suspends during the day.

d) Gassing: all cells should be gassing freely towards the end of charge.

e) Electrolyte level: maintain the level throughout charging adding 1.190 sp.gravity acid
if necessary.

f) Adjusts sp.gravity of each cell: If at the end of first charge the sp. Gravity of the
electrolyte exceeds 1.205 withdraw some electrolyte & add pure water, continue the
charge so that the water & acid mix thoroughly. if the end of first charge the specific
gravity of the electrolyte is below 1.195 after both voltage & sp.gravity have remain
constant over three consecutive hours, withdraw some electrolyte & acid of 1.350 to
1.400 sp. Gravity continuing the charge in the meantime. Final sp. Gravity should be
1.200 +_ 0.005 in all the cells. Adjust the level of the electrolyte in all cells by adding
1.200 sp gravity acid or by withdrawing excess electrolyte as required.

g) Final reading /Record book: After correcting sp.gravity & electrolyte levels, start the
record book for the whole life of battery. Record of sp.gravity, voltage, temp. & level of

h) Cleaning up: Wipe down the outside of all cells & clean up any acid which may have
dripped or have been split on the cell leads, stand on floor. Check that everything is


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