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compound intrest

1)The difference b/w the compound intrest and the simple intrest on a certain sum
money at 12% pan for one year is 36.00 rupee the intrest is compounded half-yearly
what is the sum?
answer:6% pcp
1)Compound intrest on 8000 at the rate of 10% pan compounded half yearly for 1 1/2
answer:1261 rupee
1)At what rate percent pan will 80,000 rupee amount to 88,200 in 2 years The
is compound yearly
answer:5% pan
2)At what rate percent pan will 625 rupee amount to 676 rupee in 2 years?
answer:4% pan
3)At what rate percent pan will 1000 rupee amount to 1331 rupee in 3 years intrest
compunded yearly
4)What is the rate percent pan if the compounded intrest on 15,625 rupee for 3
is 1951 rupee
5)At what rate percent pan will the compounded intrest 2500 rupee amount to 477.54
in 3 years
6)At what rate percent compound intrest does a sum of money becomes 9 total in 2
7)At what rate percent compound intrest does a sum of money becomes 2.25 times
in 2 years
1)What will be the difference in intrests on 5000 rupee at the rate of 4% pan in
years if the intrests is compounded yearly and half yearly
2)Geeta deposits 20000 rupee in a private company at the rate of 16% pan compounded
yearly where as Meera deposits an equal sum in PNB housing finance Ltd at the rate
of 15% pan compounded halfyearly if both deposits their money for 1/2 years only
which deposit earns better intrest
3)what will be the compound intrest on 10,000 at the rate of 4% pan in 2 years if
intrest is compounded half yearly?
1)The difference b/w the compound interest and the simpie interest on rupee 1000
for 2 years
in rupee 10.what in the rate of interest?
answer:10% pan
2)The difference b/w the compound interest and the simple interest on rupee 5000
for 2 years
in rupee 72.what in the rate of interest?
answer:12% pan
3)The difference b/w the compound interest and simple interest on rupee 8100 for
2 years in rupee 29.16. what in the rate of interest?
answer:6% pan
4)The difference b/w the compound interest and simple interest on rupee 3900 for
2 years in rupee 24.96. what in the rate of interest?
answer:8% pan
1)If The CI on a certain sum for 2 years at 3% be rupee 101.50,what would be the
a) 90 rupee b) 150 rupee c) 200 rupee d) 100 rupee e) None of the
answer:100 rupee
2)If the compound interest on any sum at the rate of 5% pan in rupee 512.50.find
the sum
a)5500 rupee b)6000 rupee c) 5200 rupee d)4800 rupee e)none of the
answer:none of the
3)On what sum will the compound interest for 3 years at 5% pan amount to rupee 1261
a)7500 rupee b)7000 rupee c)8000 rupee d)8500 rupee e)none of the
answer:8000 rupee
4)what principal with amount to rupee 1352 in 2 years at 4% pan C.I?
a)1350 rupee b)1200 rupee c)1225 rupee d)1250 rupee e)none of the
answer:1250 rupee
1) find the compound interest on rupee 2000 at 5% pan,compound yearly for 2.5
2) find the compound intrerst on rupee 10,000 in 3 years, the rate of interest
being 4%
for the first year, 5% for the second year and 6% for the third year.
3) If the difference b/w the C.I and S.I.on a certain sum of money for 3 years at
5% pan
in rupee 122, ther find the sum.
a)rupee 1700 b)rupee 18000 c)rupee 1500 d)rupee 1600 e)none of the
1) A sum become rupee 196 in two years at 16 2/3 % annual compound rate. the sum
a) 140 rupee b) 154 rupee c) 150 rupee d) none of the
answer:none of these
2) At the rate of 16% pan compound interest accrued at end of 2 years on a sum of
in rupee 3014.28,what in the sum?
a) 10,500 rupee b)9000 rupee c)7250 rupee d) 8,800 rupee e)none of the
answer:8,800 rupee
3) what is the minimum no.of complate years in which a sum of money becomes more
than double at 20% CI?
a) 7 b) 6 c) 5 d) 4
4) The difference b/w S.I and C.I on a sum of money for 2 years at 20% annuel rate
rupee 48.what is the sum?
a) 1,000 rupee b) 1,200 rupee c)1,500 rupee d) 2000 rupee
5) What is the difference b/w CI and SI accrued on a sum of rupee 16,200 at 25%
at the end of three years?
a)3,213.3.44 rupee b) 3,302.42 rupee c) 3,495.28 rupee d) 3290.63 rupee e) none of
answer:3290.63 rupee
6)If the compound rate of intrest for first second and third years 4% ,5% and 6%
P.A respectevely on investing 30,000 rupee for 3 years the amount invested by a
will be
a)35,225.50 rupee b)34,725.60 rupee c)32,525.75 rupee d)33,625.60
7)The present population of a town is 8,000 if population increases at the rate
of 5%
p.a after how many will the population of the town become 9261?
a)16 years b)5 years c)4 years d)3 years e)none of these
answer:3 years
1)A builder borrows 2550 rupee to be paid back with compouned intrest at the rate
4% p.a by the end of 2 years in two equal yearly installment how much will each
a)1352 rupee b)1377 rupee c)1275 rupee d)1283 rupee e)none of these
answer:1352 rupee
2)To repay a loan of 5300 rupee at 12% annual compound intrest rate in 2 years
will be the annual installment
a)3150 rupee b)3248 rupee c)3136 rupee d)3345 rupee
answer:3136 rupee
3)A person took on loan of 12,750 rupee at the rate of 4% annual CI for the two
which he has to repay in two equal installment how much will be each installment
a)6760 rupee b) 6630 rupee c)6885 rupee d)6680 rupee e)6730 rupee
answer:6760 rupee
4)A sum of 91,000 rupee is borrowed at 20% per annum compounded annualy if the
amount is to be paid in there equall installments then the annual installment will
a)42,300 rupee b)42,500 rupee c)42,800 rupee d)43,200 rupee
answer:43,200 rupee
1)A man borrows 12,500 rupee at 20% p.a compound intrest At the end of every year
he pays 2000 rupee as part repayment how much does he still owe after there such
answer:14320 rupee
2)The compound intrest on 30,000 rupee at the rate of 7% p.a for 'n' years is 4347
rupee what is the value of'n'
a)3 b)2 c)4 d)5
3)A man invested a certain sum of money at CI the sum becomes 2420 rupee in 2 years
and 2662 rupee in 3 years what was the sum?
a)1000 rupee b)2000 rupee c)5082 rupee d)3000 rupee
answer:2000 rupee
1)The compound intrest on a certain sum for 2 years at 10% per annum is 525 rupee
the simple intrest on the same sum for double the time at half the rate percent per
annum is
a)400 rupee b)500 rupee c)600 rupee d)800 rupee e)none of these
answer:500 rupee
2)shyama invested p rupee for 2 years in schem A which offered 11% p.a simple
she also invested 600+p rupee in schem B which offered 20% compound intrest for
2 years if the amount recived from scheme A was less than that received from scheme
B by 1216 rupee than what is the value of p?
a)1,500 rupee b)14,00 rupee c)2,000 rupee d)1,600 rupee e)1,800 rupee
answer:1600 rupee
1)A sum of money lent at compound intrest of 10% pan is paid back in there equal
a)6200 rupee b)6260 rupee c)6620 rupee d)6600 rupee e)none of these
answer:6620 rupee
2)A farmer wants to divide 135400 rupee b/w his son who are 18 & 20 years old
in such away that the sum divided at the rate of 8% pan compounded annually will
give the same amount to each of them when they attain the age of 22 years how
he divide the sum
a)67500 rupee ,67500 rupee b)66000 rupee,69400 rupee
c)62500 rupee,72900 rupee c)65500 rupee,69900 rupee
e)other than the given option
answer:62500 rupee,72900 rupee
1)Ramesh perchased a hotel worth 10 rupee lakhs and puja purchased a car worth 16
rupee lakh the value of hotel increses every year by 20% of the previous value and
value of car every year depriciates by 25% what is the difference b/w the price of
and car after 3 years
a)925000 rupee b)10,53,00 rupee c)remain constant d)cant be determained
e)none of these
answer:10,53,00 rupee
2)icicI lends 1 million to HuDCo at 10% simple intrest p.a for 2 years and HuDCo
The same amount to SAHARA at 10% pan of compound intrest for 3 years what is the
earning of HUDCo in the way
a)133,100 rupee b)33,100 rupee c)131,000 rupee d) no earning e)none of these
answer:131000 rupee
3)Ramlal and Ram prasad have equal amounts Ramlal invested all his amount at
10% compound intrest annually for 2 years and Ram prasad invested 1/4 at 10%
intrest and rest at r% p.a at simple intrest for the same 2 years period the amount
received by both at the end of 2 years is same what is the value of r?
a)14% b)12.5% c)10.5% d)11% e)none of these
4)Vijay took a loan from icici bank for his 2 years course of MBA at IIM Delhi he
took the loan of 6 lakh such that he would be charged at 8% pan at CI during his
course and at 10% CI after the completion of course he returned half of the amount
which he had to be paid on the competation of his studies and remaining after 2
what is the total amount returned by vijay?
a)7.733232 rupee lakhs b)7.58 rupee lakhs c)7.336 rupee lakhs d)7 rupee lakhs
e) none of these
answer:7.733232 rupee lakhs
1)The difference b/w CI and SI for the amount of 5000 rupee in 2 years is 32 rupee
what is the rate of intrest pan
a)5% b)8% c)10% d)12% e) none of these
2)The CI accrued on an amount of 22,000 rupee at the end of two years is 5596.8
what would be the simple intrest accured on the same amount at the same rate
in the same period
a)5,420 rupeee b)5360 rupee c)5280 rupee d)5140 rupee e)none of these
answer:5280 rupee
3)A sum of 91000 is borrowed at 20% pan compounded annually if the amount is to
be paid in three equal installments the annual installment will be
a)43200 rupee b)42800 rupee c)42500 rupee d)42300 rupee e)none of these
answer:43200 rupee
4)The simple intrest accrued on a certain sum of momey is 6400 rupee in 4 years at
the rate of 8% pan what would be the compounded intrest accrued on that priniciple
at 2% pan in 2 years
a)800 rupee b)808 rupee c)704 rupee d)700 rupee e)none of these
answer:808 rupee
5)The difference b/w SI on a certain sum at the rate of 10% pan for 2 years and CI
compounded every 6 months is 124.05 rupee what is the principal
a)12,000 rupee b)6000 rupee c)8,000 rupee d)1000 rupee e)none of these
answer:8000 rupee
6)The simple intrest accrued on an amount of 27,500 rupee at the end of three years
is 10,230 what would be the approximate CI accruted on the amount at the same rate
in same paid?
a)11,500 rupee b)12,620 rupee c)10,950 rupee d)1,900 rupee e)18,500 rupee
answer:11,550 rupee
1)If the intrest is compound annually then find the compound intrest on 2000 rupee
for 3 years 10% pan
2)On what sum will the compound intrest 2.5 years at 10% pan amount to 6352.50
a)5000 b)4500 c)4900 d)5500 e)none of these
3)Find the difference b/w CI and SI for 3 years at the rate of 6% pan if SI for 3
is 900 rupee
answer:55.08 rupee
4)What will be the compound intrest on 10,000 rupee at the rate of 4% pan in 2
if intrest is comounded half yearly?
5)The difference b/w b/w SI & CI comounded every six months at the rate of 10% pan
at the end of two years is 124.05 rupee what is the sum?
a)12000 rupee b)10000 rupee c)6000 rupee d)8000 rupee e)none of these
6)Geeta deposits 20000 rupee in a private company at the rate of 16% compounded
where as Meera deposits an equal sum in PNB housing finance Ltd at the rate of 15%
compounded half yearly if both their money for 1/3 year only claculated which
are better intrest?
7)4800 rupee becomes 6000 rupee in 4 years at a certain rate of compouned intrest
will be the sum after 12 years?

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