Statistical Data of Power Plants in The Philippines (HW No. 2) PDF

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Presented by: Lizardo, Mark Joseph P.

BSEE 5-1
• A power plant is an industrial facility used
to generate electric power with the help of
one or more generators which converts
different energy sources into electric power.
• Electricity is a secondary energy source,
which means electricity is derived from
the conversion of other primary sources
such as coal, natural gas, nuclear, solar,
wind, hydro or biomass.
• All electricity produced in a power plant is
alternating current (AC)
Types of Power
Plant Generators
Grid - Connected
Grid – connected generators are generator units that
are directly connected to the grid through the
distribution system that supplies power to the grid

Embedded generators are units that are indirectly
connected to the grid through the distribution system
that supplies power to its host distribution unit or the
❖ The Philippines is divided into three electrical grids,
one each for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
❖ As of 2016, the total installed capacity in the
Philippines was 21,423 megawatts (MW)

GRID 2015 2016 DIFFERENCE 2015 -

Luzon 8,928 9,726 798 8.94%
Visayas 1,768 1,893 125 7.07%
Mindanao 1,517 1,653 136 8.89%

Source :GOVPH (

❖ Electricity in the Philippines is produced
from various sources such as coal, oil, SOURCE PERCENTAGE
natural gas, biomass, hydroelectric, solar,
wind, and geothermal sources.
Coal 34.63%

Hydro 16.89%

Oil-based 16.88%

Natural Gases 16.02%

Geothermal 8.94%

Solar 3.57%

Wind 1.99%

Biomass 1.09%

Source :GOVPH (


➢ Non renewable energy comes from sources

that will run out or will not be replenished
in our lifetimes – or even in many, many
➢ Most non- renewable energy sources are
fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
➢ Coal has the largest reserve and is
often the cheapest fossil fuel.
➢ Has the highest contribution to the
power generation mix.
➢ According to Energy Global, there
is potentially an approximate of
270 billion tons of coal resources.
➢ Currently, there are 19 operational
coal power plants in the
List of Coal Power Plants in the
Philippines (Luzon Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Coal Power Plants in the
Philippines (Visayas Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Coal Power Plants in the
Philippines (Mindanao Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

Sual Power Station
Largest Coal Generating capacity: 1,200 MW
Date Commissioned: 1999

Power Plant in
the Philippines
❖The Philippine Department of Energy
(DOE) estimated a total of 27.9 billion cubic
feet of oil and a total of 53.9 trillion cubic
feet of gas.
❖The estimated total oil production in June
2011 in the Philippines was 63 million
List of Oil - Based Power Plants in
the Philippines (Luzon Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Natural Gas Power Plants in
the Philippines (Luzon Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Oil - Based Power Plants in
the Philippines (Visayas Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Oil – Based and Natural Gas
Power Plants in the Philippines
( V i s a y a s G r i d )

Source :GOVPH (

List of Oil - Based Power Plants in
the Philippines (Visayas Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Oil - Based Power Plants in
the Philippines (Mindanao Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Oil - Based Power Plants in
the Philippines (Mindanao Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

Renewable Energy
• A renewable energy resource is
a natural resource which will
replenish to replace the portion
depleted usage by usage and
• It is often referred to as clean
• Example of renewable energy
resources are solar, wind,
geothermal, hydro, biomass,
wave, etc.
• Geothermal energy comes from the heat
within the earth.
• The word “geothermal” comes from the
Greek words geo, meaning earth, and
therme, meaning heat.
• Geothermal power is dominant renewable
energy resource in the Philippines.
• According to Department of Energy,
Philippines is the second largest geothermal
power produces in the world behind the
United States of America.
• DOE estimates a total potential of untapped
geothermal resource of about 2,600 MW.
List of Geothermal Power Plants in
the Philippines (Luzon Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Geothermal Power Plants in
the Philippines (Visayas Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Geothermal Power Plants in
the Philippines (Mindanao Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

Power Plant in the

Malitbog Power Plant

Generating capacity: 232.5 MW
Location: Malitbog, Kananga, Leyte
• Hydroelectric energy is a form of renewable
energy that uses the power of moving water
to generate electricity.
• It is the electricity produced from the
generators driven by turbines that converts
the potential energy of falling or fast-flowing
water into mechanical energy.
• According to DOE, hydropower is the
second most dominant renewable energy
resource in the Philippines.
• Large hydropower plants (more than 50 MW
generating capacity) are connected directly
to the main transmission grid whereas the
small (10 – 50 MW generating capacity) and
mini (101 kW to 10 MW generating capacity)
hydropower plants are connected to local
distribution systems.
List of Hydroelectric Power Plants in
the Philippines (Luzon Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Hydroelectric Power Plants in
the Philippines (Luzon Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Hydroelectric Power Plants in
the Philippines (Luzon Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Hydroelectric Power Plants in
the Philippines (Visayas Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Hydroelectric Power Plants in
the Philippines (Mindanao Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Hydroelectric Power Plants in
the Philippines (Mindanao Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

Hydroelectric Power
Plant in the

Magat Hydroelectric Power Plant

Generating capacity: 380 MW
• Biomass energy is a renewable energy
derived from living or recently living
plant and animal materials which can
be used as fuel.
• The Philippines has an abundant
supplies of biomass energy resources
in the form of agricultural crop residues,
forest residues, animal wastes, agro-
industrial wastes, municipal solid
wastes and aquatic biomass.
• The most commonly used biomass
materials are rice hull, bagasse, cane
trash, coconut shell and coconut coir.
List of Biomass Power Plants in the
Philippines (Luzon Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Biomass Power Plants in the
Philippines (Visayas Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Biomass Power Plants in the
Philippines (Mindanao Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

Largest Biomass
Power Plant in the

Victorias Milling Company Plant

Generating capacity: 40 MW
Location: Victorias City, Negros Occidental
• Wind power or wind energy is the use
of wind to provide the mechanical
power through wind turbines to turn
electric generators and traditionally to
do other work, like milling or pumping.
• The Philippines, being situated on the
fringes of the Asia-Pacific monsoon
belt, exhibits a promising potential for
wind energy.
• Wind power plants are the third most
operated renewable energy source in
the country.
List of Wind Power Plants in the
Philippines (Luzon Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Wind Power Plants in the
Philippines (Visayas Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

Largest Wind
Power Plant in the

B u r g o s W i n d F a r m
Generating capacity: 150 MW
L o c a t i o n : I l o c o s N o r t e
• Solar energy is the radiant light and heat from the sun
that is harnessed using a range of evolving
technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics,
solar thermal energy, solar architecture, molten salt
power plants and artificial photosynthesis.
• According to the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, the Philippines’ average solar radiation
ranges from 128 – 203 watts per square meter, or an
average of 161.7 watts per square meter, based on
sunlight duration.
• This translates to potential power generating capacity
SOLAR of 4.5-5.5 kWh per square meter per day

List of Solar Power Plants in the
Philippines (Luzon Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Solar Power Plants in the
Philippines (Luzon Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Solar Power Plants in the
Philippines (Visayas Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

List of Solar Power Plants in the
Philippines (Mindanao Grid)

Source :GOVPH (

Largest Solar
Power Plant in
the Philippines

Calatagan Solar Farm

Generating capacity: 63.3 MW
Location: Calatagan, Batangas

• Nuclear power is the use of nuclear reactions

that release nuclear energy to generate heat,
which most frequently is then used in steam
turbines to produce electricity in a nuclear
power plant.
• Nuclear power can be obtained from nuclear
fission, nuclear decay and nuclear fusion
• Nuclear power was considered as a solution to
the 1973 oil crisis, in which the Philippines was
• The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant was built in the
early 1980’s, but never went into operation
Bataan Nuclear
Power Plant

Nameplate capacity: 621 MW

Location : Morong Bataan
Status: Completed, but never launched
Power Plant Control Room
What is a Power Plant Control Room?

• Control rooms are rooms for power plants where the

operations of the whole plant is being monitored to ensure
that everything is working properly.
• The control room is very important since it is the one that
ensures the operability of the power plant and also to avoid
any dangerous circumstances whenever the plant becomes
Operations of the Control Room
Monitor Plant Operations

01 The operation of the plant is being monitored on screens and

computers. It is being watched closely by the control room operators
to identify abnormal operating and equipment conditions

When abnormal operation is detected, the control room
operators troubleshoots and fixes the electrical and
mechanical equipment to get everything back on track 02
Track and Log Operational Systems

03 The status of the operational system is being tracked

and recorded by using applicable journals and control
system tools.

Emission Monitoring
The control room operator monitors the operations of the
emission control equipment and adjust it to meet the
standards being set by the government
Implementation Power plants in the Philippines

of New introduces new technology for the

operation in some of the power
plants especially those that are
Technology newly constructed. The control room
uses automation with the
monitoring and troubleshooting of
the electrical and mechanical

Use of Programmable Use of Sensor

Circuits Devices
Control room uses programs to The machines are being
monitor the operation of the incorporated with sensors which
plant. It also tracks and records monitors any abnormalities in
the reports of the analytical data the system. It also tracks any
of operation of the system. changes that happens within
the machine

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