Writing Task 2 Exam Question August 2019 - Band 8.5 Sample Answer PDF

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Some think that only those people who have worked

for a company for many years should be promoted

to a higher position. Do you agree?

There is an opinion that primarily staff members who have dedicated

many years to working for a particular company should be given
executive positions in a company. I disagree with this viewpoint in as
much as younger workers may have more skills and if not provided with
an opportunity for a promotion, they will become demotivated.

Although senior employees have proved to be reliable and loyal, more

often than not, it is novices who have a wider cluster of actual skills. This
is because young specialists exert their full effort in mastering their hard
and soft skills in order to meet the requirements of today’s highly
competitive job market. Therefore, having been promoted, such workers
may bring innovation and help to better incorporate the latest
technological advances into business processes, which is irreplaceable
for every company to flourish. ​For example, the average age of a new
hire at Facebook is only 23, for this very purpose.

Yet another reason why less experienced staff members should have
even chances for a promotion is that otherwise they will not be motivated
to do their best. Knowing that however hard they try, they still will not be
given a higher position in a company, young employees are likely to
grow reluctant to go the extra mile, which may negatively affect a
company’s revenue and curb its development. To illustrate, a prominent
IT entrepreneur ​(wrote enTERpreneur on the exam) Pavel Durov had to
leave his first workplace since despite his outstanding abilities, he was
not rewarded with a leading role. As a result, he has successfully set up
his own business, while his employer lost his company due to a lack of
highly qualified workers.
To sum up, even though individuals who have worked fewer years for a
particular company might be less trustworthy, they should be equally
promoted as they have up-to-date knowledge and skill sets. Besides
that, this will encourage them to apply their abilities to the fullest, thus
contributing to the prosperity of a company.

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