Webinar Interview Hacks by Jovita Jims

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Expert Club Indonesia (ECI) Webinar

A few ways to hit ‘auto hired’

Presented by Jovita Jims jovitajims Jovita Jims

Educational Background:
● Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology
University of Surabaya (UBAYA)
Professional Experience:
● Head of Strategic Resources Management
at Bernofarm Group
● Recruitment Supervisor (Ex)
at Samator Group - Head Office
Expertise & Passionate in:
● Millennial Encourager (#CiciHR)
● Talent Acquisition
● Positive Psychology
● Personal Branding
“Job interviews are like dating.
First impressions matter, ‘sell’ yourself, and get matched.”

- #CiciHR -
During this session, we’ll talking about..

‘Auto-hired’ formula ‘Make friends’ Self healing

with the questions
By the end of this session, you’ll be able to..

Evoke crucial insight about effective

self-selling through interview
● Be confident! ● Be confident! ● Be confident!

‘Auto-hired’ ‘Make friends’ Self healing

formula with the questions

“The 3 elements of “Identify the meaning “How to dealing

a job interview” and purpose of the with the rejection”
interview questions”
● Be confident!

‘Auto-hired’ ‘Make friends’ Self healing

formula with the questions

“The 3 elements of “Identify the meaning “How to dealing

a job interview” and purpose of the with the rejection”
interview questions”


What is “Technical skills are the abilities and
●knowledge needed to perform specific
technical Be confident!
tasks that are needed in the workplace.
It’s practical, and often relate to

mechanical, information technology,
skills mathematical, or scientific tasks. Some
examples include knowledge of
programming languages, mechanical
equipment, or tools.”

● Be confident!
● Better Job Fit
Personalities also factor in an employee’s
decision to stay in the company or not.
It’s more about whether his or her personality fit
with the job and company culture or not.
Why For example:
A person that doesn’t like talking or speaking in

personality public will most likely not get a job that requires
him or her to do so.

? ● A More Cohesive Team
Members of the team have to be able to work
and engage together. Hence, it’s important to
combining team with suitable personalities to
maximize performance and minimize conflicts.

● Utilizing Strengths & Improving Weaknesses

Personality also plays an importance in
determining a person’s strengths and
weaknesses. It would be useful for task
assignment, the right job to the right person.

What is
“It’s more about how to deliver things you can

delivery bring
● Betoconfident!
the table in effective way.” Including:
● Attitude (stay positive)
● Communication (communicate
● Body language (eye contact, gesture, etc)

What to prepare to hit the formula?

Finding your IKIGAI

● Help you to find your selling point
● Easier to answer the interview question,
Why should truthfully.
“Why applying for this job?”
“What’s your goal?”
I find my “What’s your strength & weakness?”
● Define what kind of job

IKIGAI? you’re suitable the most

● Career path consistency
● Increase your work-engagement
& happiness (work as a calling)

Satisfaction, Delight & fullness,
but feeling of but no wealth

“Ikigai is a Japanese concept

meaning a reason for being. A reason to
jump out of bed each morning, or your
life purpose”

● What you love?

● What you are good at?
● What you can be paid for?
● What the world needs?

Comfortable, Excitement &

but feeling of complacency
emptiness but sense of

Source: https://ikigai.co.in/whyikigai/
What to prepare to hit the formula?

1. Researching the company

2. Re-read the job description, identify the required skills and be prepared
3. Practice your answers to common interview questions
4. Imagine the possible feedback of your answer
5. Be prepared with examples of your work or your every single answer
6. Prepare smart questions for your interviewers
7. Practice good manners and body language
8. Bring copies of your resume, a notebook and pen
9. Arrive 15 minutes early to your interview

● Communicate diplomatically ● Tell a lie or exaggerating
● Keep your answers concise and focused ● Bad mouth
● Use the STAR method in answering questions ● Cliche answer
● Respond truthfully to the questions asked ● Being too superior or inferior
● Ask for feedback
● Be confident!

‘Auto-hired’ ‘Make friends’ Self healing
formula with the questions

“The 3 elements of “Identify the meaning “How to dealing

a job interview” and purpose of the with the rejection”
interview questions”
Tell me about yourself
- Self concept
- Mindset & orientation
- Why you’re the right fit for this job
Tells the plot of the past, present, and future,
how your experience shaped you now and your future goals

Tell me about your strength & weakness

- Acknowledge your abilities
- Self concept, self awareness, self confidence
- Real example to validate your answer
- How to utilizing your strength & improving weakness
- Structured & diplomatic communication
‘Make friends’
with the questions Expected salary
- Real salary range
- Realistic expectation (research the salary in the same
“Identify the meaning company or business unit)
and purpose of the
Why applying for this job?
interview questions” - Are you genuinely interested in the job or just 'iseng-iseng beruntung'
- Orientation (salary, comfort, career, self development)

Where do you see yourself in 5 years ahead?

- Does this position fit into your long-term career goals?
- Do you even have long-term career goals?
- Passionate and need for achievement
- Ability to set specific goals
Why should we hire you?
- What's your unique selling point over the other candidates,
- What you can bring to the table.
- What's your competitive advantage: your accomplishments & qualifications
Describe your congruence based on the formula
a. Technically fit
b. Personality fit
c. Culture fit
‘Make friends’
What motivates you to perform?
with the questions - Are you a hard worker?
- Are you need to be forced to produce quality work?
- What's your orientation
“Identify the meaning
and purpose of the What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced?
interview questions” - STAR method answer
- Dealing with pressure positively
- Knowing exactly what to do under pressure

Tell me about a time that you failed

- How do you respond to failure?
- Do you learn from your mistakes?
- Are you resilient?
● Be confident!

‘Auto-hired’ ‘Make friends’ Self healing

formula with the questions

“The 3 elements of “Identify the meaning “How to dealing

a job interview” and purpose of the with the rejection”
interview questions”
“Being rejected for more than 5 times doesn’t mean you’re stupid!
It simply means you haven’t fit the job or company.
Like you haven’t found your mate yet”

- #CiciHR -
● Identify the loophole instead of keep applying!
Take a break, recharge yourself.
Continuing the interview and being rejected over and over again
will cause lack of confidence, and will be a cycle that impacts the
next interview.

● Ask for feedback from recruiter in every interview

● Be confident! Write down the feedback to find your lack and learn how to fix it.

● Learn the pattern of the previous interview

Self healing How to deal with frequently asked question, how to answer
diplomatically, and imagine the possible feedback of your answer.

“How to dealing ● Reflect the formula

You might be lack on technical skill, personality, or delivery.
with the rejection”
● Re-define what kind of person you are
Your strength, your weakness, your passion, your selling point,
what can you bring to the table.

● What kind of job you’re suitable the most

Probably you’ve set the wrong career destination that doesn’t
match your passion and skills.
“Take a break, reflect, and improve yourself
until you’re strong enough to fight!”

- #CiciHR -
“Attract their attention, go on a date,
then improve your selling point until get married.”

- #CiciHR -
I would be pleased to hear your feedback

Presented by Jovita Jims jovitajims Jovita Jims

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