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Q1) Define Civics According to E.M White?
A) According to him:-

“Civics is a branch of Human Knowledge which deals with everything relating to

citizens past, present and future”.

Q2) From where civics was oriented?

A) It was oriented in the ancient Greece.

Q3) Name the books which were wrote by Aristotle and Plato?
A) Aristotle wrote “Politics” and Plato wrote “The Republic”.

Q4) From where Aristotle and Plato were from?

A) They both were from Greece.

Q5) In Ancient times, how many States did Greece Had?

A) It had approximately 158 states.

Q6) From where the concept of states oriented?

A) The concept of States was oriented in Greece.

Q7) Why the States of Greece were called city state?

A) The states of Greece were Called City States, because its population were limited and were self-
sufficient in their limited functional jurisdiction.

Q8) Define city state?

A) A city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state is called City state. Or a city
which is referred to be called a state.

Q9) Define Civics?

A) The science that studies different aspects of our life like (Political, Social, Economic, Rights and Duties)
is called Civics.

Q10) Derive Civics?

A) The word Civics is Derived from two Latin words:- “Civics” and “Civitas”. Civics mean Citizen and
Civitas Means City. So, we can say that Civics is study of matters between a citizen and a city.
Q11) Derive civics in Arabic?
A) In Arabic , Civics is called “Madniat” , which has been derived from an Arabic word “Mudden” that
means City.

Q12) What happens when Civic sense in absent in a society?

A) When Civics sense is absent in a society it leads to a lot of problem , like:- “Racism , Illegal activity ,
Intolerance , Separatism. ETC

Q13) How a society is formed?

A) Man is a social animal and when he make contact and relation with other people it forms an
organization, that organization is called a society.


A school or an institution.

Q14) How a state is formed?

A) When society is politically organized it forms a state.

Q15) How a person become a citizen?

A) When a person enjoys his Rights in a state, then he will also perform some Duties and then, he will be
called a Citizen.

Q16) Which country is famous in the field of Civics after Greece?

A) Rome.

Q17) Define Civics according to F.J Gould?

A) According to him:-

“The study of those Institute, Habits, activities, and spirit by which a man or woman
may fulfil their duties, and receive the benefits of membership in a political community”

Q18) Define Civics according to Prof. Petrick Geddies?

A) According to him:-

“Civics is a science that deals with the study of city life, and its problem.”

Q19) Define Civics according to Dr. K.K. Aziz?

A) According to him:-

“Civics deals with the study of institution of a society and individuals who are the
members of them by birth”

Q20) Define Science?

A) Science is the study of knowledge and principles which are obtained from observations and
experiment. They are universally true at every place and in every age.
Q21) Write the types of science?

A) There are two types of Sciences:-

1) Physical Sciences:-

It Includes Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Etc.

2) Social Sciences:-

It Includes Sociology, Civics, History, Economics, and Ethics, Etc.

Q22) Define Art:-

Art is a practical shape of knowledge and facts.

.) For instance:-

The knowledge of different methods of election is science, but when we apply these
methods, and participate in elections it becomes an Art.

Q23) Prof. Patrick Geddies viewpoint on the nature of civics?

A) According to him:-

“Civics means the practical application of result of social research for social welfare.

Q24) Write the conclusion on Nature of Civics?

A) There is a confusion between people that:-

“If Civics is Arts or Science”. So, According to my Opinion we

can say that Civics is an Art because, “It depends upon the ideology of a particular person”. As we know
every person has different Ideology and the total result will not always be the same.

.) Example:-

If a party got 72364 votes in the previous election. It is not necessary that it will get the exact
amount of votes in the upcoming election. The number of votes might be less or more than the previous
one because it depends upon the ideology of the people.

Q25) Write the significance of Civics?

A) The Significance are following:-

1) Promoting social values

2) Character building.

3) Awareness of Rights and Duties.

4) Success of Democracy.

5) Knowledge of Problems
6) Political Consciousness:-

Q26) what is meant by materialism?

A) Economic is based upon materialism. Materialism includes subject like: - Wealth, resources, and
material development.

Q27) How Civics plays an important role in political training of a Citizen?

A) Its aim is to make a good citizen. Good citizen makes a good state. The trained citizens will run the
administration of city, state and government in excellent manner.

Q28) Define political economy?

A) In early times, Civics, political science and economics combined together were known to be called
political economy.

Q29) Name the 2 philosopher who avoid calling civics an education?

A) Their names are following:-

1) Auguste

2) comta

Q30) why history is called the research center of civics?

A) When we go back into the past we see unity between many nations as well as disputes between
them. The reason why we call history the research center is to find out the consequences which led to
many problems Like:-

Racism, separatism, Wars, ETC.

Q31) Name the philosopher who predicted the rights reason for revolution?

A) The names are following:-

1) Aristotle

2) Carl Marks, ETC.

Q32) What is the role of civics in the character building of a person?

A) Civics play an important role in the character building of a person, because it tell the person about his
rights in the society so that he can survive on its own as well as it duties which make him a good citizen.

Long Q/A:-
Q1) Define Civics and tell about its nature?
A) Derivation:-

The word Civics is Derived from two Latin words:- “Civics” and “Civitas”. Civics mean
Citizen and Civitas Means City. So, we can say that Civics is study of matters between a citizen and a city.

1) Definition:-

.) According to E.M:-

“Civics is that branch of Human Knowledge that deal with everything related to a
citizen past, present and future.”

.) According to F.J Cloud:-

“Civics is the study of those institutes, activities, habits and spirit by which a
person, man or a women may fulfil their duties and receive benefits of living in a political community.”

.) According to Prof. Patrick Gaddies:-

“Civics is the study of City life and its problem.”

.) According to Dr. K.K Aziz:-

“Civics is the study of Institutes, and Individuals in a society, who are the
member of them by birth.”

2) Nature of Civics:-

There is confusion between people, if to call civics a science or arts before we reach to
a conclusion we first define both.

.) Science:-

Science is the study of knowledge and principles which are obtained from observations and
experiment. They are universally true at every place and in every age.

.)There are two types of Sciences:-

a) Physical Sciences:-

It Includes Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Etc.

b) Social Sciences:-

It Includes Sociology, Civics, History, Economics, and Ethics, Etc.


Art is a practical shape of knowledge and facts.

.) For instance:-
The knowledge of different methods of election is science, but when we apply these
methods, and participate in elections it becomes an Art.

.)According to prof. Patrick Geddies

“Civics means the practical application of result of social research for social welfare.

.) Conclusion:-

“If Civics is Arts or Science”. So, According to my Opinion we can say that Civics is an Art
because, “It depends upon the ideology of a particular person”. As we know every person has different
Ideology and the total result will not always be the same.

.) Example:-

If a party got 72364 votes in the previous election. It is not necessary that it will get the exact
amount of votes in the upcoming election. The number of votes might be less or more than the previous
one because it depends upon the ideology of the people.

Q2) Define Civics and tell about its utility and significance?
A) Definition:-

.) According to E.M:-

“Civics is that branch of Human Knowledge that deal with everything related to a
citizen past, present and future.”

.) According to F.J Cloud:-

“Civics is the study of those institutes, activities, habits and spirit by which a
person, man or a women may fulfil their duties and receive benefits of living in a political community.”

.) According to Prof. Patrick Gaddies:-

“Civics is the study of City life and its problem.”

.) According to Dr. K.K Aziz:-

“Civics is the study of Institutes, and Individuals in a society, who are the
member of them by birth.”

.) Utility and significance:-

The Utility and Significance of civics is explained in the following:-

1) Promoting social values:-

The basic purpose of a society is to provide suitable and carefree life to

person because he cannot fulfil his needs alone and that is why he establish relationship with other
people. Just like Aristotle has said:-
“Man is a social animal” and “If a person lives outside a society then, either
he is a beast or a God.”

So, Civic plays an important role in strengthening the brotherhood between people and teaches a moral

“Live and let others live too.”

2) Character building:-

Civics play an important role in the character building of a person, because it tell
the person about his rights in the society so that he can survive on its own as well as it duties which
makes him a good citizen.

3) Political training of a citizen:-

Civics plays and important role in political training of a citizen. Its aim is
to make a good citizen. Good citizen makes a good state. The trained citizens will run the administration
of city, state and government in excellent manner.

4) Importance of Civics:-

The study of Civic is very important for every person who live in a society and
is a citizen because as Patrick Geddies has said:-

“Civics is the study of City life and its problems”

The teaching of Civics is very popular among parent because it plays and important role in character
building of a person.

5) Rights and duties:-

Civics teach man the way of living. When a person enters in a society and establish
relationship he becomes a citizen. If a person wants to enjoy his rights and take benefits of living in a
society so, must fulfil his duties or otherwise he will violate the rules and regulation of a society.

6) Success of Democracy:-

Civics plays an important role in the progress of Democracy among people

because it teaches a person about their rights. An illiterate person does not know how to take his right
or how to fight for it. It should be compulsory for every student to study civics.

7) Awareness of problems:-

If the people are not aware with their political, social, economic, and other
problems then how they are able to resolve them. Civics teaches a person about his right and how
resolve his problem.

8) Economic welfare:-
Civics gives awareness about the poor economic conditions. It also tells about the
cause of problems and how to solve them. If the people aware of the disadvantage of poor economic
condition of a society, then they will at least try to resolve it so secure their future.

9) Political consciousness:-

By studying civics people are aware of their political problems. People are
aware about the political affairs of their state and know how to deal with their problem.

Hence, if the people are aware of their problem they will be able to solve them together.

10) Utility at world level:-

The moral lesson we learn from civic is “Unity is strength”. As we all know that
a person cannot live alone that’s why he establish relationship with other people to strengthen himself.
Today America is in search of forming good relationship and friendship with other state to strengthen
his power. In Civics foreign affairs are also studied because citizen need to be aware of local affairs as
well as foreign affairs.

Q3) Relationship of Civics with Political science?

A) Political science is basically the study of State and Government. Both civics and political science have
similarities and difference which are explained in the following:-

A) Similarities:-

1) Derivation:-

Political Science is derived from a Greek word “polis” while Civics is derived from 2 Latin
words “Civics and Civitas” But, both words Civics and Polis means City. They were both synonyms almost
250 thousand years ago.

2) Similarities in topics:-

Topics like: - Government, Right and duties, and many other topics are studied
in both topics. Including: - Law, Political parties, Freedom, Equality.

3) Base of Politics:-

Political science is based upon the principle of Civics. The viewpoints about
Individual and state which are studied in Civics are also studied in Politics science.

4) Same Objective:-

Both the subject have same objectives. Both of the subject aims for the importance
of Rights and duties of Individuals and for the welfare of people. Both subjects also discuss about the
political institute made for man.

5) Same problems:-
Political science and civics both face the same problems. These both subject aims to
produce unity between people and to make them a better citizen and also to provide every person his

B) Differences:-

1) Scope:-

Political science is considered better than Civics because of its large scope. Political science
consist of many topics. Civics mostly aims towards local conditions while, Political science aims mostly
towards Foreign affairs.

2) Political aspects:-

Although we study about politics in both subjects, but political science explains briefly
about politics. Hence, we can say that politics in reality is a topic of Political science.

3) Subjects:-

Subjects like Crime and punishment, Journalism and Ethics, Society, Individual and
Education, ETC are only studied in Civics. They are not included in Political science.

4) State and city:-

In Civics, we study about city briefly while in political science we study or discuss about
state. City problems are also discussed in Civics.

5) Ancient knowledge:-

Civics is more ancient than Political science. Civics was originated from ancient
Greece. It is the study of Ancient societies and was formed when the concept of State was not formed.

6) Difference in Quality:-

The basic concern of Civics is to make man a good citizen. Civics played an
important role for the welfare of mankind while, Political science did not.

Q4) Relationship of Civics with History?

A) Civics:-

The study of Institute, Habits, and spiritual felling.

.) History:-

In history, we study past events with evidence.

A) Similarities:-

1) Topic of Discussion:-

The main topic of discussion in both subjects is about man. The problem which man
faces are discussed in both subjects. In both subjects we also discuss about different aspects of society.
2) Same topics:-

There are many similarities in topic between History and Civics. Like: - Many Wars events
and, circumstance responsible for that event, Etc.

3) Ideology:-

Many political ideas were given in order to solve social and political issues. Subject like: -
Communalism, Socialism, and other ideologies are related to Civics as well as History.

4) Research center:-

History is also known as the experimental lab of Civics. The reason we call history
experimental lab is because the result we obtain from past events and actions help us make policies

For instance:-

When we go back into the past we see unity between many nations as well as disputes
between them. The reason why we call history the research center is to find out the consequences
which led to many problems Like:-

Racism, separatism, Wars, ETC.

5) Civilization:-

In history we study about Literature and civilization, tradition and Culture, and past
events related to social, economic, and moral conditions of man. The study of these aspects is very
useful in civics.

B) Differences:-

1) Study of Past:-

In civics, we study about the past, present and future of institutes. But, in history we
only study about past.

2) Studied in sequence:-

In history, we study about past events in sequence. It means that the past events
are studied the way they were held. In civics this method Is not applied.

3) Difference in Quality:-

Civics aims for a person to become a good citizen and tell him about his right and
how to avail them. While, History tell reality.

4) Topics:-

In civics, we only study about city, society, and state. But, the scope of history is very wide.
Civics in comparison to history is limited.
Q5) Relation of Civics with Economics:-
A) Definition:-

.) Civics:-

The study of Institute, Habits, and spiritual felling is called civics.

.) Economics:-

It is the study of society. In which we study production, distribution and consumption of


A) Similarities:-

1) Political economy:-

At initial stage, Civics, political science and economics were combined together and
were studied as a group and were called “political economy”. But, now these subjects are studied

2) Man welfare:-

In economics such principles are studied and are performed which are related to solve
human economic problems and for their welfare. For the welfare of mankind economist start to
discover new ways to resolve human economic problems. As we all know civics also aims for the welfare
of mankind. Hence, both subject have similar aims.

3) Same topics:-

Economics includes topics like: - Budget of state, income and expenditure, resources
and budget planning are studied. But, these topics are for the welfare of mankind. There are also many
subjects similar to economics like: - Communalism and socialism and many other topics.

4) Welfare state:-

A state is an institute which is formed for the welfare of mankind and is responsible to
provide happiness to the citizens and provide them a perfect and self-sufficient life and also to fulfil
their needs. All of these step are taken with the help of economics. Hence both disciplines have same
Quality and that is the welfare of mankind.

5) Revolution:-

When we study briefly about past events and wars we came to know that these wars
were for economic factor.

According to Carl Marks:-

“Economic factors were behind every political movement and revolutions and

6) World relationship:-
Economics factors are behind every relationship between different states and
countries. Every countries forms relation with other country and fulfil their needs of resources and
making foreign policies.

For instance:-

Saudi Arab is famous for its oil and many other countries try to establish good relation with
it. Just like China economy is very strong.

B) Differences:-

1) Different Quality:-

Civics aims to provide happiness to people, and for his welfare and progress. It also
aims to provide the knowledge of right and wrong to people and to bring them on the right track. While,
Economic is based upon reality.

2) Materialism:-

Economic is based upon materialism. Materialism includes subject like: - Wealth,

resources, and material development. Civics includes spiritual relaxation and progress of a person.

3) Wide subject:-

Civics is wider than economics. In economics economic aspects are studied while, in Civics
Political, social, and moral aspects are studied.

4) Different scope:-

Civics basically aims for welfare of a citizen. While, economics only aims for wealth
and other economic aspects.

Q6) Relation of Civics with Sociology?

A) Definition:-

.) Civics:-

The study of Institute, Habits, and spiritual felling is called civics.

.) Sociology: -
Sociology is the study of social life, social culture and tradition, and social institution. But,

Basically it is the study of society.

A) Similarities:-

1) Mother of social science:-

Sociology is known as the mother of social science. It includes Social politics,

history, Ethics, Economics, and other subjects.

2) Similarity in topics:-
In civics, Topics like: - problems in villages, cities are overviewed. The
importance of families, tribe and community and according to the evolution of human culture Is also
studied. All of these topics are also included in Sociology.

3) Welfare of man:-

Both the disciplines work for the welfare of mankind and arrang such principle foe
mankind which is helpful for them.

B) Differences:-

1) Different knowledge:-

Civics in comparison to Sociology is very short and limited knowledge. Sociology

consists of many aspects while, Civics is the brief study of an aspect of sociology.

2) Study of all social sciences:-

As we all know that sociology is the mother of all social sciences. But, Civics is
the detail study of citizenship. Sociology consists of many aspects while, Civics is the brief study of an
aspect of sociology.

3) Individual and society:-

Sociology is related to the whole society and culture and traditions. Hence:-

Civics discusses about society in reference to man and Sociology mentions man in reference with

4) Religious affairs:-

Civics is the study of citizen affairs and religious affairs are not included. As religion
plays an important role in effecting the society and in social life. Hence, Religious affairs are included

5) Study of Future:-

In Civics we study about past, present and future. As in civics overview of the upcoming
future problems and steps for their solution are also taken. But, in sociology we only study about past
and present.

6) Different Quality:-

Civics aims for the welfare of man and for the solution of their problems. As
sociology is a complete knowledge and they does not aims for Quality.

Q7) Relation between Civics and Ethics?

A) Definition:-

.) Ethics:-

The study of good and bad aspects of a person moral character is the topic of discussion in Ethics.
A) Similarities:-

1) Common objectives:-

The objective of both the sciences are to make such rules and regulations which
are on the basis of individuals and collective progress.

2) Feedback of Greek philosophers:-

The famous philosophers of Greek Aristotle and Plato both promoted

Civics based on Ethics. The example given of a state in the book “The Republic” by Plato is based upon

3) Mutually Inter-Dependent:-

Both the sciences are mutually inter-dependent. The citizen of good moral
character are required for a good state. In this regard Ethics provide a Guideline to Them.

4) Obedience of Law:-

Civics is related to Citizenship and Law. Maker of law make sure that the moral
values are given the same importance equal to state laws.

B) Difference:-

1) Explicit and inner behavior:-

Ethics is related to the moral character of an individual and his thoughts

and his inner behaviors. However, only shows his explicit behaviors.

2) Wide Scope:-

Ethics is concerned simply with human conduct and behavior, studies good and bad
aspects of every act. Civics is the study of every aspect of human life which may relate to culture,
politics, economics and religion. Therefore, the scope of civics is wider.

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