MBA - Project - Guidelines

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Post Graduate Department of Management
Bangalore University, Bengaluru – 560001

Guidelines for Project Work

(Under Choice Based Credit System – 2014-2015 onwards)

Extract from academic regulations (From Rule 13 of - BU MBA Regulation)

Each candidate should undertake a project work immediately after the second semester
examination and submit a bound copy of the report within two weeks of commencement of III
Semester. This project, under the guidance of a faculty of the institution, has to be a on a live
management problem/issue concerning either an organization or otherwise. The purpose of the
project is to develop larger life skills and positive attitude among students who have to have
wider perspective on society/organization. This could involve a desk study/data analysis/
extension work or an exploration of an idea or its implementation. In other words a management
student is expected to enrich with competency/ skills/ attitudes and perspective about live society
and organization.

The duration of the project is four weeks after the completion of II Semester and before the
commencement of III semester. There will be 25 marks for project report and 25 marks for viva-
voce. A minimum of 25 marks out of 50 is required for a pass in the project work. The viva and
the project report will be evaluated by a member of the panel of examiners and the concerned
faculty guide. Specific guidelines for the same are given below.

Purpose: To develop larger life skills and positive attitude among students to make them more
competent and industry ready


1. Under this program every student is required to undertake a project work for a period of four
weeks (in India or Abroad) between II and III semesters. It would be carried under the guidance
of an identified faculty /industry expert.

2. On the completion of project work the student is required to submit a report on the work done to
the head of the institution through the faculty guide.

3. Satisfactory completion of project work and obtaining 25 out of 50 marks are an essential
requisite for completing MBA Programme.
4. The project work must be a desk study with data analytics/ skill based training projects./ live
Management problem / Issue concerning either an organization or otherwise

4.1. Desk Study: It refers to a study that is carried out purely through research rather than
physical investigation; it should be treated as starting point of research. The data collected
can be used most effectively by combining desk study with data analytics.
4.2. Data Analytics: It is the process of examining data sets in order to draw conclusion to
make more informed business decisions and to verify models, theories and hypothesis.

This consists of three phases of analysis, namely.

1. Descriptive Analytics (DA) – DA tools help users to explore, analyze and visualize data.
2. Predictive Analytics – tools helps users to make predictions about future.
3. Prescriptive Analytics – tools helps users to find out the best course of action for a given
The students are required to develop data analytical skills and make use of them in making

5. Practical skill training project: The main Focus of this project is to enrich the competencies
and skills of the MBA graduates. Practical training programme includes
5.1.1. Business communication and Soft skills
Learning Outcomes: To enhance reading, business writing, oratory, listening and soft
5.1.2. ERP skills
Learning Outcomes: able to map business process using ERP
techniques 5.1.3. Data analytics skills
Learning Outcomes: learn to analyze data using predictive analytics and data
5.1.4. Database Management skills
Learning Outcomes: Ability to extract, modify, create, and analyze database in an
5.1.5. Advance Excel skills
Learning Outcomes: The students will learn the use of excel spreadsheet effectively for
decision making and data crunching.
6. Suggested report format is as follows:
6.1. Introduction (Only for desk study)
6.2. Background and Objectives
6.3. Training Methods and Activities
6.4. Learning Outcomes
6.4. Data Analysis using analytical tools (Only for desk study)
6.5. Key findings and conclusions
6.6. Recommendations
6.7. Supporting documentations
6.8. References

7. The project report must not be less than 40 pages with 12pt Times News Roman font with line
spacing of 1.5. One hard and one soft copy (in CD) have to be submitted to Bangalore University.


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