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The Rise of CPP-NPA-NDF: A threat to Philippine government and its citizens




Communist Party of the Philippines - New People’s Army - National Democratic Front a
revolutionary group of Philippines that aims for radical transformation of the Philippine
government into a communist state. It was Mao Zedong who inspired the party which is
infamous for its jungle raids, assassination squads and fearsome leaders like Kumander Dante,
and has been engaged in a peoples’ rebellion to amend thegovernment structure ever since. The
most prolonged insurgency all over the world is the “Communist Party of the Philippines-New
People’s Army-National Democratic Front” (Beltran, McDermid, 2018).

During the 26th day of December 1968, Jose Sison discontented by the leadership of the
Lava brothers, he founded a new Communist Party, alongside with his companion (Gutierrez,
2001). Its armed component is the New People’s Army that leads by Commander Dante or refers
as BernabeBuscayno. The decision of establishing a new task group emerged from the necessity
for cadres members that would pursuit into the workers war in the Country (Cusi, 1996). Then on
April 24, 1973, the CPP-NPA founded its legal front - the National Democratic Front. The
National Democratic Front is union of 15 undercover Republican organizations that seek to fund
“national democratic revolution” that would uplift the mission of having a communist state
(Ferrer &Raquiza, 1993).Communist group entailed for social justice in all persons residing in
the same treatment in terms of human rights, property, and to have accommodation to the public
Philippine territory regardless of its social identity or status; they will be accompanied with
utility that the state provides to its people.

For almost 50 years, the Maoist group (particularly CPP-NPA-NDF) expanded and
propagated all over the land of the Philippine and consistently continuing to uphold their belief
that everyone residing in this country must have fair and equal opportunity and rights to access
resources that the state owns. Indeed, for 50 years of existence, the CPP - NPA - NDF have
maintained their struggle of fighting the bourgeoise-capitalist, enslavement,
colonialism,exploitation and other forms of injustices that are retaining trouble the country since
before World War II era until the present time (Essays, UK. 2018). Through their advocacies,
they have widened their connection that included different various society including the
religious, teacher, peasants, students, laborers, and especially oppressed and deprived sector who
helped the CPP to expand their goals of broadening their influence control and influence
generally through gaining “hearts” along with “minds” of the masses (Cusi, 2996). However, the
continuous military operation decreased their members from 25,000-armed cadres, to 4000 and
further dwindling. (Avila, 2019). Hence, We cannot deny the fact that the Communist
insurgencies have caused devastation and killed so many people, including counter-terrorism
army. Since 1969, there are 40,000 estimated combat-related casualties have been reported,
disregarding those deaths that have not been reported.

The Philippines ranked 10th on the list of countries most impacted by terrorism based on
the highest number of casualties related to attacks over a decade, as reported by the “Institute for
Economics and Peace” in its 2018 “Global Terrorist Index”. Even though the Communist group
wants to establish a state where all the constituents residing the islands of the Philippines that
will be treated equally in all aspects of life, the group itself has taken the right of life for all those
casualties that have been involved because of their mission and their encounter against the
military. Throughout the existence of the Communist group, the Philippine government had tried
their best to solve conflicts with the Communist Party through peace talks and diplomatic
agreement. However, peace talks and diplomatic agreements became temporary due to the
contradicting views of the Communist Party and the Philippine Government; it only waned the
Communist insurgency and still comes back.

On the other hand, President Rodrigo Duterte on March 21, 2019, officially ended the
dialogues among the government and non-government armed groups of the Philippines. But still,
local negotiation continued. President Rodrigo Duterte signed Executive Order No. 10
centralizing all government efforts for the re-integration of former NPA members and creating a
task force against them. This order has been integrated with the previous Comprehensive Local
Integration Program under the DILG and the “Payapa at MasaganangPamayanan” (PAMANA)
under the “Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace process” (Chiu, 2019). CLIP seeks to
achieve indelible and diplomatic termination of all armed conflicts with the armed communist

Currently, in Indanan town in the restive southern Philippine province of Sulu, lies the
first case of suicide bombing perpetrated by a Filipino, and marks an escalation in terror tactics
by local extremists (Gotinga, 2019). The incident has caused 8 casualties and 12 severe
wounded. In this case, the Communist group in the Philippines have now established an alliance
with the extremist foreign groups, particularly the ISIS. The United States department presented
records implicating the leaders of the Maute group and the former “Abu Sayyaf “ commander
“IsnilonHapilon” oath allegiance and membership to ISIS. The “Institute for Economics and
Peace’s Global Terrorism Index 2014”, states that “New People’s Army”is among the “largest
individual group” suspected to be the mastermind of the extremist insurgency to the country.
Both the “Communist Party of the Philippines” and New peoples’ Army” are entitled as “foreign
terrorist organizations” by the “United States dated back on August 9, 2002” (“Stratfor,
Combating Terrorism Center”, “U.S. Department of State”). Indeed, the CPP- NPA can impose
violence through terrorizing and can devastate the peace and order of the state.

With all been said above, the primary purpose of this study is to know the foundation of
CPP - NPA-NDF during 1968 and why they have formed the Communist group during that
context. This paper wants to trace the emergence and threats of the CPP- NPA - NDF and what
are their impacts to the Philippine government and filipino citizen. This research also aims to
understand the roots of the Communist group to arouse from the oppression of the Government
and the Elites. Additionally, the paper aims to know how the Philippine government responds to
the threat of the Communist group, and what the necessary options are of the government in
coping up with the communist insurgency. Lastly, the study wants to comprehend what are the
internal and external factors that led the Communist group to terrorizing.


The paper seeks answers to the following questions that will achieve the purpose of the
1. What are the impacts of the CPP-NPA-NDFin the country and of the people?

2. What are the action of the Philippine Government to the rise of the Communist group?

3. How did the CPP - NPA - NDF gained power?


This study will use the theory of Karl Marx, Marxism as also a basis of Maoism in which
Mao Zedong or Mao Tse Tung flourished in to the mind of the earliest Communist group in the
Philippines. Moreover, This paper wants to contend about the ideology of Karl Marx in how he
saw the dominant sector in the society and how it deprived the marginalize sector, which led to
the rise of rebellion. The theory of Marx in Politics and Economy, forecast in to the abrogation
of owning private property through means of production, to catering the proletariat and affluence
for all (The Con. Ox. Diet.: 1981, 622 ). This theory of Marxism is the climactic evolution of
civilization; the figure of it is the lasting discrepancy between the improvement of humanity and
the human susceptibility is resolved; it is the final action of the abuse and the only way to attain a
possible success. The beginning takes it originally to the resistance of human rebellion in an
unjust predicament, along with a single target of regaining of man’s shedded humanity. Hence, it
was the most essential part of humanism and through Marxism; it could attain humanism in its
synchronous form (John Lewis: 1976, 152). It was also linguistic principle in humanistic
development. It commend the history as the progression of man's endeavor to capitalize the fruit
of nature and, hence, of manufacturing production ("economic interpretation of history").
Whereas the production is transport inside the social organization, history is the outcome of
innovation in civil organization, the progression of human alliance adapt to dynamic movement
("modes of production"), in which the “base” is formed in the economic system, and all other
exercises, association, relation and concept systems are "super structural”. (The 'International
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences: 1968, 40-41).

However, pursuing the ideology of Karl Marx leads to the Communist revolution. Based
on the concluding paragraph of “Manifesto of the Communist Party” read: “The Communist
disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only
by the forcible overthrow of all existing social condition. Let the ruling classes tremble at a
Communist Revolution. They have a world to win”. Here is through right now to a typical
articulation that embrace two assertion: “that existing social and political is to be changed by a
revolution”; and that a “social revolution is to be identified with an overthrow of the existing
social system by violence”. On the other hand, the Communist Revolution deviate its course and
became a threat to the society as they exert force in their mission.

It opposed in the depth idea of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, on several circumstances
introduced to a diplomatic rebellion that will be attained by a social endeavor but not into cruelty
(Adam Schaff, 1973). Furthermore, revolutionary accustomed to embody the essence of
differentiating the notion of “social revolution” beginning the way on that it will putfield on
inclined events, particularly, by differentiating between a“violent” and a “peaceful revolution”,
and not classifying“violence” to “revolution”.

In addition, with an accordance to characterization of Engels to the idea of “justice” as

“social phlogiston”. Engels provide suggestion the interpretation to the essential part in the
Marxist practice and belief, some that decline lecture about “justice” and is the foundation of the
main notion ofMarxism. This may led through the perception of “communism”that a structure of
prosperity that the unions of person are translucent and peaceful-transparent at least it did not
discord with each other’s or those who needs compliment ( A. M. Shandro, 1989). Those
revolutionaries who impose violence are contradicting the very idea of Marxism, which aims to
promote equality in social justice disregarding the social strata. Allen Wood, noting on Karl
Marx’s perception that the advent of classes civilization will point “the end of the social need for
the state mechanism and the juridical institution within which concepts like ‘right’ and ‘justice’
have their place.” On the other hand, Richard Miller, depicts Marx which perceive the theory of
justice as a subjective delusion without base or foundation in "any real property of basic
institutions” thus, insufficient “as a tool for reasonable and informed criticism” of these
association (A. M. Shandro, 1989).

Finally, Marxism is a procedure that pursue in perceiving the unity of individual to

entirety, or contrasting to persist action in “history”, by reason of recognizing these “relations”
and “contradiction” are dwell in the view, behavior, and fabricates of individual who enact and
interpret history, it can relocate farther the “mystification” and barren of “relativism” and
‘formalism”. Karl Marx insert briefly: “It is clear that the arm of criticism will not replace the
criticism of arms. Material force can only be overthrown by material force; but theory itself
becomes a material force when it has seized the masses”. This issue means that it allows the
abused “men” and “women” interior to the assertion of a less of the vital “tool” and wisdom that
has been disallow to them by the elites and capitalists, a “tool” which they can start to perceive
their own sovereignty and the sovereignty of all (Wasson, 1972).

In conclusion, despite to primary objective of the Communist Revolution for radical

transformation, we cannot deny the fact that they infringe, afflict, and inflicts fear to the
residence of one’s country.


In this study, the paper aims to gather data that can cover the . In which it needs to use
primary and secondary sources in supporting arguments that emphasize the emergence and
threats of the Communist Party of the Philippines - New People’s Army-National Democratic
Front to Philippine government and its citizens. All of these would be used in coping up with the
questions, and it will be helpful to have a wider source of information that can cover the study.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter includes a discussion of essential variables in the study about the
Communist Party of the Philippines - New People’s Army - National Democratic Front (CPP -
NPA - NDF) as a threat to Philippine government. Related literature about the emergence of
CPP-NPA and its threats induced to the Philippine government and its citizens are presented and
thoroughly discussed.

Emergence of CPP-NPA-NDF

Philippine history is known to have a long list of events of active defiance to the existing
governments. These intransigence actions can be practically considered into two classifications:
“insurgencies rooted in religion (specifically, Islam)” and those “stemming from political
ideology (communism)”. Simultaneously, the tenacity of these insurrectionists stretches over
ideology, arise from elemental components that dwell dissatisfaction within revolutionary and
most of the populace alike: “widespread poverty, systemic corruption, ties to criminal interests,
and weak governance over the roughly 7,000 islands that comprise the Philippine archipelago”
(Lambert, Lewis, &Sewal, 2012).

On December 26, 1968, Jose Maria Sison (Joma) began to establish the Communist Party
of the Philippines as the founding chairperson and formed its armed wing, the New People’s
Army ( NPA) and the National Democratic Front (NDF). The armed wing was founded on 29
March 1969 and started making a lingering revolt movement which the primary goal is to
dethrone the standing Philippine government and assemble a “national democratic” organization
in accord with the Marxist-Leninist philosophy. To attain its ideals, the NPA has integrated
militant toil with land restoration and mass basement. In that, the NPA has created station
(village), regulating personnel and subversive board, more precisely in the provincial areas. It
has likewise spread out public aid framework in its proposal to deliberately enhance into a
“strategic stalemate”, the second phase of the continued battle in which the communist group is
capable to obtain corresponding consistency with the Philippine army in terms of combatant
influence and power. The “strategic stalemate” would then instantly change into a “strategic
offensive”, which is the ultimate phase where the NPA boost enough armed influence and power
to employ the militant in straight forward armed encounter(De Leon, Rufo, & Pablo, 2018).

The NPA, the armed wing of the Philippine Communist Party (CPP), is the longest-
running communist insurgency in the world and longest-lastingterrorist organization on the
United States,but it does notattract international attention otherwise. In September 2005, Zachary
Abuza wrote that "CPP / NPA continues to constitute the single most serious threat for
Philippine” and yet he labeled it as “a trivial civil society risk in the country… with a minimal
subversive or psychic substance, that is involved in broad criminal operations and extortion
activities,” taking into account the decreasing level of threats by the NPA and the apparent
decrease in ideological coherence. Usually, this is described as an immediate consequence of
counterinsurgency attempts and defects, typically depicted in figures; that the group was
estimated to have a constituents of about 25,000 in 1986, and it is estimated in this present time
of less than 5,000 comrades, and possibly as few as 3,000 resided in the Philippines. Somehow,
the figures itself tell a little about why and where the organization persists, the present affiliation
structure, how the perspective of the dominant recruiting base can influence or affected by the
group’s ideology, or to the extent that the dominant foundation is (Prasad, 2015).

CPP-NPA-NDF as a Threat to the Philippine Government

The CPP - NPA - NDF has caused frequent incidents that have negatively impacted the
Philippine government and its sectors for more than fifty years while pushing for their goal to
dethrone the Philippine government for a national democracy, and to heave out influences,
especially of the United States, from the Philippines. As CPP - NPA - NDF emerged during the
Marcos regime, the opposition to the Philippine government had not halted even during the time
of the late former president Corazon Aquino. According to the journal of Baquilod and
Candelaria (2017), the “Testing Constitutional Waters IX: The Constitutional Parameters of the
Exercise of Executive Powers in Non-International Armed Conflict Situations”, the CPP - NPA -
NDF utterly sided against the political condition under the former president. As a result, the
group commanded its members to confront and combat against the Armed Forces of the
Philippines and the United States military troops in the 1990s. Even with the efforts of initiating
peace talks, the rebel group and the Philippine government still remained in conflict.

The aforementioned rebel group continued its movement even up to 2000s. As a proof,
Banlaoi (2014) mentioned in his study, “Current Terrorist Groups and Emerging Extremist
Armed Movements in the Southern Philippines: THREATS TO PHILIPPINE NATIONAL
SECURITY “, that due to the group’s threatening undertakings such as, but not limited to,
bombings, ambush, killings, massacre, extortions, and arsons, they were named by the U.S State
Department as one of the foreign terrorist organizations after the September 11, 2001 (9/11)
tragedy initiated by the terrorists. Banlaoi also stated in his study that the Philippine
government’s National Security Policy recognized this group in 2011 as its greatest enemy in the
country’s security, while the Philippine military also acknowledges the NPA during their
OplanBayanihan in 2010 as the main threat to country’s internal security and order. CPP - NPA -
NDF conducts activities that are against the law, but these illegal acts are not just killings. The
group is also involved in illegal taxation, prohibited business transactions, and blackmailing
operations to provide the group of the funds to be used for their violent operations. These illegal
undertakings also stand as threats to the Philippine government as this increases their fundings.
The more funds this group obtains, the more threatening operations are to be done.

During the administration of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (2001 - 2010), negotiations with
CPP- NPA- NDF continued but failed again after the U.S. refuse to derecognize the group as a
terrorist organization. Following the failure of peace talks, there was a significant increase of
attacks by the said group. In the study of Watts, Campbell, Johnston, Lalwani and Bana (2014),
they mentioned that in 2006, the Philippie government has launched its planned
counterinsurgency operations which resulted to the decrease of the rebel group’s operations and
attacks. However, although being less capable of big attacks, the CPP- NPA- NDF did not stop
to push through their goal. Using another platform, the group has continued to widen their
constituents and powers by creating and maintaining influences over some active party-list
organizations in Congress, namely Bayan Muna, Gabriela, and Anakpawis.

In 2016, despite the renewal of the Oslo Peace Talks together with the Philippine
government during Duterte administration, the CPP - NPA - NDF has still continued to violate
laws in the extent of ambuscading and abducting police officers, and ambushing Philippine
Army members and other sectors (De Leon, Rufo, & Pablo, 2018). This prompted the peace talks
between the Philippine government and the Communist insurgents to be called off, and,
additionally, this led to naming these insurgents as a terrorist organization by the current
President Rodrigo Duterte. In the study of Dahlia Simangan and Jess Melvin (2019), they
mentioned that President Duterte commanded the Armed Forces of the Philippines to end the
insurgents and their doings that are against the law and order of the country. The now-called
terrorist organization is considered as a major threat to security in the country due to big number
of members and activities they do to fight off the government. This claim is supported by the
same study (Simangan& Melvin, 2019) that shows reports indicating an estimate of 40,000
battle-related deaths since 1969, which include military men, and 55,000 displaced from their
hometowns due to insurgency by CPP - NPA - NDF alone. Additionally, in 2018, Chief General
Rey Guerrero has announced the NPA’s estimation of 3,700 fighters, which were mainly
recruited from marginalized groups. CPP- NPA- NDF is confirmed to be a threat to government
as this group has a more structured fighting troops than any IS-linked group (Nahdohdin,
Angelia nawati, Prasetya, Yaoren, Dhanaraj, Bashar, See &Amalina Abdul Nasir, 2019).
CPP-NPA-NDF as a Threat to the Filipino Citizens

The CPP - NPA - NDF in its long term movement has not only caused threats to the
Philippine government but to the Filipino citizens as well. The source of funds of CPP- NPA-
NDF is through targeting private sectors or private businesses to extract “revolutionary taxes”.
According to the journal of Chan (2014), the “Philippines”, the branches of Dole Foods and
Sumitomo Fruits Corporation have been the primary objective of the group. They extort these
companies for revolutionary taxes to fund their operations, and if in any case they do not comply,
the rebel group threatens and burns properties of the companies. Holden (2014) supports this
claim in his study stating that money is a dire need to create and strengthen a counter-state but it
is not considered as a problem to the group since they are funded also by people who support
their advocacy. Again, if in case no one will fund them, the insurgents obtain money by extorting
“protection money” from companies who wish to prevent damages of properties and equipment,
and inconvenience in business operations. As for weaponry, the rebel group acquires them using
the revolutionary taxes and protection money or the rebel group ambushes and steals from
government troops encountered in combats.

Although the main trajectory of the CPP- NPA- NDF is the military and government
staff, especially the oppressive politicians, the conflict between the CPP – NPA - NDF and the
government runs to the extent of causing devastation and harm to ordinary Filipino citizens. In
the long run, the group has evolved into common criminals and clan of mobsters that wage in
extortion and kidnapping, as a factor of their “fund-raising”. Also, the targeting of recruitment
and methods of “fighters” by the CPP - NPA is the same with the other rebel group. They chased
on the indigent families in the society, especially the Indigenous people, including the younger
family members, whom they can easily manipulate to oppose against the authority and the law
due to their seclusion from the mainstream society. They also engage their ingenious member in
universities and campuses of schools as activists to captivate the more “idealistic individuals”
and recruit them as their “brains”. Most of the superior students they have recruited become
“sub-commanders” or even “commanders” of minor groups in the organization of NPA. Latterly,
it has been sought that the communist group was perceived as an inconsequential threat since
most of its operation constrained domestically. Based on the Global Terrorist Database, in 1991-
2014, the CPP - NPA attributed 65 activities, mostly in the manner of military and government
ambuscades, or the harassment of the private sectors or the private businesses. This organization
has undertaken several offences against foreigners, particularly the military personnel and as
well us US citizens. Amidst perceiving the group to have inconsequential threat, the U.S.
continues to be on alarm as this organization is still in the list of terrorist groups in United States.

Lastly, the communist rebels also engage in bombing which they commonly used
ammonium nitrate for road-side bombs. This is because the Ammonium nitrate and petroleum
mixture are necessary for making “improvised explosive device” (IED) to detonate efficiently
(Nahdohdin, Angelianawati, Prasetya, Yaoren, Dhanaraj, Bashar, See &Amalina Abdul,2019).
The bombings perpetrated by the New People’s Army (NPA), including the Abu Sayyaf Group
(ASG), have killed almost 200 civilians and still counting as of 2019. The anti-government group
has been influenced by the foreign extremist terrorists such as ISIS, in which it is first in the
history to deal with the suicide bombing performed by a Filipino in Sulu last September 8, 2019.
Moreover, the communist insurgency is considered by the Philippine government as one of the
major internal security threats in the country due to their covert operation, escalate activities, and
closely to the capital, Manila. The estimated reports of combat-related deaths are around 40,000
and about 55,000 privately displaced as of 2017 due the counterinsurgency. The revolutionary
“people’s court” perform also illegal and extra-judicial murder and restraining of assumed
suspect of anti-communism and oddly of criminal actions. The Philippine government recognizes
this rebel group as a threat to the country’s sovereignty (Simangan& Melvin, 2019).

In conclusion, despite the fact that the CPP - NPA- NDF primarily aims to radicalize the
Philippine government into a communist state. It resorts to violence such as kidnapping,
bombing, extortion, and killing in connection with their beliefs. Moreover, they became a source
of threat to the government as well as to the people inhabiting the country. Nonetheless, we
cannot invalidate the truth that because of the existence and the help of the communist or
revolutionary group during the authoritarian administration of Marcos in which he solely held
the powers of the three branches of the government, has ended.
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