Grade 12 Research

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Billion of people worldwide are playing video games and as times goes by, the

number is increasing because of the fast growing portable devices like Android – powered

and iOS devices, and social networking websites like Facebook (Liu et al. 2013). People

play video games for a number of reasons, stress relief, challenge and competition,

relaxation, enjoyment, social interaction and even mentally escaping from the real world

(Sherry et al. 2010).

Mobile game is a game played on a feature phone, smartphone/tablet, smartwatch

or portable media player. Today, mobile games are usually from app stores as well as from

mobile operator’s portals.

The researchers gathered data on students behavior towards playing mobile legends

among the grade 11 students of Father John Karash Memorial High School during the

school year 2019 – 2020.

Most of the students in Father John Karash Memorial High School were playing

mobile legends and were dominated by males.

Behavior refers to the way in which someone conducts oneself or behaves that

contributes to the students performance in school.

When you hear about the effects of mobile games you tend to think about the

negative effects first. Like the fact that they’re causing addiction, in behavior and in health

mostly among the students of Father John Karash Memorial High School. These days, we

are surrounded by people who want to spend their time alone with their mobile phones

instead of making conversation with other people or having quality time with their families

and friends. And mobile games consume more and more of our time each day. But think

of it, playing mobile games also have a positive effects to the players of it especially on

mobile legends players.

Mobile legends bang bang is a game created by a Chinese developer – Montoon

Technology Co. Ltd and Shanghai Mulong Network and Technology Co. Ltd in July 11,

2016 wherein it’s a game designed only for mobile phone users. Mobile legend is very

popular and in demand from various circles from teenagers to adults. This game is very

popular in Asia as many as one hundred million accounts and still counting are known to

have downloaded this game on the Google Play Store.

According to, if there are 12,675,696 players who downloaded that

online game, the players are dominated by teenagers and early adults aged 15-25 years. In

online games especially in Mobile legend, players can interact with each other to

communicate and give ideas. There are features to support their communication which are

called chat room. Here, the players can chat with their team or enemy. Therefore, they are

usually using a lot of emerging special languages that are used in mobile legend game,

called as register.

According to Wardaugh, register means a set of language items which are

associated with social groups. Through register, a community can be discern with another

community simply because of their register.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the students behavior towards playing mobile legends

among the grade 11 students of Father John Karash Memorial High School during the

school year 2019 – 2020.

Specifically, it answered the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What are the effects of playing mobile legends to the students in terms of:

2.1 Interest

2.2 Personal Conditions

2.3 Home-related

Conceptual Framework

The figure 1 represents the research paradigm of the study wherein in the input

contains some information about the students behavior towards playing mobile legends

among the grade 11 students of Father John Karash Memorial High School during the

school year 2019-2020.

On the other hand, the process of the study is done with the aid of questionnaires,

descriptive survey and statistical treatment of data. After gathering all the informations and

data needed the results of their study will be presented in statistical treatment such as table

showing the percentage on how the respondents answer each and every question.

In the output of the study, the researchers found out that the students behavior

towards playing mobile legends were really affected. The outcomes are revealed by

obtaining the information gathered from the students.

Research Paradigm

Input Process Output

1. Student’s Profile Descriptive Survey The researchers are looking

1.1 Age
forward that the answers are
1.2 Gender  Questionnaire
similar to each other since all the
2. What are the effects Statistical Treatment of Data
respondents are players.
of playing mobile
legends to the
students in terms of:
2.1 Interest
2.2 Personal
2.3 Home-related




SCHOOL YEAR 2019-2020.

Figure 1. Research Paradigm shows the input, process and output of the study .

Significance of the Study

The study will provide important information about the students behaviour towards

playing mobile legends among the grade 11 students. It could be a useful tool of help to

teachers, to parents, to other students as well as school administrators in directing the

students who seek their help.

The result of the study will help student entering college education because it will

served as the basis that they must avoid for them to study well.

To mobile legends players, it will helped them know that there were effects of

playing mobile legends to their behaviour.

To students, it will give them ideas and information about the effects of playing

mobile legends to the students behaviour and even in their health.

To teachers, it will served as their guideline for them to understand well their

students behavior caused by playing mobile legends.

To parents, because they can learn a lot about the impacts of playing mobile legends

to their children’s behaviour and how they can discipline them.

To future researchers, the study will provide baseline data needed for future

researchers and studies related to it.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study involved 45 samples from the Grade 11 students in Father John Karash

Memorial High School during the school year 2019 – 2020. The study focused on the

profile of the respondents such as age, gender and the students behaviour towards playing

mobile legends.

Definition of Terms

Questionnaire – it refers to a set of printed questions for the purpose of a survey or

statistical study

Students – it refers to the respondents of the study

Survey – it refers to the collection of data attained by asking individuals or question either

in person or on paper

Behavior – it refers to the way in which someone conducts oneself or behaves

Addiction – it refers to a strong or harmful need to regularly have something or do


Discern – it refers to come to know or recognize mentally

Developer – it refers to a person or company that creates computer software

Online game – it refers to a game that is done over the internet

Player – it refers to a person who plays a game

Features – it refers an interesting or important part, quality or ability



This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and

indepth search done by the researchers.

Gaming Addiction

Gaming addiction is expected to be classified as a mental disorder (WHO, 2018).

The WHO will publish the next revision of its manual – the International Classification of

Diseases (ICD-11) – by mid-2018 and gaming disorder has been included in the draft for

the first time.

Gaming frequency, time, and types of gamer

The gaming frequency and the amount of time spent on playing video games have

been studied for years frequently in association with gaming addiction (Daniel Luke King

2012; Ko et al. 2009), psychological constructs (e.g., self-concept clarity, self-control, and

flow) (Khang et al. 2013; Lee et al. 2012), negative consequences (e.g., missing school

work) (Hellstrom et al. 2012), and even academic performance or learning outcome (Furio

et al. 2013; Ip et al. 2008).

According to Ip et al. (2008), analysed the relationships between gaming frequency

and academic performance among 713 students. The study found that frequent gamers,

who spend more than 2 hours per day playing video games, performed less well than

infrequent gamers. Hellstrom et al. (2012) examined the relationship between gaming time,

motives to play, and negative consequences because of playing massively multiplayer

online role-playing games. They recruited 7,757 Swedish adolescents and had them

completed a questionnaire and found that time spent on gaming was related to negative

consequences, e.g., “less sleep due to gaming.” Ventura et al. (2012) constructed an online

survey with 252 undergraduate students and a positive indication was found between video

gameplay and academic performance. That is, students who spent 11-50 hours playing

video games had significantly higher GPAs than students who spent 0-10 hours playing

video games.

Types of gamers are associated with the frequency and amount of time a player has

spent on playing video games. However, the segmentation between types of gamers has

not been significantly, rigorously studied.

Two types of gamers, casual and hardcore gamers, have been growing rapidly in

recent years. Kuittinen et al. (2008) discussed the characteristics and differences between

casual and hardcore gamers. For example, hardcore gamers play extremely competitive

games and require a much higher degree of involvement than casual gamers.

Gaming genre and Platform

A game genre, a type of games, is classified based on how gamers interact with a

game. For example, an action game, e.g., first-person shooters, usually involves physical

challenges, which requires gamers to react to the game scenario swiftly to achieve goals or

to overcome obstacles. The first book dedicated to computer and game design is the Art of

Computer Game Design by Chris Crawford (Crawford, 1984). He recognizes gaming

genres change quickly so a complete taxonomy of gaming genre is difficult to develop.

Ventura et al. (2012) investigated the relationship between video gameplay, game genre

preference, personality, and GPA with 319 university students. Both positive and negative

relations were found between video game genre preference and academic performance. For

example, two significant negative correlations to GPA are social media and shooter types

of game. In addition, Ip et al. (2008) found that the number of genres played is associated

with academic performance in examination. That is, gamers who play four or more game

genres generally perform less well in examinations.

The electronic devices or systems used to play video games are called video game

platforms. The well-known gaming platforms include personal computers, consoles, e.g.,

Nintendo’s Wii, Sony’s PlayStation, and Microsoft’s Xbox, and even mobile devices, e.g.,

Android-based and iOS devices. Appel (2012), conducted a study to examine the

association between adolescents’ computer and Internet activities and computer literacy,

knowledge and skills to complete tasks with a computer technology. Two hundred

participants were recruited at secondary schools in Austria and hierarchical regression

analyses were conducted. The study found that an increase in video game playing on a

personal computer was associated with higher scores on computer knowledge.

Self-control and Flow

Self-control, sometimes called self-regulation, is the ability to control emotions,

anxiety and behaviour to gain possible rewards or avoid punishment (Timpano et al. 2013).

LaRose et al. (2003), describe deficient self-regulation as diminishing consciousness of

self-control because of lacking awareness and attention to behaviour. Khang et al. (2013)

found that self-control affected users’ flow and addiction in mobile phones, internet, and

even video games. A detailed distinction of those psychological factors is beyond the scope

of this study; however, it is worth including the factors into our survey questions.



In this chapter, the researchers presented the method and the instruments used to

gather informations from the respondents.

Research Method

The researchers utilized the descriptive method adopting the survey method is

gathering the data needed.

The survey method was adopted to facilitate this study. According to Mauly (1994),

survey is a more realistic method of gathering needed data intended to investigate a

phenomenon in its “natural setting” while descriptive research method is oriented toward

the description of the present status of a given phenomenon.

In the study, the researchers attempted to describe the respondents profile and the

students behavior towards playing mobile legends among the grade 11 students of Father

John Karash Memorial High School during the school year 2019-2020 where in all data

needed were gathered using questionnaire.

Population of the Study

The total population of grade 11 students of Father John Karash Memorial High

School were 105. The study used 45 students for the survey.

Sampling Procedure

Out of 105 grade 11 students of Father John Karash Memorial High School, 45

students were taken as samples.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at Father John Karash Memorial High School involving

45 students during the school year 2019 – 2020.

Research Instrument

Martin (2006) states that questionnaire is used in sample surveys or censuses to

elicit reports and facts, altitudes and other subjective areas.

A questionnaire was prepared by the researchers to generate the needed

information. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. Part 1 contained the background

information of the respondents, while part 2 elicited data on the students behavior towards

playing mobile legends among the grade 11 students of Father John Karash Memorial High

School during the school year 2019-2020.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To describe the profile of the students, descriptive statistics using frequency

converted to percentage.

In analysing the profile of the respondents, statistical treatment like frequency and

percentage were used.



In this chapter, the data gathered by the researchers were tabulated, analyzed and
Profile of the Respondents

Table 1 shows the majority with 25 or 55.56 % of the respondents were 16 years old

while the least with 5 or 11.11 % were 15 years old.

Table 1. Age of the Respondents


15 5 11.11%

16 25 55.56%

17 15 33.33%

TOTAL 45 100%

Table 2 shows that the majority of 24 or 53.33% of the respondents were female while

the least were male with a frequency of 21 or 46.67 %.

Table 2. Gender of the Respondents


Male 21 46.67%
Female 24 53.33%

TOTAL 45 100%

Table 3 shows the answer of the respondents the majority with 2.11, 2.33 and 2.04

or rank 1 answer sometimes on the statements 1,2 and 3 . And the least with 1.8 or rank 2

answer rarely on the statement 4 .

Table 3. Interest


I play mobile legends 2.11 Sometimes 1

Time goes by quickly
when I play the game 2.33 Sometimes 1

I feel like I don’t

want to stop playing 2.04 Sometimes 1
this game

Playing mobile 1.8 Rarely 2

legends gives me a
lot of pleasure

Table 4 shows the answer of the respondents the majority with 2.04 or rank 1

answer sometimes on the statement 1. And the least with 1.47, 1.67 and 1.58 or rank 2

answer rarely on the statements 2, 3 and 4.

Table 4. Personal Conditions


I don’t feel getting 2.04 Sometimes 1

tired while playing this
I almost don’t eat 1.47 Rarely 2
when playing the
1.67 Rarely 2
I stay up all night
which makes me tired
the next day
My eyesight was not 1.58 Rarely 2
that clear anymore
when I started playing
mobile legends

Table 5 shows the answer of the respondents the majority with 2.33 and 2.42 or

rank 1 answer sometimes on the statement 1 and 2. And the least with 1.82 or rank 2 answer

rarely on the statements 3.

Table 5. Home-related


I forget about my 2.33 Sometimes 1

worries when I play

I help my mom with 2.42 Sometimes 1

the household choirs

I get angry when they 1.82 Rarely 2

order me to do
something while I’m
playing mobile



This chapter covers the summary of the study, findings and conclusions derived

there from, and the recommendations offered based on the findings and conclusions.


The study attempted to find out the students behavior towards playing mobile

legends among the grade 11 students of Father John Karash Memorial High School during

the school year 2019-2020. Specifically, it aimed to describe the students profile in terms

of name, age, gender, grade and section.

Data needed were gathered using questionnaires which were administered to 45

samples of students in Father John Karash Memorial High School. The researchers have

searched related literature through the internet to find information about their topic.

The study revealed that the majority of the students were 16 years old with 25 or

55.56% and dominated by females with 24 or 53.33%. All of the respondents were in grade

11. This study revealed that the students behavior towards playing mobile legends among

the grade 11 students were all of the given statements in the questionnaire. Almost all of

the students were playing mobile legends and most of them were boys. And the samples

also answered that they don’t feel getting tired when they are playing mobile legends.


Based on the summarized results of this study, the researchers made the following


1. The study showed that the majority of the students were 16 years old with 25

or 55.56% and were dominated by females with 24 or 53.33%.

2. Most of all the respondents answered that they play mobile legends with an

average of 2.11 and because of that time goes quickly when they play it with an

average of 2.33 and lastly they don’t like to stop playing the game with an

average of 2.04.

3. Most of all the respondents answered that they don’t feel getting tired while

they are playing the game with an average of 2.04.

4. Most of all the respondents answered that they forget about their worries when

they play the game and they help their mom with the household choirs with an

average of 2.42.


Based on the drawn conclusion, the researchers strongly recommends the


1. Playing online games especially mobile legends is just okay. Students who play

mobile legends should set some rules for them to be not addicted in it. Students

should have a good time management. Having an effective time management skill

are especially important for high school students because as they enter high school,

they have to deal with more subjects, assignments, tests and extracurricular. It can

help them on track and reduce stress as they take on more work. The students should

also have a control playing mobile legends.

2. The students who plays mobile legends should control themselves. Even if the

gamers answered that they don’t feel getting tired it might be one of the symptoms

of them having gaming addiction that is already been classified as a mental


3. Playing mobile legends really gives pleasure. It’s like it brings you to a world that

is free from all the problems that you encounter in your everyday life. But the

students who plays the game should be given attention by their parents because they

might produce the things that they always do in the game in their daily activities.


Mejia, F.M., & Poquiz, M.M., (2018). Effects of Mobile Games (Mobile Legends) to the

Behavior and Health of a SHS Students. Turac, Pangasinan

Wright, J., (2011). The effects of video game play on academic performance, Modern

Psychological Studies: Vol. 17: No. 1, Article 6

Campbell, J.D., & McCutcheon, L., (2006). The Impact of Video Game Playing on

Academic Performance at a Community College, Junior College Research Quarterly of

Research and Practice, 10:1, 59-63, DOI

Falco, C.D., (2017). The Negative Effects of Mobile Games. Itstillworks

Ku, C.H., & Yurova, Y.V., (2018). A Study of the Influence of Gaming Behavior on

Academic Performance of IT College Students. 1-11

Zheng, D.Y. & Jia, S.Q., (2017). Understanding the Antecedents of Mobile Game

Addiction: The Roles of Perceived Visibility, Perceived Enjoyment and Flow. School of

Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China


Appendix A. Letter to the Respondents

Dear Respondents:

We are the grade 12 students of Father John Karash Memorial High School, namely

Nikka Querol, Bryan Villamar and Lapusan Nangitoy. We are presently conducting a study



HIGH SCHOOL DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR 2019 – 2020”, as a requirement for our

Practical Research 2.

In this connection, we would like to request you to be one of our respondents in our

study. We hope you can help us by answering the questionnaire sincerely and truthfully.

Thank you very much.

The Researchers,




Appendix B. The Questionnaire

Part 1:
Directions: Please fill up the needed information on the space provided.
1. Personal Profile
Name (Optional):
Part 2:
Directions: Please check and rate yourself honestly based on what you actually do using
the following scale: 5-Always 4-Often 3-Sometimes
2-Rarely 1-Never

A. Interest 5 4 3 2 1
1. I play mobile legends
2. Time goes by quickly when I play the game
3. I feel like I don’t want to stop playing this game
4. Playing mobile legends gives me a lot of pleasure
B. Personal Conditions 5 4 3 2 1
1. I don’t feel getting tired while playing this game
2. I almost don’t eat when playing the game
3. I stay up all night which makes me tired the next
4. My eyesight was not that clear anymore when I
started playing mobile legends
C.Home-related 5 4 3 2 1
1. I forget about my worries when I play
2. I help my mom with the household choirs
3. I get angry when they order me to do something
while I’m playing mobile legends

Appendix C. Interest


I play mobile legends 2.11 Sometimes 1

Time goes by quickly
when I play the game 2.33 Sometimes 1

I feel like I don’t

want to stop playing 2.04 Sometimes 1
this game

Playing mobile 1.8 Rarely 2

legends gives me a
lot of pleasure

Appendix D. Personal Condition


I don’t feel getting 2.04 Sometimes 1

tired while playing this
I almost don’t eat 1.47 Rarely 2
when playing the
I stay up all night 1.67 Rarely 2
which makes me tired
the next day

My eyesight was not 1.58 Rarely 2

that clear anymore
when I started playing
mobile legends

Appendix E. Home-related


I forget about my 2.33 Sometimes 1

worries when I play

I help my mom with 2.42 Sometimes 1

the household choirs

I get angry when they Rarely 2

order me to do
something while I’m
playing mobile


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