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FORM : 1 Kenanga
TIME (DURATION) : 11.00 – 12.00 (60 minutes)
THEME : Consumerism and Financial Awareness
TOPIC : Money
FOCUS SKILLS : Speaking / sub skill: Reading
LANGUAGE / : Vocabulary related to the topic of money
CONTENT STANDARD : 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics

3.1 Understand a variety of text by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to

construct meaning

LEARNING STANDARD M 2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others

C 3.1.4 Use with some support familiar print and digital resources to check meaning

LEARNING OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Ask about and give 3 details how they spend their RM100
2. Use some familiar print resources to get the 5 words to match the meaning


1. name the currency and the country
2. talk on 5 ways to spend their money wisely
3. find 5 words from the newspaper to match the meaning
e.g. keep the money for future- saving (the word from newspaper)
CROSS CURRICULAR Financial Education
ACTIVITIES: : Pupils play Hangman. Pupils guess the word MONEY
PRE-LESSON Pupils give responses based on the word Money
(5 mins)
Gist: (5 mins)
Teacher puts the picture of money and elicit responses from the pupils e.g
1.What is the name of this currency?
2.Which country does this currency belongs to?

Detailed Task: (25 mins)

1. Pupils sit in groups of 4
2. Each group is given a combo map and RM100 note
3. Pupils discuss on how to spend the money given wisely
4. Presentation: The speaker of the group, stand and share the ideas to the
** differentiation strategies ** Lower ability students will encourage to at least 1 point
5. Pupils give comments/feedback .

ACTIVITY 2: Group Work-4 (15 minutes)

1.Each group is given a pile of newspapers
2.Pupils find 5 words from the newspaper to match words with the meanings
given that (related to money) e.g budget, save, discount, promotion
3.Stay and Stray activity
POST LESSON : Individual: (5 minutes)
Post a picture of a foreign currency in the VLE FROG
TEACHER’S : 25/25 achieved

TIME (DURATION) : 09.00- 10.00 (60 minutes)
THEME : Health and Environment
TOPIC : Waste Not, Want Not
FOCUS SKILLS : Speaking / sub skill: Speaking
LANGUAGE / : Vocabulary related to recycling
CONTENT STANDARD : 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar

2.3 Use appropriate communication strategies

LEARNING STANDARD M 2.1.2 Ask for and respond appropriately to simple suggestions

2.3.1 Keep interaction going in longer exchanges by checking understanding of

what a speaker is saying

LEARNING OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Ask 6 questions & respond to it during the Roll & Respond activity based on the
text provided.
2. Keep interaction going with their pairs after watching the video & check their
understanding by filling up the 4 columns with information taken from the video.


1. Answer the 2 questions orally asked by the teacher in order to get the clear
picture about Recycling.
2. Differentiate between REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE.
3. Speak in pairs about their opinion, at least 1 opinion each & complete the 4
columns provided by teacher after watching the video.
4. Answer the 6 question during the Roll & Respond activity.
5. Present & share their group work.

CROSS CURRICULAR Science & Technology

ACTIVITIES: : Teacher asks pupils ;
PRE-LESSON ‘What happens to garbage after you put it in the garbage bin?’
(10mins) Pupils writes their answers on the white board.
Teacher briefly explains to pupils that garbage goes to a garbage dump (landfill).
Pupils imagine what it would be if the city ran out of room for garbage and write
answers on the mini white board.
Teacher uses Magic Ball to randomly choose 3 pupils to read their answers.
DEVELOPMENT Gist: (5 mins)
Introduce the concept of the 3R’s (REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE).
Teacher shows a video clips (2.31 minutes).
Pupils pay attention to the message portrayed in the video clips.
Pupils talk on the clips shown orally.

Detailed Task: (25 mins)

1. In groups of 6, teacher distributes a dice, an article on recycling each & a Roll &
Respond task.
2. Pupils briefly read the article on Recycle.

3. Once they finished reading, students start rolling the dice and taking turn
** differentiation strategies
to answer the 6 questions on A Roll & Respond worksheet.
 What is the main topic of the text? What is mostly about?
 What is the important of recycling?
 How can I reduce the things I waste?
 How can I reuse things at school?
 How can I recycle things at home?
 Tell your group members 2 new facts you learned from the text.
4. Pupils play the activity until all of them completing answering all the
questions given.
5. Once they are done, put up their green traffic lite & presenting their
findings to class.
6. Teacher facilitates and give comments/feedback.
7. ** Low ability students must give at least 1 reason. Stronger students can
expand their discussion with more ideas or on other relatable ideas on

ACTIVITY 2: Group (15 minutes)

1. Teacher gives task – ‘Watch this video and listen for important details & jot
it down on the worksheet provided accordingly.’
2. Pupils watch the video (2.02 minutes) and fill up their
worksheet by filling up the 4 columns with information.
3. ** Teacher plays the video again for lower ability students in order for them
to catch the main details. Stronger students listen again to recheck their
4. Peer check of answers before teacher does overall discussion.

POST LESSON : Whole class: (5 minutes)

Teacher provides 3 small bins.
Pupils need to label each bin according to Recycling bin (white for glass or
ceramic, blue for paper & green for metal or electronic waste)
Pupils create a corner for recycling in their classroom.
TEACHER’S 36/36 achieved
Time/Class/Subject 10.00 – 10.30 / 4 Ixora / English

Title Wildlife Warriors

Learning Outcomes Pupils are able to:

2.1 (c) Obtain information for different purposes by reading materials in print such as

Success Criteria Pupils are successful if they are able to:

1) Read & understand the text given & tell the main ideas of each of the paragraphs
to others.
2) Answer 10 comprehension qs & discuss the answers with others orally.

Activity Set Induction

1) Pupils are asked to brainstorm the words related with the title of the article
‘Choosing A Career’ & discuss about it.
1) Pupils are asked to read paragraph by paragraph & tell the main ideas of each of
the paragraphs.
2) Pupils are asked to response to the vocabularies related with the text & discuss the
3) Pupils response to the 10 comprehension qs & exchange the answers with others.
4) Pupils sum up the lesson by listing the vocabularies related with the topic orally.

KBAT / Learning Skill / i- Collaboration/ Analysing/ Understanding/ Teamwork/ Kajian Masa Depan

Teaching Aid Article of Choosing a Career & handout.

Reflection/ Notes 30/30 pupils were able to read the text given & tell the main ideas of each of the paragraphs
to others orally.

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