JAM Session

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What Is A Jam Session?

Recruiters use a Jam (Just a minute) Session to screen the candidates in the very first round. It
usually acts as an elimination round.

Why Is A Jam Session Important?

Companies are looking for graduates who have pertinent knowledge and experience in the required
industry. But how would the recruiters differentiate between all the eligible candidates? When there is
an excess number of candidates with desired profile available, then the HR wants to test them for
additional skills. Does the candidate have a fantastic grip over the English language? Would he be a
great team player? Can he further the organization’s vision?
This is where a Jam session helps the HRs and the recruiting team screen the right candidates.

What Are You Required To Do In A Jam Session?

As the name suggests, you are supposed to speak on a given topic for a minute. This is to test your
communication skills, to gauge your confidence and test your general awareness.

What Skills Do You Need To Have To Succeed In A Jam Session?

1. Communication Skills
2. Creativity
3. Confidence
4. Eye Contact
5. Good Listening Skills

You require the ability to be quick and inventive. You must recollect and relate to information and
effectively share that knowledge. It is an added advantage if you have good management skills and
leadership qualities. And to top it all, your overall communication skills should be impeccable.

If we simply were to put this down in black and white, by practicing to speak in a Jam session you;

 Learn how to organize your thought flow

 Apply logic and sound convincing
 Improve your general speaking skills

Remember the most basic question at any interview where you are asked to talk about yourself? This
question, in itself, is a Jam session topic.

Tips To Speak In a Jam Session

The mantra is ‘Structure‘. Follow a distinctive flow.
Think of subcategories for any given topic and then expand on that.

Category 1: You Can Talk About The Primary Source

Category 2: You Can Talk About The Advantages/Ill-Effects
Category 3: Touch On Personal Contributions And How You Can Reduce/Enhance It

Now, elaborate on these sub-points. Recollect experiences that you are familiar with, acquired
knowledge and try and connect the dots.
For example, let us consider the Jam topic “Vehicular Pollution”.

1. Primary Source – emissions from tailpipes of cars and trucks

2. Ill Effects – reduced lung capacity and chronic illnesses, weakens body’s defenses against
respiratory infections posing a threat to young children and asthmatics leading even to
3. Personal Contribution to Reducing Vehicular Pollution – carpooling, mass transit, biking
and walking, avoiding high-speed driving, frequently stopping and starting can reduce both
fuel use and pollutant emissions.

So basically what you’ve done is used acquired knowledge to form a logical structure and made
sense of what you’re saying in under 1 minute.

Quick Decisions And Responses Need Quick Thinking

Practice in such a way that your brain processes information fast. You can learn to speak
instantaneously and still sound meaningful and convincing only when you are able to connect and
synthesize information based out of experiences and acquired knowledge.

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