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Freedom of the Human Person

A Philosophical Reflection
“The Purge”

“Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.”- Albert Camus. The definition of a free
society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular but for me, because of the movie entitled “The
Purge: Election Year”, freedom kills. Purge is a removal of people who are considered undesirable
by those in power from a government, another organization, or their team leaders in a violent way.
The government of the US gave too much freedom to their nation and because of that freedom,
many people did not think other people’s life, they did not hesitate to kill people around them, they
did not appreciate what is the meaning of life to the people they killed. The movie represents that
giving too much freedom can easily harm people, too much freedom can allow you to infringe on
the freedom of another person and too much freedom can destroy democracy. The Purge is not just
about freedom, it is also about the nation that needs humanity. That movie “The Purge: Election
Year” also represents two options to survive during the purge night, and that options are to hunt
or to be hunted. The protagonists in the movie are always need to escape and need to kill every
people around the places that they will pass because that is the only thing that they can do to
survive in that night.

Michael L. Mabuyo


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